The meaning of Gorbunov Ivan Fedorovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia.

 The meaning of Gorbunov Ivan Fedorovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia.
The meaning of Gorbunov Ivan Fedorovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia.

Among the motley crowd of "folk" types, bred in the Comedy of Ostrovsky, lacking one: the talented of Russian playwrights, who gave the first time of a wide picture of the people's own life, who outlined the most different layers of Russian society, who consistently eating his heroes among merchants, burghers, peasants, clerks , officials, intelligent proletarians, did not stop their attention on the type of factory master. Meanwhile, the type of "factory" is even when Ostrovsky wrote his early works, forced to talk about himself in intelligent circles, began to conquer himself to citizenship in graceful literature. Just under one roof with Ostrovsky, then the artist of the word, who was interested in the metropolitan intelligentsia with the stories from the factory life, lived.

Ivan Fedorovich Gorbunov - the name of this "narrator" - himself was the son of the factory environment, ridicked out of her subsoil. He was born in the family of a peasant who worked on one of the near Moscow factories. But to get acquainted with the factory work on his own experience, Gorbunov did not have to: he had the opportunity to get a pretty decent education, five classes of a gymnasic course took place, then visited (secretly) lectures at Moscow University; Gaps and shortcomings of school education, he replenished with a versatile reading ... and parted with the factory medium, he joined the ranks of the intelligent proletariat.

Having entered into the ranks of the intelligent proletariat, he brought with him as a gift that was inherited from the native environment, the strength of the critical mind, the freshness of the immediate feeling and clarity of the artistic imagination. But these qualities did not find due applied: His talent promised, judging by his first experiments, to develop subsequently into a major satirical talent, could not brightly show his characteristics.

Gorbunov in the first steps of his acquaintance with the metropolitan intelligentsia came closely with a circle of persons imbued with the spirit of exceptional nationalism, who had a refined patriarchal relations, with the "young editorial board of Moskvatian". The "young edition of Moskvatian" The first welcomed him as a writer, the first recognized him outstanding artistic talent. Gorbunov succumbed to its influence. Under her influence, he "issued" his worldview: she informed him the exaggerated concept of "originality and nationality," she forced him a one-sided look at the process of "Europeanization" held before his eyes, lowly evaluate the benefits of new civilization, she gave one-sided direction to his talent, She cut the wings of his critical priest.

Satir died in Gorbunov. Gorbunov did not rise above the "cute and good-natured" humor. His "Comerism" remained at the advantage of an external community.

This determines the feature of his comic talent of G. A. Koni, in his article premissible to publish the compositions of Gorbunov. - approx. V. Shulaatikova. Ivan Fedorovich Gorbunov (1831-1895) - the author of scenes from the life of the city mesh and the peasantry of the last third of the XIX centance, the narrator and actor. The main characters of his work - "irresponsible" before the "law" of becoming the peasants, scored "master", the frontier and merchants of the initial accumulation period. For the listeners of Gorbunov - especially the "Higher Society" of the capitals - his Meshchangs were a kind of "exotic". In the master's master's workshop, the type of retired General Dietatina is very popular - the Nikolaev servant, who responds from their archaic point of view on current events. Collection of Council of Horbunov in 2 volumes ed. Koni A. F. was published in 1901 in St. Petersburg. Anatoly Fedorovich Koni (1844-1927) - Russian lawyer and public figure, member of the State Council, Honorary Academician of St. Petersburg An, Professor of Petrograd University (1918-1922), author of essays and memories "On the life path", an outstanding judicial speech.

Gorbunov Ivan Fedorovich, Writer and actor, born 10 (22) .IX. 1831 in the village of Ivanteevo Moscow province in the family of a freely published peasant and serf.

He studied at the Church Greek School, was engaged in the 2nd and 3rd Moscow gymnasiums, but the formation did not complete due to their needs. There was a tutor, a correspondence. I read a lot, listened to the lecture at Moscow University.

In 1849, Ivan Fedorovich met A. N. Ostrovsky, and then with the "young editor" the magazine "Moskvatikan" - AP. Grigoriev, T. Filippov, B. Almazov, E. Edelson and other friends of Ostrovsky, in particular with P. M. Sadovsky.

In 1853 introduced its first literary experiments on the court of Island and Grigorov.

