Where is the old band of the pistols. What is the composition of Quest Pistols Show? Who is included in the Quest Pistols Show group? Films and Tele Show

Where is the old band of the pistols. What is the composition of Quest Pistols Show? Who is included in the Quest Pistols Show group? Films and Tele Show
Where is the old band of the pistols. What is the composition of Quest Pistols Show? Who is included in the Quest Pistols Show group? Films and Tele Show

To: Wikipedia: Pages on the Cool (Type: Not specified)

Quest Pistols Show.

from 2007 to the present


Ukraine Ukraine


Daniel Matsuchuk
Washington Salles
Ivan Kristportorko
Mariam Turkmenbayev


Konstantin Borovsky
Nikita Goryuk
Anton Sablepov

To: Wikipedia: Articles without images (Type: Not specified)

Quest Pistols Show (up to 2014 - Quest Pistols) - Ukrainian show project, which became popular after the speech on the TV program "Chance" (TV channel "Inther") with the debut single "I'm tired" in 2007. To date, two full-fledged albums and one EP have been released. Holders of Awards MTV Europe Music Award and Golden Gramophone.

History of the group

Trio: 2007-2011

The group takes its origin from the dance ballet Quest, the three participants of which, - Anton Sablepov, Nikita Gorust and Konstantin Borovsky, decide to perform in the new role of the role of pop stars and write down the Caver on the song "Long and Lonesome Road" of the Shocking Blue group under The name "I'm tired". Their first speech, which took place on April 1, 2007, was well perceived by the public - for their song, the viewers gave 60,000 votes, making Quest Pistols famous.

The clip for the song "I was tired" came out in May 2007 and immediately got into the rotation of the music TV channels. Your debut album "For you" Quest Pistols presented at the end of October 2007. The disc was "gold" in terms of sales, and received positive reviews. The group also records a cover on the Meme-song of Nikolai Voronova "White Dragonfly of Love", the clip is on which Youtube hit.

New Composition: 2011-2013

In 2011, Konstantin Borovsky leaves the group, and Daniel Matsaychuk comes in his place. In the new composition, such video cards were released as "you lost weight" together with Lolita Milyavskaya, "different", "forget everything" and "Romeo". Daniel leaves the group in 2013. Later Kostya and Daniel organize the KBDM music group and the clothing brand of the same name.

Change of format: 2014-2016 - N.V.

From June 2013 to April 2014, the group toured as part of two soloists - Anton Savlepov and Nikita Goryuk, as well as a mysterious participant in a mask, but in April 2014, the composition was replenished with new heroes. They became the Brazilian Washington from Rio de Janeiro, as well as Mariam and Ivan.

On November 15, 2014, the premiere of the Dance Show was held - Quest Pistols Show, with whom the musicians went to the world tour in January 2015. The concept of this show became the basis of the group's dance philosophy, which later led the team to the format of the show project and the name change on the Quest Pistols Show.

On March 8, 2015, the release of EP under the name "SoundTrack" took place. The album came out new songs of the band who determined her modern sound - dance, club house music.

In early September 2015, Daniel Matsuchuk is returned to the group.

On November 13, the premiere of a video clip on the solo song of Mariam "Algered" took place. On December 5, the team spoke at the Moscow Crocus City Hall with Futurismo Show.

On December 31, the premiere of Daniel Joy video clips (Daniil Matsuchuk) was held on the song "We know for sure."

On January 3, 2016, the team left Anton Sablepov. At about the same time, the initial trio as part of Anton Savlepov, Nikita Goryuk and Konstantin Borovsky, decided to gather again and appeared before the public as the group "Agond".

On September 1, the band presented a clip on the song "Roaster of all" together with Open Kids. Also announced a large solo concert "Without a similar concert" on November 4.


The group filed an application for participation in Eurovision once from Russia and twice from Ukraine. At first, the group wanted to go to Eurovision in 2009 in Moscow and represent Ukraine, but among the participants in the qualifying competition from Ukraine, the Group was not. She tried with the song "White Dragonfly of Love" to pass Russian selection, but due to the violation of the rules (the song could not be executed until October 2008) Quest Pistols was not allowed to the Russian qualifying competition, which caused regret and the group itself, and the author This song.

