Proverbs Solomon read online. Solomon Proverbs - Wisdom for every day Parable King Solomon about a real mother

Proverbs Solomon read online. Solomon Proverbs - Wisdom for every day Parable King Solomon about a real mother

The parables of King Solomon are written as the appeal of the father, the student of the son of wisdom of life, what actions can be considered plenty of God, and what are bad. The instruction of the son, like the heir, the most expensive for the real father is conquered by his love and care. No one can reproach the parent in morals, observing which his birthplace Son will reach human respect and God's blessing.

Solomon's parables are combined in 31 chapters, in which all imagues of life are listed and advice is given, how best to do in each case. But if we consider them as a whole, then the meaning of the instructions is similar to 10 God's commandments that must be abide by everyone who wants to live in peace and well-being.

Solomon tips can be downloaded on the Internet for free, to listen without interference and study them at home. Also numerous sites offer to study the Bible online by helping the explanation of incomprehensible places. Priests Interpretative biblical texts help beginners and just interested in religion to skip through the heart and soul of a sacred book so that there are no shortcomings and short-sightedness.

Solomon means peace-loving. For 40 years of his reign, Solomon did not enter any serious war, justifying his name. The country under the control of the wise king reached a heyday and wealth. Legends wisdom went about the wisdom of Solomon: all people who could not solve their problems independently appealed to the wise king for help, and everyone agreed with the royal decision.

What is taught by the Proverbs of the Israeli King

Proverbs Solomon - the result of his life experience, which he transfers not only to his heir, but also to all people who wish to live in peace and harmony with their conscience. The fear of the Lord, who many of the reading Proverbs of Solomon perceive literally, denotes respect and reverence of the Divine Testament about how to live all people on Earth.

The book of the proverbs of Solomon is relevant and today. With the development of the Internet to read the instructions of the ancient king, you can independently online or download video on a computer or disk. Many Christian sites give the opportunity to listen to the Wisdom of Solomon's Widespread online.

Historically not found confirmation of Solomon's life in reality. All data on the third king of Israel is taken from the Bible. It is believed that King Solomon built the Jerusalem temple, unprecedented by beauty and pomp.

Legend of Tsar Solomon

God gave Solomon Ring, with the help of which a person acquires power over demons. Solomon managed to neutralize all the demons so that they could not interfere with the construction of the temple, who did not have time to complete his father David. But the chief demon Tsar Asmodez did not obey the will of Solomon, who could not understand the origins of the forces of the Demon.

Solomon's deception and cunning was able to lure Asmodeus trap and take him in captivity. Holded the king of the demon in the garden, enhancing the chain with the engraved name of God. Asmodein could not escape and performed all the orders of Solomon, obeying the ring with divine seal. Forced the demon was to give his witchcraft book and tell the secret of the worm Shamir, who could sharpen the stone of any size and was used in the construction of the temple.

But won the king of Solomon curiosity, what power of the demon and what is its reason. For the opening of the mystery, I dropped the rulers of Israel chain from a demon and took off my ring from my finger. At the same moment, the asymager was giant sizes, connecting the world and hell with his wings. I snatched the ring of God from the hands of Solomon and threw it into the sea, and the king himself snapped into the long country. He himself took the face of Solomon and began to rule instead in Jerusalem.

For a long 3 years, Solomon wandered in someone else's country, without renounced God, adopting a well-deserved punishment for excessive pride, self-confidence, curiosity. But once in the womb, he found his ring and was able to return to the palace. Asmodein fused at the same moment, and Solomon began to rule again with Israel. But he forever remembered his misadventures and made conclusions so as not to be mistaken in the future.

The silence and everyone who reads the parable of the wise king, Solomon warns future generations from the discontinuities of evil demons. Only the name of God can be defeated by their passion, won by the victory over the miscarius of the prince of Darkness.
The book of the proverbs of Solomon teaches those who live listening to their inner voice before entering rashly, sorry later about the wrong act.

Solomon moraling is divided into several topics devoted to the formation of young people, mature men, women and rulers. Proverbs are similar to poems on the moral appearance of people living on Earth, treating how to act a believer in God in a matter of or another.

After the death of the king, numerous stories about the wisdom of Solomon spread, resolving them difficult everyday situations. It is now difficult to distinguish between the fantasy of the people and what was in reality, but the story about the ring is one of the most famous legends about Solomon.

Nowadays, Solomon's tips are laid on the music, the chant can watch on video rollers, listen to the player, to download yourself.

Legend about Ring Solomon

The parable about Solomon and his ring is presented on the Internet in several versions that you can read or listen online. Also wishing can download information from the Orthodox website.

The legend tells about terrible hunger in the country, which Solomon rules. Seeing how people die cruel death, the king began selling gold and jewelry to buy provisions and save their people. Seeing the meaninglessness of his actions, the king turned to the priest with a request to help him. The priest gave a ring, which in antiquity was considered a symbol of power, a magical sign of infinity and unity. The priest advised the young king to keep constantly with him this ring and just to hold him in his hands in the moments of spiritual excitement.

Having come home, Solomon considered the inscription outside the ring made in ancient language, which, however, Solomon understood: "Everything will be held." At this moment, the young ruler understood the intimate meaning of the phrase and acquired calm, which is so necessary in dealing with state importance. Without a doubt, wisdom triumph trembled, and Solomon decided, the only possible in this situation.

Years passed, the king married and raised children. Ring, as a faithful adviser, he constantly wore with him. But one day the premature death was loved by his rut. And the words that everything will pass, caused protest and indignation. With rage, the king threw a ring, but I managed to see another inscription on the inside, which I had not seen before: "And it will also be held."

