Prayer for a court decision. The strongest prayer for winning in court

Prayer for a court decision. The strongest prayer for winning in court
Prayer for a court decision. The strongest prayer for winning in court

It is necessary to read daily while inquiry and investigation goes, and throughout the proceedings. At the same time, it should be remembered - the magic words will not be removed from the prison opinion, if it is really to blame. This is just one of the many ways that you can really reduce the term or win the case.


Does prayer help?

Prayer helps in this situation if:

  • it is required to restore justice;
  • molver facing the highest forces sincerely;
  • man believes in the effect of magical words;
  • praying innocent;
  • the defendant is strongly repeated in the deed;
  • there is a human reservation.

Who is looking for help and in what cases?

Before proceedings, resort to help:

  • Anastasia sinner;
  • Spiridon trimifuntsky;
  • Nicholas Wonderworker.

Prayer before the court of Anastasia sinner

Appeal to Anastasia, the scenario will alleviate the prison stay and give the force to the prisoner.

Prayer from litigation:

On the long-suffering and led by the Great Martyr Christ Anastasia! You are the soul in the sky with the throne of the Lord of the prestigations, on the lands, this is given to you thank you, various committees of healing: the proud of a worm is delighted for the upcoming people and praying before the reels of yours, seeking your help, send to the Lord Holie Your Prayer Your About Us, and Satisfy us OUR SHOGESSIONS, SALE ISSUE ISSENCE, SURFACE AND PERSONNING ACSTELL'S HELP: The mind of the Lord, let us give us a Christian death and a good answer to our terrible court, let us advise you to buy with you Slav's Slav and Son and Sainchogenic Spirit. Amen.

On the video - Akathist of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia stemman. Shot by the channel "Light of Christ".

Prayer for the court Nikolai Wonderworker

To win in court cases, the prayer Nicholas is read throughout the trial.

Text of prayer:

St Nicholas! You are a defender of all those who suffer. When lifting, I revealed such miracles of mercy, which appeared before God's throne for the kindness of his own. I ask you, protect me, gentlemen slave (name), from the injustice of the Judges of the worldly, from slandering innocently, from their evil imaging. You, Saint Nicholas, felt it, what to be imprisoned, will lose the will. As it helped many, treating mercy, so I will not leave me in a terrible position. Amen!

At the same time you need to remember that:

  • prayer pronounce as a request;
  • read preferably standing on the knees;
  • put in advance the cross;
  • pre-put a candle in front of the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer before the court for a prosperous outcome of the Most Holy Theotokos

To protect against injustice, negative consequences and for good luck in the court, they advise to pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary:

The Most Holy Mother of God, to the knowledge of the mind of us all leading. Acceptance of the prayer of the unworthy of the slaves of the Lord, with the religion deep and the defeated before your preternal. The silence of your son, gentlemen Jesus, to bestow wisdom and sent a judgment on a fair decision. And to us to inspire the humility of the Spirit and submissions before destiny. The Most Holy Mother of God, lead us by the truth and connecting the warring parties to the Union of Love all, getting rid of Darkness to the Light of the Spirit. We globify the wisdom and the justice of the Lord of our Jesus Christ and raise him praise. Amen!

On the video of the prayer - the dream of the Most Holy Virgin 32 - from the court and enemies. Shot by the channel "Prayers and Conspiracy".

How to pray correctly if the court will have

If the court will have to pray correctly like this:

  1. Getting Started with a prayer for a successful outcome of the case, your own conscience should be experienced. It is unacceptable for a Christian to ask for help to conceal the guilt or to remain unpunished.
  2. It takes a strong belief that saints will help.
  3. We are unlikely to take a blessing from the priest before the meeting.
  4. A conspiracy is pronounced with a soul. Rituals become powerful with sincere appeal to the creator, and faith gives the power of any prayer.

The offender can handle a plea with a realization of its guilt only for repentance, but not in order to conceal his own propulsion.

How many times to pray?

The number of repetitions per day does not matter. Prayer before the court for a favorable outcome of the case is read until it works.

Powerful conspiracies

The most powerful are considered:

  • conspiracy to the Friday court;
  • ritual with the use of rods and branches;
  • conspiracy of Natalia Stepanovna;
  • rite with red thread;
  • ritual for victory in financial matters;
  • rite with scarf;
  • conspiracy in the division of property.

A strong conspiracy for winning and against the court

The plot of the Friday court acts if the trial takes place on Friday.

On the vessel, they turn any capacity to the bottom up and three times (once - at home, the other - on the street, the third - before the court) and read the magic spell:

I get up with God, I will give the Mother of God, Holy Friday is a cross put. I go to the court with the Lord, I am not afraid of judges unrighteous, as Friday, it closes a week, and our mouths are closed with their mouths, cooling languages. So that they did not hold on me, they were not erected in their own way, they did not mourn in prison, and they let go with God. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For good luck in court

For winning in any dispute use prayer for success.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. On the eve of ripping sprigs from different trees (birch, poplar, pine).
  2. Pull out the twig from 3 brooms.
  3. Tie together branches and rods.
  4. Read three times:

As King Solomon came to the cherished dream, so I, the Slave of God (name), I will come to my. Morning dawn with the sun, the sun with evening dawn, and evening dawn with God's star, and God's star with the first moon. I, Slave God (name), with the performance of my desire. Lock. Key. Language. Amen.

At the end, throw out the sweener at the intersection and to further make a ritual before each court session.

Conspiracy Natalia Stepanovna

Going to the door of the court, the accused pronounces prayer:

Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of Our God! Help and support the slave of God (name) in a hard hour! Do not leave without your defense! As the dog's teeth do not consider, the sand in the sea does not know, and the judge (name) will forget the birth. Me (name) will accept for the mother and for the Father. He will soften him, his hand thrown, offense will not give me to anyone. Let's release the world. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

This conspiracy read when the judge enters the hall:

Most Major Mary, the Queen of Heaven! Pray for me in front of the Lord, let him soften the heart of the judge of the earth
Protect me and save. Blackwood, white praised. From a large small coat! Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For any case, so that intended

In order for the person to accompany the luck in everything, use a conspiracy on the well-being for which you need:

  1. Take a thread of any color.
  2. Tie it a knot three times.
  3. On each node sentences spell:

As this node is tied, and with us, the slaves of God (name) the case soon came up.

