The Khabarov portrait is cute. We are writing an essay on Khabarov's "portrait of darling"

The Khabarov portrait is cute.  We write an essay on
The Khabarov portrait is cute. We are writing an essay on Khabarov's "portrait of darling"

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The painting by the famous Russian artist V. I. Khabarov entitled "The Portrait of Mila" is very interesting and unexpected in its decision. The central figure of the picture is a girl named Mila. This is a school-age teenager who is comfortably settled in a deep, comfortable chair. She enthusiastically plunged into reading the book, tucking her legs under her. Wrong, the book is very interesting, because the girl even forgot that slippers were on her feet and she climbed into the chair along with the shoes. I think that the heroine of the picture has finally made it to the book that she has long wanted to read. Mila's somewhat tense posture suggests that she empathizes with the heroes of the work, which she reads so enthusiastically. Most likely, the girl is finishing the book and is already well acquainted with her characters. Therefore, Mila's face expresses such immersion in the events of the story and focus on what is happening in the book.

If you look closely at the heroine of the picture, you will notice that the girl has rather thin facial features, framed by neat light strands that freely fall over her shoulders. For some reason, it seems to me that Mila is so focused very rarely, most often when she reads. This suggests that she is very fond of reading, but this opportunity does not appear very often. A small white lamp can be seen above the girl's head. Most likely, it was evening outside the window and the girl did her homework, coped with all the household chores and climbed into her favorite chair with a fascinating book.

The composition of the painting by V. I. Khabarov "Mila's Portrait" is also unusual. It is a rectangular canvas with a large round armchair in the center. It is the armchair with the reading girl in it that is the center of the composition of the picture. The armchair is very clearly drawn and it is perfectly visible that it is large, deep and comfortable, you can sit in it with pleasure with your favorite book and enjoy reading on long winter evenings. The armchair with the girl is framed by soft beige wallpaper on the walls and a light brown floor. In the rays of electric light, the floor sparkles and sets off the matte blue of the chair. The blue color in which the armchair is depicted suggests the author's desire to portray the calmness and silence of the evening hours. The thin legs of the chair of an almost amber color add mood, comfort and sunshine to the picture. V.I. Khabarov very well managed to portray Mila's relaxed pose, who is resting with a book in her hands.

Surely this is a winter evening, because not far from the chair, in the lower right corner of the picture, you can see the skates left by the girl. This detail is also very interesting from the point of view of the composition of the picture. The skates seem to reflect on their surface a lamp located above the chair. Two white spots favorably emphasize the warm amber decor of the room and the deep blue saturation of the chair upholstery. As for the plot of the picture, the skates give freedom to the imagination and suggest that Mila recently came from the street and was in such a hurry to her favorite chair that she did not even put the skates in place. Consequently, it is winter, snow, frost outside, and the river not far from the house has turned into a huge skating rink with pure sparkling ice. Most likely, Mila skates on the river with friends, and she does it well, because skates are the girl's frequent companions.

Perhaps a blizzard has risen on the street, the wind was raging, which throws whole lumps of snow on the ground, covering it with a thick snow-white blanket. And Mila ran home, quickly took off her outer clothing, casually dropped her skates right next to the chair and plunged into reading with pleasure. It seems to me that the book read by the heroine of the picture tells about long journeys and incredible adventures that the girl Mila dreams of so much.

Portraits are a special genre. Often through them you can very clearly see the past - distant or near. They convey one moment from a person's life, and with it an entire era. This can be said about all the works of Valery Iosifovich Khabarov, who painted more than a dozen portraits. Most of the heroes of his works are not politicians or artists, but ordinary people.

Confirmation of this is the picture of Khabarov, they usually paint on it in the 7th grade. The task for 12-year-olds is quite interesting, since they have to describe their age, only from the already distant 1970s.

To see beauty even in ordinary things - this is what Khabarov's painting "Mila's Portrait" teaches. Writing on it will help you look at the world in a different way. Also, the canvas encourages the development of observation and focus on details that complement the composition.

Painting "Portrait of Mila" (Khabarov): composition (plan)

  1. Biography of the artist.
  2. The main character of the picture.
  3. Composition.
  4. Color solution.
  5. Your impressions of the canvas.

Using this plan and the information provided below, it will not be very difficult to write an essay based on V. Khabarov's "Portrait of Mila".

