Strong conspiracies from loneliness. Ritual with rainwater

Strong conspiracies from loneliness. Ritual with rainwater
Strong conspiracies from loneliness. Ritual with rainwater

Religious reading: prayer or conspiracies from loneliness to help our readers.

Loneliness is the most terrible enemy of all people on earth. Lonely people often cannot understand the cause of their condition. This is not necessarily full loneliness. You can feel lonely among the whole crowd of people.

Peaceful loneliness, the inability to arrange a personal life to feel loneliness in the family, which has recently been the only island of relatives and loved ones - here is the biggest tragedy of man.

There are several ways to get rid of loneliness. The simplest and safest in terms of religion is prayer. She faces directly to God, not being witchcraft or magic, which, most of its religious cults, are pursued and condemned. Such a rite is not considered a sin from the point of view of Christianity.

Prayer from solitude

It prays not necessarily in the temple, since sincere prayer will be heard, regardless of the place of prayer, the appeal to the Lord is always the sacrament and purification. Therefore, firmly believe the prayer and be strong in faith.

Daily prayer from loneliness

Prayer should be read in the morning and in the evening.

"Lord God, hear me, show me a new way, so that your soul satisfied with my light, so that my loneliness ended and did not return more. I will not miss more happiness my own, as the influence of the Lord falls on me, and the miracle in my life will happen. My ways are connected to those who need I will be, who will love me, and who I can love. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Conspiracy against loneliness

This rite cannot be carried out. You can ask about the service of a girlfriend, relative. The main condition, faith in effectiveness and sincerely desire of good.

You need to draw a circle on the floor. Put a girl in it that wants to get rid of loneliness and read the following words:

"The slave of God will go (the name of the goal) with the cross, the cross is trying on himself. From the gate will go on the road, from the road to the intersection. There is a white stone there, white and smooth. On it the canvas white, and clean. Sit on the stone Tom two girls young, young, yes sly, and wise. The girls are taken away from the slaves of God (name) all sorrow, and longing. She will be released all the pain, all loneliness will run out of it. As stated, so it will be. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Then you need to bring the girl from the circle and wash the holy water.

Conspiracy to Zarre

This conspiracy is spent on his own.

It is necessary to get out of bed in the morning with the first rays of the sun. To put on yourself a white long night shirt or a bathrobe without buttons and lightning. Unleash all the nodules, dissolve the hair and remove all the decorations. Go to the window, emerging to the East, and, looking at the rising sun, speak three times:

"Dawn you are morning, dawn Alay, bright, I ask you honestly, and hot, bring me good to me, with a soul, with a man's soul, with a beautiful face. Put me to the slave of God (name) with a young man, yes under the image, lead it to my soul, to the eyes of my light. Let him love that well done me, let the things do not do with me against me, let me feel sadness. I'll close my strong castle, I will quiet the key in the lips firmly, so that my desires come true. Now and forever, so it will be so. Amen"

Conspiracies from loneliness, prayers or rites can only help someone who sincerely believes in their help and really wants to gain happiness in harmony with another person. After the fulfillment of the rite, you will not necessarily find your love. Maybe you just meet a good friend, with which you definitely won't be alone.

The rite committed in order to find his second half led to another friend. Think about - and may be ready to meet with the love of your life and take responsibility for a serious relationship. After all, folk wisdom is never mistaken. Perhaps your fate is nearby, just did not come time and should be patient, a little wait?!

You can, of course, resort to the rite of love spells with the help of a professional magician. Such a rite is violence against the free will of man. You are likely to reunite thanks to the magical ritual of the attitude, but happiness union formed by the ritual of black magic will not bring. Nature does not tolerate violence, remember this.

  • List element
December 17, 2017 30 Lunar day - New Moon. Time to attract good.

What do you need conspiracy from loneliness

People tend to be in solitude. Causes can be diverse. If you are trying to avoid this condition, but all your actions were not crowned with success, it is quite possible that a certain prayer was influenced. To solve this problem, you can use a conspiracy from loneliness.

Conspiracy from solitude

Causes of loneliness and signs of influence of magic

Reasons can serve several factors. Consider them in more detail.

  1. Unsuccessful love. Often, unhappy love makes people pass away from strangers, and to be alone with them. A person is simply afraid to start a new relationship, worrying that they are also not crowned with success.
  2. Unsuccessful friendship. People tend to betray other people. The reason may be both in its own gain and in the fact that it simply found a more suitable friend.
  3. Character property. Some people love to be lonely. They are quite suitable, and they do not want to change anything. In such cases, it is better to seek help to a psychotherapist or use conspiracy from loneliness. That's just the problem is that they are difficult for them to make such actions.
  4. The effect of magic. Sometimes foreign people envy people, and begin to resort to magic. This process is easy to pay in your favor.

Often, people notice that they are difficult for them to build relationships with the opposite sex. And it's not even in the absence of desire. The desire may be, just all the same nothing comes out. There are situations when, from childhood, relatives say that in their family there was a case of a conspiracy for loneliness. But they didn't even try to eliminate him. It is especially important to draw attention to the words of close relatives when they say that because of your character you will not be able to find a life satellite.

All these features in one way or another confirm the presence of a conspiracy for loneliness. Therefore, it is necessary to make every effort to eliminate it.

Helping a conspiracy for which the grave is needed

A conspiracy helps to get rid of the problem read on the cemetery. Such rituals are quite dangerous, but effective. In the middle of the day you must go to the cemetery. There you need to find an abandoned grave. On the grave you need to bring with you alcohol, a few pieces of bread and cigarettes. Place it all on the tombstone and representing life without loneliness, read the spell:

"I decided to come to the cemetery in order to get help. I brought gifts to remember. I ask the dead man to take gifts, and help me in getting rid of loneliness. Let the dead man take him to his grave so that it never knew the road to me anymore. I do not need loneliness, I want a normal life. Amen".

Now it is necessary not to turn around to leave the cemetery and go to church. There you need to put a candle for rest, and pronounce a conspiracy:

"I want to remember the dead man, who helped me, and took my loneliness. I am very grateful to him. Helping did his job, and I do my own. In the name of the Father and Son. Amen".

Ritual from loneliness with water

Rituals can be carried out independently at home. Be sure to choose a day when there is no night celestial bodies. It is best to choose a day when there will be cloudy weather on the street. Exactly at twelve o'clock in the morning, on Thursday, you need to turn off all the electrical appliances that are located in the house. Now you need to light church candles. Better in the number of three pieces. If there is no such possibility, then you can and one. Make a small circle salt. Become on your knees, cross and say three times the following conspiracy:

"I bow to the head to the floor, and driving loneliness. Let it go deep into the ground, only left me. I want to clear myself from damage, induced the unchalled and everything is bad, which I wanted. Deep underground all bad run. Solo negative sprinkle. Forever the road to myself closing. Let the Annunciation come to me. Amen".

Crossing, you can go and go to bed. Early in the morning, after waking, type in the bowl of water and speak it:

"The water passed the long way before to come to me. She washed a lot of shores, a large number of mountains and deserts. It can break ice, washed any item. That is why I spell the water so that it washed me, and took my loneliness. Let the water damage him where it came from. Amen".

Now conspired water you must wash in the bathroom, and in no case cannot be watched. It is necessary to wait until the water does not dry by itself. The next day, visit the Christian temple, and put two candles: one Jesus Christ, and the second Virgin Mary. Annunciation will come soon.