A lot of time passed before Tsar Solomon was aged. On the mortal Odra, he was no longer comforted by both inscriptions on the ring. Before death, it's time to summarize the lived life, which was able to achieve, and that everyone leaves descendants. To the amazement of the king on the rib rings, another phrase was revealed: "Nothing passes."

Everyone, having lived life, leaves her next. But the bad or good, depends on what a person did during life, what words will be remembered by his descendants.

History can be viewed on video online on the Internet and download. You can also listen to this and other parables about Tsar Solomon on Christian sites.

By legend, Tsar Solomon was buried with his ring. Many treasure detectors want to find the royal attribute, attributing the rings with magical strength and power. But where is the burial of the wise king, no one knows.

Legend of the real mother

Another life situation that Solomon allegedly judged, a child's story. Story can no problem download on the Internet completely free, read or watch it online.

Two women came to Solomon with a request to find out whose child stayed to live. Genuineers were given with a difference of 3 days, but one of them accidentally crushed the baby in a dream. Nothing thinking, the woman replaced the baby. When in the morning the second mother decided to feed the child, she saw that the baby was dead and she does not belong. Disputes, whose child died, did not led to anything. It came to the fight, but not one of the women wanted to retreat.

The royal decision was at horror one of the guides - the king ordered the sword to bring and craving the living baby in half, to give half to both contenders so that no one was offended.

The true mother fell to the legs of the ruler and begged to give the child to her neighbor, retaining the life of the baby. The second woman was satisfied with the royal decision and agreed to take half of the child, knowing that her baby was already dead.
Solomon recognized the right of a real mother to the kid - their native mother will do everything to live her child, even if even a woman.

History can be watch online on the Internet on video, or download yourself to your computer and listen carefully at home. All stories about Solomon are striking the justice of decisions regardless of the material situation, officials of the petitioners.

The perjury is a big sin and sooner or later becomes clear. Therefore, it is recommended to tell the truth in any situations in order not to lie in hand among those around the people.

Legend of choosing

One day, a certain person came to the king Solomon for advice: what to do if before every vital choice, a person cannot sleep peacefully, as it constantly thinks how to choose the right decision. Fear is mistaken takes peace and sleep. And the more he reflects, the more doubts he causes the upcoming decision.

Solomon asked the visitor, how would he do if he saw the child sinking in the river? It would be rushed to save someone else's baby or passed by, justifying his act, which still would not have time to help the baby.

The visitor without a shadow of doubt and, without thinking, answered that in spite of everything, I would immediately have rushed to save the child from the water captivity.

The king asked, would change the decision to save the child if the event happened yesterday or in the future. Having received a negative answer, Solomon said that a person chooses the only correct decision. Therefore, he does not need to suffer whether he acts correctly. While the actions are consistent with the conscience and God's teachings, a person has only one version of actions - the right and correct. Therefore, the choice, as such, is absent.

However, in attachment to another person should act in the heart. And the choice will appear only when a person changes - other habits, other priorities.

The visitor went home soothed and more insomnia did not torment him.
Many people thoughtfully think about how to enroll in a particular life situation. Meanwhile, the correct decision depends on the moral values \u200b\u200bthat are written by every citizen. And a person comes according to his education and upbringing, at the subconscious level, dividing good and evil.

It is said that one day, God had dreamed of Solomon and asked him about the most cherished desire, promising him immediately fulfill. The Jewish king asked the Lord to give him a mind and wisdom to rule the country. The desire was fulfilled, and fame about the wiser of the ruler spread through various countries.

Later Solomon learned to understand the language of animals and birds, talking to animals living on land and in water. These knowledge was reflected in the stories about Tsar Solomon, which were transmitted from mouth to mouth. Today these stories can be downloaded on the Internet for free.

About snake and peasant

God entrusted the snake to keep the treasure, the opposed stratum in the heel of everyone who bites the treasure. But it happened so that the drought came, the snake died from thirst. At this time, a man with a jug of milk was passed by. The snake asked to get drunk and promised to tell a reward where the treasure was hidden.

The peasant gave milk to get drunk, and she showed a stone under which the treasure was hidden. But when a person wanted to carry the treasure, the snake remembered his destination - the jewel wool - and walked around the neck of benefactor.

The peasant was indignant and offered to go to the court to the king Solomon, so that he had determined which of them right. Snake agreed, but the neck did not tear. So they came to Solomon.

Solomon forced the snake to get off the neck of the peasant, because the king must first punish, and only then his subjects solve problems among themselves.

The snake was taken from the neck, the king, meanwhile, did not stop carefully listening to the story of their meetings and further action. On the words of the snake about the need to bite everyone who lit on the treasure entrusted to her, Solomon said that every person when meeting with the snake should break her head. At the same time, the peasant grabbed a stone and smashed the head of a cunning snake.

The saying from this story: "And the best of the snake is the head of smoke." The parable teaches to comply with the contract and, if it was necessary to violate his duties, should not be trembling and knocked the blame to another, betraying innocent punishment.
You can download for free. These and other parables about the wise decision of the Tsar Israel, forced to believe in the justice of a judicial sentence.

What is useful to Solomon's parables today

These and other stories emphasize the moral height of King Solomon. Before laying out their instructions to future generations on paper, the ruler himself laid out and understood God's commandments, why in some situations should be done so, and in others otherwise. And therefore, Solomon Proverbs cannot be considered as empty morals. Only big love, the concern for future generations of his heirs could push a person to write such labor.

A person is not insured against mistakes in judgments and behavior, but it is better to listen to the tips of the older generation, than to fill their cones, checking the truthfulness of Solomon's teachings.

Numerous sites on the Internet help to explore the Bible to all those who want to develop spiritually. You can listen to the interpretation of scholars of theologians of individual heads of Solomon, you can download a material for self-study, listen to the free minute to listen or read the text online.

