Book Crack Corps read online. "Crack Corps" - Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Book Crack Corps read online. "Crack Corps" - Alexander Solzhenitsyn

"Cancer Corps" - Roman Alexander Solzhenitsyn (the author himself determined him as a "story"), written in 1963-1966 for memoirs about the treatment of a writer in the oncological department of the hospital in Tashkent in 1954.

History of creation

Roman was initially accepted for publication in the journal " New world"With the main editor, Alexandre Tvardovsky, and the author was concluded with the author. The first part of the novel was officially discussed in the Prose Section of the Moscow Branch of the Writers of the USSR (1966).

Nevertheless, at that time " Cancer"It was not published in the USSR. The vertex of the Soviet legal existence of the "cancer corps" was a set of several first chapters for publication in the "New World". In a report note of the heads of the propaganda and agitation and culture and culture of the Central Committee of the CPSU V. Stepakov and V. Shauro dated May 24, 1968, it was noted that "... the editors of the" New World ", directly chief Editor A. Tvardovsky made repeated attempts to publish a story in the journal A. Solzhenitsyn "Crack Corps". At the end of December, at the direction of the editor-in-chief, part of the manuscript was already sent to the kit ... ". By order of authorities, the printing was stopped, and the set was then scattered.

In the end, the "cancer corps" began to disperse in the USSR in Samizdat and came out in translations and in Russian in the West. Together with the novel "In the First Circle" became a great global literary event and was one of the grounds for the award of Solzhenitsyn Nobel Prize In literature (1970).

In Russia, for the first time published in the magazine "New World" in 1990 (No. 6-8).


The effect of the novel is mainly occurring in the thirteenth ("cancer") building of a dirty and crowded hospital under the clinic of the Tashkent Medical Institute (Tashmi). Solzhenitsyn shows the disputes, clashes in matters of ideology, fighting the disease, with death, inner world Inhabitants of the Chamber:

  • The main hero of Leningradna Oleg Kostoglotov - Frontovik, the former zek, sentenced to the eternal link to Kazakhstan.
  • Head of the personnel department of Pavel Rusanova - Adepta of the Stalinist system, a jammer.
  • Schoolchildren, Syrotot Dimka, dreaming of getting a higher education.
  • The young scientist-geology of Vadim Zatsyrko, on the verge of death working on the method of determining the presence of ores on radioactive waters.
  • The librarian agricultural machinery Alexei Shulubin, a former scientist defeated by the Lysenkovs of domestic biology.
  • The builder of Ephraima Padudueva, on the threshold of the death of the book of Leo Tolstoy and conceived about his own morality.
Fate scatches his comrades in misfortune: some are discharged to die, some are translated into other branches, others discharge "with improvement".

Characters and prototypes

Some characters of the story have real prototypes:

  • Lyudmila Afanasyevna Dontsova ("Mom") - Head of the Raewi Office of Lydia Aleksandrovna Dunaev
  • Faith Kornilievna Gangart - Using Dr. Irina Emelyanovna Make
  • Krementsov - Old Man Krementsov, Beard Academician Pavlova (Chapter 17)
  • Elizabeth Anatolyevna (chapter 34) - Elizabeth Denisovna Voronoyanskaya


Professor L. A. Flunov, doctor and scientist, Academician Ramna, who read the story "With a pencil in his hands, not as an ordinary reader, but as an oncologist," noted that "it is not only work of fictionBut the leadership for the doctor ... does not leave me feeling that the story is written by a graduate, knowledgeable doctor. And a stunning picture ... ... It seems, Alexander Isaevich lived in the "cancer corps" for each his hero, all that they suffered, and each of them gave, like a doctor, a piece of his soul. "

On the stage

  • Staging. Theater of Hans Otto (Hans Otto Theater), Potsdam, Germany. 2012. Scenic version of John von Düffel. Directed by Tobias Velemeyer (Tobias Wellemeyer). In the role of Kostoglotov Wolfgang Vogler, as Rusanova Jon-Kaare Koppe (Jon-Kaare Koppe).

In the "cancer building" on the example of one hospital ward Solzhenitsyn depicts the life of a whole state. The author manages to convey the socio-psychological situation of the era, its originality on such a small, it would seem, the material as an image of the life of several cancer patients, the will of the fate of the fate of the same hospital building. All heroes are not just different people with different characters; Each of them is a carrier. defined types Consciousness generated by the era of totalitarianism. It is also important that all heroes are extremely sincere in the expression of their feelings and defending their convictions, since they are in the face of death.

