Toys from 8 months necessary for development

Toys from 8 months necessary for development
Toys from 8 months necessary for development

A 9-month-old child becomes more independent. He brighter reacts to the outside world, begins to manifest itself as a social "element" - personality. During this period, you can and you need to play, because interesting game It will acquire new skills.

Educational games are very important for little child, through them he knows the world - Try it to take. In communication with you, he will show its social, intellectual and sensory motorcycles.

At 9 months, parents may notice signs of the formation of the kid's personality. Among other things, he begins to brightly show his emotions.

Achievements of a child by 9 months

From touch-motor (sensory-motor) capabilities can be noted as follows:

  • the child claps his hands;
  • he takes large objects with two hands, brings them up and considers them;
  • little items he takes one hand;
  • he manipulates at once with two toys;
  • it crawls and can change the direction of 180 degrees;
  • rises on legs with an adult.

These skills can be imitated by dolls. Take a doll, show the baby, as she gets up on his feet, walks, eats, goes to bed. All actions can be accompanied by a story about what the doll does - it will be equally interesting as a girl and a boy. It will be very good if the baby tries to take a doll and play with her himself.

The intellectual abilities of the kid should include the following actions:

  1. the child remembers what you played with him yesterday;
  2. actions with the usual repetition of the same situations to him are not interesting;
  3. it can be frightened open space and lifting to height;
  4. with him you can play uncomplicated hide and seek and in "big, small";
  5. the kid can repeat the words from two syllables;
  6. he understands you, that is, has a passive vocabulary;
  7. he makes attempts to explain something with gestures, for example, when he does not want to eat, turns his head;
  8. the kid reacts to your requests and tries to perform them.

Of the foregoing, it is clear that the child's ability at 9-10 months concern communication with their parents and the beginning of the use of the speech apparatus.

So that the baby spoke correctly, do not use the diminutive derivatives from words, do not hover your speech. Speak clearly and picking up, doing between the words pause. Control your facial expressions, try not to make unnecessary gestures - it is difficult, but you need your baby.

Educational games

There is a certain set of games that will help you to stimulate the development of the baby. But you have to practice him patiently every day.

Buy kids toys equipped with various buttons, handles, wheels. Show how you can click on the buttons and rotate the handles, turn the wheels. Give the child an old phone with buttons. The more fantasy you have to show the child, the better.

Manipulations with objects

"Magic bucket". Tie the ribbons on several toys, lower them in the bucket, then remove them for the ribbons in turn from the bucket. When all toys are removed, show your baby empty bucket, tell me: "Nothing. Empty, "- and spread your hands. Let the child repeat your actions.

"Collect the plates". Fold into the stack of plastic plates, put them next to the child. Then, by one thing, remove the plates and postpone the side, collect in a stack.

"Pyramid". Buy the baby plastic or wooden pyramid. Show how you can remove the wheels from the sticks and put on them again. Attending their actions, accompany the words "big, small, red, blue."

Manipulations with game and household objects - important aspect Development of the kid and his skills

Development of child's intellect

A 9-month-old child must develop a speech apparatus. To do this, make the simplest exercises with the language. Here is a list of exercises:

  • fit like a horse;
  • came like when a kiss;
  • make a "balabolic" by the tongue on the upper lip - at the same time the sounds of "bl, bl, bl" must be published;
  • inflate the cheeks and knock on them with your fingers so that the "bubble burst".

Teach the baby to prone syllables. To do this, raising the baby and lowering it down, say "Jump-Skok", omitting to the floor - "Buk", shaking it to the right and left - "Tik-so, Tik-so", throwing him with his knees - "But, but But ", stopping -" TPRU ". You can simply pronounce the syllables "yes, yes, yes", "Ma, Ma, Ma" and so on. Pronounce stories with pauses. The child will repeat for you.

