Characteristics of fabulous heroes Tsarevna Frog. Literature and Fine Arts

Characteristics of fabulous heroes Tsarevna Frog. Literature and Fine Arts
Characteristics of fabulous heroes Tsarevna Frog. Literature and Fine Arts

Tsarevna Frog is a Russian fairy tale that likes both adults and children. Her children are listening to, and parents always read her children before bedtime. If you tell the princess frog in brief content Of the 5-6 sentences, this is a fairy tale of how Ivan Tsarevich with the help of his arrows, found a frog. I had to take it in my wife. As it turned out, it was beautiful TsarevnaAnd so that she no longer turns into a frog, Ivan burns frogs. For this, Ivan I had to go in search of princes. Overcoming the distance, finding his beloved and taking it away from Kashcheia, they healed for a long time and happily. However, in order to be able to answer the teacher's questions, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the fairy tale "Tsarevna Frog" in a more complete brief content.

Tsarevna Frog Summary

Starts Russian folk fairytale "Tsarevna Frog" in the summary of the fact that in one state the king and sons lived and then the sons came to marry. And since they did not have the elect, the father offered them to launch arrows, to which yard they would arrive, they will have to marry that. That's the first son launched, and the second. Their arrows flew to the boyars and merchant yard, respectively. And when Ivan Ivan-Tsarevich launched, then his arrow flew was very far away. He was looking for her for a long time, but found in a swamp. Her a frog in his mouth. Nothing remained Ivan, how to take a frog with me, although I did not want to him, because now it will be necessary to marry her, I said that you would learn everything. But, the frog told him that he would never regret the choice.

Three weddings were played, and on the second day the king decided to see the ability of the elect, ordered to bake bread. She shouted Tsarevich, because it did not imagine how this frog there will be a stove, but the frog said that the morning of the evening was wiser and sent her husband to sleep. He herself dropped the skin of the frog and baked the best loaf. The king was delighted with a frog, while other caravas were terrible.

Then the king said the chief chisel to the sons to weave the carpet and again shouted Tsarevich. The frog and now not confused. While Tsarevich was sleeping, the princess-frog is such a carpet woven that neither in a fairy tale, nor the pen describe. The king was again delighted.

For the third time, the king called the sons with his wife's wives. Ivan was very worried, did not want to be a mad. And he says the frog. So that he drove himself and having fun. And when he hears the thunder, so that the frog came, but after rolling thunder, it was not a frog in the palace, but an excellent princess. Ivan could not believe his eyes. Everyone had fun, danced, and Tsarevna danced so that it was difficult to describe. This show arranged. Ivan Tsarevich ran home and threw a frog into the fire. Some three days remained to be a princess frog, and then they would always live with Ivan, now, turning the swan. The princess flew to a snack.

I went to look for my beloved Ivan. Long walked. We already had two pairs of iron boots to drain. He met the old man who told him about Vasilis Wolly - his daughter's daughter, who enchanted her and sent it to the swamp. Gave an old man to Ivan the tangle, who led him to Baba Yaga. True, on the way Ivan met the bear, the spleen, the hare, Pike. All Ivan wanted to eat them, but pardoned, and they promised to come to his aid if necessary.

He came to Yaga, she told about the chest, where the death of Kashovaya was kept.

Ivan Ivan Oak, on which there was a casket, helped him to get the casket, and then duck, and the hare and pike helped get the same egg, where the needle was kept, and at the end of that needle and was the death of Kasheev.

Restored the tip of the needle, having solved and dissolved. Vasilisa happily met Ivan, who took her and took it into his kingdom. There they lived in love and harmony.

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Presentation on the topic: Tsarevna-Frog The image of Vasilisa Wolly

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Opening conversation What is a fairy tale? Where does the fairy tale have such power over time? Did you like the fairy tale "Tsarevna Frog"? What kind of fairy tales does it applies? Prove your opinion. You can call the features of the folk fairy tale (sticking, staining, ending, repetitions, permanent epithets)? Give examples from text.

