Is your opinion Flybin righteous. The image of the righteous in the story "Enchanted Wanderer

Is your opinion Flybin righteous. The image of the righteous in the story "Enchanted Wanderer

N. S. Leskov grew up in the people. About yourself The writer said the following: "I know a Russian man in his depth ... I did not study the people in conversations with St. Petersburg drives, and I grew up in the people on the Gostomel Pastius with the Kazan in his hand, I slept with him on the hungry of night pastoons under the warm Sheepskin Tulup. " Obviously, that is why the reader has a feeling, as if the author himself survived the events of his work. The key problems of the work are moral problems: honor and dishonor, conscience and sales, as well as philosophical: the problem of faith and challenging, sinfulness, righteousness.

The central place in the story is the question: "Who is such Ivan Northanych is a godless sinner or the righteous?". Unambiguously answer him, in my opinion, it is simply impossible. And here are vivid evidence. Ivan Northanych made a lot of actions for his life, which diverge not only with the norms of the generally accepted morality, but also with Christian commandments. For example, in his fault, a monk dies, in the struggle for the mare, he scores to death with a spree of the Tatar prince, moreover, he encourages his beloved pear with the cliff. Even the hero himself enroll himself in "big sinners." However, the enchanted wanderer was the hostage of these tragedies. In all his actions, he was guided only by conscience; People left, and he remained and the use of this terrible cargo in life, constantly feeling his guilt. Orthodox start, in my opinion,

everything is the same in the image of the flanha, which is intended for your sovereign path.

It seems to me that Nikolay Semenovich is deeply sympathetic Ivan Flyn. This can be understood by how he describes it: "He was a bogatyr, and the Typical, simple, good Russian warrior, resembling Grandfather Ilya Muromets." The writer is not just watching the peripets of the fate of the main character, but also compets and sympathizes him. On the example of Ivan Northwash the Leskov sneezes the beauty of the soul of a simple person, his desire to truth and justice, humanity and love for

For me, Ivan Northanych is neither a sinner or righteous. He is the most simple and disinterested Russian man. "You, a brother, drum. Bey you, beat, but everyone will not be happy," so speaks about the flask one of the heroes of the story. The true advantages of the enchanted wanderer are humility, honesty, love for homeland and, above all, conscience. Ivan Severgeanovich Flygin some features like Christ. Like him, he takes other people's sins on his soul, passes through the harsh tests, while maintaining the purity and sincerity of the feelings, and at the same time the malice is not in the heart on the whole human race. Is it possible to find the prototypes of Ivan Flyagin in our time? I think yes. Of course, they are not so much, but still they are. The highest law on which they rely in all their endeavors - conscience.

It is possible to reflect on the question for a very long time set at the beginning of the work, every time we lead all new and new arguments, but not to find an answer. Perhaps life itself will put the necessary priorities ...

Anna Andreevna. So you write? How it should be nice to writer! You, right, and put in magazines? Hellets. Yes, and put in magazines. My, however, there are many works: "Figaro's marriage", "Robert Devil", "Norma". I don't even remember the names. And all the case: I did not want to write, but the theater directorate says: "Please brother, write something." I think myself: "Perhaps the right of the brother!" And immediately in one evening, it seems, everything wrote, I'm amazing everyone. I have a lightness extraordinary in thoughts. All this, which was under the name of Baron Brahmbus, "Froat of Hope" and "Moscow Telegraph" ... I wrote all this. Ianna Andreevna. Tell me, so you were Brambus? Khlekakov. How, I all correctly correct articles. I am sirdin gives me forty thousand. Ianna Andreevna. So, right, and "Yuri Muloslavsky" your essay? Khlestakov. Yes, this is my essay. Mary of Antonovna. Ah, Mama, it says it is written that this is Mr. Zagoskin, an essay. Yanna Andreevna. Well, here: I knew that even here you would argue. Khleztakov. Oh yeah, it's true, that's exactly Zagoskin; But there is another "Yuri Miloslavsky," so Mo.anna Andreevna. Well, it's right, I read yours. How well is written! Hellets. I confess, the literature has existed. I have the first house in St. Petersburg. So I am known: Ivan Alexandrovich's house. (Turning to all.) Make mercy, gentlemen, if you are in St. Petersburg, I ask me to me. I also give balls. Ianna Andreevna. I think with what taste and magnificence gives balls! Hellets. Just do not say. On the table, for example, watermelon - in seven hundred rubles watermelon. Soup in a saucepan right on the steamer came from Paris; Open the cover - couples, which cannot be found in nature. I have every day on the bala. There we also had a wist: Minister of Foreign Affairs, French Messenger, English, German Messenger and me. And so devour, playing that it just doesn't look like. How to upload the stairs to myself on the fourth floor - you just say the cook: "On, Mavelushka, Shinel ..." Well I'm lying - I was forgotten that I live in the Belfare. I have one staircase of a hundred "IT ... and it's curious to look at me in the front, when I haven't woken up: the counts and princes are interpreted and buzzed there, like bumblebees, only heard: Well ... ... Well ... Some times and minister ...
Gingerbread and other with timidity rose from their chairs.
I even write on packages: "Your Excellency". Once I even managed the Department. And strange: the director went, - where he left, unknown. Well, naturally, let's see: how, what, who to take place? Many of the generals were hunters and were taken, but they are suitable, it happened - no, wise. It seems and easy to look, and consider - just damn it! After see, nothing to do, - to me. And at the same minute, couriers, couriers, couriers ... can imagine, thirty-five thousand alone couriers! What is the situation? - I'm asking. "Ivan Aleksandrovich step by the Department to manage!" I, I confess, was a little embarrassed, I went out in a bath: I wanted to refuse, but I think: it comes to the sovereign, well, yes and the track record too ... "EXCHOME, Lord, I take a post, I accept, I say, I say, I say I accept , just with me: neither, nor, nor! .. I have an eye elder! I ... "And for sure: it happened, as I'm going through the Department, it's just an earthquake, everything trembles and shakes like a sheet.
Gingerbread and others are shaking off fear. Khlestakov is hot even stronger.
ABOUT! I do not like to joke. I asked them all the coolness. My State Council itself is afraid of me. What really? I am so! I do not see anyone ... I say to everyone: "I know myself, myself." I am everywhere everywhere. In the palace every day I go. I will be produced tomorrow at the Feldmarsh now ...

