Vera Vasilyeva: the husband knew that I love the other, and quietly waited. Vera Vasilyeva: biography, personal life - Does your current creative life arranges you

Vera Vasilyeva: the husband knew that I love the other, and quietly waited. Vera Vasilyeva: biography, personal life - Does your current creative life arranges you
Vera Vasilyeva: the husband knew that I love the other, and quietly waited. Vera Vasilyeva: biography, personal life - Does your current creative life arranges you

Vera Kuzminichna Vasilyeva was born on September 30, 1925 in Moscow, in the work family. The faith was not and five years old when she first fell into the theater - at the Opera "Tsarist Bride." This idea shook the girl's imagination, and she fell in love with the theater. In school years, faith was recorded in the drama in the Poland of Pioneers. She was a modest and dreamy girl, school studied well, but her entire real life was focused on books and theater. Vasiliev's clock disappeared in the theater library, where the memoirs of great artists re-read, old reviews and everything that could be found about the theater, and was even constantly ran to MCAT. When the Great Patriotic War began, Vasilyeva went to work at the plant and at the same time he studied at the evening school. Despite the difficulties of the military years, she did not forget his dream with his dream, she was engaged in the drama, and in 1943 he entered the Moscow City Theater School. Vasilyeva's nationwide fame brought cinema. She debuted into the cinema, while still a student, in 1945 - in the episodic role in the twin comedies, and the following - the role in the film I. Piriev "Tale of the Siberian Earth" (1948) - brought her incredible popularity and audience love. In 1948, Vasilyeva graduated from the school and became the actress of the Satira Theater, with whom his whole creative life is connected, where her first work was the main role in the play "Lev Gurych Sichikkin". Then there were many other works. By the beginning of the 1950s, Vera has already become a recognized young star, in the theater she was happy, and after the play "Wedding with dowry", it came to her even greater than Glory. This play was played 900 times, and in 1953 they shot the same featured film, for the role in which Vasilyeva was awarded the Stalin Prize. In general, Vasilyeva starred a lot. The most famous paintings with her participation - "Chuk and Gek" (1953), "The adventure of a dental doctor" (1965), "The investigation is conducted by experts" (1972), "Carnival" (1981), "ordered to take alive" (1983), "Marry Captain" (1985), "Wine from dandelions" (1997), "Everything was mixed in the house" (2006), "Swachy" (2007), "Fur Flowers" (2012), "Countryna" (2014 ) other. Despite the success in the cinema, the main for the faith of Kuzminichna always remained the theater. All his life, she worked in the Satira Theater, which is impossible without it. In total, in the scene of this theater Vasilyeva played over 50 roles. Among them, roles in performances - "Auditor", "crazy day, or marriage Figaro", "Spilled bowl", "Where is this street, where this house", "12 chairs", "Ordinary Miracle", "Ornithm" and many others . Vasilyev was invited to performances and other theaters where she received the best and most interesting roles. In the Tver Drama Theater, she played in the "Vishnevian Garden", in the Oryol Drama Theater - in the "without guilt," in the Moscow New Drama Theater - in the play "Blazham" and others. Vera Kuzmichnna also worked in animation, voiced cartoons - "Umka is looking for a friend", "Magician of the Emerald City", "The Adventures of Vasi Kurolesov" and others. And I also tried myself as a performer of romance. Vera Vasilyeva - People's Artist of the USSR, Winner of Stalin Prizes and the State Prize of the USSR, the Theater Prize "Crystal Turandot" and the Prize named Samubachnaya, Kavaler of the Order of the Labor Red Banner and "For Merit to Fatherland" IV and III degree, awarded the prize "for honor and The dignity of the "Golden Mask" Theater Award and other awards. Vasilyeva - Chairman of the Social and Household Commission. It helps to the need for the needy, patients offended. In 2000, her book of memoirs "continuation of the soul was published. Monologue actress. " Male Vera Kuzmichnaya - Actor Vladimir Ushakov (Artist Satira Theater). Their wedding took place in 1956, and they were happy together for more than half a century. The actress says that the main secret of such a matrimonial longevity is in the absence of attempts to remake each other. But, unfortunately, in 2011, Vladimir did not become. Today, Vera Kuzmichna Vasilyeva, despite age, continues to work in the theater and happy with it. She loves nature, his home and friends, still stunningly looks in life, and on stage.

