Mark Twain "Adventures Geclberry Finn": description, heroes, analysis of the work. Mark Twain "Adventures of Tom Sawyer": description, heroes, analysis of the comparison of Tom Soyer and Geclberry Finn

Mark Twain
Mark Twain "Adventures Geclberry Finn": description, heroes, analysis of the work. Mark Twain "Adventures of Tom Sawyer": description, heroes, analysis of the comparison of Tom Soyer and Geclberry Finn

"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is a wonderful book, magical, mysterious. It is beautiful primarily by its depth. Each person at any age can find something in it: a child is an exciting story, an adult - a sparkling humor Mark Twain and memories of childhood. The main hero of the novel during each reading of the work appears in the new light, i.e. Characteristic of Soyer Tom is always different, always fresh.

Tom Sawyer - ordinary child

It is unlikely that Thomas Sawyer can be called a hooligan, rather he is a mischief. And, more importantly, he has time and the opportunity to engage in everyone he lives with aunt, which, though she tries to keep him in rigor, but it does not work well. Yes, Tom is punished, but despite this, he lives quite safely.

He is rapid, finding how almost every child of his age (about 11-12 years old), it is worth only to remember the story with the fence, when Tom convinced all the children in the district that work is the sacred right and privilege, and not a grievous burden.

This characteristic of Tom Sawyer gives a person not very bad in it. Next, the personality of the most famous thoughtful and mischievous will be revealed by all new and new faces.

Friendship, love and nobility not alien to that

Another virtue of Sawyer - the ability to love and sacrifice - appears in front of the reader in all its glory when the boy discovers that he loves for her for her even sacrificing: hesitates his body under the blows of teacher rogue for her misconduct. This is because the wonderful characteristic of Tom Soyer, which highlights the sublime attitude towards the lady of the heart.

Tom Sawyer has a conscience. They and Gek became witnessed to murder, and even despite the completely illusory danger to their lives, the boys decided to help the police and rescue the poor meff Potter from prison. The act from their side is not only noble, but also courageous.

Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn as confrontation of the world of childhood and the world of adulthood

Why exactly is that? Because he is relatively good. Thus, though difficult, but a favorite child, and he knows it. Therefore, almost all the time lives in the world of childhood, in the world of dreams and fantasies, only occasionally looking out in real reality. The characteristic of Tom Sawyer in this sense does not differ from the characteristics of any other prosperous teenager. Such a conclusion can be done only if you relate two images - for Sawyer Fantasy - like the air to which he breathes. Tom full of hopes. It has almost no disappointment, so he believes in the invented worlds and in the invented people.

Huck is completely different. He has many problems, no parents. Rather, there is a father-alcoholic, but it would be better not enough. Hope's father is a source of constant anxiety. The parent of him, of course, disappeared a few years ago, but it is known that he did not die, which means he can appear at any moment in the city and start to get his ceremony son again.

For a hect of fantasy - this opium, thanks to which life is still somehow possible, but to live in the world of illusions an adult cannot all the time (and Finn is that such).

Sawyer is even a little sorry, because he does not know how things really are. His world costs without a tragedy, while the existence of a hek is a constant struggle. Also, as with an ordinary adult: he comes out of the world of childhood and understands that he was deceived. Thus, it is still ready for another characteristic of Soyer Tom.

How could it be an adult?

Seductive question for all those who read the "Adventures of Tom Sawyer". But it seems, no wonder the narrative of the boys does not speak anything about their adult lives. There may be at least two reasons: either in these lives there will be nothing remarkable, or for someone life does not prevent pleasant surprises. And it can all be.

What will Tom Sawyer? The characteristic may be like this: in the future it is an ordinary, ordinary person without special vital accomplishments. His childhood is full of diverse adventures, but by and large they always happened in some comfort zone, and this allowed that constant fantasy.

With the hect of the other story. At the end of the adventures, Finn leaves the bourgeois world, where the satiety and morality reigns, in the world of streets, where freedom rules, in his opinion. Boy-tramp does not tolerate frames. But always live outside the framework and breathe only the air is impossible, for any life needs one form or another. If a separate vessel (person) is not limited, he will break out, destroying the vessel himself. Simply put, if the GEK does not choose a certain system of values, he can completely sleep and die under the fence, like his dad, or knee in a drunken fight. Adult life is not so bright as the life of a child, but sorry.

On this not too joyful note tells us "goodbye" Tom Sawyer. The characteristic of the hero on this is completed.

Geclberry Finn is a homeless boy, the son of the first Petersberg drunkard, a tramp, living where it is necessary. All the mother of the town hated him, and all the boys envied his freedom and sought him to society.