In 2010, the Group tried to get to Eurovision in Oslo with the song "I am your drug" for the second time, but again I did not find myself on the list of finalists. In 2011, Quest Pistols for the third time filed an application for participation in Eurovision in Baku from Ukraine, but also this idea turned out to be unsuccessful.

Video clips

Year Video clip Structure
Quest Pistols (Quest Pistols Show)
2007 I'm tired Anton Sablepov, Nikita Goryuk, Konstantin Borovsky
Days of Glamor
2008 For you
2009 White Dragonfly of love
He is near
2010 I'm your drug
The revolution
2011 You're so beautiful
You lost weight (& lolita)
Different Anton Sablepov, Nikita Goriuk, Daniel Matsuchuk
2013 Forget everything
Baby Boy. Anton Sablepov, Nikita Goryuk
2014 Heat
Santa Lucia Anton Sawlepov, Nikita Goryuk, Mariam Turkmenbayev,
Washington Salles, Ivan Kristportorko
2015 Wet (& Monatik)
Alien (Mariam Turkmenbayev) Mariam Turkmenbayeva, Anton Sablepov, Nikita Goryuk,
Washington Salles, Ivan Kristportorko,
Daniel Matsuchuk
We know for sure (Daniel Matsaychuk (Daniel Joy)) Daniel Matsuchuk
2016 Unlike
2016 Complete all (feat. Open Kids) Mariam Turkmenbayeva, Washington Salles, Ivan
Cristportorko, Daniel Matsuchuk
2013 Without love Konstantin Borovsky, Daniel Matsuchuk
2014 Angels and Demons
I go to the light


Chronology of composition

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  • 2007 - for you
  • 2008 - "Magic Paints + Rock'n'roll and Lace (EP)"
  • 2009 - Superklass.
  • 2012 - Different
  • 2014 - Santa Lucia
  • 2015 - Ep SoundTrack

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  • - Official site of the Quest Pistols Show Group
  • on YouTube
  • In the social network "VKontakte"
  • In social network

Today, about the Quest Pistols Show group, the composition of which for eight years of musical career has changed three times, knows every little connoisseur of modern domestic show business. Who would have thought that three rapid dancers would grow into a real megapopular project.

History of group creation

The song team has existed for 8 years, but initially Nikita Goryuk and Konstantin Borovsky were only shocking choreographers, which founded in 2004 the dance team Quest. The guys are bright personalities who are accustomed to surprise and endure the Kiev audience. With the debut song everything came out this way. On the "Chance" project from the Inter TV channel on International Yumor's Day and laughter, the guys performed a Long and Lonesome Road songs of the Dutch team Shocking Blue. Recognition of the public was lightning, 60,000 posts in support of the track and its performers became the starting step for the reckless Trinity, and the composition "I was tired" took off at the first steps of domestic music charts.

If a person is endowed with God's spark, he is talented in everything. So and the guys showed vocalists, composers and poets. Each new trad of the team becomes hit and a long-liver hit.


The success of "fast pistols" was stunning. Their faces immediately began to appear in the Ukrainian and Russian gloss, and guys in the interruptions between rehearsals and the creation of a debut album did not have time to give interviews. Initially, the Quest Pistols Show group, the composition of which in 2014 it rummaged to five participants was designed as a men's trio. The backbone of the team and the first laurels of recognition went to the founders of the group: Anton Sablepov, Konstantin Borovsky and Nikita Goryuk.

After a few years after a successful start, the press began to seize the collapse of the collective. In February 2011, the group's fans came terrified from the news that the team leaves one of his brightest participants - Anton, but the idols hurried to calm the tall crowd and soon gave information.

In the summer of the same year, the trio unexpectedly became a quartet: another participant joined the guys - but after a month Konstantin Borovsky announced the tabloids on termination of work in the project. Rather, about changing your status: from Solist Showman reincarnated in the curator of "pistols".

The guys continued to shock the public with their performances, clips and produced an increasingly interesting material. But this troika was not destined to delight their fans for a long time. Already in 2013, Daniel Joy went to solo swimming. Rather, he left the group to create a Bogz-bend KBDM with Bones Borovsky.

Quests continued to tour, but already together. In early 2014, a dancer joined them, speaking in a mask.