The book of Proverbs of Solomon is a bright sample of the wise relationship of the ruler - the Father to its people in the present and the future.

Book of proverbs


Solomon's parables, the son of Davidova, the King of Israel to know the wisdom and instruction, to understand the renewal of the mind; assimilate the rules of prudence, justice, courts and wrongness; Simple to give intended, young man - knowledge and prudence; Listen to the wise - and multiply the knowledge; And reasonable will find wise advice to intelligence the parable and intricate speech, the words of wise men and their riddles.

The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord; [Good understanding of all, licensed; And the reverence of God is the beginning of understanding;] Fools only despise wisdom and instruction.

Listen, my son, the instruction of your father and do not reject the Testament of your mother, because it is a wonderful wreath for your head and the decoration for your neck.

My son! If sinners will be inclined, do not agree; If you say: "Go with us, make an ambush to murder, wait for immaculate without guilt, we swallow them, like the underworld, and - as descending by the grave; We gain any precious property, fill our houses. Lot Your You will throw together with us, the warehouse one will be all of us, "my son! Do not go to the way with them, keep your foot from the path of them, because the legs are running to evil and rush to shed blood.

In the eyes of all birds, the network is in vain, and they make an ambush for their blood and lie their souls.

These are the paths of anyone who is alone alone: \u200b\u200bit takes life from the captured it.

The wisdom is heading on the street, on the squares elevates their voice, in the main places the assembly preachs, when entering the city gates, he says his own: "Dockey, ignorance, will love ignorance? Docomili will be delighted with a rue? How do fools will hate knowledge?

Contact my chunk: here, I am a breath of my spirit on you, give you the words of mine.

I called, and you did not obey; I stretched my hand, and did not hit; And you rejected all my advice and my chips did not accept.

For the time and I will laugh at your death; I will rejoice when horror comes on you; When the horror comes on you, like a storm, and trouble, like a whirlwind, will be brought at you; When the grief and tesnotes fall.

Then they will call me, and I will not hear; In the morning they will look for me, and will not find me.

For the fact that they hated knowledge and did not choke for yourself Fear of the Lord, did not accept the Council of My, sketched all the decisions of my; For that, they will fall from the fruits of their paths and saturate from their thoughts.

Because the persistence of ignorance will kill them and the carelessness of the fools will destroy them, and the listening to me will live safely and calmly, not afraid of evil. "


My son! If you accept my words and save my commandments with you, so your ear will make careful to wisdom and tilt your heart to thinking; If you call knowledge and call to mind; If you look for it like silver, and find it as a treasure, then you have a fear of the Lord and find knowledge about God.

For the Lord gives wisdom; From the mouth of him - knowledge and mind; He maintains for righteous salvation; He is a shield for walking immaculately; He protects the truth paths and protects his holy paths.

Then you have a truth and justice and directness, every good luck.

When wisdom goes into your heart and knowledge will be nice to your soul, then the prudence will protect you, the mind will guard you, in order to save you from the path of evil, from a person speaking a lie, from those who leave the paths straight to walk the paths of darkness; from those rejoicing, making evil, admire the evil debauchery, whom the paths of the curves and who wander on the paths of their own; In order to save you from the other wife, from someone else's, who softens his speeches, who left the head of his youth and forgot the covenant of God's God.

Her house leads to death, and the drains of it - to the dead; None of those entered to her is not refundable and does not enter the path of life.

Therefore, you go through good and hold on the paths of righteous, because the righteous will live on earth and immaculate will breathe on it; And the lawless will be exterminated from the ground, and treacherous are eradicated from it.


My son! My instructions do not forget, and my commandments can keep your heart; For the longitude of days, years of life and peace they will have you.

Mercy and Truth do not leave you: your neck your neck, write them on the hearts of yours, and get the mercy and favor in the eyes of God and people.

Nading on the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your mind.

In all ways, you know it, and he will send your luckee.

Do not be sage in your eyes; Fear of the Lord and remove from Evil: It will be a health for your body and food for your bones.

Chmit of the Lord from your estates and from the origins of all the arrivals of yours, and your Hitters will be filled to an excess, and so much will turn your new wine.

Punishment of the Lord, My Son, do not reject and does not choke him; For someone loves the Lord, it punishes and favors to how his father is to his son.

Blessed man who gained wisdom and a person who acquired a mind, because the acquisition of her is better than the acquisition of silver and profits from it more than from gold: it is more expensive than precious stones; [No evil can resist her; She is well known to all approaching her,] and nothing of the desired to you will not compare with it.

Grandfey - in her right hand, and in her left she is wealth and glory; [It is true of it; The law and grace is in the language wears;] the paths of it are pleasant ways, and all the paths of her are peaceful.

She is a tree of life for those who acquire it - and blessed that preserve it!

The Lord wisdom founded the land, Heaven approved the mind; His wisdom was expressed by the abyss, and the clouds of Kropyt Rosoy.

My son! Do not miss them from your eyes; I keep sanity and prudence, and they will live your life to your and ornament for your neck.

Then you will safely go on your way and your foot will not turn into a path.

When you lie to sleep - you will not be afraid; And when you perch - your pleasure will sleep.

They will not be wondering a sudden fear and a flock from the wicked, when she comes, because the Lord will hope yours and keep your foot from court.

Do not refuse to benefit in need when your hand is in force to make it.

Do not tell you to your friend: "Go and come again, and tomorrow I will give," when you have with you. [For you do not know what the coming day will give birth.]

Do not plot against your neighbor, when he lives with you without fear.

Do not quarrel with a person without a reason when he did not make evil to you.

