An image of a Russian national character. An image of a Russian national nature in the works of Russian literature of the XIX-XX centuries

An image of a Russian national character. An image of a Russian national nature in the works of Russian literature of the XIX-XX centuries
An image of a Russian national character. An image of a Russian national nature in the works of Russian literature of the XIX-XX centuries

To understand and appreciate the true scale of the artist's talent, his contribution to the literature, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that he said about life and man, as his vision of the world correlates with the moral and aesthetic ideals and tastes of the people [Kurlyandskaya 2004: 14].

To the topic of russian national Character Appeals in different times Many writers: A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu.lermontov, N.A. Neckrasov, F.M.Dostoevsky, N.M. Karamzin, N.V. Hogol, M.Gorky, S.A. Jenin, in . Solokhov, A.Partovsky, etc.

A.S. Pushkin in his works I felt my life native country, showed the inexhaustible spiritual wealth of the Russian people, his great creative power. Remember Patriotic War With Napoleon, the poet wrote:

Felling, about sort of invoiced!

Russia has moved their sons;

Rebelled and old and young, fly on daring,

The hearts are armed with the hearts.

Pushkin saw the strength of the Russian people primarily in a patriotic feeling. The poet admired courage, courage, self-sacrifice, contempt for death, characteristic of Russian people. In each warrior of Russia, Pushkin saw a hero, who had a goal "Il to win, Ile to fall in the heat of the Blight." Pushkin is proud of its people, who gave a crushing response to an ingenous conqueror and defended the honor and independence of his fatherland. But the poet also performed the defender of the oppressed people, the accuser "Barge of the Wild", "violent" who assigned to himself "and the property, and the time of landowner". Not being a poet revolutionary, Pushkin opposed inhuman tyranny:

Tirana of the world, tremble!

And you are resting and getting into

Rose, fallen slaves!

In the poem Gogol " Dead Souls»The topic of Russian folk nature occupies one of the leading places. The author shows an irreparable picture of the life of the serf peasantry. The landowners ruthlessly exploit them, belong to them, as their slaves, can buy and sell them like things. "DUBOGOLOGICAL" box, afraid to sell when selling dead souls, complains the guest: "... I have never happened to sell dead people. I lost living, here and the third year the Protopope of two girls, in stu rubles each ... ". Peasants are obliged to fulfill all the whims of their Lords. A terrifying picture of the life and unbearable labor of the people, his patience and courage, outbreaks of protest, represents the author in his works. But the author paints not only the terrible paintings of the folk lobe. Gogol shows how much the Russian man is talented and rich in soul. These people used to work well, knew their craft. Make-up and rejection is emphasized in the image of Eremee Sorokollekhina, which "in Moscow traded, one lifting brought in five hundred rubles." The performance of simple peasants recognize the Lord themselves: "They went to Kamchatka themselves, give only warm mittens, he soes his hands, an ax in his hands, and went to chop his new hut." Love for the people-worker, the crumbles man hears in every author's word. Gogol with a huge tenderness writes about the "distorted Yaroslavl peasant", who gathered the Russian three, about the "fighter of the people", the "Filler of the Russian mind" [Lebedev 2000: 121].

The features of the nature of the Russian man remarkably handed over N.Nekrasov in his poem "Who lives well in Russia." In the image of Gushnoblon, we see a collective image of the revolutionary intelligentsia, a fighter of peasant interests, for all "offended" and "humiliated." He does not need wealth and alien care for personal well-being. Nekrasovsky revolutionary is not frightened by the upcoming tests, because he believes in the triumph of the case, which he devoted all his life. He sees that the multi-million people himself encourages him to fight. Gregory Dobrozlonov is the future leader of the peasantry, the expresser of his anger and mind. His way his way, but also sound; Only the "souls are strong, loving", it is waiting for a person with genuine happiness on it, because the greatest happiness, in the thoughts of Nekrasov, is the struggle for freedom of oppressed [Lebedev 2000: 118].

