How to consecrate the cross with a chain. How to sanctify a native cross

How to consecrate the cross with a chain. How to sanctify a native cross
How to consecrate the cross with a chain. How to sanctify a native cross


A native cross is a special Orthodox charm, which should defend a person from misfortunes, adversity and illness, helping them standing and maternally to transfer. Tanner (the second name of the Orthodox cross) will help get rid of ill-wishers and protects complex situations. In connection with these many crosses, you can see the inscription "Save and Save". This important thing for everyone. orthodox Christian The attribute is hanging on the neck after the sacrament of baptism was carried out. This means that the person accepted faith and is now a slave of God.

Choose cross

If you buy native Cross, do not pay attention to its beauty, appearance Or make a bet on the cost of the product. It must be remembered that he is just a symbol of that faith, which in a person in the soul. And the cost of the cross, as is known, has no effect on the depths of faith.

You can choose something from the assortment of church bench at the temple. Usually such crosses have already been consecrated before the sale, so you don't need to do anything with them. But the decoration in the form of a crucifixion from the jewelry store is still able to consecrate.

If you choose a cross not in the bench of Orthodox utensils, pay attention to how Jesus is crucified on the cross. If his legs are nailed with two nails - this orthodox cross. If one is a Catholic, which is forbidden to carry Orthodox Christians. Therefore, in the temple, they are not subject to consecration.

The cross himself can be:


All of them are considered Orthodox.

How to sanctify cross

If you have a desire to wear consecrated crossmust be applied to the temple. Go to the employees who you can always find near the candle box (candles are sold there and requirements are recorded). Ask the priest to be attached to you. He is suitable immediately after the end of the service. Ask to sanctify your cross.

This rite of consecration can carry out absolutely any priest. At first, he should inspect whether the crucifixion corresponds to the Orthodox canons. If something confuses him or does not suit - you have to choose a new crucifix. It is usually holy by the cross himself, but it is impossible to pass it out of hand to hand just like that, and you must mow on a chain or a wax lace.

Next, the father will take it into the altar and serves the quinuse, which relies in similar incident. During the sanctification of a native cross, the priest reads two prayers in which he asks to pour their power to the cross. So a small crucifix will not only protect the soul of man, but also to protect his body from evil forces, sorcery and witchcraft. After reading the prayer, the father will give you a cross.

Each baptized man carries a cross with the image of Christ on the chest. This is not a decoration, not a sign of distinction, it is a symbol of faith. The cross, which man gets with baptism, must be worn throughout life. Remove it not ...

Orthodoxy is rich in tradition. The sanctification of dwellings is one of the most important and obligatory rites. This ritual protects against the dark forces, is a symbol of the Lord's blessing and involvement in the Church. ...

A native cross is put on the neck of a person in the process of the sacrament of baptism - from now on it helps to carry all gravity and adversity. Cross - visible testimony of belonging to Orthodox church, confession christian faith, Tool of fertile protection.

Traditionally, in the Orthodox Church, the sanctification of the native cross is performed by the clergy in the temple. Chin blessing the cross to wearing on Perseh, i.e. On the chest, it is contained in the liturgical book - Celebration.

The cross is consecrated only once. It is necessary to re-assign it only in exceptional conditions (if it was badly damaged and restored anew, either hit you in hand, but you do not know whether it is consecrated before it).

There is a superstition that, when consecrated, the native cross acquires magic protective properties. The church teaches that the consecration of matter allows us not only spiritually, but also bodily - through this consecrated matter - to join the Divine grace you need for spiritual growth and salvation. But the grace of God acts inside. From a person requires the right spiritual life according to God's commandments, and it is this spiritual life that makes it possible to influence God's grace of God, healing of passions and sins.

Sometimes you have to hear the opinion that, they say, the sanctification of the native crosses - the late tradition and before there was no such thing. This can be answered as the gospel as books, too, was once not, and the liturgy in this form was not. But this does not mean that the church cannot develop the forms of gigting and church piety. Is it disgusting to Christian verbation to call God's grace on the creation of human hands?

The consecration is subject to the cross, which you acquire in jewelry stores. All that is sold in church shops is usually consecrated - crosses, icons, candles, etc. If you do not know whether the cross was consecrated (you were presented with you, got from relatives, etc.), it is better to consecrate it. It is important that the cross was exactly the Orthodox - with all the necessary attributes.

  • Choose the temple in which you want to sanctify the cross - the one that is near the house or where you always go to the divine service. Come to the clergy and find out all the subtleties. For example, if you wish to be present in consecration, then specify this question in advance.
  • Interest in the temple, respectively - cross, bow, contact any of the clergy for help - to sanctify the cross can any of them. If no one of the priests are not, then ask employees who sell candles and icons, write the demands to invite the father.
  • The consecration procedure of the cross can be paid, so you will need to pay in advance the necessary amount. The clergyman will examine your cross and check his compliance with Orthodox canons. You can give the cross together with the chain (although only the cross itself is subject to lighting) - it will be put on the tray and take into the altar. There, the priest will read prayers and ask the Lord permission to consecrate your cross, pour heavenly power into it. From now on, the cross will keep your body and soul from evil spirits, enemies and sorcerers. It is better for you to spend the prayer for reading the prayer - try to focus, throw out all the foreign thoughts and feelings out of my head. Pray, apply to icons, put candles.
  • When you bring a cross, put it on yourself. If you have any questions about the cross or any other problems, let's talk with the clergyman, find out all the points of interest and be sure to thank.
  • Try to treat the crust carefully - this is a symbol of your faith. If he breaks, do not throw it out - take a cross in the temple. Wear a cross constantly without removing.

