What are the church crosses. Cross Old Believers (photo)

What are the church crosses. Cross Old Believers (photo)
What are the church crosses. Cross Old Believers (photo)

"Take your own cross, and follow me"
(MK. 8, 34)

The fact that the cross in the life of every Orthodox person plays a big role known to everyone. This also applies to the cross as the symbol of the crusades of the Orthodox Christian, which he must transfer with humility and hope to the will of God, and the cross, as the fact of confessing Christianity, and the Great Power, able to protect a person from the enemy attacks. It is worth noting that many miracles were made by the procession. It is enough to say that one of the great sacraments is made by a cross - the sacrament of the Eucharist. Maria Egypt, having mastered the water with a congestion, crossed through Jordan, Spiridon Trimifuntsky turned the snake in gold, the godpanition healed patients and the undesteen. But, perhaps, the most important thing is a miracle: the criticism imposed with a deep faith, protects us from the power of Satanian.

The cross himself, as a terrible instrument of a shameful execution, chosen by Satan Meaning of deadly, caused an insurmountable fear and horror, but thanks to the Winner Christ, he became welcome trophy, causing joyful feelings. Therefore, the Holy Ippolit Roman - the husband of the apostolic - exclaimed: "And the church has its trophy over death - this is the cross of Christ, which she is on Himself," and St. Paul - the apostle languages \u200b\u200b- wrote in his message: "I wish to boast (.. .) Only the Cross of the Lord of our Jesus Christ "

The cross accompanies the Orthodox man throughout life. "Tannik", so called a native cross in Russia, assigned to the baby in the sacrament of the Baptism in pursuance of the words of Lord Jesus Christ: "Who wants to go for me, reject himself, and take your cross, and follow me" (MK. 8, 34 ).

It is not enough just to put on the cross and consider yourself a Christian. The cross must express what is in the heart of a person. In some cases, this is a deep Christian faith, in others - formal, external affiliation to the Christian church. This desire is often not the fault of our fellow citizens, but only a consequence of their lack of enlightement, the years of Soviet anti-religious propaganda, apostasy from God. But the cross is the greatest Christian shrine, visible testimony of our redemption.

A lot of different misunderstandings and even superstitions, myths are associated with a quantine. Let's try to figure it out together in this difficult question.

The native cross is because it is called that it is worn under the clothes, never putting a deposit (outside the cross is only priests). This does not mean that the native cross must be hidden and hidden under any circumstances, but still it is not accepted deliberately to exhibit it. The church charter establishes to kissing his native cross at the end of evening prayers. Per minute danger or when the soul is alarming, not too much will also kiss your cross and read the words "save and save" on his turnover

The godfather should be worked out with all attention, with fear, with trepidation and with extreme reverence. Having believed to the man three big fingers, you need to say: "In the name of the Father," then, lowering his hand in the same form on the chest "and the Son", transferring his hand to the right shoulder, then on the left: "and the Holy Spirit." Making it on the holy sign of the cross, conclude the word "Amen." You can also during the imposition of the Cross to pronounce prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy, sinful. Amen".

Canonical approved by the shape of the form of a native cross does not exist. By expressing the PRP Theodora Studit - "The cross of every form is a true cross." Saint Dimitri Rostovsky back in the 18th century wrote: "The cross is not in terms of number, not by the number of ends, the Cross of Christ is worshiped by us, but by Christ himself, the Blood, which he was having. Showing miraculous strength, any cross does not act by itself, but by the power of the crucified Christ and the calling of the Most Holy Name. " The Orthodox tradition knows the infinite variety of types of crosses: four-, six-, eight-pointed; With half-spring downstairs, petals, drop-shaped, cringe and others.

Each line of the cross has a deep symbolic meaning. On the back of the cross most often the inscription "Save and Save", sometimes there are prayer inscriptions "God will resurrect" and others.

Eight-pointed form of the Orthodox Cross

The classic eight-pointed cross is the most common in Russia. The form of this cross most of all corresponds to the cross, on which Christ was crucified. Therefore, such a cross is not only a sign, but also the image of the Cross of Christ.

Above the long middle crossbar of such a cross is a direct short crossbar - a sign with the inscription "Jesus Nazi Tsar Jewish", nailed by order of Pilate above the head of the crucified Savior. The lower slanting of the crossbar, the upper end of which turned to the north, and the lower - south - symbolizes the foot, designed to serve to increase the torment of the crucified, as the deceptive feeling of some support under the legs encourages the execution of unwittingly trying to alleviate her weight, leaning on it than just extended torment.

The dogmatically eight ends of the cross mean eight main periods in the history of mankind, where the eighth is the life of the future century, the kingdom of heaven, because one of the ends of such a cross points up into the sky. This means also that the path to the heavenly kingdom is open by Christ through his redemption, according to his word: "I am a way and truth and life" (John 14, 6).

The skeleton of the Savior was britched, thus, means that in the earth's life of people with the coming of Christ, who went on the ground with a sermon, turned out to be disturbed by the balance of everyone without exception under the rule of sin. When the crucified Lord Jesus Christ is depicted on the eight-poin cross, the cross as a whole becomes a complete crucifixion of the Savior and therefore contains all the completeness of the force concluded in the criticism of the Lord, the mysterious presence of Christ Crup.

There are two main types of crucified Savior. The ancient view of the crucifixion depicts Christ with sweeping hands wide and right along the transverse central crossbar: the body does not preserve, and it rests freely on the cross. The second, later appearance, depicts the body of Christ to the chest, hands raised upwards and sides. The second form is a look for the image of the suffering of Christ for our salvation; Here the human body of the Savior can be seen here. This image is more characteristic of the Catholic crucifix. But such an image does not pass through the entire dogmatic meaning of these criticism. This sense is concluded in the words of Christ himself, who said to the disciples and the people: "When I am ascended from the earth, everyone will attract to him" (John 12, 32).

Widespread among Orthodox believers, especially in the times of ancient Russia, had six-pin cross. It also has inclined crossbind, but the meaning is embedded somewhat different: the lower end symbolizes an unknown sin, and the upper is released by repentance.