Completely, specially depicted the Russian national character in his work M. Gorky. Gorky heroes - gifted wolnolyubs, prone to reflections on their fate or the fate of the same disadvantaged people. It is "restless" and at the same time "conceived" people who are alien to comprehension, the Meshchansky complacency, the desire for peace. Dissatisfaction with your life, self-esteem, which does not allow to put up with the share of slaves, is that, first of all, is characteristic of the Gorky Russian man. The spontaneous protest often leads them to a rupture with its medium. They became strollers, bosias, proudly declared: "Though hungry, yes free!" [Gracheva 2008: 15].

At M. Gorky his essays and stories from people's LifeIn which he, according to his own admission, wanted to portray "some of the properties of the Russian psyche and the most typical mood of Russian people," form a cycle called "in Russia". For the author, here is characteristic and deeply conscious is a hot love for the people. The most fruitful parties of his world-seed expressed "in philosophical idea Human-Creator, in understanding of labor, as the highest value "[Gracheva 2008: 21].

S.A.Senin always worried such philosophical and ideological problems, as a person and the universe, man and nature, man and the world of his earthly acts, joys, passions, anxiety, his love and hatred, his loyalty to his homeland, his life and death:

How beautiful land

And on it a person ...

M.Sholokhov - one of the few who managed to truthfully portray Russian. In the story "The Fate of Man" he explores great mystery Russian soul. In Andrei Sokolov, it was reflected, as the writer himself was noted, "one of the best features of the Russian people is always the last and ambulance for the protection of the Motherland" [Bugrov 2000: 281]. It feels genuine moral grandeur, a clean and noble soul, a huge soul, huge power Will, short self-control, a high sense of self-esteem, a magnificent understanding of his soldier's debt to the homeland. The image of Andrei Sokolova is a Sholokhov solution to the problem of the Russian national nature. The story causes pride for a Russian man, admiration for his strength, the beauty of the soul, gives rise to faith in the immense human capabilities. it short piece It is a symbol of perseverance, courage, self-sacrifice and humanism, reflects true values National self-consciousness.

The image of a simple Russian warrior captured A.Varkov in his work. "Vasily Terkin" is a book about the fighter. Terkin appears on the first pages of the poem as an unassuming soldier-balagen, who knows how to reclaim and hang fighters in a campaign and in a privala, simply laughing at the folds of comrades. But in his joke, he always contains deep and serious thought, the hero reflects on cowardice and courage, loyalty and generosity, great Love And hate. However, the poet saw his task not only to truthfully draw the image of one of the millions of people who took on their shoulders all the severity of the fight against the enemy. Gradually, the image of terkina increasingly acquires the features of generalized, almost symbolic. The hero personifies the people:

In battle, forward, in the fire is pitch

He goes, holy and sinful,

Russian miracle.

The poet does not embellish, but not landing the hero, embodied in it mathematical qualities Russian people: Patriotism, consciousness of responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, willingness to a selfless feat, love for labor [Samsonov 1999: 112].

Whatever work V. Hukshina we take, in each of them we feel alive russian word And the soul of the Russian man. He created a whole world folk characters And made it generously and talented. V.M.Shukshin with sensitivity big Artist She caught a protest agreed in the folk medium against averaging, schematism, exhausting life and reflected it in a peculiar tragicomic manner. However, neither anecdotic cases nor the eccentric behavior of the characters do not interfere with the writer to see in them the main thing - the folk thirst for justice, care for human dignity, craving to the meaning of life. Heroes V. Shukshina are really impulsive and extremely natural. They have an exacerbated response to humiliation by a person who acquires a wide variety of forms and sometimes leads to the most unexpected results. Heroes V. Shukshina are maximalists, and in this their desire to grow ourselves, grow from that growth, which is predetermined by the circumstances, and not hidden "talent", their greatness. The pain and anxiety of thought is the most human flour, evidence of the tense life of the soul, rising above pragmatic concerns.

Persistent attention to the people, deep interest in his fate and the fate of his individual representatives, humanism and democratism inherent in these writers bring them to a certain extent with I.Aturgen. main topic Their creativity is the show of the spiritual wealth of the Russian people, the originality of a national character.