For victory in financial matters

If the dispute applies to finance, a conspiracy is repeated three times:

Lord God, My Heavenly Father! You brought you to the world seventy-seven castles and keys, we had a speech in different languages. Let my enemies shut down, and all the tormentors and envious - the word is silent for me. Throw my key in the sea is endless, and who will be able to get it - he can judge me. Amen.

Simple conspiracy in the division of property or to win the court for alimony

Going to the judge, the plaintiff repeats 9 times:

She went a meek David on the paradise trail. The meek eyes of David on me were stopped. Who will look into the eyes of David, he will win in any vessel. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Rite with the scarf "Good luck belt"

On a new scarf, tie 3 knots, for each of which read prayer:

Save and save, about the Lord, from sadness and troubles: from the court of dishonest, evalumed evaluctors, from the enemies of the pile. Bless me on the case of the righteous, as the ends of my pellets came together - it is still a thing to argue. My business will be wrapped. Amen.

The handkerchief takes on the trial and put in the right pocket.

Why do not help some people help?

Separate people conspires do not help because:

  • a person does not believe the conspiracy;
  • soving did not cleanse the soul, did not repent of the appeal to the Most High;
  • the defendant observed a ritual with violations.


This article comprises: a strong prayer for the exodus of the case in court - information is taken from the side of the world, electronic network and spiritual people.

Kohl to you, Golubushka, litigation to you, then the prayer before the court for a prosperous outcome of the case will be useful to you. And how to read it right and to whom - we will tell now.

Which of the saints can be asked about helping the court?

  • The first who most often remember the Orthodox court is, of course, Spiridon trimifuntsky.
  • This holy in life was very fair and kind. He tried to be pure before the Lord and never broke the commandments.
  • If you're really not to blame, then pray to the Holy Spiridon before a court meeting and he will help you.
  • You can help the saint to ask for her husband, and for my son.
  • To win the case, you can seek help and to Nikolai Wonderworker.
  • He committed a lot of miracles during his lifetime, for this the Wonderworker and named.
  • This holy helps not only those who are illegally accused, but also those who really committed a crime, but now deeply in this repent.

Guardian angel will help

  • You can go before the court and to the guardian angel to contact him, so that he helped you in your misfortune and the outcome of the case in your favor wrapped.
  • Prayer for it can be read in your own words. It can be about this: "Angel My Guardian, I pray you and hope for you, come to help me in an unkind hour, but to protect me from prison and from the condemnation of Human. Let the outcome of the case turn into my favor. I believe that I deserve to condesceve and repent of the whole soul in the deed. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

How is the prayer read correctly before the court?

Mood yourself before court session

To make it possible to successfully, you need to configure yourself correctly.

Multiple moments are important here:

Let him keep you and your family of the Lord, and the prayer before the court for a prosperous outcome of the case will come to help at the right moment.

Prayer before the court for a prosperous outcome of the case

The people say that it is impossible to shut down from two things: from prison and from Sumy. A completely innocent person can be brought to court, slandering it or substituting it. And what is the poor thing to do if he does not have a rich patron, no funds on a lawyer? You need to draw your alarms to the Lord, he has to ask for protection.

Prayer before the court is needed and repentable to the sinner. It is probably worthy of human censure, but the Lord will soften the sentence, if he sees that the person realized the guilt. And what prayer before the court helps truly, to whom to turn it? Let's deal with.

What in the shower, then in life

Start our conversation about what a prayer read by the court is necessary with reasoning about relationships with God. Try not to hide from it seemingly unnecessary words and think about reading them. People often complain that they cannot reach the highest law, hitting terrestrial troubles. They say, they say, read a prayer before the court, but still insignificantly suffering. And what did such a person invest in appeal to the Lord? How did you pray?

The Savior says to every believer that takes his care for himself, just come to him. And this means limitless, utter confidence in the Lord. It is difficult to adult, an independent person to feel himself a baby, unable and step to step without parental support. But it is such a state that means infinity and completeness of trust.

And how do they pray? Do not trust express soul, and they require the Most High to do this or that, on the basis of its own, imperfect understanding of the circumstances. Such a prayer readable before the court is not what he is heard will not be, but only the harm causes an sufferer. Pride in it a lot, the desire to subordinate to their will of the Most High. Thinks this squeezer that he does not see the Lord his soul black, but only words hesitate. But everything happens on the contrary.

About forgiveness

Once in a serious redoubt associated with law enforcement agencies, it is quite difficult to look at the events from the philosophical point of view. And it is worth understanding that nothing is just not given to us.

In your situation there are two sides: the sufferer and "offender". It seems that the Court is opposed to why whose business is considering, investigators (prosecutors) are trying to build up to him, that is, injustice is going on. And invests in his prayers the poor and his native thought about the offense, in which the decision makes the decision.

That's the pride. It is about the desire to become a judge itself and blame other people. And this is allowed to the Almighty if you believe him. It means to release the soul, it is necessary to take all parties equal, subject to God's will only. Do not try to prove your point of view to heaven, do not condemn the other without evidence. You need to forgive those who make you trouble, give the decision to punish the Lord. It will bring peace and cleansing. One who does not even sin with thoughts, heaven always hear, regardless of whether he prays or not. Of course, it does not mean that you do not need to fight for your rights. It should not be emotionally included in the exchange, resentment in the soul to accumulate.

To whom to pay prayer

Come to the temple, a person is lost from the abundance of icons and faces. This is a completely natural phenomenon. The present is such that we are extremely rare with religion, in fact we are illiterate in this sense. Do not know how to do - contact any employee. One will not tell me - another, more kind and attentive will be there. Christ said that the temple is not a building, but the Union of Souls, together going on his way, supporting each other. Here with this thought and go to the Lord.

