What do you mean inscriptions on the Orthodox Cross. Can we wear samples and a cross on one chain

What do you mean inscriptions on the Orthodox Cross. Can we wear samples and a cross on one chain
What do you mean inscriptions on the Orthodox Cross. Can we wear samples and a cross on one chain

The cross accompanies the Christian all his life. We see crucifixes in the temples, at home, we carry on the chest. And nevertheless, many questions arise. Let's try to figure out what the details of the cross in the images mean.The upper crossbar symbolizes the sign with the inscription made by Pontiya by the Pilate, the governor of the Roman emperor in Judea. In a Jewish, in Greek and in Romans it was written: "Jesus Nazarenan Tsar Judaisky" (John 19,19-20). The image of the crucifixion usually uses the reducing I.N.S.I. (I.N.TS.I.). The lower crossbar is the foot, to which the legs of the Savior were nailed.

The letters "K" and "T" on the left and right from the cross denote by passionate tools: a spear and a cane. The guns themselves are usually depicted along the cross. "There was a vessel full of vinegar. Warriors, drinking a vinegar with a sponge and putting on Issop, brought it to the mouths of it "(John 19.34). "But one of the warriors copies pierced him the ribs, and immediately exposed blood and water" (John 19.34). The crucifix and death of Jesus were accompanied by formidable phenomena: earthquake, thunder and lightning, a filling sun, a bugger moon. The sun and the moon are also sometimes included in the composition of the Crucifixion - on the sides of the larger crossbar. "The sun will be performed in the darkness, and the moon in the blood is reputable ..."

The elevation on which the cross stands, symbolizes the mountain of Calf, on which the crucifixion occurred. The Jewish word "Calvary" means "forehead" or simply "skull." The reduction of "GG" just means "Golgotha \u200b\u200bMountain", and "MLRB" - the "place of the frontal paradise". The cross, on which the Savior of the world brought a redempuating sacrifice, opened the gates of Paradise, awaiting Adam's sin. Therefore, the frontal place (Calvary) has become a paradise. This thought I found an expression in church chants: "Place the frontal paradise. Face: Turkish Water Waters Tree Cross, Abium Exclude the Bunch of Animal" (octoys, voice. According to legend, the first person was buried on Calvary, the first person - Adam. "As in Adam everyone die, so in Christ everyone will come to life, each in their order: the firstborn of Christ, then Christ ..." "Ga" - Head of Adam. Therefore, in the symbolic fault, in the depths of Calvary (or without fault, just at the foot of the cross) depict the adam dust marked with a skull. By the way, it is still often written here: GGGA - "Golgotha \u200b\u200bMountain of Adam's head."

Jesus is depicted with a cross-nimber, on which three Greek letters are written, meaning "truly judicial," as God said Moses "Az Yesh Syry" (I am thereafter) (Ex. 3, 14). Above the greater crossbar is written abbreviated, with signs of reduction - titles, the name of the Savior "IC XC" - Jesus Christ, below the crossbar added: Nika (Greek - winner).

Large multifiguric crucifix compositions - a topic for separate consideration. Most often, the Cross is depicted by the Virgin and John theologian, crying wives and Sotnik Longin are added in more complex compositions. Above the cross often depict two crying angels. Can be finished and soldiers with a cane and spear, on foreground Sometimes the warriors are shown, swimming crucified clothing. Separate iconographic version of the composition - t. N. "Crucifixion with robber", in which three shapes are depicted, crucified on the crosses. According to both sides of Christ - two robber: one with a head down, the other - with turned to Christ, the most prudent robber, to whom the Lord promised the kingdom of heaven.

Word Nick (victory) Symbolizes Christ's victory over death, his resurrection.
Inscription on the cross ICXC.- Jesus Christ King of Glory. Sign ~ Located above the letters denotes a reduction in words.
On hand drawn miniature, in the composition of the Greek Monk Anastasia Sinaita (VI-VIIV) for the first time eight-spoard cross. The upper crossbar symbolizes the title - a sign on which the pilot was inscribed: Jesus Nazi Tsar Jews ( Istan). Hands are heard to the middle crossbar. The lower beveled crossbar symbolizes the foot of the legs of Christ. This crossbar (especially in Russia) attribute a special symbolic meaning. Together with Christ, two robber were crucified. One glooming on Jesus, the other on the contrary, leaned it and said: "... We are convicted fairly, and he did not do anything thin." Prudent robber She confessed his guilt and asked the Lord to forgive him for all sins. And Jesus told him: "True telling you, now you will be with me in paradise." Thus, this crossbar as a symbol of weights God's court, through repentance raising to paradise and the depth (unspecified robber) to hell. This miniature has become a further prototype of most Byzantine and Russian crucifixes.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe resurrection was passed on the crosses through the image of the skull (chapter of Adam) in the base of the cross (sometimes next to the letters hectares). Fathers of the Church are called Christ by the new Adam, who had redeemed the original sin - "Blood of Christ washed by the sin of Adam." Therefore, the image of the Adam's chapter under the cross speaks not only about his fall and death, but also about his redeeming Christ and the resurrection.

