Essay by picture F.P. Reshetnikova "Malchischika

Essay by picture F.P. Reshetnikova
Essay by picture F.P. Reshetnikova "Malchischika

teacher of Russian Language and Literature MBOU "Lyceum №1"

r.P. Schamzinka Republic of Mordovia

Russian lesson in grade 5

Preparation for an essay by picture

F.P. Perezhetnikova "Boys"

The purpose of the lesson:

  • learn to describe the pictures depicted in the picture;
  • intensify the vocabulary of students on this topic;
  • expand the horizons of students - to acquaint with the life and work of F.P. Pereshentikov

Word about the artist

Fedor Pavlovich Reshetnikov

(1906 - 1988) -

russian artist

popular artist USSR (1974),

laureate of the two Stalinist premiums (1949, 1951)

Word about the artist

in the village of Surco-Lithuanian Ekaterinoslav province Russian Empire (now Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine) in the family of icon painter. He worked at the club of railroad Station Grishino Dnepropetrovsk region. He studied at the working arts in Moscow, entered the highest art and technical workshops, where he was engaged in 1929-1934, in particular, D. S. Moore. Participated in the Arctic Expedition on a ship "Chelyuskin".

Actual member of the AH USSR since 1953, Vice-President (since 1974). Winner of state premiums 1949 and 1951. Awarded by two orders, as well as medals.

Creative credo


I sincerely wanted my works to be interested in people. Favorite theme is children and childhood.


"Gone language" (1943)

To the world of childhood, F.P. Perezhetnikov turned back during the war years, after one day he watched the game of children in the fascists and redarmeys.

From this point on, the paintings began to break out of his brush, the main characters of which were children.

"Arrived on vacation"


Picture F.P. Perezhetnikova "arrived on vacation", written in 1948, is a kind of record holder. The cumulative circulation of postcards with the reproduction of this painting was over 13 million copies - more than any other postcard released in the Soviet Union.

"Again Double" (1952)

Everyone knows a picture on which the artist portrayed a boy, upset by the fact that once again he disassembled his mother brought from school to twice. Since childhood, a familiar picture attracts, above all, the main character - a boy, what a lot around.

"Pigeons of Peace"


"View from the window"




Consider the picture



Over the earth at night late, only the hand of a detachment, you grab the stars: they seem next. You can take a peacock feather, touch the arrows on the clock, ride on the dolphin, to shift on the scales. Over the earth at night late, if you throw a look in the sky, you will see, like a bunch, the constellations are hanging.

Consider the picture

What time of day is shown in the picture?

Which parts can be divided by the picture?

What paints and tones on the canvas prevail?

Who is the characters pictures?

Where do we see them? How did they find themselves?

late evening, Dark blue sky, lights evening city, Illuminated windows of houses, shadow on the roof ...

sky, city, boys on the roof

dark, muted; Unclear, blurred contours ...

three friends, one age, probably classmates, neighbors ...

on the roof of the house, carefully pepper in the night sky, watch the stars ...

Consider the heroes of the picture

Which boys more others attract the attention of the viewer?

What does he differ from his comrades?

What does it indicate that he is a good narrator?

Describe the expression of people of other heroes of the picture?

What can be said about the character of each boy?

the boy who is in the center of the group is the center of the picture

he points to something in the starry sky, shares heard or read

he managed to interest friends who listen carefully to his story

one boy is passionate about what he saw and heard, frozen from admiration.

the second does not break off looks at the sky thoughtful, dreamy look

serious, purposeful; very impressionable; Romantic, dreamer

Do you think I attracted the attention of schoolchildren?

What are they dreaming about?

Space is so cool!

Stars and planets

In black weightlessness

Slowly float!

Space is so cool!

Sharp rockets

At huge speed

Rush there and here!

So wonderful in space!

So magically in space,

In this Space

To visit one day!

What do you think what mood

it was at the artist when

he worked on the picture?

Select accurate words to determine

light, joyful, lung, admiring, enthusiastic, sincere, cheerful, lyrical, inspirational, beautiful, creative, festive, dreamy.


Poses ... Evening, dark-blue ... e Sky, lights in ... Black Mountains ... Yes, Wavy ... Woven windows d ... Mov, shadow on the roofs ..., Night ... Noah Moj ..., Mal .. Thirty ... N ... Skno Sky, N ... dishes behind the stars.