Look at the icons: what will cause a response in the shower, to that and fit. And the church believers suggest that you need to handle towards the Virgin, the Lord, if you are insignificantly suffering. And the sinners and relatives will better help the prayer to Nikolai before the court. Only repentance should be sincere, then the wonderworker will change the situation, pull out the punishment sword and put an excuse for it.

How to pray?

A few more words about what to say and how to behave. The temple is better to go in the morning, to the service. Sit down to simple clothes. Women are advised not to apply makeup, remove decorations. You still need to cover your head with a handkerchief. Cross are native, but do not exhibit a deposit. He is familiar to you and the Lord, and not for others. Before the threshold, it should be crossed and worst respectfully. Only after that you can enter the house. If you can not understand what prayers before the court need to be pronounced, then read the eve of the hike in the temple of the book of religious. In such a situation, it would be nice to remember the parable of Mytar and Pharisee. Here is its short retelling.

For reflection

Two people lived in one village. One was engaged in physical labor, considered himself a modest, not outstanding and most common. And the second, Pharisee, considered himself the righteous, because he condemned others. They went to somehow pray together. Pharisei said so: "Lord, thank you that I am not as sinners and criminals and this sootar. I do everything according to your commandments, I'll sing, I pray, I give the tith! " And Mytar stood modestly, did not bold an eye to raise. And in the soul of his words only such were: "Lord! Be merciful to me! " Jesus said then that he is a mile of the prayer of Mytar, who does not exal as a condemnant of others.

Prayer before the court Nikolai Wonderworker

We led to the parable in order to understand everyone: the words are not needed by the Lord. He sees the soul and all that is happening there. And it does not matter whether you read the text from the prayer, or they themselves came up with it, will hear what the heart is. But those people that are not accustomed to contact the Lord are still lost, do not know where to start.

Here are something about saying:

  • "St Nicholas! You are a defender of all those who suffer. When lifting, I revealed such miracles of mercy, which appeared before God's throne for the kindness of his own. I ask you, protect me, gentlemen slave (name), from the injustice of the Judges of the worldly, from slandering innocently, from their evil imaging. You, Saint Nicholas, felt it, what to be imprisoned, will lose the will. As it helped many, treating mercy, so I will not leave me in a terrible position. Amen!"

Prayer before the court for a prosperous outcome of the Most Holy Theotokos

This text is a free translation from Staroslavyansky. We used for a long time to protect against injustice and arbitrariness. You need to say the following:

  • "The Most Holy Mother of God, to the knowledge of the mind of us all leading. Acceptance of the prayer of the unworthy of the slaves of the Lord, with the religion deep and the defeated before your preternal. The silence of your son, gentlemen Jesus, to bestow wisdom and sent a judgment on a fair decision. And to us to inspire the humility of the Spirit and submissions before destiny. The Most Holy Mother of God, lead us by truth and connecting the warring parties to the Union of Love all, getting rid of Darkness to the Light of the Spirit. We globify the wisdom and the justice of the Lord of our Jesus Christ and raise him praise. Amen!"

How many times to read prayer?

This question often comes to a person who is not more hope for anyone. Prayer before the court for a prosperous outcome of the case is read until you receive a satisfying result. And you need to start not before decisive afternoon, but as soon as injustice entered your life. It is recommended to start every morning with access to the Virgin. You can do it at home. Do not stop, no matter what happens. Nurse for the highest justice, feel the support of the Most High. While there is a proceeding or a consequence, pray with an open soul. Of course, it is often delayed for a long time. But in this case, you do not need to lower your hands. Help on the Lord Yes, go to the temple sometimes. Most High will help.

The desire of victory is sin or not?

If you are undergraduate, for example, a property character, then also should not forget about the highest justice. Sensual prayers to court will help. To win, it is recommended to internally accept any result. It is clear that I want to become a winner. But the pride is also seen in this, which is equal to the lack of faith in the Lord. If you consider these words not important, talk to the priest. It costs a lot more than all the prayers uttered in pride. Communication with the Lord arises when your soul begins to understand that everything that gets is His Higher Will. Humility is now perceived as a lack of ambitions or talents. And even interesting becomes, and not such thoughts inspire such thoughts specifically, is not the devil Lee leading those who promote the egoistic life position?

To whom to contact to win the process

Judge themselves, humility is the trust of the Lord. It does not deny the desire to establish themselves in the world, make money, to realize the ability and get a well-deserved award, and the desire to win in court what is your right. But it is very important to understand that the confidence of the Lord, to the rescue of which you should be absolute. As a child addresses his father with a problem, surely knowing that it is better to figure it out and pray.

But we moved away from the topic. The throne of the Lord has many saints saints. And Nikolai Wonderworker stands out from them. He created a lot of good in our world, when he still did not fly him over the ground, and in the body a mortal died. Now believers trusted to him. Prayer before the court for winning, for justice to this holy appeals. Yes, and the name of him is appropriate - the wonderworker. People understood that in the most unfavorable situation only he could change circumstances.

Does prayer help?

There is at the current people brought up by supernova, one habit that helps in many situations, but not in ours. People are looking for reviews, comments for those who tried to use one or another method in a similar situation. Look at all from the outside and judge if you need such information. A person has a problem, he suffers unfairly. Of course, I want a badger to get a "tablet" from his grief. And she, by the way, is available - it is a prayer. But is it possible to rely on communicating with the Lord for someone else's opinion? Only the soul your exactly knows how and what to tell the Most High, and the answer is exactly what it gets. Other people have their own circumstances, thoughts and feelings. Therefore, they pray themselves and trust the Lord, and not reviews on the network. Is it worth it in such an important, intimate to rely on someone else's experience, sometimes people you have never seen?

How to win the case in court with a conspiracy

"From Sumy and from prison, do not be registered." Every person knows this proverb. And few knows that he is waiting for in the future. The court is the place is intended not only for people who violated the law. There are judicial litigation between people who have any dispute between themselves. That is why we need to know conspiracies that help in court.