Try to teach the kid to distinguish your relatives from each other. Speak Him: "This is a woman, it's dad, it's a mother." Look with toys with him. Put 3 toys in front of him and ask: "Where is the bear? Where is the ball? Where is Lyaly? " Play with the child in Ku-Ku, "catch up", "goes the goat horns." These are excellent educational games for young children of 9 months, which they are very useful.

Assimilation of causal relationships

To attract the attention of the baby, you need to commit sudden action. For example, remove the toy behind your back and, getting it out of my back, tell me: "Here is a bear", and cleaning back, tell me: "There is no bears." Repeating a procedure with different toys, you will achieve that the child will remember their names. Hang on the wall bright pictures With different animals and objects. Apply the child to the wall, intend the picture with a kitty, tell me: "Good Kisa", bring the bread with a free hand to the picture, say: "Kushai, Kisa" and so on. The child will learn to understand the correspondence of the drawn animals with the present, and it is possible to strengthen the effect, showing him to the kitchen on the street.

Help the child to identify the causal relationships of what is happening hearing Associations. To do this, make up near the doors of the apartment bells with different sound. Take the baby on the hands and go around the apartment - when opening each door, different bells will ring. The child will understand when you entered the kitchen, and when to the bathroom.

Play with the baby in "Ladushka", singing: "Ladushka, ladies, where did you live? By Grandma". This occupation is well developing coordination of movements. If you do not know the rules of any game, you can find and see about it video or photo.

Toys for a 9-10-month baby

Here are these games for leisure with a child of 9 months need to buy:

  1. Xylophone, toy piano, drum and other musical instruments.
  2. Pyramids and other toys implying inserting some parts to others.
  3. Designers for the little ones and cubes.
  4. Books with colorful, bright pictures.

During this period, the child is actively crawling. Mom releases it on purely washed floors.

Think about the fact that in the reachability zone you can place objects for its entertainment. Put an empty shelves at the bottom, put there beautiful children's books, cubes, plastic jars and bowls, balls, toys that he needed.

It is especially convenient to make such a place in the kitchen so that the baby be a lesson while the mother is preparing lunch. All sharp and cutting items are removed upstairs, then the child will not be able to bother, additionally close the electrical sockets with protective caps.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky believes that in the behavior of a 9-month-old baby there is some breakthrough - the child becomes skillful and energetic, he clearly expresses his individual addiction. He liked something, and something - no, he cleans. If you drown a small toy under his sweater, he will immediately open the edge of the sweater and will get it, you can come up with other similar situations.

If your baby does not know how to do something? Do not despair - it does not say anything. He will learn from everything that is supposed, a little later. Advanced children can not talk until three years and not to ask for a pot. Games offered by the child during this period, he will love a little later - it may happen in 10 or 12 months. Take the time to your baby, do not spare forces, and he will delight you all new skills.

Before deciding which toys you need to buy a baby at 8 months, you need to consult with a children's neurologist. This specialist will determine the level of development of the baby and will help parents choose the right path of its further "growth".

As a rule, most kids in 8 months can crawl and easily change their position. Also during this period, the child tries to stand without support. As soon as he finds his balance, immediately falls on the ass, trying to repeat everything again.

The eight-month-old baby tries to give up the help of parents to do anything on his own. He wants to play with various toys, ranging from the machines and ending with a big pyramid.

What is needed for active development?

Since in 8 months, the baby is trying to learn to walk, so he begins to actively develop a taper speech, including a small motorcy. Therefore, the baby is interested in playing with small objects, folding and considering something: a book, a cube, a ball.

For the development of such a child, parents must acquire some toys:

  • balls, cars with different functions, for example, the machine must go and glow,
  • boxes for toys,
  • pyramid from rings,
  • cubes for building a house,
  • rubber beasts
  • big inflatable or folding toys: tents, houses,
  • objects that consist of several parts: Multicolored dishes in high capacity, designer, etc.
  • a cube with holes for smaller toys and a disk similar to a telephone counterpart.