Do not compete with a person who receives forcibly, and do not choose any of his ways, because the abrasion before the Lord is depraved, and with his righteous communication.

The curse of the Lord on the house is wicked, and he blesses the dwelling of pious.

If he laughs over the blasphemeters, then humble gives grace.

Wise inherit glory, and stupid - insulance.


Listen, children, instruction of the father and listen to to learn to mind, because I taught you a good teaching. Do not leave my commandments.

For I was my son from my father, gently beloved and the only one among my mother, and he taught me and told me: yes my heart keeps my words; keep my commandments and live.

Get wisdom, buy a mind: Do not forget this and do not shy away from the words of my mouth.

Do not leave it, and she will guard you; Love her, and she will protect you.

The main thing is wisdom: buy wisdom, and your entire estate is acquired by the mind.

Highly appreciate her, and she will raise you; She will glorify you if you stick to her; Mind on your wonderful wreath on your head, gives you a gorgeous crown.

Listen, my son, and the words of my words - and multiply your summer summer.

I specify you the path of wisdom, lead you on the paths straight.

When you go, your move will not be crammed, and when you run, you will not stumble.

Hold on the instruction, do not leave, keep it, because it is your life.

Do not join the path of wicked and do not go along the path of evil; Leave it, do not go through it, shave from him and pass by; Because they are not falling asleep if they do not make evil; The dream disappears from them if they won't bring anyone to the fall, for they eat breastless bread and drink wine theft.

The path of the righteous - as the lumplement is radiant, which is more and more brighten until every day.

The path of lawlessly - like darkness; They do not know what they say.

My son! Words for my attention and the speeches of my eye your ear; Yes, they do not depart from your eyes; Keep them inside your heart: Because they are life for the one who found them and health for all his body.

Most of the stored brand your heart is yours, because of it is the sources of life.

Rejected by itself the deceit of mouth, and the lucaviness of the tongue was deleted from themselves.

Your eyes let them look straight, and your eyelashes are directed directly before you.

Think of your way for your feet, and all your ways will be hard.

Do not dare or to the right; I deleted your leg from Evil, [because the Rights watches the Lord, and the left are spoiled. It will make your way straight, and your processions will arrange in the world.]


My son! My wisdom of my and scream your ear to mind to my mind to observe the prudence and to keep your knowledge. [Do not lose a flattened woman;] For honey exudes the mouth of someone else's wife and softer her speech; But the consequences of her bitter, like wormwood, is the sharp, as a sword is double-edged; Its legs down to death, the feet of her reaches underworld.

If you wanted to comprehend the path of her life, then the paths were inconstant and you would not recognize them.

So, children, listen to me and do not retreat from the words of my mouth.

And you will moan after when your flesh and your body will be exhausted, and you will say: "Why did I hate instruction, and my heart neglected with the chief, and I did not listen to my teachers, did not browse my ear to mentors: I almost fell In any evil among the meeting and society! "

Drink water from your reservoir and current from your well.

Let [not] there are sources of your street, streams of water - by squares; Let them belong to you alone, and not a stranger with you.

Your source will be blessed; And comfort your wife's wife, the love of Lanu and beautiful sulfur: her chest, but they hope you in every time, the love of her delaition to you constantly.

And why do you, my son, to get involved in unauthorized and hugging your chest strangers?

For before the eyes of the Lord, the path of the man and he measures all the treasures of him.

Forglessly, their own lawlessness is caught, and in the sins of its sin, it contains: he dies without instruction and from many madness is lost.


My son! If you instructed you for your neighbor and gave your hand for another, you launched yourself with the words of your mouth, caught the words of your mouth.

Do the same, my son, that's what to get rid of myself, since you caught in your hands of your neighbor: go, Faded to your feet and begging your neighbor; Do not let the sleep with your eyes and deprivation of your immigrants; Saw together sulna from hand and like a bird from the bird of the bird.

Go to the ant, the sloth, look at the actions of him and be wise.

He does not have a boss, nor a prefix, nor the master; But he prepares his bread in the summer, collects his food during the harvest. [Or go to the bee and learn how hardworking it is, what kind of accurate work it produces; Its works are used in health and kings and commoners; Love she is by everyone and Slav; Although it is a strength of weak, but the wisdom is respectable.]

Do you, Lenser, will you sleep? When will you stand from your dream?

You sleep a little, build a little, a little, folding your hands, lie: and come, as passerby, your poverty and your need, like a robber. [If you are not lazy, then, as a source, your harvest is coming; Scarce will be far away from you.]

The man is crazy, man is wicked walking with false mouth, blinking his eyes with his own, speaks his legs, gives signs with his fingers; Cunning in his heart: He is delighted evil at all time, sows discord.

But suddenly the destruction will come, suddenly will be broken - without healing.

Here are six that the Lord hates, even seven, that the heart of his soul: the eyes are proud, the language is false and the hands, shedding blood, the heart, a bunch of evil plans, legs, quickly running to the villain, the false witness, who has a crucial lie and sowing a discord between the brothers.

My son! keep your father's commandment and do not reject your mother's instructions; Enjoy them forever on your heart, your neck your neck.

When you go, they will lead you; When you lie to bed, they will guard you; When you awaken, you will talk with you: For the commandment has a lamp, and the instruction is light, and the edge of the teaching is the way to life to save you from the unsuitable woman, from a stranger stranger.

Do not wish her beauty in your heart, [yes, you can not be caught by your eyes,] And yes it will not hobble you with your eyelashes, because because of the wife of the prodigal remove Before a piece of bread, and a married wife cares dear soul.

Can anyone take a fire in the sinus, so as not to fire his dress?

Can anyone walk on burning coal so as not to burn their feet?