Prayer from court and prison

Conspiracies for a successful court are necessary for us to resolve controversial situations. They help us win the case in court, soften the harsh punishment and help the judge to make a decision.

  • Often such situations occur when we cannot find a compromise with neighbors, relatives or with organizations. We come across too noisy and intractable neighbors who scandals and strive to take away your property.
  • Relatives are trying to pick up your accommodation from you or you cannot share inheritance with them.
  • Credit organizations want to recover with you unreasonable interest for the use of cash.
  • You are threatened with a prison term for the crime that you have not committed.
  • You fell into an accident or your car hijacked.
  • You gave money to a person to a friend, and he does not want to give them.

We cannot avoid such situations. And we can not always find a way out of the current situation.

Many people are trying to independently solve the conflict situation. It is not always possible to resolve this without assistance. Therefore, no one is insured against litigation.

How to make it to win a trial and avoid prison. In response to this question, strong prayers, special rites and conspiracies will help us. This is not a panacea and with their help cannot be avoided inevitable punishment, but they act.

Prayer, overwhelming fear

If you are very afraid for the upcoming trial and worry about its successful completion, you need to read this plot three times:

"The Lord descended from seven heavens, brought the Lord seventy-seven castles from seventy seven languages. Closters, Lord, all people, enemies secret and explicit, envious, tormentors, jeques, who wondered against me, evil, the fuss of the wrong eyes and mouths, so as not to be a slave of God (servant of God) (his name) Liha Yes. Key throw in the ocean-sea. Who can get the key to get the key, he can condemn me. Amen".


This prayer will help you cope with all your fears and experiences. You will become more confident in your abilities and can easily defend your rights in front of the enemies.

Prayer for good luck

If you are very afraid for the positive outcome of your case in court and really want to win the trial, the next prayer will help you. To accomplish this rite, you need to disrupt three sprigs from different trees.

Pull out of three different bulbs on one rod. Tie twigs from trees and rods together, read three times a plot, and then throw a blizzard at the nearest intersection.

"As King Solomon reached its goal, so I, the slave of God (name), reached its own. Morning dawn with the sun, the sun with evening gursing, and the evening dawn with God's Moon, and God's Moon with the first star. And I, the slave of God (name), in the performance of his desire. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

With such a prayer you will become more confident in your abilities. These magical words create a "protective film" around you, which will protect you from the troubles.

If you are coming enough long court proceedings, and you are not so much money for the help of a lawyer, you can apply these prayers.

The main thing is not to forget to regularly repeat them before every trial, and you will be waiting for success. A very important point here is that it is an absolutely free and fairly simple method that provides one hundred percent win.

Strong ritual for the defendant

You can apply this ritual in cases where you have to act in the trial as a defendant. If you filed a claim to court, and you consider yourself right, make such a talisman.

Charger for success in court

To do this, you need to drill a small pass-through hole in the chestnut. Take a pinch of tobacco and dried sage leaves, and then scroll into the powder mass. Put the resulting powder in the hole and seal the fetus wax. Your talisman is ready.

Before the lawsuit, you need to put it in your pocket or a purse and, if possible, to concern it during a trial. This is a very strong protective talisman. He will give you confidence and sabs from trouble.

How to avoid prison and win a judicial matter

In order to avoid punishment or do so that you are not formed, you need the following prayer. It needs to be read before your business will obey. This can be done immediately before entering the courtroom or standing at the entrance to the courthouse. Prayer read calmly and not in a hurry:

"The Orthodox World is suiced, the princes, and the boyars are shipped. And I, the slave of God (name), against the slave of God (name) judge. In the hand of my right poppy holy, that I will say in court, it will be, so they will believe. My hand is my hand, my leg right, my mind is my right and my right things. As stated, it will come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When pronuncified by prayer, squeeze my right hand in a fist. And when you will pronounce a magic spell, get along the right foot about the floor. And be sure - you are surely a success, and you will win the case in court.

How to win a matter of debt recovery

If you filed a claim in court to recover the amount of debt from the debtor, take advantage of the next rite. It must be carried out directly in the lawsuit. Make the following manipulations: Slide the right hand in your pocket and make a fig from it. Next, read the magic spell in a whisper or to yourself:

"You will be a fig, and I will be full boxes, and I have full houses, whole barns, wallets with big money, and chests with silver. I, Slave God (name), Prince, I am a merchant, I will be happiness and a crown. As stated, it will come true. Amen".

Conspiracy with a handker

To ensure that your trial is successful, and you have escaped prisons, take advantage of this simple way. For the rite you need a regular handkerchief. It must never be used, new.

Speak, your handkerchief is a special plot, and then wipe your face to them before you obey your business. Say the following words:

"I will stand, the slave of God (name) in the morning, blessing, I will go from the doors of relatives, crossing. From the doors in the door, I go, out of doors to the gate, from the gate to the purely field.

I will become in a wide field, and there the constipation stand steel, bouquets of bouquet, the gates are huge. I will stand, the servant of God (name) between those constipation, putting the head of the Golden's crown - a month is clear.

For a month, clear Sunny Red Sun, the sunlight is light, no one will be angry at me, no one will be upset from me, no one will be angry at the sunshine.

No one will be upset from me, neither the kings, and the Queen, nor the courts are worldly or the whole world of Orthodox. They will be predetermined as a leaf before the grass, below the salicate grass, below the low water. The sky is the key, the land of the castle, the words of its ban, so that no one can open.

As stated, it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Strong conspiracy

Simple prayers for success in litigation

The characteristics and sorcerers say that complex lawsuits will be more successful if they were appointed for consideration on Friday. This day of the week is the most prosperous. On the judy day you need to flip any capacity of a small amount of bottom upwards.

And read the following magic spell three times:

"One is at home, the other - on the street, the third - before the court. Bread and salt on this day, do not give anyone, do not pronounce the curtains, do not open the curtains on the windows. "

And then read such a prayer:

"I get up with God, I will give praise the Mother of God, the holy Friday is a cross put. I go to the court with the Lord, I am not afraid of judges unrighteous, as Friday, it closes a week, and our mouths are closed with their mouths, cooling languages. So that they did not hold on me, they were not erected in their own way, they did not mourn in prison, and they let go with God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If the trial is appointed for consideration on another day of the week, this spell will be ineffective.

