Form Music works Winter Vivaldi. Vivaldi - seasons: deciphering meanings

Form Music works Winter Vivaldi. Vivaldi - seasons: deciphering meanings
Form Music works Winter Vivaldi. Vivaldi - seasons: deciphering meanings

In the history of world music, at least four program writings devoted to the change of seasons are known. These are concerts of Antonio Vivaldi, the oratorio of Josef Haidna, Piazza Piazza Petra Tchaikovsky and Alexander Glazunova ballet. In this part of the article, ProstoSound will introduce the reader with the work of Antonio Vivaldi (Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn), which can be listened every day.

"Seasons" Anthony Vivaldi is one of the most popular works of the world musical treasury. Vivaldi wrote, as Music studies call, a software work, that is, the work, the music that is subordinated to some unified concept.

Spring (La Primavera)

Sonnet, preceding the "spring" concert, translated by Vladimir Grigorieva, who took the most precisely as possible to transfer the author's mood:

Spring is coming! And the joyful song is full of nature. Sun and warm, murmur streams. And the festive marshmallows will distribute, accurately magic. Suddenly the velvet clouds run out, as an evacon sounds heavenly thunder. But quickly runs up the whirlwind of mighty, and twitter again floats in the blue space.

Flowers of the breath, herbs rustle, full of dreams. Sleeps a shepherd, the charter per day, and there is a slightly heard of the dog.

The shepherd violin sound is spreading buzzing over the meadows, and the nymph dancing the magic circle of spring is bloomed with wonderful rays.

After listening to the first part of the "spring" concert, read in the first eight lines of the sonnet, and you will open how accurately the author adheres to the literary basis. The third quarters are accompanied by the second part, and the last - the final part of the concert.

The beginning of the concert transmits the joyful wait for the upcoming spring. In the motive, an executable orchestra, as if, the words "Spring is coming!". This motive is using several times throughout the first part of the concert. Then, due to high violin notes, the singing of birds that welcomes the arrival of spring is clearly audible. The murmur of streams is interrupted by the alarm of the incoming clouds and thunder. But all this is not for long, clouds accelerates the wind, and the sky again pleases with his blue. The phenomena of nature are transmitted to Vivaldi so accurately, the listener is enough to cover the eyes, and the imagination, inspired by music, itself draws bright spring paintings.

In the second part of the spring concert, a quiet typical solo hovers "Sleep Sleshka". The sound of the orchestra resembles the rust of foliage. In Alta, Lai dog is heard, guarding the master's sleep.

In the pastoral third part of the Spring, the joyful life-affirming mood sounds, the sounds of the violin are circling like dances of the nymph, described in the final quatrain of the sonnet.

"Summer" (L "Estate)

And again sonnet:

In the fields lazily flock wandering. From a serious, suffocating heat suffers, everything in nature will dry, all living things languishes thirst. The cuckoo voice is ringing and invulsively comes from the forest. A gentle conversation, the goggles and the throat are leisurely, and the warm wind is given to the space. Suddenly, passionate and mighty borea flies, blasting the silence of peace. Around dark, evil ground midges. And crying a shepherd, caught a thunderstorm. From fear, poor, freezes: beating lightning, thunder rumbles, and ripe ears pulls the thunderstorm ruthless circle.

A composer's remark to the first part of the "summer" sounds like: "Heaven from the heat." Music sounds quiet, short pauses, as if, translating breathing from summer heat. About this and say the first lines of the sonnet. But suddenly the unevenness of the summer heat "explodes" the chirping of the pike. The cricks of the cuckoo, which joined it in the dialogue, is added to the shoe. And again, the measured silence of the summer sultry day, which is broken by a crying wind. But sweeping over the field, the wind reappears the carelessness of the summer day. The second part is contrasts: the fear of the cowgirl in contemplating the approaching summer thunderstorm and the power of the impending storm with distant grommet rolls. But suddenly everything calms down, and in the moment silence cuts the grumble thunder, the sky is written by the arrow of lightning, the water flows from heaven with streams.