Huck had more life experience than that was more seriously (especially, it can be seen in history with the rescue of Negro Jim), nevertheless, it was always the leader in their joint affairs.

As a result, all the famous history, Gek and Tom Sawyer, found a treasure hidden in the cave Indian Joe. Gek became a rich man for local standards. His guardious was made by the widow Douglas, which he saved from revenge Joe, and the concern for his money was instructed by the judge Tatchera. Once in a decent house, Gek became unbearably suffering. He is not a knife and a fork and sleep in bed. In the end, he escaped, but then returned, because Tom Sawyer promised to make him a robber.

Having learned that the goof went to the money, his father was found and stole him. He constantly drank and was insane. Gek escaped from him. He met a runaway Negro Jim and they went on a journey through the Mississippi River. As a result, after many adventures, he got to the relatives of Tom Sawyer and it happened that they took Gope for Tom, who had to come from day to day.

Tom came and safely gave himself to his brother Sida. Together with the hek, he began to play the liberation of Negro Jim. As a result, it turned out that Jim was given freedom to the will of Miss Watson. Also, Gek learned that his father died and would no longer pursue him.

After that, he returned to his native edges and healed Nadvyuchi. Further adventures of Tom and Geek are described in the Tom Sawyer - Detective brand name, where the boys fall into a detective story and "Tom Sawyer abroad", where they travel around the world in a balloon.

Mark Twain Personality Gope Finn:

"All mothers in the city from the bottom of the heart hated Geclberry and at the same time were afraid of him, because he was lazy, unbridled, a bad boy who did not recognize any mandatory rules. And even because their children are all to one - the soul in it We did not care, they loved to be taken with him, although it was forbidden, and they were eager to imitate him in everything. Tom, like all the other boys from the honorable families, envied Hacking Huckleberry, and he was also strictly setting for it to deal with this obscure. Of course , It was for this reason that Tom did not miss the case to play with him. Geklberry dressed in pickups from the shoulder of adults; his clothes were made by multicolored stains and so washed, that rags were flushed in the wind. The hat was represented by the ruins of extensive sizes; from her fields swashed down a long scribe in the form of a crescent; jacket, in those rare days, when the hepbecue hit him, reached him a little, so that the rear buttons were placed significantly below the tire; They sat on one suspender and at the back dangled with a blank bag, and below were decorated with fringe and dragged on the mud if the hek did not knocked them. "

"Geclberry was a free bird, wandered where he wakes up. In good weather, he spent on the steps of someone else's porch, and in a rainy - in empty barrels. He did not have to go to school or in the church, he had no one to obey him, above him There was no lord. He could fish or swim when and where he was pleased, and sit in the water, how much I am pleased. No one forbade him to fight. He could not go to bed at least in the morning. In the spring, he was the first of all the boys started walking barefoot , And in the fall, I was shifted by the last. He did not need to wash, nor put on a pure dress, and he was able to swear amazing. In short, he had everything that makes life beautiful. So thought in St. Petersburg all the extensive, cameras and feet in St. Petersburg "Well-brought up" boys from the honorable families. "


The story of Geclberry Finn was repeatedly filmmed. Two films were filmed in our country:

"Most disappearance" - the film Georgy Dellai in 1972, where the Roman Magyanov is playing

"The Adventures of Tom Soyer and Geclberry Finn" - 1981 film, filmed by the director Stanislav Govorukhin, where Vladislav Galkin fulfilled the role of Geek.

By the way, the word Huckleberry is called a small berry, similar to blueberries, common in North America, and in Staroangalian Slanga, they said so at the mention of some insignificant thing, sometimes in a warm, gentle context.

Tom Sawyer and Gek Finn - Heroes of the novel Mark Twain.

Conditions of life Tom and Geclberry. (Both - orphans, however, Toma's life is engaged in the aunt Polly, who in his own way loves the nephew, although among two boys, tom and sida, it allocates obedient, but a grade Side. She is trying to raise the volume with harsh methods, forces it to work, walk in the church and to school. Gek lives himself and daily must take care of food and roof over his head, he is more independent and serious than the mischief volume.)

Training Tom and Geek. (Tom studies in Sunday School, has to sharpen the texts from the Bible. In addition, at home aunt Polly controls his behavior and requires to make a right thing, in Christian. Hope does not study, he has any training. Therefore, life has a real school for GEK Which hek is taught by the people he met, and circumstances. This training is sometimes completely dangerous, and you can learn how to go anything on the street. For example, life taught a hek smoking, so the first joys of freedom for Tom turned out to be freedom smoking, through sho it became very bad. )

Adventure as learning. (Both boys are very much better than a free life, but it brings dangerous adventures for both and only Mark Twain saves his heroes every time. In real life, the guys would have walked in the first adventure, or there were lives at all).