It must be remembered that all those subjects with which he faces are toy for 8 month old kids. It can be a watering can mobile phone, The remote control from the TV, and so on. It is recommended not to give the baby all toys immediately. They should be alternate.

However, besides toys, the baby needs and communicate with his people around him. At this age, kids are interested in playing hide and chat on distillation. You can also play balloons. It is interesting to reveal the toys to the touch.

Caring for kid playing

In order for the baby to be active, it needs regular feeding and proper care. Some kids do not like when they bathe. Therefore, the bath procedures also need to gaming form. To do this, you will need to buy inflatable toys.

As for feeding, their number of 8 months decreases to 6-8 times. The baby is also typical now to eat a maximum of 100 grams of dust. Sleep mode - remains the same. In order for the kid to sleep well, you need to pick him up the most suitable toy.

What do you need to remember?

Much attention to the development of the baby needs to be paid to walks on fresh air. However, in order for the child to be interesting to be in nature, you need to find the appropriate toys for him. It can be a caterpillar on a thread, a large machine with a control panel, a helicopter, a ball and so on.

Another one an important point Eight-month kid is a teething of teeth. To facilitate pain, it is recommended to buy toys with rings. It can be an original caterpillar with a mirror and spinning elements, of which it consists of her body. In a pharmacy, this case can buy special water rodents, inside which is fluid. She is such toys, pokes the dental pain.

When developing the baby, parents should not miss the most important moments for its growth. For example, in the 8th months, the child begins to actively develop a small motorcycle. This will require toys of the corresponding sizes: small animals, small pyramids, beads, and so on. The success of the child depends on the activity of the parents.

The child at 9 months of life usually manifests itself as a tireless surrounding world researcher. It is during this period that the curiosity of a small little man reaches its apogee. To physical I. intellectual abilities Chad evolved B. proper river, It is important to pick up toys with my mind for a 9-month baby.

How to make the right choice of toys? What is worth paying attention to when organizing the gameplay? What are the actions of parents allow the baby to gain autonomy? Not only will we talk about this in the presented material.

Physiology of the 9-month kid

The main skill who master children at this age is the ability to get along and more or less confidently to hold on the legs without any assistance. If this does not happen for a long time, parents should apply for advice to a specialist. The reason is able to serve as a neurological disorder, which were acquired by a child at the stage of intrauterine development.

What toys for deserve caring parents? First of all, these are devices, structures that will help the baby on their own on their legs in an open position. Alone to learn to move the child is quite difficult. After all, a mentally improper little man has to carry out non-hearth efforts to coordinate large number Small movements. However, choosing toys for a 9-month-old child who will allow him to stand up, you should not too to force events. It is important to wait for the moment when the kid will be ready to move independently.

Skills developing in children for 9-10 months of life

At this time, the kids appear the following skills:

  • take a seitant position;
  • actively move on all fours, stand on the legs, while holding the auxiliary items;
  • do a few steps while holding the hands of parents;
  • respond to teams, requests;
  • specify on called objects;
  • tear paper, lick soft things, mise plasticine or clay;
  • reproduce self-partition sounds, imitate the voice intonation of adults.

Development of small motility

What do you need a 9-month-old child from toys? During this period, the kids are already a lot aware, know the names of objects, are able to respond to teams. Therefore, it is important for parents to pick up devices that will allow you to develop a fine motor. An excellent solution here looks for such toys for a 9-10 month old baby, like mosaic, simple designers, all kinds of cubes. At the same time, you should not leave your own child with such objects of one. The baby will certainly taste a toy tooth, which can lead to suffocation with small parts.

At 9 months of life, the child will not only learn others, but is able to navigate indoors, respond to the names of home interior items. If you ask him to show where there are game cubes or pyramids, a child with proper construction The question is able to point to the desired object.

How to organize a gameplay?

