Nikolai Ge. Court of King Solomon.

Solomono solution - so we call a fair, wise and fast court.

The Bible tells us about the king Solomon. He was the son of the famous king David and ruled the Jewish kingdom in the 10th century before the Nativity of Christ. It was Solomon who built the first Jerusalem temple. But this king was especially famous for his wisdom.

One day in a dream heard Solomon's voice of God, who told him: "ask you to give you." The king asked wisdom to fairly manage his people. And because Solomon did not ask for any personal benefits, such as longevity or wealth, God fulfilled his request, making Solomon to the wisest of the kings.

Once led to the court to the Solomon of two women with an infant. They lived in one house and with the difference in three days they gave birth to sons. But one of them has a child at night. The first woman argued that her neighbor was replaced by children, haming her living child to himself. The second claimed that nothing did nothing, and the first woman's child died at night. How was the truth in this situation, some of the two women tell the truth and is a real child's mother? Without witnesses, the truth was impossible to determine, and the genetic analysis did not exist at that time. Then King Solomon ordered to bring the sword and divide the child between two women, craving him in half. Having heard about such a decision, the first woman screamed that the child was not killed, but gave her a neighbor. The second this decision was satisfied. "Let me be neither for me," she said.

Then everyone understood who real Mother Child. By order of the king of the son returned to the woman who asked to leave him alive. This biblical history has impressed the impression of a non-standard and subtle decision. controversial issue. Hence the expression "Solomon court" firmly fixed in our speech.

I found the following information on the Internet:

The expression "Solomon solution" came to us from ancient legends. Jewish king Solomon Son David was known as a great sage. A lot of legends were folded about his hectound, but most of them describe his wisdom and an entrance in resolving disputes, judicial affairs.

Once came to Solomon two women who led the dispute whose child. Solomon ruled the decision to cut the child in half and give half the woman half. That woman who was a cheater, easily agreed to this decision. And the mother spuning on, said: "It is better to give my rival child alive." Thus, a real mother was found.

From here, it went that Solomonov Court is the most fair and wise, "Solomon solution" is an original, witty, finding out of any delicate situation.

In connection with this story, I want to raise a few questions for discussion:

    The king after all decided to cut the baby in half and give every woman to half? So? Both women perceived his decision not as a joke, but as a royal decision, because they even ordered to chat to bring him a sword. So why was his "royal decision" was not fulfilled? Did you really want a king shlomo to cut the child in half? I think the king was quite wise to do not want it. And if so, then we are not dealing with the "royal decision", but with a well-thought-out provocation for a deliberately expected reaction. So we come to the conclusion that the so-called "Solomonovo solution" is not essentially judicial decision, but is just a judicial "provocative trick" to reveal deception. So?

    What is the meaning of a deceiver to take the burden of caring for someone else's child? If she just wanted to satisfy the motherhood instect after the loss of his own child, he could only take on the role of the breadlinks of another child (after all, both women lived in the same house). After all, being a mother is a big responsibility. There must be quite good motives in order to take this responsibility. But, on the other hand, the same deceiver agreed with the "king's decision" to kill the child. How can it be at the same time?

Regarding these dvvuh questions, I listened to the lecture of one rabbi from Israel about a year ago, which came to Germany. Are you interested to know the answers to these questions? Want to know what he spoke?

I cite for reference an excerpt from the Russian translation (Old Testament):

Two women came to the king and became before him. And one woman said:

Oh my lord! I and this woman we live in the same house. And I gave birth to her in this house. On the third day after I gave birth, bore and this woman. And we were together, and there was no one in the house for anyone; Only we were two in the house. And the son of this woman died at night, for she slept him. And she got up at night, and took my son from me, when I, the servant of yours, slept, and put it to my chest, and put my dead son to my chest. In the morning I got up to feed my son, and so, he was dead. And when I brospked in it in the morning, it was not my son, whom I gave birth.

And she said another woman:

- No, my son is alive, and your son is dead.

And she told her:

- No, your son is dead, and my alive.

And they said so before the king.

And the king said:

This says: "My son is alive, and your son is dead"; And she says: "No, your son is dead, and my son is alive." "And the king said," give me a sword. "

And they brought a sword to the king. And the king said:

- Remove the living child to sleep and give half one and half another.

And the woman was answered, which the son was alive, king, because all his inside was excited from pity to his son:

- Oh, my lord! Give her this child of the living and do not kill it.

And the other spoke:

- Let there be no me nor to you, Rubit.

And the king answered and said:

- Give this living child and do not kill it. She is his mother.

And heard all Israel about the court, as the king judged; And they began to be afraid of the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in it to produce the court.

(3 sir.3: 16-28)

Solomon (Dr.-Heb. שְׁלֹמֹה , Shlomo; Greek. Σαλωμών, σολωμών in septuagint; Lat. Solomon in Vulgate; Arab. سليمان‎‎ Suleiman in the Quran) - the third Jewish king, the legendary ruler of the United Israeli Kingdom in 965-928 BC. er, during his highest heyday. The son of King David and Bathsavia (Bat Shevy), his co-guarantee in 967-965 BC. e. During the Board of Solomon in Jerusalem, the Jerusalem Temple was built - the main shrine of Judaism.

