How the conflict is resolved in the play The Cherry Orchard. Theme and idea, severity of the conflict and artistic features of the play A

How the conflict is resolved in the play The Cherry Orchard. Theme and idea, severity of the conflict and artistic features of the play A

Conflict in a dramatic work

One of the features of Chekhov's drama was the absence of open conflicts, which is quite unexpected for dramatic works, because it is the conflict that is driving force of the whole play, and it was important for Anton Pavlovich to show the life of people through the description of everyday life, thereby bringing the stage characters closer to the viewer. As a rule, the conflict finds expression in the plot of the work, organizing it, internal dissatisfaction, the desire to get something, or not to lose, pushes the heroes to perform any actions. Conflicts can be external and internal, and their manifestation can be overt or hidden, as Chekhov successfully hid the conflict in the play "The Cherry Orchard" behind everyday difficulties actors present as an integral part of that modernity.

The origins of the conflict in the play "The Cherry Orchard" and its originality

To understand the main conflict in the play "The Cherry Orchard", it is necessary to take into account the time of writing of this work and the circumstances of its creation. Chekhov wrote "The Cherry Orchard" at the beginning of the twentieth century, when Russia was at the turn of the epochs, when the revolution was inevitably approaching, and many felt impending enormous changes in the entire habitual and established way of life of Russian society. Many writers of that time tried to comprehend and understand the changes taking place in the country, and Anton Pavlovich was no exception. The play "The Cherry Orchard" was presented to the public in 1904, becoming the final in the work and life of the great writer, and in it Chekhov reflected his thoughts about the fate of his country.

The decline of the nobility caused by changes in the social structure and the inability to adapt to new conditions; the separation from their roots not only of the landowners, but also of the peasants who began to move to the city; the birth of a new class of the bourgeoisie, which took the place of the merchants; the emergence of intellectuals who came out of common people- and all this against the background of the emerging general dissatisfaction with life - this is, perhaps, the main source of the conflict in the comedy "The Cherry Orchard". The destruction of dominant ideas and spiritual purity affected society, and the playwright caught it on a subconscious level.

Sensing the coming changes, Chekhov tried to convey his feelings to the viewer through the peculiarity of the conflict in the play "The Cherry Orchard", which became a new type, characteristic of all his drama. This conflict does not arise between people or social forces, it manifests itself in mismatch and repulsion real life, its negation and replacement. And it could not be played, this conflict could only be felt. By the beginning of the twentieth century, society was not yet able to accept this, and it was necessary to rebuild not only the theater, but also the viewer, and for a theater that knew and was able to reveal open confrontations it was practically impossible to convey the features of the conflict in the play "The Cherry Orchard". That is why Chekhov was disappointed with the premiere screening. After all, out of habit, the conflict marked the collision of the past in the face of the impoverished landowners and the future. However, the future closely connected with Petya Trofimov and Anya does not fit into Chekhov's logic. It is unlikely that Anton Pavlovich connected the future with the "shabby gentleman" and "eternal student" Petya, who was not even able to keep track of the safety of his old galoshes, or Anya, when explaining the role of which, Chekhov emphasized her youth, and this was the main requirement for performer.

Lopakhin is the central character in the disclosure of the main conflict of the play

Why did Chekhov focus on the role of Lopakhin, saying that if his image fails, then the whole play will fail? At first glance, it is Lopakhin's opposition to the frivolous and passive owners of the garden that is a conflict in its classical interpretation, and Lopakhin's triumph after buying it with permission. However, it was precisely such an interpretation that the author feared. The playwright has said many times, fearing that the role will be roughened, that Lopakhin is a merchant, but not in his traditional understanding, that he is a gentle person, and in no case can you trust his portrayal to a “screamer”. After all, it is through the correct disclosure of the image of Lopakhin that it becomes possible to understand the entire conflict of the play.