Remove loneliness with black magic

In black magic, conspiracies for loneliness are considered equivalent with a damage. The fact is that such strong rites independently carry out unrealistic. There were situations when a person himself conducted a rite, but he sought only aggravation of his position.

You need to seek help to a strong MAG. Professional will fulfill all the work. But only the essence is that loneliness is not expelled, but throw on another person. Of course, Magu will not be anything, because he just performs his work, conducting appropriate rituals. All the consequences, in the end, will fall on the customer's shoulders. In principle, you can ask to throw the entire negative from your life to the offender. Just remember some nuances. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that there are rites that cause the "stamp of loneliness" or the "crown of celibacy". Such conspiracy is very difficult to remove.

Prayer for satellite search

Prayer will allow you to find a person who will become a satellite for life. Women who are widowed or divorced, must read prayer in the temple in the Annunciation. Other women can read at home:

"I ask our God to help me in my difficult situation. I ask you to compress me, and send me a person who will love me with sincere love and pure heart. Let me overtake me. Please rid me from dark conspiracies, dark thoughts and instruct the true path. We can envelop love me. I feel the presence of the Lord in my life, I feel helped and grace. Pretty with me printing loners. Amen".

Rituals to get rid of loneliness

Ritals have the same power as prayer. Here only the Christian church does not recognize such actions. Priests against in order to conduct them in the temple, especially in the Annunciation, and called witchcraft. But, the fact is that there is nothing wrong with that. Bad and black can only be a person himself. And actions that are eliminated from loneliness, nothing bad in yourself is not carried.

Do not spend conspiracies on the holiday. In pure Thursday, it is better not to carry out any rites, since its performance can significantly decrease.

Save daughter from loneliness

Mothers are pretty difficult to observe that their daughters spend their beautiful days alone. Therefore, they resort to magic to improving their lives. On your child's birthday, take a glass of water and add honey to it. Now speak water, reading this plot:

"All people love to watch the stellar sky, especially behind a bright polar star. Bees with love belong to honey, and my daughter should find her beloved in this life. Pretty she is alone. Every day she misses. Matrows even find love, and my daughter is better. Amen".

Copy Water Move your daughter, and residual splash the handle of the entrance door.

Conspiracy from loneliness and on strong love.

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Ritual with Zarya

Dawn is considered a symbol of purity and hope. Therefore, if you need to remove the rock of loneliness, then spend a special ritual. You need to fit in a long skirt of white. If there is no such skirt, you can use a long bathrobe or dress. The main thing is that there is no lightning and locks. Hair needs to be dissolved and removed all the jewelry. Go to the window aimed at the East and read the conspiracy of the dawn:

"You are a symbol of purity and beauty. I pray you, help me to meet my beloved dreams, so that I was happy. I want this man to love me with all my heart, supported me in all failures and brings only good feelings. Let him have a male start. According to his words, I will never change the request of your heart. Marriage is very much waiting. Let the wind blow all the negative from my life. Amen".

One hundred percent option

If you have not found a suitable ritual, then take advantage of the Siberian healer's conspiracies of Stepanova. A conspiracy from loneliness is that it is necessary to read it before the icon of the Holy Virgin Mary at least forty times. Around ourselves, spread church candles in the amount of seven pieces. Disable all gadgets and close the door. You should not be distracted by outsided sounds and actions. Conspiracy words:

"Oh, Mother of God, you suffered so much suffering that no one can compare with you. I ask you to help me in my difficult business. I'm tired of being alone. Male want to belong. I want his fate to meet. Love pure find. Help me with my pure prayers, and the grace of yours. Amen".

Prayer or conspiracy from loneliness

Ritals against loneliness are practically no different from prayers. They always contain a conspiracy, which can also have an appeal to God, nevertheless, the church for some reason will even blame such an action, calling him witchcraft. In fact, there is nothing bad and sinful in such magical actions, and if you believe in God, you have nothing to fear his disfigures.

Magic is very versatile, it is used and as the last remedy in heart matters, and as an opportunity to attract good luck, find a good job or improve your own life.

With it, you can find both a potential couple and a good friend, such a ritual will attract a person or people to your life, which can become something big for you, and accurately get rid of loneliness.

Among the witchcraft rituals there are simple ,.

Text of spell on mutual relationship.

Prayers from solitude

Prayers in their actions are very similar to other magical conspiracies, their main difference is that they are addressed directly to God, and therefore they cannot be considered as magic, from a Christian point of view, and therefore it is not witchcraft and not sin.

There is a lot of prayers who will attract the life of the suffering of other people.

Holding prayer

This prayer will help you find a person who is able to love you, and which you yourself can love. Divorced women and widows should read it in the Church, in front of the icon of the Virgin, the rest can spend the words every day at home:

"Lord God, Heavenly Father, show your great grace, give me strength to reset the cargo of loneliness from my soul, my heart is released from the influences of unclean, from the spells of dark, from any evil that my fate lies. I my life with the Lord in the Lord in contact with the light, I clean it with fire, he eliminates all obstacles, my life illuminates. I feel the hand of the Lord God in his heart, in contact with my soul with the power of His Great, I find the basis for graceful changes. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Simple prayer from loneliness

"Lord God, hear me, show me a new way, so that your soul satisfied with my light, so that my loneliness ended and did not return more. I will not miss more happiness my own, as the influence of the Lord falls on me, and the miracle in my life will happen. My ways are connected to those who need I will be, who will love me, and who I can love. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Rituals from solitude

Ritals against loneliness are practically no different from prayers. They always contain a conspiracy, which can also have an appeal to God, nevertheless, the church for some reason will even blame such an action, calling him witchcraft. In fact, there is nothing bad and sinful in such magical actions, and if you believe in God, you have nothing to fear his disfigures. Only man himself can be dark and sinful, but not white rituals.

From loneliness daughter

If your daughter remains alone and cannot find yourself a decent satellite of life, you can use this prayer. You need to read on the water with honey, on my daughter's birthday. After that, you need to wash your daughter's face with conspired water, and smear the handle on the entrance door with water. The words:

"How dawn red people Mila, as a pleasant to people, the star is clear in the sky dark, like honey bee mil and daughter, my servant of God (name) will find his love. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The number of honey should be symbolic

Conspiracy against loneliness

This magic ritual cannot be applied to himself. As a performer, one of your relatives or girlfriends can speak, the main thing that she seriously belonged to magic and believed in its effectiveness. On the floor you need to draw a chalk circle, the talking becomes inside the circle, and the artist reads a plot:

"The slave of God will go (the name of the goal) with the cross, the cross is trying on himself. From the gate will go on the road, from the road to the intersection. There is a white stone there, white and smooth. On it the canvas white, and clean. Sit on the stone Tom two girls young, young, yes sly, and wise. The girls are taken away from the slaves of God (name) all sorrow, and longing. She will be released all the pain, all loneliness will run out of it. As stated, so it will be. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After you want to withdraw from the circle of writing, keeping hand.

Conspiracy to Zarre

To carry out the ritual, you need to put on a white long shirt or a robe without lightning, dissolve the hair and remove all the decorations. Now approach the window that goes to the east and read the plot:

"Dawn you are morning, dawn Alay, bright, I ask you honestly, and hot, bring me good to me, with a soul, with a man's soul, with a beautiful face. Put me to the slave of God (name) with a young man, yes under the image, lead it to my soul, to the eyes of my light. Let him love that well done me, let the things do not do with me against me, let me feel sadness. I'll close my strong castle, I will quiet the key in the lips firmly, so that my desires come true. Now and forever, so it will be so. Amen".