Expression "Solomono solution " denotes a wise act, the decision, and if you take in wide sense, then wisdom.

Who is Solomon?

Solomon was the king of Israel in 965 - 928 years before our era. official history It is customary to consider this period of Israel the most prosperous and rich. Perhaps for this reason first in the history of the Jewish people, and then in the history of other countries of the world, Solomon entered, as one of the wisest rulers of the world. Well, the very name of this Jewish king became nominative and denotes " wisdom"(See what David star symbol means).

"Solomon Solutions" Examples

Once, two middle-aged women came to the court of this wise ruler, who challenged the child from each other.
These two ladies lived under one roof and each of them had a baby. One of them came to bed. One of them accidentally asked her child, and having learned about it to replace their dead child, taking a healthy from his neighbor. Something Solomon exclaimed, carry the sword here , It is necessary to cut the child in half to give each part of it.
One of the women shouted: "Give it to her, just do not kill," and the other exclaimed: "Rubita, let him not get anyone."
For these words, the wise Jew understood who the true mother and gave him to the first lady.

Researchers believe that Solomon wrote several works, including the "books of Solomon", "Book of Ecclinisiast", the book "Song of Solomon".

Wise saying Solomon

  • The dull spirit dries the bone, and the fun heart is beneficial as healing.
  • Prudent attentive to K. paths your Stupid believes to every word.
  • Sleeping during the harvest - a blessing son, collecting during the summer - Son is reasonable.
  • It is better to live in the lands of deserted than with his wife angry and grumpy.
  • With wicked happens that deserved righteous and righteous overtakes what they would deserve the wicked.

Sop Chere Solomon

It is believed that King Solomon was hazardly rich. Therefore, his wonderful economic skills contributed. He bought the champs in Kilicia (according to Wikipedia this place is on south East Asia) and profitably sold them to Egypt and Mesopotamia, and in Egypt, battle chariots were bought and resell to other countries. Bust a large port in the Akabad Gulf and established a successful trade, in the lands of Jordanski found the deposits of copper ore. Solding it into all ends of the world Almost a monopolist and received huge baryrs.

Solomon Siv.
From the Bible. IN Old Testament (The third book of kingdoms, ch. 3, Art. 16-28) It is said that one day two women came to wise tsar Solomon with a request to resolve their dispute. One of them said that they live in the same house, and they had one age for their son. Last night, another woman in a dream was inadvertently invented by his son ("slept" him) and shifted the dead to her, and her living son took to him and now gives him for her. Another woman argued the opposite: allegedly made it that she accuses. And each of them argued that a living child belongs to her.
Solomon ordered him to submit him a sword (Art. 25-26): "And the king said: we will expect a living child to sleep and give half one and half another. And the woman who son was alive, king was answered, for all her inside was excited from his pity to his son: Oh, my Mr! Give her this child alive and do not kill him. And the other said: let them not be, neither to me nor you, rubita. So Solomon understood who of the two women the true mother of the child, and gave it to the one that she asked to keep his life.
In Russia, this plot called "Solomon Court" was widely known, because he often met in the chests and in handwritten collections moral literature XVI-XVI1 centuries.
Allegorical: the court is wise, right and fast.

  • - doctor ...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - Russian ecologist, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Proceedings in population ecology, including the definition of the structure of populations of fishing mammals, as well as on environmental physiology of animals ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - straw / new ...

    Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - Solomonov, --O: Solomonovo Solution Wise and a simple decision of a difficult question ...

    Dictionary Ozhegova

  • - From the Bible ...

    Vocabulary winged words and expressions

  • - Book. Wise and speedy court. / I\u003e goes back to the Bible. BMS 1998, 557 ...

    Big Dictionary Russian sayings

"Solomon court" in books

"But Solomon Son ..."

From the book Lermontov: Mystical Genius Author Bondarenko Vladimir Grigorievich

"But Solomonov Son ..." In 1841, Mikhail Lermontov wrote a comic epigram on Nikolai Martynov: he is right! Our friend Martysh is not Solomon, but Solomon Son, not wise, like King Shalima, but the smart one is smarter than Zhigid. That temple erected, and became known to all the harem and court, and this temple, and

From the book space abroad or the path of new pilgrims Author Twain Mark

Chapter XXVII. Great path. - Solomon Temple. - Mosque Omar. - David and Saul were judged here. - Siloam Font. - Gefsema Garden. We stood in a narrow street near Anthony Tower. - On these stones, which already sparkled, the Savior rested before Raised the Cross -

13 R Oyal A RCH OF S Olomon Royal Solomon

by Pike Albert.