Check yourself

POS. d. Evening, dark-blue e. e sky, lights in e. Black Mountain about Yes, Oswie e. Window windows D. about MOU, shadow on the roofs e. , but cN oh Goro. d. , small b Chiki VN and Improving tC I am in N. about Sky, n but Sounds behind the stars.

Select synonyms


canvas, painting work, masterpiece master, reproduction;

Picture -

captured, created, embodied his idea, painted, showed, passed;

Pictured -

guys painting heroes

Boys -

Make a plan work

  • A few words about the author of the painting.
  • Who is the characters pictures?
  • Where do we see them?
  • How did they find themselves?
  • Why did they come there?
  • How are they depicted?

Describe each:

b) appearance

d) facial expression

7. What can be said about the nature of each?

8. What thought is trying to convey the artist to the audience?

Having finished working on an essay in draft, check:

  • whether in the proposal is subject to both (main members of the sentence);
  • whether the order of words is correct;
  • whether words are correct in meaning correctly;
  • do not repeat the same words and expressions;
  • word written correctly and put the punctuation marks.

Getting to work in the first one.

Good luck!


thank you



  • Alpatov M.V., Rostovtsev N.N. Art. Painting. Graphics. M.: Education, 1989
  • Carasev I.V. Purplus Alans on the textbook "Russian language: Grade 5". - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010
  • Romanova S.A. Thematic development of Russian lessons in grade 5. - M.: School Press, 2010
  • Wikipedia - Http-free encyclopedia: //ru.wikipedia
  • Reproduction of paintings by F.P. Pereshentikov: http: //ru.wikipedia

Fedor Reshetnikov - an artist who wrote in style socialist realism. The main characters of his paintings are most often the children. In the works, he shows all the beauty of a simple boyish soul, with all its sorrows and joys.


It is very interesting in his image a picture of the "boys". Description of this canvas is best to start with the history of its creation. In 1971, almost all children Soviet Union Space was dreamed, because ten years have passed after the first flight Y. Gagarin, and the development of unknown spaces was gaining momentum. The artist in his work shows the whole passion of children of that time.

Picture action

The picture of the Reshetnikov "Boys", the description of which I want to start from the place where the meeting takes place, expresses the mystery and the magic of the night sky. The action shown in the picture occurs on the roof of a high house. The boys are depicted in the center of the canvas, and behind them is a city falling asleep at dusk. A separate word about heaven - extensive and mysterious, it takes most Pictures and manitis look.

Three friends peer into uncharted space spaces. Just look at the postures of boys to understand that they are very different in nature. And their thoughts are different.

One of the guys is a dreamer - he leaned on Parapet and looking at the sky with a thoughtful look. In his eyes, thoughts are read about the uncharted depths of space, other galaxies and the possibility of studying these worlds.

Older boy with inspiration shows his younger comrade on some point in the night sky. So he heard his story about space ships, furrowing spaces of space, or about opening new Star. And his friend listens to his friend. Surprise that flashes on his face, suggests that he learns something new from his comrade story. And this new captures all his simple boyish creature. Painting Reshetnikova "Boys" - a description of hopes and dreams of the guys of a whole generation.


Fedor Pavlovich Reshetnikov imprinted the whole era - the Epoch of Social Realism in the USSR. His paintings open the door to the world of honesty, openness, trust. At first glance, they seem ordinary, simple.

But it is worth looking closer to the closer look at the face - and captures the cycle of thoughts, feelings, aspirations. The picture of the reshetnikov "Boys", the description of which is given above, makes it possible to understand the interest in discoveries, and the desire for an unexplored for a whole generation.

Lesson for the development of speech

Preparation for an essay by picture

F.P.Reshetnikova "Boys".

Zarubina Yu.E., Teacher of the Russian language and literature MBOU "SOSH№ZO" Dzerzhinsk


  1. Prepare students for writing an essay;
  2. To intensify the vocabulary of the guys, replenish their vocabulary;
  3. educate creative activity, aesthetic perception of works of art, interest in painting;
  4. contribute to the development of the feelings and emotions of children;
  1. Equipment: reproductions from paintings by F.P. Reshetnikova, presentation, student compositions.
  1. Message Topics, Goals and Tasks
  2. Story about the artist and about his other paintings using the presentation.

