Adults must read fairy tales. Why people love fairy tales

Adults must read fairy tales. Why people love fairy tales

What do we read kids? Fairy tales. What grandmothers tell grandchildren? Fairy tales. What are the ideas like children most? Fabulous. What heroes are accompanied in childhood? From fairy tales!

Experts of the book publishing house "Clover" told AIF.RU, why the child it is important to read the fairy tales and why this format cannot replace either adult literature or stories and parents' teachings.

Why is fairy tales so important and needed? Experts of the publishing house "Clover" are told.

1. The fairy tale is the most understandable way to find out what life is and how to contact it.

2. It is in a fairy tale that a relationship between people and life situations are prescribed - love, friendship, deception, joy, sadness ...

3. Fabulous images Very unambiguous - good, bad, kind, angry, greedy, generous, smart, stupid. No "halftone", incomprehensible kid.

4. In the fairy tale always wins well. And this is necessary to the child in order not to be afraid. When you are sure that good win, you feel free to go ahead!

5. In the fairy tale, they rule good cases - hard work, mind, generosity. It's easy to understand what you need to be, so that everything works.

6. In fairy tales a lot of repetitions. Kolobok equally "leaving" from everyone in turn, the repka was pulling, gradually increasing the "team" (mouse for the cat, a cat for a bug, bug for granddaughter, etc.), in the teremok, the beasts were the same in the same way (someone in the terchemok Lives?). Children love repetition. Firstly, the repetitions help them memorize a fairy tale, and secondly, children like to learn something already known - it speaks of stability and predictability, which soothe kids so much.

7. The child who believes in the fairy tales believes in good, and this helps him smile peace and not be afraid.

8. In fairy tales - the wisdom of the centuries, which is so lacking in the modern "material" world.

What does a girl know from fairy tales?

- You need to be kind and hardworking, like Nastya from Morozko. You need to be able to take care, help others, wish to people happiness. Because the lazy and envious evil girls at the end of the fairy tales always get merit.

- You need to be grateful. As a girl from the fairy tale "Gus-Swans", which thanked Jablocks for the apples, the stove - for the pies. Modern children get used to getting everything immediately. And in fairy tales, nothing is just like that, and you need to know how to say "Thank you."

- Bridegroom needs to be checked. Can the prince be able to pass all the complex tests for the sake of princess? (This, of course, is not for babies, but in the head useful wisdom will still be deposited).

What does a boy know from fairy tales?

- You need to be noble. Help weak, take care. That prince who will help Pike will give his lunch and save someone, at the end will surely receive mutual assistance in the tests.

- Do not be afraid of difficulties. In all fairy tales, men without deliberation go on travel, looking for or tested. A man is not afraid, a man is ready to overcome difficulties, risk, even the one who first lay on the furnace. Such qualities will help the boy to feel like a man in the future.

"Just like a fairy tale teaches girls to check the grooms, the boys she teaches the brides. Can you bake a loaf, can it come to the house if you can sew a dress? Woman should be business and smart. That's what a tale teacher teacher.

- Read the fairy tale along with the child at least 10-15 minutes every day and not necessarily before bedtime. Let the reading of the fairy tale be your tradition.

- After reading, definitely ask questions: what conclusions did a child, what time he liked, and which is not.

- Offer the child to draw your favorite heroes from fairy tales, as he is to imagine them. This exercise develops fantasy, helps to learn to think no standard and creatively.

No lake

Many women need fabulous stories, because it is simply not enough romance in life. At the same time, they can have a lobbied person whom they appreciate and in touch, but his part of the enforcement becomes the cause of romanticity in relations.

Lonely ladies also love to read fairy tales and gaseous cartoons and movies. Of course, their favorite genre are borneshop of love. Why? Because thanks to such works, women will be impossible to believe that sincere and real feelings exist. Tembolee, B. modern interpretations fairy tales, positive and romantic heroes more like real peoplewhich can always be found in Naivilitis. So, reading and looking through fabulous stories, women warming up to themselves faith in love at all and in men in particular. Based on fabulous permons, they create images and fantasize. Since all fairy tales are written adults, often, in them there is a deeper philosophy, which we simply do not notice in childhood. But adult girls will understand and realize, which subtext was investing the author, something did not want to teach. In addition, in fairy tales, everything happens very easily, the princes always find their princesses. And many women are so therefore: do nothing, and then once - and get married for the most beautiful, smart, loving and generally, an ideal man. Fairy tales are excellent from the complexes, because in fairy tales get your love can absolutely each.


