The hardkiss group biography. The Hardkiss biography

The hardkiss group biography.  The Hardkiss biography
The hardkiss group biography. The Hardkiss biography
Ukraine K: Wikipedia: Articles without images (type: not specified)

The hardkiss is a Ukrainian English-speaking musical group that appeared in 2011. The authorship of all the songs of the group belongs to its members - Yulia Sanina and Valery Bebko, who is also the creative producer of The Hardkiss. The stylists Slava Chaika and Vitalik Datsyuk are working on the images of the group members.


Group formation

The Hardkiss was born out of the Val & Sanina project. At the age of 18, the vocalist of the group, Yulia Sanina, tried herself in journalism and wrote an article. While working on the material, Sanina met with the producer of the broadcast on Ukrainian MTV Valery Bebko. Later they began to write music together and eventually formed the duo Val & Sanina. A test video and a couple of songs were recorded in Russian.

In an attempt to name the group the most aptly, Sanina and Bebko sent out three names to their Facebook friends (The Hardkiss, Planet of the Ponies). Another name, according to Julia Sanina, she no longer remembers. After the friends listened to the demo version of the song, they said that this music has something sweet from a kiss and "hard" in the arrangements.


On September 11, the world premiere of the debut work of the "Babylon" band took place. On September 17, the video was taken into rotation by the Ukrainian channel M1. The band's first concert took place in September at the Serebro club. On October 12, the band released their video for the song "October".

On October 20, 2011 the band acts as an opening act for the British band Hurts.

In December 2011, the two largest music channels in Russia, MUZ and MTV, broadcast the video of The Hardkiss (Dance with me)

On December 12, 2011, the premiere of the video Dance with me took place. Bass-guitarist of the group Valeriy "Val" Bebko becomes the director. Operator: Yuri Korol. ...

year 2012

On February 8, the presentation of the almanac of eight short films "Lovers in Kiev" took place. The members of The Hardkiss group worked on one of the films (“Lost in the City”): Valery Bebko - director, Yulia Sanina - co-author of the script.

The premiere of the new video for the song "Make-Up" by The Hardkiss took place on September 3. The video was directed by the bass-guitarist of The Hardkiss Valeriy "Val" Bebko.

On November 30, The Hardkiss performed at the ceremony of awarding the winners of the main television award of Ukraine "Teletriumph", which took place on the stage of the National Palace "Ukraine".

The group received a special award and the title "Discovery of the Year" from the All-Ukrainian annual competition "Brand of the Year", the solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of which was held on December 6 in the Presidential Hall of Official Receptions in Kiev.

According to the results of 2012, experts of the main and only music award of Ukraine YUNA nominated the group in two categories - "Discovery of the Year" and "Best Video Clip" ("Make-Up", directed by Val Bebko), in both of which she won.

year 2013

On January 10, The Hardkiss presented a new song in the studio of the M1 channel.

On March 17, Valery Bebko's video work for the song "Make Up" was recognized as the best in the "Video Clip" nomination at the YUNA awards.

On April 7, the group performed at the Vegas TV and Radio Company in Moscow at the Party ZONA party, which was broadcast live on the Muz-TV channel. On May 6, a teaser for the song In Love appeared on the network, the video will premiere on May 18, at the group's first solo concert. On May 8, the premiere of the song "In Love" took place. On June 7, the group opened the Muz TV music award in Russia.

year 2014

On March 29, The Hardkiss were nominated for the Best Group nomination at the YUNA Awards.

2015 year

On December 9, in the official Vkontakte group, the group presented their EP "Cold Altair".

“Doctor Thomases is the title track of the new EP. The philosophical theme of being is hidden in this track in the reflections of Dr. Thomas ... Human happiness consists of two things: faith in beauty and one chance in life that must always be used "- the soloist of the group Yulia Sanina described the track" Doctor Thomases "and presented the release of the new EP during air time on radio Europa Plus Ukraine.

2016 year

On January 26, 2016 it was announced that the group will take part in the national selection of Ukraine for Eurovision 2016. ...

On February 6, the group in the first semi-final of the selection passed to the final, taking second place. On February 21, the final of the national selection for Eurovision 2016 took place. According to the results of the judicial vote, the group took first place, but according to the results of the audience vote, only the second, as a result, Jamala won the final selection.



