Jury x Factor 7 Season Julia. Soloist The Hardkiss Julia Sanina: "I am crazy mom"

Jury x Factor 7 Season Julia. Soloist The Hardkiss Julia Sanina:
Jury x Factor 7 Season Julia. Soloist The Hardkiss Julia Sanina: "I am crazy mom"

With Anton Sawlepov and Andrey Danilko befits? In the previous seasons of the "X-factor" between the judges happened different relations, Including conflicts.

With Anton, we troll each other. Sometimes even tough. I do not know whether it will be shown on the air (laughs). During the discussion of the participants, we obtain interesting dialogues and clashes. Truthful, without censorship.

Andrei Danilko - very interesting person. I have an incomplete of his stage image and real, serious. He does not go any comments, oppress its line. I did not even think that he was so tough. On the contrary, it was expected that he would be the easiest and most positive among the members of the jury. But this turned out to be Anton, and Andrei is absolutely another.

Julia, what is it like you, as a person who is trying to change Ukrainian music, to hear the participants in the songs of Yuri Voza, Vyacheslav Dobrynin? How do you perceive it?

From this becomes sad. You have to find words to explain your position, and people are offended. I understand perfectly well that there will be an audience that will support these people, and something to blame me. Such participants just want to say "no". The future is not in them. I do not want my children to grow on such artists. It's time for new music.

- Julia, while you are on the "x-factor", who looks after your child?

The baby is located with grandparents at the cottage near Kiev, and he is good there. Thank God, we see him all the time, almost every day. Of course, I really miss. If I do not see him at least one evening, then insanely longing. But it is not for long, just a couple of weeks, while shooting castings.

In general, I try to prevent long-term separation with the son. More than two days we did not partitioned. Sometimes I want to tear to the baby!

- For me, your image is still completely associated with the way mom ...

(Laughs) In fact, from me good mother. This is the first experience when I leave a child on my grandmothers. Nyan I would not have trusted it for sure. For the first two months after giving birth, I did not give anyone my son in my hands, even grandmothers. I was a crazy mom in this regard. Now I understand that the work is no less important. The Hardkiss - This is also our brainchild. Although the son still does not compare.

Lyudmila Gritsfeldt

13:30 13.07.2016

When I learned that Igor Kondratyuk left the judicial chair of the project "X-factor", I understood clearly: the show is waiting for global changes. My guesses were only confirmed when it turned out that the Sergey Neighborhood we will no longer see. The channel STB, however, did not hurry to disclose all the cards and the whole week kept silence, the argument of the project fans almost to the nervous breakdown. But sooner or later, all the secret becomes clear, and today, all the details of how the "X-factor" judicial panel will look like the next season. Hope you are sitting.

As I predicted, the honorable place in the composition of the jury will take Konstantin Meladze, tightly combined with the STB channel still during the National Selection for Eurovision. Well, everything is right: he and in music knows a lot, and the show can do even from the evil casting.

Next to him on the project, Andrei Danilko will arrange, to whose candidacy I also looked after earlier. The deserved version of Serduchka of Ukraine, apparently, will ensure that the project's scandal is kept at the same level as during neighboring.

Next to experienced men in the judiciary will sit Julia Sanina from The Hardkiss. I do not know how it will cope with this difficult thing, but musical knowledge does not occupy, as well as warmth in relations with a broadcaster.

The following sensation is the fourth judge Anton Sablepov, familiar to Ukrainians in Quest Pistols and Agond groups. It was not even expected to confess such a turn even: a guy with STB does not associate anything, and in the selection for Eurovision, unlike his colleagues, he did not accept.

However, rumors walk that it was with the fourth member of the jury that the MOROKO was most. At first, I called Galic Zhenya to this place, then Fagota, and only from the third time - Anton, who in this place and fixed.

« We are accustomed to setting television trends. Such a large-scale vocal show cannot stand for a long time in one place, so from year to year "X-factor" changes: dramaturgy, scene, new participants, new categories, new tests. Last season, we had a gold button. And this year we have for the first time a complete replacement of the composition of the jury and two leading. Yes, the "X-factor" is now a completely new judicial person, but he, as before, will be the most recognizable show of the country, the most beloved, the most paradoxical, warm and present -commented on changes Manager Elena Romanenko. - We are sincerely grateful to the former judiciary - Igor Kondratyuk, Sergey Neyno, Nino Katamadze and Andrei Chylvnyuk, who opened up the Ukrainian TV viewers, many talented performers. I want to say thank you so much for the effort, honesty and sincere love for our common brain called "X factor».

And the current appointments, according to Romanenko, are not accidental: "M matrov such as Konstantin Meladze and Andrei Danilko has long been authoritative for spectators and colleagues on stage. The recognition and confidence of Yulia Sanina Ukraine expressed tens of thousands of votes during national selection For Eurovision 2016. And Anton Sablepov is bright representative A new generation of Ukrainian artists who can with the help of vocals, dance and incredible charisma arrange a high-class show on stage. New judges "X-factor" know exactly what performers need Ukrainian show business today».

Are you still alive there? Finally, the change in the leading. The company Oksana Marchenko This season will be Andrei Pozhnyakov, known for you on the show "Eagle and Rushka"! Castinga B. new season It will start in the near future in the pavilions of Film.ua (and I will definitely visit and find out all the details).

