South East on Feng Shui in the apartment. Zone of richness on Feng Shui in the apartment: how and how can they be issued

South East on Feng Shui in the apartment. Zone of richness on Feng Shui in the apartment: how and how can they be issued
South East on Feng Shui in the apartment. Zone of richness on Feng Shui in the apartment: how and how can they be issued

Nowhere on cash anema-shui is not relying as in China. And it is not surprising, because the science of harmonious distribution

Positive energy came to us just from this country.

Her residents know where at home or office should be laid the way for Qi so that money flows into the wallet.

We also own this secret and today will share them with you. We will tell how to determine the zone of wealth than to strengthen it, and what to position in it in order to attract financial flows.

How to determine the zone of wealth

The richness zone is located in the south-east of your home. It is easy enough to calculate it, but it must be borne in mind that we do not live in the country in which "born" a hairdry shui, so the Bagua mesh, which we will use, acts from us in an inverted form (usually north on top, south below , East on the right, the west left, and on the Bagua, the opposite is normal).

To begin with, draw the Bagua, then on another sheet, draw the exact plan of your home, not forgetting about the doors, storage room, bathroom, toilet, windows and balconies. Cut both pictures. Now remember, in which side of you North, South, West and East. Take the grid on the plan so that the south to Bagua coincides with the north on your drawing. And see where the southeast is located in your apartment (or in the house).

However, there is a way and easier: Stand your back to the entrance door, and face in the apartment - the far left corner of the entire premises and will be a wealth zone.

You can activate both the southeast of the entire apartment and the cash zone of the Cabinet. The second is even preferable, especially if you are his only owner. By the way, if you calculate the wealth sector for some one room, it is necessary to watch from the interior door, but, again, putting a face to the place where the money is going to "lure".
In general, it is more expedient to intensify the zone of wealth in the room that is somehow connected with your work, or the room in which you spend the most time. The fact is that if you try to adjust the entire apartment for the adoption of cash flows (and, especially, a large private house), then there is a danger that the wealth sector will be in the utility room, in the bathroom or on the balcony. In these places, it will be much more difficult to work with the energy of Qi.

How and how to strengthen the zone of wealth

First, hover the ideal order in the wealth sector. And constantly keep it. Even the slightest dirt will make it difficult to move the movement of Qi (positive energy), and you will not achieve a positive result. Throw away or at least remove all unnecessary and broken items from this zone, cracked dishes, paper (documents) that have already lost their relevance, debt receipts, utility bills and reminders of people who have ever had something .

Now install the water source in the wealth sector. It may be a small fountain or aquarium with goldfish. In general, ideally, the fluid should constantly circulate, as if updating, will be refreed to refer to the same way, lining all new and new sources of income to you.

If you do not have the opportunity to place in the south-east of the water, then hang there a picture with its image. However, it is not necessary to choose a drawing with a lake, a sea or a pond - standing water will not bring you wealth. The optimal option is a waterfall. Or the river, which is clearly moving, but does not boil.

The next mandatory component of the wealth zone is a tree. Here it is advisable not to do the image, but buy a live plant. The best thing is suitable (paint), as well as other housekeeping decorative flowers with fleshy round, not very large leaves. Next to the real village can be put artificially with coins or with diverse stones instead of leaves.

Water and wood - control elements of the wealth sector, but also they require amplification. Spread the golden color coin in this zone and put some electrical appliance (or just put two new batteries). However, if you have already placed an artificial fountain here, you can not add anything else, as it works from electricity. Complete your "Monetary Altar" of one of the figurines that symbolize financial well-being (we will tell about them in the next subsection).

In addition, use a sheet with affirmations. We give a few examples, and you can compose your thoughtformers. We remind you that they are written in the affirmative form, in the present.

