Ideas for a photo shoot of the future mother. The best idea of \u200b\u200ba photo shoot for pregnant women with her husband

Ideas for a photo shoot of the future mother. The best idea of \u200b\u200ba photo shoot for pregnant women with her husband
Ideas for a photo shoot of the future mother. The best idea of \u200b\u200ba photo shoot for pregnant women with her husband

The photo session of the house of a pregnant woman allows you to capture one of the best periods in the life of a woman in a calm and usual setting. Considering the ideas of holding photosettes, pay attention to the choice of image and makeup, consider interesting postures and decide who you would like to be in the photo - with my husband, family, girlfriends, pets.

Or in a photodone you can make original individual pictures where you will only and baby, which will soon appear on the light. Decide on the ideas of the future photoset sometimes it is not easy. The main thing is to listen to yourself and understand what themes are close to you.

Advantages of domestic photosets

Studio photo sessions are not always comfortable for women in position. A photo session for pregnant houses in their usual conditions helps to feel at ease, which can sometimes be said about the shooting process in the studio.

The photo session of the girl at home is the opportunity:

  • without having to attract a pregnant woman's pets to the photoset, without spending time and strength on their transportation
  • do not depend on weather conditions (for a pregnant girl you can arrange a photo session in the room with any weather)
  • make a photo in the rooms of your own apartment (on a cozy sofa, in a chair, on the bed, where pregnant will be able to make comfortable and relaxed poses)
  • use as requisite for a photo shoot of pregnant interesting toys and things prepared for the birth of a child (crib, booties, blankets, envelope)

You can also creatively capture the morning climbing of a woman, cooking breakfast or dinner at home, communication with your husband in an informal setting.

The photo session of pregnant women turns out particularly successful if there are large windows in the apartment, and enough daylight penetrates into the house.

Taking pictures in his own home, you can realize any creative ideas of a photo shoot of pregnant women to get a photo with changing images and requisites. Especially - if you invite a better stylist, makeup artist and other specialists who will add creative into the common style of photographing

Photographing in the studio always assumes a professionally established light. However, the photographer will be able to capture a couple of lighting devices and for the apartment. With this, it will be able to create conditions characteristic of studio photodoma.

For the photoset for pregnant women, several sets of clothing are usually pick up - the front images, cool suits, casual outfits for future mothers. Prepare a pair of toys and objects testifying to the waiting for the baby, or who are the roads to you.

Accessories for shooting

In addition to children's things (body, booties) there are also various funny details for interesting photography. These include:

  • bright ribbons in the interior
  • live flowers to decorate a photo shoot
  • plates with inscriptions to create creativity ("Happy parents", "We are waiting for you!", "Waiting for a miracle" etc.)
  • muffins, Capps, big lollipops (today find not only delicious, but also the original confectionery is not difficult)
  • a snapshot of ultrasound adds creativity and organically looks in a frame with a pair of future parents
  • cubes with the name of the future child or in other words ("happiness", "7 months", "Love Story", "Family")
  • objects testifying to the birth of a daughter or son (children's bottles of blue or pink color; symbolic berries, vegetables or fruits: watermelon, pumpkin, cabbage)

For gentle photo sessions pick up the appropriate accessories: floral wicker wreaths, straw or birch decorations, crafts.

A little bit about body art

The popular destination today is Body Art - a kind of "makeup" for the body. The photo session of pregnant women fully allows its use.

The most suitable time for photo sessions can be considered a twentieth week of pregnancy, when the stomach is already clearly visible. On the body of future mothers, makeup artists with brushes or airbrush draw flowers, butterflies, apply both creative artistic patterns and simple emoticons, words, phrases.

If you like such topics, then using the services of the makeup artist, you can create an unusual and bright photoset. If a photo session of a pregnant girl is held with a close man, you can discuss with him original ideas for the photo.

With spouse

When taking a photography with a loved one, the main thing is to focus on the gentle and trusting relationships of the pair.

The photo session of pregnant women together with their spouses allows you to demonstrate a joint attachment to the home hearth. One of the most symbolic elements for a family photo shoot is a fireplace.

Spouses are better to choose the most simple and comfortable clothes: a sweaters of large mating, jeans, bathrobes; In summer, you can wear spacious T-shirts and shorts.

You can also add a bit of warm pastel tones to the interior and minimize makeup so that the girl looks more natural.

There are many options to reflect a joint pastime. For example, lovers of the "Sea Top" will like shooting using vests, rescue circles and other similar elements resembling about summer.