  • - "Stones and Honey"



  • - "Babylon"
  • - "Dance With Me"
  • - "Make-Up"
  • - "October"
  • - "Part Of Me"
  • - "In Love"
  • - "Under The Sun"
  • - "Shadows Of Time"
  • - "Tell Me Brother"
  • - "Hurricane"
  • - "Stones"
  • - "Strange Moves"
  • - "PiBiP"
  • - "Organ"
  • - "Tony, Talk!"
  • - "Helpless"
  • - "Perfection"
  • - "Rain"



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Excerpt from The Hardkiss

The count, as in huge snares, walked about in his affairs, trying not to believe that he was entangled and with each step more and more entangled and feeling unable to break the net that entangled him, or carefully, patiently begin to unravel them. The Countess, with a loving heart, felt that her children were being ruined, that the count was not to blame, that he could not be different from what he was, that he himself was suffering (although he was hiding it) from the consciousness of his own and childhood ruin, and was looking for means to help the cause. From her feminine point of view, there was only one remedy - the marriage of Nikolai to a rich bride. She felt that this was the last hope, and that if Nikolai refused the party that she had found for him, she would have to say goodbye forever with the opportunity to improve matters. This party was Julie Karagina, the daughter of a beautiful, virtuous mother and father, known from childhood to Rostov, and now a rich bride on the occasion of the death of the last of her brothers.
The Countess wrote directly to Karagina in Moscow, offering her the marriage of her daughter to her son, and received a favorable response from her. Karagina replied that she, for her part, agreed that everything would depend on the inclination of her daughter. Karagina invited Nikolai to come to Moscow.
Several times, with tears in her eyes, the countess told her son that now that both her daughters were attached, her only desire was to see him married. She said that she would lie down calmly in the coffin if that were the case. Then she said that she had a beautiful girl in mind and elicited his opinion about marriage.
In other conversations, she praised Julie and advised Nikolai to go to Moscow for the holidays to have some fun. Nikolai guessed what his mother's conversations were heading for, and in one of these conversations he summoned her to complete frankness. She told him that all the hope of getting things better was now based on his marriage to Karagina.
- Well, if I loved a girl without fortune, would you really demand, maman, that I sacrifice feeling and honor for the fortune? He asked his mother, not understanding the cruelty of his question and wanting only to show his nobility.
“No, you don’t understand me,” said the mother, not knowing how to justify herself. - You do not understand me, Nikolinka. I wish you happiness, ”she added, and felt that she was not telling the truth, that she was confused. She began to cry.
“Mamma, don’t cry, but just tell me that you want it, and you know that I’ll give my whole life to keep you calm,” Nikolai said. I will sacrifice everything for you, even my feelings.
But the countess did not want to pose the question so much: she did not want a sacrifice from her son, she herself would like to sacrifice to him.
“No, you don’t understand me, we won’t talk,” she said, wiping away her tears.
“Yes, maybe I love the poor girl,” Nikolai said to himself, well, should I sacrifice feeling and honor for the fortune? I wonder how my mother could tell me this. Because Sonya is poor, I also cannot love her, he thought, - I cannot answer her faithful, devoted love. And I’ll probably be happier with her than with some Julie doll. I can always sacrifice my feeling for the good of my family, he told himself, but I cannot command my feeling. If I love Sonya, then my feeling is stronger and higher than everything for me. "
Nicholas did not go to Moscow, the countess did not renew the conversation with him about marriage, and with sadness, and sometimes with anger, she saw signs of more and more rapprochement between her son and the dowdy Sonya. She reproached herself for that, but could not help but grumble, find fault with Sonya, often stopping her for no reason, calling her "you" and "my dear". Most of all, the kind countess was angry with Sonya, that this poor, black-eyed niece was so meek, so kind, so devotedly grateful to her benefactors, and so faithfully, invariably, with selflessness in love with Nicholas, that it was impossible to reproach her for anything. ...
Nikolai spent his vacation with his relatives. The 4th letter was received from the groom Prince Andrey, from Rome, in which he wrote that he would have been on his way to Russia for a long time, if his wound had not suddenly opened in a warm climate, which makes him postpone his departure until the beginning of next year ... Natasha was just as in love with her fiancé, just as reassured by this love, and just as susceptible to all the joys of life; but at the end of the fourth month of separation from him, they began to find moments of sadness on her, against which she could not fight. She felt sorry for herself, it was a pity that she was so free, for no one, wasted all this time, during which she felt so able to love and be loved.
It was not fun in the Rostovs' house.