Dear Change Quest Pistols

At the beginning of 2014, the media increasingly began to talk about the creative crisis in the team. During this period, Nikita Goryuk released a solo track "White Bride", began to walk rumors that the group would stop their existence at all.

While the producer of the team Yuri Bardash and the participants themselves frankly ignored the paparazzi and kept intrigue, the interest in the project was very decreased. And here it is a bomb of a slow motion: In April, the guys were the public in the new role and presented to fans of new participants in "pistols".

New format team

During the year, when Nikita Goryuk and Anton Sablepov performed in a pair, the guys presented the public to the Baby Boy song. The work was drastically different from the previous material and was an absolutely unusual manner of the execution of participants. Perhaps this was the tactical course of the producer of the group or the guys still did not know, in which direction they will move on. But more and more often information about changing the format and sound of the team began to appear. Nevertheless, the organizers of the Quest Pistols Show photo of new participants did not provide for a while.

And only when the renewed title of the famous group appeared, and since April 2014 he sounded like a Quest Pistols Show, the team of the team was replenished with three newcomers: they became famous dancers Miriam Turkmenbayev, Washington Salles and Ivan Kristportorko.

In one of the numerous interviews, shocking stars admitted that a new era came in the history of the group. Vocalists told that they decided to return to their origins and submit a completely new dance show to fans. Now the main emphasis in the work of the project is paid to choreography, special effects, and old tracks have found a new, more modern sound.

And immediately in confirmation of the words about Quest Pistols Show, participants on all the music channels of the country and the near abroad presented their new video on the song "Santa Lucia".

Quest Pistols Show. "Santa Lucia" - hitting the year

The new look of virtuoso, diverse dancers failed to taste, and the new video immediately conquered all the pedestals of the charts, and not only domestic, but also foreign ones. Today the team became the favorite of demanding Russian fans.

What did the guys presented in their creation? High-quality visual picture, bright images and costumes make the video as enjoyable as possible. Choreography is striking by professionalism. Opposite styles of participants create an impression of some dance battle. And, despite the new concept of the team, which moves the vocals to the background, the track turned out to be very harder and memorable. After a few days after the rotation of the video on the air and the global network, the clip scored more than a million views.

Many musical critics, and simply admirers of the group's creativity expressed the opinion that the new composition became the sip of oxygen, who returned the project to life. Particularly intrigued in the Quest Pistols show "Santa Lucia" girl - Miriam Turkmenbayev. All dance lovers, and especially hip-hop, she has long been familiar with the participation in the first project of the show "Dance everything", where she entered the final.

Quest Pistols: Show Must GO ON

After such an enchanting return, "pistols" again proved that they are the phenomenon of the domestic music industry.

Guys ambitious plans for the current year. The team has prepared a large-scale dance show for the cities of Russia. Then the unbridled creatives plan to conquer the platforms of Asia and America.

The soloists of the Quest Pistols Show group, the composition of which justified all the expectations of fans, promise that the following tracks and videos will be no less provocative and bright. What is just a new composition with the eloquent name "Money".

Quest Pistols is a popular Ukrainian group that has conquered the hearts of millions in Russia and in the entire post-Soviet space.

Quest Pistols - booty, young and infinitely talented. This team does not require a bright presentation - their creativity, their lives, their views are the best presentation!


Initially, the group "Quest Pistols" included three soloists: Anton Sablepov, Nikita Goriuk and Konstantin Borovsky. The guys themselves identified their own style as "Agressive-Intelligent-POP". The author of music and texts, except for the song "White Dragonfly of Love" (she wrote her young eccentric composer Nikolai Voronov), is the polka of Isolde Chetha. Also on the show of the group there is a costume ballet in the face of alone Dima Shishkin.

The guys from the Quest Pistols group began like the dance show-ballet "Quest", which, having existed for three years, made a lot of noise in Ukraine. They hit the originality and insane outstanding of their speeches, but one dances turned out to be not enough. And they panked. The founder of the ballet and producer Yuri Bardash sent Nikita and Anton to the lessons of vocal skills, and Konstantin took the role of the reference. Their vocal debut took place on April 1, 2007 on the air of the popular Ukrainian television show "Chance". This primary face came to taste to the viewers who gave a new idol of six thousand votes.