In the "cancer corps" face two heroes. One, whose prototype to some extent, serves the writer himself, Oleg Kostoplotov, a former Frontovik Sergeant, who was in the oncodispeance of death and a miracle saved. Another - Pavel Rusanov, a responsible worker, professional stukach, who was put in prison a lot of innocent people and on their sufferings built his welfare. Remembering those whose fates he unfairly ordered, he does not feel remorse, in his soul only fear of possible retribution.

Kostoglotov and Rusanov disputes, their struggle for survival go at the time when the Stalinist car collapses, and for one it is a ray of light, and for the other - the collapse of the world created.

A significant role in understanding what is happening literature plays. Kostoblotov thinks over domestic literature. It did not accidentally appear in the ward of Tomik Lion Tolstoy. Solzhenitsyn writer reminds of humanism xIX literature A century with his "main law" of Tolstoy - love of a person to a person.

The "preacher of moral socialism" of Shulubin is placed between Rusanov and Kostoplotov. The first readers would find that he expresses the dreams of the writer himself. But afterwards A. I. Solzhenitsyn said: "Shulubin, who retreated and chased his back, was absolutely opposite to the author and does not express any of the author from any side."

Nikolai Ivanovich and Elena Alexandrovna Kadmin, who passed through the camp and who had gained experience and the depths of life were much closer to the author of the old man. It was Oleg after they were unexpectedly, under the influence of X-ray, a strange disease retreated. Kostoplotov knows that after recovery, he is waiting for an eternal reference to the Us-Terek, but he seems to re-apply what man is given.

In the "cancer building" is almost no visible to the Gulag reality, it is only a little one-time somewhere away, reminds of ourselves of the "eternal reference" of Kostopotov. Biddes of the cancer corps writer draws calm, discreet paints. Here is the life that is not barbed wire, and the nature itself. The threat of death hangs over the person is no longer from the state of the state, but from the inside human body, caused by a tumor. A. I. Solzhenitsyn seems to welcome all the living, removing the web from what fills human existence, heats it. The topic of life, the writer considers and on the other hand. The self-satisfied life of Maxim is so blind and cynical, as well as the attitude to the life of Pavel Rusanov. These people do not stop spiritual values, they are able to minimize everything in their path. They are alien to the idea of \u200b\u200brepentance, one of the cherished for A. I. Solzhenitsyn, is sleeping in them or there is no conscience, so they are difficult to go to people, to the truth, to good. This is partly the answer to the question that Oleg Kontoblotov asks: "What is still the upper price of life? How much can you pay for it, and how much can not? " For Oleg, the Hospital Chamber became a school. It is clear to his simple life. In the final, Oleg after doubts and oscillations still refuses a date with the faith of Gangart, which could be decisive in their difficult relations.

He is afraid to bring a disorder into the fate of faith and understands that their illness is separated, its position is exile. The scene is expressive when Oleg arrives at the request of Demos, a sick of a neighbor, a boy, in a zoo, where the experienced forces to see the prototype of exhausted society. This scene as a moan, like a cry. "The most tangled in the conclusion of the animals was that by taking them to the side and, for example, the forces would have, Oleg could not begin to hack cells and free them. Because lost was them with the homeland and the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom. And from their sudden liberation could only become terrible. "

Oleg Kostoplotov, former zek, independently came to the denial of the postulates of the official ideology. Shulubin, Russian intellectual, participant of the October Revolution, surrendered, externally accepting public morality, and commemorate himself on a quarter of a century of spiritual torments. Rusanov appears as the "world world" of the nomenclature regime. But, always Che ?? Ko following the lines of the party, he often enjoys the authorities given to him for personal purposes, puzzled with public interests. The beliefs of these heroes have already been fully formed and repeatedly verified during the discussions. The remaining heroes are mainly representatives of the passive majority, who accepted the official morality, but they are either indifferent to it, or they are not asleep as Zano. All the work is a certain consciousness dialogue, reflecting almost the entire spectrum of life ideas characteristic of the era. The external well-being system does not mean that it is devoid of internal contradictions. It is in this dialogue that the author sees the potential to cure the cancer tumor that struck the whole society.