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Opening conversation name the main heroes of the fairy tales. Why is the fairy tale called "Tsarevna-frog", although not one is the heroine of this fairy tale? Why is Vasilisa call a premoter? The fairy tale is called so because the first and most importantly, the meeting of Ivan Tsarevich with the Vasilisa enchanted his own father. The angry blasting immortal turned his daughter in a frog, and she picked up the boom of the younger Tsarevich

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Retelling a fairy tales. The composition of the Fairy Tale Plan 1. Oaksa Tsar Sons of Watching 2. Watching Tsarevichi.3. Meeting Ivan-Tsarevich with frog. Junior test: a) bake a loaf of bread; b) cutting out the carpet per night; c) come to the royal PIR.5. Pier at the king.6. Meeting Ivan Tsarevich with an old man. Ivan-Tsarevich's meetings with a bear, hare, spleen, Pike.8. Ivan-Tsarevich in Baba Yaga.9. Ivan-Tsarevich Koshcheev Duba.10. Happy fairy tale completion.

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Work on episodes. Watching Tsarevichi 1. Expressively read the episode. 2. In which words, the expressions of the read text appear magic, mysteriousness, fabulousness? 3.What will change if the text sounds differently: "The king lived in the state ... Ivan was afraid, I wanted to escape"? 4. How long was Ivan-Tsarevich his arrow? Why did he want to "retreat from his find", "Run"?

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Of course, exterior appearance "Bolotny Beauty" scared Tsarevich. Where is it possible to marry frogs? It's impossible. Everyone will laugh, and Tsarevich comes out sadly: - How do I get married you? Me people wait! But the princess-frog is patiently and persistently insistently insists on his, repeats the request: - Take, Ivan-Tsarevich, you will not regret it! What made the hero make a change to the frog, retained from a quick decision to abandon the green " Beauty "? (The unusual character of the heroine, the ability to talk, the mystery of what happened, an unclear desire to find out what will happen next.)

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First test. "Baking bread for one night" reading episode on the roles. What feelings covered the princess-frog at the moment when Ivan-Tsarevich returned? Seeing the sad Ivan-Tsarevich, she understood what something serious happened. His affectionate speech tries to calm her husband. The words of it are sincere, warm: "Not Tougan, Ivan-Tsarevich. Little to sleep better, to rest: Morning in the evening wisen! "Why does she hide from Tsarevich the thought about how going to fulfill the order of the king?

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First test. "Baking bread for one night" What features of the character of the heroine opened to us in this episode? How does Vasilisa bread bakes? We re-read the strings of the fairy tales and hear their extraordinary rhythm and smoothness: she took white sieve, small sieves, asked wheat flour, kneaded white dough, baked a loaf - loose yes soft, squeezed with different patterns of trees: on the sides - cities with palaces, gardens yes tals From above - birds volatile, from below - animals Risks. It turned out to get bread from Vasilisa and wives of the Senior Tsarevichi. Prove that the heroine has unusual advantages. What? How does the people call Vasilis at that moment when she worries?

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Second test. "Fabric carpet per night" Expressive reading Episodaming the descriptions of how the fabrics of the wives of the senior prince, and the description of the work of Vasilisa Wolly. Why are the shortcomings of older daunures exaggerated so much? What is the purpose of this done? (In order to emphasize the art of Vasilisa Promudra, the desire to surprise Ivan Tsarevich, to earn the praise of the elders. The wives of the senior Tsarevich rushed to help Mamukhuk and Nyanyushki, and Vasilisa worked herself.) Watch, how does Vasilisa work? Where the collapse of the needle times, the sets blooms, where the collee is another time-spicy patterns go, where the collee is the third-paper fly. Conclusion: Rhythm has changed again, the prose text is again similar to the poetic, again the magic sounds "What new character numbers of heroin are you saw in this episode? (Diligence, everything makes it with your own hands, it does not expend your magic, did not fail Tsarevich for the second time.) Is it possible to determine how it belongs to the work of Vasilisa Ivan-Tsarevich?