Four-pointed shape of the cross

The discussion about the "right" cross arose today. The dispute about what Cross is the right, eight-spin or four-ring, the Orthodox and Old Believers, and the latter called the simple four-spin cross "Printing Antichrist". In defense of the four-spin cross, Saint John Kronstadt, who dedicated to this topic a PhD dissertation "On the Cross of Christ, in the glory of imaginary old goods".

St. John Kronstadt explains: "Byzantine" four-pin cross in fact there is a cross "Russian", since, according to the church legend, the Holy Equal-to-Apostle Prince Vladimir took out of Corsun, where he was baptized, it was such a cross and first installed him on the shore of the Dnieper in Kiev. A similar four-pin cross was preserved in the Kiev Sofia Cathedral, carved on the marble board of the Tomb of Prince Yaroslav Wise, Son of St. Vladimir. " But, protecting the four-spin cross, St. John makes the conclusion that it is necessary to read the same and the other, since the principal difference itself of the cross for believers does not have.

Encolpion - Cross-Power

Power plates, or Encolpions (Greek), came to Russia from Byzantium and were intended for storage of particles of relics and other shrines. Sometimes Encolpion was used to preserve the holy gifts, which the first Christians in the era of persecutions received for communion in their homes and had. The most common were the rates made in the form of a cross and decorated with icons, as they combined the power of several sacred items that a person could wear on his chest.

The cross-keyboard consists of two halves with deepening on the inside, which form the cavity where shrines are placed. As a rule, in such crosses there is a piece of fabric, wax, incense, or just a beam of hair. Being filled, such crosses acquire a great protective and healing force.

Skimnic cross, or "Calvary"

Inscriptions and cryptograms on Russian crosses have always been much more diverse than in Greek. Since the XI century, a symbolic image of the head of Adam's head appears under the lower oblique crossbar of the eight-pointed cross, and the bones of the hands lying before the head are depicted: right on the left, as in burial or communion. According to Adam's legend, he was buried on Calvary (Heb. - "Frontal place"), where Christ was crucified. These words clarify the tradition of producing in Russia to the XVI century to produce near the image "Calvary" following the following designations:

  • "M.L.R.B." - Lob's place will crucify
  • "G.G." - Mount Golgotha
  • "G.A." - Head of Adamov
  • The letters "K" and "T" mean a copy of the warrior and a cane with a sponge depicted along the cross.

Absorption is placed above the middle crossbar:

  • "IC" "xs" is the name of Jesus Christ;
  • and under it: "Nika" is a winner;
  • on the title or about it, the inscription: "SN" "BZHI" - Son of God,
  • but more often "I.N.TS.I" - Jesus Nazi King Jewish;
  • the inspection above the title: "CZP" "PS" means the king of glory.

Such crosses are put on to embroider on the closures of the monks who adopted Schima - the vow to comply with particularly strict ascetic rules of conduct. The Cross of Golgotha \u200b\u200bis also depicted on the funeral Savan, which marks the preservation of vows, data during baptism, like white Savan of the newcomers, meaning the cleansing from sin. With the consecration of temples and houses, the image of the Cross "Calvary" is also used on the walls of the building in the four sides of the world.

How to distinguish the Orthodox Cross from Catholic?

The Catholic Church uses only one cross image - a simple, quadrangular with the elongation of the lower part. But if the shape of the cross most often does not matter for believers and servants to the Lord, the position of the body of Jesus is a fundamental disagreement of these two religions. In a Catholic crucifixion, the image of Christ has naturalistic features. It manifests all human suffering, flour, which had to experience Jesus. His hands are kept under the severity of the body, in the face and from the Russian Academy of Sciences in his hands and feet. Blood flows. The image of Christ on the Catholic Cross is believable, but this is an image of a dead person, while there is no hint of the triumph of victory over death. The Orthodox tradition depicts the Savior symbolically, the appearance of it is not a cross flour, but the triumph of the resurrection. The palm of Jesus is open, as if he wants to hug all mankind, giving them his love and opening the way to eternal life. He is God, and his whole image speaks about it.

Another principal position is the position of the legs on the crucifixion. The fact is that among the Orthodox shrines there are four nails, which are presumably and was begged by Jesus Christ to a cross. So, hands and legs were nailed separately. The Catholic Church does not agree with this statement and keeps its three nails, which was fixed on the Cross Jesus. In the Catholic crucifix, the legs of Christ are folded together and nailed by one nail. Therefore, when you bring a cross to the temple for consecration, it will be carefully considered for the amount of nails.

The inscription on the plate attached above the head of Jesus, where it was to be a description of his offense. But since Pontius did not find Pilate, how to describe the guilt of Christ, the words "Jesus Nazi Tsar Jewish" appeared on the table on three languages: Greek, Latin and Arama. Accordingly, on the Catholic crosses you will see the inscription on Latin I.N.R.I., and on Russian Orthodox - I.N.Ts.I. (also found by I.N.TS.I.)

Consecration of a native cross

Another very important question is the sanctification of a native cross. If the cross is purchased in the temple shop, then it is usually consecrated. If the cross is bought elsewhere or has an unknown origin, then it should be attributed to the church, ask for someone from the servants of the temple or a worker behind the candle box to convey the cross in the altar. After inspecting the cross and, according to its Orthodox canons, the priest serves the quinuse in this case. Usually the priest sanctifies the crosses during the morning water jets. If we are talking about a baptismal cross for a baby, it is possible to sanctify and during the very sacrament of baptism.

When consecrated by the cross, the priest reads two special prayers in which he asks the Lord God so that he will be in a cross, heavenly power and that this cross kept not only the soul, but also the body from all enemies, sorcerers and from all sorts of evil forces. That is why in many native crosses there is an inscription "Save and Save!".