If you want to take a picture in a romantic style, then a pregnant woman in a light dress and a man in a light pants and a shirt will look great in the frame.

With kids

With a photo session of pregnant women with cute and touching, pictures with a senior child are obtained. In the process of shooting, you can jointly:

  • folded puzzles, play board games, sculpt cool plasticine figures
  • there are beautiful pastries, cutting a big cake
  • "Sing" into the microphone, dance, take funny poses and have fun
  • watch the cartoon and make a lot of others characteristic of the daily life of things that like you yourself

In the hands of the baby, you can give a sign with the inscription, for example: "SISTER, I'm waiting for you!". Also, children are often dressing in the costumes of angels, cartoon heroes, fairy-tale characters, fairies.

By organizing the photoset of a future mother with the participation of friends, her husband and other family members, think about the same elements for all shooting participants. It can be hats (caps, knitted hats, hats), suits for men and dresses for girls in a single color scheme. Regardless of the plot, the photo session of the house will be reminded of minutes filled with love and warmth.

Each woman dreams of preserving an important period of her life - pregnancy - not only in memory, but also in photos. Often, the girls hire professional photographers, organize a real photo session. Ideas for a photo shoot of pregnant women can be absolutely different, it all depends on the wishes of the pregnant, the time of year, the plans of the photographer. It is important that the photo session brings joy, positive emotions to participants, then one will necessarily work out beautiful pictures.

Choosing a venue

Select the venue of the photo session of pregnant women is simple, but often the choice depends on some factors: weather conditions, well-being of a pregnant woman, a particular concept of a photo shoot. Also the choice of place depends on the genre, the format of photo shoot, style, the image of a pregnant woman.

In a studio

A popular venue for pregnant women is considered a photo studio.
The advantages of this choice:

  • No one will hurt, will not bother.
  • Adverse weather conditions will not be able to spoil photography.
  • At hand, all the necessary attributes, accessories.
  • The room, as a rule, is always warm, therefore, it is possible without fears of scorn with tummy.
  • It is possible to realize any ideas here.

In the studio always at hand necessary, high-quality lighting, at the expense of which the photos come out bright, clear. The photographer will be able to find the necessary scenery that correspond to the ideas of shooting and create a proper effect.

At home

Often the photo session is carried out at home, focusing on the preparation of future parents to meet the baby. Ideas for holding a home photo session of pregnant women are also diverse.

In the camera lens fall the thing for the child, furniture items. A girl waiting for the child photographing in the usual atmosphere, so it can fully relax, feel calm, and the photos will turn out natural, relaxed.

In nature in the summer

Summer time is a wonderful period for a photo session in nature. It can be a forest, park, field, river bank, sea or other reservoir. The beauty of nature, which is impossible to repeat in the studio is considered an undoubted advantage of such a photography. Frames shifted in nature are always obtained by bright, alive and fabulously beautiful. The disadvantage of such shooting may be unfavorable natural conditions, because of which the photoset will have to be transferred.

An excellent idea is to take pictures together with your husband, the future dad, and if there is a senior child in the family, he can also become a participant in a photo shoot by making his contribution - immediacy. Such truly family pictures are obtained by warm, touching, emitting love.

In the park

When it is not possible to go beyond the city, but I want to spend a photo session in the fresh air, a good idea will be photographing in a city park. There is also a lot of interesting, picturesque places, thanks to which you will get a wonderful background for photos. You can take a picture against the background of historical places, to put up, sneaking on a shop.

In field

An excellent idea for photography of the future mother is a shot in the field, among wildflowers, wheat sections. For such a photo historical, a wreath woven from flowers will also play a role and additional details - furniture items, plaid, toys, children's clothing.

Accessories and props for photo shoot

For a photo session, pregnant women often use additional accessories, attributes, props. As a rule, this section includes:

  • Children's clothing, booties, sliders, bodies, small hats.
  • Stuffed Toys.
  • Artificial or live flowers.
  • Ribbon to make a beautiful bow.
  • Flower petals.
  • Plates with inscriptions.
  • Cut from paper or artificial butterflies.

If you wish to make a special make-up or body art for a photo shoot, then there will be special paints that do not cause allergies, as well as (depending on the execution technique) tassels or airbrush. The drawing can be absolutely different, it all depends on the fantasy and mood - the smiley on the stomach, a small carapaus, butterfly, an interesting inscription. Find the image will be able to photographer or artist who works with him in a pair. The drawing can be covered with a special retainer to save it longer.