The same happens with those who enter their wife's neighbor: who will touch her, will not remain without guilt.

Do not descend the Warmer if he steals to saturate his soul when he is hungry; But, being caught, he will pay the fluent, give all the property of his home.

Who adulterates with a woman, there is no mind; That destroys his soul who does it: he will beat and disgrace, and he will not be erased, because Jealousy is a her husband's rage, and he will not spare on the day of Mission, he will not accept any redemption and is not pleasant. .


My son! keep my words and commandments to my sokra at home. [My son! Chmit of the Lord, - and strengthen, and besides him, do not be afraid of anyone.]

Keep the commandments of my and live, and the teaching is mine, like a pupil eye yours.

Enjoy them on your fingers, write them on the hearts of yours.

Say wisdom: "You are my sister!" "And the mind call your native so that they guarded you from the other wife, from someone else's who softens their words."

Here, once I looked at my house window, through my grille, and I saw among inexperienced, I noticed a unreasonable young man among the young people, which turned the square near the angle of her and walking along the road to her house, at twilight in the evening of the day, in the night darkness and Mraka.

And so - the woman towards him, in the harlot, with a cunning heart, noisy and unbridled; Her legs do not live in her house: it's on the street, then on the squares, and every corner is building came.

She grabbed him, kissed him and spoke him with a shameless face: "I have a peaceful sacrifice: today I made my vows; Therefore, it came to meet you to find you, and - found you; I removed the carpets of my bed, multicolored fabrics of Egyptian; My bedroom was sled to Smirnoy, Aloomo and Camieur; Go, let's get enough to the tenderness until the morning, enjoy love, because the husband is not at home: he went to the long road; Silver wallet took with himself; Comes home to the full moon day. "

With many tender words, she fascinated him, the softness of his mouth took possession.

He immediately went for her, as WHO goes to slaughter, [and how the dog is on the chain,] and as a deer - on the shot, the arrow does not pierce his liver; As the bird throws into the silt and does not know that they are to death.

So, children, listen to me and look for my mouth.

Yes, your heart is not shied on her way, do not wander along the treasures of her, because many threw it in wounded, and many strongly killed by it: her house is the way to hell, descending into the domestic dwellings of death.


Doesn't the wisdom call? And isn't it raising your voice?

It becomes on the elevated places, on the road, on the dissipation; She appeals at the gate at the entrance to the city, at the entrance to the door: "To you, people, I appeal, and my own voice is my voice!

Learn, unreasonable, prudence and, stupid, reason.

Listen, because I will speak important, and the saying of my mouth is true; For the truth will pronounce my tongue, and wickedness - the abomination for my mouth; all words of my mouth are fair; There are no cunning and lucavism in them; All of them are clear for reasonable and fair for the knowledge gained.

Take the teaching mine, not silver; Better knowledge than selected gold, because the wisdom is better than pearls and nothing comes from the desired.

I, wisdom, inhabit the mind and looking for reasonable knowledge.

Fear of the Lord - hate evil; Pride, and arrogance, and angry path, and insidious mouth I hate.

I have advice and truth; I am a mind, I have power.

By me, the kings reign and the lords advise the truth; My chiefs, and Velmazby, and all the judges of the Earth are.

I love me, and seeking me will find me; Wealth and glory I have a treasure unambiguous and truth; My fruits are better than gold, and the gold is very clean, and the benefit of me is more than from selected silver.

I go along the way the truth, on the paths of justice, to deliver a significant benefit that loving me, and the treasury I fill them. [When I arrange what happens daily, I will not forget to calculate what from the century.]

The Lord had me on the beginning of his way, before the creation of his, enconitor; From the century I am anointed from the beginning, before the existence of the Earth.

I was born, when there were no abyss, when there were no sources, abundant water.

I was born before the mountains were omved, before the hills, when he also did not create any land or fields, nor the initial dusting of the universe.

When he made heaven, i was there. When he spent a circular line on the face of the abyss when he argued at the top of the clouds when the sources of the abyss were strengthened, when he gave the sea the charter so that the water did not cross the limits of him when I believed the foundation of the Earth: then I was with it an artist and was joying every day, having fun his face at all time having fun on his earthly circle and my joy was With human sons.

So, children, listen to me; And the blessed are those who store my paths!

Listen to the instructions and be wise, and do not retreat from him.

Blessed man who listens to me, awake every day at the gates of my and standing on guard at my doors! Because who found me, he found life, and will receive grace from the Lord; And the sins against me makes harm to his soul: all death love me. "


The wisdom built a house, outstanding seven pillars, was broken by the victim, dissolved his wine and prepared his meal; I sent my servants to proclaim from the hills of the urban: "Who is the nerazenumen, turn here!" And she said that, "go, eat my bread and drink wine, me dissolved; Leave nerazuma, and live, and go through the mind. "

The teaching of the blasphemmer sticks to himself a mustache, and implanting the wicked - stain itself.

Do not leave the blasphemmer so that it does not hate you; give wise, and he loves you; give installation wise, and he will still be wiser; Teaching the truthful, and he will increase knowledge.

The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord, and the knowledge of the saint - the mind, because, through me, your days will be multiplied and you will add years of life.

My son! If you are wise, then wise for yourself [and for your neighbor]; And if Bouen, then you will try one. [Who is approved by Lies, he grabs winds, he chases birds flying, for he left the way of his vineyard and wanders his field paths; It takes place through anhydrous desert and the land, doomed to thirst; Collects infertility with hands.]

The woman is reckless, noisy, stupid and knowing nothing sitting at the door of his house on a chair, on the elevated places of the city, to call passing expensive, going right ways: "Who is stupid, turn here!" - And she said that she said: "Waters are stolen sweets and hounded bread of pleasant."