In conclusion, I would like to note, the cross must be read by its right, Orthodox towards him. This is not just a symbol, the attribute of faith, but also the effective protection of a Christian from the Satanic forces. The cross needs to be read by both actions, and their humility, and sat down, as far as possible for a limited person, imitating the sense of the Savior. In the chinoslarm of the monastic post, he said that the monk should always have before the eyes of the suffering of Christ - nothing forces the person to gather, nothing so clearly shows the need for humility, as a saving memory. Not bad and we would strive for this. It was then that in us through the image of the procession in fact, the grace of God will actually act. If we are committing it with faith, you will really feel the power of God and know God's wisdom.

Material prepared Ignatova Natalia

The cross is the symbol of the redemptive sacrifice of Christ - not only marks our belonging to Christianity, but through him the saving grace of God will be sent to us. Therefore, he is an essential element of faith. Whether it is an old-supplied cross or one of those adopted in the official church - they are equally grateful. Their difference is purely external, and due only to the current tradition. We will try to figure out what it is expressed.

Department of Old Believers from the official church

In the middle of the XVII century, the Russian Orthodox Church experienced the strongest shock caused by the reform held by Her Primary Patriarch Nikon. Despite the fact that the reform affected only the external ritual side of worship, without touching the main - religious dogmatic, she led to the split, the consequences of which are not branded to this day.

It is known that by entering the irreconcilable contradictions with the official church and separated from her, the old co-accuracy of the unwarly remained a single movement. The differences arising between his religious leaders became the reason that it soon broke up on dozens of groups, referred to as "sense" and "consent." For each of them was characterized by its old supplied cross.

Features of the Old Believer Crosses

What is an old-supplied cross differs from the usual, what is accepted from most believers? It should be noted here that the very concept itself is very conditional, and we can only talk about those or other of its external features adopted in a religious tradition. The Old Believers Cross, the photo of which is presented at the beginning of the article, is the most common.

This is the eight-pointed cross inside the four-spin. This form was widespread in the Russian Orthodox Church in the middle of the XVII century by the time the split began and was in full compliance with the canonical requirements. It was its splitters that found the most appropriate concepts of ancient piety.

Eight-spoard cross

The same eight-pointed shape of the cross cannot be considered an exceptional accessory of old-believe. Such crosses are common, for example, in the Russian and Serbian Orthodox churches. The presence in them, besides the main horizontal crossbar, is still due to the following way. The top is a small crossbar - should depict a sign that is nailed at the top of the cross, on which the Savior was crucified. On it, according to the Gospel, there was an abbreviation of the inscription: "Jesus Nazarinan, the king of Judaisky."

The lower, inclined crossbar depicting the stand for the legs of a crucified Christ is often attached to a completely definite meaning. According to the established tradition, it is considered to be a certain "measure of righteousness", weighing human sins. Her tilt, at which the right side is raised up and points towards the restricted robber, symbolizes the forgiveness of sins and the acquisition of the kingdom of God. The left, lowered down, indicates the depths of hell, prepared by the robber not repentable and the luriser.

DoreForm crosses

Out of the official church, part of believers did not invent anything new in religious symbolism. The splitters only retained those elements that extended to the reform, refusing to any innovations. For example, a cross. Old Believers he or not, it is, first of all, the symbol that existed since the beginning of Christianity, and those external changes that he underwent at the continuation of the centuries did not change his essence.

The most ancient crosses are characteristic of the absence of an image of the figure of the Savior. For their creators, only the form that carrying the symbol of Christianity was important. It is easy to notice in the crosses of the Old Believers. For example, the Old Believer Cross is often performed in such an ancient tradition. However, this is not his difference from ordinary crosses, which also often have a strict concise appearance.

Mednolyhed crosses

More significant differences between old-supplied medial crosses belonging to various religious consents.

In them, the main distinguishing feature is imorted - the upper part of the cross. In some cases, it depicts the Holy Spirit in the form of a pigeon, and in others - the delicious image of the Savior or God of Savaof. These are not just various decisions, these are their fundamental canonical installations. Looking at such a cross, a specialist can easily determine his belonging to a particular group of old goods.

So, for example, the cross of the Old Believers of Pomerania or the Fedoseevsky's close to them, never carries the images of the Holy Spirit, but it can always be recognized in the image of the deasure of the non-manual, placed in the hell. If such differences can still be attributed to the established tradition, that is, between consent and purely fundamental, canonical disagreements in the design of crosses.

Pilate inscription

Often the reason for the disputes is the text of the inscription on the top, low crossbar. From the Gospel, it is known that the inscription on a plank attached to the Cross of the Savior was made by Pontiya by a pilot, by order of which Christ was crucified. In this regard, the Old Believers have a question: is it worthy of the cross the Orthodox Old Believers for itself the inscription, compiled by the one who forever cursed the church? The most jar of her opponents were always mentioned above the pezzes and Fedoseev.

It is curious that disputes about the "pilot inscription" (so referring to its old goods) began in the first years of the split. One of the prominent ideologues of the Old Believers - the Archidiakon of the Solovetsky Monastery of Ignatius - is known for the fact that he made several very volumetric treatises to the conviction of this title, and even filed the petitions of Alexei Mikhailovich himself. In his writings, he proved the inadmissibility of such an inscription and strongly demanded to replace it with an abbreviation lettering "Jesus Christ King of Glory." It would seem a slight change, but he had a whole ideology.

Cross - general symbol for all Christians

Nowadays, when the official church recognized the legality and equality of the Old Believers of the Church, in Orthodox churches, you can often see the very crosses that were previously told only in Sliced \u200b\u200bSlices. It is not surprising, since we have one faith, the Lord is one, and ask the question than the old-handed cross of the Orthodox is distinguished, it seems incorrect. They are essentially united and worthy of universal worship, since with minor external differences have common historical roots and equal graceful power.

The Old Believers Cross, the difference of which from the usual, as we found out, purely external and insignificant, rarely represents an expensive jewelry. Most often for him is characterized by certain asceticism. Even the Old Believer Golden Cross is not often found. For the most part, copper or silver are used for their manufacture. And the reason for this is by no means in savings - there were many rich merchants and industrialists among the Old Believers, "but rather in the priority of internal content over the external form.

