Abstract of open directly-educational activities on drawing "Evening city. Preparatory group Subject: "My house, my city, my country, my planet preparation for drawing in the preparatory group of kindergarten

Abstract of open directly-educational activities on drawing "Evening city. Preparatory group Subject: "My house, my city, my country, my planet preparation for drawing in the preparatory group of kindergarten
Drawing with children 6-7 years. Abstracts of Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "My City"

Theme of the Week "My City"

Lesson 43. Kremlin

(Drawing a gouache)

Software content.Rail interest in the history of the hometown. Learning to schedule a simple pencil silhouettes of towers and the walls of the Kremlin, passing their forms, the structure. Continue learning to use different shades of one color.

Demonstration material.The images of the Kremlin, the Spasskaya Tower, the Terman Palace, the Granovic Chamber, Tsar-Gun, King Bells, the bell tower of Ivan the Great, Assumption, Arkhangelsk and the Annunciation Cathedrals.

Handout.Listed sheets, simple pencils, gouache, brushes, jars with water, palettes, rags.

Structure occupation

Machine children with the history of the Moscow Kremlin with the help of illustrations. "The Kremlin is the central part of Moscow, acquired by a strong wall with towers. There are loopholes in the walls, through which it was possible to shoot enemies. And around the Kremlin - deep rally. On the Spasskaya Tower there are clocks with a battle - chimes. Previously, it was in the Kremlin who was boiling urban life. Inside the Kremlin, the king and the queen lived in a terman palace. The bell tower of Ivan the Great was the highest structure. From her vertex one could notice the approach of enemies.

At the Cathedral Square there are three cathedrals - Assumption, Arkhangelsky and Blagoveshchensky. In the center of the square is the Granovic Chamber. It used to be held solemn techniques. Inside the Kremlin, you can see the huge king gun and tsar-bell. "

Accompany the story with pictures. Consider with children Kremlin gear walls and towers. Consider the Spasskaya Tower - it is high, below - a large rectangular base, above - the square part on which the round clock is located. At the very top of the tower - the star. Offer the children with a simple pencil on a sheet to outline the silhouette of the Kremlin (towers and walls). And then make a job in color using different shades of red.

Lesson 44. Evening City

(Watercolor drawing)

Software content.Develop the ability to inscribe the composition into the sheet, draw different buildings, depict the front and background. Learning to draw a night city using dark colors (mixing paints with black color). Calculate paint erosion. Develop a sense of composition, colors.

Demonstration material.Images of the night city (including the picture K. Korovina "Night Paris").

Handout.Paper sheets for watercolor, simple pencils, watercolor paints, brushes, jars with water, palettes, rags.

Structure occupation

Consider with children image of the night city. Describe the color of the night city (dark), the feature of the contours (blurry). Please note that houses are different: large and small, high and low, long and short. Some houses are ahead and partially blocked at home behind them.

Read the children excerpts from the poem S. Marshak "Night Page":

Before you - Night page.

The capital is shrouded in darkness.

Go to rest trams

Trolleybuses rush home.

Slide lights along the alley,

Going away from the Moscow Hills,

And with every minute dim

Current windows of houses.

Meeting at all intersections,

Flaw lights through the bridge.

And the sky over the city - in sparkles

Far, slightly visible stars.

Invite children to outline the contours of the houses with a simple pencil, passing the front and back plan. Tell me the color solution of the pattern: Suggest using dark colors for the image of houses and bright - yellow, orange - for lanterns and windows. Celebrate children in mixing black paint with other colors, to produce dark shades. At the same time, black paint must be taken very little, the most tip of the brush.

From the book of modeling and appliqué with children 6-7 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "Flowers" Lesson 8. Chamomile in a vase (color and white paper. Application of cut parts of the subject) Software content. Continue to teach cut symmetrical silhouettes of folded papers folded. Fasten the skill cut circles from squares and cut

From the book drawing with children 6-7 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 21. Building a house (laying from plasticine) Software content. To form in children the ability to sculpt a house from the rod bars, imposing them on each other and firmly connecting each other. Fasten the ability to use the stack. Develop

From the book drawing with children 4-5 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "My City" Lesson 22. Kremlin (egg shell. Imitation of frescoes) Software content. Maxue children with the history of the creation of the Kremlin. Continue learning to independently invent the content of the work. Learning to schedule silhouettes with a simple pencil. Continue to learn