With the arrival of Christianity, the cross, the image of which was used by people long before the emergence of any of the famous cults, became a symbol of Christian. It is believed that each believer should have its own cross, which must be consecrated. Bought in a jewelry store, it does not bear any value. Therefore, any believer is asked how to sanctify the cross in the church before starting to wear it in the most important place - at the heart.

Purpose of a native cross in christianity

Each person who passed the rite of baptism, wears a symbol on his chest, ranging it to the Orthodox Church. The native cross, according to the canons of the church, protects its owner from the troubles, diseases, evil eyes and intent, helps to overcome the life obstacles. Therefore, on the facial or back side Crossing You can see the inscription: "Save and Save." Most often, the Orthodox cross is sanctified during the sacrament of the baptism of the newborn.

If a person has accidentally lost during his life, the priests advise to buy a new one and consecrate it as soon as possible and consecrate it in the nearest temple. They are confident that any cross is subject to consecration, even the one that you buy in the church shop, because during the sacrament, the soul, body and thoughts of a person will also pass, who will be a sprinkled cross.

Do not forget that the cross is not a decoration or style attribute. Therefore, when choosing should not be focused on the type of metal, from which it is made, or the number precious stones. Christian religion implies modesty and ease of life. Classical native Cross Orthodox Christians have an eight-pointed form (less often - four- and six-pointed). Each of its bend has its own value.

In some cases, the church allowed the ceremony of the consecration of the cross in own home. For this, it was necessary to receive a blessing among the Church Father. But the priests still recommend to conduct a sacrament in the walls of the temple according to the ancient church rules.

The sequence of the consecration procedure is painted in Trem. To force this church Attribute. He gave the believing person to protect and blessing, after the ritual in the Church, the priest reads prayers for a few weeks.

The demandman describes the following requirements for the consecration procedure:

  1. The choice of a new cross, the form and appearance of which correspond to the canons of the church. It is better to choose protection in the temple shop, as jewelry stores often offer crosses made according to a Catholic pattern. It does not matter for Orthodox churches and how the material is made of a cross (be it tree or gold).
  2. To consecrate the believer, you should come to the temple and contact the clergy after the end of the service. At the request, use the appeal "Honest Father". The procedure will be able to anyone who has a san priest.
  3. The cross brought to the church must be on a rope or chain. It is advisable to show his clergy in advance.
  4. The father takes into the hands of the cross and refers it to the altar for having a sinovation. During consecration, the representative of the Church voices two prayers, in which he asks to fill the cross with spiritual power. While the priest carries out goodness, a person can pray and put candles for health.
  5. The final stage of consecration is a sprinkle (triple) sacred water. Now the cross is purified and can be worn at the heart. The priest will immediately offer to put on a protective charm. From now on, the man who came to the temple must be stored under clothing chief symbol Christianity.
  6. It is advisable to offer a sacred symbolic fee for the cropping. It can be omitted into the donation box.

Not every believer knows how to sanctify the cross in the church, so a few days before the sacrament you can come to the temple and get the instructions of the priest. Since the consecration of a native cross, you need to treat him with respect and caution. The opinion that the loss of the cross leads to misfortune is just superstition.

Each bare person has a symbol of evidence of its belonging to the Orthodox Church. It is believed that this symbol is a means of protection against all troubles. Such an important attribute orthodox man Hands during baptism. Some historians note that such a rite was attended by Rus to Orthodoxy. This is what they explain what the cross are also those people who are not believers. They put the meaning of a symbol that prevents the negative.

It happens that people lose a native cross or get as a gift jewelry. Exactly saying about whether he is consecrated or not, no one can. What to do in this case? There are 2 outputs in this situation:

consecrate it in church

consecrate at home

Where to sanctify the cross is your decision.

How to sanctify the cross?

Often, a native cross is consecrated together with the newborn during the ceremony of baptism. And therefore it makes no sense to sanctify it again. But what to do in that situation if you lost this symbol? Church believers recommend buying new and sanctify it.

Sometimes it will be such a question: is it necessary to sanctify the cross? Crosses that are sold directly in the temples are already consecrated. But the jewelry from the shops is unlikely. In addition, no one can guarantee the purity of the metal from which these products were made and from where they were taken.

It happens that the decorations steal are removed from the dead and interpret. Now imagine what energy can be a cross from such a metal. Of course, it is desirable to sanctify such a charm.

If you chose a place where to hold a similar ritual, then come to the ministers and specify when it is better to do. It is noted that a large number of There are such rituals on the eve of Easter. But you need to remember that not only crosses need to be consecrated, but also icons and other items.

Consecrate the cross in the church

Previously, there were no questions about the place of the Lighting of the Cross. In the depths, people knew that such a ritual could be carried out at home. The only requirement was the blessing of the father. In the cities, they recommended visiting the temple for such actions.

Argumenting by the fact that residents of cities are more susceptible to temptations. The consecration procedure itself is clearly spelled out in a special church book - church. In addition, after such a ritual, the priests are still reading prayers to secure the result.

In the demandman, certain requirements for this procedure are prescribed:

It is necessary to choose the right to choose a new cross. Church crosses Perform all canons and they no longer require crossing. But the jewelry is mainly fulfilled on the Catholic Manner.

It does not matter for Orthodoxy and then from the tree a cross or from metal.

On the conduct of this rite should be applied to the priest after the service.

At the request of the rite, contact the clergy need "Honest Father"

Anyone in the ssen of a priest can carry out such a ritual

Preferably to show the decoration of the priest and hang it on the thread or rope

The priest during the rite considers him for the altar and conducts a sinovation. At this time, you can put candles and pray.

At the end of the items will be sprinkled three times with sacred water and are considered purified.