The qualities of the characters of Tom and Geek. (Both are cheerful leisurers, but the heek is more experienced in everyday issues, he can survive in any situation, and Tom never knows where his new fantasies will lead. GUK independently than that, does not like to obey, do what does not want. Tom - a home child, he is trying to compromise with the world of adults, arrange everything so that everything is good. A vivid confirmation of this is the case from the painting fence.)

Why is Tom and Gek - friends? Both boys are from different social layers, therefore aunt half does not allow to be friends with the hect. However, they have very important common things for friendship: the same love for freedom and adventure, no perception of violence and coercion, sense of justice, devotion.

I. Expressive reading of heads from the novel

We continue the conversation started at the previous lesson, and read chapters from the novel.

How did the HK turn into Tom? How did Tom become Sid?

Let us read the chapter thirty-second "I give a new name" and chapter thirty-third "sad end of the king and the duke" (fragments of the teacher and students).

Why did hek surprised the desire of Toma to participate in the salvation of Jim?

Tom is a white boy from a prosperous family living in the south of the United States. According to Geek, he had no reason to violate the law.

Why was Tom interested in shooting Jim?

Tom was interested in shooting Jim, because he wanted an adventure, and not at all because he was very worried about the fate of Jim. Tom knew that Jim on the will of his deceased owner was no longer a slave, but a free person. Thus, already free, but not yet knowing about this Jim was only a toy for Tom.

We read the chapter thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth, data in the textbook-readstatology. The teacher will have the opportunity to assess the expressive reading of students.

II. Similarities and differences in the characters of volume and hek, their behavior in critical situations

How do you imagine the character of the hek? We note together with students the vitality of the hero and the bold humor, mental responsiveness and love of nature, foresight and the ability to decide. Gek without sticks sees real life, knows how to evaluate human nobility and knows what betrayal is.

How do you rate the actions of Tom?

If the teacher was given the corresponding explanations, then the children will see that Tom lives in the world who invented himself. For him, the game and imaginary adventures are more expensive than life and freedom of man. At the same time, he is kind, faithful to his word and cheerful friend.


Prepare a brief retelling of the end of the novel and the expressive reading of forty-second chapter.

Create (writing) a plan for a story about one of the heroes of the novel. (The teacher will explain that this may not be the protagonist, and distribute the tasks so that students can tell about the large number of heroes.)

Lesson 99.

Humor in the work. Characteristics of the heroes of the novel

"The Adventures of Geclberry Finn"

I. Short retelling and expressive reading of heads from the novel

We listen to a brief retelling of the end of the novel. The teacher ensures that the children allocate only the most significant, are not bonding in detail.

We listen to the expressive reading of the forty-second chapter of the novel, which completes the storyline.

II. Humor in the work

What episodes of the novel caused you laughter?

What can be called humor in this work: mild, kind, ulcer, evil?

III. Characteristics of the heroes of the novel "The Adventures of Geclberry Finn"

It is important that schoolchildren have the impression that a read novel is not just an adventure story, but the bulk picture of America's life of the middle of the XIX century. Well, if students are briefly talking about the judge of a timer, about the father of Geca, about Judith Loftz, about the Gengersford family, about Miss Sofia and Garni Shepeffsone, about the meanness of the Duke and King and the nobility of Mary Jane.

We will finish the lessons on the novel "The Adventures of Geclberry Finn" by the Council to get acquainted with other works Mark Twain.

Summing up the year

2 hours

Lesson 100.

Summing up the year

The teacher will choose the form of summing up the year, depending on the needs of training and tasks facing the class. This may be a concert lesson, a farewell lesson with a textbook, quiz, creative workshop, survey.

In the second part of the textbook (p. 315-316), there is a list of works recommended for independent reading in the summer. The textbooks will be passed by students to the library, so the teacher will need to take care of the chance that each sixth grader get a copy of this list.

The lesson can be organized in the form of an excursion for the exhibition of books, show listed books, tell about them. If someone from the disciples already read some works, he will help the teacher to interest his classmates. Knowing the reader's interests of schoolchildren, the teacher will tell someone from the disciples to which book should pay special attention to.

If it is possible, it is best to spend such a lesson in the library.

Lesson 102.

Reserve lesson


Round year

September - Vessen

Vessel -month, which in the old days began the new year. In the boras blooms a purulent-lilac heather carpet, herbs begin to fade. Vegetables were kept on the gardens: carrots, turnips, beets, cabbage.