First of all, parents should pay attention to the developing toys for a 9-month-old child who will allow playing simple to understand the plots. For example, with the help of teddy bears or dolls you can teach the baby to nod, "dance" in a sitting position, hold items. In the process of such a game, comments are important, as well as praise from parents. Soon, the child will surely wish to repeat the manipulations that adults were performed with objects.

By purchasing toys for a 9 month old child, it is worth focusing on choosing products that have the most bright, colorful design. This approach will allow attracting the attention of the baby to the gameplay.

What toys need a 9 month old child?

In Games with the baby, it is worth navigating:

  • balls made of soft materials that will contribute to the development of the physical skills of the child;
  • objects that publish sounds: all sorts of rubber sakes, rattles, other;
  • floating bathroom games;
  • dolls of various sizes, mainly, planting models capable of independently walking;
  • toys that represent realistic animal models (plastic, rubber, soft models);
  • wrinking, funny toys with a surprise;
  • miniature copies of interior items (toy furniture, models of cutlery, samples of puppet clothing);
  • toys on wheels that will allow the baby to show motor activity (machines, crown models, trolleys).

What to do if the baby refuses to use toys offered by adults?

For the development of the psyche of the kid, he is extremely important to imitate adult classes. If the selected toys for a 9-month-old child do not cause interest from the Karapus, parents should independently demonstrate how fun to spend time with such objects. In cases where this approach does not give results, it is worth consulting with a children's psychologist. However, if the toy suggested by his parents didn't like too much, and her appearance does not cause anything other than hysterics, it is worth postpone the product to better times.

The role of books in the gaming activity of the kid

Active interaction with books is a serious step towards the final formation of a child's speech. Viewing printed pages together with parents contributes to the development of intelligence and figurative thinking Little man, expanding his worldview. A colorful, high-quality book filled with original, attracting illustrations, fills the need for a 9-month baby in obtaining new information about the world around the world, and also gives him the impressions that can remain for life.

Development of understanding of speech

During the game process, parents should pay attention to speech communication. There are several tips on this subject:

  • during the interaction of the baby with a toy, it is necessary to call the item, describe its components, indicate which actions are performed with the object at the current time;
  • by calling the toy, you need to give time to the child so that he can get acquainted with the new product, hold it in his hands, consider from various sides and wait for the speech reaction;
  • it is important that the speech of parents in relation to the toy coincides with the moment of manipulations with the subject used;
  • in the course of interaction with the toy, one should not allow a lot to be allowed after all this will not allow the baby to "catch" for the definition that he needs to realize and remember.

How to tell the child "no"?

Using toys for the development of a 9-month-old child, it is important to teach the baby to part with your favorite entertainment. If the child does not want to do this, at moments when the situation requires, adults should make an angry facial expression, accompanying such a reaction solid word "not". Such an approach works more efficiently than attempts to force the entertainment from the child and hide him from the eye.

Classes with toys for a 9-month baby

There are a number of games that will help the baby in comprehending the essence of the items used:

  1. "Caps". It is necessary to use several caps or cups different flowers. From such devices it is necessary to build a pyramid so that the child sees it, literally in front of the baby. You can also disassemble the design along with your own chal. Over time, the child will learn how to perform similar manipulations independently.
  2. "Thrust". For the organization such a game will fit the same caps or cups. Putting a child before a set of such objects, it is necessary to alternately hide a small toy under them, and then pull it back. Then it is worth to offer a child to remember where the subject was laid and find it.
  3. "Box with a surprise." The technique will allow the child to have an interest in new toys. Here it takes a spacious capacitance with a lid. Here you need to place a few toys in advance, consistently pulling them out and demonstrating the baby. It should be called every item, to draw the child's attention to his details. Over time, the baby will make his favorite toys in the box.
  4. "Plates" - it is necessary to use several multicolored plates from the tree or plastic. It is necessary to offer a child to grab each of them for the edge. Need to follow the kid to capture the object correctly by placing thumb From above, and the rest is substituted below. This lesson will help you to confidently hold items in your hands.