Christmastide came, and besides the ceremonial mass, except for the solemn and boring congratulations of neighbors and courtyards, except for all the new dresses they put on, there was nothing special to commemorate Christmastide, and in the calm 20-degree frost, in the bright blinding sun during the day and in the starry winter light at night, there was a need for some kind of commemoration of this time.
On the third day of the holiday, after dinner, all the household went to their rooms. It was the most boring time of the day. Nikolai, who had gone to the neighbors in the morning, fell asleep in the sofa. The old count was resting in his study. Sonya was sitting at a round table in the living room, sketching a pattern. The Countess laid out the cards. Nastasya Ivanovna the jester with a sad face was sitting at the window with two old women. Natasha entered the room, went up to Sonya, looked at what she was doing, then went up to her mother and silently stopped.
- Why are you walking like a homeless woman? - said her mother. - What do you want?
"I need him ... now, this very minute I need him," said Natasha, her eyes shining and not smiling. The Countess raised her head and gazed at her daughter.
- Don't look at me. Mom, don't look, I'll pay now.
“Sit down, sit with me,” said the countess.
- Mom, I need him. Why am I so lost, mom? ... - Her voice broke off, tears gushed from her eyes, and to hide them, she quickly turned and left the room. She went into the sofa, stood for a while, thought, and went to the girls' room. There, an old maid grumbled at a young girl, out of breath, who came running from the courtyard out of the cold.
“That will play,” said the old woman. - We have it all the time.
“Let her go, Kondratyevna,” said Natasha. - Go, Mavrusha, go.
And letting go of Mavrusha, Natasha went through the hall to the hall. The old man and two young footmen were playing cards. They interrupted the game and stood at the entrance of the young lady. "What should I do with them?" thought Natasha. - Yes, Nikita, please go ... where should I send him? - Yes, go to the courtyard and bring a rooster, please; yes, and you, Misha, bring oats.
- Would you like some oats? - Misha said cheerfully and willingly.
“Go, go quickly,” the old man confirmed.
- Fedor, and you get me the chalk.
Passing the buffet, she ordered the samovar to be brought, although it was not at all the time.
Fock's barman was the most angry man in the whole house. Natasha loved to try her power over him. He did not believe her and went to ask her, was it?
- This young lady! - said Foka, frowning at Natasha with a feigned frown.
No one in the house sent so many people and gave them so much work as Natasha. She could not indifferently see people, so as not to send them somewhere. She seemed to be trying to see if one of them would get angry, if one of them would pout at her, but people did not like to carry out any orders as much as the Natashins. “What should I do? Where should I go? " thought Natasha, walking slowly down the corridor.

Little girl
Only Once
Part of me
Shadows of time
Strange Moves (feat. KAZAKY)
Tell me brother
Tony, Talk!
Under the sun

History | Biography of THE HARDKISS

The HARDKISS is a Ukrainian English-speaking musical group that appeared in 2011. The authorship of all the songs of the group belongs to its members - Yulia Sanina and Valery (Val) Bebko, who is also the creative producer of The HARDKISS. Each concert of The HARDKISS is a new stage image. The stylists Slava Chaika and Vitalik Datsyuk are working on the images of the group members.

The Hardkiss was born out of the Val & Sanina project. At the age of 18, the vocalist of the group, Yulia Sanina, tried herself in journalism and wrote an article. While working on the material, Sanina met with the producer of the broadcast on Ukrainian MTV Valery Bebko. Later they began to write music together and eventually formed the duo Val & Sanina. A test video and a couple of songs were recorded in Russian.

In an attempt to name the group the most aptly, Sanina and Bebko sent out three names to their Facebook friends (The Hardkiss, Planet of the Ponies). Another name, according to Julia Sanina, she no longer remembers. After the friends listened to the demo version of the song, they said that this music has something sweet from the kiss and "hard" in the arrangements.


On September 12, the premiere of the debut work of the "Babylon" group took place. On September 17, the video was taken into rotation by the Ukrainian channel M1.

The band's first concert took place in September at the Serebro club. On October 12, the band released their video for the song "October".

During the opening act, which was arranged by the Ukrainian band The Hardkiss, the audience did not disappoint either. People in the fan zone clapped violently to the beat of the music and applauded after each song. And the musicians were pretty good too. The strong voice of the soloist and loud music made it clear that this band was not opening up by chance. - Internet edition "Rock-Kiev"

In December 2011, the two largest music channels in Russia, MUZ and MTV, broadcast the video of The Hardkiss (Dance with me).

December 12, 2011 - premiere of the music video Dance with me. Bass-guitarist of the group Valeriy "Val" Bebko becomes the director. Operator: Yuri Korol. The clip was instantly appreciated by music critics. As before, the high-quality work on the video was noted: "" Dance With Me "among the mountains of garbage looks like a rare jewel." As for the song itself, the author of the review noted that it was made as if nothing had happened in music after 2002.