So what is the main conflict of the play? Lopakhin is trying to tell the owners of the estate how to save their property by offering the only real option but they do not heed his advice. To show the sincerity of his desire to help, Chekhov makes it clear about Lopakhin's tender feelings for Lyubov Andreyevna. But despite all the attempts to reason and influence the owners, Ermolai Alekseevich, "man is a man", becomes the new owner of a beautiful cherry orchard. And he is glad, but this is fun through tears. Yes, he bought it. He knows what to do with his purchase in order to make a profit. But why does Lopakhin exclaim: "It would be more likely that all this had passed, it would have been more likely that our awkward, unhappy life would somehow change!" And it is these words that serve as a pointer to the play's conflict, which turns out to be more philosophical - the discrepancy between the needs of spiritual harmony with the world and reality in a transitional era and, as a result, a person does not coincide with himself and with historical time. In many respects, this is precisely why it is practically impossible to distinguish the stages of development of the main conflict of the play "The Cherry Orchard". After all, he was born even before the beginning of the actions described by Chekhov, and he never found his permission.

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In literature lessons, we read and analyzed the play by A.P. Chekhov " The Cherry Orchard» ... External plot of "The Cherry Orchard"- this is a change of owners of the house and garden, the sale of an estate for debts. At first it seems that the play clearly identifies the opposing forces that reflect different periods life of Russia at that time: the past (Ranevskaya and Gaev), the present (Lopakhin), the future (Petya and Anya). It seems that the clash of these forces should give rise to the main conflict of the play. Characters focus on major event in their life - on the sale of a cherry orchard

The peculiarity of the conflict lies in the absence of open confrontation. Each hero has his own internal conflict.

For Ranevskaya and Gaev, representatives of the past, The Cherry Orchard- this is the only place on earth where they can still feel at home. In Chekhov's play, only Ranevskaya sees the ghost of her deceased mother. Only she is able to catch in the white cherry tree something familiar, reminiscent of a mother's affection, a unique childhood, beauty and poetry. Despite her kindness, love of beauty, she is a frivolous woman who wastes money, carefree, indifferent to the fate of Russia.It was Ranevskaya who spent all that money on her lover that should have gone to pay interest. She gives the last money to a passer-by when the house itself has nothing and lends --- “Give it to him. He needs it, he will return it. " Moreover, Ranevskaya now takes to Paris all the money sent by her grandmother for Anya. "Long live grandma!" - this exclamation does not color Lyubov Andreevna, one can hear in it not only despair, but also open cynicism. Gaev, on the other hand, is a childishly careless person, he also loves beautiful phrases, good. But his words are at odds with his deeds, he is disgusted with the people. The servants left him - they do not understand him. Also, they do not understand the train of his thoughts and the meaning of his sayings, the genitals in the tavern, to which he talks about art.

Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich is characterized by an internal conflict between internal self-esteem and external well-being. On the one hand, he is a merchant who could afford purchase cherry orchard and the estate, in which his father and grandfather worked all their lives, on the other hand, he unflatteringly repairs himself from the inside. This indicates a precarious position between his essence and external rule. “My dad was a man, an idiot, he didn’t understand anything, he didn’t teach me, he only beat me drunk, and all with a stick. In fact, I am the same fool and idiot. I haven't learned anything, my handwriting is nasty, I write in such a way that people are ashamed of them, like a pig. "

Also, Petya Trofimov, the teacher of the late son of Ranevskaya, has an internal conflict in himself. It lies in the discrepancy between the words and actions of the character. He scolds everything that hinders the development of Russia, criticizes the intelligentsia, which is not looking for anything and does not work. But Trofimov does not notice that he himself is bright representative such an intelligentsia: beautiful words are different from his actions. Peter denies love, considering it something "shallow and ghostly", he only encourages Anya to believe him, as he anticipates happiness. Ranevskaya reproaches T. for being cold when he says that there is no difference, the estate is sold. In the finale of the play, T. is looking for forgotten galoshes, which become a symbol of his worthless, albeit illuminated nice words, life.

This is the peculiarity of the conflict - there is no single confrontation, and each hero is deeper into the solution of his own internal conflict.

1903 year. At the threshold new Age- the age of oil, steam and electricity, the age of high speeds and the triumph of human thought. The habitually measured, unhurried course of life in Russia has been disrupted, society is agitated and boiling, like big river during the flood, there is a reassessment of the values ​​approved for centuries. At the same time, the discontent, hidden in the eighties under the shell of external well-being, begins to ask outward, affecting all strata of Russian society. “The century is walking its iron path, self-interest in its hearts, and the eternal dream is from hour to hour more vital and useful, more clearly, shamelessly busy,” the poet Baratynsky wrote, looking into the future. He was able to foresee that the loss of the old way of life would entail the loss of many spiritual values. A. N. Chekhov solves these problems in his work. The writer places them with particular acuteness in his play "The Cherry Orchard", which is rightfully called the creative testament of Chekhov.