In the 9-10 month old, children are already beginning to show first independence. During this period, kids need less custody from adults than earlier. For this reason, organizing the gameplay, it is worth encouraging your own child to independence. For example, one should be left for some time from the baby while it interacts with toys. During swimming in the bath, you can show the child how to use a towel or a washcloth. For independence, it is extremely useful.

Little man, 8 months ago appeared on the world, does not know anything about the world and opens it for himself with pure sheet. The baby only has to get acquainted with objects, phenomena and their properties. The first knowledge should be bright, accurate, memorable - after all, they will form the basis of the life experience of Baby.

Convey new information until the child's consciousness should closest and loving people - His parents using communication, educational classes and games for children 8 months. So gradually, step by step, the crumb will accumulate knowledge and master the skills that all their lives will use. And most effective tool For the development of a baby, time immemorials served toys.

How to choose a toy

Modern world Children's toys are characterized by the wealth of paints and a variety of forms. But how to choose a toy that will interest 8 month old baby and will be most useful for him as much as possible? To do this, it is worth considering a number of requirements.

It is not necessary to offer too many toys immediately - the kid is distracted, his attention is scattered, and there will be a little sense from such classes. Mom should be thought out in advance what to take a crumb, to develop a game of what skills and skills, and purposefully choose a suitable toy as a learning toilet.

For the development of motor activity

Speaking about the achievements of the child to the eighth month of life, parents will put forward his new motor skills to the fore. A favorite class of baby becomes crawling, he confidently and quickly overcomes the impressive distances, exploring the surrounding space. The strengthened muscles of the back and legs allow the crumb to sit on their own, not falling aside, as well as climb the legs and stand for a while at the support. The most impatiently manage the first steps, however, while supporting. What toys serve to improve such kid skills and prepare him for walking?

At the age of 8 months, any interesting toy for a child can become a motivator of its motor activity. Position it at some distance from the baby, and it will definitely dare or crawl into an interesting subject.

Toys Educing Thinking

Psychologists argue that a clear-effective type of thinking prevails in an eight-month-old child. To get information about a new subject, it is not enough to just see - the baby must make practical actions with it: to feel, knock, open and even try tooth. Parents should be aware that the broken toy is not a leprosy - so Kroch knows the world around. Therefore, educational toys with which you can produce various manipulations will be useful.

Interestingly, any household subject attracted the attention of the child can turn into a toy, developing thinking. Turn over the usual drinking cup upside down. If Kroch himself will not notice the trick, tell him and show how to return the subject in a normal position.

We train fingers

Watching the work of the eight-month-old child's fingers, it can be said whether its level of development corresponds to the average age standards. After all, the ability to perform accurate small movements speaks of the coordinated work of visual, nervous, motor analyzers and brain. Children of this age already use tweeted grip, in which only big and index fingers are involved, produce rather complex manipulations with objects: can shift small items from one container to another, open jars and boxes, overclock thick book pages.

In addition, hundreds of nerve endings are on the pads of nursing fingers, which help the crumb to make a complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject: its form, size, surface quality and temperature. What toys need a baby to develop a small motorcy and tactile sensitivity?

Toys for a child of 8 months can be made with their own hands from girlfriend. Offer the baby to pour a buckwheat cere in an empty baby food jar. This is a very useful and fascinating lesson for crumbs. The only condition - the mother should be near and make sure that her favorite Karapuz did not pull anything in his mouth.

The development of crumbs always stands in the first place among the parents, because so I want the kid to grow active, smart and curious. At the same time, many moms make mistakes, offering toys and occupations not by age. In our article we will talk about how to deal with a child at 9 months to develop the main skills and skills, as well as what toys he needs to buy.

Nine-month children become very active and inquisitive. For their proper formation It is important to combine games, engaged in the development of physical skills, logical thinking, small Motoriki. Therefore, classes with a child of nine months can be very diverse.