At the end of 2011, DosugUA magazine named The Hardkiss "Dance with me" one of the most stylish clips. In the ranking, he took second place, passing ahead only the video of the Russian artist Nikita "Dance in the Dark".

year 2012

On February 8, the presentation of the almanac of eight short films "Lovers in Kiev" took place. The members of The Hardkiss group worked on one of the films ("Lost in the City"): Valery Bebko - director, Yulia Sanina - co-writer of the script. Filming lasted 3 days. "Lost in the City" is a story about love and loneliness in a metropolis, which opens our eyes to the fact that sometimes in huge areas of the city, where a mass of people, endless streams of cars, hustle and bustle, a person can feel incredibly lonely.

In February 2012, the group signed a contract with the worldwide Sony BMG label and the French agency Eye-Models. After that, the video "Dance with me" began to be broadcast on MTV in all countries.

The premiere of the new video for the song "Make-Up" by The Hardkiss took place on September 3. The video was directed by the bass-guitarist of The Hardkiss Valeriy "Val" Bebko. The video "Make-Up" got about 200,000 YouTube-views in the first month of its online life.

The Hardkiss vocalist Julia Sanina and Brazilian DJ Ulysses Nuns ( created the track "Brazilian Fire", which at the end of the year became a hit on the biggest dance floors in Brazil.

On November 30, The Hardkiss performed at the ceremony of awarding the winners of the main television prize of Ukraine "Teletriumph", which took place on the stage of the National Palace "Ukraine".

The HARDKISS group received a special award and the title "Discovery of the Year" from the All-Ukrainian annual competition "Brand of the Year", the solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of which was held on December 6 in the Presidential Hall of Official Receptions in Kiev. The "Brand Rock" competition was founded in Ukraine in 2000 and every year it awards the leading Ukrainian and international companies, whose brands were recognized as the best in various categories-nominations.

According to the results of 2012, experts of the main and only music award of Ukraine YUNA nominated The HARDKISS group in two categories - "Discovery of the Year" and "Best Video Clip" ("Make-Up", directed by Val Bebko). The names of the winners will be announced at the awards ceremony, which will take place on March 15 at the stage of the National Palace "Ukraine". The Hardkiss became winners in both nominations, thereby confirming their success.

year 2013

On January 10, The Hardkiss presented a new song Part of Me in the studio of the M1 channel. "The degree of" hardness "in the band's sound is increasing." - Yulia Sanina, vocalist of the group.

January 24 Valeriy Bebko, musician, director, YUNA nominee in the "Best Director" nomination for The HARDKISS - "Make Up" video.

"Usually, when you are doing what you love, you don’t think about awards. I’m doubly lucky - I shoot videos for music that I myself create. The main thing that I wanted to convey with the video for the song" Make-Up "is youth drive, sex and We showed Ukrainian youth beautiful, fashionable and progressive. The main reward for us is the attention and feedback from our listeners. And there were enough of them. In the first month, the video has gained more than 200,000 YouTube views. There is nothing to worry about. And competitors - these are my good friends, everyone has a work worthy of victory. It doesn't matter who wins, we will celebrate together. " - Valery Bebko, guitarist in the group.

In March, a video for the new song In Love is being filmed. "For filming the video for the song" In Love "the Ukrainian band The HARDKISS threw a real glam-rock party for the whole day" - Rock You. On March 9th, Part of Me is now available on iTunes. On March 11, the video for the song Part of Me premiered.

"The HARDKISS presents their fourth full-length video. The video for the song "Part Of Me" is the best and brightest thing that happened to the band in a year and a half. "- The HARDKISS

On March 16, THE HARDKISS won in the category "Discovery of the Year" and "Best Video of the Year" according to the YUNA award.

The HARDKISS group announces their first solo concert in Kiev, which will take place on May 18 at the Green Theater. The HARDKISS are preparing a full-fledged concert program, which they promise to turn into a real musical performance. The director of the concert will be the producer, participant and director of all the clips of the group Valery Bebko. Val, who received the YUNA national prize for the best music video of 2012, notes that this concert in full format will be presented only once and will never be repeated. The stylists of the show will be Slava Chaika and Vitalik Datsyuk, who have been working on the images of The HARDKISS from the first days of the group's existence.

On April 7, the group performed at the Moscow TRK Vegas at the Party ZONA party, which was broadcast live on the Muz-TV channel.

On May 6, a teaser for the song In Love appeared on the network, the video will premiere on May 18, at the group's first solo concert.

On May 8, the premiere of the song In Love took place. "The new song differs from the band's previous singles with a more rocky and driving sound - this is the cheeky mood in which The HARDKISS are planning to stay in the hot summer of 2013." - The HARDKISS

On May 18, the group's first solo concert took place, tickets for which were sold out a week before the event.