If all Russian classics of the last century have already been informed or soon after death, the literary and public thought in this capacity, then the leaks were \\ "ranked \\" to the classics only in the second half of our century, although the special skill of the Leskov language was indisputable about him Not only the fans of his talent said, but even his ill-wishers noted. Leskova distinguished the ability to always and in everything go \\ "against the currents \\", as the later book called the Biographer. If his contemporaries (Turgenev, Tolstoy, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Dostoevsky took care of the ideological and psychological side of their works, were looking for answers to public queries, then Leskova was to a lesser extent, or he gave such answers that, offended and Outracting everyone, criticized critical thunders and lightning on his head, turning the writer for a long time in the critics of all camps and at \\ "advanced \\" readers.

The problem of our national nature has become one of the main ones for literature of the 60-80s, closely related to the activities of various revolutionaries, and later populists. I paid attention to her (and very wide) and fishing rods. Disclosure of the nature of the Russian person's nature, we find in many of his works: in the story \\ "fascinated wanderer \\", in the novel \\ "Sobioshayn \\", in the stories \\ "left-handed \\", \\ " Iron will\\ ", \\" Imprinted angel \\ ", \\" robbery \\ ", \\" warriot \\ "and others. Leskov brought the problem unexpected and for many critics and readers unwanted accents. Such a story \\" Lady Macbeth Mtsensky county\\ ", brightly demonstrating the ability of the writer to be ideologically and creatively independent of the requirements and expectations of the most advanced time strength.

Written in 1864, the story has a subtitle \\ "Opening \\". But he should not trust literally. Of course, the story Leskova relies on certain life facts, but such a designation of the genre expressed rather aesthetic position of the writer: Leskov opposed poetic fiction modern writers, fiction, often tendentiously distorted the right of life, outlines, newspaper and publicistic accuracy of their vital observations. The name of the story, by the way, is very capacious in meaning, it dismisses directly on the problem of the Russian national nature, the Mtsensky checkpoint of Katerina Izmailov - one of eternal Types World literature - a bloody and ambitious villain, which the authorities led to the steps from the corpses to the radiance of the crown, and then ruthlessly dropped in the abyss of madness.

There is a story and a polemical aspect. The image of Katerina Izmailovoy argues with the way Katerina Kabanova from \\ "Thunderstorms \\" Ostrovsky. At the beginning of the story, an imperceptible, but essential detail: if Katerina Ostrovsky, before marriage, was the same rich merchant daughter, like her husband, then Leskovskaya \\ "Lady \\" is taken in Izmailovskaya family from poverty, perhaps not from merchants, and from meshness or peasantry. That is, Leskov's heroine is an even greater versatility and a democracy than the island. And then there is the same as the island: marriage is not loved by love, boredom and idleness, cookers and a husband, that \\ "Noddenitsa \\" (no children), and finally the first and rock love. With a heart chosen one, Leskovskaya Katerina was lucky much less than Katerina Kabanova with Boris: Craftsman Sergey's clergy - a vulgar and mercenary man, Ham and Scounds. And then the bloody drama unfolds. For the sake of compounds with the beloved and erection in the merchant dignity of the soul with its details of the murder (Svetra, her husband, the young nephew - the legal heir of Izmailovsky wealth), the court, the journey through stage in Siberia, Treason Sergey, the murder of the rival and suicide in the Volga waves.

Why the island social and apparatus similar to the drama was resolved at Leskov so wild? In nature, Katerina Izmailova is absent, first of all, the poetry of Kalinovskaya Katerina, and in the eyes beats vulgarity. However, the nature is also very whole and decisive, but there is no love in it, and most importantly, does not believe the Mtsensk \\ "Lady \\" in God. The characteristic detail: before suicide \\ "wants to remember the prayer and moves lips, and her lips whispering \\" a dutiful and terrible song. The poetry of the religious faith and the hardness of the Christian morality ascended the Katerina Ostrovsky to the height of the national tragedy, and therefore its uneducation, the inevelopment is intellectual (one can say, darkness), perhaps, even illiteracy is not felt by us as a flaw. Katerina Kabanova turns out to be a carrier Let Patriarchal, but also culture. Leskov in his story all the time emphasizes the bodywork of the world depicted. He quotes the words of the wife of the Biblical Job: \\ "Curse of the Day of your birthday and die \\", and then he heads hopeless whether the sentence is, or the diagnosis of the Russian person: \\ "who does not want to listen to these words, who is the thought of death and in this sadness The position is not flattered, but scares, it is necessary to try to drown out these spelling voices of anything even more ugly. This perfectly understands a simple person: he sometimes descends his own ease of ease, begins to dull, mock himself, over people, over a sense. Not particularly gentle, it becomes evil purely \\ ". Moreover, this passage is the only one in the story, where the author openly interferes with the text, characterized in the rest of the objective manner of the narrative.