The People's Artist of the USSR Vera Vasilyeva seems to know the secret of longevity.

She today plays no less than in youth, does not drink medicines and rejoices life. This year, the actress will be 90-year. In an interview with Vera Kuzmichnna, he remembered the brightest moments of his creative path, introduced him to his godl.

- Vera Kuzminichna, this year you celebrate the anniversary. In the Satira Theater is already preparing for the event?

Yes. In September I will be 90 years old, and in this regard, in the theater, I put the play "Fatal Attraction" with me in the lead role. The other day the premiere took place, I was very worried! You know, I have never been so busy in my life as now. I am happy that I work a lot. Every my role I really like. This is such rare happiness in the acting fate. 90 years - not yet reason to think about age.

I live my profession. She gives me emotions. The soul does not fall asleep, but the young one remains. And the rest is tightened to such a soul. I really do not want to look at me with sadness and said: "Oh, what was and what it became." I want to leave the feelings for the audience that old age is not so terrible. If I were in oblivion, it would probably be lowered my hands. But my audience and their love give me strength.

- Free from the theater time how do you prefer to spend?

I rest only when I have a vacation. You have to go somewhere. In July, I will go to the sea in Croatia. There I was already resting, I really liked it. I will go with my godfather of Dasha. I am glad that I will not be alone, but in a good company. True, I do not like vacation - two months of summer holidays for me. I like to work.

- Tell me about your gadget Darya.

I met Dasha, when I did not make my husband. Dasha began to support me, take care of me. When Dasha did not become a mother, I became her shaft. Dasha is trying to make her vacation coincide with my. I am pleased to spend time with her and her little daughter. They are for me as a daughter and granddaughter. This is great happiness! Dasha is a wonderful person, she is very smart, kind, beautifully raised girl.

- Vera Kuzminichna, can you remember the brightest moments in your career?

Life is very big. The most bright moments for me were the roles that I love very much. You know, in my family no one was associated with the theater. Father was a driver, and the mother led the farm. We lived not burn. I had three sisters and brother. The first time I fell into the theater at 8 years old. My neighbor in a communal apartment led me to the Opera House, and was so shocked by beauty that except to be an artist I didn't want to dream about. I really liked to visit the theater, and Opera. Music and beauty captured me. I began to go to the theater library, in the drama, sang in the choir, studied the biographies of actors. All my childhood was directed to the theater.

You twice became the laureate of the Stalin Prize. What were your feelings, because you became the youngest laureat?

I understood all the responsibility, and therefore not so much rejoiced how much was afraid. I thought I could not be at the level that I unexpectedly fell in life. I studied at the third year when I received a premium.

- Is it true that Iosif Stalin is involved in the list?

I do not know if it was true, but I told me the faces that allegedly knew. They told that alleged Joseph Vissarionovich noticed me in a movie cornocar.

- Vera Kuzminichna, your opinion on modern cinema.

I love the theater more than the cinema. Therefore, many of the modern kinocartin I forget. Theater for me is the main thing. I almost do not watch TV. I turn on only the Culture Channel, I love deep philosophical programs. From the last kinonovinok looked "and dawns here are quiet." I liked a lot, but there were moments that I did not accept.

- Which of the current actors could allocate?

This is a wonderful Zhenya Mironov, Chulpan Hamatova. They are big artists. Khabensky is beautiful. There are really a lot of them, I just do not have time to watch modern films and performances.

- What advice could you give young people who are just starting to build their career in the theater?

The main thing is to endure. I, for example, is very patient. Life was not always sweet, I remember how he grieved from the fact that there were no roles, but I endured, waited and hoped I played in the province. The main thing is to work and be prepared for any unexpected offer. Luck also plays a big role. One single chance can turn the entire destiny. It's a shame when a person is talented, no one needs.

- In your career, did you often come across luck?

Any suggestion that was done to me was the case. At least at the beginning of the way, already then it was the work of reputation.