And he does not know that the dead is there and that in the depths of the underworldly sheltered her. [But you rebuild, do not medley on the spot, do not stop the look of yours on it, because in this way you will pass the water someone else's. From the water someone else's remove and from the source of someone else's not drinking to live a lot of time and to add to you the summer of life.]

1-4. Proverbs of Solomon, Son Davidova, King Israeli.The book begins a brief description of its author. Solomonnamed the wise from the living. He is a wise, since he was a prayer husband (3 sir.3: 12; cf. Pri.2: 1-9). His exceptional wisdom was surprised by the whole world (3 sir.3: 28; 4:34). Whether he is the son of Jerovoama, he would be respected, but like david's sonwhose pious prayers (Ps.71: 1) and instructions (Prim. 4: 1-4; 3 Mc.2: 1-4; 1 Park.28: 9) brought him up, he gained much honor. If people tend to keep not even having a great value of the statements of ordinary kings, then wise trees tsar Israel(Eccles.1: 1; 12: 9-10) should be of particular interest.

Soloma's paradise, neither the parables of Solomon and as far as they were the wisdom of thinkers who lived in the time of the king, or at any other time (3 sir.4: 29-31), they require our attention on a more proud reason. They are visible in them (MTF 12:42). In the book, wisdom often personifies (PRIT.1: 20; 8: 1-36; 9: 1-18), she is always Bogodukhovna (2 Tim 3:16), therefore, truly, in the mouth of the king - the word inspired(PRIV.16: 10).

2. To know wisdom and instruction, understand the saying of the mind.The purpose of this invaluable book is not to teach us worldly wisdom, although she teaches us and this (6: 1-11; 27: 23-27), but to give us knowledge of God (1: 7), Which manages us in salvation and gives the ability to live a pious (2ndim.3: 15-17; Tit. 2: 11-12). The book also describes amazing blessings that wisdom gives people (3: 13-18), it emphasizes that wisdom is the most important acquisition for them, it is our life itself (4: 5-9, 13).

3. The author of the book indicates us for the need assimilate the rules of prudence and justice,which will be pledged court and wrongness.Here we are talking both about the principles of wise behavior, and about their practical application in everyday life.

4. Here simplepeople who are so easy to mislead (14:15; Iz.14: 20), learn intelligenceabsolutely necessary in order to distinguish the truth from delusion (1 fez. 5:21) and stand guard, fearing false teachers (Ps. 16: 4; 1 In 4: 1). Young people, as anyone else, need this book, for their zeal, not balanced by experience, is squandered on trifles, and their mind threatens numerous worldly beliefs. They extremely need proven behavioral principles. Here they will find knowledge and prudence,which are not the fruit of faith based on human conjectures, insights and feelings, but the result of the faith based on the clean truth of Scripture.

5. Listen to the wise - and multiply the knowledge, and the intelligent will find wise advice.Not only simpleand young menbut also wisefind a lot of instructive in this book. For true wisea person is not a man who has comprehended everything, and a person who knows that nothing has reached anything, a person striving for perfection (FLP.3: 12). David, who conscious of many of his achievements, still sought to the highest light (Ps. 118: 98-100). In fact, the most complete storages will empty if they are not replenished in a timely manner.

In order to acquire knowledge, you need to listen to the ability. Listen to the wise.The Jofor instructed Moses (Ex. 18: 17-26), our Lord - their students (MTF. 13: 11-16; In.16: 12 - 13). Peter instructed the apostles brothers (Acts 11: 2-18). Sheskilla and Akila "More precisely explained by Apollos of the Lord" (Acts. 8: 24-26). Truly, if we want to become teachers, you must first become listeners. Bishop Hall said well: "The one who is listening - collects; The one who teaches is crumbling. If we become spending before you have accumulated, we will go bankrupt. " The more we learn, the more we feel the need to learn and the more ready listen and multiply knowledge(Wed 9: 9; 18:15).

6. The sage explained his own proverbs and intricate speech, the words of wise men and their riddles,thus, delivering the pleasure of his royal student and, in addition, instructing it (3 sir.10: 1-5). Similarly, the depths of God can be opened by a teacher listener (1 Cor.2: 9-10). From here and the value of the servant of God, through which God creates our faith (Eph.4: 11-15; 1 Fez. 3:10). The church would escape many heresies if people had less listened to dubious opinions, and had a great honor to God's Messengers and humbly searched for instructions from them (Mal.2: 7).

7. Fools only despise wisdom and instruction.In the preface to your book, that is, in the first six verses, Solomon describes the purpose of its writing. And the book itself begins in the seventh verse at a deep statement. "Not in the Nehristian Book," says Bishop Patrick, "there is no so-wise instruction that is placed first of Solomon and which has become the cornerstone of all his wisdom."

The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.Job spoke about it long before Solomon (Jos.28: 28). It was also known to Father Solomon (PS.110: 10). This truth is so important that Solomon repeats it once again (9:10). In reverence, God is all happiness and all the debt of man (Eccles.12: 13). Therefore, when you put us to instruct the Word of God, Solomon begins with startedfrom the most important issue. All pagan wisdom is solid nonsense. From any knowledgeknowledge of God remains fundamental. There can be no true knowledge without piety.

What is fear of the Lord?This is the adoration awe with whom God's child humbly and joyfully obeys the law of the Father. God's anger is so terrible, and his love is so sweet that the desire to please him is overflowing. We are afraid to not sin against him (Heb.12: 28-29).

Why many despisewisdom and instruction? Because the start of wisdom, the fear of the Lordno matter (PS.35: 2). They are not aware of his values, mocking over the leadership. They became wise in their own eyes. Fair to call them fools, for they despise such blessings. Loving Lord, let the children's fear be in front of you will be my wisdom, my confidence and happiness!