Frequently asked Questions:

Is it possible to wear samples and a cross on one chain?

Can. There are no restrictions on this matter.

Do I need to sanctify a chain?

There is no special rank of sanctifying the chain, but it's good to give it to the priest together with a cross - he will frown her holy water. If you buy chains in trading at the temple, then as a rule, the chains are already consecrated.

What should be a native cross on church canons?

This question requires a very common answer. In order not to delve into the Debresions of Symbols and the history of the Church, we can simply assure that all the crosses you will find on this site are canonical.

Is it possible to make a small tattoo in the form of a cross?

It is worth understanding why you have such a tattoo and what you are waiting for you. If you want it to replace native Cross - It is impossible. In general, the holy fathers very strictly respond about the images on the human body, in best case Without recommending them to apply.

Where to do the blackened or broken cross?

The main thing is what you should navigate in this issue - the image of the cross should not be in any way to twist, which means that it should not throw it together with the hobs. It is best to give cross or samples into the nearest temple. It is also worth noting that blackened silver is perfectly rubbed by specialized means, and sometimes simple soda. Also crosses out precious metals They can be repaired.

In Orthodoxy, a six-pointed crucifixion is considered canonical: the vertical line crosses three transverse, one of them (lower) is oblique. The upper horizontal crossbar (the shortest of the three transverse) symbolizes the sign with the inscription in three languages \u200b\u200b(Greek, Latin and Jewish): "Jesus Nazoria, Tsar Judaian." This sign on the orders of Pontia Pilate knocked to the Cross of the Lord before the crucifix.

The middle, shifted closer to the upper (the longest) crossbar, is the direct part of the cross - the hands of the Savior were nailed to it.

The lower slanting crossbar is a footprint. Unlike Catholics, both legs of the Savior are displayed in Orthodoxy on crucifixes of pierced nails. This tradition is confirmed by the studies of the Turin Distshing - the fee in which the body of the crucified Lord Jesus Christ was wrapped up.

It is worth adding that the oblique shape of the lower crossbar carries a certain symbolic meaning. The raised end of this crossbar rushes up, to the sky, thereby symbolizing the robber, crucified by right hand From the Savior, who, already on the cross, repented and entered the Lord in the kingdom of heaven. The other end of the crossbar, facing down, symbolizes the second robber, crucial left From the Savior, who hoolle the Lord and did not receive forgiveness. The state of the soul of this robber is a state of gloominess, hell.

There is another option orthodox crucifixion, so-called full or afona cross. He carries even more symbolic meanings. His feature is what is canonical six-pointed cross Certain letters are inscribed.

What do you mean inscriptions on the cross

Above the uppermost crossbar is inscribed: "IP" - Jesus and "xs" - Christ. Bully below, along the edges of the middle crossbar: "SN" - the son and "BZhi" - God. Under the average crossbar there are two inscriptions at once. At the edges: "Tsuri" - the king and the "persons" - glory, and in the center - Nika (translated from Greek - Victory). This word means that his sufferings and death on the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ defeated death and redeemed human sins.

On the sides of the crucifixion, a spear and a cane with a sponge, designated, respectively, letters "K" and "T" are depicted. As we know from the Gospel, the right edge pierced with a spear, and he was offered a sponge with vinegar to reduce his pain. The Lord refused to facilitate the suffering. At the bottom, the crucifixion is depicted on the base - a small elevation, which symbolizes Mount Califer, at which the Lord was crucified.

Inside the mountain is depicted skull and crossed bones of the plaque of Adam. In accordance with this, on the sides of the elevation, "ML" and "RB" is inscribed - the place is the frontal and crucified, as well as two letters "G" - Calvary. Inside the Calvary, on the sides of the skull, the letters "G" and "A" are put - the head of Adam.

The image of the remains of Adam has a certain symbolic meaning. The Lord, being crucified, sheds his blood to the remains of Adam, thereby washing, cleaning it from the fall of the sin. Together with Adam, sins and all mankind are washed. In the center of the crucifixion also depicts a circle with spikes is a symbol of a thorns crown, which was on the chapter of the Lord Jesus Christ Roman soldiers.

Orthodox cross with crescent

It is also worth saying about another form of the Orthodox Cross. In this case, the cross has a crescent in its base. Such crosses are very often crowned by the dome of Orthodox churches.

According to one of the versions, the cross leaving the crescent symbolizes the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. IN eastern tradition Crescents often consider symbol God's Mother - Just as the cross consider the symbol of Jesus Christ.

Another interpretation explains the crescent as a symbol of the Eucharistic bowl with the blood of the Lord, from which, in fact, the cross of the Lord is born. There is another interpretation concerning the cross leaving the crescent.

This interpretation proposes to understand this as a victory (or exaltation, advantage) of Christianity over Islam. However, as studies have shown, this interpretation is incorrect, since the form of such a cross appeared much earlier than the VI century, when, actually, it was Islam.