The life and work of the artist

Valery Iosifovich was born in the suburb of Michurinsk (Tambov region) in 1944. He lost his father early, his mother and grandfather were engaged in upbringing. The boy's artistic abilities were noticed at a young age and therefore he was sent to study in a circle at the House of Pioneers. After school, Khabarov entered the Ryazan Art School. He graduated in 1963. Then there was the graphic department of the Moscow Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov and the creative workshop of E.A. Kibrika. In 1982, Valery Iosifovich was ranked as a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR and awarded the medal of the Academy of Arts. These biographical data can be included in the essay based on the painting by V. Khabarov "Portrait of Mila".

Although during the years of study Valery Iosifovich tried himself in many genres, he chose the path of a portrait painter.

And, of course, he succeeded in this field. All-Union fame was brought to him by portraits of Karpov, Guryanov, Shatov.

But what is his most significant work? This is "Portrait of Mila", painted in 1970.

main character

An essay based on the painting "Mila's Portrait" usually begins with a description of the girl. She is depicted in the center of the canvas, and she looks like she is twelve years old. Mila Kholdevich served as a model for Khabarov, so the heroine of the canvas can be called by name. Although the artist did not focus on personality; most likely, he wanted to portray a moment from the life of an ordinary girl from the 1970s. She was hardly distinguished by anything special among her peers. On the other hand, judging by her hobbies, the girl cannot be called an ordinary girl either.

So Mila is sitting in an easy chair and reading a book. Her face is oval. Blond hair falls in straight strands over the shoulders. The correct facial features and a high forehead make her appearance noble, emphasize the intelligence and rich inner world of the girl. Her gaze is directed downward, her pupils run from line to line. The lips are slightly parted. It can be seen that she is completely absorbed in the reading process.

Apparently, the book is quite interesting. In addition, the story or novella is already coming to an end, since Mila has only a few pages left, and the young reader cannot wait for the plot's ending. The girl is so carried away that the world around her has now ceased to exist for her.

But Mila is clearly not one of those "nerds" who have no other hobbies besides books. The skates lying next to the chair, most likely, have just been sliding on the ice. With the same enthusiasm with which she now reads, Mila did somersaults and pirouettes on the rink. But the book is urgent. Therefore, having run home and hastily untied her laces, she sits down in her favorite comfortable chair.

Each schoolchild who writes "Portrait of Mila" interprets the skates lying on the floor in their own way. Someone thinks that with the help of them the artist wanted to show that Milu was so captured by the plot of the book that she did not even remember about the skating rink. This means that the author gives free rein to imagination.

Painting "Portrait of Mila" (Khabarov): composition (composition)

It is rather laconic. On the one hand, everything is simple here: a girl on an armchair with a book in her hands. Indeed, by placing it in the center of the canvas, the artist wanted to focus all attention on it. The action takes place in the evening, because the lamp is on. It's winter outside, otherwise the skates would be kept in the closet. Mila is in her comfort zone, which is evidenced by her posture and the comfortable round-shaped soft chair. Additional attributes - skates - tell of her life and hobbies outside of this room.

Color spectrum

If you write an essay based on the painting "Mila's Portrait", then you definitely need to analyze an interesting combination of shades. Khabarov competently built the whole composition on the contrast of blue and beige. White skates at the bottom and a light on top accentuate the dark shades of the painting. The amber-yellow legs of the chair contrast wonderfully with the deep blue of the upholstery and make the room feel cozy. Mila herself, framed in dark tones, turned out to be light, and from this more touching and fragile.

Excursion into the childhood of the 1970s

If you write an essay based on the painting "Mila's Portrait", then you must definitely convey your impression of her. Yes, those were wonderful times when schoolchildren were queuing up at the library; when the book had to be delivered on time, and it was read, contrary to the parental prohibition, under a blanket with a flashlight; when figure skating skates were considered the best gift. Now fashionable clothing brands are important for Mila's peers, all kinds of gadgets have long supplanted books, and computer games are preferred over sports. And from this it becomes a little sad.

But modern schoolchildren writing an essay based on Khabarov's "Portrait of Mila" are unlikely to feel nostalgia for the years in which they did not live. But, on the other hand, the artist's message here is obvious: he wanted not just to draw a cute girl, but to talk about the values ​​of his era. This is typical for all of his works.

Well, everyone can write an essay based on Khabarov's painting "Mila's Portrait". You just need to try to grasp its essence, and not just in a hurry to grasp what lies on the surface.