As part of the Pepsi Stars Of Now tour, The HARDKISS will give 16 concerts in Ukraine.

year 2014

On October 9, 2014, the band celebrated their third anniversary with the release of their first album, "Stones and Honey". The album was presented at The HARDKISS Big Show in Kiev, which was sold out in Kiev's Stereo Plaza.

Phil Pukharev in his review of made a collective image:

For the likes of "The Hardkiss", releasing albums is not at all necessary. Because the wow-effect from such groups rests primarily on the listener's desire for bread and circuses. An impressive part of what was included in the tracklist of "Stones And Honey" has been regularly embodied since 2011 in spectacular clips directed by the guitarist of "The Hardkiss" and the husband of vocalist Yulia Sanina - Valery "Val" Bebko. And even Katya Osadcha would envy the bright multi-colored wigs and shocking outfits of Yulia herself. Therefore, if for some reason the release had not been released for the grandiose show in "Stereo Plaza", only the fans would have been offended. However, "Stones And Honey" came true. And he absorbed everything that the synth-pop group has lived for these four years.

It is noteworthy that "The Hardkiss" is positioning the debut album as a performance. It's like a play in two parts, each of which is like yin and yang from the name of the group. "Hard" was made up of mostly explosive hits and blockbusters from the rotation. In "Kiss" - melodic slows and lyrics.

"Stones And Honey" starts in the usual way - with poignant synthesizers, which, closer to the track "Hurricane", give way to loud guitar crashes. The first eight numbers of the album are pure formalism, its cover and content in one bottle. "My appearance is my weapon" (Make Up). In the universe of these songs, disco and eurodance (Dance With Me) are still relevant, and where there is dancing, there is sex (Strange Moves) ../../../ the-hardkiss.html

But in the second part of "Stones And Honey" the musicians step off the dance floor and bare their souls to us. Sound molasses pours on the listeners: beautiful orchestral fragments are woven into the arrangements, and live ones come to replace the electronic keys. Here the music of "The Hardkiss" largely fades into the background, revealing the strong, charismatic voice of Yulia Sanina. And this voice has something to say. In "October" the girl shares her memories of a fateful meeting (presumably - with her husband and bandmate). In "Japanese Dancer" reflects on the past life of a Japanese ballerina with the intonations of Lana Del Rey. The next track - "Under The Sun" - meets us with tom-toms and parrots among some African jungle, from the depths of which one can hear a motivating exclamation: "Take what you want from life!" "Stones" is perhaps the strongest track on "The Hardkiss"; a philosophical statement about the time to collect stones for those who did not have time to do this before us.

In "Stones And Honey" "The Hardkiss" proves that they are fun not only to watch, but also to listen to. However, one gets the impression that the band's debut album was meant to be a goal, but a means. It is not so much an independent product as a clear line under their four-year "off-album" activity. Then you can change the colors of the wigs, sing in closer languages ​​(like in the song "Prirva" - the only Ukrainian-language song on the album) and at the same time say the same thing, only in different words. The kiss turned out to be really strong, but will it withstand the slaps of time and circumstances? However, those in love with married Yulia Sanina are hardly worried about this.

On April 20, 2015, the Ukrainian progressive pop-rock group The HARDKISS presented a new single "Organ" from the band's upcoming second album: "Organ is a very frank and gentle song. It is about love and sexual attraction, about how loving people save each other from a difficult world. The clip is the other side of the song. We will tell an everyday story about how one person can destroy the world of another. How close love and hate are. " In February, the team also shot a video for the track, its director was the creative producer and guitarist of the group Val Bebko, the operator was Yaroslav Pilunsky, and the stylists were Slava Chaika and Vitaly Datsyuk. The premiere of the video is expected in April, on the eve of the presentation of the new concert show The HARDKISS.

On September 27, 2016, RAIN premiered. Yulia Sanina: "Rain is a story about loneliness, which I wanted to compare with rain. By nature, I am a lyricist who believes in miracles. To be happy, a person, like air, needs love. Sooner or later the rain will end, the sadness will go away, love will appear in life. And love, whatever it is, is the sun and the light. "

On December 15, 2016, The Hardkiss continues their musical experiments and presents the track Closer at the end of a busy year. By the way, the outgoing year was extremely eventful for The Hardkiss. The musicians celebrated their fifth anniversary with two soloists in Kiev, played 13 concerts as part of the autumn Perfection Tour, and received the M1 Music Awards as the best alternative band in the country. The creative producer and guitarist of The Hardkiss Val Bebko notes that the band has even bigger plans for the next year.