  • I always have enough money.
  • I get a stable income.
  • Money brings me everything I do.
  • I can afford to buy any thing you like.
  • My wallet is always full of large bills.
  • I am a rich man.
  • Money flock to me from all sides.
  • I am a successful person.
  • Fortune is always with me.
  • I am constantly lucky.
  • I get the most profitable orders.
  • Money love me.
  • I easily get so much money as I need.
  • All investments are returned to me in the tripled size.

Hang your "List of wealth" next to your "cash altar" and read these affirmations twice a day - in the morning, when you wake up, and in the evening, before going to bed. In addition, pronounce these statements before each important transaction and simply during the working day. At the same time, it clearly imagine that you already have what you are talking about. After graduating from the "autotraining" session, arouse the image of a huge bright sun similar to a gold coin before a mental look.

Talismans zone wealth

The most important money talisman is toad sitting on a coin or holding it in the mouth. The figure can be wooden, clay, metal, onyx or jade. Watch this statuette should be from the richness zone to the center of the room.

Next important sign - orange. It symbolizes the creative strength and energy of the sun, the glitter of gold, wealth. Keep fresh oranges in the south-east or draw three bright fetus and hang next to a sheet with affirmations.

If you feel that competitors "moved" around you, or that someone gets on your money, your property or your position, then put the souvenir gun in the wealth zone - this is the most powerful talisman that protects against the tracks of enemies and from the negative energy flow . However, remember that as soon as the situation stabilizes, the gun must be removed, otherwise it will at the same time "protect" you and from new cash revenues.

If you have to make an important transaction, but you are not sure about the trustiness of the alleged partners, then put the figure of the eagle in the wealth zone. He symbolizes turning, and no one can deceive you. In general, if you do not know how to calculate the financial situation a few steps forward, then hold the eagle in the south-east.

In addition, it is recommended to "settle" in the zone of wealth and statuette of owls - it symbolizes wisdom and will help you competently dispose of the money obtained, and also not to miss the opportunity to you. In addition, she will contribute to your spiritual growth.

If your scope of activity is creativity, then your money talisman is a dragon. It will assist in attracting new ideas, large fees and patrons, and will still protect you and your home from everything that can harm you.

And do not forget that the richness zone is "replied" and for financial, and for spiritual well-being. Therefore, it is impossible to act in one direction and wish exclusively money. Feng Shui truly "works", if you help those who need it, constantly develop as a person, improve your skills.

Feng Shui is a doctrine of harmony, so the desire for material supply should be equalized to good actions, psychological comfort and desire to move to a new level of maturity and consciousness.

In addition, it is worth remembering that the science of Feng Shui is not a magic wand. She will not give you wealth if you simply spread the coin on the apartment, put the money talismans, and you yourself are in front of the TV in anticipation of mystical enrichment. In order to have something, you need to work. "A rolling stone gathers no moss". And even more so, there is not the fertile energy of qi.

"Money can do everything: to tear the rocks, tear the rivers. There is no such vertex where the donkey, loaded with gold, could not climb.

Fernando de Rojas

Any house is a living, breathable organism, approves Feng Shui. He may be in harmony with his owners, and may not be friends with them. Our housing has sections of space, each of which is responsible for the well-being of one or another sphere of the owner's life. When something goes wrong, it is quite possible that some sector in the apartment is incorrectly decorated and deactivated. This also applies to money.

We are looking for a cash sector

The zone of wealth in the apartment on Feng Shui is southeast. Find this part of the house is easy. You can use the compass or the Ba-Gua grid. Either make it even easier: to determine the southeast in any room, stand back to the entrance door - the left far corner and is southeast. There is a zone of wealth. Come on this part of the apartment. Does not prevent you from excess furniture? If it is difficult to move freely in this zone - there will be no interference to circulating the energy of qi.