Need to one epoch, the heroes of the story make a different life choice. True, not all of them realize that the choice is already made. Ephraim, who lived in life, as he wanted, he understands suddenly, turning to the books of Tolstoy, the entire void of its existence. But this is an insight of the hero too late. In essence, the problem of choice arises in front of every person every second, but from a variety of solution options only one is true, of all life roads only one heart. The need for choice is aware of the demo, a teenager in life confuse. In school, he absorbed the official ideology, but in the ward he felt her ambiguity, hearing very contradictory, sometimes excluding each other from the statement of his neighbors. Collision of positions different heroes It occurs in endless disputes affecting both domestic and existent problems. Kostoplotov - a fighter, he tirelessly, he literally pounces on his opponents, expressing everything that was pronounced during the years forced silence. Oleg easily parries any objections, since his arguments are stunned by themselves, and the thoughts of his opponents most often inspired by the dominant ideology. Oleg does not even take a timid attempt to compromise from Rusanov. And Pavel Nikolayevich and his like-minded people are unable to argue the Kostoplotov, for they are not ready to defend their beliefs themselves. This for them always did the state.

Rusanov lacks arguments: he was accustomed to aware of his own right, relying on the support of the system and personal power, and here everyone is equal to the person inevitable and close death And in front of each other. The advantage of Kostoplotov in these disputes is also determined by the fact that he speaks from the position of a living person, and Rusanov defends the point of view of a soulless system. Shulubin is only occasionally expressing his thoughts, defending the ideas of "moral socialism." It is to the question of the morality of the existing building and are committed to the ultimate all disputes in the ward. From the conversation Shloubin with Vadim Zatsyrko, a talented young scientist, we learn that, according to Vadim, science is responsible only for the creation of material benefits, and moral aspect The scientist should not worry.

The conversation of Demos with Assey reveals the essence of the education system: since childhood, students teach to think and act "like everyone else." The state with the help of school teaches insincerity, instills schoolchildren distorted ideas about morality and morality. In the mouth of Avietta, daughters of Rusanov, beginner poetess, the author invests official ideas On the objectives of the literature: literature should embody the image of "happy tomorrow", in which all hopes are being implemented today's day. Talent I. writing skillsNaturally, no comparison with the ideological requirement is not coming. The main thing for the writer is the lack of "ideological dislocations", therefore literature becomes craft serving primitive tastes of the masses. The ideology of the system does not imply the creation moral valuesFor whom Shuluban, who betrayed his beliefs, but did not dislike them. He understands that the system with a displaced scale life values Non-visual. The solid-tone self-confidence of Rusanov, the deep doubts of Shulubin, the intransigence of Kostooplotov - different levels of personal development in totalitarianism. All these life positions Dictated by the conditions of the system, which thus not only forms an iron support from people for themselves, but also creates conditions for a potential self-destruction.

All three heroes - victims of the system, as she deprived Rusan's ability to think independently, forced Shulubin to abandon their convictions, took away freedom from Kostopotov. Any system, oppressing personality, uroduces the soul of all its subjects, even those who serve as faithfully. 3. Thus, the fate of a person, according to Solzhenitsyn, depends on the choice that man himself does. Totalitarianism exists not only due to the tyrants, but also due to the passive and indifferent to the whole majority, the "crowd". Only choice true values May lead to victory over this monstrous totalitarian system. And everyone has the opportunity for such a choice.

The story of Alexander Solzhenitsyn "Cancer Corps" was written in hard timesWhen strictly followed the ideas and glances, which were reflected in the work. The writer touched the ideology, the themes of life and death, moral questionsBut in the 60s of the 20th century it was impossible to express their thoughts absolutely freely, so the story was not published. However, it was published in the West in Russian, and also translated into foreign languages. And it became a real event in the literature, for the story, the writer received the Nobel Prize.

The events of the novel occur in the "cancer building" - this department of the hospital in Tashkent, where Solzhenitsyn himself was treated. The readers appear different heroes, whose characters are clearly discharged to the smallest detail. They are all absolutely different, but unites them in one thing - everyone has to deal with the disease. And death is absolutely no matter who you are, how much money you have and what position you take in society. It does not matter what you stick looks and whom worship.