Clothing and Makeup

Clothing for a photo session of a pregnant woman should be as comfortable as possible, spacious. It is often used a dress or loose-cut sundress, beautiful underwear, shirts or blouses, which are easily unbutable, barrel tummy. An interesting idea is to hold a photo session with a naked body, when on the girl only a large segment of light, air tissue (for example, silk or chiffon). Such an image of a pregnant woman will be gentle, air, romantic, and the photo will be simply amazing.

Sometimes a woman put on tight dresses, emphasizing the convex tummy, creating clear outlines of the silhouette. It all depends on the wishes of the woman and the script of a photo shoot invented by the photographer. If the photo session is thematic - for example, marine and clothing should be appropriate - striped vests.

As for makeup, everything is individually and depends on the wishes of a woman, as well as the image that is created for a pregnant photo shoot. For a gentle image, the ideal will be a nonsense makeup using natural, inadequate colors in make-up - beige, gentle pink, light gray.

If you closer to the style of a Vamp woman, then you should pick up paints to the brighter, bring your eyes with arrows, and choose a bright lipstick or shine for the lips. The main thing is that everything watches harmoniously and fully corresponded to the inner state of a woman waiting for a child.

Favorable poses for pregnant women

For shooting pregnant, photographers have certain schemes, successful postures, in which the pictures are obtained as interesting as possible. Favorable poses are possible both for pregnant (with single shooting) and for a pair, if the photography passes together with her husband. When choosing a position, you should listen to the advice and recommendations of the professional and comfort of the woman itself. Examples of such positions look at the photo.

Price for photographers services

The price of the photo session depends on many factors.

  1. First of all, this is the level of the photographer - the beginners price will be lower, but the quality is not always perfect. The more famous, the specialist is more popular, the higher the cost.
  2. The second factor is the time that is given to the shooting. As a rule, one session lasts 1-2 hours.
  3. The third factor is the number of ready-made photographs.

The minimum cost is from 5000 thousand rubles, on average the photographer's services are between 9 to 14 thousand, and famous photographers are asked for their work from 20 thousand. This pleasure is not cheap, but wonderful pictures will remain in memory.

To see examples of a photo shoot of pregnant famous professionals, watch the video:

Creative ideas for photoshoot and original images

Ideas for holding photo shoots of future mothers great many, you can choose an image that is most close as possible, and it is additionally used to use various attributes and accessories.

Tell us about your ideas a photographer, but it is worth listening to his professional advice, because he has one hundred percent there are several creative ideas.

With watermelon

Watermelon - hardly the first idea that comes to the head of pregnant. Yes, and photographer. The symbolism is obvious: watermelon - round, resembles the tummy of the future mommy. Such a photo session is often accompanied by body art, for which a special master is invited.

With husband

Husband is a frequent guest on the shooting of pregnant. There are classic stories and poses in which a family waiting for a baby looks winning. A courageous future dad shall with a romantic mom - what is not the beginning of a new story, to continue which son or daughter will appear on the world?

With baby

If there are already children in the family, the photographer will definitely offer such a plot: a pregnant mother surrounded by kids. Surprisingly harmoniously looks like such a photo shoot, if you choose all family members of the same clothes - T-shirts, dresses for girls (including mom), hats - hats.

In marine style

Marine themes are very close to many photographers, and in connection with the pregnancy, it gives rise to a lot of interesting stories. Sailor and the sailor, and even with several Jungi - a wonderful photoset, leaving after herself a memory of a fun time. This important role is played by accessories - toys, compass, decorative steering wheel.

With inscriptions and drawings on the stomach

One of the brightest ways to decorate a pregnant woman - come up with an interesting drawing, adorning her belly. Who inside is there - a boy or a girl? It will open the artist to the idea, the embodiment of which the photographer captures in the pictures. Here are the options for funny and elegant, plot and customizable, because a pregnant woman is sensitive and often herself tells what she would like.

For the hour photo session, waiting for a miracle, we have time to change the minimum of 3 images. This means that you need to take at least 3 sets of clothing, better more. Because Not all the clothes can approach the interior of the studio or you will not look beautiful in it. Better - when there is a choice.
For your husband, take 2 sets of clothing, for the older child 2-3.

I do not know what to wear? Where to begin?
The perfect choice is a long monophonic dress in the floor, both tight and flying away. All you need - emphasizes. All that is not needed - hides. Future mommy looks gently and feminine.

What to put on a photo session of a pregnant woman with her husband?