In September 2007, in Belgium "Quest Pistols" spoke in support of a healthy lifestyle with the program "Dance against poison". It is difficult to believe, but "quests" do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, eat only healthy food and promoted vegetarianism. Also, they do not at all attend nightclubs and do not listen to club music.

The debut clip of the group "Quest Pistols" - "I'm tired" came out in June 2007 and immediately turned out to be in the rotation of the MTV channel, becoming a real hit later. Other famous compositions of the group - "Glamor's Days", "White Dragonfly of Love", "He's near", "Cell", "Your Drug", "Revolution" and "You are so beautiful." The debut album "For you" came out in November 2007 in Ukraine and received golden status. In Russia, the disk went on sale in the late spring of 2008. In the Russian release, several compositions in the style of punk rock were added as a bonus.

In October 2008, at the MTV UKRANIAN MUSIC Awards awards awards ceremony in Donetsk Quest Pistols won the "Debut of the Year" nomination. Also in the piggy bank at the Golden Gramophone Music Awards Group (2008, 2009, 2011 - Ukraine), MTV Europe Music Awards 2008, MTV Russia Music Awards 2008, Sound Track (2010) and others.

And in January 2011, the guys successfully performed in the United States (New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles). In early 2011, Anton Sablepov reported his decision to leave the Quest Pistols group, later he explained his decision, this happened because of the mental crisis. But starring in the clip "You're so beautiful," changed its decision. In August 2011, the Group included a new participant - Daniel Matsuchuk, and in September 2011, Konstantin Borovsky left the post of the artist and retrained to the artistic director.

Main members QP.

For the song "I am tired", music from the song "Long and Lonesome Road" (Dutch Group "Shocking Blue", Author - Robbie Van Leuwien), published in 1969. Isolde Chetha - Pseudonym Alexander Chederova, a member of the Ukrainian group "Dymna Sumish", used by him as part of cooperation with the Quest Pistols group. In 2011, they took part in the "MUZ-TV Award", where they were presented in the nominations "Best Pop Group" and "Duet" (together with Arthur Pupils, the song "Revolution"), but remained without awards, as last year. In September, a new participant in Daniel Matsuchuk came to the group, and Konstantin Borovsky took a place in the management of the Kruzheva Music Production Center.

Quest Pistols Show 2014

Quest Pistols Show is not just a new group concert program. This, first of all, a spectacular representation that does not have analogues both in Russian and in the Western scene - a large futuristic performance, with which Quest Pistols go beyond the format of a musical project, arguing in the status of a unique pop cultural phenomenon that breaks the stereotypes of concert perception show.

With its innovative approach, Quest Pistols open the curtain into the world of interactive musical show of the future, which people will experience as an action of a fantastic blockbuster: huge graphic projections of the group members, plastic repetitive performing movements; Real-time cameras fixed on quadcopters broadcasting video from the hall to the main screen; and a powerful visual row, accompanied by a unique dance performance and the living performance of all the group's hits in a new current sound. Capturing the Spirit, seen does not leave the surveillance viewer who came to the concert, and on the contrary - it provokes everyone to find a dancer in himself, even if he never danced. Quest Pistols Show is a new chapter in a large history of dancing street friki, which managed to become not just pop stars, and artists changing modern culture.

Ancorereund hip-hop The group with the simple name "Mushrooms" literally blew up the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet: the song "Melting Ice", represented by the public in the spring of 2017, scored more than 41 million views on YouTube - this is really record indicators. The group will produce the most discerning people in the world show business, the former producer of Quest Pistols Yuri Bardas, who is part-time and participant in the group "Mushrooms".

Childhood and youth

Yuri was born on February 23, 1983 in the city of Alchevsk, in the Lugansk region of Ukraine. In 2000, Jura was not a joke carried away by the dances in the style of Breicdan, and in the future the young man was useful to successes that he achieved in this matter. It is noteworthy that he was engaged in the local club "Search", that is, "Quest" in English.

After graduating from school, not wanting to follow the launched path: to the army, then at the plant, Yuri decided to move from the provincial town to Kiev. In order not to stay without bread, Jura danced on the Maidan, where he earned about 30 hryvnia for the performance - a good money at that time money.