Community of religious aspirations

The Old Believers Cross on the grave is also rarely different any persecution. It is usually an eight-spin, with a bartal roof installed on top. No frills. In the tradition of old estate, attach more importance to the graves not appearance, and the care of the rest of the shower of the deceased. This is fully consistent with what the official church teaches us. We are all the same molim of God for our relatives, close and just brothers by faith that ended up their earthly path.

For a long time, we went to the past times of persecution on those who, according to their religious views, or by virtue of the circumstances, it turned out to be in the ranks of the movement, which came out due to the control of the Supreme Church Administration, but nevertheless remaining the Christ Church in the Lon. Officially recognizing Old Believers, the Russian Orthodox Church is constantly looking for ways of even more rapprochement with our brothers in Christ. And therefore the cross is an old-supplied or icon, written on the canons installed in the old faith, have become fully subject to our religious reverence and worship.

On the cross we see God crucified. But life is mysterious in the crucifixion itself, just as many future ears fall in wheat grain. Therefore, the Cross of the Lord is revered by Christians as a "lively tree", that is, a tree, giving life. Without a crucifix, there would be no resurrection of Christ, and therefore the cross from the execution of execution appealed to the shrine in which the grace of God acts.

Orthodox icon painters are depicted near the cross those who relentlessly accompanied the Lord during his godfall: and the Apostle John the Theologian is a beloved student of the Savior.

And the skull in the foot of the cross is a symbol of death, which entered the world through the crime of the progenitor Adam and Eve. According to legend, Adam was buried on Calvary - on a hill in the vicinity of Jerusalem, where many centuries later crucified Christ. God's fishery, the Cross of Christ was installed just above the grave of Adam. The Honest Blood of the Lord, spilled on Earth, reached the remains of the progenitor. She destroyed the original sin of Adamov and freed his descendants from slavery.

The cross is the church (in the form of an image, subject or procession) - the symbol (image) of human salvation by the Divine grace (image) of human salvation, recovering us to his primitiveness - to the crucified Godchorovek, who accepted the godfather for the redemption of the human race from the power of sin and death.

Honor of the Cross of the Lord, is inextricably linked with the atoning victim of the Bohemian of Jesus Christ. The honorable cross, the Orthodox Christian puts worship the Word to the Word himself, who had learned to embody and elect a cross with a sign of victory over sin and death, reconciliation and connecting a person with God, to give new, transformed grace of the Holy Spirit of Life.
Therefore, the image of the cross is filled with a special fertile strength, for through the crucifixion of the Savior, the fullness of the grace of the Holy Spirit is revealed, which is reported to all truly believers in the redeeming sacrifice of Christ.

"The crucifixion of Christ is the action of free divine love, this is the action of the free will of the Savior of Christ, who gives himself to death so that others can live - live eternal life, live with God.
And this whole is a cross, because, ultimately, love, loyalty, loyalty is not tested by words, not even life, but by the return of your life; Not only death, but with renunciation of himself so complete, so perfect that only love remains: the godfather, the sacrificial, who gives himself love, dying and death to itself in order to live. "

"The image of the cross shows the reconciliation and the Commonwealth, which man joined with God. Therefore and demons are afraid of the cross of the cross, and they do not to see the sign of the cross and even in the air, but they run away from this immediately, knowing that the cross is the sign of the Commonwealth of the people with God and that they, like apostates and enemies to God, removed from his divine face , have no more freedom to approach those, Koi reconciled with God and connected with him, and cannot more tempt them. If it seems that they are tempted by some Christians, yes, everyone knows that they are fighting those who were not known as the high sacrament of the cross. "

"... It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that every person on his life path should raise his own cross. Crosses countless, but only my doctor my ulcers, only mine will be in salvation, and only my I will carry with God, for it gives me the Lord himself. How would not be mistaken, how not to take the cross in their arbitrariness, the arbitrariness, which first and foremost should be crucified on the cross of selflessness?! Self-dollar feat - this is a homemade crossAnd the incarnation of such a cross is always ends with a drop of great.
And what does his cross mean? This means to go through life on your way, stacked for every fishery of God, and on this way to raise precisely those sorrow that the Lord will consist (gave vows of monastics - do not look for marriage, it is connected by family - do not strive for freedom from children and spouses.) Not Look for big sorrows and feats than those that are on your life path, is pride to knock down from the road. Do not look for liberation and from those sorrels and works that they are sent to you - this is a self-amendance with a cross.
Its cross means content to be content with the fact that according to your forces. The spirit of the self-priority will call you to unbearable. Do not believe Llander.
As diverse in life and grief, the temptations that the Lord sends us for our healing of our, what a difference in people and in the bodily power and health itself, as diverse and our sinful weakness.
Yes, each person has its own cross. And this His cross is commanded to each Christian to take with selflessness and follow Christ. And to follow Christ is to explore the Holy Gospel so that only it has become an active leader in carrying our vital cross. The mind, heart and body by all their movements and actions, explicit and secret, should serve and express the saving truths of Christ's teachings. And all this means that I am deep and sincerely aware of the doctor's power and justify the court of God, I have to me. And then my cross becomes the Cross of the Lord. "

"It should be worshiped and read not only that one life-giving cross, which was crucified by Christ, but also every cross created in the image and likeness of the life-giving Cross of Christ. It should be worshiped, as the one, on which Christ was bezed. After all, where the cross is depicted, from any substance, - there comes grace and consecration from the god of our heavily on the cross. "

"The cross without love can not think and represent: where is the cross, there is love; In the church you are everywhere and see the crosses, in order for everything to remind you that you are in the temple of the God of love, in the Temple of Love, crucified for us. "

Three cross treated in Calvary. All people in their lives carry some cross, whose symbol is one of the Calval Crosses. Few saints, elected friends of God, carry the Cross of Christ. Some have encountered the Cross of the Robber Robbing, the Cross of Repentance, who led to salvation. And many, unfortunately, carry the cross of that robber, who was and remained a prodigal son, because he did not want to bring repentance. We want this or not, but we are all "robbers". We will try to at least become "prudent robber."

