Military history, weapons, old and military maps. Who are the black diggers

Military history, weapons, old and military maps.  Who are the black diggers
Military history, weapons, old and military maps. Who are the black diggers

Black sails, black realtors, black humor, black stripe - black color is unlucky, people perceive it exclusively in a negative sense. Well, of course, black envy, but what have the diggers got to do with it? This is the name of the unofficial search engines associated with earthworks. Hundreds of amateur archaeologists annually in summer time go in search of the glory of Heinrich Schliemann, who opened the legendary Troy to the world.

History, very often, keeps its secrets underground. Once prosperous, ancient cities are hidden from the eyes of their contemporaries under age-old layers of dust, ash and earth. I remember the archeological practice at the university in the 4th year. For a whole month, as part of a scientific expedition, we were at the Caravan Saray excavation site in ancient Bilyar, one of the cities of the Volga Bulgaria (X-XIII centuries).

Each student was allocated a plot of 2x2 meters. We had to go 3-4 meters deep to the cultural layer of the 10th century. It was necessary to dig in layers, 20 cm each, with extreme care and attention, sifting all the soil through special nets. Before starting a new layer, you need to clean the cut and present it researcher together with finds for photos and descriptions. Only then can you start processing the next layer. All finds in mandatory are subject to special accounting and inventory. This work is hard and painstaking, often unsuccessful. But this is the work of archaeologists. All of these are official - white diggers.

Black diggers are very often people who are passionate about history. For years they have been rummaging in old books and documents, studying all the available scientific literature looking for information on the internet. But they are attracted primarily by treasures and treasures, products from precious metals, ancient artifacts of cultural value.

Black diggers is a collective name. Diggers themselves subdivide themselves into: treasure hunters, trophy hunters and black archaeologists. And among them are "field workers", "foresters", "barrowers", "bugroviks". Real white archaeologists oppose, they argue that black archaeologists have nothing to do with science and that they are all a kind of criminal world, because they openly violate applicable laws.

With the advent of foreign and domestic metal detectors, portable devices capable of detecting metal objects at a depth of 300 cm, black digging acquired catastrophic proportions in the European part of Russia and in the western republics. the former USSR... If earlier it was done by loners, now it is done by technically equipped and well-organized groups. They are often subsidized by resellers, intermediaries and other support structures. As a result, many scientifically valuable finds are deposited in private collections or antique salons. All this testifies to the imperfection of legislation in this area and the inaction of law enforcement agencies.

Violating the methodology for the development of state-protected archaeological sites without official permission to conduct prospecting work, they cause serious, irreparable damage historical science by depriving historians of scientific material. Sloppy dug up plots of land are often an irreplaceable loss for our culture, the cause of "white spots" in Russian history.

Widespread popularity in Lately were received by black rangers who, in search of military awards, weapons and artifacts, conduct illegal excavations in the burial places of warriors of participants in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 Finds of weapons and ammunition pose a particular public danger. The black market is literally crammed with captured, restored weapons that are nowhere to be found and are not wanted by anyone. And the so-called jackals - young black trackers very often arrange detonations of the found ammunition, not realizing all the danger to the lives of those around them.

The legislation provides for severe penalties for those engaged in such activities. In some cases, up to 8 years in prison. At the same time, the state encourages the creation of search detachments and groups dealing with the history of the Great Patriotic War, and issues them official permits to carry out excavations in places of battles and unknown burials of soldiers.

In Russia, in the post-war years, a new phrase has appeared. At first it was not clear what "black diggers" were. However, over time, the activities of these people more and more often declared themselves. People call them differently "black diggers", "black trackers", "black archaeologists". Black because they work without official permits and certainly not for the good of humanity.

So what are black diggers?

This is the name of the people involved in excavation with the help of metal detectors in places of fierce battles during various wars. Their goals are also different: someone is busy in scientific interests, and someone - from personal material motives. Seekers can work one at a time or in organized groups... As a rule, they are all well versed in historical artifacts and fully assume what they can find.