As the producer was recognized in one of the interviews, in many ways his fate decided to get a random acquaintance with the frontman of the dance team "Force" by Nikita "Bumper" by a combustion - the future soloist of the group "Quest Pistols".

Ballet "Quest"

A year after the move, he became responsible for the caster for the musical "Equator". At about the same time, he met Konstantin Borovsky, the dancer of the "Antishk" team. Subsequently, young people created their dance team, which came to try Anton Sawlepov, whom Yuri himself somehow called Breicdan's genius. In such a composition, the team presented the program "Chance", won popularity throughout Ukraine.

Epoch Quest Pistols

It all started with the fact that Nikita dancers, Kostya and Anton - expressive and charismatic people - once decided that it was time to move in a new line. This task was hung on the shoulders of Yuri Bardas, who came thought: "Why would the ballet not become singers?".

Said by: In 2007, the guys found a talented girl who wrote them the first texts and music, and began to speak called Quest Pistols.

After the debut in the program "Chance" with the song "I'm tired", which in the near future conquered all Ukrainian and Russian charts, the group rapidly gained popularity from fans of pop music, and their first album "for you" received the status of gold. "I am a producer, a hunter for smart heads. One of my main tasks is to recognize talent and attract it to cooperation. I combine in the action of ingenious people, and they give out a brilliant product, "Jura recognized.

First Speech Quest Pistols, Chance Program

The group also attracted the People's Artist of Ukraine Natalia Mogilevskaya, who invited Quest Pistols to the National Music Festival "Tavria Games".

It is worth noting that the Bardas is one of the founders of the Ukrainian label "Lace", who removes clips and promotes pop stars. With its "mentors", where you can safely navigate, the producer considers Kuzma Scriabin and Ivan Shapovalov. Previously, he also worked with a group "Nerves",

Yuri Bardash and "Mushrooms"

In one of the most popular group of 2016-2017, Bardas appears not only by producer: under the auspices of the "Mushrooms" project, a 33-year-old former dancer first appeared in the role of the artist.

Mushrooms: why it all began

For the first time, Jura appeared in the clip "Intro", after the first minute of video. Bardas chose himself an image of a daring brithead guy in sunglasses sitting squatting. In addition to Yuri, the Ukrainian rappers 4Atty aka Tilla and the NJN symptom are consisting of the "Mushrooms" group.

Because of the great experience of the work, Bardash knows how to attract the audience: "Mushrooms" is hip-hop music with a simple, but sarcastic text. Fans who brought the group with a mixture of "Bloodstock" and group "Bread" believe that "mushrooms" can perform on some gold gramophone ", taking into account the phenomenal popularity of their debut album" House on wheels, part 1 "and in particular tracks" Bicycle "and" ice melts ".

"Mushrooms" - "Intro"

Personal life Yuri Bardas

There were rumors on the Internet that Yuri Bardas had a novel with

The experiment of the incendiary participants of the Ballet "Quest" turned into a real exterior. Today, the songs of the group "Quest Pistols Show" become hits in a matter of days, but before their first performance, no one could have thought that the primary performance of three young and outrageous dancers will grow into a major project with its own philosophy.

The history of creation and composition

The biography of the group began in 2007 from the dance ballet "Quest". The team members decided to do something extravagant and perform in the role of pop stars, writing a cover called "I'm tired" on the song "Long and Lonesome Road" of the Shocking Blue group.

The Ukrainian team debuted in the "Chance" project on the Inter TV channel. The first speech of the new-minted group took place on April 1, 2007, the public perceived him perfectly: more than 60 thousand people gave the song for the song.

Initially, the group included three young guys. One of them - Konstantin Borovsky - from adolescent age was fond of dancing. He moved to the capital of Ukraine and engaged in popular at that time - Break Dance. In Kiev, his vocal career began in the Quest Pistols group.

Nikita Gordyuk

Nikita Gordyuk became another member: a dancer and singer, who was born in the border city between the Russian Federation and China. From early childhood, the boy attended figure skating classes and dreamed of achieving the title of world champion. The young man became a father at the age of 14.

And the concluding trio - whose parents hoped for the academic future of the Son. But, being a teenager, a young man faded with dance art, considering his idol. Despite the disagreement of the parents, the young man still took up to what he attracted him.