The herass ended the harvest, people celebrated the dogs, baked bread from the flour of a new crop. The last sheaf from the field was excited by ribbons, decorated and solemnly brought to the hut, put in a red angle. In families where girls were issued, they began to prepare for the weddings.

During the dogs and children, and adults twisted out of the straw doll-rings. Dolls were made so that they could be put on the table. The peasants sat around the table, sang, knocked on the table fists in tact singing. The dolls themselves moved along the dismissal boards of the table - danced, glory to the god of the field.

October - Yellow

Low the carpet of yellow leaves. The caravans of birds stretch to the south. And the current goes cheerful throat. Baba feed shennas, men knock at the tsepami, children become a molded straw.

Yellowfinishes wild and garden work. With the cover begins weddings.

Ancient title of October - Glorizer. The grain was a symbol of wealth, health, well-being. People deified strength that turned a small seed into the plant. Little linen bag filled with grains, dress as a woman - a guarantee of the genus. It turns out a grain doll - charm for all at home.

November - Pigeon

The land, softening from the autumn rain, is fatal to piles. The North Cold Wind turns fresh straw on the roofs of the wrong roofs. Forests naked and empty.

People have warm and cozy. Women began his needlework. They are strained, Tkut, embroider, prepare gifts Parashen-Friday - a patronage of women's fate. A woman is hiding, but a man makes her spinning and spinning. Following Paraskeva - Kuzminka, the holiday of men's crafts.

On the day of Parasis-flaxus, women and girls carried their gifts to sources that Paraskeva patronized. Embroidered towels, woven ribbons and subtles hung in a red corner of the icon or specially cropped to the holiday figure of Paraskeva.

December - Gmuryen

December-GMUREN - the darker month, dark and cold. People on the outstage are sitting, humble, waiting for solvents. On the day of the winter solstice, the sun turns on the summer, winter - on the frost.

The shields are approaching. Children are going, bother, they are preparing to walk in the courtyards with songs - to collect. Long winter evenings listen to grandmothers fairy tales. Girls playing in dolls, boys crawling sunshine.

In the hut is closely, the muck gives little light. Children remember the summer when brightly shone and all warmed the sun. So that it is more likely returned, make solar signs from the java rod, from chips, lycons and straw.

January - Jelly

Famous Epiphany frosts come to jelly-January.

"Castle frost with windows in the windows; It is knocked in the walls and in the door, so that the logs are bursting. And people flooded the stoves, bake themselves the pancakes hot yes over the winter are pounded "( K. G. Ushinsky). Guys for firewood into the forest ride, on the roads the roads stretch. The kids skate yes on the sleds, in the snowballs play, women are tinned, the mountains are built, water is watered and the frost is cliche: "come to send".

During the density, according to the ancient beliefs, the elements dominate the world, perfume. Girls on the sagnes are guessing. Children do not play regular games. Dolls are cleaned. They play frogs, flavors, sing songs, riddled the riddles, mask masks are larva.

February - snowflage

Wars the wind, the snow turns around the fields. Days become noticeably longer, but the sun is still bad warm. Winter begins to bother.

Adults woven the canvas, sew shirts and sundresses. Girls made of cropping new dolls, dressing them, playing on the stove. Duch dots are casting, the children are swing, go to visit.

The boys are increasingly out of the street. There, after a penalty, the tits are ringing, long icicles are pulled out in the sun. Spring close!

What only dolls do not have girls in Lukushka! Publi dolls - wand cloth wrapped, sundress will go. The scroll dolls turned out per minute of the mother's headscarf.

Winter without warmth can not live. Everything related to the oven, with fire, was sacred in antiquity. As the echoes of the ancient rituals - the ash dolls and the doll is fully.

March - Zimobor

Ancient name of the month - Lutich. Increasingly blowing lyut - warm southern wind. In the air already smells in the spring. At noon, the sun is noticeably hesitated, icicles cooked with roofs, snow frills. Protalyki shown in the forest and in the garden. But winter does not give up: it will turn off the snow with snow, then the streams will turn into ice.

The peasants are celebrating the carnival.

"The called, I called an honest seven widespread carnival to myself to take a walk: ride on the mountains, in pancakes to be called."

Noisy and fun on the streets. Sani fly, the children from the mountains ride, dressed up a large straw doll - Maslenitsa, and on Sunday the whole village burns it.

April - Berezozol

Run from the mountains of funny streams. The kids make boats from the bark and poplar, let them go along streams. We look forward to the appearance of white guns on the willow, gladly find the first green grass on the selection. After Easter, the Earth begins to warm up, birch wake up. The guys go beyond birch juice, drink themselves and bring elders in jugs and bowls. The peasants are sworn in spring sun - Yarilo.

