Stars who started their way with the "Morning Star. Elena Pinjoyan

Stars who started their way with the
Stars who started their way with the "Morning Star. Elena Pinjoyan

Today, to light up or declare the world about your talents, it is enough to have instagram or collect views on YouTube. Well, 25 years ago, celebrities opened or more precisely - ignited the "Morning Star"!

Let's remember those whose names today maybe we didn't even know if it were not this popular TV show?

Yes, in 1995, the young talent named Carolina Kuke was already preparing for his speech, as the leading Yuri Nikolaev urgently demanded to change the name, due to the fact that one Carolina in the list of speakers was already declared. Then the future star simply wrote his name as the assault and "broke" the hall. What never ceases to do today ...

How did you not know this? But in the distant 1992 year, Valeria literally managed to "jump into the last car," to win in the competition. And all because 22 years - it was the maximum age for the participants ...

Despite the fact that the father-producer prepared a girl to the stage from 2 years of age, it was the scene of the "morning star" became the first starting platform that gave the long-awaited success and win 10 years old!

All the fans of Sergei Lazarev know that he became popular yet, being one of the "fidgets", but after all, the leadership qualities do not hurt ... In 1997, Sergey spoke at the "morning star" solo, unconditionally defeating, and at the same time, and kidding the heart of millions of girls on that Side screen. It seems that nothing has changed since that time ...

Well, one more "fidget" has become closely in the team. Yes, Vlad Topalov decided to follow the success of his friend Sergei Lazarev, with whom on the "morning star" scene performed the song "Bal" from the musical "Notre Dame de Paris". Oh, before the hysterics of the All-Russian scale on the Duet "SMASH!" There remained a few days ...

Well, it was only in 1999 the whole world began to sing with shocking girls "I was crazy", and before that Julia and Lena sang and defeated the same non-resonant "fidgets" in the most long-awaited Sunday musical transmission ...

And you knew that in 1996 Pelagia, which was only 10 years old, won the competition winners of the "Morning Star" and $ 1000?

In 1997, with the song "Heart Juliet", the dawn was able to become only the finalist of the "Morning Star" contest, but you agree, this scene is a worthy breakthrough for the first speech!

Well, here's another discovery - from 11 years old Alexei Chumakov began writing his songs, from the first of which and won the "morning star"!

And you, too, come back - "Do not be offended, do not be offended by the bridegroom, a teen girl"? Looks like "Morning Star" only for one this discovery could already calmly be resting on the laurels!

Yes, and for Evgeny Otradnaya Scene of the "Morning Star" - was the first real feeling of success and victory!

It turns out that not only today the name of the Schulapin Prokhor is mentioned in connection with the next scandal or sensation in the world of domestic show business. 20 years ago, Andrei Zakharenkov also loved to stalk ... And then the third place with his own song "Unreal Sleep" on the stage of the "Morning Star" it seemed not to Success is more reliable ...

Consider, completely forgotten this name? But the second place at the "Factory of Stars-2", Helena could not be, if before a few years earlier, she did not lead to the Competition "Morning Star" Chairman of the jury of the TV project. By the way, then she won ...

In 1995, "Autumn" on the expanses of our country sounded in new - verses and music of the song of the same name, which became a business card of the group of lyceum. But after all four years earlier, these girls only "knew" on the stage "Morning Star"!

And well, strain the memory! You could not forget that in the 1990th Angelica Varum made his debut on the stage of the "Morning Star" with the song "Midnight Cowboy"! And yes, we are also shocked ...

Each of us at least once watched a musical show " Star Factory" This show gave our stage a lot of young talents. Perhaps they do not come to the casting, their fate would have formed quite differently, and modern hits would not play from the speakers of our radio receivers.

However, few people remember that the "Star Factory" was preceded by teleconcurs " Morning Star", Which was broadcast on the ORT channel (" Channel One "). But it was here for the first time Sergey Lazarev, Ani Lorak, Valeria and other modern performers. Let's remember how it was.

Sergey Lazarev

Young Seryozha came to the transmission, having a musical experience behind the shoulders. He was a member of the children's ensemble "Fidget." In 1997, he became the winner of the "Morning Star" contest with his song "My Way".

Angelica Varum.