Vasilyeva Vera Kuzminichna

Education: Moscow City Theater School.

Family: Husband - actor Vladimir Ushakov (06/01/1920 - 07/17/2011). No children.

Career: The Vasilyeva Faith filmography has more than 30 paintings. In the Satire Theater played over 60 roles. Double laureate of the Stalin Prize (1948, 1951).

Vera Vasilyeva is a favorite actress of millions of Russian and Soviet television viewers, born 30.09.1925, a radical Muscovite.


From Moscow, there was a mother of faith, but her father is a real Russian rustic man village of dry stream, which in the Kalinin region. At the beginning of the thirties, hunger began in the cities, and the family in which the Veroch was already the fourth child decided to move closer to the ground, where it was easier to feed.

In young age

Father and little faith felt there perfectly - magnificent nature, clean air, simple and healthy food. But the mother is too much painful. She, as she could, tried to put in order and equip their modest housing. But after a few years, parents still returned to the capital, where both settled on the plant.

Faith went to Moscow school. And, although it was inappropriate to her, he was unusual, soon acquired new friends. Shortly before the war in the family, the only boy was born, who immediately became a universal favorite. Since the nanny in the family was enough, faith remained a lot of time to read and dream about how one day she would come to a big scene.

Theatrical art girl was fond of school when she first took part in a small children's production. But after she got into a real theater with her mother's friend, she just got scene and decided to act in the theatrical one after school. But the plans intervened the war.

Fortunately, Moscow managed to repel. Father did not hit the front for a state of health, but he went to work as a driver and day did not have been at home. Faith did not leave the mother in evacuation, but remained in the capital with him. In the afternoon, he continued to go to school, and at night duty on the roof, like many other teenagers, and snuffled incendiary bombs.


But all the bad once ends. By 1943, life in Moscow began to gradually improve. Faith graduated from school and submitted documents to a pop-circus school. But her first disappointment was expected.

With ease of passing exams on acting skills, she failed on physical preparation. It is not enough that her growth was only 163 cm, she also did not complain about the physical culture in ornament.

Then she went to try happiness to theatrical, and was accepted from the first attempt. Already in 1945, she debuted on a big screen in the Twins Comedy, and three years later played her debut major role in the "Land of Siberian Land", which was received by the Stalin Prize, becoming a new star of Soviet cinema.

In the same 1948 faith graduated from the school and was accepted in the troupe of the Satira Theater. She evenly liked the atmosphere itself, who reigned there - a light, relaxed, with innocuous swirls on each other. A young actress quickly joined the team and after a couple of years she became one of the leading actresses.

There she received her second Stalinist premium for the play "Wedding with dowry". But the audience remembered her more in the role of the charming and tender Countess of Almaviva from the "Figaro marriage". As an invited actress, Vera Vasilyeva often appeared on the scenes of other leading metropolitan theaters. And each of her new role was a real holiday for the audience.

Her filmography is also very rich, it has about fifty big and small roles. But with the theater career she does not compare - in the account of Vasilyeva more than hundreds of playful performances and extensive performances.

And on the scene, she went to deep old age. In 2016, she appeared in the role of grandmother Lara in the formulation of the "Holiday of disobedience. And in 2015 he worked on visualing a full-length Russian cartoon.

Personal life

All his life, Vera Vasilyeva spent next to the only man - actor Vladimir Ushakov, with whom he met, while still a student. The faith then believed that she was married early, and long three years Vladimir persuaded her to become his wife. Finally, a modest student wedding took place, after which they settled in a tiny room of a hostel.

It turned out that faith is absolutely not adapted to the management of life and household. Being sophisticated and sublime since childhood, she didn't even really have learned. Then the husband simply decided to hire the assistant. Since then, all questions of life, he solved alone, allowing her beloved fully immersed in creativity.

Every day, the spouse argued his love for faith, and she answered him reciprocity and really appreciated such care. She finally put on a golden wedding and a wedding dress and a couple exchanged gold rings. Unfortunately, God did not give them children. Therefore, after the death of a husband, who had a sick heart, Vera Vasilyeva remained completely alone.