By the way, the tale will not only with those who lack romance. They are still loved by presentative journey and adventurers. It is worth noting that only those stories that are initially defined as fairy tales can be called fairy tales. For example, many adventure films, by and large, can also be attributed to fairy tales, since they all end well, the heroes have any TOS top-old abilities, friendship is glorified in them, love love. Adventure fairy tales love those who lack in the life of acuteness. These are people who had to abandon their real desires, for the sake of robots, because of some personal fears and so on. Here they are also looking asking adventure stories, associating themselves with the main characters of these impregnated epic. Fabulous adventures Always exciting. They have no location days and boring everyday life. These are the main characteristics that have people to fabulous adventure stories. Many may say that with the same success, a person can love every story about adventures. But it is not so. Just in fairy tales, everything always ends well. There Nikton is lost, does not die, does not hurt others. That's why we are selected for fabulous stories, because they do not have a place for grief and disappointment, looking at Naescran or reading a book, we are charged with a positive.

Friendship heroism

Another reason for which adults love fairy tales is a lack of the appearance of real friendships and heroism in their real life. Don't want to receive what they can give them. That's why they are logged in fabulous life. After all, there is no place to betrayal. Employed the company of friends, then they will all stand for each other to the self-made. In fabulous stories, no one betrays anyone. Even committing some kind of trust, in the end, people are aware of their mistakes and ask for forgiveness, the vacrators are redeemed. Fabulous characters are much sincere and the kinder of those we meet a venal life. Fairy tales allow people not to lose their faith in the present. On the one hand, they seem to understand that this is just a fairy tale. But on the other hand, such historiates on their subconscious, rooting the idea that real friends are still taped, never undermine and do not betray. As a result, people begin to seek friends in the image and likeness fabulous heroes, and that is characteristic, it is precisely such as such, since it is subconsciously feeling, which person is needed.

As for the heroism, many people want themselves to ask others or to save them. But in real life is far from always being. In addition, in reality, all enemies and problems are much more cruel than in fairy tales. Therefore, people are becoming easier when they are associated with fabulous knights and princesses who save the arcs of a friend, manifold aheroism and so on. Thanks to fairy tales, we will not stop believing something, light, kind, in a miracle that is still happening to us. I am very good, when adult people love fairy tales, because the fairy tales give them the strength to live and hope for better.

What do you need fairy tales in the child's life

The value of fairy tales in the raising of children is difficult to overestimate. Accumulating the wisdom of the former generations, they are truly magic power: Training, developing, healing.

It is worth noting that fairy tales affect the formation of the child's thinking, on his behavior throughout the children's age, starting with the diaper. First, children absorb information about the simplest values \u200b\u200band concepts along with motherly songs, risks, promscar. A little later, after two years, the real education of a fairy tale begins. There are several aspects that reveal the developing influence of fairy tales.

Tale - Unobtrusive Training Tool

It is no secret that children are best perceived by the information filed in gaming form. Parent, serious morals of adults quickly tire children without reaching their goal. At the same time, with the help of a fairy tale, it is possible to explain to them all the same capital truths, but it is in an easy-to-child understanding of the form.

Fairy tales are rightfully considered the most powerful tools for learning children. The thing is that they give the so-called indirect instructions. Children think images, it is much easier for them to imagine the situation on the part, where the main characters are fairy tale characters. It was on the example of the example of the heroes of fairy tales, important life information is best assisted.

Bright examples of unobtrusive tips that simulate the correct behavior are such fairy tales like "Kolobok", "Sereny Kozlik", "Teremok", "Wolf and Seven Cats".

Tales raise positive qualities

Involving children in the circle of incredible events, exciting adventures of fairy tales contribute to the assimilation of the most important universal and moral values. They are very bright with different opposition: courage and cowardice, wealth and poverty, diligence and laziness, seaming and stupidity. Gradually, without pressure from adults, children learn to distinguish good and evil, empathize positive heroes, mentally pass along with them through different difficulties and tests.