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Make conclusions. Why does the people call Vasilis the Wovel? What qualities do the people glorify in the image of Vasilisa? Vasilisa Revinda - an image created by the people, he is collective, the best features of Russian are concentrated in it national Character. According to M. Gorky, Vasilis Promutra is characterized by majestic simplicity, soft pride for themselves, a non-free mind, deep, full of inexhaustible love heart. The main role of the heroine magic fairy tales - Be the assistant of your groom or husband. Only thanks to her, the heroes of fairy tales turn out to be together. Beauty - the connection of truth and good gives the wisdom in the image of beauty. IN AND. Distance

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Homework Find in the text examples of a special fairy tale warehouse and write 1-2 examples in a column as a poem. (Assistance will find on page 26, p. 27.) 2. Add reading in the faces of episodes "Meeting Ivan-Tsarevich with a Bear, Spiece, Zaita, Pike", "Meeting with an old old old man." .3. P. 26 Questions 5.6 (oral) .4. Prepare a story about Vasilis Promutrau. (According to the materials of the lesson.)

December 8, 2016.

Russian folk tales of the time of centuries were considered the most useful for children, they teach to distinguish good from evil, good from the bad. It is they who instill love for literature from the very early childhood. In this paper, the characteristic of Vasilisa Vasilisa will be considered - one of the most beloved children of this genre.

Why is a frog image chosen?

As it turned out, our heroine is in such an unattractive image in punishment for his pride. Characteristics of Vasilisa Wrought from the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog" will be incomplete if we consider it on the one hand. It is important to note I. bad sides The heroine she had before turning.

Vasilisa raised himself to the pedestal, being higher than his evil, but a very wise father of the womb of the immortal, personifying the hierarchy. She forced his behavior and pride to turn her to turn her to the lowest and ugly creature.

Life in frogs

The characteristic of Vasilisa Primrada changes greatly after reincarnating it into the frog. Only at the bottom of the day, she begins to understand its true role of his wife, devoted and caring custodian of the focus.

It is reincarnated not only outwardly, but also spiritually. Her pride was gone, it was worth only her to love Ivan Tsarevich. Now she gave themselves completely only one person.

Video on the topic

The basic idea

What tells the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog"? The characteristic of Vasilisa Promudra and other heroes are actually very deep. Everyone can interpret it in its own way. But the main idea is as follows: do not judge a person on his outfit, appearance, pay attention to things and actions. Despite the fact that the girl was in a frog skull, thanks to his patience, wonders and beauty, she was able to overcome all the royal tests and passed them with honor, ahead of other brides.

The heroine was still returned to the kingdom of his father for disobedience, she took off the skin with a frog during the last test, and Ivan-Tsarevich burned. Why did he do that? He was tired of the mockery of the older brothers.

Of course, our hero went to a long and dangerous adventure to rescue her beloved from the hands of a cunning blast. Ivan has to fall out, it is waiting for many heavy tests.

Good I. personal fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog" is distinguished by a high level of skill of the teachers. Children appreciate the perfect heroes in it, and an exciting plot of opposition to two opposite forces, and a good end. There is where to turn around. Tale teaches to appreciate in people personal traits. While reading is self-development. This story takes a worthy place among Russian folk fairy tales.



  1. Did you like the fairy tale? What genre of fairy tales does it refer (magic, domestic, fairy tales about animals)? What features of the folk fairy tale you discovered in it (tightening, stained, ending, repeats, constant epithets)? Give examples from text.
  2. Who is the main characters? Why is a fairy tale called "Tsarevna-Frog", although not one is the heroine of this fairy tale?
  1. How do the tasks of Tsar Vasilisa reminded and wives of the senior prince? Tell about it. How does the king assesses their work? Try to tell you close to the text of the episode when the princess-frog comes to the feast. What was the feast?
  2. It is known that this fairy tale has more than 20 options, it means that it was improved and no wonder one of the best folk fairy tales is considered. Try to find examples of a special fairy tale warehouse. Here is one of them: Description of the work of the princess-frog - rhythmic, foldable, like a poem:

      Where rings needle once - the flower will bloom
      where the cringe of another time - cunning patterns go,
      where the rolling third - birds fly ...

    What options for this fairy tale are you known? What differences did you notice them?