With Vladimir Ushakov

It is still very hard going through this loss, realizing that there is no such man in the world. Pain she tries to drown out work. And in his free time it is immersed in memories who fall on paper, turning into memoirs.

At 90, she looks great, trying to travel and lead an active lifestyle. She managed to preserve a magnificent figure, although she admits that they did not mind to panly tasty. When she is asked what the secret of her youth, answers that it is necessary to work a lot and rejoice in every day.

Talented Soviet actress Vera Kuzminichna Vasilyeva inspired her viewers throughout his creative life. She was loved for openness, stateness and incredible warmth of the atmosphere of cinema and theater. In his role, the artist was gaining completely and actually lived their lives.

All the characters played by faith were very different and the fate and ideas about the world around them, these were people with absolutely different characters and very complex spiritual peppets.

Father and mother of future actipers were people with very different looks for life. Her mother was a fairly energetic woman, she constantly drove around his village life, constantly thinking about how to better upgrade it, improve and increase its effectiveness. Father of Faith Kuzmichnaya was a man balanced, in his character there was a primeness, he seemed filled with a leisurely wisdom.

Such a typical beginning of the great history of this ingenious actress - moving to the capital. The whole family settled in a communal apartment, with which the biography of Faith Vasilyeva begins. The girl grew the youngest, side by side with three native sisters, and literally a few weeks before the war in a large family also born her son.

Parental attention was minimal, because the father and mother worked before exhaustion at the factory, alternating shifts, the senior daughters were once, and it is not interesting to engage in the upbringing of the youngest sister, they were fond of their affairs. And in all this indira, the little faith with his head plunged into reading, she loved to dream and constantly lived with her Gresses.

In one of the weekends, Mom's girlfriend led her to the theater, and during the presentation, the girl understood that it was literally fell in love with the scene. From now on, her dreams of the scene did not leave her for a minute.

War period introduced in the family of faith Vasilyeva some scatter. The future actress stays with the Father in Moscow, where he works by the driver. A girl on a par with adults pulls heavy sandboxes in order to guess the ignition bombs.

In the head of the faith of Kuzmichnaya flashed the idea of \u200b\u200bentering the circus school, but on the exam on physical culture training, the girl could not achieve the necessary norm. Nevertheless, she did not lose heart, and after which he decided to enter the theater college.

Vera Vasilyeva: Ngames Careers in Cinema

The first sample in Cinema in Vasilyeva took place during her studies. The girl made his debut in the victorious 1945, it was a comedy "Gemini". From this point on, creative career begins in the biography of faith.

A little later, she was invited to the main role known in those days director Ivan Pyriev. The young artist kept morally and tried not to contact with famous actors who had already made a name.

Frame from the film "Tale of the Earth Siberian"

The film "Tale of the Siberian Earth" was greatly popular, therefore, for the exact and skillful transmission of the image of Nastya Guslenka Vera Vasilyeva, the Stalin Prize was awarded.

So in the film industry, the actress acquired fame, in the future it will be played more than fifty roles in various films of all sorts of genres, but more than half of them will remain unrecognized or unobistant. But the debut in the cinema gave the opportunity to faith Kuznichnaya to gain experience for manifest itself in a slightly different sphere - on the stage of the theater.

Theatrical creativity in the life of faith Vasilyeva

The first faith of Vera Vasilyeva became Satira theater. In her first stage of "Lev Gurych Sichikkin", she played a major role, and two years later became a recent of the theater.

Frame from the film "Wedding with Dowry"

During the rehearsals of the play "Wedding with dowry", an inspired director predicted a grand success, and ultimately not mistaken. The production was played by about a thousand times, and Vera Kuzminichna, talented by the viewer Olga, one of the leading characters, receives the second Stalinist premium.

Among the most famous roles of Faith Vasilyeva were such as:

  • Anna Andreevna ("Auditor");
  • Domna Platonovna ("Warrior");
  • Anna Pavlovna ("Profitable Place").

The actress remained faithful to his theater, she participated in more than sixty different productions, received the title of Honored Artist of Russia and the USSR and many other awards.