archimandrite Netary (Antenopulos)

Church Services Cross Lord

In the meaning of this "applied", and you will see that something is something that does not allow another kind of death, except for the cross. What is the reason for this? One Paul, admired in the Pointers of Paradise and heard in them inevitable verbs, can express her ... can interpret this mystery of the cross, as partly and did it in the message to Ephesians: "So that you can comprehend with all the holys that latitude and longitude, and Depth and height, and urgently superior to the wise of the love of Christ, so that you will be fulfilled by the fullness of God "(). Not arbitrarily, of course, the divine eye of the apostle contemplates and inscribes the image of the cross here, but it already shows that the eyes wonderfully peeled from the darkness clearly clearly turned into the very essence. For in the outlined, consisting of four opposite crossbars overlooking the common focus, he sees a comprehensive power and a wondrous industry of the one who favored the world in him. That is why the apostle of each of the parts of this outline absorbs the special name, namely: the one that descends from the middle, calls the depth, going up - height, both transverse - lard and longitude. This, as it seems to me, it seems clearly to express that everything that neither is in the universe, above if heaven, in the underworld, or on earth from one edge to another, - all this lives and dwells in Divine Will - under the oxide Great.

You can still contemplate the Divine and in Your Soul Presentations: Reviews to the sky and the mind of both hell, send your mental look from one edge of the Earth to the other, thoughts and about that mighty focus, which all this connects and contains, and then in your soul Self itself will imagine the outline of the cross, stretching its ends from top to bottom and from one edge of the earth to another. This outline was the great David, when he spoke about himself: "Where can I go from your spirit, and from your face where I escape? Whether to go to the sky (this is height) - you are there; Will you go to hell (this is the depth) - and there you are. Whether the wings of the dawn (that is, from the east of the Sun is a latitude) and move on the edge of the sea (and the Jews called the West - it's a longitude), - and there your hand will lead me "(). Do you see how David depicts a cross inscription here? "You," he says to God, "there you exist everywhere, everyone is associated with everything and all contain. You are at the top and you down, your hand is on holiday and your hand one. " For the same reason, the Divine Apostle says that at this time, when everything is filled with faith and maintenance. The only name will be called and worshiping the name of Jesus Christ from Heavenly, Earth and Humanwood (;). In my opinion, the mystery of the cross is also hidden in another "yother" (if we consider it with the top transverse feature), which is stronger than the heavens and the harder land and the stronger of all things and about which the Savior says: "Doc not let the sky and the earth, none Yota or none of the feature will not deal with the law "(). It seems to me that these divine words mean mysterious and gdessing () to show that the cross is all contained in the world and that he is an annual content of the entire contents.
For these reasons, the Lord did not just say: "The Son of Human to die", but "be crucified", that is, that is, in order to show the most contemplative theologians to show that in the image of the cross is hidden, the almighty force that has so much on it and the fraud So that the cross becomes everything in everything!

If the death of our Jesus Christ is the redemption of everyone, if his death is destroyed by the mediastinity of the barrier and the vocation of peoples is committed, how would he call us if it were not crucified? For in one cross underwent death with open hands. And because the Lord needed to undergo the death of this kind, spread his hands to bring the ancient people with one hand, and the other - pagans, and both gather together. For himself he, showing which death will redeek everyone, predicted: "And when I am ascended from the ground, I will attract everyone" ()

Jesus Christ did not undergo either the death of John - with the cut-off of the head, nor the death of Isaiah - pinpoint saw, so that in death the body was preserved not dissected, to take away the occasion to those who would dare to divide them.

As the four ends of the cross are binding and connected in the center, so God's power is also contained and the height, depth, and longitude, and latitude, that is, all visible and invisible creature.

All parts of the world have been rescued by the parts of the cross.

Who will not die, looking at the wanderer, so poorly returning to his home! He was visiting us; We gave him the first night in a stall between animals, then spent it to Egypt to the people idolat. He did not have anyone to browse his head, "came to his own, and did not accept him" (). Now they sent him on the road with a heavy cross: they laid his heavy burden of our sins on his shoulders. "And, carrying his cross, he went into place, called the frontal" (), holding "all the word of his power" (). True Isaac is caring - a tree, which should be sacrificed. Grave cross! Under the weight of the cross falls on the road strong in the firewall, "the Muscle Holding Muscle" (). Many cried, but Christ says: "Don't cry about me" (): This cross on the shoulders have power, there is a key that I am a heating from the prisoners of the hellish doors, "do not cry". "Issahar ass Strong, lying between water flows; And he saw that she was good, and that the Earth was pleasant: and kept his shoulders for carrying the burden "(). "The man comes to his business" (). It carries the throne of his bishop to bless with him all parts of the world. It turns out on the field of Isau, taking onions and arrows to get and bring game, "catch fishing" father (). The Savior is coming out by the Savior, taking the cross instead of Luke to "catch fishing" to attract us all. "And when I will be ascended from the ground, everyone will attract to him" (). It comes out of Moses, takes a rod. The cross his own, stretches his hands, shares the cherry sea of \u200b\u200bpassions, translates us from death to life, and a devil. As Pharaoh, swears in the abyss of hellish.

Cross - truth sign

The cross is the sign of the wisdom of spiritual, Christian, godfather and strong, as a good weapon, for the spiritual wisdom, the godfather, there are weapons against the opposing church, as the apostle says: "For the word about the cross for perishing people is, and for us, rescued, - power God. For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise men, and the mind of reasonable reject ", and further:" ELLINA is looking for wisdom; And we preach Christ crucified ... God's power and God's wisdom "().

Two-wisdom lives in the Middle Kingdom of people: the wisdom of this world, which was, for example, in the Ellen philosophers who do not know God, and the wisdom of the spiritual, what is she in Christians. Moorish wisdom is madness before God: "Did God drew the wisdom of this world in madness?" - says the apostle (); The spiritual wisdom is revered by madness by the world: "For the Jews, temptation, and for ELLINOV madness" (). Mirous wisdom - weak weapons, powerless militia, weak courage. But what a spiritual wisdom weapon is seen from the words of the Apostle: the weapons of the military of our ... severe God for the destruction of solid "(); And the "Word of God's vivid and effectively and the sharper of every sword of a double-edged" ().