From the book modeling with children 3-4 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 41-42. Dominics of three piglets (part 1-2) (drawing with pastel shallow, santile, coal, wax shallow) software content. Continue learning to make illustrations to fairy tales. Develop the ability to place objects on a sheet of paper. Learn

From the book drawing with children 5-6 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "Dishes" Lesson 9. Cup (drawing with cotton wands. Gouache) software content. Learn children to draw the object of dishes from nature with a simple pencil, having it on the whole sheet. Learn yourself pick up suitable colors

From the book Applique with children 3-4 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "Furniture" Lesson 11. Blanket for Vanya (drawing with markers) Software content. Teach children decorate a rectangular shape with colored stripes, alternating them in color. Learn to understand and analyze the content of fun. Raise benevolent

From the book drawing with children 3-4 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "Clothing" Lesson 12. My Winter Cap (Drawing Brush. Gouache) Software content. Teach children draw a cap with a simple pencil; Picture a gouache of different colors. Develop thinking, attention. Material. Large sheet with three caps (red, red,

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 21. Houses for Matryoshek (drawing with colored pencils) Software content. Teach children draw small and large objects consisting of a square and triangle. Continue learning to make a storyline. Relieve responsive

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "My City" Lesson 22. Masters from the city (drawing with a brush. Gouache) software content. To acquaint children with the traditional fishery of the city, with elements and colorfulness, characteristic of the city painting on a tree; with products of Gorodetskaya masters.

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 22. The house for a bunny and a rooster (laying from plasticine) software content. Fasten the ability of children to bring the product to the desired image using plasticine. Learning to retell fairy tales, relying on illustration. Demonstrate material. Heroes

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 41. Ice hut (drawing pastel shallow) Software content. Continue to acquaint children with cold tones. Learning to transmit characteristic features of items using a cold color gamut. Meet opportunities

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "My City" Occupation 43. On my street (drawing by coal pencil) software content. To acquaint children with the history of their hometown. Show kids features drawing with coal pencils. Learn to depict the coal pencil contours

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 22. House for a Bunny and Rooster (Color Paper. Application from the prepared parts of the subject) Software content. Relieve responsiveness and kindness. Teach children to make a whole of several parts; put glue to the item and stick

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 22. Fence near the house (painting with a brush. Gouache) goal. Continue to teach children to draw various items consisting of combinations of lines. Learning to retell fairy tales, leaning on illustration in the book. Develop speech, thinking. Demonstrate

From the book of the author

Theme of the week "Easter" occupation 32. Painted eggs (drawing on stencil with colored pencils) target. Teach children to draw with a stencil. To acquaint with the holiday of Easter. Demonstrate material. Painted Easter eggs. The diffuse material. Stencil in the form of eggs with

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "Insects" Lesson 35. Bugs walk (drawing with a brush. Gouache) goal. Continue to teach children to draw familiar shapes, creating plot compositions. Develop thinking. Demonstrate material. Pictures with insects (ant, butterfly, beetle, bee, dragonfly, mosquito,

Observation of the movements of children on a walk, during games. Viewing sculpture of small forms.

Lesson 15. Drawing "Dad (Mom) walks with his child in a square (on the street)"

Software content. Fasten the ability to draw a person's figure, transmit the relative size of the child and adult. Learning to have images on a sheet according to the content of the pattern. Exercise in drawing contour with a simple pencil and later painting with colored pencils.

Methodology for holding. Remind children about the proportions of adult and child figures, their ratio largest. (The tutor shows the proportions and the ratio on himself, taking a child for the hand.)

Clarify with children Sequence of work: Figures must first draw a simple pencil, and then neatly paint. To send the attention of children to use different pressure on a pencil when painting.

When viewed and evaluating the work, to draw the attention of children to transmit the ratio of figures in magnitude to the technique of drawings.

Note. It is important to direct the attention of children to the creative decision topic: you can paint and mother, and dad, and children. You can also propose to create an illustration for the work of S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Stepa", but the software tasks remain the same (instead of an adult and child, children draw an ordinary man and Uncle Step).

Materials. A4 format paper, simple graphate and colored pencils.

