Composition based on the painting March snow, Grabar. Hike to the "Museum House"

Composition based on the painting March snow, Grabar. Hike to the "Museum House"

March is a rather unstable month. It gives a little warmth, gives rise to the hope that soon there will be no trace of winter. But the first month of spring cannot ensure the complete expulsion of cold weather. Grabar in his work depicted snow, the days of which are already numbered. The author skillfully noticed all the details to create the proper atmosphere.

The color of the picture

A woman catches the eye. She carries water on a yoke, overcoming her path along a narrow path. It looks like the buckets are full. They do not sway in different directions, but pull the arc down. The very figure of a woman is tense. She wants to quickly throw off this burden from her shoulders.

The picture skillfully emphasizes the flavor of the Russian village. You can see practical and warm clothes on a woman. The young lady is wearing a padded jacket and a long skirt. In the distance one can see small village houses and wide, vast expanses. The path along which the village woman moves is narrow, but well trodden. It can be assumed that the woman's house is very close. It is not easy to live if the source of water is far away. Not a large number of families were willing to put up with it. Requires a large amount of fluid to maintain household. The depicted nature indicates that the water lies at a shallow depth.

Artist skill

Dullness winter days successfully contrasts with the first spring warmth. The author has a good command of the play of light. His skill can be seen on foreground. A large bare tree casts a shadow on the light, causing conflicting feelings. On the one hand, it becomes clear that it is a sunny day outside, but at the same time frost and cold are almost physically felt.

The picture must be viewed as a whole. The canvas contains the winter coolness and spring atmosphere at the same time. The snow hasn't melted yet, even though it's March. The first days of spring awaken special feelings in us. At this time, I want to enjoy life. The air is permeated with a special freshness, and the sun gently envelops everything around.

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Composition based on the painting by I. E. Grabar “March Snow” Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar is known not only as an artist, but also as an art historian and critic. creative path Grabar was very difficult and controversial. His work was characterized by two pictorial genres - landscape and portrait. And one of the main themes landscape painting Grabar had a theme of Russian winter and snow. Such a theme especially attracted him, which was reflected in many works. Igor Emmanuilovich himself wrote that he always strove for "objective truth in painting"; set himself the goal of "transferring nature to a complete illusion, to the point of impossibility to distinguish where the nature is, and where the canvas with the painting is." In 1903-1908 the main early landscapes artist. The year 1904 was especially important and significant in his work. It was this year that the most famous paintings, including "Rook's Nests", "February Blue" and "March Snow". At the exhibition of the "Union of Russian Artists" in 1904, these works attracted the attention of the public. Grabar's paintings were called "almost the best at the exhibition." The audience noted that very rarely there is such a thing as "how he conveys nature." The landscape "March Snow" was created in the village of Churilkovo, which is located next to the Dugino estate. In this picture, not only the theme of nature is revealed. The figure of a girl with buckets is a lyrical motif, which, according to the artist himself, is one of the most typical for the Russian village. The name of the painting appeared due to the March snow, the texture of which occupies almost half of the picturesque surface. To depict the March snow, the artist uses dense three-dimensional strokes. In the foreground of the picture is snow. The artist depicts snow on the entire space of the canvas. The figure of a girl with a yoke, as it were, "breaks" a snowy field. When depicting the figure of a girl, the artist used all the colors used in the picture. The figure of the girl seems alive, movement is felt in it. The figure of a girl testifies to strength, flexibility, plasticity. We don't see her face. But you can imagine that this is a real Russian beauty. She is tall and slender, her gait is leisurely and stately. The girl is the only character in the picture. But the main thing in the work is still not she, namely snow. It is no coincidence that the picture is called "March Snow". In this case, snow becomes a symbol of the outgoing winter and the approaching spring. The snow in the picture is amazing. It is impossible to determine what color the snow is. The color of the snow varies in different areas. In the foreground of the picture is snow of a bluish tint. Where the shadow of trees falls on the snow, it is bright blue. Snow sparkles, shimmers. It seems amazing, multi-colored. In the background of the picture, the snow seems monotonous, it does not strike the eye with an abundance various shades. The author depicted a bright, sunny day. However, the picture does not depict the sky, so we do not see the sun. But the presence of a sunny color is felt precisely because of the snow. Rays March sun fall on the snow, so it acquires such interesting colors and shades. Tree branches cast shadows on the snow. They seem to tremble and move. This creates a very special feeling of movement, life. The special rhythm of the picture creates an amazing feeling. Viewers feel as if they are inside it. And now you can touch your hand to this amazing snow, loose and dense. His time has passed. The March sun is shining brighter and brighter. Soon the snow will melt all over, making way for the new season. I. E. Grabar entered the history of Russian painting as a poet of the Russian winter. Even from the painting “March Snow”, we can pay attention to the emotions with which the artist depicts last days winters. Everything around sparkles and shines. And this feels the joyful mood of spring. The last snow is melting, winter is ending. All nature