In the above-mentioned scene of Khlestakov, selflessly lies. Why does he do it?

The characteristic of Ivan Flyagin in the story "Enchanted Wanderer" - the basis of understanding the entire work. In the main hero, a variety of features are combined: physical and spiritual power, mind, naivety and righteousness. He is kind, simply, unusually strong and bold. The narrative of the life of Ivan Navgorovich reminds of something among the adventure novel and the genre of the life of Orthodox saints.

Childhood, upbringing, family

Главный герой родился в семье крепостного Северьяна, который работал конюхом и был отличным знатоком лошадей. Ivan's mother died at birth due to the fact that the child was born with a very big head. Among the yards, he was given nickname.

The boy grew, learning the craft from his father, he reached special heights in everything that concerned the horses. Cognition received from the Father in a compartment with a natural gift to feel all living things, understand animals, make Ivan the best of the best in their own way.

Fate and search yourself

The life of Ivan Flyagin is a kaleidoscope of amazing events: tragic, mystical, happy. It loves good luck, someone becomes over and caution and warns Ivan from the troubles and misfortunes. During service in the Caucasus, he has a reputation as "unhappy": bullets bypass our hero by. Ivan performs the most dangerous tasks, saves the lives of many people. For their merits, he receives an officer rank and high award.

For his life, Ivan Severgeanovich changed many professions: he had a chance to be a nanny, a stable, military, monk. 10 years he spent in captivity of the Tatar, they did not let go of Ivan because of his talent to deal with horses. There, he started his family, children, but his homeland was passionately manila. The longing of native land, daily prayers, hope for return - all this closer looks. Once foreigners came to Tatars with fireworks, the spectacle was so frightened by the local one that Ivan managed to deceive them and run.

Life did not regret Ivan, he did not meet his beloved woman, did not start the family. Gypsy Pear - the woman he loved, preferred death from his hand than life without the one who threw it.

Multi-faceted image

Flaskin did a lot of deaths, he is not sinless, but loves life and appreciates it. According to him, he "a lot of unpleasant shower ruined ... A big sinner, and I don't want to take me the earth, nor the water wants ...". The fact that the main character in the end came to God, got into the monastery, made a tonsure, says that the prophecy of the Hero's mother came true. She had referred her son to serving God, and her words were the fate of the main hero.

Once in the monastery, Flygin first felt at rest, found calm and joy. But dark forces entered the struggle for his soul: he gained the gift of prophecy and with him - demonic attacks. In the monastery, they could not help him cope with this whip, tried to cast out demons, but they again returned that Ivan's volatils were completely. He goes on a steamer in holy places to get peace and the forgiveness of his sins. In addition, Ivan Severgeanovich mentions that he would like to die for the Russian people, therefore, perhaps will go to war. To die for faith is his strongest desire.

Sections: Literature

The purpose of the lesson. To consider the Leskovskaya concept of righteousness, find out what ethical principles a writer defines as the most important for humans.

Neither the righteous without vice

Neither a sinner without repentance.