Cress in order the sector of money

The zone of money on Feng Shui in the apartment requires purity. Free this place from excess trash, unnecessary things. Moreover, there should be no garbage, dust and dirt. Now we need to get rid of such objects that may not just slow down monetary activity, but also destroy it. In the zone of wealth, it is not recommended to place such things:

  • Antique things. Each thing has its own energy field. Old objects that concerned many different hands can change the vibration field and become a strong obstacle to the energy of money. Even if they are very attractive and perfectly fit into the entourage at home - remove them from the zone of wealth.
  • Bin. This subject is very negative effect on the wealth zone. The garbage creates a certain vacuum in the energy field, which sucks positive, dynamic energy. Remove it from there immediately.
  • Broken items. Damaged things are surrounded by a kind of failure (after all, they suffered in their existence, broke). Such objects are able to reduce all efforts to improve life. They have the energetics of the negative.
  • The same emitters are "dead", destroying energy are dry flowers, faded, sick plants and cacti.

    Be sure to get rid of wealth zone from such things. And cacti that generate the energy of Sha, it is better to put in the work room (they will help you to realize you planned plans and develop ideas).

  • Refrigerator. Although the refrigerator appeared much later than the teachings of Feng Shui, but modern experts claim that the monetary sector should be free from such aggregates. If it is impossible to make, protect the refrigerator. Just watch out for its cleanliness, lack of land. Keep more fresh fruits in it, vegetables.
  • Fireplace. He creates a comfort and warmth in the apartment. But if the southeast, where the money sector is, decorated with a fireplace, which is directly related to fire, then the cash flow can simply burn. Fire extremely negatively affects this zone. Throwing the fireplace is completely optional - you can neutralize it. Put a small aquarium on it or hang a picture with water elements.Https: //

    Awaken from hibernation money sector

    This part of the apartment should be well lit. Then the money will not be lost in the dark, and you will go to success in a bright way and successfully cost all obstacles, bypassing dead end, noticing danger in time.

    What if the wealth sector is the bathroom?

    Of course, the bath and toilet move problematic. But in the teachings of Feng Shui there is nothing impossible. In this case, on the doors of these premises, hang mirrors.

    Make sure that the mirrors do not reflect the entrance door and do not "stabbed" the crown of people living in this house.

    It will be very effective if you place the bells in such rooms. Put the red rugs in front of the doors, and the pipes in the bathroom tie with red ribbons.

    In the event that a bedroom accounts for a wealth zone, we do not do anything. After all, the energy of Yin circulates in the rest room. If the energy of qi is added to it, they will interfere with each other and the inhabitant of this room can get stress. Activate such southeast is not necessary. You are already becoming automatically the Lord of the monetary zone.

    The most perfect room for the zone of wealth in the apartment is a living room. In this case, you need to activate this area.

    How to activate the money zone in all the rules?

    Feng Shui proposes to use various characters, colors and objects for this that are ideal for the wealth sector and effectively make it work.

    Color gamma interior

    Ideal colors for attracting money - green, lilac, dark blue, gold, purple and black. You are waiting for unlimited space in creativity. You can decorate the southeast of the room with various items of decor of these colors. The correct color scheme will push the two most important elements of the wealth sector in the activation: wood and water.


    Forest we are there, of course not put. But to use some objects, symbolic wood - this is please. The biggest effect will give indoor plants in pots. The maximum benefit in the wealth sector will bring well-groomed, blooming "fat bank" ("Money Trop"). If you are a fierce opponent of living flowers - they can be replaced with drawings, photos, paintings with the image of forests, individual trees or flowers.


    Do you like aquarium fish? Aquarium with goldfish is the most perfect option. Just learn how to care for them, to clean the walls of the aquarium on time, to update water so that the richness zone is successful. The aquarium itself in the apartment should not be too big.

    By the way, if you suddenly die fish - do not panic! Feng Shui says that the deceased aquarium fish is a redemption that you will assign from yourself trouble. Fish should be nine (according to the rules of Feng Shui). Diverse the golden kingdom of fish of one black - to protect.