In this composition, the Group existed until mid-2011, after which Borovsky left the team, and Daniel Matsuchuk took his place. He was a participant in the ballet "Quest" when he invited the young man into the group. The young man was delayed in Quest Pistols for almost two years, after which he left.

In April 2014, there was a rebranding of the team: the composition was replenished with three new participants. The first of the "new" Washington Salles became the first to engage in dances at the age of 14. In Russia, Salles collaborated with many domestic celebrities.

The next started Ivan Kristportorko, who became interested in dancing from an early age - at 4 years old. Paying special attention to Hip Hop, he became more than once the winner in competitions in this area.

And the third party of the updated team became Mariam Turkmenbayeva, who before that was a participant in the ballet "Quest". The girl worked in a group and to rebranding as a dance and choreographer.

In September 2015, Matsuchuk returned to the updated composition and became a permanent participant. Very soon after his return, Nikita Gordyuk left, and Anton Sawlepov followed him. The history of the Quest Pistols group ended with their departure and the ERA "Quest Pistols Show" began


Soon after the debut of the team on the TV project "Chance" came out a video on the song "I'm tired", which immediately fell into rotation on the music channels. The debut album called "for you", which received platinum certification by the number of sales, the team presented at the end of November 2007.

Song "I'm tired" of the group "Quest Pistols Show"

The next loud statement from Quest Pistols became a Caver on the song "White Dragonfly of Love". Clip on this track came out in the spring of 2009 and became a hit on YouTube. Moreover, the song was twisted almost on each radio station, and the clip was shown on many music TV channels.

The performers continued to evolve and in the fall of 2009 presented the second studio album called Superklass. With the release of new "clinging" tracks, the popularity of the team gained momentum.

Song "White Dragonfly of Love" of the group "Quest Pistols Show"

An interesting fact from the biography of the group: young people have repeatedly applied for participation in the Eurovision International Competition, but did not go to the qualifying round of the competition.

From the beginning of the summer of 2013 to April next year, the Group toured as part of 2 soloists: Savlepova and Gordyuk. Their company also had a mysterious participant in a mask. In October 2014, the premiere of a video on the song, which exploded at one time, all hit parades took place: "Santa Lucia" - a Caver on the track of Igor Selivarstov.

Song "I am your drug" group "Quest Pistols Show"

The debut in the new format of the show of the dance took place on November 15, 2014, the participants went with him to the world tour. At the heart of this show lay the dance philosophy of the performers, which in the future led to the format of show project and changing the name to "Quest Pistols Show".

The next mini-album of the updated team came out the tracks that identified her new genre: club and incendiary house music.

The song "You are so beautiful" of the group "Quest Pistols Show"

Little later, the group held a large solo performance "Unlike Concert", where the debut studio album "Loved" was presented, the first in the discography of an updated team.

In 2016, "Quests" recorded a track with the "Open Kids" group called "Complete all", which later became the soundtrack of the telecast named.

Quest Pistols Show now

Now the updated group "Quest Pistols Show" leads an active concert activity and regularly please fans with new songs and clips. Moreover, the team often appears on entertainment activities as guests: for example, in "Comedy Club".

In the summer of 2018, a new video was released on the song "Pei Water", and in early September 2018 the team made a new wave at the event.

The group has a verified account in the social network "Instagram", where participants regularly publish photo events from the life of the team.

As for the first composition of Quest Pistols, they formed a trio called. But in 2017, Nikita Gordyuk left the group, engaged in his own project "Zveroboy".


  • 2007 - "For you"
  • 2009 - SUPERKLASS
  • 2015 - "Sondtrack"
  • 2016 - "Loved"


  • 2007 - "I'm tired"
  • 2007 - "Glamor's Days"
  • 2008 - "For you"
  • 2008 - "Cell"
  • 2009 - "White Dragonfly of Love"
  • 2009 - "he is near"
  • 2010 - "I am your drug"
  • 2011 - "You're so beautiful"
  • 2012 - "Different"
  • 2013 - "Forget everything"
  • 2014 - "Heat"
  • 2014 - "Santa Lucia"
  • 2015 - "Wet" (Feat. Monatik)
  • 2016 - "Unlike"
  • 2017 - "Loved"
  • 2017 - "Wow what!"