"Reckless! What you want is

i will not come to know if you don't die ... "

(I Cor., 15.36) Apostle Paul

During the classes

1. Teacher's word

The topic of righteousness has always worried Russian writers as the XIX and XX century. Leskov searched for such people, although where he turned to him, he was answered that all the sinful people. He decided to collect it all and then disassemble that there is towards the larger of simple morality and therefore "Holy Lord." We appeal to the hero of the story N.S.Leskova "Enchanted Wanderer" Ivan Flygina to decide who he is a sinner or righteous?

Answering questions, try to adhere to the rules of discussion, remember that each point of view has the right to exist if it is argued and proven.

Sinner! He violates the laws of God.

What sins do Ivan Flygin?

(At the age of 11 kills a nun, stealing horses for Gypsies, stole and escaped with his pupil from Barin, the focusing to death Savakirai; Threw wives, children; He underwent the temptation of wine and female beauty.

The topic of suicide is rising - one of the tasks of the devil to push a person to the sin of suicide. Any sin may be forgiven, and "no one can even pray for them (suicides)."

Flagin tried twice to hang.)

What offense becomes swivel in his life?

(He admits: "I taped a lot of unhappy shower in my century." And of course, this is the death of pears.)

How do you feel about this action?

Why do you think is swivel?

("It does not think about himself, but what will happen to her soul." "The sadness of the soul is now the dead, and my duty for it to defend it from hell.")

And now pay attention to the epigraph. How do you understand the words of the Apostle Paul?

(Not holy one who does not commit sin, but who was able to repent, overcome it and find the strength to rise to a new, righteous life.)

Who can we call the righteous?

Intelligent dictionary

In the "Russian Language Dictionary" S. Oghegova and N.Shvedova read: " Righteous Believers: a person who lives a righteous life does not have sins. Righteous-pious, sinless, corresponding to religious standards.

From the dictionary V.I. Dalya: "The righteous is righteously living, in everything according to the law of God who comes, sinless holy, who became famous for its exploits, holy life under normal conditions."

Ivan Flybina suits this definition?

(Of course, this is kind, hardworking, truthful, honest person.) Examples.

But what is the most important quality of the righteous?

(Lives at the very main commandment "Love the Middle Middle Himself." The main thing in his actions is co-feeling, co-suffering. All his actions are disinterested (Peter Serdyukov).

The hero lives the interests of others, for the sake of others and for others, comes at the delegation of the heart and does not consider it a victim).

Where, finally, Ivan Flygin gets?

What is his main desire?

("I want to really die for the people")

Is Ivan Flegin look like - a storyteller at the end of the story on that guy who kept the horses, cut off the cat's tail?

(He looks like and does not look like. He became more responsible for the fate of other people, brings personal responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, ready to die for her and for his people),

So who is he, Ivan Flegin - a sinner or righteous?

(This is a sinner who repaired in his sins, managed to overcome them in him and found strength to resurrect to a new righteous life.

This is the righteous, without which, "according to the proverb, is not worth the village. Neither the city. Neither all the Earth ". (A.I. Solzhenitsyn" Matrenin Dvor ")

Homework: Create a plan-characteristic of Ivan Flyagin.

The "fascinated wanderer" entered the righteous cycle conceived after him after its creation, created by Leskov in the eighties of the last century. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis cycle was born during a dispute with the letter, who in his letters to the author claimed that he could not find anything except in his soul in his soul. " In response, Leskov was removed to find and describe several true righteous images of Russian people. "Really," he wrote, "all that is good and good, what was noticed by other writers, alone fictions and nonsense?" In the Russian reality of the fishing racks found a lot of diverse images of righteous: it is an unmeretive talker, and Left -sha, and the soldiers of the postnings from the "man on the clock", and many others. The characters of these heroes are diverse, the conditions in which their author puts are diverse, but there is one trait that everyone unites them: their righteousness and selflessness are not the fruits of perennial philosophies of righteous life, but an integral, inherent part of their souls. And therefore, these qualities have grown so tightly with their nature, nor the vital difficulties nor internal contradictions are capable of drowning.

All this is true for the essay "Enchanted Wanderer." But the main character of this work, Ivan Northjanovich Flyagin, in contrast, for example, from the non-meaningful is headed, it is difficult to evaluate unequivocally: how much does the natural righteousness influenced his actions, was the righteous image of his life, his whole life path? Many works of Leskov have a second name that helps the reader correctly tune in to the perception of the author's main thought. So, and the "fascinated wanderer" has a second name - "Chernozem Telemakh", indicating the relationship of this work with the "Odyssey" of Homer. Just as the king of Itaks, during his wandering, he was deeper into the love of her decent, the hero of the "fascinated wanderer" in his wanders constantly develops the best sides of his character, acquires a life experience incomparable in his wealth, thereby becoming a "experienced person." But at the same time, the hero succeeds in preserving the initial unfortunateness, the simplicity, which so noticeably appear in his monastery life. It is from the point of view of this gradual development of the best mental traits, we will consider the path of Ivan Flyagin.