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If you doubt, it is better not to do magic.

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Julia, print a photo.

zdrastvuite. Ya Vlybilas BEZ UMA. Vstrechalis ... E VDrug On Otvernulsya, Sbegaet Ot Menya, Pomogite Hochu Ego Vernut, Spasibo ... on Mladshe Menya

What would when the gate, it is necessary to believe in Nevo, and come with this shortcut, with a clean heart, and a clean soul. And not with some profitable, after all, your feelings should be original and clean, to the man of whom you cook to return, And live your whole life. And then your desire and at the gate of the amplifier in 3 folds. You need to believe that you sincerely want to return it. Or Evo then all squeezed your desire. And take care of your half, and be honest in front of her, or in front of him, and then Uvas wakes up strong and strong love, and the family also wakes up. After all, just like that when the gate is not acting, because this is not a toy that I wanted to cook, and now he or she will not walk, because it's not at all so, you can harm not only her and yourself first.

I have questions about the conspiracy # 3 and the last - strong conspiracy.

1. What to do with a glass of water?

2. What candles take? Church? Wax?

3. It is still on a growing moon. In # 3 says that descending, but I want to clarify! In the last one or a word.

4. What thread take?

5. What day to conduct? Women or male?

6. What to do with a new tablecloth and will the new fabric napkin come true instead ??

I look forward to a response.

With respect, Anonymous.

Water spill out the window. Candles wax. Cut on a growing moon. The thread is ordinary. Cut on women's day. The tissue napkin is suitable for the absence of a tablecloth, after the ritual, remove it somewhere, it is possible that the ritual will need to repeat.

I want to shit a guy with words without candles and the like just words please help?

Anya, when conducting any ritual, it is necessary to comply with a certain procedure.

Conspiracy on the red fabric,. Where then to give the cloth? And does it work? To learn necessarily, or can you read on white paper written text from hand?

Elina, I do not advise anyone to read text from the sheet. However, read. When reading, some other mechanisms act, not those needed. Fabric hide, if you do not plan to repeat the ritual. As for the action - no inactive rituals, it's all about the master.

Hello, conspiracy 1 # on love guy. What candles take? What time to read? And is it important to the Phase of the Moon?

tell me and conspiracy # 1 need to immediately light the candle or how?

Yes, let candles burn completely.

Tell me, after the love, how will it affect me or children? Consequences some can be? And if the guy after the love spell will be absolutely different, will be drinking, rude, the hands of raising, etc, is it possible then to make a lapse? Advise what spell and the lapse is better to use. Thank you

The action of the attitude (for some exceptions) weakens over time. Children will not affect anyone.

Tell the 1st conspiracy: "" 4 Zarnitsa, 4 sisters ... "How much does and whether it is necessary to fake it after what time? And during what time the result will appear?

In time it passes in different ways, but it will still have to fake it. Two or three times a year exactly. The result for two to four weeks, subject to the right and repeated, besides.

Tell me please, where then do you dig a red flask fabric?

Keep it where you are comfortable.

In the conspiracy number 1 on a candle guy should be church?

Candles take wax.

Conspiracy, which is read before sunrise, need to read before dawn or at dawn, until the sun rose? Watch the East?

Until the sun rose. Face east.

In 3 spell, everything works ?? It's too easy not to believe even ((. In 2 fabric red what to take?

Tanya, if not believing - everything, you can do nothing, do not give the ritual to work you yourself.

Rite with a cloth at night to spend?

How many times can rituals can repeat and with what frequency?

Tatiana, intuitive. It is possible to carry out a complex of rituals. I do not recommend working with different rituals in one day. And do not forget to observe the moon. In principle, the entire growth phase can be operated.

The third conspiracy how many times you need to pronounce and how many days? Result for what time will appear?

The ritual is carried out once, unless otherwise specified. Here the main thing as you will work it yourself. Automatically speak words - not the case. It is necessary to work in the right direction. The result again depends on you. How much will focus and spend the ritual correctly.

In the condition of the conspiracy, 3 says to watch in the distance, you say that east. In my case, if I look east, then in the wall. How to be?

So in the wall, but without resting his eyes, but as if dispelled it.

Good evening. I, as you said, read, looking at the wall, but through it. Words by heart. A couple of days spent a ritual. I believe because of this conspiracy and so on. Result in what form?

People help pozh! Who tried at least one rite? Which really works?! Without cheating, unsubscribe pliz! I want to return the girl, her love, but for a year as without results. Write in a personal:

Svetlana, an expensive day, the first conspiracy to decrease the moon or destruction. What candles need? Thanks

Candles take wax, smooth. And spend on a growing moon.

Svetlana, the first conspiracy contributes to? Candles must completely ruin?

Conspiracy for longing. Candles go beyond.

Suitable for those cases when a woman is shy to managing the initiative, but the relationship wishes.

Such a conspiracy is pronounced at night in front of the candle. Holding a man in the head, in which you want to awaken feelings, look at the fire and read the following text:

The candle burns - love in you is growing. Dogrite until the middle - your love will come to me. Burn the feelings bright, brighter fire. Amen.

Candle must fire until the middle. After that, put off the flame and go to bed. Soon, a man will begin to achieve your favor.

Found on another site. he is a worker? And where and then go a candle?

Catherine, Novodel. The curve is gently said. In general, no, honestly. Empty.

Wake up strong love feelings at your chosen one in relation to yourself using a special ritual, involving the use of a photo of a loved one.

You need to prove the words, looking at the picture, and putting my sincere feelings in every word to each word to be together with your chosen one.

Magic words sound like this:

"I, the slave of God, (own name), the love is strong in the heart of the servant of God, (the name of the chosen), I urge it to send it. Let his word strong I can fire passion in his soul toggave. Let him come to my loved one and remain there forever. Bright fire in the soul of his love feelings will be spoiled, and it will always strive for me and soon wishes to connect with me forever. Let it happen. Amen".

This plot needs to be pronounced late at night during the growth period of the Moon. It is possible to strengthen its action if you hold a rite with buried church candles. It is allowed to conduct a ritual every day during the week.

What do you say about this?

Normally, but on your own strength, so the send must be very powerful.

Does he work if the guy is in a relationship? About feelings to another ... I can not say that he is in love with her

And tell me more, the candles then stew. If I spell this rite is not a week, and four days, normal?

Said - a week, it means a week. This rule is. Candles carry, not blown away.

Svetlana, Hello, tell me what conspiracy is more suitable for the guy began to experience addiction, craving .... Love for the girl? Thank you.

Any guidance ritual.

The wording was as followed during the week. Or after all, then you need a week? Candles to put out and on the next days they will light them again?

Svetlana Please tell me. 3) Conspiracy will need to be repeated?

Artem, no. Cut one ritual per day.

Hello Svetlana! Help please me in my misfortune. 15 years ago my husband died (crashed by car). After that, I can't build relationships with anyone. It was clay and told me that he took my destiny. Does not let me go. What can I spend the ritual, what would he let me go? I went to the church, and the candles put, it is useless. Maybe there is a way to get rid of it? Please, help. Thank you.