No one knew about the talent of Angelica until 1990, until she spoke to the show with the song "Midnight Cowboy." The following year, the whole country has sowed her songs from the album "Good Bye, my boy".


In 1992, the singer was far from a child when he appeared at this children's competition. In 24, she ranked first with the song "Only since the meeting is in life."

Ani Lorak

The 17-year-old Carolina Kuke struck judges with his vocals in 1995. Another girl under the name of Carolina was announced to the competition, so the singer came out of the situation inventing the pseudonym Ani Lorak.


Anastasia Makarevich, Elena Perov and Isolde Ishkhanishvili in 1991 sang the song of the ABBA group "One of US", and in 1995 blew up the scene of the "Autumn" hit.

Julia Homeova

The 10-year-old Julia with the song "Bird-cinecraft" in 1992 became the winner of the competition, like Valeria. It just performed in another age category.

Vlad Topalov

In 2001, the already famous Lazarev performed on stage together with the top ball with the song "Belle" from the musical "Notre Dame de Paris". Soon they organized the duet SMASH !!


Pelageya took the first place and became the owner of the honorary title "The best performer of a folk song in Russia in 1996" and awards of 1 thousand dollars.

Prokhor Shalyapin

Prokhor spoke in 1999 with the song "Unreal Sleep". Later he became the finalist of the project "Star Factory - 6".

In all the years of its existence, Yuri Nikolaev was the permanent leading TV shows. He performs on television since 1975. The last project was the show "Honest word".

For young cloister "Morning Star" became a ticket to a big scene. It is thanks to this project that the children got the opportunity to declare themselves.

However, there were also criticism of this transfer. So, Pianist Nikolai Petrov spoke out about the transfer as follows: " "Morning Star", in my opinion, is one of the former programs of our television. Small babes of seven years are forced to be crowned under Moiseeva and Pugachev. I feel sorry for these children and their parents».

The author of popular children's programs Sergey Supones also unflattered response about the competition: " "Morning Star" tends to children, like frogs, but she is not a children's program. This is a program for old grandmothers, which, not possessing a taste or a modern understanding of music, simply die by children in tuxedos and ticks singing famous pop stars songs».

Article author

Vyacheslav Yurev

Vyacheslav Yuriev loves historical topics and everything related to travels. If you need a brief certificate of any distant country, feel free to address glory. This editor will dig little-known facts about the lives of commander and classics of literature. At the same time, he is not alien to modern technologies, starting with fashionable gadgets and ending with the development of cosmic expanses.

In March 1991, the first in the history of the Russian television, the Music Teleconcars of Talent in the history of Russian television, was launched - the transfer of the "Morning Star".
The leading show Yuri Nikolaev opened a lot of future celebrities, but in 2003 the transfer from the ether to rendered reality "Star Factory" ... We remembered the musicians who began on the stage of the Morning Star.


Anastasia Makarevich, Elena Perov and Isolde Ishkhanishvili shot in 1995 with the song "Autumn". Over 4 years before that, the girls sink on the stage of the "Morning Star" with the song Abba "One of US".

Prokhor Shalyapin

In 1999, Prokhor ranked third on the "star" with the song "Unreal Sleep". The future spouse of the young artist then was 43 years old ...

Ani Lorak

In March 1995, a certain Carolina was already submitted to the "Morning Star", so the 17-year-old Carolina Kuke wrote his name as a backward one and an unusual pseudonym played a song in his native language.


In 1992, Valery won the Morning Star. 22 years was the maximum age to participate in the competition.

Julia Homeova

Officer won the "star" in the same year as Valery, only she was then 10 years old. Julia competed in another age category.

Sergey Lazarev

Another winner "Stars". The first place at the Lazarev Competition was taken in 1997. Then the company Yuri Nikolayev as a lead was young Julia Malinovskaya, Lazarev's girlfriend in the "fidget".

Vlad Topalov

In 2001, Lazarev reappeared on the stage "Stars" - already in the company Vlad Topalov. The guys performed a song from the musical "Notre Dame de Paris". Before the All-Russian Hysteria on Duet SMASH! It remained very slightly. Seryozha and Vlad did not even imagine how many times they still have to fulfill the famous "Bal" ...


In 1996, 10-year-old Pelagia won in the competition of the winners of the "Morning Star" and received a thousand dollars!