The whole course of life Ivan Flyagin has a great influence on the formation of a reader relationship to the hero, very accurately reflected in the title of the work: he is "Enchanted Wanderer", he goes to meet his already predetermined fate, and all life tests, as well as their outcome, are also predetermined Not so much rock as the warehouse of the character of the main character: In most cases, he simply cannot do otherwise. It is easy to see that throughout the plot, a predestination factor has a decisive impact on the life of the hero: the outcome of his life path is predicted. He is the "promised" son and one way or another -craza (voluntarily) or after many difficult years and tests - should devote his life to God, go to the monastery. And Flygin takes a sentence-challenge transmitted to him in the soul of an inadvertently killed by the monk. On words that he will have to transfer many dangerous tests, to die many times and not to die, he answers: "Wonderfully, I agree and expect." That is, the hero is not trying to become in a predetermined pose and resist fate, but completely gives himself her will and internally awaits the fulfillment of the desired, although this is explained by his immaturity. Therefore, as a result, his departure to the monks is not the tragic breaking of the sword of the knee (they say, finally, I conjure), ^ Whatever it could be, for example, after returning from Tatar captivity or after the death of pears, but a natural, smooth transition. He responds to the inappropriate questions of the listeners that from everyday and hard life with her small problems after all transferred "... there was no place to go." And, indeed, life after all the adventures as if flagged in resignation: with her new status (noble rank) he simply can't find a place in the old, familiar reality, and the new one is not for him .. Caring for the monastery does not cause Ivan Flagina No inner protest, rather, on the contrary, in the monastery he finds long-awaited calm and happiness, acquires himself. Monastic life is natural for him, organic and necessary. He fully accept her, what it is. Even life in the cellar does not like him. This "last marina", according to his conviction, is intended for him. On the question of why he does not accept the eldest, he answers: "... why? .. I am very pleased with my obedience and live in peace." And in this natural situation for him (and not in trials), it is manifested as a weak side of his simplicity and credulity (funny adventures with candles in the temple and with a cow, which Flagin accepted for the demon). Can there be an unjust person, such a deeply acceptable monastic lifestyle? All the righteous and positive acts Ivan Flegin makes it unknowingly, whether the protection of the Goluba, the salvation of the life of Barin, the return of the child of the mother, his military feat. The solutions that he takes are not connected with the mind, but with the gusts of the soul, which once again emphasizes his "congenital righteousness." Selflessness is particularly brightly manifested in it, when he helps the old men to save the Son, departing instead of him into recruits, and when under the hail of bullets swam the river to establish a crossing.

And yet there are several events capable of Ivan Flagina in the biography of Ivan Flyagin, to drown out with their sinning the natural righteousness of the hero. We will negate that the concepts of "righteousness" and "sinfulness" initially belong to religion, and therefore they, although fair, are somewhat abstract: it is quite difficult to determine the role of objective life circumstances in one or another decision or a number of the hero, so judgments about them cannot be.

So, from a legal point of view, Ivan Severgeanovich made three murders, but how great his wine is - that's what is the question. Yes, on the youthful mindlessness and recklessness, he deprived of his life in anyone who was not interested in the monk, but the death of this monk was a pure championship game: how many spin took the Nagaika Ivan without any consequences. The second death is the death of Batyr, whom Flygin intercourse during the fight because of the mare, also did not depend on it. The death of Batyr fell in an honest match and not by the will of Ivan Flyagin, but only because of the stubbornness of the Tatar prince (even fair, but cruel Tatar laws confirmed the innocence of Ivan). Here, perhaps, the most terrible sin was that he did not remember them until time. But the two of these acts were made by Ivan Flearin in inexperience, under insufficient moral maturity. Another thing is to kill a pear. Here, the hero can justify what he did in infamousity (or even it was waiting for him, or in fact), although he had no choice: first, he gave an oath, a terrible oath, And secondly, he could not allow the pear to destroy the soul murder, could not just remove it, and he would not have managed to dissuade the hot gypsy.

The ratio of Ivan Northanych to his sins is changing throughout his life: Before the death of a pear who stirred his inner world, he almost ^ didn't remember about them, after her death - he suffers terribly, aware of the hopelessness of his position and says that he is "big sinner" : "I'm on my century a lot of unpleasant shower ruined." And, finally, in the monastery, his violent spirit is humbled, and he, although recalls his sins, but already with a calm soul, as it looks at his traveled path already with the top of the top, which rose all his life.

So, we see that Ivan Severgeanovich Flygin, although he committed quite a lot of gentlements in his life, but did it not in his own will, repented and redeemed them with pious deeds. Therefore, Ivan Flyagin can be called the righteous.