Artifacts can be parts of soldier's ammunition, weapons, ammunition, awards, household items and more. Those who study the area and its burial places for scientific purposes, then often donate what they found to museums. Another category acts only for the purpose of making money and is supplied found on the "black" market. Rare items from the time of the war are in greatest demand; collectors pay significant sums of money for them. Items with SS symbols are popular for the young fascist movement in the Russian environment. Such treasure hunters go to great lengths so that, as they say, the "truth about Sparta" was hidden, that is, it is not at all in their interests to reveal either the excavation site or the amount and composition of what was found there. Although such facts can sometimes change part of the history associated precisely in the local battle, where black archaeologists were excavating.

Quite often, black treasure hunters find themselves in the networks of law enforcement agencies, they are detained, tried, but the number of "black" workers, as before, does not change. The money received in this way seems to them an easy profit, and they are not embarrassed that in search of artifacts they are destroying archaeological sites. the main problem archaeologists from the side of treasure hunters - this is what you can buy hand-held metal detectors absolutely freely. They also turned to the Prime Minister of the country for help, who promised to consider the possibility of introducing licensing for the sale of such equipment.

At the same time, it should be noted that the existing protection measures in the Russian legislation are not sufficient; in fact, "black diggers" can be involved only under several different articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

“Black diggers” is a broad concept. These people include trophy seekers, black archaeologists and treasure hunters. They are distinguished only by the purpose of the excavation. They don't care where and when to dig. "I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles".

Illegal activities without permits, excavation and trade in artifacts are the main features of all black diggers. Archaeologists and scientists consider these "rogue seekers" to be criminals and criminals. In their opinion, "black diggers" cause irreparable damage to history as a science.

Many historical chains can no longer be restored due to their unprofessional and criminal activities. However, there are many people among them with a great knowledge of history and archeology.

Finds of black diggers

Items excavated in German dugouts during the Second Patriotic War are in great demand on Internet auction sites. Black trophy seekers have a saying, "Every badge has its own fool." On the fields of former battles, trophyers are looking for military insignia, weapons, parts of soldiers' ammunition, helmets.

There are many who want to buy pistols, machine guns from black diggers. These are collectors and neo-Nazis. Iron crosses and Luftwaffe insignia can be sold on the black market for a few hundred Euros. Often, along with the remains of German soldiers, the bodies of Soviet soldiers are found. Marauders, trophyrs, even shoot wedding rings and pectoral crosses.

For these scumbags, human remains are just ballast that does not bring money. But there is a category of "black diggers" for whom this is a hobby, and not a pursuit of profit.

Significant finds of "black diggers" are the result of their personal interest in enrichment. They spend colossal amounts of money on the purchase of genuine historical maps, equipment, and gadgets. Having "secret" access to historical archives, their chance of successful excavation increases significantly. Officially working archaeologists do not possess such means. This affects the result and quality of search work. Museums cannot redeem valuable exhibits due to lack of funds. For this reason, they are not of interest to criminal diggers. Their main clients are wealthy collectors from all over the world.

Today intelligence analysts are sounding the alarm. Restored pistols, assault rifles and machine guns from the Second World War are increasingly taking part in criminal showdowns. There are frequent cases of contract killings from rare weapons obtained by the "Black Diggers".

The choice of such a weapon is justified. It is impossible to identify and trace its place of origin. But without cartridges, this small arms is simply useless. Find cartridges in the ground that have not lost their fighting qualities from time to time - great luck... Searching for spoils of war is a dangerous occupation. There is always a risk of being blown up by a projectile. Only especially desperate diggers choose this type of activity.

Black digging communities have many forums where exploration expeditions and tours are formed. Photos of the loot after the raids are posted on the Internet and printed editions... This popularizes this type of criminal income in society. There are no problems with purchasing metal detectors. Online stores are vying with each other to invite customers, colorfully describing the benefits of purchasing such a product.