Picture of the famous Russian artist Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar "March Snow", which is currently on display at the State Tretyakov Gallery like a harbinger of spring. Time of painting 1904.

The spring month of March stands outside, but in Russia it is very insidious: it will enchant you with warmth, it will encourage you with frost, or it will sprinkle with new snow. And this is especially noticeable in countryside. So Grabar decided to capture a March day against the backdrop of a rural landscape.

The girl hurries with a yoke and buckets to the source for water. She is warmly dressed: a scarf is tightly tied, a short fur coat and a long colored skirt. It can be seen that this girl is not averse to fashioning. After all, young people always gather near the source, and each of them tries to outdo their girlfriends and neighbors, as if on a bride.

In the picture March snow, rustic outbuildings, and the houses themselves are not visible. This means that the heroine has already moved away from the village and is on her way to the well. It is clear that the sun is already going down, as a result of such a natural effect in the picture, the author shows such long blue shadows from tall tree, which we cannot see, on the already melted gray-blue snow with a pinkish tint.

Bare trunks of trees and shrubs are depicted on the sides. They have already shed their beautiful winter snow outfit and in a couple of weeks swollen buds will appear on them. There is still snow all around, no longer as fluffy and sparkling as in winter, but heavy, swollen with water, in some places you can even see the ground. Only a path has been trodden that leads to the well.

Depicting a spring sunny day in his favorite style of impressionism, Grabar uses many light shades. This is especially noticeable in the foreground of the picture. Here the colors are white, and yellowish and light pink, and of course all shades from blue to blue.

When you peer at the canvas, it seems that everything here breathes calmness and tranquility. But, we understand that this is not for long, a few more days and the air will be filled with cries of rooks who have returned from distant lands and are hotly discussing a place to build a nest.

The canvas fascinates with its simplicity and harmony. It depicts an ordinary everyday spring day in the village of Churilkovo, where Grabar, visiting his friend, often admired nature, admired her, tried to show her beauty.

The painter “covered” the entire space of the canvas with snow, only adding a genre scene to the picture: a young peasant girl goes for water with a yoke. But in this charming figurine moving in space, the artist, as if on purpose, collects all the tones that are used in the palette of the work, thus giving the heroine a special significance.

Grabar's painting March Snow was created according to all the canons of impressionism. Here is a whole symphony of various reflections of color, and bluish shadows on a white-gray snow cover, and a decrease in color intensity from the bottom of the canvas to the top.

The rural low-key landscape is a portrait of the beautiful Russian nature. The artist deeply felt her charm and wonderfully conveyed this in his paintings, which attract with naturalness and inner charm.


Description of the painting by Igor Grabar “March snow”

"March Snow" came out from under the brush of Igor Grabar in 1904, when he was visiting the artist N.V. Meshcherin, his friend, in the village of Churilkovo. Painting snow is a whole art, so here Grabar’s words sound in a special way that in “March Snow” he simply “threw paints onto the canvas”, as nature sometimes does, sending them from the sky. The picture was already almost written out when, on the thawed path, Grabar saw a girl hurrying for water with a yoke and two buckets. Ten minutes later, her figure in a pink skirt and blue jacket was already decorating the picture. Speaking about the style of execution, we can say that this work of the artist is made in the style of divisionism - the decomposition of color, characteristic of impressionism. Snow and even dirt on the melted path are made with strokes of pure color, merging into one in the eyes of the viewer, and becoming white.