Fedor Pavlovich Reshetnikov (1906 - 1988) is a Soviet artist.F. P. Reshetnikov was born 15 (28) July 1906 in the village of Surco-Lithuanian Ekaterinoslav province of the Russian Empire in the family of the icon painter. Interest in painting early manifested in the boy. Little Fedya looked closely to everything that his elder brother-artist did, he often helped him: Paints rubbed, stretched the canvas, soap brushes, and sometimes painted himself.Fourteen years old boy reshetnikov left the father's house: it's time to start independent life, earn a piece of bread itself. He traveled around the country, worked in various workshops, in mines, but did not forget his beloved craft from childhood. With special pleasure, he drew scenery for local theaters.He worked at the club of railroad Station Grishino Dnepropetrovsk region. He studied at the working arts in Moscow, entered the highest art and technical workshops, where he was engaged in 1929-1934, in particular, D. S. Moore. Participated in the Arctic Expedition on a ship "Chelyuskin". Survey and unusual nature of the Arctic, heroic work courageous people - All this captured the artist. Together with other heroes, the Chelyuskins, he was removed from the drifting ice of brave pilots and, returning, wrote several paintings dedicated to the Arctic. A valid member of the USSR AH since 1953, Vice President (with 1974). During the Great Patriotic War He was at the front, defended Sevastopol, freed the Crimea from the fascists. After the war, the artist returned to his profession. The children were the favorite heroes of his canvases. His famous paintings: "Violator", "For Peace", "For lessons", "Again two!" The picture F.P.Reshenikova "arrived on vacation" (1948) is a kind of record holder. The cumulative circulation of cards with the reproduction of this painting was over 13 million copies - more than any other postcard released in the Soviet Union. P. Reshetnikov died on December 13, 1988. He was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

  1. Primary picture perception

Consider the picture. What did you like? Explain the name.

  1. Conversation in the picture, recording questions and selection of working materials.

Signatures for slides:

"Boys" 1971

Fedor Pavlovich Reshetnikov (1906 - 1988) - Soviet artist

F. P. Reshetnikov was born 15 (28) July 1906 in the village of Surco-Lithuanian Ekaterinoslav province of the Russian Empire in the family of the icon painter. He worked at the club of railroad Station Grishino Dnepropetrovsk region. He studied at the working arts in Moscow, entered the highest art and technical workshops, where he was engaged in 1929-1934, in particular, D. S. Moore. Participated in the Arctic Expedition on a ship "Chelyuskin". Actual member of the AH USSR since 1953, Vice-President (since 1974). The picture F.P.Reshenikova "arrived on vacation" (1948) is a kind of record holder. The cumulative circulation of postcards with the reproduction of this painting was over 13 million copies - more than any other postcard released in the Soviet Union. F. P. Reshetnikov died on December 13, 1988. He was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Awards and medals. * Stalinsky Prize The second degree (1949) - for the paintings "Generalissimus of the Soviet Union I. V. Stalin" and "arrived at the holidays" * The Stalinist third degree premium (1951) - for the painting "For the world!" (1950) * People's Artist of the USSR (1974) * Two orders and medals

Children's images in the works of F.P. Pereshentikov "arrived on vacation" 1948

"Again Double" 1952



Pictures f.rechenikov diverse. Among them are works dedicated to children and childhood. These include a picture of the "boys", written in 1971.

It shows three boys on the roof of the house, the sky - dark blue, the windows of the houses are bright, lights illuminated the streets. So, the late evening is depicted. The author uses dark, muted tones, no bright colorsThe picture transmits calm and peace.

The picture can be divided into three parts: the upper part takes the evening sky, the central city in lights, on foreground - Boys.

It seems to me that the characters of the paintings are friends. Guys about one age, so maybe they are classmates. And if at such a later time they are together, then they live, probably in the house, on the roof of which are, they are neighbors. The guys came here to look at the starry sky, admire his beauty, find some kind of constellation. The boy is higher for something indicating. Probably he read interesting book About space, about space flights, about constellations, about satellites and is now divided by their knowledge with friends. His role, the author emphasized the white shirt, which is highlighted in a light spot against the dark sky. He is a good narrator: two other boys listen to him with great interest. Boy, nearby, highly raising his head, keeping the roof fence, wide open eyes Looks into the sky. He was so captured by the story that he opened his mouth and meat. Another boy listens, leaning on a building on the roof. He is also interested, but they own completely different feelings. His look is dreaming 6 thoughtful, he admires the beauty of the starry sky. By how the guys portrayed the artist, one can say about the nature of each of them. They are completely different: the narrator is smart, read, serious, probably, excellent; standing next to him - very impressionable, shy, quiet; The third boy is a romantic, a dreamer, probably, the Fayman. And they are interested in each other precisely because they are different.