Option 1.
White shirt and dark pants. Everyone has, it will be suitable for any color of your dress and under any studio interior. Shirt better take with long sleeves. The shirts of pale tones are also well looking - blue or lilac (you can take in addition to white). Often future dads I use your costume or some parts for a photo shoot of pregnancy.

Option 2.
A photo session of pregnant women in a white T-shirt and blue jeans. Also there are all. Future mom in this case takes you the same set of clothes.
Alternative T-shirts can be polo for dad, Mike for mom.

For pregnant girls do not fit men's t-shirts with a neckline. They are poorly sitting and visually make you like a ball.
A T-shirt must be absolutely white, without skulls, a photo of a adorable dog, inscriptions I Love NY, images of the beloved rock or pop group.

On the first photo, as you do not need to do, on the next, as it should.

Photo session of pregnant women in the underwear. Do it?

There is an exceptional choice, but I personally, for aesthetics. If your term is more than 32 weeks, you have gained more than 10 kilograms at the time of the photo session and you are low growth, think it may better take another dress?
For those who still decided to act in the underwear, it looks well white, blue, pink and beige kits. You can take one set of bright color for sample.
Do not take panties-thongs, they will not be appropriate in this shooting, as well, give up shorts shorts, they visually increase their hips. Stop your classic option.

Be sure to take one set of smooth white or beige linen, even if you do not take it in it. Black underwear, translucent through translucent dresses or embossed underwear, climbing through the tight clothing looks terrible and is not retained.

Very nice and gently on the photo shoot of pregnant women look lace or chiffon coastal.

An alternative photo in linen with a naked tummy can be a photo in a lace body. Moreover, both pastel tones and bright.
Looks gorgeous! The problem here is one - you can not fit with the tummy, but if it turns out, take certainly.

What you do not need to take.

Short dresses, both tight and folded. It looks strange and for the photo is almost unsuitable. Outlined dresses are not suitable at all. They greatly go up in front and look awkwardly.
The exception of short-fitting dresses is only one thing - you have very long and slender legs.

You do not need to take clothing with a pronounced geometric or floral ornament. You are not small during this period, and the major elements will increase you.

It should be remembered if you spend a photo session of pregnant women in winter, in the studios with the New Year decor, the light dresses should not take. It is better to choose beautiful knitted clothes.
For yourself, husband and older child, you can take woolen sweaters, sweaters with a gate, monotonous sweatshirts, knitted dresses.

And, on the contrary, in spring and summer it is worth abandoning warm things. In the flower decoration it will look strange.

Pay attention to your manicure.
He must be!
Of course, I do not remove your hands under the microscope, but they are constantly in the frame - in the tummy, by the face, hugging her husband.
French manicure, light or transparent varnish - the best choice.
Avoid bright lacquer, including on the legs, it is very stronger.

What else can I add an image for a photo session of pregnant women?

Wreaths or floral elements in the hairstyle. You can use both live flowers and polymer clay flowers.
It looks good just living flowers bandaged with ribbon (tulips and peonies, for example).

What can I use children's elements and accessories for a photo shoot in anticipation of a miracle?

You can take:
- Bear or other small soft toy, children's cubes, photos from screening, small machine, booties or shoes.
- Balloons of the same color, beautifully looks on white or pink or blue. If the balls are tender, then ask the ropes are white, and not gold.
- Beautiful inscriptions from wood or plastic (LOVE / FAMILY / BABY / Baby name)

Does shoes on a photo session of pregnant women?

Shoes need to take all participants in the shooting - the future mother and dad, the eldest child (if participating in the shooting).
Take bright shoes. If there are saturated shades dresses, then one pair dark.
If you are comfortable and not hard, take shoes on the heel. They are visually lengthened their legs and add settings and posts.
You can also take cool sneakers, sneakers.
I make a few full-time photos, but when I do, it is better to avoid the situation - mom in shoes, dad - in socks 😉

I collected the whole suitcase of clothes, but maybe you should take something else?

Additional clothing list for a photo shoot in anticipation of a miracle:

- White or Blue Men's Shirt

- Pijama (T-shirt + shorts)

- Summer divide dresses. From chiffon, silk, any lightweight material.

- Light fabric (silk chiffon). About 4 m.

In conclusion, I wish you not to overload your image to the accessories, because The main thing is that you, your beauty, tenderness and the uniqueness of the toddler's waiting!

Every person wants to capture the happiest moments of his life. And pregnancy is no exception. After all, it is during this period that every woman blooms, becoming beautiful and how to glow from the inside. So why not make a memorable photo session? Photographing will give the opportunity to perpetuate in memory of the emotions and experiences perfected during pregnancy. Later, just looking at the photo of pregnancy, you can flush into the memories of exactly the bird and feel all this again. Today this service provides many photo studios and photographers.