Contemporary writer revolutionary-democratic criticism, with hope and asylum that looked at this simple manwho called to the Top Rus, these here ordinary people, I did not want to notice the story of Leskov, printed in the journal \\ "era \\" Brothers F. and M. Dostoevsky. The story received an unprecedentedly wide popularity of the Soviet readers, becoming the most often reprinted by the work of Leskov. Pushkin has lines: \\ "The darkness of the low truths is more expensive to me / us tightening deception \\", i.e. poetic fiction. So two Katerina two Russian classics. The strength of the poetic fiction of Ostrovsky acts on the soul, remember Dobrolyubov, refreshingly and encouragingly, elevates her fishing racks \\ "low truth \\" about the darkness (in another sense) of the soul of the Russian versatility. In both cases, the reason was love. Just love. How little it was necessary to join the mountain of corpses to show \\ "animal simplicity \\", \\ "not a particularly delicate Russian man! And what kind of love is such that its belief becomes \\". Leskova's story is instructive, he makes us think first of all over yourself: who we are, as the Ostrovsky character said, \\ "What are you for the nation? \\", What we and why are these.


on the topic

"Russian national character in the work

N.S. Leskov "Enchanted Wanderer" »

I've done the work:

teacher of Russian Language and Literature MKOU "Open (Replaceable) Secondary school of the city district Mikhaylovka Volgograd region"

Klochkova Irina Vasilyevna

Leskov - original writer Russian ...

Reading his books, better feel rus

with all her bad and good ...

M.Gorky "N.S. Leskov. " 1923.


Show how the Russian national nature is depicted in the work

N. S. Leskov "Enchanted Wanderer"


1. To explore the nature of the Russian people in the works of N. S. Leskov.

2. Learn N.S. Leskova.

"The Enchanted Wanderer".

Already in the title of the work - "Enchanted Wanderer" -

encrypted definite meaning. N.A. Bardyaev considered

strong an important element of the Russian National

self-consciousness. For Russian soil culture is characteristic

a feeling of limitless space. From him goes

the desire to master these expanses, go through them. Kaliki

disturbing, elders without having time, stray preachers,

the saints of Russian land - they all started in the journey

according to Russia, to, like the "Russian Christ", "proceed to

blessed. " The development of the world passes through

strong. At the same time the wanderer

does not have on earth your home

as it goes in search of the kingdom of God and preach

his coming. The search for the kingdom of God is the eternal

strong in search of the meaning of life, for, as considered

S.L. Frank, "The only human deal only

in that and consists in order to be out of all sorts of private, earthly affairs

search and find the meaning of life. "

Ivan Northanych Flagin

"It was a man of a huge growth, with a dark open face and thick wavy hair of lead color: so strangely cast him as soon as possible. He was dressed in an obedient adjustment with a wide monastic belt belt and in a high black cloth cap ... this new sopa ... By sight, it was possible to give a little about fifty years old, but he was in the full sense of the Bogatyr, and the Typical. Simple. Good Russian Bogatyr, resembling Grandfather Ilya Muromets in beautiful picture Vereshchagin and in the poem of Count AK Tolstoy

"Enchanted - that means" the perishable "in the power of mythological forces.

The "distinguishedness" is the second side of the image of the hero, which correlates with its national character, as they relate to the age of two began - national and mythological.