13 Royal Arch of Solomon Ruthful Solomon Arch or No Legend and History of this degree with scientific vision or they are simply the essence of an allegory containing a slightly deeper and mysterious meaning and hidden meaning or a few meanings, one inside

The royal arch Solomonov

From the book Moral and the dogma of the ancient and adopted Scottish charter of freestrokestone. Volume 1. by Pike Albert.

The royal arch of Solomon 1 amos, 5: 26.2 Genesis, 5: 23-24.

From the book on "Varyag". Life after death Author April Boris Petrovich

B. V. Solomonov. Armored cruiser "Varyag": the fate of the ship and the details of the famous combat in the middle of the 1890s. In Russia, they came to the conclusion about the need to build armored cruisers of two types: with a displacement of 3000 tons (second rank) and 6000 tons (first rank). Last


From the book Encyclopedia of Russian surnames. Secrets of origin and values Author Vidina Tamara Fedorovna

Solomonov in the sacraments male names Salaman and Solomon (from the Hebrew - 'peaceful') and women's Salome, a straw with the same meaning. These names and their derivatives of Mias, Salon became the basis of the names: Manevich, Montiew, Monovich, Monin, Monyukin, Monyusko, Salamanov,

Solomon Siv.

From book encyclopedic Dictionary Winged words and expressions Author Serov Vadim Vasilyevich

Solomonov Court of Bible. In the Old Testament (the third book of kingdoms, ch. 3, Art. 16-28) the saying is how two women came to wise Tsar Solomon with a request to resolve their dispute. One of them said that they live in the same house, and they had one age for their son. Last night

Chapter XVII Omarov Mosque: El Sugar (Solomon Temple). - El-Aqsa Mosque (introduction to the temple of the Most Holy Virgin)

From the book Traveling through the Holy Land in 1835 Author Norov Abraham Sergeevich

Chapter XVII Omarov Mosque: El Sugar (Solomon Temple). - Mosque El Aksha (introduction to the temple Blessed Virgin Mary) "Teacher! Look at what stones and what buildings! .. Jesus told him in response: See these huge buildings? All this will be destroyed so that the stone will not be left here.

Solomonovo solution is a wise decision, an act, in a broader sense - wisdom.
Solomon - Tsar of Israel in 965-928 BC - the period when Israel was a strong and independent state. From that, and maybe it's just a confluence of circumstances, but not only the Jews in history, but the whole world Solomon entered the reference of the wise ruler and his name itself became nominative in the concept of "wisdom."

Example "Solomonov Solutions"

Once two women came to the king, challenging one in another child. They lived in the same house, and each had a baby. At night, one of them asked her baby and put him to another woman, and that had a living for himself. Solomon ordered: "Bring a sword and disperse a living child in half and give half one and half of the other." One of the women exclaimed: "Give her baby better than her, but do not kill it!", And the other said: "Rubita, let him not get anything to her." According to this reaction, Solomon understood who the real mother of the child and gave him the first woman.

Presentation of king Solomon

  • Let them praise you another, not your mouth, is someone else's, not your language
  • Hate excites parts, but love covers all sins.
  • Who for good is heaving evil, evil will not go away from home.
  • He cuts his legs, tolerates the trouble who gives a verbal order fool.
  • Scordly express contempt for his neighbor; but reasonable person silent.
  • Three things are incomprehensible to me, and four I do not understand: the path of the eagle in the sky, the path of the snake on the rock, the way of the ship among the sea and the path of the man to the heart of a woman
  • Better a piece of dry bread, and with him the world, rather than a house, full of swollen cattle, with a discord.
  • Who is sick of his father and his mother, the lamp will go out among deep darkness.
  • Do not move the metropolitan long ago, which your fathers spent.
  • Not promptly gets successful running, not brave - victory, not wise - bread, and not in reasonable - wealth, and not skillful - felt, but time and case for all of them.
  • The righteous is comprehended by what the cases of wicked, and with wickedly there is something that would deserve the affairs of the righteous.
  • Put nonsense to high posts, and worthy of below
  • Fear of God and command him observe him, because God will lead to the court every case,
    And all the secret, is it good, or bad
  • It is better to live in the land of the desert, rather than with the wife of the grill and angrily.
  • Lazy hand does the poor, and the hand of the diligent enriches. Gathering during the summer - the son is reasonable, sleeping during the harvest is a blessing son.
  • Stupid believes every word, prudently attentive to their ways.
  • Merry heart is beneficial as healing, and dull breath dries.

Sop Chere Solomon

It is believed that King Solomon was extremely rich. His economic abilities contributed to this. He scooped horses in Kilicia (Wikipedia - the southeastern region of Malaya Asia) and sold them to Mesopotamia and Egypt, resold in other countries borrowing chariots purchased in Egypt, built a port in the Akabad Gulf and established a successful maritime trade in Jordan, the deposits of copper Ore, became hardly a monopolist in her trade and retrieved huge profits. These mines have become a prototype of legendary, allegedly gold and silver, king Solomon, whose search in 1885 created a novel english writer Henry Rider Haggard.