At Easter the greatest joy in children - Easter eggs. They are painted, they change, "beating", ride on Katalnice - a groove. Play painted eggs from wood, clay eggs-rats.

From the alloy and cheroch branches make whistles, take on the street painted clay birds, and whistle stands all day in the air.

May - Travy

The grass is covered with meadows, trees green, whip the nests of the bird. The peasants plow the ground, sow wheat and rye. Women work in the gardens, in the gardens. In the evenings, the girls will lead rounds - they reclaim the Lada, the ancient Slavic goddess of love, marriage and fertility. If Mai will be warm, if you do not thanple cold rains, shoots will be friendly, the crop is good, winter - full.

Girls and women ask Lada so that she helps them to safely give birth to a child. On the red slide, the girl make a cuckoo doll, with songs go behind the village, on the border of the field and forest, bury her secretly from the guys. It is the echo of an old rite of sacrifice in Lada.

June - Sressers

The cross means "sunny". The whole month is filled with the sun. For the Day of the Summer Solstice, healing herbs are in full force. Birch curls are curved on the trinity, decorate ribbons, water dance.

The biggest holiday is Ivan Kupala. Shoots rose together, groats of blood, herbs are high. Before the harvest is still far, the Senokos has not yet begun. Days are long, nights are short. Walking the village!

In Ivan, the girls' wreaths were allowed in water: what shore is a wreath - on the shore, in that village and married to go. All games and rituals are connected with the fire and water and water. Through the bonfire jump, in rivers and lakes bathe. Children all day on the street disappear - do not come!

July - Cherven

Red is a month cherry. Berries are sleeping - strawberries, blueberries, raspberries. After the rains in the glades - mushroom spikels. Senokos begins. Families go to long-range buds. Men are slammed, worst worshipers and digging, the children are lying in the Seine. The hay is globular. All thanks to the Spirit-meadow. There will be cows with hay - children with milk.

Girls are twisted from the hay of the pupa, climb on the rag - play. And then the twig or root fell a little man.

In the forest often go. To back up Leshego, put in the hollow doll as a gift.

August - Serpent

Augustus with sickle does not part. The harvest is no wonder in the people called the suffer. Squeeze wheat, rye, the oats should be on time so that the bread does not overlook, they did not start. Earls are cigased, displaced when they are shedding, sheaves on the carts are shipped, they will come to the Avive. Children than adults can help. Not far from rest peasants, once holidays celebrate.

Ancient name of the month - gut.It is richly rich - there will be a bark full, there will be bread on the table. Life continues.

Rite "Baptism and Funeral Cuckoo"

Ethnographers are unanimous in the opinion that the dance entertainment of Russians most fully unfold on the Trinity, during the week preceding the holiday, as well as the week coming after him.

The celebration of the Trinity is inextricably linked to the birch: the birch was curved, developed, decorated with ribbons. Women and girls squeezed pairwise. At the same time, a spiritual relationship was meant under Kumshithic.

The rite of "baptism and funeral cuckoo" had widespread. On a certain day (deadlines could change in different fields) women and girls went to the grove. There, the glade was located around the birch, and in other places - around the plant "Cukushkina tears", who wanted to "die", hung their crosses on the birch or two crucifically stuck over the crushes of the rod. All participants in the fellow sang songs, who decided to dug his girlfriends kissing through the ring of the lace of the native cross and exchanged crosses. After kuming, young people got sophisticated.

In the Rostov district of the Yaroslavl province, the girl took with them the egg, "kulichku" and a small motility of threads, charged to the Great Thursday. Those who wish to duplicate the girls were twisted by one braid of three branches of young birch, intelligible into it a multicolored ribbon. Spit tied up on the threshold motley. Such an interweaving from the branches was called a latch. The girls sentenced: "Cuckoo, cuckoo, sagging my little bread."

In the dance-gaming complex of the Schigrovsky county of the Kursk province (in the economic peasants) in the middle of the XIX century, also included the "baptism of cuckoo". On the Schown Nikola (May 9), "Podliva": girls and women with songs walked into the forest, found a plant cuckoo and under a special song Pololi grass around her, then pulled a plant with the root and "dressed up as a doll."

In the second part of the cycle, the day of the day, dressed cuckoo was carried with a song into the forest, where the twist of the top of two birches was spilled. Then they sang. Havory, sang songs.

In the village of Ostyg Bryansk County in Troitsyn, the day, peasant girls gathered in a grove, where they pulled out a young birch and decorated with her ribbons and jn. At the very top of the birch, a crunch plant was tied. Girls squeezed. Then the young tree with a cuckoo on the top of the girl was carried into a secluded place, trying to be nobody noticed, put the birch, coming down on one of the girls: Birch began - a girl will get married.