Having survived with the death of gypsy deep moral shock, Ivan Northanych penetrates a completely new moral attitude for him to "Bear". If earlier long years He himself felt his own life with his own son, now he is first filled with a sense of duty in front of another person. According to his own recognition, the death of pears of all "crossed out". He thinks "Only one thing that the sadness of the soul is now the dead" and his duty - "to reconnect it for her and help it out of hell."

Russian national character in Leskov's story .

Name episode

Oh Hero, Quotes


History with a cat

The "prayer son" of the naval-foreman of the monk "Solo" and saved the county family from an imminent death (WHO was on the edge of the abyss). "I don't know if I feel sorry for the Lord or it became." In gratitude, "scored" at the count of harmony and "went from one lap to another, more and more underpaying"

Features of language

The "enemy German" condemned the county Savior "For Koshkin's Tail, a whole mountain of stone to pemper", but "Roma saved me," then Ivan Ivan and "went to the robbers."

Spoken vocabulary


carelessness, frankness, fearlessness.

Spoken vocabulary

Resentment, revenge


Name episode

Oh Hero, Quotes

Nannika Barsky Detention.

Features of language

"Became on Torzhok to hire." "Russian man will cope with everything." I did not take the sources from the officer. "Gave Barynke Child," left with them.

Fight with Kyrgyz



Outdated words

"Sen by Nagayki" for the horse. Kills opponent. "Divo, I say what a horse!". Able to control horses, pacify their temper. In captivity to Tatars. They had for Lekarya. It is married, unresopted children are born. "I don't warm the place anywhere in my place.

"That child loved." Ensure, kindness.

The competition resembles the epic duel of the Russian hero, with Busurmann.

I know how to transfer pain: "... I took a penny in my mouth to feel pain." Except for the feeling of beautiful. Irresponsible in relation to children.


Name episode

Oh Hero, Quotes

Escape from Tatar

Features of language

Prince's life.

"The biggest feverk lasted and left," "found himself in an acute, from there for shipment to his province sent, carved the police and delivered to their estate."


Conser at Prince. "There lived for three years not as a slave, but more as a friend and assistant"

Spoken style

Meeting with a pear

It turns out stronger hostile circumstances

Outdated words.

"Here it is where the real beauty!" "She was a beauty and talent me."

The story of the "died pears."

Opened "Natural Dating".

Exclamation proposals

"I will pray for me, my mother-in-law, hit me once a knife against the heart." "To prick did not, but I took it so with the steepness in the river shouted."

Knows how to appreciate the beautiful

Dialogical speech.

Feels guilty, sin for the deed. New travel in the name of the PSEEP.


Name episode


Oh Hero, Quotes

It goes into soldiers for many years of service instead of a young peasant guy - the son of old, weak parents. "I stayed in the Caucasus for more than 15 years" called Petr Serdyukov. Called to fulfill a deadly order (stretch the rope through the river).

Features of language

Flagina life in the monastery

The monastery is the last of the places of habitat described in the story. Temptation of the righteous demon. In the empty cellar prophesied.


Good, ready to sacrifice myself for the other. Brave. "Loved the monastery life."

Return the story with lives prophetic dreams and visions, a comic decline in the image.

Prophecy, obedience, peace and obedience. He likes it, in the monastery he is good.

Characteristics of character

Ivan Northanycha Flagin:


Childish naive





Harmony with the outside world

There is no rest in the shower


Submissivity of fate

Reminds the epic hero

Similar to the hero of the adventurous novel

Hero Tale, - believes M.L.Chednikova - "Incorrect Wanderer, for anywhere else for this outstanding person is not located. He is "fascinated,", it is permanent, for constantly experiencing the power of the circumstances in which he is not free to dispose of his fate. At the same time, the meaning of the name is determined by the peculiar artistic, artistic nature of Ivan Northanych, able to experience the charm of life, beauty and love. "

N. I. Prutkov Writes: "All his life takes place in a variety of chairs, in artistic, disinterested hobbies. Over Ivan Northanyu, the spells of love for life, to people, to nature and the Motherland. Such nature is capable of becoming obsessed, they fall into illusion, in self-care, in dreams, in an enthusiastic - poetic state, not yet awakened for a conscious, organized history of life. "