    Do not want to mess around fish? It does not matter, the vessel with water is suitable. And if it is also silver, then in combination with water silver turns into a powerful magnet for money. You can buy a home fountain. Well, or just hang in the sector of the richness of the painting or photographs depicting the water element. But not a standing pond (water should slowly move). Bruep in the form of tsunami, the fierce storm is also not needed. Beautiful waterfalls, quiet seas, gentle rivers - this is suitable.

In the photo: God of wealth and prosperity - Wote, monetary toad, turtles, a tree from coins, talisman - fish.

Additionally, it is possible to equip this zone with various cute and very effective trifles:

  • image of the hieroglyph "Money" for finance from different sources;
  • money Frog Fen Shui
  • chinese coins that your consciousness is configured to receive profits;
  • "Wind Music" to attract money;
  • monetary souvenirs from expensive metals or with precious stones.

After all, we need not just to activate the wealth sector, but also to make it clear that we yourself are ready to receive and take cash flow. Give such a message to space and turn into a secured person. Well-being!

It follows not only to accurately determine the zones of Feng Shui in the apartment, but also to activate them so that in the family there was harmony and happiness. Three approaches to this process are known, all of them are simple, but, nevertheless, in order to carry out the correct activation of certain sectors of their homes, it is necessary to study this science deeper.

Most people do not know how to determine the zones of Feng Shui in the apartment, moreover, they believe that only specialists can do it.

In fact, there is nothing complicated and impossible to do everything correctly, it will simply be pre-familiar with some rules. First you need to know where each of the sectors is located in the house and what he is responsible for.

The list of main zones looks like this:

  • north - Career Sector;
  • south - Success and self-realization zone;
  • west - the zone of children;
  • east - family and health;
  • northeast - wisdom and knowledge;
  • southwest - love and marriage;
  • southeast - wealth.

Some of these zones can be in doorways or windows. Experts say that in this case the Feng Shui sectors should pay special attention.

How to determine the zones of Feng Shui in the apartment in the way Ba Guo and with the help of a compass

Determine the Schedule Schui in your home you can in several ways. Perhaps the most famous and simple method is the method of Ba Guo. It is necessary to simply draw a CU-GUA-scheme design mesh on paper and cut it. It looks like this:

Focusing on the scheme that in the photo below, it is necessary to draw an apartment plan with all the premises existing in it:

It is important to take into account the bathroom, toilet and storage room, but the balconies and loggia are not included in this scheme.

There is another way that requires the use of a compass and transport. It is chosen primarily incredulous people or those who love accuracy in everything.

Doubting the correctness of the definition of the parties to the light, it is necessary to use the measuring instruments, they will not be submitted.

Just as it requires that the first way, using the compass, also need to draw a plan on the paper and cut it on paper. Then you need to find the center in your home. To do this, you need to take a well-sharpened pencil, on its point put a housing plan, drawn on paper, and it is important to achieve that the scheme does not fall. And as soon as a complete equilibrium is established, with confidence it can be assumed that the center of the house is determined with maximum accuracy.

The compass will easily show the northern, oriental, western and south side of the house. The sides of the world designate on paper, but apply them in a mirror reflection, where the south is indicated - write the north, where the West is east.

At the third stage, the definition of the parties in his apartment is not to do without transport. The center of this tool must be connected to the center of the paper plan, and sharing the apartment on 8 sectors, which will act with a hairdry shui zones.

How to activate the monetary zone in the apartment on Feng Shui

An important element of the richness zone is a tree, its color is red and green. The richness zone on Feng Shui in the apartment is located in the south-east of the dwelling. If you believe the ancient Chinese science, then this sector is directly connected with the wealth and the material situation of the hosts of the house.

Activate the Feng Shui zone in an apartment responsible for financial well-being is simple: it is sufficient to increase its lighting in order to attract the energy of qi.

It is possible to strengthen money on Fen-Shui money in the apartment by placing one of the symbols of wealth. As such a symbol, any products made of precious stones and metals or a silver vessel with water can be.