The way and the sign of worldly Ellinskaya wisdom are Somomorrian apples, which it is narrating that they are beautiful, inside their dust smoldering. The cross of Christian spiritual wisdom is the sign and the sign of Christian spiritual wisdom, because they are revealed and no matter how the treasures of the wisdom and the mind of God are open. The wisdom is Mirskaya - the dust, and the word of the godfather we got all the benefits: "Be Covered by a cross of the joy of the world" ...

Cross - the sign of the future immortality

Cross - the sign of the future immortality.

Everything that was accomplished on the tree of the godfather was the healing of our gentlemen, returning the Old Adam there, where he was illegal, and leading to the tree of life, from which the fruit of the trees of knowledge was deleted from which it was unreasonable. Therefore, the tree for the tree and the hands of the hand, the hands, courageously prostrate, - by the hand, unemployed, the hands are degraded - by the hand, spent by Adam. Therefore, the ascension to the cross - for falling, bile - for bile, the thorns of the crown - for thin dominion, death for death, darkness - for the burial and return to the ground for light.

As sin entered the world through wood fetus and salvation - through the tresh of the godfather.

Jesus Christ, exterminating that the disobedience of Adam, who first accomplished through the tree, was "obedient even to death, and the death of the godfather" (). Or otherwise: then the gravestone, which was committed through the tree, healed by obedience perfect on the tree.

You have an honest tree - the cross of the Lord, who, if you wish, you can use the bitter water of your own.

The cross is the line of divine care about our salvation, it is a great victory, it is a trophy, erected by suffering, it is the crown of holidays.

"And I do not want to boast, unless the cross of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, whom the world crucifates for me, and I for the world" (). When the Son of God appeared on Earth and when the corrupted world could not bear his sinlessness, unparalleled virtue and accurate freedom and, condemning this holy face on a shameful death, nailed to the cross, then the cross became a new sign. He became an altar, for the great victim of our deliverance was brought on it. He became a divine altar, for he frozen the invaluable lambraid. He became a throne, for he overtakes from all his deeds the great Messenger of God. He became the rapid sign of the Lord forces, for "led on the one that was pierced" (). And these piercing nothing for nothing recognize him as soon as he saw this sign of the Son of Human. In this sense, we have a respect to disappear not only on the very tree, which is consecrated by touching the preching body, but also for any other, which is the same image, not tieting our respect to the substance of the tree or gold and silver, but relating to himself Savior, on him who committed our salvation. And this cross was not so much so much for him, how much relieved and saving for us. His burden is our calmness; His feats are our reward; His sweat is our relief; His tears are our cleansing; His wounds is our healing; His suffering is our consolation; His blood is our redemption; His cross is our entrance to paradise; His death is our life.

Plato, Metropolitan Moscow (105, 335-341).

There is no other key that would clarify the gate to the kingdom of God, except the Cross of Christ

Outside the Cross of Christ there is no Christian succeeding

Alas, my Lord! You are on the cross - I'm drowning in pleasure and thief. You will hurt for me on the cross ... I'm lying around, in relaxation, looking everywhere and in all calm

My Lord! My Lord! Give me to urge the meaning of your cross, attract me to your crosses of your fate ...

About worshiping the cross

Prayer Cross is a poetic form of appeal to the one who crucified on the cross.

"The word about the cross for perishing people is eruption, and for us, saved, is the power of God" (). For "the spiritual judges about everything, and the mental person does not accept the fact that from the Spirit of God" (). For it is madness for those who are not taken with faith and do not think about the goodness and omnipotence of God, but divine cases are examined by human and natural reasoning, because everything that belongs to God, above the nature and mind, and thoughts. And if anyone becomes weighed: how God brought everything out of non-existence into Genesis and for what, and if he wanted to comprehend it through natural reasoning, he would not comprehend. For this knowledge is spiritual and demonskoe. If someone, guided by faith, take into account that the deity is a good and almighty, and true, and wise, and righteous, he will find everything smooth and smooth and direct. For it is impossible to save outside the faith, because everything, both human and spiritual, is based on faith. For without faith, neither the farmer cuts the grooves of the Earth, nor the merchant on a small tree entrusts his soul to the launched abyss of the sea; Neither marriage, nor anything else in life. I think we understand that everything is made of non-existence in Genesis of God; Faithfully committing all things - both divine and human. Faith, further, there is an unlocked approval.

Every, of course, the act and the miracleness of Christ is very great and divinely, and amazing, but the most amazing thing is honest cross. For death is expelled, the progenitarian sin was destroyed, Hell was robbed, the resurrection was granted, given to us to despise the present and even the very death, the initial bliss was returned, the gates of Paradise, our nature village was open, we became children of God and the heirs not through the other that, and Through the Cross of the Lord of our Jesus Christ. For all this is arranged through the cross: "We, we, having broken in Christ Jesus, says the apostle, - he was baptized into death" (). "All of you, in Christ those who are silent, in Christ enjoyed" (). And further: Christ is God's power and God's wisdom (). Here is the death of Christ, or the cross, dressed us in the Hipostasic wisdom and power. The power of God is the word Great or because the power of God opened through it, that is, the victory over death, or because, just like the four end of the cross, connecting in the center, firmly and firmly bind firmly and through force God is also contained height, depth, and length, and latitude, that is, all visible and invisible creature.

The cross is given to us as a sign on the brow, like Israel - circumcision. For through it, we, faithful, vary from incorrect and recognize. He is a shield and a weapon, and a monument to victory over the devil. He is a stamp, in order not to touch us the extermination, as Scripture says (). He - lying uprising, standing support, weak staff, Pasomy rod, returning leadership, successful way to perfection, souls and bodies Salvation, deviation from all sorts of angry, all sorts of blessing the culprit, sin of extermination, sprout of resurrection, the tree of life eternal.