Chekhov himself emphasized that "The Cherry Orchard" is a comedy, and he considered the play to be ruined ("Stanislavsky ruined the play for me") if the actors saw a drama in it.

The author's attitude to Ranevskaya and Gaev is permeated with deep sympathy, but both of them are truly comical: Ranevskaya is ridiculous for her carelessness, justifying herself with immorality (recall the case with telegrams from Paris), carelessness; Gaev - with his infantilism (Firs still tells him “what trousers to wear” and brushes him), his inability to do anything on his own, with lofty speeches in front of sex workers and lackeys. Petya Trofimov considers himself to be "in the forefront" of fighters for happiness and justice, but for ten years he has not been able to graduate from university, falls down the stairs and walks in torn galoshes.

There are many purely comedic characters in the play: Epikhodov, Simeonov-Pischik, Charlotte; many comedic situations.

Thus, according to the genre, "The Cherry Orchard" can be attributed to a lyrical comedy, where the funny is intertwined with the sad, the comic with the tragic, as in real life.

The conflict in the play is also unusual. The topic of the "family nest" is illuminated in a new way. The main event of the play - the purchase of a cherry orchard by a former serf - lacks the acuity that it would have acquired in the novels of the past. Lopakhin is a bourgeois, a merchant, devoid of envy and hatred in relation to the recent "masters of life," literature XIX vezha (remember the same Ostrovsky) aggressiveness, avarice, pronounced greed. The purchase of an estate, "which is no more beautiful in the world," does not make him happy. On the contrary, Lopakhin, seeing Ranevskaya crying, upset Gaev, Anya, Varya, brings his famous phrase: “Hurry, sooner our awkward, unhappy life would have changed somehow,” and it is not the loss of property or ruin that grieves Lyubov Andreyevna so much, because after all, she was offered a wonderful economic project to save her garden. The roots of the conflict in the play go much deeper.

All the heroes of The Cherry Orchard are oppressed by the temporality of all that exists, the frailty of being. In their lives, and in the life of contemporary Russia, the “connecting thread” has been broken for days, the old has been destroyed, and the new has not yet been created, and it is not known whether it will ever be created. And Gaev, Ranevskaya, Lopakhin - they are all flesh from the flesh of that wonderful world, gone with the wind changes ". They are no longer young to start life anew, their character and worldview have already been formed (“I am a man of the eighties,” Gayev says to himself), so they unconsciously grab onto the past, not realizing that it is no longer there. They remained outside the new, rapidly flying forward life.

Hence the feeling of loneliness in this world, awkwardness of being. Lonely and unhappy in this life are not only Ranevskaya, Gaev, Lopakhin. Loneliness embodied is Charlotte, and Epikhodov is the embodiment of misfortune. All the heroes of the play are closed in themselves, they are so absorbed in their problems that they do not hear, do not notice others. All of them are sick with selfishness, indifference. (Recall how, in response to Dunyasha's story that Epikhodov proposed to her, Anya says: “I lost all my pins.”) In this sense, Firs's deafness is symbolic.

Ranevskaya is already so used to suffering that she is waiting for misfortune from everywhere, she is afraid of everything: the sound of a broken string, the sound of an ax on a tree, a random passer-by. (“I just expect it to fall over us.”) The same applies to Lopakhnn, and Charlotte, and Petya Trofimov.

All the heroes are excited, everyone's nerves are stretched to the limit, everyone lives in an atmosphere of anxiety, uncertainty, fear of the future. Nevertheless, there is hope in the hearts of all. Broken and lonely, Chekhov's heroes have not lost their beauty, including their inner beauty. Everyone answers the question differently

Set before them by the future. Someone returns to a past dissolute life (Ranevskaya), someone dies (forgotten Firs), someone changes their present life even more unsettled (Varya, Charlotte), someone trustingly follows their idol (Anya). Petya Trofimov believes in a new one, wonderful life, on the way to which "he is in the forefront", in his words. But what is it, this future? Chekhov leaves this question open.