"Black" and "White" diggers

"Black" and "White" diggers meet and communicate with each other. Exchange information. There are often cases when legitimate search engines are given things Soviet soldiers for reburial. There will always be people who have not completely lost their conscience. Black diggers are a global phenomenon. There are especially many of them in Egypt. Conclusions of scientists about countless treasures under tons of sand attract adventurers from all over the planet to this region.

“Black diggers” were, are and will be. At all times, all the peoples of the world had such "worthy" members of society in their councils. The hope of luck and the desire to get rich quickly, never to be rooted out in the ranks of humanity.

Watch the video black diggers

Digger Digger strife ...

Despite general concept"Treasure hunter" or "digger", this cohort of adventurers is divided into numerous groups. They differ in the purpose of the search, the method of detecting, the medium of the search, and even their relationship with the Law.

Search engines can be divided into three large groups according to the purpose of the coping. Everyone who is engaged in this business can be clearly attributed to one or several categories at once. It all depends on what he can stumble upon while digging in the ground (or other objects).

« Historians"- they are primarily interested in the search for historical relics. They can specialize in different historical eras, depending on their own interests or the saturation of the search area with artifacts. As a rule, the relics that have become their prey have not so much a materially significant equivalent in the assessment, but a cultural and historical one.

« Militants», « Trophyers"- work on former fields battles, different wars. WWII, World War I, Japanese war etc. As a rule, their finds have a collection orientation. But this is a rather dangerous occupation ("cop in the war"), because they often have to deal with explosive objects (unexploded mines and shells, minefields, "booby traps", etc.). Weapons become their property (mostly in poor preservation, a lot of time has passed, and weapons lay in the ground and swamps), military equipment(even tanks safe and sound can be "nasty"), well, the most " tasty»- awards and signs. Taking into account the high interest of collectors in such relics (especially awards), diggers earn good money in their business, but at the same time risk their lives and health, and in addition, they find themselves in confrontation with the Criminal Code. The article providing for the prosecution for the storage, transportation and sale of weapons and ammunition has not been canceled.))

« Metalworkers"- they are only interested directly in metal targets, in any form, which have their own cost as metal. This also includes the search for walkers. This is also a metal, only already converted into the cost price at face value. Their characteristic finds are items made of precious metals (once dropped by sloppy onlookers), non-ferrous and black scrap. Despite the apparent "low grade", this type of occupation can bring the most stable income, with a minimum of the possibility of being subject to the article of criminal or administrative law. Therefore, representatives of other groups, just in case, often disguise themselves as "metalists".

P about the method and places of search, diggers can be broken down into many of the following categories:

« Field workers"- carry out a search in the fields and other open spaces... More often, this occurs on arable land, where the soil is softer, and plowing raises the submerged layer of soil to the surface. It is easier to dig in the field, since the rhizomes of trees and shrubs do not interfere. Digger is now applicable as a definition to almost all groups.

« Foresters". The name speaks for itself. The search is carried out in woodlands. Their advantage over field workers lies in the intactness of the search site. And caches with valuables were often made not on an open surface, but in secluded places, in forests, copses, etc. Among other things, relics in a forest are better preserved than in a field, especially in an agricultural one, where they are exposed to mechanical stress from machinery and, chemical, from fertilizers.

« Gravediggers», « Grave diggers". They specialize in the search for ancient burials (burial grounds). Their prey are utensils and valuables that were placed in the burial in accordance with ritual traditions. Sometimes they do not disdain and not so ancient burials.

« Kurgan workers», « Bugroviki". A variety of gravediggers specializing in burial mounds. Considering that burials of rather wealthy nobility were made in the mounds, the production from the mounds is more significant.

« Burglars". They are looking for old (abandoned) houses, estates, apartments, churches, huts. Quite a fruitful activity, since in such objects many interesting objects were lost, hidden and forgotten, which eventually acquired a decent value.

« Attic". The search is carried out in the attics of abandoned or old buildings. Using their developed search tactics, metal detectors are practically not used. In buildings, the metal displacer is practically useless due to a large number disturbing interference. Antique items of collectible value are taken as a swag. Even such seemingly uselessness as glass bubbles are used, which in reality, then go away for a decent reward.