So, the most tremendous, precious in truth and expensive, in which Christ brought himself sacrificing for us as a consecrated touch and holy body, and the holy blood, should naturally worship; Similarly, and nails, pucks, clothes and holy housing - nursery, Vertay, Calvary, Saving Life-giving coffin, Zionu - the head of churches, and the like, as Bogotets says David: "Let's go to the dwelling of him, bowing to the foot of his legs." And that he will understand the cross, shows what it says: "Become, Lord, at your place of peace" (). For the cross follows the resurrection. For if the house is lined with, and the bed, and the clothes of those whom we love, how much more is that belongs to God and the Savior, through what we are saved!

We worship the same way and the image of an honest and life-giving cross, at least it was made from a different substance; Worship, honor is not a substance (so it will not!), But the image, as a symbol of Christ. For he, making the will to his disciples, said: "Then the sign of the Son of Human in the sky will appear" (), of course. Therefore, the Angel of the Resurrection said wives: "Jesus is looking for Nazarenin, crucified" (). And the apostle: "We preach the crucified" (). Although many of Christ and Jesus, but one is crucified. He did not say: "Pierced by a spear", but: "Crupical". Therefore, should worship the sign of Christ. For where there will be a sign, there will be it myself. The substance from which the image of the cross is, at least it was gold or precious stones, after the destruction of the image, if this happened, should not worship. So, all of what is dedicated to God, we worship, referring to Him himself.

The tree of life, planted by God in Paradise, prevailing this honest cross. For since death entered through the via the Tree, it was supposed to be given life and resurrection through the tree. The first Jacob, bowing to the end of the rod of Joseph, by means of the image, and, blessing to his sons with changed hands (), he quite clearly drawn the sign of the Cross. The same was the rod of Moiseyev, the crucifably struck the sea and saved Israel, and Pharaoh Sherry; Hands, Cross-shaped AMALIKA arranged and escape; Bitter Water delivered by the tree, and rock, torn and pouring sources; Rod, acquiring Aaron, the dignity of priesthood; Zmiy on the tree, ascended in the form of a trophy, as if he was killed when the tree healed those who looked at the dead enemy with faith, just like Christ the flesh, who did not know sin, was heard for sin. The Great Moses says: You will see that your life will hang on the tree before you (). Isaiah: "Every day I stretched my hands to the people of the recalcitrant, who went to unkind, according to his thoughts" (). Oh, if we, who twisted him (that is, a cross), got the lot in Christ, which was crucified! "

Rev. John Damaskin. Accurate presentation of the Orthodox faith.

The eight-spin cross consists of a vertical component and three crossbars. Two top straight, and lower - oblique.

There is a version that suggests that the upper part of the Orthodox Cross crossbar is turned to the north, and the bottom - south. By the way, this is how the cross is installed today.

Why the lower crossbind of the cross is obliquely, they are unlikely to explain even theologian. The answer to this question has not yet been found. There are many versions, each of which reflects a certain idea and is confirmed often by convincing arguments. But, unfortunately, there is no accurate evidence to date at the moment.

Bible legend versions

Options for why nevertheless the lower crossbind of the cross oblique is diverse. The household version explains this fact that Jesus stumbled at the foot, so it twisted.

There is also a variant that the upper part of the lower crossbar of the Orthodox Cross indicates the path to paradise, and the lower in hell.
Also, the version is often found that after the coming of Jesus Christ on Earth, the balance of good and evil was broken on the ground, all people earlier than the sinners began their way to light, and it was this disturbed equilibrium and shows the twisted crossbind.

Versions of household

Most of all believablely looks like the lower crossbar is a symbolic image of such a special crossbar for a person's stop, which was subjected to crucifixion. Previously, such a shape of execution was spread. The person was crucified, but with the complete absence of support it is likely that the person just fell under the weight of his own weight, because under his weight, his hands and legs, nailed to the cross, were simply broken. Just with the goal of maintaining a person in a hanging position, in order to prolong its torment, and such a stand was invented, which reflected symbolically on the Orthodox eight-pointed cross. On average, as indicated in some sources, the time before death, with this form, the execution was approximately 24-30 hours.

Also exists in the literature the option that the bottom crossbar is only conditionally indicated as oblique. In fact, it is only a schematic image of a bulk figure in a two-dimensional plane. And in fact, the surface of the crossbar was still smooth.

In the same time, the version from the proposed believing, it seems that everyone choose to everyone, because after such years old, truth is unlikely to be open to someone.


  • Installed the second Poklonnaya Cross

The process is very individual. But despite this, like the process of birth, he has its own mechanisms and symptoms for which you can unmistakably predict the approach of death.


What happens to a dying person. How it changes and. What signs can exactly report that a person is dying. The dying becomes drowned. He sleeps almost all the time, the waking periods are increasingly declining, energy gradually fades. Apathies comes, a person is losing interest in life and the world around.

"Death rattle"

His breath is knocked down. It is disturbed by its rhythm, fast and intermittent replaced by complete stops. Closer to the end appear "death rays." Breathing becomes noisy, because liquid accumulates in the lungs, and the weakened body does not displays it out.

Impairment of appetite

Worsen appetite. The functions of the urinary system and the GTS are broken. The stool is delayed due to the conservation process (constipation) in the intestine and darkens the urine due to increasing its concentration as a result of the violation of the filtering function of the kidneys. The dying refuses to eat food and drink, since its metabolism slows down, and it does not need the amount of food and fluid in which he needed earlier. In addition, the ability to swallow decreases.

Body temperature

Temperature of the body also changes. This is due to the violation of the activity of the brain area, which is responsible for regulating the body temperature. Moreover, the dying may experience the heat, that is, the temperature is too high, replacing the climbing of the limbs and temperature is significantly lower than the norm.


There are changes in hearing and vision. A person may not see and do not hear what is happening around - worsening eyesight and darkening in the eyes especially frequent phenomenon, but begins to notice what they do not see. There are hallucinations of visual or auditory. Revitalization, hallucination and unconscious state that replaces the revival - the symptoms of the so-called "white and white", which often accompanies the process of dying.