Angelica Varum.

In 1990, Varum made his debut as an independent vocalist with the song "Midnight Cowboy", and next year the first album of the Singer "Good Bye, my boy" came out. Of course, it was a bomb.
Yuri Nikolaev is a famous Soviet TV presenter who has ever become a real symbol of the entire television industry of the USSR. A lot of different legends walk on his personality, which to some extent only confirm the popularity of our today's hero.

In his biography, you can find dozens of interesting facts. But is it possible to say with confidence that we know absolutely everything about the person we are regularly visible on our television screens? Of course not. After all, white spots are found in the fate of every public person.

Early years, childhood and family Yuri Nikolaev

Yuri Alexandrovich Nikolaev was born in Moldova - in the city of Chisinau. His parents were far from the world of art and both belonged to the system of law enforcement agencies of the Soviet Union.

In particular, the father of our today's hero served in the rank of colonel in the ranks of the Moldavian Ministry of Internal Affairs and even was awarded a huge variety of various awards. An equally interesting person was the mother of the future TV host - Valentina Ignatovna. Almost all his life, the woman worked in the KGB system.

This circumstance becomes especially interesting when taking into account the fact that the grandfather Yuri Nikolayev once suffered a lot from the activities of the State Security Committee, was repressed and even moved to Canada. However, we will leave this issue today for brackets.

As for the Yura itself, his creative path began pretty early. Back in childhood, he fell into the school theatrical circle, which in turn became his ticket to the world of television. Our today's hero played children's roles in Chisinau television, and therefore at an early age became a real star at his school.

The first successes brought Yuri Nikolaev to thoughts about the professional career on television. At that time, the future famous TV presenter dreamed of becoming an actor, and therefore, after graduation, he decided to move to Moscow.

In 1965, our today's hero moved to Russia, where he soon filed documents in Gityis. Entrance examinations The young Moldovan guy passed successfully, and therefore soon became a student of the acting faculty of the State Institute of Theatrical Art.

Star Route Yuri Nikolaev: Filmography and Television

Our today's Creative career has begun as a Pushkin Theater actor. In this place, Yuri Nikolaev spoke from 1970 to 1975. Actor also started to shoot at the same time. In 1971, he fulfilled a small role in the film "Zoya Rukhadze", followed by a larger work in the film "Big Terminations" followed.

Roles in the cinema brought Yuri Nikolaev to the world of television. From 1973 to 1975, he worked as a freelance employee, but soon he was heard the position of a speaker on Gostoreradio USSR.

Igor Nikolaev in the film "Yuri Nikolaev. I can not without tv "

For some time, in parallel with the work on television, Yuri Nikolaev was still starring, but in the same 1975 he received a proposal that made him fully focus on his television career. Such was the project "Morning Mail", leading which our today's hero became in the middle of the seventies.

This transfer brought him a huge success and made Nikolaev popular in all regions of the USSR. In different years, his shooting partners were the most different representatives of Soviet television. Only Yuri Alexandrovich himself remained a living embodiment of the spirit of the television program.

In total over the program "Morning Mail", the presenter continuously worked for sixteen years. In parallel with this, he also led some other television programs. For some time, Yuri Nikolaev worked as lead guaranteed news programs for Goseradio of the USSR, as well as legendary children's program "Good night, kids".

However, his personal field for activity has always been musical programs. At various periods of time, our today's hero worked on the "Song of the Year" transmission, "Blue Spark", and also led the song festival in Jurmala.

Yuri Nikolaev about gays and show business

As noted in some sources, in the middle of 1978, Yuri Nikolaev became the first TV presenter in the USSR, which appeared in the frame in a state of alcohol intoxication. This episode so far Nikolaev recalls with humor. C.

it concerns other success that in this regard, it is worth noting the transfer of the "Morning Star" and "Guess the Melody", to create which our today's hero worked as a producer. Thanks to these projects, the popular Soviet TV host managed to remain a noticeable figure in the world of Russian television, even after the collapse of the USSR.

In 1997, Yuri Nikolaev again began to work on the renewed transmission of "Morning Mail", subsequently, he also led the program "Dancing on Ice" and "Dancing with the Stars" on the channel "Russia", as well as the transfer of the "Testa of the Republic" (together with Dmitry Shepelev). In parallel with the work on television, Yuri Nikolaev was sometimes starred in the cinema. In particular, in two thousand years he appeared in the series "Annushka" and "Yesterday Live".