In this sector of its home, you can arrange an aquarium with a goldfish or "money" tree. The cash area in the apartment on Feng Shui, equipped in this way, will bring stable revenues to their masters, making them secured people.

Family and love zone in the apartment on Feng Shui: Activation of marriage and children zones

According to this Ancient Chinese science, finding your love and acquire family happiness will help the right arrangement of the dwelling. The Love Zone on Feng Shui in the apartment is located in her southwestern part. To activate it, first of all, pair items and talismans will help.

In Chinese philosophy, the most powerful talisman are ducks-mandarins, which act as a symbol of loyalty. Now, when we live in the modern world, the activation of the Feng Shui zone in an apartment responsible for heartfers can be carried out with the help of any items symbolizing your loved one.

In the southwestern apartment zone, you can place photos where you are with your loved one, also pictures of couples, hearts and Valentine's lovers. The Chinese are recommended in the love zone to arrange pictures with the image of peonies.

The elements of the southwest is a big land that fire warms. From this it follows that symbols and colors of fire will help to activate the zone - red, yellow, orange colors and candles.

If you decide to put candles in this sector of your house in order to strengthen love or, if you wish to meet a beloved person, choose only paired candles. This plot of your home should be well covered, it cannot be placed by the elements of the tree, for example, houseplants in pots.

There is also a marriage zone in the apartment on Feng Shui, so in order to improve the relationship between husband and wife, in addition to the photo, two candles should be postponed - one red color, the other - white. These two candles, according to ancient Greek science, personify a man and a woman.

The family zone on Feng Shui in the apartment is located in the eastern part of the dwelling. In this corner of the house, it is advisable to place a photo depicting all family members. In the eastern sector, you should put steam symbols - clerk-tangerines, symbolizing loyalty and love, butterflies, personifying family happiness, doves or geese.

Specialists in Feng Shui say that this place in the apartment is ideal for storing intimate "attributes". This place can be left for placement of items intended for love jokes, magazines and books.

The western part of the dwelling is the zone of children on Feng Shui in the apartment, she is striving to activate all the parents who want happiness and well-being to their children. Activate this apartment sector will help flowers in pots and natural stones.

In addition, it is an ideal place to accommodate children's drawings, crafts and toys. If possible, it is advisable in the western part of the house or apartment.

How to activate in the apartment of good luck zone and career on Feng Shui

If you have long wish you career growth or just attract good luck in your life, arrange your home in the tradition of Feng Shui. The career zone on Feng Shui in the apartment is located in its northern part, its colors are blue and black.

It is possible to activate it using bright lighting, as well as signs and symbols that match your astrological sign and the GUA number.

Waiting for an increase in the career ladder, in this sector you can place a small room fountain. If you have already achieved significant success, it is still necessary to keep it or strengthen, for this, in the career zone, it is recommended to arrange pictures or photos with the image of water in a calm state.

The good luck zone on Feng Shui in the apartment is significantly strengthened if it is to put a turtle statuette in it, which is a bright representative of the element of water.

For those who want to try themselves in a new business, in the career zone you should put office equipment, it can be a computer, telephone or other accessories. In the career sector, according to ancient Greek science, it is impossible to put fire symbols.

Knowledge and wisdom zones in the apartment on Feng Shui: where are and how to activate

In the apartment of the knowledge zone on Feng Shui is located in the northeastern part. It is here that it is best to equip your office or library, since this sector contributes to good training. Experts argue that here any activity related to the development of new knowledge will be successful.

You can activate the knowledge sector using bright lighting, as well as all items that are related to the purpose of learning. It may be dictionaries, textbooks, globe, geographical maps, the choice of characters depends on the subject of the study.

There should be no sharp and cutting objects in this zone, as well as entertainment literature and all that is associated with cruelty and misfortune.