Fire lightly sorrification, the spirits of the fire urge, in the place of this jam. Get the circle of me a wall of fire, from the ground to heaven, stand on the fire forest. Around me in a row is the perfume to ruffle, harness-cohabit, all the dashing distillers. Who came, who came, who flew, who was on the shoulder of the village - burn, kipi, the prosperity, away from me, go back, do not find a way! Yes, it will be so "on a decreasing moon do it.

Olga, no, once a month will not go. An odd number of times, usually the performer understands itself needs to be continued or not (3,7,9). Time of day - evening, alone. Open, open, decorations and cosmetics, be barefoot. After the ritual - souls with salt. And then write how things are with a reminder of the situation.

Hello! I have such a problem, we have been together for many years together, a month ago I was very crowded. Previously, too, there were quarrels and I even did somehow spell and we came up. But this time he had already managed to meet someone else and start meeting. I can not say that they have love. Tell me some spell. So I thought about the red Loskutka.

On the site many options are invited to choose the appropriate, work on a growing moon. Do not forget about the spill.

And can there be any consequences of all this and what?

With an unbalanced ritual, a rollback is possible.

Good evening Svetlana, you advised me: to light the candle and read it 12 times:

Fire lightly sorrification, the spirits of the fire urge, in the place of this jam. Get the circle of me a wall of fire, from the ground to heaven, stand on the fire forest. Around me in a row is the perfume to ruffle, harness-cohabit, all the dashing distillers. Who came, who came, who flew, who was on the shoulder of the village - burn, kipi, the prosperity, away from me, go back, do not find a way! Yes, it will be so "on a decreasing moon do it. Thank you Svetlana! I will definitely read on a decreasing moon. What time to read? Evening, at night, during the day? And how often? Once a month?

Olga, read at any time, can be regularly once a month.

Hello. Tell me, if I'm in position, is it possible to read a conspiracy 1?

skazite Pozaluista Poslednii Rityal 4itaetsia Odin RAZ? Na Rastysiy Lyny


If you speak directly, then the magic has no color. It all depends on who uses magic and for what purpose.

Thread what color is better to sew. And sew edges from all sides. Read by heart. Thanks in advance!

Take the thread Red, cross how you like, feeling here, imprompt. Read by heart.

You write well. Are you a Muslim?

Good day. Tell me, Conspiracy # 2 is suitable for the guy to deal with me to awaken?

Victoria, suitable, and you can read the challenges.

last ritual for a growing moon?

Alexey, yes, be sure to grow.

if a woman can not let go of the love for the deceased husband what ritual is better?

Alexey, do you ask for her? But she herself should read conspiracies, or should the master should be submitted.

not everything is so simple she does not even want to communicate, and she took my soul to take my non-duty without her very clearly tell me please some active ritual Little spell right thank you so much

Alexey, necropreze must submit a master, this is not for beginners.

Please tell me Svetlana. Some rituals love each other to the wedding prepared but for reasons did not take place

Wow. And what does it mean? Love-wedding-parting? For what reasons did not take place?

Hello Svetlana, I have an unusual situation, I made a love spell for the first time. It affected the guy not as I wanted, he only had a physical desire, I wanted myself a little physically, but I loved my heart, so as not to leave, cared, thought Ozomna, Please tell me what kind of correct strong plot is suitable. On a decreasing moon

Indira, we create a spell and create a binding, it is impossible to make it impossible. And on a decreasing moon with love spells do not work.

Everyone wants to find his soul mate. But life is a complicated thing. She all the time throws us new trials. One of these is the search for a loved one. Quite often, the search is tightened for a long time, and this badly affects the psychological and emotional female or guy. What is important, the cause of such unsuccessful can be the seal of loneliness. But you should not despair, any situation can be tried to correct using magical rites and conspiracies.

Man can be lonely for many reasons

Causes of failure in relationships

A person can be lonely for many reasons. Most often, failures on the love front are caused by psychological factors and a shortage of time. Often, girls who are called careerists become alone. In their life - solid turmoil, where from morning to night any problems are solved, except for personal. Being in such a state for a long time, a person gets tired of both physically and psychologically. He wants discharge and support. But it is already difficult to do it. Find your favorite or friend, quite difficult. Yes, and this is also required to pay for some time, which is practically no because of the dense work schedule. Not every woman is ready to go to the big "victims", refuse to go for so long - his career. Therefore, the life of workaholics is often unhappy.

Psychological factor or magic

Psychological factors of loneliness are also often the cause of such a problem. Girls tend to pay attention to their shortcomings. Often those are associated with the appearance. Excessive intrusive idea of \u200b\u200btheir own unattractiveness goes into a certain "looping", which is a complex psychological barrier in the search for the second half and the general understatement of self-esteem.

Energy is also magic

Less often, loneliness is associated with energy problems. This is often due to non-belief in the highest forces of a certain person or his environment. If you look at the problem of magic, then loneliness can be associated with a stranger influence on a person. Often, solitude problems are:

  • damage;
  • evil eye;
  • crown of celibacy;
  • stamp loneliness.

Any magician or magician can say about the "harbingers" of anxiety. Determine whether there are problems of this kind not difficult.

Signs of magical impact on fate

These include:

  1. Antipathy of the opposite floor. To girls suffering from loneliness, guys do not show any interest. Do not consider it even as a friend.
  2. The victims of powerful magical forces are characterized by a complete bad luck in family life. Their marriages are not strong, but attempts to have children to no avail. Such girls do not get pregnant or miscarriages.
  3. Sharp negative and systematic changes in the life of already married ladies. Such may be: drunkenness of her husband, domestic violence, his hike "left", etc.
  4. Widowhood. The victims of loneliness often suffer from the loss of their beloved. The people are called - black widows.

Such problems are impossible to confuse with simple bad luck. And such an impact on a person, as she has a stamp of loneliness, does not give the opportunity to a person even to make faithful friends. With the slightest suspicions, you should contact the magicians or protect yourself. Get rid of the influence of dark forces is not difficult. The main thing is to adhere to all magical instructions for conducting rituals and believe in their success.

Magic will help find good friends

Loneliness is not only a complex search for the second half, but also complete isolation from society. This does not apply to relatives. Everyone wants to have reliable friends or comrades. These people in life are no less important than the same favorite person. Human environment serves as support and support in everything life path. And his absence - reduces the meaning of life to a simple not interesting existence. If there is a need for such people, you can apply a special ritual to attract friends.

Loneliness is not only a complex search for the second half, but also complete isolation from society

What do you need for a ritual to attract friends?

For ritual, you will need:

  • flowers;
  • a cup;
  • cereals;
  • brown church candle;
  • holy water.

The number of flowers is the number of welcome friends. Such a magic accessory, like a cereal, must have a grain structure. For the ritual is best suited for millet or oats.

How to spend a ritual for attracting friends?

The ritual is carried out like this:

  1. A suitable time is waiting for a growing moon.
  2. Fuck in a cup of grain and set fire to the candle.
  3. Watching candles around flowers and cups with grain, pronouncing a conspiracy:

    "Heavenly Angel, my patron. You walked you expensive long to come to help me. She brought so many colors with him as friends in my life. So much grains as needed to feed them. So much water as it takes to drink them. And I am grateful for it. Amen".

Relief from loneliness can only be achieved after a hike to church, where we need to distribute flowers to people, sow grain and sprinkled yourself with a hunger water.

How to find your only one with the help of saints?