Spotted skin lesion

Skin covering dying pale and covered with yellowish bluish spots. Especially strong changes undergo the face and limb. Changes in the color of the skin of the face, hands and legs are called a spotted lesion, and they almost unmistakably indicate the approach of the last hours of human life.

Psycho-emotional changes

Often, before his death, a person "goes to herself," closes on his feelings and ceases to respond to what is happening. It is also possible a condition of painful excitement, in which the dying all the time seeks somewhere "go". He may also talk with long-dead people or rethink his life, remembering all the events and re-experiencing them.

The cross is one of the most ancient religious symbols in the world. In ancient Egypt, people read it with a ring at the top, which is called anch. For the ancient Egyptians, he symbolized life and still used in the Coptic Church. In Assyria, one of the attributes of the Sun of the Sun Ashura is the cross enclosed in the ring. In Babylon, also read this symbol for God Heaven - Ana. Archaeological excavations confirm that the crosses used even in pagan beliefs.

Cross and his varieties

In astrology, there is a concept about this symbol. Astrologers divide twelve signs of the zodiac into three groups for which a certain kind of cross is characteristic:

  • Cardinal - Aries, Cancer, Scales, Capricorn.
  • Permanent (Cherubic) - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.
  • Movable - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Fish.

The world has a huge number of different options for the image of the symbol. The most common species are:

  • egyptian;
  • greek;
  • maltese;
  • twelve council;
  • christian;


The very first cross-famous cross is the ancient Egyptian symbol of the life anch. No one still can say with confidence where this symbol appeared and its exact value. Until now, there are disputes in the scientific historical world on this issue. In ancient Egypt, this hieroglyph was decorated with amulets, dwellings and temples. And the anch was the attribute of the ancient Egyptian gods, which were often portrayed with this symbol in their hands. Usually anx call the nile key or the key of life.


It is two identical crossbars crossed at right angles. He was a symbol of the God of the Sun and personifies the four elements - the earth, air, fire and water. Currently, this sign is used as the designation of the international movement of the Red Cross. For the construction of temples and churches in the Byzantine style, a composition in the form of a Greek cross, for example, the Church of Christ the Savior, is very often used.


This symbol has an equilateral shape of the eight-pointed cross and belonged to the knights - hospital. Another name is ionites, these people were knights of the Roman Catholic Church in Palestine from 1099. Their task was the help of the poor and the protection of the Holy Land. Maltese symbol is often called the St. George Cross.


Represents the Slavic Sign of the Sun, which is executed in the form of crossed in the middle of the lines and with crossbars on each ray prisoners in the circle. He served as an evil and misfortune.


Christianity inherited the symbol after the execution of Jesus Christ through the crucifixion. At that time it was the most common execution in ancient Rome and sentenced to her murderers and robbers. And since the reign of Emperor Nero, it is so beginning to execute the first Christians. According to the ancient legend, the apostle Peter demanded that he was crucified her head, he considered himself unworthy to die like Jesus Christ.

Crosses in the Russian Orthodox Tradition

To understand which Orthodox crosses, species and meanings for a believer, it is necessary to refer to the history of the Church. Little Native Cross - a symbol of an Orthodox man who he always wears on the chest under clothes. The cross is not accepted by the deposit, following the example of ancient Christians who feared the persecution and hid their faith from the pagans.

Sometimes people do not understand what the Orthodox cross means a person who believes in God's God, and meanwhile wearing a native cross symbolizes involvement in faith and creates protection from the devilish goat. Those who had to be in the temple and go to confession, know that the father is always wondering, wears a man with a cross or not.

Native Cross

The most common form of the Orthodox cross is eight-pointed. Another form is called the Cross of Saint Lazarus or Byzantine. It is two crossed lines with a displacement of the horizontal crossbar above the center vertical and two small cross. One above horizontal line and denotes a sign (titulus) with the phrase "Jesus Christ, Tsar Jewish", which was written in three languages \u200b\u200b- Greek, Latin and Arama. The oblique line is located at the bottom of the cross and is a table for the legs, one end she points out the paradise, and the other hell.

Often you can see image of Jesus, Virgin Mary, Apostles, the word Nick (Victory) and Skull Adam. According to legend, Calvary, the place of execution of Christ, is the grave of the first man of Adam, who ordered people to death. Thus, Christ tramples the skull and death itself, opening people entry into life eternal. During Easter worship, this is confirmed in the chanting: "Death Death Determining and Identifying the Globhech of the belly."

On the other hand, the crossed is usually the inscription: "Save and save" or the words of prayer "God will resurrect ...". These two prayers help Christian to avoid temptations and falls. And also besides eight-pointed form, a native cross can be six-pointed, in this case there is no title.

Other varieties

In addition to the native, there are other crosses:

Differences of Orthodox and Catholic Crosses

Often, when choosing a native cross, believers do not know what the right Orthodox cross should be, proportions and sizes of this symbol. Usually all the cross are beautiful and very similar to each other. Nevertheless, the differences exist.

What does a Catholic cross look like:

What does Orthodox look like:

  • According to the custom of eight-pointed or six-pointed shape with four nails.
  • Christ looks alive and stretches his hands, as if wanting to hug the whole world, opening the rheric people the way to eternal life.
  • The presence of inscriptions and the words "Nika".
  • The legs of Jesus are nailed with two nails.
  • The Orthodox crucifix symbolizes the victory over death, as Christ is depicted on it alive, which indicates His Resurrection and gives hope for the eternal life to people.

Often, for the sanctification of the dwelling, people draw a cross on their own. Its image can be applied to the doors, windows and different household items. If your own beautiful cross does not work, you can search the Internet vector cross, download a picture and use if necessary. And you can also cut pictures from the old Orthodox calendar, and the remaining pages burn, since the books and logs with the images of the saints can not be thrown into the trash. Such an appeal with saints is considered unacceptable for an Orthodox Christian.