In 1854, Gorbunov enters the troupe of the Small Theater.

In 1855, he moves to the stage of the St. Petersburg Alexandrinsky Theater, where it serves until the last days of life.

Acting and writing Gorbunova I.F. revealed in his oral miniatures stories. His improvisation was captured by the listeners with a soft humor, the accuracy of household sketches, the brightness of the details, a faithful, colorful language. In humorous miniatures


"Scene at the gun",


"Sun Eclipse",

"Unrequited" he was exploring poverty, disgrace, wildness, a burden, stupid indifference peasants and Master Luda. At the same time, the well-known life of the people, his Duma, suffering, needs, Gorbunov showed a man as a conscientious, practical, loving nature, soulfully clean and simple ("Bear", "Fishing"). Having ridiculed Vices, Ivan Fedorovich souls for the people, for his poverty, wildness and undeveloped, and it brings the Gorbunov-storyteller with the Writers-Distolius (N. Uspensky, Levitov, Sleptsov, Pomonyovsky) and revolutionary democracy of the 60s. However, his love for the people is somewhat passive, the critical start is muffled, deprived of political acute, which affected the stories against the vulnerament of man in the streets and burghers:


"About Sara Bernard",


and orders existing in autocratic Russia

"The quarterly warder",

"Diary of the Butler".

In the works of Gorbunova I.F. There is no satirical indemnity of reality. The writer created a new magnitude of the story-miniature, extremely compressed, deprived of the author's narration. There is no detailed plot in his miniatures; The basis is a comic episode, an unusual event, a phenomenon (for example, "the eclipse of the Sun"), attitude to the event present. Descriptions of stingy, characters are detected through replicas, actions, gestures. The ending is usually unexpected, comic. Original stylization of Gorbunov in the spirit of an old Russian writing.

The works of "with a wide carnival", "from the Moscow Capital", rich in life observations, are written in the style of "physiological essays" of "Natural School".

Ivan Fedorovich created the cycles of dramatic scenes close to the content of his miniatures. They present comic positions and episodes from the life of master, merchant inexpensive, gymnasium teachers, and so on "scenes" are written in the style of Ostrovsky, especially it is felt in scenes from merchant life.

Most of his works of Gorbunov improvised immediately before the public, and only subsequently they were recorded and published. This affected the nature of the literary heritage: many miniatures were not recorded, information about the options are fragmentary and random.

In the last years of the life of Gorbunov I.F. Posted several articles on the history of the Russian Theater of the XVIII-XIX centuries.

Born 10 (22) September 1831 in the village of Vanteuyevo (now the city of Ivanteevka) of the Moscow province in the family of landlord yard. Father is a small factory servant from fastening, mother - a fortress peasant.

From youth, he was engaged in tutoring (including in the family of P. M. Sadovsky), penwriting (rewriting the play by A. N. Ostrovsky, with whom he was personally familiar).

He studied in the school of brewing and architecture, visited lectures at Moscow University. Perfectly knew Russian history and literature, he was perfectly owned by the Old Russian and Church Slavonic languages.

The biography of Gorbunov is closely woven with the allocating groups of the 1860s. Of particular importance for Gorbunov had his rapprochement (1853) with the "young editors" of the Slavophilic "Moskvatian". The stories and scenes of Gorbunov are fully included in the overall style of naturalism of the 1860s. Since 1877, he was a member of the correspondent of the society of lovers of ancient writing.

Gorbunov became famous not only as a writer and actor. In 1854, his acting debut took place in the Moscow Maly Theater. Since 1856, Gorbunov Ivan Fedorovich is included in the proud of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. There and was listed until the very end of life. For 40 years, he played 54 roles, mainly in the Pieces of A. N. Ostrovsky (Kudryash - "Thunderstorm", Peter, 1st Artist, - "Forest", Afonya - "Sin yes, who does not live for anyone") and in Own plays.

In the late 1850s. He began to perform on stage as the author and performer of their own stories under the general name ("scenes from the people's life", 1861). With great wit and satirical and ironic sketches, in his stories, all social layers of Russian household life - peasants, merchants, workshops, factory workers and clerks, city, city and quarterly, town residents, etc. Among these stories are: "Cannon", "Airplane", "White Hall", etc.