By the way, the fact that at the end fabulous stories good triumphs over evil is the most important factor In the raising of children. Understanding this simple, famous for all the truth since childhood, the child will feel more confident and bolder, and life Nevzpects Perceiving as something natural, only hardening its character and strength of the Spirit.

Fairy tales help in time to see psychological problems

The educational value of fairy tales is also manifested in the fact that they are able to influence the formation personal qualities. In a gentle childhood, the psyche is still unstable, the border between good and evil is slightly blurred. Therefore, parents need to listen to their children and their fabulous preferences. It is possible that the loved ones and not loved by the child characters point to the emerging emotional problems of the kid.

In this case, with the help of the same fairy tale, it is quite possible to correct the development of the children's psyche, to send it into a peaceful direction. It is very important to jointly discuss read, pay attention to some key points, explain incomprehensible.

Besides the fact that the fairy tale is effective tool Raising a child who can solve many tasks, it also combines parents and their children, makes it possible to simply have a good time and take a break from the bustle of the real world.

1) Tales Good Adult Assistants! They can suggest how to do in a similar situation in life.
The plots of many fairy tales are impregnated with optimism - it is not enough for us in life!

2) The fairy tale is a beautiful simulator for fantasy, both the reader and the author.
It happened more than once that the ideas of fairy tales were subsequently incredited in life.

3) The tale is the ability to talk to the child who lives in each of us.
This child wants him to love him. Children's injuries leaving tears.
Tales for adults - good way Help yourself, talk to yourself, help forgive many things.

4) We know what kind of good, how to behave adequately, but in real life we \u200b\u200bforget about values, about decency - a fairy tale, as a reflection of our conscience.
Tale - focusing wisdom and moral norms!
Awakening the forgotten feelings and experiences of childhood, fairy tales, make life brighter!

5) To understand the world of the child, you need to remember myself a child - a fairy tale helps.

6) Nowadays, when we are inexorable, the fairy tale is simply necessary. It is encrypted important laws of life, thanks to which it is possible to preserve spiritual health.

7) The fairy tale can give rest to the soul and heart, will help heal from life fuss.

8) Tales help find confirmation with their own life observations. Adults sometimes need a fairy tale even more than children.

9) fairy tales - it's like a reminder to yourself about important thingsWhat dreamed about, and then forgot. What for? To move on behind his guiding star. To not give up when it is hard.

10) Re-reading the fairy tale, charge the energy and you can make new feats! And then you can certainly turn out where I always wanted to be!


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Why do you need fairy tales? And do you need to read their baby? The answer is unequivocal: you need to read. For example different fairy tales Children learn to live, learn to distinguish good and evil. Thanks to this fairly simple and short stories, children learn how to behave in different life situations, learn are not afraid of difficulties and life problems. The tale is a kind of model of the world around us. It tells about many vital difficulties and problems on very simple and understandable examples for children. Fairy tales that we read children affect their psyche, help to educate those or other character traits in them, help to build a specific line of behavior in different life situations.

These simple stories Thrust our children to distinguish bad from the good, good from evil. Therefore, it is very important to choose the "right" fairy tales, fairy tales in which good wins, and evil loses, or punishable for his bad actions. Thus, children begin to understand that if they do evil to others, then someday, this evil will come back to them. They understand that, doing good deeds, treats well to others, they get good instead, they will love and respect, they will have many friends. In order for the children to understand the meaning laid down in a tale, it certainly needs to be discussed after reading. Let the child tell about his understanding of the fairy tale, about what this fairy tale taught him about how to do, but it is impossible. Thus, the child learns to think, trains memory and attention, develops imagination. Fairy tales help children to absorb causal relationships, training another fragile children's psyche and developing self-confident personality.

Another important reason why it is worth reading the kids fairy tales, is that reading is a joint pastime for a child and parents. Reading another story for the night, you communicate with the child, you pay so much important time And he needs attention. Children is important to communicate with parents, to spend time with them together to assimilate the necessary behaviors to get warm, care and positive emotions. For those parents who spend the whole day at work, without having to take a walk, or chat with own baby, the fairy tale is the ability to catch up, understand how they think their child and what is important for him in life.

Fairy tales are particles of good and happiness, which are transmitted from generation to generation for many years, is invaluable experience gained by generations and transferred to us and our children in a simple and accessible form.