Health zone on Feng Shui in the apartment: how to activate the sector

In the heart of the Ba-Gua grid, a health zone is located. It is in the center of the house there is a sector responsible for the well-being of the host of the housing. Health zone on Feng Shui in the apartment can be activated with room plants located on wooden shelves. It is also advisable to find a place for clay pitcher and green objects. Such registration of the central part of the housing will help strengthen all family members.

Well, if natural landscapes and naval pebbles are located in this zone. In addition to intensive lighting to activate the health zone, it is recommended to use as much symbolic items as possible.

To this end, you can use bamboo or pine branch, peaches in odd quantities, a figure of the crane or deer. Bonsai Tree Specialists are recommended to position closer to the east of this apartment zone. If there is a table in this part of your house, decorate it with porcelain peaches, a vase or a statuette.

If you follow the teachings of Feng Shui, you can significantly improve your life in terms of health, love, career growth, financial situation.

In this article we will tell how to activate feng Shui Wealth Zone, So that you can attract prosperity and well-being in your home not only using, but also an ancient Chinese science.

Feng Shui Apartments, Wealth Zone

To begin with, we will define the basic characteristics of the richness zone in each house, as for the direction, it should be southeast, as for the main element, this is a tree, and as for color, it is green.

According to the ancient Chinese science, Feng Shui, any residential premises, whether it is a house, apartment, cottage, etc., is divided into certain zones, each of which is responsible for a certain human life sphere. Each such zone has its own unique element and the color, as we have already been designated above, in the wealth zone, this element tree, and the color is green. It is important to be able to apply these symbols in such a way that they can activate the desired zone into the home, and in the future all this has benefited.

Pay attention before you begin to activate any zones in your home, you need to spend thorough cleaning and get rid of old things, unnecessary things. A dirty dwelling with a hairdryer is absolutely not combined, but, therefore, it does not work.

Activation of the richness zone Fen Shui

After you spend the general cleaning of your home or apartment, get rid of different trash and determine the desired zone in the southeast direction, you can move directly to its activation. First, fill this site with various objects that symbolize the abundance. This may be the statuette of hotels or a three-year-old toad, it should be putting them so that these figures watched inland housing, but in no case towards the entrance door. Also attracting wealth and wealth will help the figurines in the form of a grain of a pulp and recharge, as well as in the form of a large turtle with two smaller. A symbol consisting of three Chinese coins tied with a thin red ribbon or braid is still well suited in this case. By the way, a similar symbol for attracting money can also be stored in the wallet, near the phone or computer.

Well will help to attract wealth to your home, placed in the right part of the apartment living, the so-called "money tree", it has a rounded form leaflets similar to small coins, and so that it always has fresh, grew well and fed to moisture, should be put next to It is a small room fountain or aquarium. Increase the force of the same money tree will help placed under the flower pot of the three Chinese coins, which we talked above.

A fairly strong mascot to raise finance is the aquarium itself, it, like all other talismans, should be installed in the southeastern part of the residential premises, but at the same time it is necessary to strictly observe a number of the rules described below.

The first rule. The aquarium must be based on the size of the room in which it was installed, too large aquarium in a fairly small room will not increase your financial well-being, but, on the contrary, it can become the most important source of trouble and even trouble.

The second rule. It is necessary to ensure proper care to fish and other aquatic inhabitants, only if the fish are well-groomed, satisfy and get enough attention, good luck and well-being will come to your family. If you can not provide all this, the aquarium is better not to start.

Third rule. It is best that goldfish lives for you, they should be kind and harmless, piranhas and sharks for this are not exactly suitable. And even if you could not find goldfish, choose those who like more than others, because it is for you that they can become "golden".