The photo session of pregnant women is a pretty familiar thing, so there are many ideas that can be taken for yourself as a basis. Here are the most common ideas for a photo session of pregnant women:
  1. Family photo session. If you already have a child, you can create real masterpieces that capture your love and attachment for many years.

  2. A photo session of a pregnant woman with her husband. Such photos will emphasize the indispensability of the future dad and its role in the life of the child.

  3. New Year's photo session. If your pregnancy falls for the winter, then do not miss the chance to make a photoset during the New Year holidays - a festive atmosphere of anyone since childhood a holiday will emphasize significance and pregnancy. Such images are always filled with a joyful atmosphere and family comfort.

  4. Photo session of pregnant women. Snow and cold no reason to avoid photo session in nature. Against the background of snow-covered landscapes, you can get very characteristic and colorful photos.

  5. Outdoors. A pregnant woman against the background of wildlife always reminds of Beregina or a pagan goddess, reminds of the true role of a woman in a family and society.

  6. Ethnic photo session. If you love folk traditions, or the story itself is a story - then this is the option for you.

  7. Funny photos. If you want to leave cheerful memory, then you should take a photo of a joke.

  8. Bodyarta. Unusual, but at the same time a very original and creative solution that your position will emphasize.

  9. Fantasy. With the help of a small set of props, you can create an unusual, fantastic, but at the same time a very beautiful and unique image.

  10. Nu. This is an option for very bold, but a good photographer will always be able to make beautiful and not vulgar photos, but will show the real beauty of the female nude body, especially in such an exciting period.

But you should not be limited to these examples. To begin with, determine what exactly you want to show - the warmth of family relationships, the child as the fruit of love with her husband or emphasize the role of the mother. Then already repel from this and create a concept, consult with the photographer, it can have original ideas or corporate identity.


To the choice of suit for a photo shoot costs to approach responsibly. As the experience shows, the most advantageous women in the position look in suits of delicate, pastel shades - beige, pink, blue.

Bright colors are also not prohibited - depending on the color, blue, green, yellow or red colors will be appropriate.

Separately, it is worth saying about white - for studio filming, it is he who looks the most advantageous. Especially on the same bright background.

But there are colors that should be avoided:
  1. Neon colors;
  2. Fabrics with bright, large prints;
  3. Gloomy color gamut.
The color of the clothing for a photo shoot of pregnant women should be coordinated with the photographer - after all, the same shade may look different in the studio and with natural light. A good master knows all these nuances and will give you recommendations without any problems and will help with the choice of clothing.

But if we talk about how clothes should be for a photo shoot of pregnant women - then everything depends on the desire of the future milf and from the subject of the photo shoot. Tyson needs to choose the one that suits you. There are several more winning options for pregnant women for a photo shoot that are suitable absolutely to all:

  1. Ampir dresses;
  2. Long flowing dresses in the floor.

Such dresses will be equally appropriate both in the home interior and on the street. And if the shooting is studio, then in such a dress and with a certain thematic inventory you can create unusual, fantasy photos.

Also when choosing a suit worth considering the theme of a photo shoot. For example, for a photo session in winter, soft, cozy sweaters, scarves, coats are perfectly suitable. And it does not matter, there will be a photoset on the street or in the house - they will help to emphasize a certain mood.

To choose a suit much easier to choose a suit - it can be a luxurious evening silk dress for interior or studio shooting. Or linen or cotton shirt in ethnic style for filming in nature.

For a characteristic or portrait studio shooting, you can generally do without a suit - it can be completely replaced by the draped cut of the tissue. In this case, nothing will distract attention from the main heroine - the future mother.

But do not forget that for good photos, the clothes should be primarily comfortable and convenient - because the photo session lasts at least two hours, and more often much longer. Therefore, the model should not be overworked. Therefore, there are several tips, which is worth avoided when choosing clothes for a photo shoot:
  1. Heels;
  2. Narrow and close clothes;
  3. Clothes are not weather;
In addition, remember that you make a photo session to capture the most beautiful period for any woman. Therefore, avoid the images of frank and vulgar.

As for makeup and hairstyles, it is better to seek help from a specialist. For shooting makeup should be specific, and few know how to put it right at home. And a good hairdresser for half an hour will make excellent stacking. Which will be perfectly complemening the image and do not spoil in a few hours.