Frame from the movie "Country"

Seven years ago, the actress received the Order of the III degree "For Merit to Fatherland".

Personal life of faith Vasilyeva

In a talented artist, only one truly strong love had only one life. Soon, she looked at the relationship with Vladimir Ushakov. Such situations are rare, but happen.

An acquaintance with Vladimir was a very romantic event in the biography of the Faith Kuzuminichnaya, which happened in the theater, so we can say that its second (family) began inside one life (creative). Exactly three years in love, the man sought her location, until, in the end, did not let them down their relationship for marriage.

Boris Ravenskiy - civil husband of faith Vasilyeva

Despite the fact that both artists were in those days with the personalities of famous, they did not make a carnival from their marriage. The wedding was cordially modest enough, without excess tinsel, frills and not in a luxurious setting, but trivially in a hostel. There was even a feast and tradition of sharing wedding rings.

"I put my first wedding dress and the wedding ring only when we guided the Golden Anniversary," remembers Vera Vasilyeva.

A married couple sought to part with each other as much as possible. They were together constantly - both on vacation and in the process of tour. Vladimir never left his wife without attention, in every possible way he tried to remind how much he loves her, shouted with gifts. His courtship was beautiful and sophisticated at the same time.

One of the manifestations of his ardent feelings was that her husband was almost immediately after they signed hired faith assistant at homemade, despite the fact that the spouses continued to live in a small room of the hostel.

Ushakov did not want his beloved woman to assume all the burden of everyday trouble, and Vera Vasilyeva at one time recognized that a personal life that had segged her from all sides, had some imperfections - she was absolutely not able to cook, she did not imagine how Life. Therefore, all questions of this nature were on the shoulders of the head of the family. And all the tasks from buying furniture up to some small trouble solved husband faith.

Their early relations in marriage were full of mutual trust and agreement, so they lived together a happy fifty-year-old joint life.

In family life, a couple of children were not, but the spouses did not burn much about it, as the rich life lived and from the position of family relations, and from the position of joint creativity.

Vera Vasilyeva deep and sincerely always thanked his spouse for tolerance to its insolvency in everyday life, for the fact that Vladimir has created all the conditions for her so that it was comfortable. Even if the married couple received guests, all the design of the evening and the required executive expenses took on either her husband, or they shifted on someone else. Faith did not take on all organizational moments.

The actress was recognized as herself and the public that was never a pet, engaged in such matters - this is not for her soul. The heart was always painful and rushed back, on the stage, on which Vera Vasilyeva felt like a fish in the water.

Death of the wife of Faith Vasilyeva

The heart of Vladimir Ushakov in the last days of the married life reminded himself with an increasing frequency. There was a need for the installation of a pacemaker, the husband of Faith experienced two heart attacks, the last years of life was marked for Vladimir's loss of vision, he practically did not distinguish the items around him. But even at this alarming time, the spouses were happy.

Six years ago, they were on vacation in a sanatorium, which became for them the last joint pastime. Suddenly, Ushakov grabbed his heart and began to choke. I quickly arrived "ambulance", but after an hour, the spouse passed the tragic news from which faith was recovered long enough.

To this day, she with warmth and love recalls the time spent with her husband, and tirelessly repeats that she did not meet the same sensitive, noble and mental men and never meet ever.

Vera Vasilyeva Currently - what Wikipedia says

In 2016, the actress was guided by the film crew's film crew and asked to give an interview in which the woman reported that her self-realization in the artist's profession reached his apogee that she was absolutely happy and feels extremely comfortable. She is satisfied with that life through which she carried her fate and what she lives now.

A smile of a talented actress has become her business card. It turned into a kind of symbol of a pure soul of a Russian woman, chastity, preserving high moral principles, calm nobility and modest wisdom. Freshness of the image of the faith Kuzminichna is displayed both on the theater scene and in life.

Her charm is charming, she herself creates a look of dying kindness, the face seems to be launched with all the positive paints of the inner light. Vera Vasilyeva herself reminds a masterpiece created by a brush of the workshop director.