"Autumn" (L "Autunno)

Sonnet says the following:

Noise peasant harvest festival. Fun, laughter, perky songs ringing! And Bahusa juice, blood flammable, all weak breaks with legs, giving a sweet dream. And the rest are eager to continue, but to sing and dance already nemens. And, completing the joy of pleasure, in the hardest dream of everyone plunges the night. And the hunter hunter will jump at the dawn at dawn, and with them huntsman. And, the track found, let down the hounds, gambling gambling, in the horn of the tube. Frightened terrible gamis, wounded, weakening fugitives from the pins of tormenting runs stubbornly, but more often dies, finally.

Raddled the summer thunderstorms, the autumn came with a cheerful, satisfying harvest. "Autumn" concert echoes the melodies "Spring", which adds the cheerful notes of the holiday. Vivaldi masterfully uses a burglar composer to the Echo effect. The violin imitates the murmur of flowing wines. Juvenile settlements gradually depart to sleep. It comes night, quiet and mysterious. It is curious that the party sounded in this part of the "autumn" by the author is not discharged, which gives the secretress freedom of improvisation, imposing a certain responsibility for him, since he becomes actually co-author of the Master.

The night passes, and the morning is announced by the sounds of hunting, it is important for the following forest. According to Vivaldi, the music in the middle of the hunt should depict the shots and bark of dogs.

"Winter" (L "Inverno)

Anticipating concert, composer in the last sonnet writes:

You tremble, frozen, in the cold snow, and the north of the wind wave rolled. From the jersey, you knock your teeth on the run, kolotheut your feet, it is not able to warm up as sweet in the comfort, warm and silence from evil bad weather to hide in winter. Fireplace fire, pollus Miragei. And the soul froze full rest. On the winter, the people bother. Fell, slipping, and rolls again. And happily hear how the ice is cut under a sharp skate, that iron is counted. And in the sky, Sirocco with Boree came together, it is not for a joke among them the battle. Although it was not surrendered to the bed and the blizzard, gives us winter and their pleasure.

The first part of the "winter" draws frosty patterns on windows with violin passages. In the orchestral sound there is a drama inherent in winter paintings. The melody of the first part really gives a listener of winter boat. The second part of the "winter" is the absolute opposite of the first. The gentle voice of the violin creates the atmosphere of heat, peace and coziness. Sonnet's lines "How sweet in comfort, warm and silence from evil bad weather to hide in winter" literally come to life in the melody, cracking of firewood in the fireplace, seems to be glare on the walls. In the soul of comfort and peace. The third part as if calling to look out the window: there, on the river chained into ice, funny fun, slide skating people, the fun reigns. The third part of the "winter" is full of drama, but at the same time it is optimistic and the waiting for the arrival of spring is heard in it: the warm wind is struggling with the cold and his victory is only a matter of time. This finishes its cycle Vivaldi: hope, optimism, faith in a new arrival of spring.

A. Vivaldi often thought his music programmatically. At the same time, the program of a particular product, the composer limited to a certain subtitle ("Cinema", "Rest", "Favorit"), then deployed as a picture of each part in the cycle. That is how it enters his glorified 4 concerts for violin, string quintet and organ (or chamblock). In modern executive practice, they are combined into the "Le Quattro Stagioni" cycle - "four years of the year" (in the original there is no such heading):

  • Concert E-DUR "Spring" (La Primavera)
  • G-Moll Summer Concert (L'Estate)
  • Concert "Autumn" (L'Autunno)
  • Concert "Winter" (L'Inverno)

Each of the concerts has a detailed literary program set out in 4-sledding: "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Winter". Perhaps their author was Vivaldi himself (the exact authorship was not established).


Spring is coming! And the joyful song
Full nature. Sun and warm
Murbs of streams. And festive news
Marshmallow spreads exactly magic.

Suddenly the velvet clouds run out,
As the Blagovest sounds heavenly thunder.
But quickly runs the vortex mighty,
And twitter again floats in the blue space.

Dyhanye flowers, herbs rustling,
Fully the nature of the dream.
Sleeping a shepherd, the charter,
And there is a slightly heard of the dog.

Shepherd dogs sound
Delivering buzzing over the meadows
And nymph dancing magic circle
Spring is distilled by wonderful rays.


In the fields lazily flock wandering.
From heavy, suffocating heat
Suffering, dries everything in nature,
All alive languis is languishing.

Suddenly the passionate and mighty
Borea, exploding silence peace.
Around dark, evil ground midges.
And crying a shepherd, caught a thunderstorm.