On the Eagles of the Girls of Two Birches tied the "rolling", that is, the belt, hung on the birch of the crosses, the grass of the plant, called the crunch here, and ribbons. Then the girls converged and diverged from the birch trees with the song, kissed, pairly exchanged crosses. After trepidated and walked.

Anna Rows, an employee of the Methodological Center at the Department of Culture of the Kaluga Region, reports according to the results of expeditions, which, until now, in the villages of the Visdan and Lyubovsky districts, girls are going to cope.

The old women say that on the day of returning the Easter, the girls made a selection of two dolls - a girl and a guy. Dolls were dressed in accordance with custom and attached ate to the branch. The ascension with the songs went to the edge of the forest to two young birchms. Guys were allowed on this rite. A branch with dolls stuck between two birches, gave up dolls embroidered towel - baptized. The second twisted the tops birches are kuma. Over the dolls, the girls squeezed: "Come on, Cuma, die to do not bother you." Dolls from the "cuckoo" used later during the djield games.

In another part of the village of Lyubovsky district, as well as in the Kirovsky and Kuibyshev region, Kukonili. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, Ethnographers S. V. Maksimov, E. N. Eleonskaya celebrated this rite as a separation.

Production technology of dolls, so-called twists, Anna rows describes in detail. They were made from the canvas, pieces of vehicles twisted and tied by thread. Printed dolls made of canvas and straws, vessels and sawdust were made. Such a doll is usually pelenali. A doll with handles and legs out of twigs dressed as a woman or a bride.

If the doll- "cuckoo" was buried in a grude, then the girls were left in the evening in the evening in the house where they did a doll. They laid a doll in Gulgarian, walked, as the dead. Early in the morning, eggs or scrambled eggs were taken to the Ascension, Salo, Pellet and Kvass and slowly went out for the Occolic. At the pre-selected place next to the rye field and a lonely oak girl with a sorrowful view, imitating the funeral, brought a grude.

The cuckoo was baptized, trottered with holy water, or fucked the cuckoo on the oak branches and bred fire so that the smoke from the fire was on the doll.

After djorers, the cuckoo was buried so that the extraneous eyes did not see. Dropped out the hole. A doll in a grude or in the rag was lowered into the ground and buried. The place wasted, so that it was imperceptible, and joined the other youth, walking on the "shoster".

On the trinity or perfume, the girl's day went to cope, whether the tomb was broken by the guys. If the land is not touched, it means that the year will be a yield and on bread, and at weddings.

We see that territorial rites, including baptism or funeral cuckoo, are distributed in the southern part of Russia. Their comparison allows us to highlight the main components of rites: birch, mandatory participation of girls, pair courage, riddling on fertility and wedding, image of "cuckoo".

Birch is revered by Slavs from pre-Christian times as a sacred tree. During the rigging of the birch of birch, the tops are down, it is possible to correlate this action with the image of a sacred birch, growing down the branches.

Songs in honor of the Lada were performed since the beginning of the spring, on a fomial of the week, that is, a red hill, on a semit, Trinity and on perfume. Especially allocated "Green shints":

Bless, Trickyna Virgin,

We go to the forest

We wreath curl!

Ai, Dido, Ah, Lado!

In the songs dedicated to Lada, agrarian themes often intertwined with the marriage.

Lady and Léil, Mother and daughter, - Goddess of the coming and born nature. They are relatives of Greek Devenand Bark-perceft.B. A. Rybakov writes: "This couple is a lot of ancient, so to speak, original than antique myths and folklore remorse, and it leads us to a pair of hunting rolling, which are also mother and daughter. But here we are dealing with guy already agricultural, associated not with the surprise of beasts, but with the vegetative force of the spring heyday of vegetation in general and bread cereals in particular. "

Returning, the resurrection daughter is a renewer of the mother.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal pushes the word kumá.as a reprint consisting of anyone in spiritual relationship.

That is why on the Trinity, a holiday dedicated to ancient times with two goddesses, girls were in pairs. The girls guess - asked the goddesses about the fertility of the earthly, about the wedding, about the well-being birth of children.

Form cuckoorequires special consideration. The meaning of the rites that appeared in the XVIII century, by the XIX century in Russia was already partially lost. The participants of the rite tried to re-comprehend, fill the action with understandable content.

Form cuckooconnected with a bird cuckoo, with a plant cukushkina tearsand other plants. This is a later rethinking of the rite.

Cuckooit is associated with the way Leliei. This name is close words lyalya, Lyalka -child, child, doll, toy; cherishcarefully wearing a child; cradle -children's cradle; lelka -the stork, with whom the belief is due to the fact that he brings children.