Striving for higher truth unites the best heroes of Chekhov. Moral ideals Ranevskaya, Lopakhina, Petit Trofimova carry a charge of spirituality, so necessary in a new, cruel age. And this belief in the triumph of good, love and justice puts A.P. Chekhov on a par with the great humanists: Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky.

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Then a person will be better when

we will show him what he is.

A. P. Chekhov

How clear were the conflicts in classical plays before Chekhov: Hamlet and Claudius, Chatsky and Famusov, Katerina and Kabanova. It’s not like that with Chekhov. You don't know who to sympathize with. They all seem to be good people: Ranevskaya, Lopakhin, Trofimov.

But why don't they understand each other? Who is to blame that their good feelings, spiritual disposition to each other do not warm, do not please, and life remains gray, dirty, vulgar and unhappy? There are no guilty ones, just as there are no direct opponents in the play. Chekhov does not like to oppose his heroes to each other.

They live on their own. He also does not like open moralizing. Chekhov would never have written at the end of the play: "Here is evil worthy fruits!" Let the viewer say this, the author only helps the reader to understand the work.

Is it difficult to understand Ranevskaya? Look at her servants. Dunyasha tries to copy his mistress, it turns out a caricature. But Chekhov is still condescending to Dunyasha. All her attempts to appear educated only cause laughter. But I don’t want to laugh when I look at Yasha. It is difficult to find in Chekhov's work an image depicted with such frank contempt. Yasha is not funny, but disgusting when he reads a sermon to the crying Dunyasha: “Why cry? Behave yourself, then you won’t cry. ” The clerk Epikhodov is more likable, but the persistent demonstration of "education" is annoying and disturbing. Chekhov leads one to the thought: a formidable danger of lack of spirituality is approaching. Here is a drunkard-passer-by quotes verses from Nadson, Nekrasov; Lopakhin distorts the name of Shakespeare's heroine ("Ohmelia!"), Epikhodov, parodying Hamlet, reflects: "I shall live or shoot myself ..." the philosopher Nietzsche says that you can make false papers. All this is not at all funny.

Chekhov is extremely demanding of his heroes. Best Heroes Chekhova - people are mentally delicate and delicate, they live a deep and complex inner life, and most importantly, they carry high culture... There is not a single positive hero in The Cherry Orchard. He is not even in the famous Gogol's The Inspector General, but Gogol was sorry that no one noticed an honest face in his play: “This is honest, noble face was - laughter. " Chekhov has the only goodie the symbolic image of the cherry orchard appears. The main conflict the play is built around him. The cherry orchard embodies beauty, happiness, homeland, cultural values ​​that must be preserved. Unfolding the action against the background of a cherry orchard, Chekhov, as it were, is weighing whether his heroes are worthy of the surrounding beauty. Along the way, another conflict arises, connected with the past and the future.

For Ranevskaya and Gaev, representatives of the past, the cherry orchard is the only place on earth where they can still feel at home. Here they are happy. Here Ranevskaya's deceased mother dreamed of. In Chekhov's play, only Ranevskaya sees the ghost of the late mother. Only she is able to catch in the white cherry tree something familiar, reminiscent of a mother's affection, a unique childhood, beauty and poetry. It seems that the image of the mother appears to remind of the past and to prevent a catastrophe. But in vain. It was Ranevskaya who spent all the money that should have gone to pay interest on her lovers. Moreover, she now takes to Paris all the money sent by her grandmother for Anya. "Long live grandma!" - this exclamation does not paint Ranevskaya, one can hear in it not only despair, but also open cynicism. Material from the site

The present is represented in the play by Ermolai Lopakhin. He also likes the estate, "there is nothing more beautiful in the world." But why does Lopakhin need poetry? The main thing for him is personal self-affirmation and benefit. And he orders to cut down the garden, without even waiting for the departure of the former owners.

Anya and Petya Trofimov, young representatives of the future, leave the cherry orchard without regret, hoping that they will plant a new, even more beautiful one. However, the reader's doubt creeps in: where, when and for what money will they do it? In relation to the cherry orchard, all the heroes - for various reasons - act as a single force destroying beauty.

More than a dozen years have passed since the first production of The Cherry Orchard, and this play has not left the theaters. Russian classics help us to resist lack of spirituality, well-fed contentment, the deification of material wealth. It would be very good if the well-known Chekhov lines became the motto of all people: "Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts."