Yulia Sanina, whose real name is Yulia Golovan, is a Ukrainian singer known as the soloist of the English-speaking group "The Hardkiss".

She was born in Kiev into a family of professional musicians. At the age of three, the girl already went on stage and sang as a soloist of an ensemble led by her father. Later, Yulia began studying jazz and pop art at a music school, and at the same time performed with various children's and adult groups, including the youth jazz band Sister Siren, and sometimes solo.

During her studies, Julia has repeatedly become a laureate of music competitions, among which were the television competition "Croc to Zirok 2001" ("Step to the Stars"), the festival "Christ in my heart", the international festivals "World of the Young 2001", held in Hungary, and " Slavianski Bazaar 2002 ". At the age of 16, Yulia reached the final of the television competition "I want to be a star."

After receiving a certificate of maturity, the girl went for higher education, but for this she chose not at all a musical profile. Julia entered the philological faculty of the Kiev National University named after, from which she graduated in 2013 with a master's degree in folklore.

During her studies, Sanina became interested in journalism, wanted to develop in this direction, but a new acquaintance with a music producer changed her life. Even before graduation, Julia was already a famous performer.

In 2016, Sanina's popularity in Ukraine rose to even greater heights, as the singer was included in the jury of the seventh season of the mega-rated talent show "X-Factor" on the STB TV channel.

Together with Yulia, the judges of the competition were, and. The wards of the frontwoman "The Hardkiss" - the Ukrainian group Detach - reached the superfinal of the TV show. The winner of the competition was a singer from Yerevan, whose mentor he was. The Mountain Breeze Band, supported by Andrey Danilko, took third place.


Yulia Sanina was 18 years old when she met the music producer of the MTV channel Valery Bebko. The young people organized the Russian-language pop duet "Val & Sania" and recorded several compositions, including a cover version of the famous Soviet hit "Love Has Come". So the creative biography of the singer began.

After a while, the musicians renamed themselves the duet "The Hardkiss" and began to sing in English, and mostly their own hits. The name of the renewed ensemble was chosen by voting among the subscribers " Facebook»Valery and Julia. The titles included The Hardkiss, Planet of the Ponies. In the comments to the demo version of the first hit, friends of the band members noted that only the first name conveys the essence of the music.

In a short time, a video was shot for the song "Babylon", which was included in the rotation of the music channel "M1", and the first concert took place in the entertainment club "Serebro".

In the fall of 2011, The Hardkiss acted as an opening act for the British group Hurts and DJ Solange Knowles, and was also nominated for the best Ukrainian musical project at the MTV awards ceremony. At the end of the first year of work, the video for the hit “Dance with me” hit the air of the Russian channels MUZ-TV and MTV. Soon, the artists set off to conquer Europe, giving a concert in France at the Midem music festival.

In 2012, the group begins to collect its first awards. Yulia and Valeriy became MTV EMA nominees, then received the "Discovery of the Year" award from the All-Ukrainian annual "Brand of the Year" competition, and performed at the Teletriumph award ceremony.

But the main victory awaited the musicians at the YUNA national award, where the group "The Hardkiss" received two statuettes in the categories "Discovery of the Year" and "Best Video Clip". The second award went to the musicians for the video "Make-Up", which was directed by Valeriy Bebko according to the established tradition. The first contract with an international brand - Sony BMG label appears.

Gradually the popularity of the group was gaining momentum. Compositions "Part of Me", "Brazilian Fire" and the song "So little for you here", together with the legendary Ukrainian rock group Druha Rika, contributed to the fact that almost all lovers of modern music started talking about Yulia Sanina.

In 2014, The Hardkiss released their debut studio album, Stones and Honey, followed by the EP Cold Altair and a number of new singles such as Helpless and Perfection.

Artists use the Internet to promote the group. In 2014, Julia started on video hosting Youtube the channel on which she began to release videos dedicated to the behind-the-scenes work of the group. In 2015, the artists gave their first online concert at " In contact with", Which was broadcast from the Kiev headquarters of the social network.

In 2016, the group "The Hardkiss" became a participant in the national selection of the Eurovision Song Contest. During the voting, the judges gave preference to Yulia and Valery, and the audience celebrated the performance, which became the winner of the competition.

Personal life

As it turned out later, the singer met not only the creative producer and guitarist of The Hardkiss, but also her future spouse. For five years, young people hid their relationship, although Yulia Sanina and Valery Bebko got married two years after they met. The wedding party was decorated in an authentic Ukrainian style.