The durability and beauty of the actress cause a stormy delight from fans so far, because it is rare to look good at 91 years old. The artist claims that after a regular performance, he loves to pamper himself with something pleasant, constantly monitors his posture and does not even take any medications.

Vera Vasilyeva never goes to the public, not toning his lips and eyelashes. She looks young because he feels young. Its energies are still enough to continue to surprise and admire their fans.

The legendary actress once pronounces a phrase, which is worthy, enter the best quotes of the world: "You need to be worthy of happiness that you dream, but to achieve it, you need to work with mind and heart."

"At the age of 14 I almost made stupidity. After reading some book, I decided: it is better to die young. I took a razor and cut a Vienna twice, "said" AIF " people's Artist of the USSR Vera Vasilyeva.

Scar for memory

In our family, no one ever had a relation to theater. Dad worked for a driver, Mom was engaged in the economy. We lived very poorly, with all in the same room in Gusyatnikov Lane, in the area of \u200b\u200bMyasnitskaya. Mom with dad, three sisters, brother and me. But once Anna Julievna, the neighbor in our communal apartment, led me to the daily performance of the opera "Tsarist Bride". And I, an 8-year-old girl, saw this beauty - velvet, chandeliers, orchestra, sparkles everything, as in the fairy palace, heard Divine music ... Then he decided: or I will be an artist, or I will not live. I went to the house of the pioneers, in the drama, in the chorus, was recorded in theatrical libraries ...

At 10 years I have already sowed an aria, heard on the radio. For this in the yard I was called Shalyapin. The fact that there was such a singer, I did not know, but I thought that I was teased because of the hat, with which I did not part. I remember well how the choir of our house pioneers performed in the Bolshoi Theater (spoke, was sitting in the hall himself Stalin).

My girlfriend Katya Rosovskaya(He is still friends with her, scary to think how many years!) Together they dreamed about the scene. Plans were built - one more incredible than the other. Dreamed of escape from the house and go to some provincial theater at least someone, and there - some unexpected case, debut, like YermolovaAnd theatrical life will begin, full adventure ...

As a result, I became an artist, Katya - theater. Now she has a grandson, I have only the theater. Only the role born by me. But it is not so little.

What was I then? Quiet, dreamy, very romantic. At the age of 14, almost made stupidity. After reading some book, I decided: it is better to die young, than to live and gradually be disappointed in life. I took a razor and cut a vein twice, then lowered my hand in a warm pelvis in the hope that quietly, beautifully die. Fortunately, in time came to his senses. But in memory of this children's stupidity, two white screenshots remained on my left hand.

Pyriev and stockings

The fact that I, the Trekchurs-Nice of theatrical School, fell such a happy lottery ticket as the painting "Tale of the Earth Siberian", there is no special my merit. I think, my then appearance played a big role. I was full, pinkish. My good-natured face was noticed assistant Pyryev. They came up and asked: "Girl, do you want to take a movie?" I wanted so much that we didn't close your eyes all the night - everyone thought, wondered, what I was put in watching me. As a result, I was in my sister's dress from Blue Sheocha, who was pulled by a broad singing, painted and with unimaginably whipped curls. Pyreyev, without saying a word, sent me to the Grimel. I was combed first. I looked at myself in the mirror and was horrified: the glazers are small, like a fastening piggy, thin pigtails. Never get into the cinema! And it turned out that it was necessary. Hand in the costume of the heroine - Nastya Gusenkova. Again led to Ivan Alexandrovich. He looked at me so closely and commanded: "Bring two simple stockings." Brought. Pyriev took them, rolled into two lumps. And, nor the drops are not embarrassed, put in my neckline on the stockulka in those places where the lush chest should be. "Well, now everything is in order! And then you will not understand anything. " I began to look like a bullshit Babu, which teapots cover. This was approved immediately. I remember when I was already shooting, Pyriev often reminded: "Vasilyeva was put on everything? Then we can start! "

"Tale of Earth Siberian", 1947. Frame from the film

The triumph of the painting "Tale of the Siberian Land" in 1948. I took as a miracle of miracles and was even frightened to some extent when I gave the Stalinist premium for it. As I was told, Joseph Vissarionovich, who always watched all the paintings, seeing me on the screen, asked: "Where did you find this charm?" What did he answer that this is just a third-year student, therefore it is not represented by the award. Stalin briefly ordered: "She played well, I need to give a premium." And I was instantly included in the lists.