From fear, poor, freezes:
Bute lightning, rinsing thunder,
And ripe spikes pulls out
Thunderstorm ruthless circle.


Noise peasant harvest festival.
Fun, laughter, perky songs ringing!
And Bahus juice, blood flammable,
All weak breaks with legs, giving a sweet dream.

And the rest are eager to continue
But to sing and dance is already nemens.
And, completing the joy of pleasure,
In the hardest dream of everyone plunges the night.

And the uber at dawn will jump to Bor
Hunters, and with them huntsman.
And, the track found, let down the hounds,
Gambling animals are driven into a horn.

Frightened terrible gam
Wound, weakening fugitive
The pins of tormenting runs stubbornly
But more often dies, finally.


Tremble, frozen, in cold snow,
And the north of the wind wave rolled.
From the journey, teeth knock on the run,
Bringing your legs, it is not able to warm up

How sweet in comfort, warm and silence
From evil bad weather to hide in winter.
Fireplace fire, pollus Miragei.
And the soul froze full rest.

On the winter, the people bother.
Fell, slipping, and rolls again.
And happily hear how ice cuts
Under the sharp skate, that iron is counted.

And in the sky, Sirocco with Boree agreed,
It's not a joke between the battle.
Although the plug and blizzard have not yet surrendered
Gives us winter and their pleasure.

In addition to sonnets, some musical episodes of the "Seasons" cycle are presented with explanatory remarks that comment on the content of music. So, for example, in the I of the "winter", where the composer reaches the vertices of artistic pictoriality, the remarks explain that the teeth are picked up here, as they implous with their legs to warm up. Nothing like this was up to the "pastoral" symphony of Beethoven.

There are a lot of genre in concerts, bright sound-imaging details. There are not only rollers and gusts of the wind, but also barking dogs, the buzz of flies, the roar of the wounded beast, and even the image of the jaws spread with their non-hard gait. From the first part of the "Spring", the music is filled with "joyful singing" of birds, a cheerful murmure of a stream, a delicate messenger of Marshmallow, which was replaced by a thunderstorm squall. "Summer" brightly depicts the energetic "grommet rolls." "Autumn" transfers the mood of folk festivities, festivities. In the "winter", the overtook "beating" of the 8th masterfully transmitted the feeling of penetrating winter jellows. At the same time, the main emotional state remains for the composer.

In each of the concerts of the "Seasons" cycle, the slow parts are written in parallel (with respect to the main) tonality. Their music is highlighted by a calm picture after dynamic Allegri.

If we consider that all 4 concerts are three-part, then the parallel is not excluded and from the 12th months of the year. In addition, in art, the subject of time of the year allows various semantic parallels - first of all, with the natural life cycle of a person from birth to death. Allyusza is also possible for four regions of Italy, respectively, four parties of light.

Abstract music lesson.

Subject: Means of musical expressiveness in the cycle "Seasons" Antonio Vivaldi.

The purpose of the lesson: the formation of musical and creative abilities of children, taking into account the possibilities of each child in various types of musical activity (listening to music, singing), summing up children to the creation of the image of the autumn through music, poetry.

Tasks of the lesson: familiarity with the work of the Italian composer A.Vivaldi.

The development of vocal cholar skills, the development of the feeling of rhythm.

education of love for music.

Type of lesson: deepening and consolidation of knowledge.

Information and methodological support: Presentation (Reproductions of paintings), portraits of composers, verses of autumn.

Teacher: I am very glad to see you all in a good mood. Guess my riddle:

"Rain from the morning,

Birds on the far time

Loudly wind howls

Is it all when it happens? " (Autumn)

Teacher: What is our season now? And what do you think about what will be spent on the lesson? What happens to autumn? (Early, late). And today at our lesson we will listen to music about this wonderful time of the year.

Music can draw a picture of nature before the listeners, imitating her sounds and voices. But the main feature of the music is that it can transmit moods and feelings of people. And today we will try to understand what tells and how music tells us. To do this, we sit comfortably, close eyes and music will take us away, far into the magical world of sounds.

Sounds record A. Vivaldi "Autumn" (September)

Questions after hearing:

Which you heard autumn?

What pictures did you pretend?

This is what autumn the Great Italian composer A. Vivaldi.