In addition to clothes, pick up accessories and props. Depending on the concept of photoset, find children's toys or things, balloons, beautiful umbrellas, fan, scarves - all that your fantasy will tell you.

Separately, it is worth saying about the colors. For this photo session, the flowers are suitable as nothing else - after all, they always symbolize the beauty and woman. Therefore, you can safely take a bouquet of flowers or wreath.


Before visiting a photo studio, browse the photos and choose the ones that you most like. Talk to the photographer and think over the upcoming session. The most popular poses for a photo session of a pregnant woman:
  1. Tummy close-up, you want to emphasize your position;

  2. In move. Just stand for a second on socks, and your thiefs will be filled with movement and ease.

  3. Lying on the back;

  4. In profile;

  5. Full face;

  6. In the floor turnover.


You can spend a photo session at almost anywhere. If you have decided on the concept, then find a suitable place is very simple. The most popular places are:
  1. Nature. Against the background of summer or winter nature - Park, forests, rivers or seas you can make very beautiful photos. But here there are drawbacks:
    A big dependence on weather conditions;
    Problematic changing;
    Most often location distance;
  2. Studio. The photo sessions of pregnant women are most popular in the studio. After all, it is easy to put the right lighting, there are no change in changing, weather conditions are not important. This option is ideal for nude filming. This place is best suited for portrait or characteristic photos. But it is not devoid of flaws:
    Props can be limited;
    Monotonous background;
  3. House. It is more comfortable to make a photo of the house - everything is at hand, there is no need to go somewhere, especially if family photos are planned. Disadvantages:
    Monotonous entourage;
    Problematically set lighting;
  4. Rental premises. To make unusual photos, you can rent a museum, a hall for solemn ceremonies or any other beautiful place. Against the background of luxury or vintage interiors, you can make very unusual and beautiful photos. If you want to wear a gorgeous dress - then for you this is the best option. In addition, the hall is not terrible weather conditions. And no matter what time of year. Disadvantages:
    High price;
    Some unnatural photo.
Choosing a place to shoot, consider many factors, and first of all personal comfort. Do not once again tire yourself or subjected to danger for the sake of photos.

And finally, several tips, how to choose a good photographer:

  1. Explore your portfolio;
  2. Communicate with him, think if you are comfortable. There is an opinion that to cost only to a woman;
  3. Make a photo only in a good mood. If you feel that something is wrong - tolerate the photograph without hesitation. Professional photographer working with pregnant women will understand and go to the meeting;
  4. Again with the photographer in advance. Good masters have all a few months ahead.
Deciding to make a photo session for pregnant women, it is worth carefully approaching the selection of space, alongside and concept. The choice of photographer is also important. And it's not only in his professionalism, he must have an approach to a pregnant woman, to understand her and help her every way. After all, you will have only one opportunity to capture this unforgettable period. But the main thing, remember that the main factor is your mood - you must be truly joyful, and then the photo will save a happy moment for you for a long time.

Excellent position is a magical time that I want to capture in the photos. And transfer with their help an amazing feeling of happiness!

Each pregnant woman has a lot of photos with the tummy. But the banal photo shoots look pretty boring, and a future kid, when after a few years he will see these pictures, they are unlikely to interest. Quite another thing is a creative approach. After all, you can easily make your photos with a child before his birth have become among the brightest and interesting in the family album!

1. boy or girl?

Let's start with the simplest - photos with a hint of the child's sex. We think if you decorate the tummy with a bow or dress up in a candy, no one may doubt that you will become a mom's daughter. But the sneakers or mustache told the world about the emergence of mini men:

2. Photo report

To capture in the photo every important stage of pregnancy is a very interesting "quest". You yourself will be very interesting to observe the magic metamorphoses of your body:

3. Family in a row

Even more interesting - to attract the whole family to an interesting photo session. Let her husband and older children have their own important roles in your historical chronicle:

4. Inscriptions and drawings

The idea of \u200b\u200bbody art on the stomach or decoration of his fun inscriptions - what is not a message right into the future?

5. "Mermaids"

Such a photo session is a real space. Moreover, practically in the literal sense of the word. Underwater snapshots give rise to the incredible effects of the harvest in weightlessness. Just unearthly beauty, real masterpieces of photo art:

6. Laughter, and only

If with a sense of humor in your family, everything is in order, joke and have fun:

7. Creative without borders

Thus, you kill two hare once a shot at once. First, get supersmall and original photographs. And secondly, three years later you do not have to break your head over how to explain the baby, where children come from. Just present a photo document - and ready!