I don't even know if I was happy. Probably. Although always believed that the reward, and the huge glory fell into my young inexperienced head is not entirely deserved. Just got into good hands director. By the way, apparently, it was that Pyriev himself believed. Once he said right to me: "It's time for you thank me." And I appointed a meeting at the Moscow Hotel. I, I suspect nothing, went. I remember Ivan Alexandrovich sits on a chair and says: "Well? Will you thank me? " I answer: "Thank you so much!" And he: "Not so much thanks! Come here!" And began to pester ...

I hardly breaking out, I ran to the door and heard following: "You will never be filmed in the movie!" "Well, do not care," I thought. The word is your own - not to remove me - he kept. But I am not in disadvantage to Ivan Alexandrovich, I have forgiven everything for a long time. After all, no matter how cool, Pyryev gave me not only the role - life. If it were not for a meeting with him, I may have been sent at the end of the institute somewhere towards Kulichki. And so ... I was immediately invited to the Satira theater to the main role - lyzing by Sichkinina in the play "Lev Gurych Sichkin". Imagine?!

Actress Moscow Satire's Theater Vera Vasilyeva in the artistic room. 1956. Photo: RIA Novosti / V. Malyshev

901th Wedding

The play "Wedding with dowry", the premiere of which took place on March 12, 1950, on the one hand, gave me the biggest love in my life, on the other hand, gave me a partner on stage and a loving husband, with whom we have lived happily for 54 years.

The director was young talented director Boris Ivanovich Ravensky. Our novel with him in the theater was recognized almost immediately, and I did not know how to hide. For almost seven years I lived with full willingness to give him, if necessary, my life. But he was married to actress Lilia Gritsenko.

The main director of the Moscow State Academic Small Theater People's Artist of the USSR Boris Ravensky, 1975. Photo: RIA Novosti / I. Zotin

The success of the "Wedding with Dowry" was phenomenal! The performance passed 900 times, was awarded the Stalinist premium, filled. Volodya Ushakov He was my "fiance Maxim" and on stage, and in the movies. I saw that his feelings had long come outside the scene, the screen, but could not do anything with him. Meanwhile, Boris Ivanovich called the head of the Small Theater ... And all these years I lived a believer closer with the hope that he will finally be released and understand if I need him in life. I suffered scary, but I didn't dare to remind my love about my love. Sometimes at night, two hours, when all residents of our communal apartment slept tightly, a phone call was heard, and I barefoot running along the corridor. The whisper, trembling from the cold, answered a mocking question: "Do not sleep? Waiting? " "Yes, waiting ..." He felt his guilt, annoyed me for the fact that I was patient and faithful.

Vera Vasilyeva and Vladimir Ushakov in the movie "Wedding with Dowry", 1953

The last drop was the premiere of his performance in the Small Theater on December 4, 1956, which Boris Ivanovich forbade me. I did not go. Lyed in his cell in complete darkness, could not sleep. How I was hurt and lonely that night ... in the morning I called Volodya Ushakov and, accurately feeling that I was on the edge of death, asked how many times asked, when I agree to be his wife. And then I replied: "I agree." Volodya immediately happy rushed on the car, littered with flowers ... I was drowning in colors. Then we went to the hostel of the Satira Theater on the Small Bronnaya, where except Volodya lived Anatoly Papanovwith mine wife Nadi Karataev, Tatyana Ivanovna Peltser And others, and he declared everything about our wedding. Although weddings were not there. I remember Tolya Papanovprinted half-liters, others took a meal to the kitchen - what had anyone. And in the registry office we painted in seven years. There were no dresses and rings - they just went, put signatures.