Occupation 16. Lrack "Cockerel with family" (according to the story K. D. Ushinsky)

(Collective composition)

Software content. Teach children to create a simple scene from the winged figures with collective efforts. Fasten the ability to sculpt the rooster, chickens, chickens. To achieve greater accuracy in the transfer of the main form, characteristic details. To form the ability to collectively think about the location of birds on the stand.

Methodology for holding. Remind children that in the summer in the country they saw chickens, roosters, chickens. Create a brief content of the story K. D. Ushinsky "Cockerel with family."

Suggest children to think who and how to sculpt; Distribute which birds will cut off. In the process of working, pay attention to the distinct transmission of shape, parts, proportions, etc.

Filed shapes Children have on a shared stand.

Materials. Stand for collective composition. Clay or plasticine, stacks, boards for modeling.

Communication with other educational areas. Reading and retelling story k.d. Ushinsky "Cockerel with family." Conversations about summer impressions, about poultry.

Lesson 17 Drawing "City (village) in the evening"

Software content. Teach children to pass in the picture the picture of the evening city, color flavor: houses are lighter night air, multicolored lights are burning in the windows. Fasten the ability to make out its plan, compositely plans an image on a sheet. Develop aesthetic feelings (colors, compositions). Learn to evaluate the expressive decision topic.

Methodology for holding. Suggest the children to remember how the city happens in the evening: how it is covered, what looks at home. Discuss the color solution of the pattern. Remind about the variety of houses (proportions, location on the street). Suggest the guys to start work.

When analyzing the finished work, send the attention of children to choosing drawings, interesting in composition (houses of different proportions, successfully placed on a sheet), in color (expressively transferred to the flavor of the evening city).

Materials. Dark tone paper, watercolor paint, gouache, brushes.

Communication with other educational areas. Recommendation to parents to watch the children's picture of the evening city. Consider illustration.

Software content. Learning children to decorate a paper sheet with a large branch with curls (typical main element of decorative articles). Learning to use for the decoration of the branch various familiar elements (flowers, leaves, berries, arcs, small curls). Develop multidirectional movements, ease of hand turning, smoothness, moving mucus, spatial orientation on a sheet (decorating a branch with elements on the left and right). Develop a sense of composition. Continue to learn to analyze drawings.

Methodology for holding. Show children on a blackboard 2-3 embodiment of a curl-curl of smooth vertical movement (horizontally, vertically diagonally). Then suggest all the guys to show this drawing hand in the air. Suggest to first exercise in drawing a curl branch on paper (prepare half the album sheets in advance). When the child has a curl, give a sheet of paper on which the drawing will be performed.

All the finished drawings put it on the board, offer children to choose smoothly, shakenly drawn and beautifully decorated curls, explain their choice. Ask any child to compare the selected drawing with your own, note that it is better in its picture, and what in the picture of the comrade.

Materials. Simple graphate and color pencils, paper stripes (20 × 10 cm).

Communication with other educational areas. Consider the folk patterns.

Lesson 19. Drawing "Late Autumn"

Software content. Teach children to transmit in the drawing landscape of late autumn, its color (the absence of bright colors in nature). Learning to use to create an expressive drawing different materials: gouache, colored wax crayons, a simple graphite pencil. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bneutral colors (black, white, dark gray, light gray), learning to use these colors when creating a late autumn pattern. Develop aesthetic feelings.

Methodology for holding. Remember with children, asking them questions, which is typical for late autumn (it rains, sometimes snow, the leaves almost blew up, trees darkened, bent from a strong wind, dark clouds are often moving across the sky). Talk to the guys about the use in the picture of different materials. Suggest to start drawing.

At the end of work, consider with children pictures and choose the most expressive, where it is immediately seen that the late autumn is drawn. Make a border from children's drawings and post it in the lobby.

Materials. Album sheets, colored wax chalk (if there are no them in kindergarten, you can offer other materials: a simple graphite pencil, watercolor paints, a gouache of different colors, Belil).

Communication with other educational areas. Observations on walks, memorizing the poems of autumn. Viewing of paintings of paintings, illustrations (emphasizing a variety of scene solution, flavor).

Lesson 20. Drawing on the plan "Draw, what was the most interesting this month"

Software content. Teach children to select the most interesting impressions of the experiences; Develop the desire to display these impressions in the picture. Fasten the ability to draw pencils, paints. Teach the most fully expressing its idea by means of drawing, bringing started to the end. Develop imagination.