  3. The fairy tale is an entertaining story about extraordinary events and adventures. What extraordinary events and adventures are associated with the heroes of the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog"? Who helped Ivan-Tsarevich? Why? For what he was angry with the blasphemous immortal to Vasilis wisely and ordered her for three years to be a cuckoo?
  4. Why so long and difficult was Ivan Tsarevich to the princess frog? What did the patron-author wanted to say? Who helped Ivan-Tsarevich? Tell us about wonderful assistants.

Literature and Fine Arts

Compare illustrations different artists To the fairy tale "Tsarevna Frog", for example, an illustration of I. Ya. Bilibin and a picture of V. M. Vasnetsova "PIR" (see illustration of the Bilibin in the book of fairy tales or on the Internet). Which of them seem closest to the text reading a fairy tale? Make your own drawings to the fairy tale (portraits of the heroes, the path of the main character in search of Vasilisa Promudra, Pier, etc.).

Prepare a fairy tale using the coverage, ending, repeats, permanent epithets.

  1. What do you think the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog" refers to the magic? Justify your answer to the retelling of several tales episodes.
  2. Why do you think the heroine of a fairy tale is named Vasilisa Will?
  3. Prepare a tale retelling from Ivan Tsarevich, try to convey the feelings, the mood of the main character in various episodes of the fairy tale.

Enrich their speech

When preparing a recovery, or, as we say, reality, fairy tales will pay attention to the insane, the special empowerment of his pronunciation ("in some kingdom, in some state, there was a king, and he had three sons. The younger name was Ivan-Tsarevich .. . "), Decision of the king to marry your children, the unquestionable obedience of the sons by the decision of the father, finally, the Council, how to find his bride (" where the boom falls, there and wwet ", that is, the Council is not to reckle the fate, to trust it).

Repeators are very important when tagging: she flew arrow three times, he gave the task of the king to his daughters three times and raised their work three times.

Folk morality is transmitted in the fairy tale: good job Vasilisa Promutrau is estimated as it would appreciate its people ("This carpet in my doors on big holidays should be treated!", "This bread is only on big holidays!"); Tsarevna-Frog protects his husband from the sorrows and peasants ("not tales, Ivan-Tsarevich! Long-ka better sleep, rest: Morning evenings wisen!").

In a fairy tale many vintage folk words and expressions (bread oven, Diva was given, baked to the breakthrough, the patterns of trees, never, never, neither in a fairy tale, nor the pen to describe, click Mamuhem, how I could not twist, Milk, did it, etc.), they should Enable in retelling.

Music, poetic rhythm is heard in the description of the work of princess frogs. Read the lines expressively. Try when reading to convey this rhythm.

    She took frequent sieve, small sieves,
    asked wheat flour,
    kneaded white dough
    baked loaf - loose yes soft,
    intrusted with different patterns of trees:
    on sides - cities with palaces, gardens yes tower,
    from above - birds volatile
    bottom - animals lying.

Heroes of folk fairy tales in the evaluation of writers

Prepare stories about Vasilis Promutra and Ivan Tsarevich.

At the same time, use the statement, which M. Gorky, speaking about folklore, leads to the characteristics of the two main characters of Russian folk fairy tales: "Majestic simplicity, contempt for pose, soft pride, non-odious mind and deep, full of inexhaustible love heart, calm readiness to sacrifice For the celebration of their dreams - here is the spiritual data of Vasilisa Wolly, great and lovingly defined by the old masters of the image and the words ... "

Do you agree with this assessment? What can you tell about Vasilis Promutra (how does it work as it belongs to Ivan Tsarevich)?

"The Hero of Folklore -" Fool ", despised by even his father and brothers, always turns out to be smarter, always the winner of all everyday adversities, as well as overcoming them and Vasilisa to do."

This estimate of M. Gorky belongs to the main characters of many Russian folk fairy tales. Which of this assessment can be attributed to Ivan Tsarevich from the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog"? Prepare your story about the hero. Remember how he appreciates the work of Vasilisa to the Wolly, what difficulties overcomes in the way, what features of his character are revealed.