Directly in the lawsuit, you can pronounce these words:

"Remember, Lord, King David and all the meekness of him."

These words will help to complete the judge and make a less severe sentence or decision.

Conspiracy to court

If your trial lasts quite a long time and you need to speed up the process, follow these steps. In the park on a birch alley, with a piece of Beresta with a tree. Squeeze her in the fist of the left hand and keep throughout the judicial litigation. Before entering the courtroom, check the conspiracy:

"Cross-timing, the enemy is silent, as a crossover in my hand shakes, and the enemy would have trembled my argeon. Amen".

If your litigation is quite serious and even prayers are unable to help you avoid prison time, use these tips:

  • Do not try from the first days of staying in a prison chamber to portray yourself. Try to make an interested look and ask as many questions as possible related to life in prison.
  • Try to behave quietly, peacefully, calm and friendly. Carefully look at the people around you. They may not be those who depict some of themselves.
  • In no case do not entee. False recognize fast enough, and you will not find yourself in the best light.
  • Be careful to any trifles. Watch out what you say. Any incorrectly said word can turn against you.

The conspiracy before the court, of course, is not a panacea from any litigation. He will not be able to protect you from the prison sense if you really deserve it. This is just one of the ways with which you can soften the punishment or make your business more winning. The conspiracy will help you become more confident in your abilities and do not develop your judicial proceedings.

Conspiring magic helps in solving everyday issues. When it comes to trial, with the help of rituals you can provide a quick gain or decent monetary compensation. Conspiracy to win the case in court is used at the preparation stage, during the trial and after the appeal is submitted.

Conspiracy may contribute to a favorable court decision

Magic for victory in court

A conspiracy for good luck in court is the direction of energy in the right direction. All that surrounds man and creates the circumstances in which he has to live, filled with the same force. The conspiracy to the victory in the court works through the direction of energy: a person may affect the solution of higher instances, to ensure good luck and quick success.

There is a plot from the first days, so you do not have to wait for late results. Universal rituals are also suitable for rapid trials, and for serious cases, the fate and well-being conspiracy depends on the solution.

Preparation for a court

Litigation is spending forces and time. The person appeals to the court, while his case is being considered, investment in the result. The longer the litigation lasts, the more costs that may not pay off. For this reason, to use a conspiracy to court effectively, if it is necessary to speed up the whole process.

Advantages of conspiracies for court proceedings:

  • rituals help win the case if the plaintiff has no evidence or it is in a losses;
  • the activation allows you to properly prepare (find a lawyer or representative, to get to the favorable judge);
  • each stage of the process side that reads a plot can turn to its side.

To win the trial, before the beginning of the long process, a universal conspiracy is used. He reads on the eve of the submission of documents. Successful will be time during the growing moon when heavenly luminaire helps in developing all new cases.

Clear Eve

Prayers for the rapid resolution of the case are read on the eve of entering the court or a few days before the submission of documents. In the first case, they will help to speak well and place a judge to themselves, and in the second, they help to charge a statement and other related documents for entering the right hands. Conspiracy is read by a half-session so that no one heard him. If in court is crowded, the conspiration is pronounced - strangers should not know about magical actions.

Before the performance, the conspirator passes along the corridor and methodically repeats the consultation:

"The Orthodox World is suiced, the princes, and the boyars are shipped. And I, the slave of God (the name of the conspirator) should be sued. My hand is my right, my leg is my right, my thoughts are my right and my deeds are completely right - it always happened. As stated, it will come true. Amen".

You need to read the conspiracy without a rush, without changing the order of words in the text. Prayer creates strong energy streams and at the same time protects the conspirator from external influence. You can read the text every day when the conspirator goes to court. An important condition of the conspiracy: during responses in court it is necessary to compress the right fist, it is impossible to leave the hand of the hand. You can read the text before bedtime, if the performance is scheduled early in the morning.

With monetary compensation

Conspiracy will be useful in cases where a person claims to compensation for damage. This is an extensive area of \u200b\u200bthe court proceedings - cases that end with monetary compensation. Magic will help solve issues related to moral and material damage. Conspiracy is read before submitting a statement of claim and each meeting.

To win a controversial case, additionally prepare amulets. These are any things that are easily rushed into the courthouse. On the eve of the hearing, the thing is replacing:

"What grief comes, it passes by. On other roads, on other trails. I do not know that grief, I do not know him, I defend myself. Amen".

Such an amulet will help to avoid foreign influences - this is the strongest defense that the plaintiff is useful and the defendant.

Conspiracy for success in court

For victory in business with cash compensation

Conspiracy to win in court needs to be read directly at the hearing. At this time, the power of his largest. Claim for such a court, where money is being solved, study by heart. You can not change words to places or add wishes from yourself. When the conspirator will be in court, he needs to be twisted with the right hand "Figu." Make it need imperceptibly so that no one saw.

After that, the magical strong words are pronounced in a whisper:

"You will be a fig, and I will be complete boxes of money, and I will be full of gold at home, full wallets with big money will be, and chests with silver. I, the Slave of God (the name of the conspirator), the prince, I am a merchant, I will be happiness and a crown. Amen".

Conspiracy is repeated three times, after which the fist is squeezed. Before such a court case, it will be useful to clean the house: if we free the space, a place will appear in the house for the monetary compensation for which a person is counting on. Plotted plot at each meeting.

Corrected conspiracy will help to get monetary compensation

Court for the defendant

Being a defendant in court is more difficult than to make complaints. Need additional protection that will not allow you to violate its legal rights. For the court justifies a person, a conspiracy is used on a homemade amulte.

The defendant is preparing overwhelmed with his own hands: it is impossible to trust such a responsible matter even to native people. Conspiracy so that the court will win, read on the finished amulet and before the start of the meeting. At the time of the trial, it is impossible to remove the attribute.