(show the portrait of the composer)

Now we will get acquainted with the great Italian composer A. Vivaldi

Antonio Vivaldi (Vivaldi, Antonio) (1678-1741),. The future genius was born in 1678 in Venice. His father, originating from the forefront of the urban population, was a hairdresser, but he had a tendency to music. He realized his skills in the chapel of one of the local councils. Little Antonio inherited talent from his father, and thanks to the relationship and influence of the latter, he was able to get a decent musical education. Vivaldi has mastered the game on the violin for ten years. The further path of the genius led him to church service. The practice of combining the religious service and musical creativity was widespread at that time. Vivaldi receives the place of music teacher in one of the schools. Such work gives him the opportunity to work in writing music, and after two years later, the local publishing house published his twelve sonat.

Vivaldi, combining teaching activities in the conservatory and writing music, writes vowel works during this period. They are based on opera and oratorios, which were delivered by the same time on the scenes of the best theaters of Venice and Florence. The work of Vivaldi "Seasons" subsequently began to be considered the greatest contribution to music.

This one of the first samples of a big symphony is a cycle of the four first concerts of the composer's eighth labor. It was here that the output of the Tools of the Fagot, Goboy on the Outstanding Orchestra as an independent one. The concert of Vivaldi "Spring", as well as the concert of Vivaldi "Summer" is a work for a violin performed on the upper registers. The work for the violin belonging to the Vivaldi hand - "Winter", as well as the concert of Vivaldi "Autumn" is characterized by a melancholic and low sound, skillfully betraying the impression of every season.

Means of musical expressiveness, or as music becomes music.

Each art has its own special language, its expressive means. In painting, for example, such means are drawing and paints. Skillfully using them, the artist creates a picture. The poet, composing poems, speaks with us in the language of words, he uses a poetic speech, rhymes. The poetic word is an expressive means of the art of poetry. The basis of dance art is dance, dramatic - the game of actors.

Music has a special language - sound language. And she also has its own expressive means: melody, rhythm, size, pace, road, dynamics, timbre.

But we guys talk only about several of them. (Melody, Floor, Temp, Dynamics)

Melody (guys what do you think, what is a melody? What it happens?)

This is the basis of any musical work, his thought, his soul. No melody music is unthinkable. Melody can be different - smooth and fierce, funny and sad

Temp (guys, what is the tempo? What happens?)

This is the speed of execution of the musical work. The pace is fast, slow and moderate. Italian words are used to designate the tempo that are understandable to all musicians in the world. For example, fast tempo - Allegro, Presto; Moderate pace - Andante; Slow - Adagio.

Flood (what is a way? What happens?)

In music there are two contrasting Lada - Major and Minor. Major music is perceived by listeners, like a bright, clear, joyful, and minor - as sad and dreamy.

And one more means of musical expressiveness is the dynamics. What it is?

Dynamics - the power of the sound. (What is? What is the speaker?)

The main dynamic shades are two: Forte, which means loud and piano - quiet. Sometimes these shades are enhanced. For example, very loud (fortissimo) or very quiet (Pianissimo).

Guys, now we will listen to another play Antonio Vivaldi, in which he portrayed a means of musical expressiveness another autumn month October. And we will try to understand how to understand which means of musical expressiveness used the composer.

So guys, what did we listen to the works? Whose we listened to works? Antonio Vivaldi composer which country?

Guys, we also have modern composers that create wonderful works.

And I suggest listening to the song "Russia" and then fulfill it all together.

The outcome of the lesson. What are we talking about in the lesson? What did you know the new? What task was interesting for you?

Homework: Write a poem (merchant) about autumn.

Thanks for attention.

Concerto No. 4 F-Moll "Winter" completes the cycle of 4 violin concerts Antonio Vivaldi "" ("Four Seasons"), one of the most famous works of the Baroque era.

The essential contribution of Vivaldi to the development of the instrumentation (he was the first to apply bobbies, horn, bailots, etc. Tools as independent, not duplicating).

Vivaldi's music style is distinguished by melodic generosity, dynamism and expressiveness of sound, transparency of painting writing, classic harness in combination with emotional wealth.

A. Vivaldi is the creator of the solo instrumental concert genre, thereby contributing to the development of virtuoso violin techniques.