Orthodox prayers can help against loneliness. Patroneous images for each woman are the saints of the Great Martyrs and God's Mother. In his guardian angel, you can ask to get rid of ailments and someone else's evil eye. You can also remove loneliness with their help. But still, the strongest in this plan, thanks to its sacred power, is God's Mother. It is enough to come to the church for the holiday of the Blessed Virgin Mary, put a candle and pray for her icons - and the result will not make yourself wait. The patroness of women will definitely contribute to the improvement of the girl's personal life.

Another way is a prayer over the icon of the Mother of God's seven-styling.

What do you need to get rid of loneliness with a prayer way?

For church ritual, you will need:

  • headscarf;
  • knowing words of prayer.

How to hold a church ritual?

The ritual is carried out like this:

  1. Put the icon on the handkerchief.
  2. Pronunct the words of prayer:

    "Multi-shake Mother of God, exceeding all the daughters of the Earth, accept and save us under the cover of your grace. The word is thin, evil struck me with loneliness, cold and longing. Protect me with your name, to fulfill the Lord's presenter. Amen".

How to make such a prayer effective? The answer is simple. A believer and purposeful man with God will definitely achieve his own. If a woman doubts the effectiveness of this method, it is better to abandon him. There are other rituals who can help man to remove loneliness.

Orthodox prayers can help against loneliness

How to escape from loneliness with the help of a rite

Water is known for its accumulation and information transfer properties. And if she is sent from the sky - it is considered magical. Rain, still long ago, they considered the alms of God. The water sent from heaven was the "blessing" for the ripening of the harvest, and hence the salvation from hunger. Such a judgment has long lost meaning, but energy sent by people does not disappear. That is why rainding water is considered a strong magical accessory in conducting rituals. This is happening with deliverance from loneliness.

What do you need for a ritual with rain?

To carry out the rite in rainwater, Magu will need:

  • small capacity;
  • rainwater (can be melting snow).

To carry out a rite, no water is needed, so the ordinary plate or cup will be enough.

How to spend a ritual with rain?

Rated water ritual is carried out like this:

  1. On the street leave the container. It is important to arrange it in the open air so that the water does not obstruct anything to enter the vessel.
  2. When the container is filled, it is entered into the house.
  3. On the bed of a single person, in each of its corners, splashes a few drops of water and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

    "I ask you through this fresh sweet rain, give me a person who will be able to alleviate my pain of loneliness. Amen".

  4. IMPORTANT After the end of the ritual, to remove the misfortune completely, put the container with the remaining water near the bed.
  5. After it completely evaporates - the magical action is considered to be finished. Mages and magicians believe that with the evaporation of rainwater and loneliness is declining.

Is it possible to read conspiracies from loneliness when the moon decreasing

The rite of getting rid of loneliness can be carried out at the time in which it is as efficient as possible. On a decreasing moon, in full moon or on the ascending luminaries - all this is purely individually. Each method of deliverance from loneliness is carried out strictly according to the instructions, where it is important to take into account the factor of the suitable day of day.

Rite on Wednesday to attract a native person in fate

One of these and consider the rite of water, which is performed only on one day of the week - on Wednesday.

What do you need for the rite of water?

For the rite you will need:

  • a cup;
  • candle;
  • holy water.

Not every church candle is suitable for the rite. It is important that this magic accessory has a red color.

How to hold the rite of water?

The rite of water is carried out like this:

  1. On the night of the medium, in the period of decreasing moon, they overlook all the magical accessories for the nearest intersection.
  2. They light the candle and pour hunted water into a cup.
  3. On the rim of the cups dripped with molten wax and pronounce words:

    "I'm a slave of God (name), I'll go on a dark night to that way that my troubles brought me. Praying and crosswise on the four sides, I ask you to save me from a lonely life and remove me and the genus of my female crown of celibacy. And the one who did it to us, I forgive all the sins and give the freedom to her soul. Amen".

  4. The wax dropped on the cup is removed with your fingers and dislike. Scattering the resulting powder through the air, pronounce words:

    "I am a slave of God (name), I say: the deserted longing is mine, fly away my sadness, turn into dust. I am now another person, loved and desirable! Words My strong! "

  5. Take the holy and sprinkling herself to put himself in three crosses themselves. Crossing, pronounce:

    "I am cleansed from others and my sins."

After holding a rite, a lonely person will feel psychological relief. Soon, the girl will notice that guys appear interest in her person. The rite with the candle on the water is a great way to attract attention not only to potential beloved, but also friends who will serve as a reliable support and support for the rest of his life.

For the rite, a clean spring or consecrated water is needed in the temple

How to escape from loneliness, after breaking the relationship

Each girl, like a guy, is the destiny not an easy way. Rarely first love does not break down and goes into a family, complete joy and mutual understanding. More often, each person passes a series of meetings and parting. It is the rupture of relations that rarely brings a lot of pain and misfortunes that remain in the heart for the rest of his life. Years later, when the pain subsides, it becomes easier to live and easier. But this is not always the case. People-monochrome cannot forget their lost second halves, living in a permanent hope for restoring relations. Help this may have missed the Mother of God. She is a patronage of all women, happy and unhappy.

How to ask the Most Holy Virgin to return love?

You can return the relationship between a woman and a man like this:

  1. It is necessary to go to church on the holiday of the Blessed Virgin.
  2. Put a candle from the icon and pronounce prayer:

    "Mother of God, defender women, help me to return your loved one to be happy in the age of century. Skropsy me the water is holy, let me be for a narrowed myself the same clean and sinless! Amen!".

The holy patronage of all women will help you to leave the girl from loneliness and will return to the former love. The main thing is faith to recreate relationships and to the help of the Virgin.

The effectiveness of such rituals

The ritual carries a large energy that can realize all the desires of the girl. Performing everything in stages, strictly according to the instructions, a person gives an informational installation to perform a specific purpose. This is happening with deliverance from loneliness. Thanks to the energy of rituals that lived and accumulated dozens or hundreds of years, you can achieve the desired one. The main thing is to believe.

Another important aspect is the readiness of a person to relationships and communication. It is impossible to hope for the magical power of rituals sitting at home. Only communicating with people, tuning on positive emotions and being in a constant search for a loved one or friends, you can achieve the desired one. Without such actions, fate is unlikely to give a girl a chance to start her life in a new way.

How to protect yourself from evil leaders in the future

If a person is doing well in life, this does not mean that it will always be so. Such judgment completely displays the harsh present. Today we are happy, and tomorrow everything can change dramatically. Therefore, it is necessary to defend yourself and their loved ones from other people's leadership, unchalled, etc. This becomes possible, following the rules:

  1. Wearing charms from the evil eye - silver jewelry and talismans.
  2. Pray in the church, asking for forgiveness for all created sins.
  3. Give a symbolic fee for your happiness. If everything is fine in the family, there are well-being and all its members are healthy, then the people around people should treat food from home or other things.

Protective ritual flame candles

There are also special protective magic acts. These include ritual with candles.

What do you need for a protective ritual?

For ritual, you will need:

  • own or public bath (the main thing is that the girl was there alone).
  • three red candles;
  • holy water.

How to spend a protective ritual?

Protective ritual is carried out like this:

  1. In the full moon go to the bath and light the candles.
  2. Share doggings, shape and knock on the body by a broom, pronouncing the words of prayer:

    "All the bad is washed away, everything is good attached. I am a slave of God, prying and crossing, I will be happy and loved from that day! Amen!".

It is important after the ritual to give the body to dry yourself. It is impossible to hide a towel.