Special plot

Amulet serves during the year, so the necessary ingredients are harvested in advance. It will take:

  • chestnut fruit;
  • dried tobacco;
  • dry grass sage.

In the fruit of Chestnut, a hole is done in which the dry powder is placed. It is easy to do: grinding the dried grass of sage and tobacco. A chestnut is sealed with fresh wax church candle. Before the ritual, when the conspirator makes an amulet, the church is attended necessarily. The defendant is confessed, asks the highest forces on help and takes with him one candle. If there is no chestnut at hand, it will not be able to replace it with another fruit - this is an important attribute to which conspiracy is read to win the court.

Amulet is coordinated:

Let (the name of the defendant) steps to court, where the harsh bosses will not be strict to it. Like the candle fire fades, so the hatred of the forest lips, and the mouths suck out of the one who will be angry to pray. "

The attribute is closed in court (it is hiding in your pocket or hang on the neck in the form of an unusual suspension). At the court to it should be periodically touched with her left hand. You can't forget this thing at home.

Court for the plaintiff

It is not easy to defend your rights, so the conspiracy to win in the future court will help protect his honor and prove the rightness. For a ritual, one long candle is prepared. She is brought from the church or bought at any store. There will also be new scissors that did not cut anything: it is impossible to take old things, otherwise the conspiracy before the court will not work for the plaintiff.

This conspiracy is read on any person who has grown offense: to a neighbor, a former beloved or native person. This is a universal way to win, when the truth is on the side of the plaintiff. The ritual is not suitable for defending the defendant.

Magic text

On the eve of the court hearing the candle is lit. A ritual is held in full solitude so that no one has learned about magical care. With the help of new scissors, the fire dissects, as if cut. At this point, conspiracy is read:

"As the cover of the Blessed Virgin Mary cannot take, so let the Slave of God (name) will be tightly protected from the malleable people. Holy Lord I hope. Bless and save. Amen".

It repeats the conspiracy until the moment the candle does not go out from the scissors. Magic words are attracted, which will be needed in court. A conspiracy is read for himself and a person speaking plaintiff in an important matter. Ritual is useful when a large cash compensation is on horseback.

Universal rites

Helps in solving the money deal one of universal rites. The most effective conspiracies are read:

  • on a handkerchief;
  • on salt;
  • on water.

An effective rite will benefit in any case, whether it is a civil lawsuit or monetary proceedings. If a person is guilty, but wants to avoid punishment, the universal rite will also help.

Volshbha on a scarf.

To win the victory, the handkerchief is spoken. This is a simple thing that is bought before ritual. A white handkerchief is selected, a symbol of purity, especially if the conspirator is guilty and tries to avoid punishment. At night, after the sun sits, the attribute is spoken by special words:

"I will stand, the slave of God (name) in the morning, blessing, I will go from the door of the relatives of the native crossing. From the doors in the door, I go, out of doors to the gate, from the gate to the purely field. I will become in a wide field, and there the constipation stand steel, bouquets of bouquet, the gates are huge. I will stand, the servant of God (name) between those constipation, putting the head of the Golden's crown - a month is clear. Nothing to me is superfluous, nothing is loved by me. All that controversial in the direction of the month leaves, all that is useful, comes to me. May it be so. Amen".

The conspiracy is repeated three times, after which the conspirator falls down to break and does not talk to anyone until the morning. In court, the shawl is used at any convenient case. It is impossible to give a conspiracy in other people's hands, otherwise it's not to win. It helps a conspiracy so that the trial justifies the court: a conspiracy handkerchief is led into a man's pocket. Such magic is effective if the conscience suffered, and it is necessary to complete a long-term process in court, which morally exhausts man.

For conspiracy, you will need a pure white handkerchief.

Impact on salt

Effective rite that will help solve the case in your favor, is carried out on the catering of salt. On the eve of the proceedings, it is necessary to pour out a little salt in the saucer, and sprinkling it with holy water. Then the candle is set on fire (anyone who turned out to be at home) while it burns, salt is spoken:

"For a month, the clear Sunny's sun, the sun is light, nobody will not be angry with me, no one will be upset from me, no one will be angry with the sunshine. Salt fall asleep, I urge success. Everything bad on the saucer remains, I savage. Amen".

A bit of salt falls asleep in his pocket, a pinch is eaten. Such actions will help to avoid the "bitterness" of the trial.

Ritual for water

Water is a universal conductor. It takes a lot of conspiracies (it stores the desired charge of energy). Early in the morning, before sun dawn, the conspirator takes a glass of clean water to the street and reads the text above it:

"You, the driver, clean, transparent, like my conscience. No one will be upset from me, neither the kings, and the Queen, nor the courts are worldly or the whole world of Orthodox. They will be predetermined as a leaf before the grass, below the salicate grass, below the low water. The trouble was tortured me, but she retreated. The sky is the key, the land of the castle, the words of its ban, so that no one can open. As stated, it will come true. Amen".

After that, the conspirator is baptized to all 4 sides of the world and drinks 12 sips of water. A ritual is held every morning while the entire trial lasts. You can spend it for the night, turning not to the rising sun, but to the moon.


Litigation is a difficult stage of life for the plaintiff, and for the defendant. To accelerate the process and obtaining the desired result, white magic is used. It is safe and will not bring any harm. With the help of universal and special conspiractions, luck, the successfulness of the judge and good monetary compensation are attracted. The ritual is held in secret from foreign people: secrecy is a guarantee of the effectiveness of the rite. Simple attributes that enhance the work of the conspiracy are used: a handkerchief, water or salt. A homemade amulet is prepared for protection.

It is believed that the life of Orthodox Christians proceeds quietly and without any special unrest. In practice, everything is somewhat different, an Orthodox person, like any other, can fall into unpleasant situations. He is not insured and from the clarification of controversial issues, although for a believer Christian is still preferable to solve any disputes peacefully.

If there is no other way out, and the court will have, a Christian will always turn to God for help. There is a special prayer before the court, which is read to the prosperous permission of the case.

How to pray correctly if the court will have

Getting Started with a prayer for a successful outcome of the case, it is necessary, first of all, to experience your own conscience.