But all 54 years was absolutely perfect existence. We never seriously quarreled. And there was no single case that I eyes, thoughts, made something like that, for what could be ashamed. Volodya is so in love so much, gratefully and gently treated me that I had a feeling of solid misstitution. This is very important for the actress, and indeed for any woman. And during my family life, the feelings for him were only increasing. It happened, play the performance, run like a crazy home. I especially loved him in recent years when he was sick. Three heart attacks, stroke, blindness, could not walk without help. But he was so noble, never sucked and did not complain. Always looking for a reason to laugh, glancing for me. I am very good!

Alexander Shirvindt as a graph of Almaviva and Vera Vasilyeva (right) in the role of the Countess in the play "Figaro's marriage". Satira Theater, 1977 Photo: RIA Novosti / Vitaly Arutyunov

Went down to side

I would not say that with someone in the theater I had a close relationship. But very good - with many. Tolya Papanov belonged to me very gently, somehow I especially pronounced my name: "Ve-e-rod!" As with the kitten sometimes said: "My dear, small!" I considered him a stunning artist. But S. Andryusha Mironovwe probably communicated in closer. He really treated my husband well, and Volodya adored him. In the theater they made in the same room. Andryusha has always frank himself with him, even told about his novels. Through it, we made friends with his parents - Maria Vladimirova Mironova and Alexander Semenovich Menacherom. Their death, like And then, Andrei's early care, became a crazy tragedy for us. My husband just cried in his voice ...

I am very expensive my successful roles in the Satira Theater - Countess Almaviva, Olga in the "Wedding with dowry", Anna Andreevna in the "Revolution", Warper in the Leskaya play. But there was a time when I didn't play anything interesting in my native theater for a long time, I was very shattered from it. And the only time in life risked asking the role. Then after the conflict from our theater gone Tanya Vasilyeva, rehearsing Ranevskaya in the "Cherry Garden". I came to K. Valentina Pleuce And she said that I dream about this role. He looked at the idiot: "Well, you, faith! Olya Arosov wants to play Nina Arkhipova... I'm better to take a young! " I was very worried then: probably, like act rice I don't like me, he believes that I have no breed, temperament or sin, which is so necessary for Ranevskaya ... more than the years when he is seriously ill and no longer worked, I I came to visit him, and Valentin Nikolayevich suddenly said: "Faith, I am very interested in you and I suffer from this very much. Sorry!"

Vera Vasilyeva in the Music TV shows "Benefis", 1978. Photo: RIA News / Fishermen

And I still played Ranenevskaya, although "on the side" - in the Tver Academic Drama Theater. Then I joy and pleasure went to the eagle to play Kruchinin in the "without guilt", played in the play "Blazhen" - in the new dramatic in Moscow and the "strange Mrs. Savage" - in the theater of the Dolls of Exogram. These work was saved me, because I came true what I dreamed of from youth, for which I came to the profession. Otherwise, he would simply believed that I did not have enough talent, I did not have enough fate.

In 2015, in front of her (scary to say!) The 90th anniversary, I received a fabulous gift at all - the role of Irma Golde in the play "Fatal Attraction". Played an elderly actress, who does not want to put up with her age. It can be said that this is to some extent about me - after all, I myself almost does not feel my age.

And what are my secrets? The fact of the matter is that no. Charging never did - I can't endure it. Since childhood absolutely unsportscent. I have no diet. But I do not allow yourself to be corrected - I hold on one weigh all my life. Nevertheless, I eat everything. After the performance, it is almost overnight, I love to pamper yourself with something delicious. I do not go out into the street, if you do not pick up my eyes and lips. I follow the posture, it is the posture that gives age. Perhaps you will be surprised, I don't know anything about the medicine. And thank God! I think the most important thing that keeps me in the form is the theater, my roles, the love of the audience. Still learned on the street. Sometimes I go - and suddenly: "Oh, hello! Are you faith Vasilyeva? " - "Yes". - "Be healthy! Happiness to you! " It is very nice. In general, everything was all the way: the profession that I dreamed about, I had a wonderful loving husband, and at the end of the life there was a grather daughter Dasha, who so touching me so that not every native daughter about his mother would be so. I am 90 years old and I am happy absolutely. What am I dreaming about? First, so that I saw a lot of interesting things. But most of all, I dream of a good role. And I already have something more curious. About love!