8. Listen, my son, the instruction of your father and do not reject your mother's covenant.Young people should remember that fear of the Lordrelated to honoring parents. God speaks here the mouth of a parent or teacher, combining parental tenderness with the Divine Power - my son.His words suggest the pious character of parents and indicate responsibility two Parents. Children - creating reasonable. They should teach instructionand not to demand blind subordination from them. Listen ... do not reject.Timofey, for example, was raised in respect to the maternal instruction (2: 1: 5; 3: 14-15).

The same duties carry spiritual fathers and their spiritual children. According to the same principle, the apostolic ministry of churches in Philippines and the Dessalonics was built. Humility, tenderness, communication and voluntary submission created the basis of Christian love and happiness (FLP.4: 9-19; 1 Fez. 2: 7-13).

10. As soon as Satan fell, he turned into a tempter. He is good, it turns out to prepare his subframe for such work (16:29; Genesis.11: 4; Numbers.31: 16; IS.56: 12). If sinners will be inclined.This is not a possible situation, but inevitability. Do not agree.Consent is already sin. Eva agreed to rip out the fruit. David surrendered before falling into sin (2 sir.11: 2-4). But Joseph had resistance and resisted. When you fall into temptation, do not blame God or even the devil. The worst thing that the devil may tempt us, but to make us sinless - not in his power. After he presents his most convincing arguments, we choose to agree or resist.

11. Invitation seems fairly harmless: "Go with us."

14. But the requirement to participate in their atrocities will soon follow: "Lot Your You will throw with us."

Conscience loses its sensitivity every time agrees with such invitations. Who can stop, starting the movement on inclined down? One sin is brought to the next way. David killed in order to hide his adultery (2 sir.11: 4, 17, 25). The only safe way is to run away from temptation. Even the most holy God may make the greatest sin if relying on himself (ROM.11: 20).

18-19. Understanding the danger makes it possible to evade her. Instinct manages the bird, mind - man. However, a person is so absorbed by sin that in his arrogance does not want to do what the bird makes instinctively. She flies away from Silkov, if he saw them, and a man in a hurry to an arranged West. Such people want to destroy others, but ultimately die themselves.

20-21. Father in his instruction warned us against the Satanian temptation. Wisdom- The Son of God himself - now turns to us in the entire fullness of his divine power and mercy. Full of love for sinners, he he headsnot in the temple, but on the street, on the squares elevates his voice; In the main places, meetings preach, at the entrances to the city gate, he says his speech.

22. ignorantcall a stupid man. Rugs are those who are not afraid of God. They do not weigh their words and things. Live as if there is no God or Eternity. Their mind is blinded by love for sin. Although in fact, a person must rejoice not to his ignorance, but to get rid of him. However, these ignorantnot understanding the values \u200b\u200bof their soul, nor dangers, she lumpy, love your ignorance.All attempts to enlighten them they consider the invasion to their careless rest. They lead a stormy, slutty and lazy life, while completely forgetting that God remembers their wickedness, and about the coming court (OS.7: 2; EcCle.11: 9).

They are pounded by people, the worst than they themselves - mockery. Such people shameless, they they are delivered by ridicule.They direct their poisonous arrows on piety (Ps. 63: 4-5), considering a serious attitude towards faith weakness, an unworthy of a thoughtful person. They hate the words of Scripture. "Sainry" in Scripture is called a man consecrated by God's Spirit, and for them "Saint" is a fool and a hypocrite. They think about themselves too much to condescend to reflections on the good news of Christ. In this sense ignorantand mockerydemonstrate their own hate to know.In trying to protect ourselves from everything that the inconvenience can cause, these people are removed from what could make them wise and happy. In his own state of lost, they hate knowledgethey reject everything that can manage them to salvation. Their mind is so busy with others that they hated light and do not seek him (in 3: 19-20).

23. We often say that enlightenment can come to us only through the recorded word, which we study, like any other book, with the help of your mind, and the teaching of the Spirit is a deception to which excessively enthusiastic people are exposed. Perhaps it concerns ignorance and mockery, because they are not aware of the blindness of their hearts and the strength of congenital prejudice against the truth that only the Divine grace can defeat. But the person who comes out that he lives in the dark, and knowing that nothing but God's power cannot teach him, should turn his ear to wisdom (2: 3). Not because the word is covered with darkness - because it is light, but because it is in darkness and thus completely incapable of taking instructions (1 Cor.2: 9-14). Such people do not react to God dischargeand they cannot remove any benefit from what it offers. They refuse to listen, and that is why God says: "That's, I'm a breath of my spirit, we will give you the words of mine."

24. I called.The Savior is calling the word with his providence, with the help of servants and through conscience. But they did not obey.God does not begin to implement his threats until his call rejected. If a person refuses such valuable grace, its fault becomes immense. The man himself rejects God's Goo. God shooterHis hand(IS.5: 25) to offer assistance, make a blessing, at least attract our attention to his call. But we rejectedHis.

25. Wise adviceGod were rejected.But, a sinner, the day will come when the one who grew, begged, crying and dying, does not raise you (Iz.5: 11; 8:18)!

26. That day he war down your dying.He will say: "I'll rejoice when the horror comes on you."Then God will make his trial with satisfaction.

27. Then horror will come to you like a storm.You will be in complete despair when trouble like a whirlwind will bring on you; When the grief and tesnotes fall.