Methodology for holding. A few days before the classes individually or with small groups of children, talk about interesting in their lives. Think along with the guys about how it can be drawn.

"Parsley is dancing at the festival"

Nikita D., Preparatory Group

In the process of creating those who will find it difficult to choose the topic. To direct the attention of children to the most complete solution of the plan.

At the end of the work, to post all drawings on the board, ask the guys to tell about the most interesting images.

Materials. A simple graphite pencil, watercolor paint, white paper or color light tone (to choose from) A4 format.

Communication with other educational areas. During the month, track the most interesting events from the life of children in kindergarten, at home (conversations with children, parents), to know well, what every child can be reminded if it is difficult for him to choose a topic; Sometimes to discuss how it would be beautiful to draw it.

Lesson 21. Drawing "We go for a holiday with flags and flowers"

Software content. Learning to express your experience from the holiday, draw the figures of children in motion (the child goes, raised his hand with the flag, etc.). Fasten the ability to transfer the proportions of the human figure. Continue to learn to draw the contours of the main parts with a simple pencil and beautifully painted with colored pencils. Learn to transfer festive flavor in the drawing. Direction to search for a good location of figures on the sheet. Develop aesthetic feelings (colors, compositions).

Methodology for holding. Remind children as a running child looks like, consider children standing by raising hands, with flags and flowers. Clarify the proportions of the human body.

Yulia Kashcheev


Secure the skill of B. drawing a city, streets, buildings, festive salute.

To form spatial views by the location of the depicted objects on paper.

Develop aesthetic perception.

Materials: album for drawing, Watercolor paints, wax crayons, brushes, cups, unpolivatives, photos cities Tuapse during various holidays, pictures pictures festive cities and salutes, composition « Festive melody»

Prior work: drawing a city, drawing salutereading poems about tuapse city, about holidays, conversations O. tuapse city and holidays in Russia, construction of the cityBuildings.

Sounds festive melody.

Good afternoon guys! Tell me please, and whether this week was some holiday? Right! And who will say, what exactly holiday celebrated in our country? That's right, the Day of People's Unity. And who will answer me whether it was about this the city is some celebration, event? All right! On this day and in our city Tuapse residents noted holiday of folk unity.

Let's listen with you a wonderful poem about it festival.

Day of folk unity

Do not argue with history

The story lives

She unites

On the feat and on labor

One state

When the people are

When a great power

He moves forward.

The enemy is wins

United in battle

And Rus frees,

And sacrifices himself.

In the glory of those heroes

We live with one destiny

Today is the day of unity

we celebrate with you!

So what does this poem say about this poem? Did you like it? What exactly did you like it?

But who knows what happens during holiday in the city? Is something very unusual and very beautiful? And to find out, I suggest you unravel my riddle:

Rushed thunder

Cheerful thunder

Split everything around!

Robed into the sky tirelessly

Multicolored fountains,

Spray of light pour through everywhere.

it festive ....

(Answer : Firework)

Well done! Guess my riddle! This is, of course, salute! Children, who of you saw salute? By what holidays in our city there are salute?

And you want to know what does the word salute mean? Maybe someone knows? Do not know? Salute is a greeting. But what does it look like that he reminds us? True, lights and flower. And in Japanese, this word is translated and translated. "Floor Floor".

And you know that and in our country the first salute was salute victory in honor of the troops of the Red Army. And from now on, on August 5, 1943 in our country, Salutes became a tradition, and they began to run during many important holidays.

As you already, for sure, guessed, guys, today we will be draw a festive city, and the main sign of our holiday in the picture will be a festive salute. But for this purpose, we need draw our city. What do we draw first? True, houses, trees, lights, roads, cars and people. And in some the city we live? That's right, in Tuapse. And what can we still dorisite with youwhat characterizes what we draw the holiday is in our city Tuapse? True, we draw the mountains and the sea. And so, first we will use wax pencils to portray city. And what we will draw after? That's right, salute. And only after we draw salute, we will use blue paint to portray the night sky.

Children are starting to work, drawing city and Salute. When half the drawing is ready, the fizminet is carried out.

Around everything was quiet (Stand straight, Hands dropped)

And suddenly - salute! Firework! (Hands up)

Rockets in the sky flashed (Reveal fingers fan)

And there, and here! (Masting with hands above your head with open fingers)

Over the area over the roofs (Sit down, stand, hands with open fingers)

Over festive Moscow

It is all the above

Lights fountain alive! Raise hands up.