« Underground workers". A kind of attic. Do the same, but in basements. - "Divers". Searching for sunken treasures. Among them there are sub-sections for search purposes. Someone is looking for losses in the coastal zone, and someone swung at sunken ships with holds filled with gold.))

« Diggers". They are looking for treasures in underground communications, inside military fortifications, hidden underground, tunnels, bunkers, etc.

« Archi". From the word "Archaeologist". The most theoretically prepared group. They are engaged in a more cultured cop, trying to preserve not only metal objects, but also ceramics and other artifacts during the ascent. The most lazy, the place of search is chosen on the places where scientific archaeologists have already carried out exploration. The more hardworking and curious, develop their hypotheses, theories, and do the development on their own.

« Beach goers". The most carefree group of all. They do not need a lot of equipment: a metal detector, a shovel or a scoop, and a sieve.)) Many people start coping spontaneously, out of idleness. For example, to brighten up your vacation at sea with at least some more or less interesting and useful activity... Their property becomes trifle and jewelry, which mattress covers generously sow in the sand.))

« Archivists»- seekers of documents, information, information previously unknown or considered lost. This is a special category of seekers who work with a fountain pen instead of a shovel, and instead of stuffy dungeons - in no less stuffy archives. The ancient (old) documents discovered by them are of great historical and cultural significance, and can be assessed very, very not cheaply.

Moreover, all searchers belong to one of three groups:

« Black diggers», « Black archaeologists". This community of diggers is looking for artifacts for the purpose of profit or replenishment of collections. They act most often in violation of the established legislation, while using barbaric cop methods, destroying historical and cultural monuments. It is difficult for scientific archaeologists to work in the place visited by the "Black Diggers", as they remove the swag they are interested in, destroying the non-metallic parts of the utensils, mixing their location, disrupting the position of the cultural layer. Found relics that have scientific value, are sent to private collections, and official archaeologists lose them, without being able to study and determine the circumstances of the finding. At the same time, the value of the finds is significantly reduced, because they do not have an official status (certificate), since the source of occurrence is not traced.

It is very difficult to fight the "Black Diggers", as they act with fast and stealthy raids. Imperfection also affects Russian laws, which do not define a clear distinction between legality and illegality in this legal area... Moreover, " Trophyers»Often violate the legislation governing the circulation of weapons, ammunition and explosives. Sometimes objects protected by the state, as objects of historical and cultural heritage, are subject to raids by the "Blacks".

« Red Seekers". Operate under the auspices of official science or public organizations... They have as their goal the restoration of historical justice, the definition of names dead soldiers on the battlefields. Formed by historical and patriotic movements. Sometimes they participate in scientific archaeological expeditions as volunteers.

« Gray diggers», « White diggers". They act unofficially, like the "blacks", but do not aim at profit. It's like fishermen who only need to be photographed with a trophy and let them go back. From time to time, they can sell finds, or keep them for themselves, in order to show off their "achievements". Sometimes "Whites" can contact scientists, for the purpose of mutual consultation or exchange useful information... Archaeologists are more tolerant of them than the "blacks", since they are able to bring some benefit to science. For example, to provide information about new historically important objects and characteristic finds. "Whites" can consult with archaeologists about the findings. Sometimes, “Whites” and “Reds” become “Black Diggers” when they gain enough experience to independent activity, allowing you to pick up a serious swag.

A change in the legal field can improve the situation. Firstly, there is a need to adopt a law "on private collections", allowing the open circulation of items that have collectible value. In this case, the collectible items will have certificates confirming the source of origin. They will acquire their full value, based on their historical and cultural significance, and it will become easier to handle them at auctions. Shadow circulation of collectibles will become unprofitable. Diggers will be interested in fixing finds, so as not to lose in earnings.
Secondly, it is necessary to put things in order in the payment of remuneration. At present, the treasures handed over either settle in storerooms where they are stolen, or the examination greatly underestimates the value of the discovered treasure, or it is impossible to wait even for the promised "crumbs" for the handed over treasures.