The girl in the chair. Is reading. Skates are nearby. It would seem nothing ordinary. On the other hand, the picture is a small episode from life. Story.

It seems to me that Mila is about the same age as me. She probably has friends, some hobbies. Well, at least figure skating. It is not for nothing that skates with unlaced boots lie next to her. Perhaps Mila is going to the skating rink and is waiting for a friend who should come for her. And in order not to waste time, I sat down to read an exciting book in my favorite corner. Why exciting? Because the book is not open on the first page. If you look closely at the picture, you can see that more than half have already been read. And the girl was so carried away by reading that she even forgot to take off her slippers and climbed into a comfortable chair with her feet.

I would also like to know what this book is about - Mila has such a concentrated face! It has a whole gamut of emotions! Even the mouth is slightly open. This happens only when a person is so carried away, forgets about everything in the world, focusing on something especially interesting, important for himself. Maybe it was at this moment that the fate of the heroes was decided, or some miracles, transformations took place, important secrets were revealed ...

The very corner where she reads can also tell a lot. So, for example, the lamp above the armchair testifies to the fact that people often sit in it and it is at the reading - the light falls gently from behind. The parquet on the floor shines with cleanliness. And you need to be able to care for him, to rub! This means that neat people live in the house. Without a doubt, Mila also knows how to do it. And he probably does, and often. It looks like this is her room - there is a girlish floral wallpaper on the wall.

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  • Khabarov, many researchers, as well as critics consider the famous Soviet portrait painter, a true master of his craft.
    According to the majority, with his works he is able to convey a whole historical stage of life, how they lived at certain times, what people were fond of.
    One of these portraits is the painting "Portrait of Mila", which the artist painted in 1970.
    That this era may still be close to us, we can notice that there is still a difference, and it lies in the book that the girl reads with enthusiasm.
    In my opinion, nowadays, the younger generation preferred televisions and computers to the book.

    The center of the portrait is occupied by the image of a girl who is comfortably seated in a round chair, his gaze is fixed on the book, and she is very passionate about her occupation.
    Compositionally, the picture is drawn according to critics correctly, as evidence of this is the rectangular canvas and the blue armchair with the blonde schoolgirl.
    The girl sits in a seemingly uncomfortable position, but this is the author's idea to convey all her interest from reading the book.
    She fully fit in the chair, legs tucked in.
    The image of the lamp gives this portrait comfort and harmony.
    The soft pink color of the wallpaper tells us that this room is nothing more than this girl's room.
    The girl seemed to me to be comprehensively developed, as indicated by the skates thrown in the corner of the room.
    It is rare in our time to meet children who would be fond of reading and figure skating.

    The parquet floor shown is sparkling with the light of the sconce.
    The contrast is created by the light from the lamp and the skates thrown on the floor.
    In my opinion, the artist wanted to show us a girl who is bright and innocent, in some ways even defenseless.
    One gets the impression that it's winter outside, and Mila just recently returned from the rink and began reading her favorite book.

    Khabarov, many researchers, as well as critics consider the famous Soviet portrait painter, a true master of his craft. According to the majority, with his works he is able to convey a whole historical stage of life, how they lived at certain times, what people were fond of. One of these portraits is the painting "Portrait of Mila", which the artist painted in 1970. Despite. That this era may still be close to us, we can notice that there is still a difference, and it lies in the book that the girl reads with enthusiasm. In my opinion, nowadays, the younger generation preferred televisions and computers to the book.

    The center of the portrait is occupied by the image of a girl who is comfortably seated in a round chair, his gaze is fixed on the book, and she is very passionate about her occupation. Compositionally, the picture is drawn according to critics correctly, as evidence of this is the rectangular canvas and the blue armchair with the blonde schoolgirl. The girl sits in a seemingly uncomfortable position, but this is the author's idea to convey all her interest from reading the book. She fully fit in the chair, legs tucked in. The image of the lamp gives this portrait comfort and harmony. The soft pink color of the wallpaper tells us that this room is nothing more than this girl's room. The girl seemed to me to be comprehensively developed, as indicated by the skates thrown in the corner of the room. It is rare in our time to meet children who would be fond of reading and figure skating.

    The parquet floor shown is sparkling with the light of the sconce. The contrast is created by the light from the lamp and the skates thrown on the floor. In my opinion, the artist wanted to show us a girl who is bright and innocent, in some ways even defenseless. One gets the impression that it's winter outside, and Mila just recently returned from the rink and began reading her favorite book.