Any ritual requires the implementation of certain actions. Evasion at least from one point is able to "put a cross" on the desired result. That is why magical forces do not always help people. Only faith in the result and complete concentration on the ritual, gives hope that soon the girl will be happy and will not be lonely.

Magic is considered a very versatile agent from various problems. Quite often, precisely conspiracy and love spells are used as the last hope in love affairs. Applying a magical impact, you can solve almost any problem: ranging from the search for high-paying work, and, ending with deliverance from loneliness.

Conspiracy from loneliness is a fairly simple ritual, which is absolutely safe for the artist and can even be conducted to those who have not previously used magic.

Magic ritual action

If you suffer a boredom and feeling of emptiness, and you decided to fight with them, then conspiracies from loneliness - a great solution. As a rule, such rituals act quite quickly, allowing you to get rid of the problem in the shortest possible time.

The following rites are distinguished by:

It is recommended to analyze your situation before choosing a suitable ritual. Very often, two ritual should be performed in order to relieve the problem. After all, only stabilizing the inner sensations, you can enjoy the society of other people.

Rite for inner harmony

To get rid of loneliness, you need to perform a special rite, which involves reading the prayer and the creation of a special magic assistant. To fulfill the rite you will need dried herbs, the smell of which likes, some cloth, needles and threads.

From the fabric you need to make a small bag in which dried herbs should be put and sew it.

When the pouch is ready, the words of prayer read on it:

"Lord God, save and save me
Slave God's (name) from boredom painful, from loneliness,
Remove everything bad with me help.
Live me now in harmony with the world around
With people yes with himself.

Prayers are repeated five times. When you read the magic conspiracy, put a bag with herbs on a prominent place and periodically take in your hands. As a rule, acting the rite during the first week.

However, after a few days you can perform another rite: to find friends or second half.

In this article:

Magic is very versatile, it is used and as the last remedy in heart matters, and as an opportunity to attract good luck, find a good job or improve your own life.

A plot that will help with loneliness is a simple magic ritual. It is completely safe for the artist, even a newcomer in magic can perform it, and it acts quite quickly.

With it, you can find both a potential couple and a good friend, such a ritual will attract a person or people to your life, which can become something big for you, and accurately get rid of loneliness.

Prayers from solitude

Prayers in their actions are very similar to other magical conspiracies, their main difference is that they are addressed directly to God, and therefore they cannot be considered as magic, from a Christian point of view, and therefore it is not witchcraft and not sin.

There is a lot of prayers who will attract the life of the suffering of other people.

Holding prayer

This prayer will help you find a person who is able to love you, and which you yourself can love. Divorced women and widows should read it in the Church, in front of the icon of the Virgin, the rest can spend the words every day at home:

"Lord God, Heavenly Father, show your great grace, give me strength to reset the cargo of loneliness from my soul, my heart is released from the influences of unclean, from the spells of dark, from any evil that my fate lies. I my life with the Lord in the Lord in contact with the light, I clean it with fire, he eliminates all obstacles, my life illuminates. I feel the hand of the Lord God in his heart, in contact with my soul with the power of His Great, I find the basis for graceful changes. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Simple prayer from loneliness

"Lord God, hear me, show me a new way, so that your soul satisfied with my light, so that my loneliness ended and did not return more. I will not miss more happiness my own, as the influence of the Lord falls on me, and the miracle in my life will happen. My ways are connected to those who need I will be, who will love me, and who I can love. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Rituals from solitude

Ritals against loneliness are practically no different from prayers. They always contain a conspiracy, which can also have an appeal to God, nevertheless, the church for some reason will even blame such an action, calling him witchcraft. In fact, there is nothing bad and sinful in such magical actions, and if you believe in God, you have nothing to fear his disfigures. Only man himself can be dark and sinful, but not white rituals.

From loneliness daughter

If your daughter remains alone and cannot find yourself a decent satellite of life, you can use this prayer. You need to read on the water with honey, on my daughter's birthday. After that, you need to wash your daughter's face with conspired water, and smear the handle on the entrance door with water. The words:

"How dawn red people Mila, as a pleasant to people, the star is clear in the sky dark, like honey bee mil and daughter, my servant of God (name) will find his love. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The number of honey should be symbolic

Conspiracy against loneliness

This magic ritual cannot be applied to himself. As a performer, one of your relatives or girlfriends can speak, the main thing that she seriously belonged to magic and believed in its effectiveness. On the floor you need to draw a chalk circle, the talking becomes inside the circle, and the artist reads a plot:

"The slave of God will go (the name of the goal) with the cross, the cross is trying on himself. From the gate will go on the road, from the road to the intersection. There is a white stone there, white and smooth. On it the canvas white, and clean. Sit on the stone Tom two girls young, young, yes sly, and wise. The girls are taken away from the slaves of God (name) all sorrow, and longing. She will be released all the pain, all loneliness will run out of it. As stated, so it will be. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After you want to withdraw from the circle of writing, keeping hand.

Conspiracy to Zarre

To carry out the ritual, you need to put on a white long shirt or a robe without lightning, dissolve the hair and remove all the decorations. Now approach the window that goes to the east and read the plot:

"Dawn you are morning, dawn Alay, bright, I ask you honestly, and hot, bring me good to me, with a soul, with a man's soul, with a beautiful face. Put me to the slave of God (name) with a young man, yes under the image, lead it to my soul, to the eyes of my light. Let him love that well done me, let the things do not do with me against me, let me feel sadness. I'll close my strong castle, I will quiet the key in the lips firmly, so that my desires come true. Now and forever, so it will be so. Amen".

© Stepanova N. I., 20 15

© Ripol Classic Group of Companies, 2015

From the author

Dear my readers and admirers! From the whole clean soul I wish you always be happy, loved ones and healthy. Creating this book for you, I invested all my sincere care of you and about your family. I give you the word, you will rejoice more than once that they purchased it. I believe that she will be your guardian angel in all difficult and happy times.

Old people say: "Life live - not the field go," and this is absolute truth! When the two people are going to the registry office, they are unlikely to think that they can divorce in a year. Not all married couples are ready for everyday tests, and, unfortunately, a lot. This book will help you overcome different troubles and trouble. Will tell you how to avoid family sharp corners and correct the errors that you inexperience you are inexperienced. He will teach how to find a common language with her husband's relatives, as well as how to get rid of the rival if it appears with you. You will know the strongest prayers that make your childbirth facilitate, as well as what should be aware of the abundance of milk. In the book you will find rare prayers, thanks to which your future child never knows the Crown, you will be able to speak your child on the longevity and from all sorts of trouble.

The book will tell you about how you need to get married correctly, in order to prevent those errors in the weddings that will heat up your family life. A girl who can not get married, will find the tips in the book, how to attract the groom. Here you will learn a lot of admission that will help prevent all that you can harm you during the matchmaking, behind the wedding table and even when making wedding gifts. You will become stronger with this book - she is your talisman and your charm. Having her, you will be happy in marriage and you can live with your beloved spouse to a diamond wedding! If you want to know something about your future marriage or get advice, how to do in certain affairs, write me, and I will be happy to help you with great pleasure.

My dear, I am always sincerely glad to your letters and calls. Thanks to them, I understand what you need, and happy opportunities to help and support those who need my help.