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On this page material on topics:

  • Conflict Quotes Plays The Cherry Orchard
  • The main conflict in Chekhov's play The Cherry Orchard
  • the main conflict of the play the cherry orchard
  • conflict in Chekhov's drama cherry orchard short
  • features of the plot and conflict in the play The Cherry Orchard


The play "Cherry
garden ”was painted by Chekhov in 1903. it
time went down in history as
pre-revolutionary. During this period, many
progressive writers have tried to comprehend
the existing state of the country, find a way out
of the many contradictions that gripped
Russia began

XX centuries.
In his own way, he tried to solve the topical
problems and Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. His “Cherry
garden ”became a kind of result of long
creative searches of the writer.

garden ”is a multifaceted work. Chekhov
raised a lot of problems in it, did not
lost their relevance today. But
the main question is, of course, the question
about the contradictions between the old and the new
generations. These contradictions lie in
the basis of the dramatic conflict of the play.
The outgoing world of nobles is opposed
representatives of the new society.

nobility Chekhov does not endow those
despotic features that we see in
works of other authors. Ranevskaya and
Gaev appear before the readers
decent, honest people... So,
speaking about Ranevskaya, Chekhov
described her as “gentle, very
kind ”woman. About Ranevskaya gratefully
says Lopakhin. Peter Trofimov expresses
Lyubov Andreevna her gratitude for
the fact that she sheltered an “eternal student”.
Ranevskaya and Gaev have a sincere attitude towards servants.
But everyone positive features owners
cherry orchard opposed them
dependent lifestyle. “To own the living
souls - after all, it has reborn all of you ”, -
Petya Trofimov talks about them. In early
variants instead of the word "reborn" was
it is written more categorically - "corrupted".

Ranevskaya and
Gaev can't do anything
on their own, always need someone
help. The absurdity of such a state
transmitted by Chekhov in the very behavior of these
heroes. The natural kindness of Ranevskaya is not
can bring joy. Being on the brink
total ruin, she wastes money: gives
money to a beggar-passer-by; almost all of their
funds allocated by a rich grandmother for
the ransom of the garden, Lyubov Andreevna spends on
Parisian lover. Making
such “acts of beneficence”, she forgets
about his daughter Anya, does not think about further
the fate of Vary.

Ranevskaya and Gaev are obvious to Chekhov.
The writer shows this doom in
the very speech of the heroes. Gaev

utters some strange phrases with
billiard terms, a monologue sounds,
facing the old wardrobe. Ranevskaya and
Gaev naively believe that the garden is still to be redeemed
can. But they are not adapted to
independent life and cannot
take no effective action to
salvation of their possessions.

Doomed not
only Ranevskaya and Gaev, everything is doomed
noble society. Absurdity
the existence of this class confirms and
the image of Simeonov-Pischik, who claims
having read that “you can make fake
money". Yaroslavl aunt who
mentioned in conversations, gives ten thousand
for the purchase of a garden, but gives on the condition -
redeem in her name.

the noble circle is opposed to a “new
person ”Lopakhin. However, he, in the opinion
Chekhov, is not a worthy replacement
the past generation. Lopakhin is a businessman. And that's all
his good qualities: understanding
beautiful, deep emotional impulses _ ALL
it is drowned out in him by the desire to
enrichment. Talking about your plans
Lopakhin mentions that he wants to sow
poppy fields. He describes a picture of blooming
poppies, their beauty, but all these thoughts are cut off
Lopakhin's mention of the alleged
proceeds. No, this is not the kind of hero he wants to see

For changing
the old generation comes the people of the new
warehouse. These are Anya Ranevskaya and Petya Trofimov.

Anya dreams
about a new happy and wonderful life:
pass the exams for the gymnasium course and live
by their own labor. She imagines
new, flourishing Russia.

Chekhov not
was a revolutionary. So he failed
find a real way out of the crisis, in
which was Russia. Writer
deeply sympathizes with new phenomena,
what is happening in the country, he hates
the old way. Successors of Chekhov's

became many writers. And at this time, in 1903
year, Gorky is already creating the novel "Mother", in
which finds a solution to the issues above
which Chekhov thought.


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