An unchecked element in the southeastern sector of residential premises to attract wealth, wealth and money will be the wind music, as well as the most diverse mobile, and here you can place various deep dishes, filled with candy and fruit, desirable oranges, as they are from the Chinese symbol of abundance , it is better that such treatments stood on the table. In general, if the zone of wealth in your home or apartment falls into the kitchen, then the abundance should be not only on the table, but also in the refrigerator, and the products in it should be predominantly fresh and necessarily fresh greens. Another small secret, on the eve of the New Year on the Chinese calendar, is well put on the bottom of the refrigerator again the symbol consisting of three coins with a red ribbon, such a technique will help you always have cash for abundant nutrition.

About what helps to attract money in your home we have already talked, now let's pay attention to the factors that prevent wealth to get into your home. The most unsuccessful place in any apartment is a bathroom and a toilet - those places where water flows and breaks into the sewer, and with her and wealth leaves your home. The first thing to be done to prevent this "leakage" is to hang on the door of the bathroom and inside the bathroom mirror, so that the highest member of your family reflects in it and the crown was visible in reflection. But at the same time, the entrance door should not be reflected in the reflection of these mirrors, otherwise the qi energy will be redirected and leave your home. More about the correct location of the mirror in the house, you can read.

If there is no possibility to hang the mirror, you can replace it with a picture of a tree, so, a symbolically drawn tree will eat moisture in the bath and toilet, thanks to which grow, strengthen and attract money to your accommodation.

In no case in the South-East sector there should be a garbage bucket, broken things, dry flowers and plants and other no one you need. All this spreads around themselves the yin negative energy, as a result of which financial problems never leave your family.

Nowhere on cash anema-shui is not relying as in China. And it is not surprising, because the science of the harmonious distribution of positive energy came to us just from this country.

the residents know where at home or office should be laid the way for Qi so that money flows into the wallet.
We also own this secret and today will share them with you. We will tell how to determine the zone of wealth than to strengthen it, and what to position in it in order to attract financial flows.

How to determine the zone of wealth

The richness zone is located in the south-east of your home. It is easy enough to calculate it, but it must be borne in mind that we do not live in the country in which "born" a hairdry shui, so the Bagua mesh, which we will use, acts from us in an inverted form (usually north on top, south below , East on the right, the west left, and on the Bagua, the opposite is normal).

To begin with, draw the Bagua, then on another sheet, draw the exact plan of your home, not forgetting about the doors, storage room, bathroom, toilet, windows and balconies. Cut both pictures. Now remember, in which side of you North, South, West and East. Take the grid on the plan so that the south to Bagua coincides with the north on your drawing. And see where the southeast is located in your apartment (or in the house).

However, there is a way and easier: Stand your back to the entrance door, and face in the apartment - the far left corner of the entire premises and will be a wealth zone.

You can activate both the southeast of the entire apartment and the cash zone of the Cabinet. The second is even preferable, especially if you are his only owner. By the way, if you calculate the wealth sector for some one room, it is necessary to watch from the interior door, but, again, putting a face to the place where the money is going to "lure".
In general, it is more expedient to intensify the zone of wealth in the room that is somehow connected with your work, or the room in which you spend the most time. The fact is that if you try to adjust the entire apartment for the adoption of cash flows (and, especially, a large private house), then there is a danger that the wealth sector will be in the utility room, in the bathroom or on the balcony. In these places, it will be much more difficult to work with the energy of Qi.

How and how to strengthen the zone of wealth

First, hover the ideal order in the wealth sector. And constantly keep it. Even the slightest dirt will make it difficult to move the movement of Qi (positive energy), and you will not achieve a positive result. Throw away or at least remove all unnecessary and broken items from this zone, cracked dishes, paper (documents) that have already lost their relevance, debt receipts, utility bills and reminders of people who have ever had something .

Now install the water source in the wealth sector. It may be a small fountain or aquarium with goldfish. In general, ideally, the fluid should constantly circulate, as if updating, will be refreed to refer to the same way, lining all new and new sources of income to you.