I really liked the picture. It seems that you yourself are on the roof along with these guys. As I would like to have such friends!

A lot of pictures of this artist, who he dedicated to a children's topic. For example, these masterpieces can be attributed to them like, "took the language", "came to vacation", "Boys". I want to stay in more detail and consider the picture of the "boys". She was drawn in 1971.

In the picture we see three boys, at night they rose to the roof, probably secretly from the parents. They look at the sky by the stars. It can be imagined that they are in need of a constellation to each other and tell the secrets of the starry sky. And maybe argue about star galaxy or other planets. Their faces express delight, with such hobbies they look out for something there.

It seems that the guys do not notice anything that happens around. I like this picture, she comes to life in my eyes. I want to be there, on the roof, next to the guys, and just as they discuss the night sky. And it is possible to discuss not only the galaxy and planets, but also to share your secrets and hidden secrets. And we don't care how the artist shows the city, for us it merges with the starry sky, and to the fore, ousting the boys.

The artist managed to show mystery star Night, especially in combination with children. Involuntarily remember yourself in the summer, as loved to admire with friends with a sunset or sunrise, and even make a desire when the star falls. Few people believe in this admission, but once the desire was set up. I believe in the wonders of the Star Night. Thanks to the author for his work, it forced me to plunge into the world of childhood, feel his carelessness. It seems to me that it is like these pictures that make us survive repeatedly the moments that bind us with childhood give us the strength not to give up and move on.

Rubber! 37

Picture of Fedor Pavlovich Reshestnikova "Boys" touches any person who has not learned to dream and fantasize. It depicts a late warm evening and the roof of the house at the summer sun. Three boys climbed onto the roof and look at the heavenly tent spread over them.

In the very center of the picture, the boy in a white shirt, something enthusiastically explains his friends, showing in a blue sky. Perhaps the first evening stars are already flashing on top, and it is about them, the boy leads his story. One of the friends climbed, carefully follows the hand of the storyteller and trying to understand everything that his friend says. And the other, raising a fair-haired head, it seems, I forgot about everything in the world and even dutched my mouth from surprise, admiring heavenly beauty.

Somewhere the yellow windows of apartments are burning at the bottom, in which evening life is boiling. People prepare food, read newspapers, laugh. Perhaps, the last sounds of the falling city also come to the boys and they hear them, how dogs walk in the courtyards, they have flimsy last Party In Domino and, meeting a neighbor, share recent news. But the boys do not care that they could have been waiting for the mums to dinner for a long time. Three friends, at these moments, are passionate about their thoughts about the beautiful future and they will not wait as soon as possible to fulfill their most cherished desires.

What do these boys say? What kind of fantasy made them climb on the highest roof? Why so bright and dreaming of their faces? For a complete understanding of the painting "Boys", you need to pay attention to the year of its creation. And she was written in 1971. Total ten years before the creation of this painting Yuri Gagarin flew into space, opening new epoch In human life. Epoch, which can be called space. All children dreamed of becoming cosmonauts, astronomers and researchers of the Universe. How many secrets were waiting for, when they are revealed, how many plans for the development of cosmos!

Here are these boys from the very early childhood Dreamed of cold infinity of the space, respected and loved Gagarin, studied the constellations and the stars, and perhaps even visited the circle of astronomy or design. After all, this is all necessarily useful in the future, when one of the friends will look for new planets in the telescope, on which there is a reasonable form of life, another design modern space ships, and the third, of course, will fly to the found planet to come into contact with Her residents.

Therefore, so dreamy of the face of three buddies standing on the roof of the house and so much inspiration is read in views directed into a high dark sky. They sincerely believe in their bright future, believe in their dreams and ideals. All these hot young feelings, Fyodor Pavlovich very accurately and brightly conveyed through the canvas of his painting. It is written so sincerely, which seems like the artist and himself, it is not going to go, together with the boys on the far unknown planet, which through the darkness of the Universe mysteriously winks to three dreamers.