An image of a Russian national nature in the works of N.S.Leskova

If all Russian classics of the last century have already been informed or soon after death, the literary and public thought in this capacity, then the fishing line was "ranked" to the classics only in the second half of our century, although the special skill of the Leskov language was undoubtedly, they were not talking about Only the fans of his talent, but even his ill-wishers noted. Leskov distinguished the skill always and in all go "against the currents", as named the later book about him a biographer. If his contemporaries (Turgenev, Tolstoy, Saltykov-German, Dostoevsky) took care of the ideological and psychological side of their works, were looking for answers to public queries of time, then Leskova was to a lesser extent, or he gave such answers that, offended and Outracting everyone, criticized critical thunders and lightning on his head, turning the writer for a long time in the critics of all camps and the "advanced" readers.

The problem of our national nature has become one of the main ones for literature of the 60-80s, closely related to the activities of various revolutionaries, and later populists. I paid attention to her (and very wide) and fishing rods. The disclosure of the nature of the nature of the Russian man is in many of his works: in the story "Enchanted Wanderer", in the novel "Sobira", in the stories of "Lesshe", "Iron Will", "Imprinted Angel", "Grabzh", "Warper" and others. Leskov brought into solving the problem of unexpected and for many critics and readers unwanted accents. Such is the story of "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County," brightly demonstrating the ability of the writer to be ideologically and creatively independent of the requirements and expectations of the most advanced time strength.

Written in 1864 the story has a subtitle "Opener". But he should not trust literally. Of course, the Leskov's story relies on certain life facts, but such a designation of the genre expressed rather an aesthetic position of the writer: Leskov contraved the poetic fiction of modern writers, fiction, often trendyly distinguished the right of life, outlines, newspaper and journalistic accuracy of their vital observations. The name of the story, by the way, is very capacious in meaning, withdraws directly to the problem of the Russian national nature, the Mtsenskaya checkpoint of Katerina Izmailov - one of the eternal types of world literature - a bloody and ambitious villain, which the authorities led to the steps from the corpses to the radiance of the crown, and then ruthlessly dropped In the abyss of madness.

There is a story and a polemical aspect. The image of Katerina Izmailovoy arms with the way Katerina Kabanova from the "Thunderstorm" of Ostrovsky. At the beginning of the story, an imperceptible, but essential detail: if Katerina Ostrovsky, before marriage, was the same rich merchant daughter, like her husband, then the Leskovskaya "Lady" is taken to Izmailovskaya family from poverty, perhaps not from merchants, but from the meshness or peasantry. That is, Leskov's heroine is an even greater versatility and a democracy than the island. And then there is the same as the island: marriage is not loved by love, boredom and idleness, the apartments of the mother-in-law and her husband, that "spray" (no children), and finally the first and rock love. With a heart chosen one, Leskovskaya Katerina was lucky much less than Katerina Kabanova with Boris: Craftsman Sergey's clergy - a vulgar and mercenary man, Ham and Scounds. And then the bloody drama unfolds. For the sake of compounds with the beloved and erection in the merchant dignity of the soul with its details of the murder (Svetra, her husband, the young nephew - the legal heir of Izmailovsky wealth), the court, the journey through stage in Siberia, Treason Sergey, the murder of the rival and suicide in the Volga waves.

Why is the extensive social and consumer system similar to the drama resolved in Leskov so much? In nature, Katerina Izmailova is absent, first of all, the poetry of Kalinovskaya Katerina, and in the eyes beats vulgarity. However, the nature is also very solid and decisive, but there is no love in it, and most importantly, does not believe the Mtsensk "Lady" in God. The characteristic detail: before suicide, "wants to remember the prayer and moves his lips, and her lips whispering" a dutiful and terrible song. The poetry of the religious faith and the hardness of the Christian morality ascended the Katerina Ostrovsky to the height of the national tragedy, and therefore its uneducation, the inevelopment is intellectual (one can say, darkness), perhaps, even illiteracy is not felt by us as a flaw. Katerina Kabanova turns out to be a carrier Let Patriarchal, but also culture. Leskov in his story all the time emphasizes the bodywork of the world depicted. He quotes the words of the wife of the Biblical Job: "Curse the day of your birthday and die," and then he heads hopelessly or the sentence, or the diagnosis of Russian man: "Who does not want to listen to these words, who does not flatter the thought of death and in this sad position , and scares, we need to try to drown out these spelling voices of anything even more ugly. This perfectly understands a simple person: he sometimes descends his animal ease, begins to dull, mock himself, above people, over feeling. Not particularly gentle already, he becomes angry. " Moreover, this passage is the only one in the story, where the author openly interferes with the text, characterized in the rest of the objective manner of the narrative.