Children are completing the drawing, dorifying mountains, sea, salute. At the end, paint blue watercolor paint night sky.

Well done! What wonderful all work! You created this holiday On a small sheet of paper! And now approach me, and together we organize an exhibition of our drawings.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract Node in the preparatory group "Festive salute" Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution Malinsky Center for Development of the Children - Kindergarten "Seagull" of the Stupinsky municipal.

Abstract Node on unconventional drawing in the second youngest group "Festive Salute" Objective: to acquaint children with a new unconventional image of drawing "Cutting drawing". Tasks: 1. Teach children to transmit impressions.

The abstract of the Node in the preparatory group "There is a city in the world, the southern city - my homeland particle." The abstract of directly educational activities in the preparatory group "There is a city in the world, the southern city - the partie of My Motherland."

Abstract Classes in the preparatory group "City of St. Petersburg, Favorite City" Purpose: Continue to acquaint children from the city of St. Petersburg, as with a hometown. Tasks: Fasten the knowledge of children about St. Petersburg, like.

Abstract Classes on drawing "Festive salute over the city" Drawing on the topic: "Festive salute over the city." The purpose of the use of non-traditional equipment in drawing \\ Cutting drawing \\. Tasks.

Lesson: Collective Drawing "My Favorite City". Abstract

Author: Sorokina Natalya Valerievna, Pedagogue of additional education
Place of work: MBOU DOD "Palace of Children's Creativity", Navashino, Nizhny Novgorod region

This activity is intended for children 5-6 years.
Methodical material will help educators to captivate children, expand their knowledge, customize them on productive activities through a journey through a small homeland.

Purpose: Learn to jointly draw the sights and nature of our city.

Educational: Consolidate and expand children's knowledge about a small homeland: Know the name of the country, the capital of the Motherland, the region and the city where they live; The attractions of the city of Navashino than the city is famous.
Developing: Promote speech development, the ability to answer questions related proposals, to make conclusion. Develop the ability to use in the work of a variety of brushes and devices (tampon, cotton wands), use different drawing techniques to give expressiveness. Develop fantasy, feeling color.
Educational: Develop accuracy, tidy when working. The ability to bring the work started to the end. Educating the ability to work in a pair, to negotiate with each other, help, jointly solve the task. Educating love for a small homeland, a sense of respect for people living and workers in our city, the desire to make the city is cleaner and more.

- magnetic board;
- Tables and chairs in the number of children.

Technical means:
- multimedia equipment;
- Music center with records of the sounds of nature, S. Trofim's songs "Town under the name Navashino";

Tools and materials:
- Half of the Watmansky sheet;
- Soft brushes №8, 2, 3; tampons; cotton swabs;
- Pencil simple;
- Gouache;
- Napkin;
- palette;
- jar under the water.

- patterns of drawings;
- photos of the attractions of the city of Navashino.

1. Organizational moment.
2. Theoretical part, motivational moment.
3. Practical part of the lesson.
4. Summing up, analysis of the work of comrades.
5. Evaluation of the teacher's class.

Travel course:

1. Organizing time.
The teacher invites children to go on a journey through their native places of our city.
- What can you travel? (options for answering children and choice)

2. Theoretical part, motivational moment.
Conversation: Before we go on a trip, I would like to know, but do you know what country do you live in? What is the name of our country? (Russia) Name the capital of our Motherland (Moscow).
(The teacher shows the map of the globe on the screen)
- What else do you know the city of our great country?
What is the name of the city in which we live with you? (Navashino). What area do you live in? (Nizhny Novgorod).
Story:Our country Russia is very big, there are many cities in it, villages, villages. And the territory of our large country is divided into the field, that is, located near the large town of small towns and the villages relate to a particular area. For example: the large city of Nizhny Novgorod, and around the territory with small cities and villages belong to the Nizhny Novgorod region.
The teacher proposes to go on a journey through the city of Navashino on the selected form of transport. (imitation of movement)
- Is everything convenient to settle down? Then way!
What is our city famous? (children's responses)
Our city is famous for the fact that on a large shipbuilding plant "Okak shipyard" people stand ships and river vessels.