Patients can go to die, someone is discharged with improvements, and someone takes long treatment, not knowing what the outcome will be. They come into disputes, arguing about ideologies. This is the time when Stalin died, and changes began in society. How to live those who believed in the leader of the peoples? What to believe those who start all with pure sheet? The heroes of the novel pass the stage of rethinking life. The disease makes them think about morality and faith. And here, too, everyone has his own eye.

In addition to the relationship between people, the writer paid the attention of the medical component of the work. Here, moral and ethical issues, methods of treatment and behavior of doctors, when they know the outcome in advance. Is it possible to treat a person promises or better immediately tell the truth without leaving hope ... ambiguous and sophisticated questions Specifies the writer in this story, forcing readers to think for a long time.

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Crack case wore and number thirteen. Pavel Nikolaevich Rusanov was never and could not be superstituted, but something sank in it when

In the direction he was written: "Thirteenth Corps". So the mind was not enough to name the thirteenth of any precise or intestinal.
However, in the whole republic now they could not help him anywhere, except for this clinic.
- But after all, I'm not cancer, doctor? After all, I'm not cancer? - Pavel Nikolaevich asked hopefully, slightly spending on the right side of the neck

Its evil tumor, growing almost by day, and the outside is still covered with innocuous white skin.
"No, no, of course," his Dr. Dontsova reassured the tenth time, squeezed by writing pages in the history of the disease. When

She wrote, she put on glasses - rounded quadrangular, as soon as she stopped writing - he filmed them. She was already eloxy, and her appearance

Pale, very tired.
It was still on an outpatient reception, a few days ago. Appointed in cancer even on an outpatient reception, patients no longer slept the night. BUT

Pavlu Nikolayevich Dontsova determined the lie and as quickly as possible.
Not only the disease, not provided, not prepared, having flown as a squall in two weeks on the careless happy man, - N.

No less than the disease was oppressed by Pavel Nikolayevich, what had to go to this clinic on the general reasons, as he was treated he no longer remembered

When. I began to call - Evgenia Semenovich, and Shendyapina, and Ulmasbayev, and they called themselves, they found out the possibilities, and whether

Special clinics or can not at least temporarily organize a small room as a special package. But nothing has happened on the local flashes.
And the only thing that was able to agree through the chief physician is that it will be possible to munivate the reception room, a common bath and dressing room.
And on their blossom "Muscovite", Yura lesd the father and mother to the steps of the thirteenth corps.
Despite the froze, two women in the covered paper baths stood on an open stone porch - they were sitting, and stood.
Starting with these untidy bathrobes, everything was here for Pavel Nikolayevich unpleasantly: the cement floor of the porch is too scattered; dull

Door handles captured by the hands of patients; the lobby of waiting with the seed paint, the high olive panel of the walls (olive color and

Seemed dirty) and large rated benches that were not placed and sitting on the floor who came from afar - Uzbeks in quilted cotton

The coats, old Uzbeks in white scarves, and the young - in purple, red-green, and everything in boots and in the galosh. One Russian guy lying, occupying

The whole bench, in the unbutton, to the floor of the rude coat, depleting, and with the stomach swollen and continuously shouted from pain. And these cries

Pavle Nikolayevich stunned and so treated, as if the guy shouted not about himself, but about him.
Pavel Nikolayevich turned to the lips, stopped and whispered:
- Mouth guard! I die here. Do not. Let's go back.
Capitolina Matveyevna took his hand firmly and squeezed:
- Pasha! Where do we go back? .. and what's next?
- Well, maybe, with Moscow, somehow will still arrange ... Capitolina Matveyevna turned to her husband with all his wide head, still ruined

Lush copper short curly curves:
- Pasha! Moscow is, maybe another two weeks may not be possible.

The writing

In the "cancer building" on the example of one Solzhenitsyn hospital chamber depicts the life of a whole state. The author manages to convey the socio-psychological situation of the era, its originality on such a small, it would seem, the material as an image of the life of several cancer patients, the will of the fate of the fate of the same hospital building. All heroes are not just different people with different characters; Each of them is a carrier of certain types of consciousness generated by the era of totalitarianism. It is also important that all heroes are extremely sincere in the expression of their feelings and defending their convictions, since they are in the face of death.