The cycle is one of the earliest samples of software orchestral music. However, in the work, along with a clear description of the seasons, there is an allusion - a different age of a person, from birth to death (spring as the awakening of natural forces symbolizes the beginning of life or adolescence, and winter symbolizes old age to the end of life and at the same time revival of a new life, new spring.).

Concert №4 F-Moll "Winter"
From the cycle A.Vivaldi

Winter entered into their rights, wrapped around the nature of the snow and sowed the lake, but even to freeze everything in her desire, people find pleasure. A quiet, calm, peaceful melody makes you think, go to dreams and enjoy the dungement of the northern wind, sounding in the passages of solo violin.

In the final sonnet cycle, Antonio Vivaldi brilliantly describes the winter: very cold. The teeth are knocking from the cold, I want to heave your legs to warm up, howls the bubble wind, the people frustrate from winter jellows.

Sonnet "Winter":

Tremble, frozen, in cold snow,
And from the north of the wind, the wave rolled out.
From the journey, teeth knock on the run,
Bring your legs, it is not able to warm up.
How sweet in comfort, warm and silence
From evil bad weather to hide in winter.
Fireplace fire, pollus Miragei.
And the soul froze full rest.
On the winter, the people bother.
Fell, slipping, and rolls again.
And happily hear how ice cuts
Under the sharp skate, that iron is counted.
And in the sky, Sirocco with Boree agreed,
It's not a joke between the battle.
Although the plug and blizzard have not yet surrendered
Gives us winter and their pleasure.

Winter begins with melodic constructions in the bass part of the orchestra. High replicas of the violin solo are played by low chords, bright and air melody are crushed into separate fragments: then the singery cello is heard, then the root of the orchestra is growing, performing gamma-like passages imitating strules and gusts of the north wind.

The second part of the concert, Largo, filled with a light and peaceful mood when you can easily sit by the fireplace and enjoy homemade warmth and comfort. Solo violin leads slowly, the altas and basses are invarious. The composer uses a three-dimensional sound row here, and lyric intonations and trills on the upper notes resemble the melody of the opera aria.

In the last part of the "winter", Vivaldi collects a picture of the entire cyclic work according to fragments: we hear how, following the canons of the vintage style "Baroque", the composer uses the thematic motives of other concerts in the final part of the cycle.

Vivaldi - "Seasons"

Deciphering meanings

As you know, four violin concerts of Vivaldi from the "Seasons" cycle have a literary component - sonnets in which the composer gave the program of this cycle; In addition, the notes are given the author's remarks explaining what music is about.

Naturally, it is necessary to understand this program not so much literally as symbolically.

This is what is said in verses Antonio Vivaldi (translation from Italian V.RAZHEY):

Spring arrival meeting by ringing pegs,
Birds fly in blue spaces,
And hear the splash of the stream, and the rustle leaves,
Kented marshmallows dunzen.
But thunder rinsing, and lightning arrows
Gate heaven, sudden haired dressed,
And these are all-spring days!

Sound storm, heaven enlightened,
And again begging over the bird's birds
Cheerful foam the air announced.

On soft moss with a shepherd - a sure other -
Lay next to the shepherd; They sleep sweetly
Under the rustling of herbs, under the noise of foliage in love.

Dooms Sound is spread over the meadow,
Where dance funny nymph is spinning,
Spring magic light illuminated.

Lazily wanders herd, the herbs wandered
From grave suffocating heat
He suffers and languishes everything alive.

Sings a cuckoo in the silence of dubravy
Verds Gorlinka in the garden and gently
Breeze sigh ... but suddenly rebellious
Burst borea, swept swirl in the sky -
And crying a shepherd, Klyanya his lot.

He is afraid of hearing the thunder distant.
From the lightning in the frightener freezes.
Refractive midges Roy torment ...

But here is a thunderstorm, raging flows
With steep heights in the valley of Lfelfing,
Roars, raging on uncompressed Niva,
And hail cruel beats, in proud
Colors and cereals head tearing out.

Invigorating air, clear weather,

Gardens and groves in the decoration of the autumn;

Happy plower festive fun,

Meets the golden time of year

The crop shame is assembled on the Niva.

End of the works, care of the burden

For songs, games and dance now time!

From the barrels poured the Vakha gift invalid

And who the glass breathes to the drop,

That strong sleep bliss blessed.