He was the historian of the Russian Theater and the organizer of the first in Russia of the theater museum. Through biographical essays on prominent actors, he created the biographical history of the Russian Theater of the XVIII-XIX centuries. In the homeland of the writer in Ivanteevka he has been established a monument. In the Central Library in 2002, the Cabinet Museum of Ivan Fedorovich Gorbunov was opened.

Literary and acting creativity

The first story I. F. Gorbunova was published in the journal "Domestic Notes" in 1855. Like many writers of their time, Gorbunov advantageously operates with the material from the bourgeois and peasant life: "irresponsible" before the "law" of becoming the peasants scored "master" And the merchants of the initial accumulation period are the main characters of his creativity.

Ivan Gorbunov was the first in Russia, a humorist writer, who performed his texts as an actor, the Rodonachal of the Russian stand-up comedy, spoken pop [Source is not specified 15 days].

This medium of Gorbunov gives predominantly in its external comic manifestations, without going into the analysis of its internal social processes. For the audience from the "Higher Society" of the capitals, his characters were peculiar "exotic." In the workshop of the oral transfer of Gorbunov, another type of "retired Distyat General" was very popular - the Nikolaev servant, who responded from their archaic point of view to current events.

Gorbunov's wide fame brought fulfillment of his stories on the scenes of theaters and in charitable concerts throughout Russia. The popularity of Gorbunov was huge. His creativity loved the peasants, and the last three emperors. Humor of Gorbunovsky stories "scattered throughout Russia and entered the sayings, to the proverbs."

The pseudonym, under which Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov writes to the political figure. ... In 1907 he spoke without successful candidate in the 2nd State Duma in St. Petersburg.

Alyabyev, Alexander Alexandrovich, Russian composer-amateur. ... in Romance A. affected the spirit of time. As then-Russian literature, they are sentimental, sometimes corny. Most of them are written in a minor key. They almost do not differ from the first romances of Glinka, but the latter stepped far ahead, and A. remained in place and now outdated.

Pogato Idolope (stole) - epic hero ...

Pedrillo (Pedrillo Pietro-World) - a famous jester, neapolitan, at the beginning of the reign of Anna John, who arrived in St. Petersburg for singing the roles of Buff and playing the violin in the court Italian opera.

Dal, Vladimir Ivanovich
Numerous stories and stories are suffering from the lack of real artistic creativity, a deep feeling and a wide view of the people and life. Further household pictures captured on the summer of jokes, told by a peculiar language, Boyko, alive, with a famous humor, sometimes flowing into manners and accuracy, Dal did not go

Varlamov, Alexander Egorovich
Above the theory of the musical composition of Varlamov, apparently, did not work at all and remained with those scarce knowledge that could be made from Capella, in those days at all that did not take care of the general development of their pets.

Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich
No one of our big poets have such a number of right away from all points of view of the poems; Many poems he himself bequeathed not to include in the collection of his writings. Nekrasov did not even stand in their masterpieces: and in them suddenly grown the ear prosaic, sluggish verse.

Gorky, Maxim
In terms of its origin, bitter does not belong to those who drop the society whose singer he made in the literature.

Zhikharev Stepan Petrovich
His tragedy "Artaban" neither press, nor the scene saw, because, according to Prince Shakhovsky and frank feedback, the author himself was a mixture of Chushi with Galimia.

Sherwood-faithful Ivan Vasilyevich
"Sherwood," he writes one contemporary, "in society, even St. Petersburg, did not name differently, like Sherwood, the sorry ... Comrades in military service were alien to him and nicknamed his dog name" Fidelka ".

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... Feldmarshal Kamensky publicly called him "a state thief, bribe, fool durable."

Popular biographies

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September 22-185 from the birth of Ivan Fedorovich Gorbunov (1831-1895) - writer, actor, native Vantheyev (now Ivanteevka).

Today I want to tell about neighboring Ivanteevka, where there are also many interesting personalities.

Maybe someone else does not know about this man.

Ivan Fedorovich Gorbunov

His name is the Central Library of Yuvanteevka, in which in 2002 the Cabinet Museum of IF Gorbunova was opened.

Library to them. Gorbunova

The cultural and leisure center "Pervomaysky" installed his bust.