By the way, Julia takes her image very seriously. Since the members of The Hardkiss team always look more than spectacular and shocking, they have to cooperate with the best fashion designers-compatriots, for example, Slava Chaika and Vitaly Datsyuk.

Yulia Sanina considers herself a workaholic and cannot be on vacation for a long time. The maximum vacation that an artist allows herself is five days on a European sightseeing tour. But not longer, otherwise the girl begins to feel depressed and thinks that she is wasting time in vain.

On November 21, 2015, a son was born to Julia and Valery, who was named Danil. But even the appearance of the baby could not tear the young mother away from her beloved work, and now the artist manages to combine childcare and recording new hits. Danil becomes a frequent hero of Julia's photos, which the singer posts on her Instagram account. Fans celebrate how quickly the baby is growing.

Julia Sanina now

The success of Yulia Sanina and the group "The Hardkiss" continues to be confirmed by new awards and love of the audience. In 2017, the musical group received the YUNA national award in the category "Best Rock Group of Ukraine", and the M1 Music Awards TV channel noted the musicians' creativity with an award in the category "Best Alternative Project of 2016 and 2017". The singer also tried herself as a voice actress. Smurfette spoke in her voice in the Ukrainian version of the dubbing of the animated film "The Smurfs: The Lost Village".

In 2018, The Hardkiss will be nominated for a YUNA award in several categories: Best Song in Ukrainian, Best Song of the Year and Best Album. The members of The Hardkiss presented new hits Antarctica and Cranes from the latest album Perfection Is A Lie as competitive musical compositions.


  • 2014 - Stones and Honey
  • 2015 - Cold Altair
  • 2017 - "Perfection is a Lie"

Without a doubt, it is one of the brightest phenomena in the Ukrainian show business. High-quality sound, beautiful and original video works, stylish and memorable stage images - all this was appreciated not only by the most demanding listeners and spectators, but also by popular Western artists and members of the jury of prestigious awards. In the fall, the group will release a new EP, and on May 15 and 16 in the Kiev club SENTRUM a concert with the space name "Cold Altair" will take place.

SI: What kind of music do you play on your headphones or in your car every day?

Julia Sanina: I rarely try to listen to other people's music. I listened to a lot of music as a child, in my student years I listened to my favorite jazz and soul in transport. Now Val is responsible for the music in our family, it is he who chooses the playlist for the car and, basically, this is alternative music. Well, Slava Chaika doesn't work without music, he has a completely crazy mix of styles.

SI: All your tracks are in English, even the band's website initially opens in English. Does this mean that you are focusing more on the Western market?

Julia Sanina: When The HARDKISS was conceived, they really focused more on the Western market. At that time, everyone around us told us: "Nobody needs English songs here." But it turned out differently - in Ukraine we play more concerts than abroad. What's more, the Stones' English-language track was voted Best Song of 2014 by the experts at the Yuna Awards. People often ask: why do I write in English? I answer: I am better at writing in English than in Ukrainian or Russian. Plus, we are understood not only in the countries of the former CIS, but throughout the world. And we do not like to limit ourselves and our capabilities.

SI: Do you have any idols among musicians? The personalities you look up to?

Julia Sanina: There are no idols, there are those whom I respect very much. Basically, these are individuals who are no longer with us: Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury. Actresses Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly inspire me a lot. These great people are united by an incredible love for their work and dedication. If suddenly I find it hard or lazy, I remember them and these thoughts give me a good kick in the ass!

SI: Do you have any taboos regarding actions during a performance?

Julia Sanina: We do not like the presenters and warming up - we do not need it. We do not sing a cover "to order" and are sensitive to the stage equipment. At concerts we play quite heavy music, but in life we ​​are calm and adequate people. Laughs... We have a non-drinking group that spends their time only on what really deserves attention.

SI: How do you create your music? Do you need a certain atmosphere or special mood for this?

Julia Sanina: I write the melody and the lyrics, Val is in charge of the arrangement. All the best is invented by chance and suddenly. If I force myself, nothing interesting will come of it! The "Make-Up" track was born when I went down the stairs. Came down-came up with-came back-wrote down.

SI: How much do you think the bright images influenced your popularity? Can you imagine performing without flashy makeup and costumes?

Julia Sanina: If you rummage through the net, you can find videos of five tracks in acoustics, where there was an image corresponding to the mood. If you're interested, take a look. The image is part of our philosophy, the history of The HARDKISS. Images are illustrations-pictures of our music. My personal opinion: going on stage in casual clothes is not respecting the audience. It's everyone's business, of course. But this is definitely not our approach. Every time my image dictates to me the manner of behavior on stage in a new way, so I can reveal my full potential. But naturalness also suits me, it is often appropriate for thematic photo shoots, and in the fresh Organ video everything is pretty restrained.