Route Navashinsky courts
And Slary, and distale
For many rivers and seas
One hundred miles prolig.

(On the screen, the teacher shows slides with photographs of the sights of the city, children call them).

3. Practical part of the classes.
- And now we arrived in our workshop of creativity, where I want to offer you to draw our city Navashino with its diverse buildings, parks and holiday courts. Let's make our city bright, colorful, that residents who live in him were always joyful and happy. What can I do for this?
True, we will use different paints in the work, shades of colors. You can use the palette, choose to work a variety of brushes and fixtures that we already know how to use you.
Questions for consolidation:What brush do you use to draw a background and how? (Drawing on raw, the widest brush). How will you paint buildings so that they turn out to be smooth and neat? (Cut the contour).
"Well, and you will work in a pair, try to negotiate when working, consult, because you should draw our city together together.
Children begin work, music in the performance of S. Trofim "Town under the title Navashino", "Motherland". The teacher controls the work of children, unobtrusively gives recommendations. Children are completing work on painting buildings.

- And so that our city is even more beautiful, what should be done? Of course, decorate with his trees and flowers!
To draw foliage on trees, what tool you use? (Tampon). It is convenient to draw a lush foliage. Why do we need a cotton wand? True, it is comfortable to draw small flowers.
Children are proceeded. Sounds of nature, birds of birds sounds.

- In such a green city, even birds flew.

4. Summing up, analysis of the work of comrades.
- So we have completed work. Let's connect your drawings to get our town under name Navashino.
Children are considering work, tell what they liked, recognize the familiar places of the city.

5. Evaluation of the classroom teacher.
Today you worked together, everyone tried to help her comrades and it was pleased. Well, our city turned out to be excellent! It appeared unusual in the form of a building, bright colorful houses with a variety of combination of colors, maybe someday they will appear in our city and will decorate it.
And what should I do with you to keep our city in order? (children's responses). Of course, keep it clean, not littering, gardening, planting trees, shrubs and flowers. Well done!

An abstract of drawing classes in the preparatory group "Create a book about winter"

Software content: clarify and summarize the knowledge of winter; Call a positive emotional response to the phenomena of nature in the transfer of its relationship with means of poetry, music and visual art (color, shape, composition); develop imagination, learn to form a drawing composition, transmit winter flavor; educate interest in collective work; Create a book about winter.

Material: Music PI Tchaikovsky "December" from the cycle "Seasons", record music A. Vivaldi "Winter" (concert number 4 "Seasons"); The story of S. Sedoya, M. Moskvina "came to Earth, Santa Claus" (Murzilka magazine, 1999); Reproduction of paintings I. Shishkin "Winter", K. John "End of Winter", A. Plastov "First Snow", I. Grabar "February Azury"; paper format A3; Gouache, pastel, watercolor with Bellyl.

Structure occupation: The occupation passes in the music hall, the hall is decorated with Christmas trees, snowflakes, under the Christmas tree - a big snowdrift. Music sounds A. Vivaldi "Winter".

"There were times on earth, when there were no winter. There was also the summer, and the autumn was. Only they lived not together. "

Consider three girls dressed in autumn costumes, summer spring, and quarrel.

Autumn: I'm the first!

Spring: No, I'm the first!

Summer: I told you, I'm the first!

"For a long time, sister quarrels. Nature-mother was very tormented, and then he would shout on the whole universe: "Who will bring order on earth, after all? Who will establish a normal time? "

Santa Claus enters, spring, summer, autumn, pushing each other, argue to him.

Spring: Now Spring!

Summer: Now summer!

Autumn: Now autumn!

"The grandfather frowned. Frost, hit the Stand Staff. "

Santa Claus: Now winter!

Spring, summer, autumn: What is such a winter? - surprised. We do not know any winter!

Santa Claus because of a snowdrift brings a girl in a snow maiden suit.

Santa Claus: Here it is - Winter! She will be the first!

Spring, summer, autumn: What about us? What will happen to us?

Santa Claus: the second will be spring, for her summer, then autumn, and you will reign you will be for three months so that it was not offended by anyone.

Winter: Grandfather Frost, I was only born and I do not know what I am?

Santa Claus: Guys! Let's help the winter. Tell all you know about winter.

Children tell, read poems, view illustrations.

Winter: Guys, close your eyes, remember everyone your picture and admire it, and now, while I haven't forgotten anything, start drawing.