For their numerous successes in the world of Soviet and Russian television, Yuri Nikolaev was awarded two awards of the Union of Journalists of Russia, the Order of Friendship, as well as the title of People's Artist of Russia. Currently, Yuri Nikolaev works on television over old and new projects. One of these is a fundamentally new transmission "in our time".

Personal life Yuri Nikolaev

Yuri Nikolaev's first marriage was rather confidently, and therefore today it is practically nothing known. Another thing is the marital union with the second wife - Eleonoria Alexandrovna. The lovers met at the party from the elder brother, who was an old friend of Yuri. After that, young people began to meet. Today Eleanor and Yuri together for many years. There are no children from the pair.

In ordinary life, Yuri Nikolaev loves sports and supports friendly relations with Leonid Yakubovich. In the past, his loved one was

Yuri Nikolaev, making Ulya Malinovskaya leading "Morning Star", literally turned her life from the legs on his head Photo: From the archives of the Studio Studio "Fidgets"

Julia Malinovskaya - Home Girl Countries

So I darted journalists. And all thanks to Yuri Nikolaev. He played a significant role in the fate of each of the "fidgets". But the life of Malinovskaya literally turned upside down.

Working on the concept of his new program "Morning Star", Yuri Aleksandrovich decided that his degree should be a little girl. At first, Masha Bogdanova became her. But she grew up, and the organizers had to look for a new candidacy. Yura turned to me:

Do you have anyone on coming?

I answered:

Of course! - and showed him the sister of Vlad Topalova Alina and Yulia Malinovskaya, which Nikolaev already knew a little on shooting in the program. On her and fell choice.

I remember their first outlet. Nikolaev says:

Well? Will we meet? My name is Yuri Aleksandrovich, and you?

Yulia! - Ringo answered Malinovskaya. And paving a second, Vesko added: - Vladimirovna!

Its immediacy and the organic worried then and Nikolayev, and the whole film crew.

I have heard the legends that Julia appeared on the air of the "Morning Star" noble. They say, for her slender back there was someone so powerful that even Nikolaev could not resist him. Or that someone is incredibly rich in the editor of the "Morning Star" a giant bag of money. It remained only to laugh: I knew perfectly well how everything was really.

Julia and Mom and sister lived in a tiny Khrushchev, they had no rich nor influential relatives. For the fact that Malinovskaya has become for several years "the main girl of the country" - once a week she had an hour of ether in the prime-half of the rating channel itself, "it is necessary to thank only Yulya himself, her talent and hard work. And also Yuri Alexandrovich, who gave the girl a chance.

They had a beautiful tandem. One day, Nikolaev was supposed to announce the number and leave the stage, leaving Yuya alone. Says the hall: "I leave you, a yug remains for the elder!" And the Malinovskaya suddenly extends his hand to Nikolaev and fieces with inspiration: "Do not go and-and-and, stay with many oh-oh!" How did Yuriy Alexandrovich laughed! At all, I did not expect from the co-host such acne.

Friends and famous artists often paroded the sides of "fidgets". I remember, Yulka portrayed Irina Allegrova, yes so fun! She saw it, she approached and asked surprised:

Do I really put my legs so terribly?

There is a little, "answered a little lax. Another would be fainted in her faint from fear, having heard the question of the famous artist. But not Julia!

Malinovskaya had good reasons to feel like a real star. Wherever we come, her dressing makes the queue thirsty to take an autograph. Julia was everywhere and learned everywhere, Dergali, did not give a passage. Honestly, the girl from such a glory spun his head. And who would have resist? But the "fidget" managed to defeat this ailment. It helped that we all felt in one whole. Let's say if on Sunday Julia led the Morning Star, on Monday she performed in the Room "Fidget" on the tricks in Serge Lazarev or Nastya Zadorozhnaya. Such an approach was greatly sledging our "stars": the sleep flew instantly. In addition, I had a secret ritual: when we went somewhere on tour, before the selection I put the guys in a circle and everyone took turns that he thinks about his comradist. It helped do not save the malice and tension in children.