SI: Can you be called not just a musical group, but also an art project? How do you yourself feel about art, do you visit exhibitions, presentations?

Julia Sanina: Discreetly, but honestly - this is exactly what we strive for. During concerts, in video clips, other projects in which we participate. Val Bebko (creative producer and guitarist of the group) graduated from the University of the Arts in London, lived there for 7 years and before becoming a musician became an artist. He paints, sculpts drummer masks, makes scenery, shoots videos. We visit museums of modern art in every new city during our tours and travels. But the same museum will soon be open at our home. You cannot imagine what exhibits live there. Exactly! In ten years we will open the Art-Hard-Kiss-Museum!

SI: Describe in three words each of your team members?

Julia Sanina: Shaft is the main, perfectionist, bearded man;

Shout - riddle, virtuoso, alien;

Seagull - bold, cheerful, creative;

Roma - sweet, professional, devoted;

Vitaly is a romantic, idealist, balanced;

Julia is reasonable, complex, creative.

SI: What is your ideal day off?

Julia Sanina: Its components are a sofa, Disney cartoons, the sun outside the window, delicious food and a manager away from me so that he doesn’t bother me with calls. He laughs.

SI: How often does your team spend their free time together? What connects you besides making music?

Julia Sanina: We tour a lot, so we spend most of our time together and spend it at work. We always have something to discuss, listen to and come up with. This is the greatest pleasure for us.

SI: Are there any plans to collaborate with other artists?

Julia Sanina: Last year we had a duet with Kazaky. We are not planning anything like this yet, but there are some ideas and dreams in this regard.

SI: If you were given the opportunity to perform on the same stage with any artist who once lived on this earth, who would it be?

Julia Sanina: With Michael Jackson! He probably would have given me a lot of practical advice and before going on stage would have said to me “God bless you!”.

SI: You have a lot of awards and titles ("Discovery of the Year", "Brand of the Year", "Best Video Clip", "Best Song", "Best Album"). Are titles and statuettes important to you?

Julia Sanina: We do not like contests and competitions, we do not like terribly. But when there is only one music award in the country, the experts of which nominate a group in 6 nominations out of 7 possible - it's nice. Like a couple of years ago, we didn't expect any awards at all. But a miracle happened - the English-speaking song of the English-speaking team in a non-English-speaking country became the best! So is the album! It was very unexpected and pleasant. The main message of this answer is that we work without thinking about competitions and victories, we work for the listeners and for the benefit of the music. The main victory for us is the assessment of our viewer. And experts - they are people too, they also listen to music and go to concerts. Spectators too! Smiling.

SI: What is he like, a listener of The HARDKISS?

Julia Sanina: Creative, very creative. Our listener is necessarily engaged in some kind of creativity. Drawing, vocals, photography, dancing ... Type in #thehardkiss on Instagram and see for yourself. Now I will select several adjectives that could also describe our listener: well-mannered, demanding, interesting, handsome. We have a good listener.

SI: What has inspired you the most lately?

Julia Sanina: Book. “Terribly Loud and Extremely Close” by Jonathan Safran Foer. I don't remember the last time I cried like that. I was so impressed by other people's thoughts that I sat and thought: why are they not mine, why did not my fantasy come up with something like that before ?!

Photographer: Anna Nekrasova

Style, makeup: Slava Seagull

Hairstyle: Vitalik Datsyuk

The Hardkiss is a Ukrainian English-speaking musical group that appeared in show business in 2011 and instantly gained fame as a collective that works at the level of the best Western musical projects. The Hardkiss was born out of the Val & Sanina project. At the age of 18, the vocalist of the group, Yulia Sanina, tried herself in journalism and wrote an article. While working on the material, Sanina met Valery Bebko, the producer of the broadcast on Ukrainian MTV. Having become friends, they began to write music together and eventually formed the duo Val & Sanina. A test video and a couple of songs were recorded in Russian.
In an attempt to name the group the most aptly, Sanina and Bebko sent out three names to their Facebook friends (The Hardkiss, Planet of the Ponies). Another name, according to Julia Sanina, she no longer remembers. After the friends listened to the demo version of the song, they said that this music has something sweet from a kiss and "hard" in the arrangements. On September 12, the premiere of the debut work of the "Babylon" group took place. On October 12, the band released their video for the song "October".
On October 20, 2011 the band acts as an opening act for the British band Hurts. The HARDKISS group received a special award and the title "Discovery of the Year" from the All-Ukrainian annual competition Brand of the Year.