"Lelia, Lyalyacould be almost a none designation of his daughter, "said B. A. Rybakov.

Cuckoo -this is a doll, child, a bunch of energy in which life originates.

Fasmer believes that the assumption of the original Slavic origin of the word dollunacceptable, like his relationship with the word cook -fist.

However, look in dictionaries.

In Sanskrit. kucati -shrink kucas -women's chest. Bulgarian "Cook" - a hook, crutch.

F. G. Preobrazhensky shows that the root -Kukain words document, boredom, bored, botherit is believed to "cush" - grief. Kuksa is the one who Handrees, that is, hesitates the features of the face, distorts its energy field.

Kýkish -this is a special way compressed in a fist Palm, the index finger bends in the form of a hook.

Everyone is well acquainted with the word "doll" as the designation of the cocoon, one of the stages of the butterfly development. Cocoon, as V. I. Dal writes, is the "casing of silk caterpillar, the Kutanka, the PRESS, in which the larvae of a silky drum is lying."

Cookthe race of the hood in which the head is wrapped up.

Serbohorvatskoye cook -ballist (female headdress). Bulgarian duck -rod hats.

In the Kaluga and Orlovsky Councils, the doll is a clinch, a swirling in bread, the waters of the keyland, sorcerer, on the damage or the death of the one who will remove the doll.

In Pskov Sovica doll -it is about 20 pounds of clean flax in a bundle.

The total meaning of all these words is something curved, twisted, safety.

Now remember how dolls did in the old peasantry. They were twisted, bends, coiled from a piece of fabrics, were separated, they were associated with a thread or a ribbon. They called them twists, twists.

Plant cuckooduring the ritual, they dressed as a doll. Girls of the Rostov County did a stuff of branches, threads and ribbons. Straightened thread, fabric is a clot of energy, the result of the labor of many people. Probably, the more ancient name of the Motushka is a cocoon, a doll - transformed into a cuckoo, which is asked to save the muzzle.

Doll, it believes proppage, is a human communication channel with the world of gods, spirits and ancestors - patron sorts of kind. Such communication can occur only in the absence of outsiders, so the girls made their rites with secret, on the border of the field and forest, near the oak - the sacred tree of Perun.

The Russian archaic rite of funeral cuckoo cuckoo is close to Greek mysteries depicting the abduction of perverse phones. We feel the unity of two daughters of the great goddesses - two goddesses of spring and love, which go to another, underground world. This indicates the participation of land in rituals: plugging cuckoo, digging with root or grass, called cuckoo, planting birch, instillation of dolls to the ground.

Cuckoo funeral We can tie with the motive of the victim and redemption. For the peasant girl, the future wife, the mother, the most important stage of life after marriage was the birth of a child. Births could go fine, could be heavy. Both a woman and a child during childbirth were on the border of life and death. The biggest happiness of the woman was a prosperous permission from the burden. Help, Mother Lada, child to give birth to healthy, and we will give you a lynalechka, doll - cuckoo, twist.

The doll may be the victim that the goddess-guy was brought, patrons of human race.

We can say that the Trinity Circummer Complex included the oldest rite of sacrifice associated with the worship of the Goddess of Lada and Lelee. This rite lived in a changed form to the present day - as a rite of baptism and cuckoo funeral.

"Tale of Bygone Years" - an outstanding monument of ancient Russian literature

Lesson of extracurricular reading

The lesson of extracurricular reading teacher builds depending on the preparation of students and the presence of an illustrative material. It is important to emphasize that we are talking about events of more than a thousand years ago. The legends are legendary, that is, elements of the historical foundation are fused in them with fiction. When talking about this we will rely on the knowledge obtained in the study of the "Legend of Arion" recorded by Herodot. Reading legendary legends, such as "revenge Olga," we will not perceive them literally.

To awaken the interest of children and cause them the response of recognition, read them an excerpt from the "Tale of Bygone Years", describing the largest rivers of ancient Russia and the path of "Varyag in Greeks", we will find these rivers on the geographic map and follow the legendary path. If you live on Dnieper, Dvina, Volga or Valdai hill near the "Okovsky Forest", your disciples will feel the joy of the fact that they are also said about their native place in the most ancient Russian chronicle, and will be more likely to deserve their involvement in the history of the native people.

"Dnipro Bo Film from the Forest Film, and to flow on the alignment, and the Dvina of the same forest will flow, to Aita on the seal and lifted in the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Warm. The same forest flies the Volga on the entrances, and to lend a semal jerle to the sea pioneering "(Tale of the time for the Lavrentiev Chronicles of 1377 - SPb.: Nauka, 1999. - P. 9).