It is absolutely not permissible from the point of view of Christianity in order to hide his guilt or remain unpunished in the event of an offense. If a person knows what he really committed something illegal, but at the same time he wants to "get out dry out of the water" - to resort to the help of God not only meaninglessly, but also blasphemous.

To contact God's prayer for help in court can only be in cases where a person knows his innocence and wants to prove it.

It may be situations:

  • slanders;
  • fraud;
  • deception;
  • incorrect charges, etc.

Also in law enforcement agencies may apply a person who has become a victim of any offenses.

If all other methods of reconciliation have been exhausted and there is no other way out to punish the attackers - the Orthodox man has the right to appeal to the authorities. In this case, prayer to win a court matter is read in order to restore justice.

In case of complete confidence in its own rightness and innocence, it will be worthwhile to take a blessing from the priest before the meeting. But it should not be assumed that the words of Batyushka or special prayer can act as a kind of charm or a happy talisman - in itself these actions mean little.

Spiritual assistance and God's participation in our lives directly depend on the faith in his fishery and care for us.

You can only contact God with the awareness of your guilt only for the purpose of repentance, but it is not in order to conceal his own binding. Therefore, every Orthodox Christian must carefully experience his conscience.

Also see:

It is necessary to honestly answer, first of all, itself - and is there anything that he does not give me sincerely and with a pure heart will turn to God?

Who can pray before the court

In fact, there is no fundamental difference to whom it is precisely to pray for a prosperous outcome of the case. Separate "specializations" of those or other saints are the tradition of our church, based on the experienced knowledge of the life of devotees.

However, this tradition is not at all forbids treating prayer requests to the beloved saints, especially revered in the family. If there is a heartfelt desire, you can handle a prayer before the court to absolutely any holy, as well as to the very Lord to our Jesus Christ, his Mother Mother.

But there are situations where a person has not yet been particularly crowded saint, or simply does not know how and whom will pray. In such cases, you can resort to reading ready-made prayers for prayer. Traditionally, before the proceedings, they resort to the heavenly assistance of the Holy Spiridon trimifuntsky, Nicholas of the Wonderworker, Anastasia the sorcerer.

Articles on the topic:

Worship Nicholas the Wonderworker is so ubiquitous that there is no believing person who is not familiar with this holy. You can contact him as in your own words, and find the text of the prayer to Nikolai the Wonderworker about the court. Since the help of this saint is very extensive and is filed in any aspects of life, you can read any text of the prayer to this holy, which you have to do a prayer person.

Spiridon Trimifuntsky is the Greek Holy, previously revered in Russia, no less than St. Nicholas. To this day, the flow of pilgrims to the holy relics of Spiridon, which is stored in the Orthodox church on Corfu island in Greece.

Interestingly, that the explicit and physical manifestation of the holiness of this person is the fact that his power retains the constant temperature of the human body for several centuries.

This honorable saint in the opinion of believers never refuses to help everyone who sincerely asks him. The prayer in front of the trimifuntsky holy spiridon court can be read both in the temple and at home.

Holy Anastasia The scenario is the famous Great Martyr IV century. The "sophisticated" received his naming for what helped and facilitated the suffering of captive Christians who were in prisons. The bloody rule of Emperor Diocletian brought many martyrs for faith, because Christianity was then brutally pursued and caught. Holy Anastasia managed not only to preserve his faith, but also strengthened in confession a lot of prisoners of that time. That is why to this day she prayed to everyone who somehow comes into contact with prison authorities.

It doesn't matter what kind of holy man reads a prayer for winning the case. The main thing is to do with a clean conscience, sincere faith and humility before the fishery of God - then the appeal to God will be sure to be heard and the person will receive spiritual help and support over.

Text of Prayer Spiridon Trimifunt

About the Great and Sticky, Kerkirskaya Praise, the Great and Miracle, the Kerkirskaya Praise, the All Universe, the Lightweight, warm to God prayer and everyone who resorts to God and with the faithful resistant intercession! You faith Orthodox at the Notesty Cathedral, by Father, mentally expressly express themselves. We hear us, sinful, the saint of Christ, who are praying for you, and the strong victim of the Lord to get rid of us from all the zlago circumstances: from glad, flood, fire and deadly ulcers. You boy in the time of your life from all the disasters of your people from all disasters: from the invasion of Agaryan and from a glad's country, your country retained, the king of the Neszelnago gave up and many sinners led to repentance, the dead was preparing for the htost of life of your angels Invisible in the church of the sinking and serving you had an Esi. Sycery will glorify you, Vernago of your slave, Vladyka Christ, Yako all the secret human act of Darov to you, of course, and nasty Lyesschi. Many in the poverty and insufficiency of those who live were diligently helped by Esi, people are mild abundant during the glady drinking Esi and Inna, the sign of God's strength in you. Sita and we will not leave us, to St. Christ, remember us, the chad of His, the throne of the Almighty and the mind of the Lord, let me give many of our sins forgiveness, a messy and peaceful life yes gives us, the death of the abdomen of the restless and peaceful and bliss ever in the future in the future We, let them take away the glory and thanks to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are constantly and forever. Amen

Text of the prayer of Anastasia sinner

On the long-suffering and leading the Great Martyr Christ Anastasiya! You are the soul in the sky of the throne of the Lord of the prestigation, on the land, this is the grateful of you, various committees of healing: the proud of a worm is mercifully for the upcoming people and praying before my reaches, asking for your help: send to the Lord Holie Your Prayer Your About Us, and Satisfy us The sins of our, unsushenicate healing, mournful and looking ambulance: the mind of the Lord, and I will give us a Christian death and a good answer to the terrible court of our judgment, let us advise and we buy with you the Slav's Slav and Saltaro spirit. Amen.

Prayer in Holy Spiridon trimifunt

Such is the life that sometimes we come across the need to apply to Civilian or Administrative Court. This is, as you know, a very time-consuming, troublesome, taking time and nerves.

To internal configure yourself to a prosperous outcome, it is not bad to know simple prayers that help win the case.