Bust I.F. Gorbova at KDC Pervomaysky

So what is this personality, what is it interesting?

Ivan Fedorovich Gorbunov

How many of our countrymen became actors of such a famous theater, as the Petersburg Imperial Aleksandrovsky Theater? He was familiar with L.N. Tolstov, A.N.OSTROVSKY, I.S.Turegenov, F.M.Dostoevsky, A.P.chekhov and other literators of the XIX century. They appreciated him not only for personal qualities, but also as a narrator, as a writer, as an artist.
In the second half of the XIX century, Gorbunov was known for almost all formed Russia.

I.F. Gorbunov was born on September 22, 1831 in the village of Vanteuyevo and was baptized in the church on a brandy paper factory, which is now known as the church of the icon of the Smolensk Mother of God.

Church of the icon of the Smolensk Mother of God

Information about the family of Gorbunov is scubrous. Even his contemporaries knew about his origin and roots. A brief biography of Ivan Fedorovich can be found from Essay "Ivanteevo" written by the Publishers of the Education Assembly I.F. Gorbunov (Volume III) from the words of the priest Grigory Stepanovich Stanislavleva.

In the first third of the XIX century in the village of Kopnino and Vanteuyevo, there were three generations of Gorbunov family, whose generic roots left in the XVIII century.

The geneological tree of Gorbunovy

Ivan Fedorovich's father - from fortress. Olruitically published from the courtyards of the batter, he was a railway in the Shcheikna factory in the village of Vanteuyevo, the mother (Olga Tikhonovna) is a serfs, too, a freely published peasant. From family correspondence, it is known that the father then managed the Glazunov factory in Moscow, on which paper products and boxes were made.

Children in the family had four: Ivan, Brother Orest, Elizabeth and Capitoline sisters. Ivan's letters to parents are imbued with great love. Having adopted, for example, the decision to enter the service to the Alexandrinsky Theater, Ivan Fedorovich writes on April 22, 1855: "I ask you and the mammy blessings on a big and serious deal. Mama prayed for me to St. Sergius, and I am sure that the case will end perfectly ... Your humble son and devotee friend. "

Father sought children to grow educated people.
At that time in the village of Vanteuyevo there was only a parish school, and the teacher of Vantheyevsky children was a priest. Vanya Gorbunov studied Nikifora Ilyich Putilin, who drew the attention of his parents to the natural diving of the Son. In 1840, he was taken to Moscow, to the Nabilkovsky commercial educational and craft school, at the end of which he studied "in the second gymnasium on Elokhovskaya, from where he left the sixth grade." At this time, he had a tendency to drawing, he enters the Moscow School of Painting, Drainies and Architecture. At the same time, he visits lectures at the university, studies ancient Russian language and history. During the teaching, Ivan lives very poorly: looking for a part-time job, gives lessons.

In 1850, Gorbunov acquainted with A.N.ostrovsky, who needed a playback of plays. In 1853, 22-year-old Ivan invited to move to the house of Alexander Nikolayevich. Ostrovsky introduced him to the "young editors" of the magazine "Moskovikitan". Working in the journal, Gorbunov received an "art education". Here he wrote his first story "Just case", published in the journal "Public Notes" in September 1855. Then the stories "Master", "At the gun", the scene "Morning quarterly warder" were written. But the author at first "did not attach the meanings" to his stories. Once he told them alone by another A.N.OSTROL, who praised, and Apollo Grigoriev, who was present at the same time, exclaimed: "You are our!".

Soon Ivan Fedorovich closely meets the famous artist of the Moscow Imperial Theater with a provice of Mikhailovich Sadovsky. In 1854, Gorbunov first came to the scene of the Moscow Small Theater - played the role of a young merchant in the play M.T. Valekin "Education". A year later, Ivan Fedorovich moved to Petersburg, where he entered the imperial Alexandrinsky Theater, and soon he was included in the troupe of this theater. He served in it for 40 years, played 54 roles, got complete recognition on stage. Not by chance in 1887 he was appointed a pension as an artist I category. In addition, he was awarded the "gold medal on the ribbon" Order of St. Stanislav ".
The fact that Gorbunov was on stage was not an accident. He exactly could convey what he saw or heard, could reproduce the language and style of the past centuries.