Well, in my opinion, this composition is more than a worthy answer to the pros, which

13:30 13.07.2016

When I learned that Igor Kondratyuk left the judicial chair of the project "X-factor", I understood clearly: the show is waiting for global changes. My guesses were only confirmed when it turned out that the Sergey Neighborhood we will no longer see. The channel STB, however, did not hurry to disclose all the cards and the whole week kept silence, the argument of the project fans almost to the nervous breakdown. But sooner or later, all the secret becomes clear, and today, all the details of how the "X-factor" judicial panel will look like the next season. Hope you are sitting.

As I predicted, the honorable place in the composition of the jury will take Konstantin Meladze, tightly combined with the STB channel still during the National Selection for Eurovision. Well, everything is right: he and in music knows a lot, and the show can do even from the evil casting.

Next to him on the project, Andrei Danilko will arrange, to whose candidacy I also looked after earlier. The deserved version of Serduchka of Ukraine, apparently, will ensure that the project's scandal is kept at the same level as during neighboring.

Next to experienced men in the judiciary will sit Julia Sanina from The Hardkiss. I do not know how it will cope with this difficult thing, but musical knowledge does not occupy, as well as warmth in relations with a broadcaster.

The following sensation is the fourth judge Anton Sablepov, familiar to Ukrainians in Quest Pistols and Agond groups. It was not even expected to confess such a turn even: a guy with STB does not associate anything, and in the selection for Eurovision, unlike his colleagues, he did not accept.

However, rumors walk that it was with the fourth member of the jury that the MOROKO was most. At first, I called Galic Zhenya to this place, then Fagota, and only from the third time - Anton, who in this place and fixed.

« We are accustomed to setting television trends. Such a large-scale vocal show cannot stand for a long time in one place, so from year to year "X-factor" changes: dramaturgy, scene, new participants, new categories, new tests. Last season, we had a gold button. And this year we have for the first time a complete replacement of the composition of the jury and two leading. Yes, the "X-factor" is now a completely new judicial person, but he, as before, will be the most recognizable show of the country, the most beloved, the most paradoxical, warm and present -commented on changes Manager Elena Romanenko. - We are sincerely grateful to the former judiciary - Igor Kondratyuk, Sergey Neyno, Nino Katamadze and Andrei Chylvnyuk, who opened up the Ukrainian TV viewers, many talented performers. I want to say a huge thank you for the effort, honesty and sincere love for our common brain called "X-factor».

And the current appointments, according to Romanenko, are not accidental: "M matrov such as Konstantin Meladze and Andrei Danilko has long been authoritative for spectators and colleagues on stage. The recognition and confidence of Yulia Sanina Ukraine expressed tens of thousands of votes during the National Selection for Eurovision 2016. And Anton Sablepov is a bright representative of the new generation of Ukrainian artists who can with the help of vocals, dance and incredible Charizma to arrange a high-class show on the scene. New judges "X-factor" know exactly what performers need Ukrainian show business today».

Are you still alive there? Finally, the change in the leading. The company Oksana Marchenko This season will be Andrei Pozhnyakov, known for you on the show "Eagle and Rushka"! The castings in the new season will start in the near future in the pavilions of Film.ua (and I will definitely visit and find out all the details).

Well, in my opinion, this composition is more than a worthy answer to the pros, which

In 2016, the composition of the famous vocal Show "X-factor" changed dramatically.

This time, to judge our talented vocalists: musical producer and composer Konstantin Meladze; soloist of the group "The Hardkiss" Julia Sanina; Artist, author and composer Andrei Danilko, as well as a soloist of Agond Group Anton Sablepov.

Changes not bypassed and leading. On stage, another lead appeared, which was a harmonious pair of Oksana Marchenko - Andrey Pozhnikov.

Konstantin Meladze - famous ukrainian composer And the musical producer who perfectly succeeded in show business. Konstantin - creative personwho has known success in the 1990s. It was famous for producing the group "VIA Gra".

For whatever Konstantin Meladze, everything is doomed to success in his hands. In 2016, Meladze spoke as music producer And the jury member for the selection of the participant from Ukraine to Eurovision, which took place in May in Stockholm. Victory B. song competition conquered ukrainian singer Jamala with the song "1944".

Julia Sanina is a soloist of The Hardkiss Group, the owner of a stunning talent, a wonderful wife and mother. The show "X-factor" came up with new forces and is ready to help all talents find its place in show business.

Anton Sablepov - former soloist Groups " Quest Pistols"Who became famous for his rapid behavior and external species. The singer can easily see the ambitious, talented young people who deserve the title of the star show business.

Andrei Danilko - Ukrainian artist, producer, composer, director, screenwriter, TV presenter, actor. A man who tried the grass-image "Verka Serdyuchka" and achieved great success.

Andrei Pozhnyakov - Ukrainian artist and TV host, became famous for the TV shows "Eagle and Rusk" and "Believe - I do not believe." It has an incredible sense of humor, so it will give the X-Factor a highlight, thanks to which the show will be even brighter.

Oksana Marchenko - Ukrainian TV presenter and journalist. The kindness and sympathy of Oksana is that, without which it is impossible to present the scene of the X-Factor 7, so in 2016 we can enjoy the stunning smile and beauty of Oksana!

For each of the jury to participate in the fate of the project is a great honor and simultaneous responsibility. But this does not change the fact that the show is all the same interesting, exciting and the most recognizable in the country's televisers.