The Okovsky Forest was located on the waterproof of the Dnieper and Volga, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Valdai Hills. About the title of this forest resembles the village of Okovtsy near Ostashkov.

History of creating a work

To the creation of a novel about one of the characters of the book "Adventures of Tom Sawyer", a tramp named Gek Finn, Mark Twain began in 1876. However, the writer postponed the novel by writing about one fourth book. He returned to writing in 1883, graduated from 1884, published - in 1885 in the UK.

The first edition of the novel "The Adventures of Geclberry Finn" was accompanied by the author's remark "Time of action - 40 or 50 years ago" - This is an autobiographical reference, indicating that the author, being a teenager, was a direct member of the events (as in Tome Sawier's book).

It is known that in childhood he witnessed the case of friendship between a young fisherman and a ragless black (central story of the narrative). Fisherman, knowing about the high award for the capture of the Negro, was not seduced by money and did not give his friend.

Many events described in the novel were children's impressions of the author, which is why the novel turned out to be surprisingly realistic, truthful and merciless, and made it a work from which all modern American literature came out "(Ernest Hemingway's opinion).

Composition, content

Roman about Geek Finn refer to the category of "Great American Romanov". His main stylistic feature is that it is written in the conversational version of the language (in the American literature it was recorded for the first time, and for this work was a flurry of critics).

The story is leading from the first person - from the face of Geklberry Finn. The author will vividly depict the language and speech of small tramp, creates a magical illusion of a boyish story, without any etiquette, literary and grammatical rules.

The novels "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Adventures of Geclberry Finn" turned out to be extremely different: "Tom Sawyer" nostalgic and idyllic, "Gek Finn" - naturalistic and cruel. In terms of composition, there are also significant differences: "Tom Sawyer" smooth and consistent, "Gek Finn" has a fragmentary and amorphous composition. The central line of the narration is a journey to the raft and the subsequent escape of Gope and Jim. All episodes are composite links of this central chain.

At the end of the first book of Huck and Tom Raders, finding the treasure of Indian Joe. The Douglas widow took Gope as her Savior, to her house, she intended to adopt him and grow it with a gentleman. The city of Gope, drunkard and scoundrel appear in the city, and, kidding him, keeps in a forest hut. Guck does his own murder and runs away from the Father on the River to the island of Jackson. On the island of Guck, it turns out not one - Jim is covered here, a quick ebony. He runs north to earn money and redeem his family.

During the spill of Mississippi, the island of Jackson swims the raft, and heck with Jim decide to float on it (Jim is now looking for suspicion of the murder of Geeka). They swim at night, buy or steal food, hijaculate the gangsters a boat with a stupid, stumble in the darkness of the steamer, drown and saves, lose each other.

Hope sometimes experiences remorse of conscience because he actually stole someone else's property - Negro, but at the same time he understands that a friend who has become Jim for him cannot betray. The scammers who nailed to traveling pairs, rent Jim, and put him in prison, and Gek falls to the family of Phelps, relatives of Tom Sawyer. GEK and Tom prepare the escape of Jim, but when the Negro is released, Tom wounds the bullet.

In the end, it turns out that the owner of Jim, Miss Watson, died, having taught the Negora liberation, and Tom knew this perfectly, but could not refuse the plan for adventure.

Hero of the novel

Central Character Roman - Geclberry Finn. The author is no coincidence that makes the narrator not Tom, but hek. The main character of the novel - tramp, the true child of the people with a colorful and expressive language. For a unique language and naturalistic paintings in some states, the book was equated to "Musor, suitable only for landfill", seized from libraries.

The work is completely revealed by the history and character of the hek, whereas in the first part about Tome Sawyer Gek was drawn slightly, running. Gek - man of nature and pupils of streets, he is a child, but looks at the world really and independently. Helping Jim, Gek, first of all, satisfies his first need to be always free.

At first, Gek, as a south citizen, considers the Negro slave, as something of granted, natural, but in the end he understands the price of loyalty, courage, devotion and begins to appreciate friendship with the black. Paradoxically - because for such friendship in America the late 19th century it was necessary to be a very bold man.

Problems of novel

Real realists brilliantly accepted the novel, recognizing its viability, innovation and high quality realism.

This is the story of the friendship of the non-driving layers of society (the author of Jim and Gope's right in the rights, making the heek with an impact vagabol, garbage of a decent society), about the prejudices of slave owners, about the truth freedom and the need for people not cured slavery chains.

Mark Twain defends the right black for normal life: they were inspired by the centuries that they were created to serve that white was better and smarter than black. The author claims - the gentlemanship is not transmitted by blood, and around black people are full of white with black souls.