The works of Gorbunov are like the plays for one actor, who knows his role so well that he does not need an explanation. Apparently, he was more actor than a writer, therefore, it was made by the impression on A. N. Ostrovsky. On witness and observation of Ivan Fedorovich rumors were in his life.

Mastery of Gorbunov was admired by the Sovereign Emperor Alexander III and the Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, who visited the performance with Ivan Fedorovich, "found him and expressed deep respect for his talent."

His one more merit was that he was collected related to the theater of relics: posters, programs, portraits of artists, welcoming addresses, brought by idols scenes, drawings, autographs of artists and playwrights, costumes in which actors performed. So the "artistic lobby" appeared, as it began to be called.

In 1891, Gorbunov's book was published "Materials for the history of the Russian Theater. Catalog of portraits placed in the foyer of the Imperial Alexandrinsky Theater. "
Gorbunov did a huge research work to streamline and systematize the entire path held by the theater in Russia, starting with Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The collection of antiquities collected by Gorbunov, subsequently formed the basis of the first theater museum in our country - now the State Museum of theatrical Art in St. Petersburg.

In recent years, he has shown himself as a serious researcher of the history of the Russian Theater, writing articles: "The first Russian court comedians", "Moscow Theater in the XVIII and XIX centuries", "Dramatic figures in biographies", "from the founding of the Russian theater to our time" .

In addition to many actors and writers, he was familiar with composers, artists. It is known that Ivan Fedorovich - a deep connoisseur of the Russian song - was noticed by the great Russian composer Modesty Petrovich Musicorgsky, who dedicated to Gorbunov the piano play "in the village". And Gorbunov told the composer a musical theme that was used in the Opera "Hovhanshchina" in the song Martha "came the Mladushenka."

In the notebooks of Gorbunov (they are preserved 25) there are entries that speakers often have been in native places. Having lived in St. Petersburg 40 years of his life, he did not forget about Moscow and Moscow region. VANTANEYAVKA, PUSHKNO, Trinity, Khotkovo, Bolevo, Mytishchi, Perlovka - These names often flashed on the pages of his diaries and notebooks.

What connected I.F. Gorbunov with Ivanteevka? This is not only about the library workers, in the Cabinet Museum of his name. Here is a pedigree writer and an actor; his writings, books; Dictionary-Directory I.F. Gorbunova and his environments; Thematic selection of articles about him; photos; Objects of old life. Conductive gift -3-X Tomnik Collected Works I.F. Gorbunov (ed. 1907-1910), who entered the museum from the Russian State Library (former Lenin). The exhibits of the museum help collect citizens and descendants of Gorbunov.

In the museum I.F. Gormanova

3-Citomnik I.F. Gorbunova from the Lenin Library

House where Gorbunov was allegedly born

Old house on children's travel

Signs of the native land are in many stories I. F. Gorbunov. In the story of "Christmas Eve", he describes his favorite village: "On a hillock, surrounded by a pine forest, it is Copnino village ... A large church of the old architecture is observed by centuries, lips; Barsky Stone House stands without housing. The village of ancient ... competent in the village a lot; There are even a beginner ... Enlightenment in the village and in the circle planted and strengthened the old man of the landowner Elizabeth Osipovna. She loved the masculous temple of God and had her choir from the yard people ... ".

Ivan Fedorovich himself came to Ivanteevka twice a year. "Coming, he now went to the village and around to remember where he grew up and only after this was going around to drink tea ...". From the record book I.F. Gorbunova: "1882 year. At 7 o'clock in the morning I left Vanteuyevka ... Morning magnificent, roast. Before lunch, I was walking throughout the village, it was on the dam, on the river ... "(from the book by A.S. Melkovy" I.F. Gorbunov in the Moscow region ").

From the life of Ivan Fedorovich, he left on December 24 (according to the old style) of 1895 for 64 years of life and was buried in the Alexander Nevsky Laurel of St. Petersburg, in the necropolis of art masters. On the black marble, tombstones read: "Artist of Imperial theaters Ivan Fedorovich Gorbunov"

Gorbunov's grave in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg

Nina Stepanovna Loginova
Photo by the author

1. Book A.S. Small "I.F. Gorbunov in the suburbs "). Kaluga 2012
2 out of open sources on the Internet.