The contemporary writer revolutionary-democratic criticism, with religion and defeating, looking at this simple person, who called to the Tower of Russia, these ordinary people did not want to notice the story of Leskov, printed in the journal "Epoch" Brothers F. and M. Dostoevsky. The story received an unprecedentedly wide popularity of the Soviet readers, becoming along with the "Levshoy" most often reprinted by the work of Leskov.

Pushkin has lines: "Darkness of low truths is more expensive to me / us elevating deception", i.e. poetic fiction. So two Katerina two Russian classics. The strength of the poetic fiction of Ostrovsky acts on the soul, remember Dobrolyubov, refreshingly and encouragingly, elevates its fishing racks "Low Truth" about the darkness (in another sense) of the soul of the Russian idolism. In both cases, the reason was love. Just love. How little it was necessary to join the mountain of corpses to show the "animal simplicity", "not a particularly gentle Russian man! And what kind of love is such that the murder becomes for her belonging." Leskova's story is instructive, he makes us think, first of all, above yourself: Who are we, as one character is Ostrovsky, "What are you for the nation?" What are we and why are these.

Russian national character

Many people consider N. S. Leskov in the Russian writer, since he wider than everyone knew the Russian people as it really is. One of the peaks of his creativity is the story "Enchanted Wanderer" about this Russian warmer, in whose face the most widely revealed Russian national character. The tale is distinguished by depth and sincerity, exposing both bright and dark sides character. The main character Ivan Northanych a common person From the people born and grown in the Oryol province. All his life is a series of diverse events, both important and secondary. Through these events related events, the writer reveals true Hero, summing up the story to the logical conclusion.

The more you read about the wandering of Ivan Flyagin on an immense country, the more clearly the features of the Russian person are blocked. He has a bold and at the same time good character. It has the irrepressive powers of the Spirit and the vital force. Tracking the path of his life, it can be understood that he achieved purification. All sins that he once consciously or unconsciously performed, were exhausted and distinguished. In his respect to life, he achieved true folk wisdom And in the end, turned into a real Russian hero. Childhood and youth in Ivan were severe. He more than once became an invalid path, but following his inner voice, went with him. Once, being a young foreman, he scored to death a poor monk. This event tormented him to the end of life. All other sins of him were justified.

The author shows that his hero is far from the ideal, but he is a real, a living person who has equally possesses both disadvantages and advantages. The fate of Ivan did more than once cool turnsWhat corresponded to his impulsive character. But every time he was guided by his inner gusts, and not a reason and was right in his own way. Some of his actions were completely inexplicable. For example, his desire to hang around when the nemogue was more in the garden to beat the pebbles with a hammer, or the reluctance to return the child's child's child, and then escape with the same mother and child. There is not a drop of logic or rationality in his actions, but this is how Russian sincerity is manifested.

Especially brightly shows the naivety and simpleness of this hero. At a certain stage, he saved the seven of the graph who offered him to choose any remuneration. Ivan, not thinking for a short time, wished the harmonica, which he immediately threw. All his money he earned with Prince, deceived by a pear, he left the owner before going to the restaurant. As a result, he gave all the savings into the monastery, as a contribution to the soul deeply beloved to them and went to war. For the sake of a beautiful horse that he liked, he is ready to fight with Tatarin and tolerate ten years of captivity. Hearing the singing of pears, he threw her five thousand government money under her legs, admiring her beauty. In short, the Russian character is so configuring that it is difficult to understand it. But it is in these contrasts and contradictions and harmony lies.