Oleg Kontoblotov, the former ZKE, independently came to the denial of the postulates of the official ideology. Shulubin, Russian intellectual, participant of the October Revolution, surrendered, externally accepting public morality, and commemorate himself on a quarter of a century of spiritual torments. Rusanov appears as the "world world" of the nomenclature regime. But, always here, following the lines of the party, he often enjoys the authorities given to him for personal purposes, puzzled them with public interests. The beliefs of these heroes have already been fully formed and repeatedly verified during the discussions. The remaining heroes are mainly representatives of the passive majority, who accepted the official morality, but they are either indifferent to it, or they are not asleep as Zano. All the work is a certain consciousness dialogue, reflecting almost the entire spectrum of life ideas characteristic of the era. The external well-being system does not mean that it is devoid of internal contradictions. It is in this dialogue that the author sees the potential to cure the cancer tumor that struck the whole society.

Born by one epoch, the heroes of the story make a different life choice. True, not all of them realize that the choice is already made. Ephraim, who lived in life, as he wanted, he understands suddenly, turning to the books of Tolstoy, the entire void of its existence. But this is an insight of the hero too late. In essence, the problem of choice arises in front of every person every second, but from a variety of solution options only one is true, of all life roads only one heart. The need for choice is aware of the demo, a teenager in life confuse. In school, he absorbed the official ideology, but in the ward he felt her ambiguity, hearing very contradictory, sometimes excluding each other from the statement of his neighbors. The clash of the positions of different heroes occurs in endless disputes affecting both domestic and existent problems. Kostoplotov - a fighter, he tirelessly, he literally pounces on his opponents, expressing everything that was pronounced during the years forced silence. Oleg easily parries any objections, since his arguments are stunned by themselves, and the thoughts of his opponents most often inspired by the dominant ideology. Oleg does not even take a timid attempt to compromise from Rusanov. And Pavel Nikolayevich and his like-minded people are unable to argue the Kostoplotov, for they are not ready to defend their beliefs themselves. This for them always did the state.

Rusanov lacks arguments: he was accustomed to aware of his own right, relying on the support of the system and personal power, and here everyone is equal in the face of inevitable and close death and in front of each other. The advantage of Kostoplotov in these disputes is also determined by the fact that he speaks from the position of a living person, and Rusanov defends the point of view of a soulless system. Shulubin is only occasionally expressing his thoughts, defending the ideas of "moral socialism." It is to the question of the morality of the existing building and are committed to the ultimate all disputes in the ward. From the conversation Suruba with Vadim Zatsyrko, a talented young scientist, we learn that, according to Vadim, science is responsible only for the creation of material benefits, and the moral aspect of the scientist should not worry. Division Demos with Assey reveals the essence of the education system: since childhood students teach to think And act "like everyone else." The state with the help of school teaches insincerity, instills schoolchildren distorted ideas about morality and morality. In the mouth of Aviett, the daughter of Rusanov, beginning poetess, the author invests official ideas about the tasks of literature: the literature must embody the image of the "happy tomorrow", in which all the hopes of today are being implemented. Talent and writing skill, naturally, do not go into any comparison with an ideological requirement. The main thing for the writer is the lack of "ideological dislocations", therefore literature becomes craft serving primitive tastes of the masses. The ideology of the system does not imply the creation of moral values, according to which Shuluban, who betrayed his beliefs, but not focused on them. He understands that the system with a displaced life value scale is non-visual. The solid-tone self-confidence of Rusanov, the deep doubts of Shulubin, the intransigence of Kostooplotov - different levels of personal development in totalitarianism. All these life positions are dictated by the conditions of the system, which thus not only forms an iron support from people for themselves, but also creates conditions for a potential self-destruction.

All three heroes - victims of the system, as she deprived Rusan's ability to think independently, forced Shulubin to abandon their convictions, took away freedom from Kostopotov. Any system, oppressing personality, uroduces the soul of all its subjects, even those who serve as faithfully. 3. Thus, the fate of a person, according to Solzhenitsyn, depends on the choice that man himself does. Totalitarianism exists not only due to the tyrants, but also due to the passive and indifferent to the whole majority, the "crowd". Only the choice of true values \u200b\u200bcan lead to victory over this monstrous totalitarian system. And everyone has the opportunity for such a choice.