If you do not have the opportunity to place in the south-east of the water, then hang there a picture with its image. However, it is not necessary to choose a drawing with a lake, a sea or a pond - standing water will not bring you wealth. The optimal option is a waterfall. Or the river, which is clearly moving, but does not boil.

The next mandatory component of the wealth zone is a tree. Here it is advisable not to do the image, but buy a live plant. The best thing is suitable (paint), as well as other housekeeping decorative flowers with fleshy round, not very large leaves. Next to the real village can be put artificially with coins or with diverse stones instead of leaves.

Water and wood - control elements of the wealth sector, but also they require amplification. Spread the golden color coin in this zone and put some electrical appliance (or just put two new batteries). However, if you have already placed an artificial fountain here, you can not add anything else, as it works from electricity. Complete your "Monetary Altar" of one of the figurines that symbolize financial well-being (we will tell about them in the next subsection).

In addition, use a sheet with affirmations. We give a few examples, and you can compose your thoughtformers. We remind you that they are written in the affirmative form, in the present.

  • I always have enough money.
  • I get a stable income.
  • Money brings me everything I do.
  • I can afford to buy any thing you like.
  • My wallet is always full of large bills.
  • I am a rich man.
  • Money flock to me from all sides.
  • I am a successful person.
  • Fortune is always with me.
  • I am constantly lucky.
  • I get the most profitable orders.
  • Money love me.
  • I easily get so much money as I need.
  • All investments are returned to me in the tripled size.

Hang your "List of wealth" next to your "cash altar" and read these affirmations twice a day - in the morning, when you wake up, and in the evening, before going to bed. In addition, pronounce these statements before each important transaction and simply during the working day. At the same time, it clearly imagine that you already have what you are talking about. After graduating from the "autotraining" session, arouse the image of a huge bright sun similar to a gold coin before a mental look.

Talismans zone wealth

The most important money talisman is toad sitting on a coin or holding it in the mouth. The figure can be wooden, clay, metal, onyx or jade. Watch this statuette should be from the richness zone to the center of the room.

Next important sign - orange. It symbolizes the creative strength and energy of the sun, the glitter of gold, wealth. Keep fresh oranges in the south-east or draw three bright fetus and hang next to a sheet with affirmations.

If you feel that competitors "moved" around you, or that someone gets on your money, your property or your position, then put the souvenir gun in the wealth zone - this is the most powerful talisman that protects against the tracks of enemies and from the negative energy flow . However, remember that as soon as the situation stabilizes, the gun must be removed, otherwise it will at the same time "protect" you and from new cash revenues.

If you have to make an important transaction, but you are not sure about the trustiness of the alleged partners, then put the figure of the eagle in the wealth zone. He symbolizes turning, and no one can deceive you. In general, if you do not know how to calculate the financial situation a few steps forward, then hold the eagle in the south-east.

In addition, it is recommended to "settle" in the zone of wealth and statuette of owls - it symbolizes wisdom and will help you competently dispose of the money obtained, and also not to miss the opportunity to you. In addition, she will contribute to your spiritual growth.

If your scope of activity is creativity, then your money talisman is a dragon. It will assist in attracting new ideas, large fees and patrons, and will still protect you and your home from everything that can harm you.

And do not forget that the richness zone is "replied" and for financial, and for spiritual well-being. Therefore, it is impossible to act in one direction and wish exclusively money. Feng Shui truly "works", if you help those who need it, constantly develop as a person, improve your skills.

Feng Shui is a doctrine of harmony, so the desire for material supply should be equalized to good actions, psychological comfort and desire to move to a new level of maturity and consciousness.

In addition, it is worth remembering that the science of Feng Shui is not a magic wand. She will not give you wealth if you simply spread the coin on the apartment, put the money talismans, and you yourself are in front of the TV in anticipation of mystical enrichment. In order to have something, you need to work. "A rolling stone gathers no moss". And even more so, there is not the fertile energy of qi.

Nadezhda Popova specifically for