28. That is God's solid solution. He can no longer tolerate these mockery. In retaliation for the fact that they did not listen to his call, he says: "Then they will call me, and I will not hear,they did not listen to my reading, now Ii will not hear their screams. " Bishop Reynolds wrote about this: "The last court came to the last thing - this is already the courtyard of the underworld." Such is the sad fate of the shower left. Scary when God leaves on the usual day (OS.9: 12), but much more terrible when it happens on the day of disaster (1 sir.28: 15). When he does not just turn his face away from us, but turns back to us when, instead of his smile, we see his discontent is hell instead of the sky.

29. How can such a limitless anger can be construed with the love of God? But God is the fire I / O.4: 24). Think O. knowledgeGod. Instead of getting pleasure from knowing God, they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord.

30. Not one of God councilnot accepted. All it diggingdespised.

31. Is it unfair when sinners they fell from the fruits of their paths and satisfied with their thoughts?

The immorality of sin is already hell, not to mention the hedge of punishment for sin. Chember somehow noticed: "The fruit of sin in time, when he completely and completely matures, becomes the fruit of sin forever. In eternity, the sinner just reaps what sowed. The fruit of sin grows out of sin, naturally and naturally, as an ordinary fruit appears from a flower. Sinners "will fall from the fruits of their paths and saturate from their thoughts". "

We see despair. But we experienced the wonders of God's grace, so it's not worth a despair. However, we should not and the smallest seriousness of the Word of God. Have we ever seen how a sinner dies? He despised the good news and mocked her, and now, dying, cannot ask God for the pardon of his soul. Does the knowledge that God's salvation will not be forever, is not enough to contact? The knock will once be sure to stop. The sinner may die still on this side of hell. It can be silent with tears, but he will die anyway! We will reflect on the eb. 10: 26-27, 29, 31.

32. Once again it is said that the cause of the death of a sinner in it itself. He steps on the path of death, turning away from the inviting voice of wisdom. He refuses Panacea, dying the death of suicides. He rejects everything they say. Remember that every time we reject God, we continue to retreat from him. God's word gradually becomes a burden, and then we begin to mock it at all. At first it may seem that foolsavoid the trial, but their careless ... destroy them.

33. Finished God's promise that heats the soul: "A listening to me will live safely and calmly,not fear evil. "And you, reader, are you listening to him, did God's chance? Then you are under God's defense, and no evil can touch you. You live safely,you can be confident in your safety. Even fear of evilyou will not remain in you. You can feel like anything in your ark, which did not threaten anything at the time when the world died around him. In the same way, David was full of fearlessness at the moments of mortal danger, because he knew: God is his refuge. Day of darkness will be bright for you, like a sunny day, when you enter the joy of eternal (Mal.4: 1-2; Lux. 21:28; 2Pet.3: 10-13).

When King Solomon came down from the mountain, after meeting the sunrise, gathered at the foot said: "You are a source of inspiration for us." Your words transform hearts. And your wisdom enlightens the mind. We crave to listen to you. Tell us: Who are we? He smiled and said: - You are the light of the world. You are the stars. You are the Temple of Truth. In each of you the universe. Immerse the mind in the heart, ask your heart, listen through your love. Blessed knowing the language of God.

- What is the sense of life?

Life is the path, purpose and reward. Life is a love dance. Your destination is blooming. Being is the Great Dar of the world. Your life is the history of the universe. And therefore life is more beautiful than all theories. Treat about life as a holiday, for life is valuable in itself. Life consists of the present. And the meaning of the present is to be in the present.

- Why is the misfortune pursue us?

What they sowed, then collect. Misfortune is your choice. Poverty is a human creation. And bitterness is the fruit of ignorance. Accusing, lose strength, and the lust, disperse happiness. Wake up, because the beggar one who does not realize himself. And not found inside the kingdom of God - homeless. Poor becomes the one who wasting time. Do not turn your life to stagnation. Do not let the crowd destroy your soul. Yes, there will be no wealth to your curse.

- How to overcome misfortunes?

Do not condemn yourself. For you are divine. Do not compare and do not share. Thank you for everything. Rejoice, for joy creates miracles. Love yourself, for loves love everyone. Bless the dangers, because the bold acquisitions of bliss. Pray in joy - and misfortune will cost you. Pray, but do not bargain with God. And know, praise is the best prayer, and happiness is the best food for the soul.

- What is the path to happiness?

Happy loving, happy thanks. Happy peaceful. Happy found paradise in themselves. Happy doning in joy and happy taking gifts with joy. Happy seekers. Happy awakened. Happy to listening to God's voice. Happy executing destination. Happy disavened unity. Happy told the taste of the theology. Happy staying in harmony. Happy twisted beauty world. Happy sun open. Happy current, like rivers. Happy ready to take happiness. Happy wise. Happy realized themselves. Happy lovers loved. Happy praising life. Happy creative. Happy free. Happy forgiving.

- What is the secret of abundance?

Your life is the greatest jewel in the treasury of God. And God - the jewel of the heart of the human. Wealth inside you are inexhaustible, and abundance around you is endless. The world is rich enough for everyone to become rich. So the more you give, the more you get. Happiness is at the threshold of your home. Open abundance. And turn everything into gold. Blessed are found treasures in themselves.

- How to live in the world?

Drink out of every moment of life, because the poor breeds sadness. And know what inside, then outside. The darkness of the world - from the gloom in the heart. Happiness is the sunrise. Theology is a dissolution in the light. Enlightenment is the radiance of thousands of the sun. Blessed thirsty lights.

- How to find harmony?

Live simply. Do not bring any harm to anyone. Do not envy. Let doubt purify, and do not bring impotence. Dedote your life to the beautiful. Create for creativity, and not for the sake of recognition. Treat your neighbor as revelations. Transform past, forgetting it. Brings the world a new one. Fill the body with love. Become an energy of love, for love is all turning. Where love is there God there.

- How to achieve perfection of life?

Live in harmony! Be yourself!