Continue to play already loved games and add new ones. In addition, it is not so difficult, because almost every action kid regards as a game: throwing items from the table down, the stuffing of a spoon about a pan, throwing out objects from the box.

Do not forget about physical skills. It has long been proven how useful for children crawling. Improve this skill, offering the baby to crawl as much as possible. To do this, place interesting items on the floor in the room, and let the crumb will collect and consider them all. Make him a strip of obstacles from chairs, coffee tables, pillows and blankets. Show on your example, how fun to break beneath them or transfer them. Turn on rhythmic music, put the baby between your feet and make fun with it with hands and legs with it, commenting on what is happening. What else to take a nine-month child at home, we will talk in the following chapters.

Games with baby 9 months

It's no secret that household items sometimes like children more than bright dear toys. Therefore, never limit the crumb into cooperation with them, because he learns the world. How to entertain baby at 9 months without the help of toys? Highlight a separate locker in the kitchen, from where it can get items (pans, covers, tin cans, spoons, cooks, etc.). Invite the crumb various boxes or transparent containers with covers, putting toys or other things in them. Give your child toilet paper or old logs, showing how to tear paper and fold it into a box or package. Such a game will be excellent to develop the motility of the hands. In the summer you can offer children a basin with water and floating objects in it.

Other educational games for a 9-month child are aimed at developing tactile perception and shallow motility. Perhaps you have already played like at 8 months of age. These are a variety of bags and bags with cereal, nuts, beans, buttons; Transparent bottles with beads, pebbles and croups. They add a variety of toys, stitched from different fabrics, with ropes, lightning, velcro, diet. They can be bought in the store or make it yourself: most often homemade items more like the guys. Also kids will delight musical toys with buttons and light effects.

Educational games for children of 9 months include and playing a ball. The child is improving his skills: learns to throw the ball to adult or roll it in a certain direction. You can make a peculiar gate and aim in them or play bowling, putting up instead of cruise items. Continue playing hide and ku-ku: now you can hide outside the room and call your crumb, and he gladly crawl into your searches. Hide under the blanket, and let the kid handle you "from captivity".

See books and look for familiar objects and animals in pictures. Let a child show their finger and tries to reproduce their voice (Gav, Meow, Muu). Play the game "On - Give", choosing Items already known to the baby. In addition, you can pass the cloth with a simple game of imitation: commenting on your actions, adjust the tongue, clap your hands, raise your hands and keep your feet - and let the child repeats yours.

Games for boys 9 months little different from games for girls. It is equally useful to be able to roll cars and play with a doll.

So, you can teach on the example of the pups of the body part of the body, lay it to sleep, closing the blanket, and feed from a spoon. Role-playing games Very helpful for children of both sexes at a given age.

How to play with a 9-month-old baby, sitting at the table: Offer the baby plasticine or independently made salty dough. At this age, you can try to pour with finger paints. Perhaps the crumb will not yet understand art, and maybe he will already be talent. The main thing is to include fantasy, and then even routine work can become a game.

Toys for baby 9 months

Choosing developing toys for children of 9 months, you should know what toys you need a child at this age. Do not buy expensive and fragile items not by age. It is better that the thing is bright, practical and multifunctional. Then the baby quickly discern with her and will play for a long time.

So, what toy to buy a child for 9 months:

  • Wooden or plastic cubes for building towers or composing the simplest picture.
  • Pyramids, big and small.
  • Books with animals and household objects.
  • Musical toys and tools (for example, xylophone and drum).
  • Walk toys with a stick and those that you need to carry the rope.
  • A variety of cars.
  • Dolls and puffs.
  • Cups liners and matryoshka.
  • Sorters with large holes for figures.
  • Balls from different materials.
  • Rubber animals.
  • Planting and moving toys.
  • A variety of bathroom toys (beasts, splashes, cups, boats and rubber flat toys with suction cups - so-called mini rugs).