Conspiracies for success in court are needed to permit complex, controversial situations. These prayers help us win court cases, will allow the judge to take the right decision and soften the stern sentence.

  • When we are unable to find a common language with neighbors on a stairwell, with relatives;
  • On our way there are excessively talkative and noisy people, scandaling and wishing to take possession of our property;
  • Relatives want to assign your living space or you are not able to divide the inheritance due to you;
  • Credit organizations strive to recover with you non-existent interest for the use of money;
  • You fell into a car accident or became a victim of hijacking;
  • You face a real prison sentence for a crime, but the true criminal is not you;
  • You lent my money to a friend, but he does not hurry to return them;

We can't avoid such situations. And it is not always able to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Some people accept attempts on their own to solve the conflict situation. But it does not always succeed without assistance. For this reason, no person is protected from painful judicial pribiings.

How to make it so to win in the trial and do not get behind the bars? In response to the problem of us, strong prayers, special conspiracies and rites will be helped. They are difficult to call the panacea, because with their help from the inevitable punishment they do not leave, but they really act.

Prayer overwhelming fear

If you are very worried about the approaching process in court and worry about its successful completion, you need to read the following conspiracy three times:

The Lord came from Seven Heaven, he delivered seventy-seven constipation from seventy seven languages. Close, Lord, all people, enemies hidden and explicit, tormentors, envious, jeques, who wondered against me, judges unfair and mouths against me, so as not to happen to the slave of God (slave of God) (Name). The key will throw out into the blue ocean-sea. And who will be able to get the key to get, he will condemn me. Amen.

With this conspiracy, you will handle all experiences and fears. You will receive faith in your rightness and can easily defend your rights.

Conspiracy for good luck

If you are very worried about the prosperous outcome of your trial and want to win it, the next conspiracy will help you. To perform it, you need to ride a branch from three different trees (for example, from birch, poplar and linden).

Pull out three different brooms one twice. Tie together twigs and twigs, read the prayer three times, and then throw meter in the near intersection.

"As King Solomon came to the cherished dream, so I, the slave of God (name), come to my. Morning dawn with the sun, the sun with evening dawn, and evening dawn with God's star, and God's star with the first moon. I, Slave God (name), with the performance of my desire. Lock. Key. Language. Amen".

With such a plot, you will gain inner strength and power. These magic words will create a protective cap that protects from troubles around you.

If you have a lot of legal proceedings ahead, and a little money on a lawyer, you can read this prayer.

Most importantly - do not forget to repeat them before each court session, and success will certainly come to you. The key point here is the simplicity and free method that guarantees the win.

Strong ritual for the defendant

You can contact the help of such a ritual in cases if you have to act as the defendant in the lawsuit. If the statement of claim to the court filed on you, and you know that right, make a simple talisman.

You need to drill in the fruit of chestnut small through hole. Take a handful of tobacco and dried sage leaves, and then scroll them into powder. Put the resulting mass into the hole and seal the nut wax. That's all, the talisman is ready.

Before starting the court session, put it in a pocket or wallet and, if possible, touch it during the trial. This is a very powerful protective talisman. With his magical help, you will gain confidence and come out of trouble.

How to win the case in court and avoid prison

So that you do not go out, read the following conspiracy before entering the courtroom:

"Orthodox people suck, the boyars yes the princes are being sent. And I, the slave of God (name) against the slave of God (name) Bew. In my hand, the right holy poppy, which is spoken at the trial, then it will be happening, it will be introduced. The hand is right, the leg right, my thoughts are true and the truthful things. As said, so it will be. In the name of the Father and Son. Amen".

Prayer should be read slowly calmly, squeezing his right hand into the fist. When pronuncified by the magic spell, go on the floor with the right foot. And know - you will definitely win a lawsuit, good luck will be on your side.

How to win a matter of return of money debt

If you sued the statement of claim in order to recover the debt from the debtor, use the following ritual. Cut it directly during the trial. Spend such simple manipulations: Right hand shove in your pocket and from fingers to build Cukish. Then read the magic words about myself or whisper:

"You will have FIG, and I will get the whole boxes, full barns, wallets with great money and chests with stones. I, the slave of God (name), the king, I am a merchant, I will be happiness and a crown. As said, it will come true. Amen".

Conspiracy with a handker

In order for your litigation in the end, they were successful and you did not go to jail, resort to the help of this simple way. For the rite you need an ordinary handkerchief. It must certainly be new, never used.

Speak your handkerchief with a special conspiracy, and then wrap them with your face before hearing the case. Say these words:

"I'll raise myself, the slave of God (name) in the morning, bless, get out of the doors of the relatives, shut off. From the doors in the door I will go, out of the door behind the fence, and from the fence in a wide field will go away.

I will stand in a wide field, and in it the locks are steel, boulat locks, the gates are tremendous. I will stand, the slave of God (name) between those castles, put on the head of the Crown Golden - a clear month.

For a month, clear the sun is red, the sun is light, no one will be angry with me, no one is heated on me, like a clear gray one, no one accepted.

No one will upset me, neither the kings nor the queens, nor the courts of human, nor the whole world of Orthodox. They will be in front of me like a sheet before grass, below beveled grass, below the river water. The sky is my key, the earth constipation, words will be closed, so that no one can unlock.

As stated, so it will be. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If your legal proceedings are very serious and even prayers cannot help avoid you imprisonment, use the following recommendations:

  • Do not strive from the first days of staying in the prison cell to show the clever. Try to pretend to see the interested person and more ask questions about life on the zone.
  • Be calmly, peacefully, friendly. Carefully look at people nearby. They may well be no those who are given themselves.
  • Under no circumstances do you do. The lies are solved quite easily, and you will put yourself in a bad light.
  • Be careful to each little thing. Watch your words. Any incorrectly said word can be a weapon against you.

Prayer before the court is definitely not a panacea. She will not save you from imprisonment if you are really to blame. It is only one of the many ways that you can really reduce the period or make your business in court become winning. Prayer will allow you to find the inner faith and not to develop further litigation.