The March day in the village tends to evening, which is why the shadows from the trees are so long, stretching almost across the whole picture. The tree itself is not visible, it is as if behind the back of the viewer. Porous loose snow under the rays of the spring sun becomes more and more dark, saturated with water, heavy. This is exactly how Grabar conveyed it, who found a real symphony of colors in snowy tones under the rays of the sun. But his snow is not only in blue and blue tones. Here you can find a lot of pink and yellowish colors. There was no snow left on the roofs of the village huts that could be seen in the distance and on the trees. Everything indicates that spring is on the threshold, waiting in the wings. Russian nature, continuing to delight Igor Grabar, helped him create another portrait of its simplicity and perfection. No wonder the picture "March Snow" is called "a symphony of colors" - it really hears the music of our unique and beloved Motherland.

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Hike to " Museum House» Today we will look at a reproduction of the painting “March Snow” by the famous Russian artist Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar, which is currently on display at the State Tretyakov Gallery, like a harbinger of spring. Time of painting 1904. Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich E. Grabar is an outstanding Russian artist and cultural figure, the author of many famous paintings. He was born in 1871 and died in 1960. Grabar lived long life and managed to do a lot for people, to bring a lot of joy to people. Questions for students What season is shown in the picture? (Spring.) What month? (The first days of March.) What mood does the picture exude? (Joy from the onset of warmth, abundance sunlight.) Where is the snow still bright white and untouched? (Where people do not go.) Where - with large quantity traces, darkened from the thaw? (On the road.) Where is the melted and reddened from the ground? (On the paths.) Is it possible, looking at the snow, to conclude that the sun is shining brightly outside? (Yes, shadows from trees are visible in the foreground; the objects depicted in the picture are illuminated in different ways.) What technique does the artist use to help us see this? (With the help of contrast.) Past which trees (coniferous or deciduous) does the villager go for water? What is the age of the villager: is it a young girl or elderly woman? (She is young, as she is about to bring two buckets of water, she walks quickly, and she has the figure of a young girl.) What can you say about the gait of the village woman: does she walk slowly, sedately or quickly, swiftly? (She walks quickly and swiftly.) Do you think the buckets are empty or full? (They are still empty, as the young lady is walking quickly.) Do the depicted buckets help to see that the day is dazzlingly bright and sunny? (Yes, they have bright sun glare.) Description of the painting In the painting by I.E. Grabar depicts a March day. it rural landscape. In the foreground, a young girl hurries to fetch water, carrying a yoke with two buckets on one shoulder. Despite the fact that it is March outside, winter is in no hurry to give up positions - the girl is dressed quite warmly: a padded jacket, a floor-length skirt, and a scarf on her head. It is not for nothing that people say that when March comes, you need to put on two trousers. Indeed, despite the fact that it is getting warmer, especially in the sun, it is still damp outside. And this is especially felt in the evening. You can understand that it is getting dark by the blue shadows of the trees on the melting snow. Such a shadow can only be obtained in the red rays of the sunset. The snow has already melted on the paths. The path goes somewhere in the distance, and the girl, in order to get fresh water, needs to do more big way to the well. You can see several wooden huts. To the right are the trees, they have already thrown off their warm snow caps and are waiting for warmth. Only the earth is not yet in a hurry to shed its duvet of snow. We see in the picture all this snowy thickness, which will not soon surrender to the rays of the ever-increasing March sun. But the snow had already become spongy, with icy, melted by the sun, lumps on top. But even this aged snow appears to the artist as something marvelous. Grabar caught that elusive blueness of the snow, which can only be seen in certain time day, more precisely, when the day is about to be replaced by twilight. There is peace on the street, so quiet and calm, and you can only hear the girl stepping, breaking the thin ice crust that has formed on the path. Only this crunch is heard in silence. The air already smells of spring, and to show this, the picture is painted softly and easily. The picture attracts the viewer with the simplicity of the plot, the harmony and beauty of rural life. The artist depicted the everyday life of the villagers. But he saw in them an inimitable beauty. Grabar admires the awakening nature, admires the coming spring, trying to show the still hidden power of melt water, which is about to break into the village landscape in streams.