True horn and growls flocks;

Hunters in the shade of thick boron

Go along the trail, the beast is overtaking.

Having to have the proximity of the death throats,

The beast rushed by the arrow, but the evil sample

His drove to death in the dark more often.

Frosty smooth road

And the man willopy legs

Progressing the path, knocking teeth,

Runs to warm up at least a bit.

How happy he is warm and light

Native focus sheltered from the winter ...

Let the snow and wind there - outside ...

Walking on ice dangerous, but in this

For youth fun; Caution

Go along the edge slippery, unreliable;

Without keeping, falling with a scope

On the thin ice - and away run from fear.

Whisk swirl snowproofs;

How - as if breaking out of the sharpening,

Bush winds counter, in battle

Fraight against each other is ready.

... Large winter, but joy moments

Sometimes soften the face is stern.

But what I wrote Vivaldi in notes. (Attention! Page is still in the process of construction. In the future there will be musical fragments)

Summer Istoma (p.3)

While it lasts this time of year - the time of the hot sun, languages \u200b\u200bare people, squeeze her herds, pine are burning (p.3)

Gorlinka (p.6)

Here Gorlinka in the garden rushes to put off her songs (p.6)

Marshmallow gently believes (p.7)

North Wind (p.7)

Stormy winds (p.7)

But suddenly Borea is trying to argue with his neighbor (p.7)

Complaint of the postlane (p.9)

The young shepherd mourns his fate because it is afraid of cruel predators threatening herder (p.9)

They hurt tired hands and legs, and even resting, he thinks about lightning with fear, about terrible thunderstorms, about the clouds of ferocious flies and heaps! (p.13)

Flies and vegetables (p.13)

Thunderstorm (p.13)

Stormy summer time (p.15)

It is not in vain afraid of the midst. His concerns come true: thunder thunder, sparkle with lightning in the sky, and here the grain broke, full grains (p.15)

In the sky, howling and rumble (p.19)

Spring came (p.3)

Bird singing (p.4)

Birds happily welcome spring with funny singing (s.5),

and deceptively truly believing the gentle whisper, easily rush there and here (p.6),

and at this time, the darkness blooms in the air, and sparkle with lightning, and thunder foreshadow (p.7),

what the birds need to be shoved. New harmonious charm comes (p. 9):

there, on a flowering meadow, caressing the eyes, a delicate whisper of leaves and herbs is heard (p.11).

Sleeping shepherd (p.11)

She sleeps the shepherd, and next to his faithful dog (p.11).

He grieves angrily - after all, he always goes loudly (p.11)

Under the sounds of shepherd by boil and under sparkling spring, funny nymphs and a shepherd (p.14) are dancing

Shepherd dance (p.14)

A. Vivaldi "Le Stagioni"

Giunt E La Primavera (3)

Il Canto Di Gl'uccelli (4)

E Festosetti La Salutan GL 'Augei Con Lieto Canto (5)

E I Finti Allo Spiral De 'Zeffiretti Con Dolce Mormorio Scorrono Intanto (6)

Vengon 'Coprendo L'Aer di Nero Amanto E Lampi, E TUONI AD ANNUNTIARLA ELETTI (7),

Indi Tacendo Questi, GL 'Augetti; Tornan 'di Nuovo Al Lor Canoro Incanto (9):


Il Capraro Che Dorme (11)


Il Cane Che Grida Se Deve Suisonare Sempre Molto Forte, E Strappato (11).

Di Pastoral Zampogna Al Suon Festante Danzan Ninfe E Pastor Nel Tetto Amato Di Primavera All 'Apparir Brillante (14).

Languidezza Per Il Caldo (3)



La Tortorella (6)

E TOSTO INTESA CANTA LA Tortorella E'L Gardelino (6)

Il Gardelino (6)

Zeffiro Dolce Spira (7)

Venti Impettuosi (7)


Il Pianto Del Villanello (9)


Toglie Alle Membra Lasse Il Suo Riposo Il Timore De'lampi, E TUONI FIERI E DE MOSCHE 'E MOSCONI IL STUOL FURIOSO! (13)




Sopra Il Tenore E Basso (19)

Winter and autumn - later.

And later I will find and write here the remarks, which wrote in an encrypted form above my notes of Tartini ...