Children are proceeded. Those who make it difficult, the educator helps the Council. At the end of the drawing, everyone considers work, choose a drawing for the cover, then stitched sheets into the book and give it winter. It should be paid to the fact that the children draw a beautiful book about winter.

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets

Shiny in the sun, the snow lies;

Transparent forest one black

And spruce through frost green,

And the river under the ice shines.

A. Pushkin. Winter morning.

Winter has come

At night, the wind wolf

And on the roof of a stick beat.

In the morning they glanced in the window,

There is a magical movie:

Rolled white canvas

Sketched bright stars

And the dads at home walked winter.

V. Fetisov

Sad Bereza

My window has

And Pryah Moroza

Dubrana she<…>

I love Dennica game

I noticate on it

And sorry to me if birds

Stink the beauty of the branches.

Tips to the tutor:

This lesson needs to be carried out as a final. Children in their drawings displays everything that painted for three months. Therefore, before occupation in the group or in the midst, it is necessary to make an exhibition of children's work on the "winter".

An abstract of drawing classes in the preparatory group drawing paints "all year round"

Software content

Independently find the content for the image of the characteristic features of one or another month (optional), select suitable colors, well have pictures on the sheet, use various technical techniques in working with paints.

Methodology for holding

The occupation begins with reading the poem of Marshak "January" from the book "All Year". Then the children on the call of the teacher call months in order, one by one, simultaneously remember the corresponding poems. Everyone chooses what month he wants to draw, remembers that he is stated in the poem. Conducting a conversation with children, it is necessary to ask which agricultural work is characteristic of one or another month. So, in April, Pahota, North, in July - Senokos begins in the middle lane, in August, the cleaning of loaves is completed, and in September - the collection of vegetables and fruits. All these children can reflect in their drawings. Before starting work, the teacher says: "Think from what you will start and in what sequence to perform a drawing, which shade paper you need (children are chosen from the table unfolded on the table), what kind of paints you will need first." Then reminds like liquid diluted paint cover large surfaces: the sky, grass, ground.

At the end, all the drawings are packed at the stand in the order of the months of the year and are considered. The discussion should be short, as the children have done difficult work, tired, and the lesson can delay. Attention should only be paid to the selection of colors, to fill the sheet, the overall expressiveness of the pattern. A detailed discussion of the depicted is better to transfer speech development and acquaintance with others.

Abstract drawing classes in the preparatory group Drawing on the topic "City (village) in the evening"

Software content

Teach children to transfer the picture of the evening city, its color flavor: the house is a lighter night sky, multicolored lights light in the windows.

Fasten the ability to make out its plan compositionally, respectively. Having images on a sheet of paper.

Methodology for holding

Suggest children to remember how the city happens in the evening, what looks at home. Remind about the variety of houses for proportions and location on the street.

At the end of the occupation, consider drawings, discuss with children, why it can be seen that the evening came, who from the children it turned out more successful.

Preparation for the lesson

Ask parents Show children evening city. Conduct such surveillance in the garden. Pick up and consider with children relevant illustrations; Leave them for a while in the group room.

Prepare dark paper, watercolor, gouache.

Abstract drawing classes in the preparatory group Drawing on the topic "Forests of our Motherland"

Software content

Learning to transmit the characteristic features of different species of trees, have trees in the figure in such a way that the painting of the forest is created.

Methodology for holding

Remember with children, what kind of tree species they saw in the forest, ask who wants to draw, what features of different trees they noticed (thickness and height of the trunks, their coloring, the location of the branches, the color of foliage or needles). Suggest telling how those or other trees in the forest grow - some often, close to each other (Christmas trees), others separately, at some distance (birch, oaks). Remember that glades are found in the forest.

Suggest to outline first trees trunks, find places where they are "in the forest", then draw branches, crown and, finally, shrubs, flowers, grass. To say that the trunks need to be a pencil, the rest is to draw with paints immediately. As the drawing is performed to ensure that the entire sheet is filled.

When work is completed, to offer children to tell about their drawings.

Preparation for the lesson

Show children paintings by artists who depict various forests. Chatting with children that our country is rich in forests, which in the middle lane, in the south and in the north there are various trees. Share that forests are guarded, new, young forests are planted. If you can, well attract the experience of children, their observations.