Recently, there has been a huge number of letters and calls with complaints about the fact that my readers were deceived by some passing, giving an advertisement in the newspaper, as well as in the recording of advertising on television channels, calling themselves to my name and surname. In all letters, deceived people tell the same thing: healers protrude in the transmission and in the running line indicate their phone. Those who call the transfer, later calls people and says that from many thousands of calls Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova, the author of books, chose only ten people who will help, and request huge amounts, and after some time such calls come again .

I want to warn you all that I never accept the participation in any TV shows and do not drive around the country for conducting sessions of treatment. There are also no other faces, students and relatives, who allegedly refer false sellers from me. I am very upset about this, because using my name, you are not only cheating, but also harm. After the court proceedings, the angry fasteners write in the Internet all sorts of nasty, pouring my name, they also write that I have long died, and therefore I ask you, my dear, remember my warning and not believe such advertisements to which I do not have any relationship .

Cute, my dear friends, precious my readers! At your request, the first and second book-book books "Golden Guide of the People's Dictionary" from the unique series "Master - Master" were released. This year I will prepare the following. The owner of this series in essence will receive absolutely complete knowledge of the correspondence University of the People's Heater. He learns all that it is impossible to learn any one, even the most expensive courses. In the topic of books, everything will be included, which is obliged to know the real master, which in the old days they spoke - he is an arbitrary! It will be not interesting and useful to learn about the true ethics of the healer. All the most difficult will be simple and affordable for you. Tutorials will reveal all the unknown and little-known methods of treating diseases, magical ancient rituals and, of course, fair keywords to conspiracies and spells. The experience that you already have, the knowledge gained from your ancestors and from my previous books, coupled with the Master - Master series, will enrich your worldview, will make you much stronger and wiser, which means that you can help not only To myself and your loved ones, but also to all those who need your help and support. I am absolutely sure that you will enjoy your correspondence university and you have repeatedly remember him the most kind word. I know you will become much stronger with these knowledge. Wisdom and invulnerability will become your best friends.

The piggy bank of your knowledge will not be the price, but that the chain of this knowledge is inseparable, it is necessary that any link does not fall out of it, so it is useful for you to have all the books of the "Conspiracy of the Siberian Healer" cycle, now this series includes thirty-eight books. And if there is no one of them at least one, you will lose the essential part of the Vedovo secrets, which means that you will be not fully knowledge. Please note that now has the opportunity to purchase all books from the series "Conspiracy of the Siberian Healer", they are reissued. These books are the whole set or those releases that you failed to purchase before, when they went out, it can be purchased by contacting the publishing house Ripol Media by phone. (495) 775-8885, ext. 173, 192, by e-mail: [Email Protected], at: 109147, Moscow, ul. Big Andronievskaya, d. 23.

Dear my readers and admirers! Low bow and the most heartfelt thanks for good, touching words about my books, consultations, publishing, which I get from you. There is nothing happily for the healer than to know that his work brings some of you relief, help in one or another situation that more and more people are interested in traditional medicine, domestic traditions and beliefs. Thank you everybody.

But sometimes completely different letters come. They are a bit, but I can't mention them. In these letters, reproach: Say, read the prayer, bought postcards, the book, went to the father - and nothing happened, did not receive any wealth, nor recovery or promotion. I wrote more than once, spoke at the receptions, but I repeat again. It is necessary to treat the prayer that you read to contacting the father in the temple, to the wrapper or amulet as the check that you paid and with whom you have the right to demand the fate of immediate wealth, happiness or something else. Prayer, charm, rite is only an opportunity, way, road to change in life, and to be it or not, can only solve the Lord. Think about it if a person sinned all his life, satisfied his care, passed by the sufferings of loved ones, whether he could after appeal to the father in the temple, after the prayer, after acquiring an amulet, after visiting the healer immediately find everything he wants everything he needs ?

Of course, I did, I do and will do everything in my power and opportunities to help everyone in need of support. But not everything in my power is all in the hands of the Lord. And a lot depends on you yourself.

My dear, write me, and I will answer you. Write to me what you would like to know and what would you like to learn from my next books, from the newspaper "Magic and Life". Contact me for help, and I will help you and I will pray for you, and even if one of you "falls", my prayers, like a rampant straw, will soften the blow so that it is not so dangerous and hurt. Take care of yourself and about each other, and I, my dear, will always be with you.

Precious my friends and readers! Using the case provided, I want to thank you with all my heart for your warm and kind congratulations on holidays and the birthday of the birthday. I promise to continue to serve you faith and truth. Write me, and I will be happy to help you. I hug you and bless you.

Take care of yourself. Be happy and healthy.

Always yours
Natalia Ivanovna Stepanova

Loneliness and how to get rid of it

Our grandfathers and great-grandparents could hardly dream about what we have. If earlier people lived in Humble and in cold dugouts, then the current residents live in good-quality cottages and in warm landscaped apartments, where the water is cold and hot runs straight from the crane and do not need to carry it from the river on their shoulders. A modern man does not endure foods to the street so that they do not deteriorate, - now in every house there is a fridge. The hostess do not erase underwear on the river or in Lohani, on a wooden board, this is done by washing machines. We have electricity and candles light only in a solemn hour. We have coffee makers, coffee grinders, electric furnaces and microwaves. Almost every of us has a cell phone, even in young children, and we can contact any edge of the earth in an instant. In stores full of food, it is so much that it disappears, they do not understand it, and as a result of her shelf life expires. Our mothers shrew their festive dress, and this is no wonder, because it was one thing. We see such an abundance of the shoes, which is ripples in the eyes. What is missing man for happiness? As the time has shown - family and love. In our oversaturated world, it was almost impossible to create a family. And if someone marries, then, according to official statistics, every second marriage breaks down in the first or third year! Most letters come to me from lonely people. Guys, men, women and girls write me about their personal misfortune, they want happiness, family, children, and there is no opportunity to create a family!

First of all, people have nowhere to get acquainted. If you used to go to dances, now they are no longer anywhere. Come home from work or study, people eat and sit at the TV or computer, and it replaces the whole light. Everyone is already accustomed to living the fictional show and serials, watch someone else's love in the film. But if the family does not create, it means there is no continuation of the kind. From a conversation with a woman who complains of her loneliness, it becomes clear that, despite the fact that she is already thirty-seven years old and the guys of her age is still becoming married, she refuses them, since she wants the future husband to her own Housing, a stable good salary, a soft duplicate character, so that he did not have bad habits, it was good and not a little growth, and also that he necessarily had a car. Okay, if it were only one such bride put forward such requirements for a potential fiance, but you want to believe, you want - no, all the brides seemed to come together, and they all want one! My question is: "And what if you do not meet this?" - Girls answer: "So I will be alone!" What do they write and tell me the lonely grooms and their moms?

From letters:

"My son Yuri is a very good person, but he is still not married, although he is soon forty! No matter how I tell him about marriage, he always answers me: "Mom, the current women and girls are looking for themselves her husband, but a dying goat. They do not need me, but a comfortable life, but I do not know how to steal. Salary I have a small one, there are no cars, and girls need trips abroad, fur coats and diamonds, so that mom, I'm sorry, marry me for me! "I feel sorry for my son, I am so dreaming about grandchildren, I really really have it never marry never? "

"Dear Natalia Ivanovna, I am thirty-two years old, I graduated from the institute and work by a doctor. I understand that it is time to marry, I have a desire for this, but no matter how much I tried to care for women, no one goes marry me. Having learned that I do not have a car, the girls make round eyes, it can be seen in their face, as if I said something indecent. Whats wrong with that? For seven years I studied at the doctor. What were the money from my parents, everyone went to my training. Salary from doctors is not so big so that I can buy a car. The first thing that he asks any maiden is - how much I get and if I have accommodation. And having learned that I live in the same apartment with dad and my mother, do not even try to hide disappointment. Such a feeling that you are put up for sale on the market and you, seeing, bypass. Mom sorry, she dreams about grandchildren, and I already doubt that I ever get married. "

Very many letters and on unrequited love or that they are ugly. Each letter is a personal pain and tragedy. Reading these letters, I really want to help everyone. Of course, every person has its own situation, each loneliness has its own reason. I really hope that this book will help someone get rid of your trouble.