Many paintings by the artist Reshestnikov depicts children. I chose writing an essay by the picture "Boys" Reshetnikov, because I really like the guys who are drawn there. It seems to me that with all three it would be interesting to make friends.

Boys with paintings stand on the roof of a high house. The city has long been night. Cozy windows of houses. And very close above the heads of the guys a huge starry sky. In his work, the artist uses saturated blue and gray tones. Because of this, the night sky in the picture looks quite as a real, mysterious and exciting. You can stay in it for a long time with the heroes.

A boy in a white shirt is enthusiastic about something tells friends. And they listen to him very carefully. A blonde boy looks around with interest where his comrade shows him. From curiosity, he even slightly opened his mouth.

And another boy leaned his head on his hand and looks thoughtfully in the starry sky. He is now somewhere far away in his dreams. It can be seen that the characters of all three boys are different, but there is something that they bind. The roof of the house has now turned for them in the deck of the stellar, and they became his team. And all together fly towards adventure. These adventures are so far children's, absolutely not terrible. And in one of the luminous windows of each of them is waiting for mom. But when the boys grow up, they will probably not forget about their dreams and their friendship.

This picture raises a desire to dream in me. Other planets and aliens, galaxies and constellations ... How many different secrets still remained uneasy and waiting for me. Description of the painting "Boys" Reshetnikov allows us to feel that the mystery can be quite near. Even on the usual roof of the house. The main thing is not to pass by her!


Summer night. Night city, only the windows of the houses are burning, there is silence around, there is no votes of people nor noise cars. On the roof multi-storey house Three boys got climbed. They consider the starry sky with passion. All the guys are depicted in different poses, one faith on the railing, the other simply leaned on them, the third stands and shows the finger at the down, and talks about constellations. Probably, he saw the constellation of a big bear or found a polar star. But he is so interesting tells that his friends, opening her mouth, listen to him, they really like to look at the sky.

Can the guys dream to become astronauts and represent how they are when they grow up, they will rise high up to an unfamiliar planet and will study it. Maybe they think about who lives there, represent and discuss these creatures. In the view of the boys read romanticism, dreaminess, some fabulousness, they believe in a miracle, maybe they saw a falling star and make a desire while she flies.

IN this moment Babys except the sky and stars are not interested, they are surrounded by a beautiful night city, but they do not look at him. The boys are so passionate about the sky that they are not afraid of the height on which they are, and they stand right at the roof edge. Meanwhile, the last minute windows resemble sparkling stars in the sky, and the blue-black sky seems to be space space.

The painting is interesting, she gives the viewer to think about the picture, her plot, she reminds something like a fairy tale. It perfectly shows the enthusiasm guys. After her view, I wanted to look at the starry sky and admire the stunning stars, and flooded children's memories, once I also dreamed of becoming a cosmonaut and fly into space.


Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov familiar to the audience in many pictures, most of which are devoted to a children's topic. For example, everyone knows his paintings "Again, Two", "took the language", "came to the holidays." In my essay, I want to stay on the canvas, which the reshetnikov called the "boys." The picture was written in 1971.

In his artistic work, the reshetnikov depicted three boys who dark night Rose to the roof. Probably, the parents about this nightly balanter do not know anything. Boys look at the night sky with interest, which is sleeping bright stars. I imagine how they tell each other about constellations. Or maybe know and some secrets that are associated with the stars? Maybe they compose fantastic stories about space travel and conquering galaxy. The boys are delighted with something in the starry sky, it can be seen by their persons who depict enthusiasm, delight, interest and joy.

What happens around, the boys do not notice. Their views are chained to the sky, which attracts their mystery. Considering the painting of the "boys" as the "boys", I remembered my event that was connected with the starry sky. Everyone knows that with a falling star you need to make a desire. That is what I entered. And you know my desire, mandated with a falling star, came true.

The picture was alive and realistic. I imagine myself next to the boys on the roof. In addition to the main characters, the lights of the night city are visible in the picture. But the boys do not have no business before the night city. The type of high-rise buildings merges with the sky, against the background of which the images of the boys are distinguished.

I really liked the author's picture of the reshetnikov. The artist managed to accurately show the mysteriousness of the starry sky, especially in combination with the boys. Like the rest works of art Reshetnikova, the picture of the "boys" binds us with childhood, makes it possible to dream.