If the girl is not named married

In previous times, for these cases used special calling prayers and conspiracies. Read these conspiracies can bride or her mother.

Call Groom

The strongest of all this plot is valid in the Sparrow Night (the last Wednesday of the last week of summer). Stand near the bride's threshold, turn three times and tell me:

Lord God bless this threshold,
So that the groom could not leave the threshold.
Would he go here, in a hurry,
Slask did not eat, the water did not get drunk,
I saw (such something), wept,
Under the crown called, the matchmaker sent to the threshold.

Now, confessed, in the eyelids.

Call for honey saved

Perfectly attracts the grooms this simple, but surprisingly effective way. It is difficult to calculate how many brides it helped go under the crown. Make him in honey saved. The Mother of the Bride should defend in the church morning service in Honey saved, holding with him in Krinka or in the jar honey. At the end of the festive service, it should dilute this honey in holy water, and then, with the verdict, spray the input threshold of the bride. Separate:

Lord! Honey saved!
Send a groom for us.
And how the bees fly on the flowers,
So walled to her mow.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen.

To watched the one you like

The girl or her mother should take the right hand behind the bracket of the entrance door and read the call:

Lord, bless! Holy Father, help!
First of time, with an hour,
How to light up anching beeper wax
On candles in heaven,
So light up let love
In the rigor of the heart and in the eyes
Slave of God (name) to the slave of God (name).
His thoughts of hearty,
And the dooms of infinite dooms
About the wedding ring, about the Holy Crown
Fish (name) with slave (name). Amen.
You (such something) go to me on the porch
And put on the slave (such something) on \u200b\u200bthe finger ring.

Amen. Amen.

Make so three evenings in a row.

Love spell on the groom

Heat the oven in the bath or in the hut and, looking into the open door of the oven, say slowly:

Mother my oven, you can burn everything.
I ask you, I spell you,
Inside me (such something) begging.
Let his love be defeated to me
And the want will break it.
Let him bread does not eat and drink water,
Let him thank about me
Bitter tears pours,
Hours and minutes believes
Rest in separation does not know
Night at the moon, nor in the morning at the dawn,
So that he thought and suffered
And on the mind he held a slave (name).

Love spell to treat

Having become the one who you will have a conspiracy hotel. It can be gingerbread, cake, candy, any drink and food, but not alcohol. Make a love spell in men's days, that is, on Monday, Tuesday or on Thursday. The spell begins to act after the third treat. Read the conspiracy like this:

Stands in the temple of the Holy Silia table,
On the table - food.
Who will eat this food,
I will never forget me.
Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen.

Love spell

In order for the guy to love the girl and married, you need to get his thing, such as a scarf, handkerchief or gloves. At night, put this thing on the table and, touching her knife handle, they say:

The one who has wore this thing
Let my hand asked.
Be, my words, strong,
Become, my business, modeling
At now, for centuries, at all times.
In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

The conspiracy thing is stored in a secluded place in his house, while the groom will not call married. After the wedding, the thing is burned in the oven.

Spell on well water

After the sunset take water from three different wells and merge into one vessel. We speak the water and pour it from the groom's dwelling. Do it on arriving moon. We speak the water like this:


Let me come to me (such something) get drunk.

And how do people without water can not live,

So cute without me can be.

Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen.


Perhaps your fate is watching you

None of you, my dear, can not know whose eyes look at you now or at another time of day, and after all, perhaps, this is your fate. Remember this, please, always, especially if you dream of getting married or marry. Do not believe? Then read what my readers write.

From letters:

"I did not marry for a long time. First studied, then my mother sick. Finally happened so that I fell in love, but the one that I liked it, I did not know about it. I can not say that I am timid, but whenever I met her, my legs were drowned, and I didn't know my heart in my chest, I didn't know what was possible. Then I reconciled that she was working on the cashier's post office, and began to come there every day. What I had to see there, sled me. Tanya, so called this girl, wings Mate, as the last street bum. At the same time, she looked loudly and hoarsely, not paying attention to the old men standing behind the pension. I myself do not know why, I went to the window and quietly asked: "Are you not afraid of losing a job?" In response, she burned: "Do you, what will you go, for my nine thousand? I myself want to leave here ... "I don't know why I asked her about the work, most likely from the insult, that the one I prayed and which first loved, was completely different. But I wanted to invite it on this day ... "

"One guy I really liked, and I was all worried that it was unworthy. Our family is large, and I am poorly dressed. When he passed by, I hid behind the corner and looked at him from afar. He lived across the road from me, in a nearby house, on the first floor. Once I wanted to see him so much that I could not stand and went to his window. To better be visible, I climbed on a garbage box. It was already dark on the street, and the lights burned in the windows. I greedily looked at him and whispered his name. I was ready to die for him. And suddenly I saw how he hit his mother, she cried, and he shouted on her. I heard he faded and called her anything. At that very moment it seemed to me that my heart was born. "

"We have one woman in the team, and I probably thought about eight years old. I liked it impossible for me, but she was married, and I pressed this feeling in myself. Sometimes he was sometimes surprised at himself, so much a number of lonely women, and I only dreamed of her. It is difficult to widow to one by one, a colleague was constantly hinting about this, and I myself knew it, but no one, except her, did not love. It happened, she climbs past the heels, I look at her back, catching the fragrance of her perfume, and this in the soul wakes up tenderness that I myself became scary, so I loved her! And then she shores her husband, it seems, he had a stroke, and I thought all the time, as she probably was hard and hurt, because I once buried my wife.

Once I passed by her table, but did not leave, but I got up for an angle, so that it looks close to her. And heard her neighbor she says: "But you have long liked Petrovich. He is a widower, and now you widow, maybe take and get down? "What I heard in response, I killed me. My little beloved answered her: "From one goat, there was another goat, and I will give the other? I need him for hell? Socks to wash? "Here my pink glasses flew away from me. The gaze was healed from love. Five me, old fool!

A six months later, former my love began to give me signs of attention, apparently, I realized the bitterness of loneliness, but only she doesn't know that I then saw her nutro! "

How to get married widow

A person is not guilty that he has suffered trouble. Sorry for the person who left this world ahead of time. But life continues, and you need to take care of your future, a person is poorly alone, God created Eve and Adam. To marry a widow or marry a widow is very difficult. First, many people leave no longing, affection for the old spouse. Secondly, thinking about such a decision, a person begins to experience the guilt before who left this world. In former times, close widows or widows immediately led them to the meanhard so that she spoke to them from longing, giving the sad heart to peace. None of the people have the right to blame the widow or widow for such a step, no one returned the dear tears. And to help you have a close, having relived it or her from death, the duty of all others. Because this book is intended to save a person from loneliness, to help him become happy, then this section in the book is simply necessary. In it you will find good advice, rare, strong conspiracies and prayers that will help to find peace and family.