Characteristic dog from a dog heart. The difference between the Sharic and Schwondder, Preobrazhensky, Bormental

Characteristic dog from a dog heart. The difference between the Sharic and Schwondder, Preobrazhensky, Bormental
Characteristic dog from a dog heart. The difference between the Sharic and Schwondder, Preobrazhensky, Bormental

Works F.M. Dostoevsky is included in the Gold Foundation of World Literature, his novels are read throughout the world, so far they do not lose their relevance. "Crime and Punishment" is one of these eternal works affecting the themes of faith and disbelief, strength and weakness, humiliation and greatness. The author of masterfully draws a situation, immerses the reader into the atmosphere of the novel, helping it better to understand the heroes and their actions, forcing it to think.

In the center of the plot of Rodion Raskolnikov, a student who is mired in poverty. And this is not just the lack of money for some pleasure, it is a poverty that destroys, drives crazy. This is a Camorka, similar to the coffin, rags and ignorance, do you sing tomorrow. The hero is forced to leave the university, but can not correct his affairs, he feels the injustice of his position, sees around the same disadvantaged and humiliated.

Raskolnikov proud, sensitive and smart, the atmosphere of poverty and injustice presses on him, which is why terrible and destructive theory is born in his head. It lies in the fact that people are divided into the lower ("ordinary") and the highest ("actually people"). The first is needed only to maintain the population of people, they are useless. But the second move the civilization forward, put forward new ideas and goals that can be achieved by any means. For example, the hero compares himself with Napoleon and comes to the conclusion that it is also capable of changing the world and billing its price. In this sense, he does not differ from the old woman, which estimated the things brought to her. Whatever it was, this theory of Rodion decided to check on himself ("Creator I tremble or rights?"), Having killed an old-year-older and not only, having saved thousands of people from her arbitrariness, and correcting their own financial situation.

Why did Raskolnikov still killed the old-year-old stake?

The hero fluctuates for a long time and still approves in his decision after meeting with a Marmaladov official who drinks in black, introducing himself to his wife, Katerina Ivanovna, her children, and Daughter Sonya (she is at all forced to work as a prostitute to help the family) . Marmaladov understands its fall, but nothing can do with it. And when his drunk crushed his horse, the position of the family was still thoughtful. Here is this destroyed poverty, he decided to help. Comparing their distress with the unfair satisfaction of Alena Ivanovna, the hero came to the conclusion that his theory was correct: the society can be saved, but this salvation will require human victims. Deciding and committing murder, the splitters fall around and feels lost for people ("I did not kill the old woman ... I killed myself"). The hero can not accept the love of mother and sister Duni, concern for the friend of the Raulmichina.

Double Raskolnikova: Luban and Svidrigaylov

Also, the twin is and Svidrigaylov, who tried to seduce the Dunya. He is the same criminal, guided by the principle of "single evil is permissible", if the ultimate goal is good. " It would seem that it seems to be the theory of Rodion, but not there was something: the goal should be good only from a hedonistic point of view and for the Svidrigaylova himself. If the hero did not see pleasure in her for himself, he did not know anything good. It turns out, evil he worked for the benefit of himself, and, for the benefit of his viciousness. If Luzhin wanted a caftan, that is, material well-being, then this hero was eager to satisfy his lowest passions and only.

Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmaladov

Trying and tommy, Raskolnikov gets closer with Sonya, who also crossed the law, as well as the hero. But the girl remained clean in the soul, she is more martyr than a sinner. She sold her innocence for symbolic 30 rubles, as Judas sold Christ for 30 silver. Such a price she saved the family, but betrayed himself. The vicious environment did not prevent her to stay a deeply religious girl and perceive what was happening as the necessary sacrifice. Therefore, the author notes that the vice did not touch her spirit. His timid manner hold on, to his incessant shame, the girl contradicted the vulgarity and arrogance of representatives of her profession.

Sonya reads Rodion about the resurrection of Lazarus, and he confesses to murder, believing and in his resurrection. He did not admitted to the investigator Petphyria Petrovich, who also knew about his fault, did not admit his mother, sister, Raulmichina, but he chose Sonya, feeling salvation in it. And this intuitive feeling was confirmed.

The meaning of the epilogue in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

However, the Raskolnikov did not repent at all, he was only upset that he could not stand the moral MUK and turned out to be an ordinary person. Because of this, he again experiences the spiritual crisis. Once at Katorga, Rodion is happily looking at prisoners and even to Sonya, which followed him. The religious religion responds to him, but Sonya is trying to ease the life of Raskolnikov, because she loves him with the whole pure soul. The prisoners were sensitive to the caress and kindness of heroine, they understood her silent feat without words. Sonya remained the martyr to the end, trying to atone and his sin, and the sin of his beloved.

In the end, the hero opens the truth, he rises in a crime, his soul begins to revive, and he penetrates "endless love" to Sona. The readiness of the hero to a new life is symbolically expressed by the author in a gesture, when Rodion is attached to the sacraments of the Bible. In Christianity, he finds consolation and humility required by his proud character to restore inner harmony.

"Crime and Punishment": the history of the novel

FM Dostoevsky did not immediately come up with his name to his work, he had options "under the court", "the story of the criminal", and the title story appeared already at the end of the work on the novel. The meaning of the name "Crime and Punishment" is revealed in the composition of the book. At the beginning of the Raskolnikov, embraced by the delusions of his theory, kills the old-year-older, breaking moral laws. Further, the author annotates the election of the hero, Rodion himself suffers, then falls on the cautious. This is his punishment for putting himself above all others. Only repentance gave him a chance to save the soul. The author also shows the inevitability of the punishment for any crime. And this punishment is not only legal, but also moral.

In addition to variability in the title, the novel was initially another concept. Being at the Katorga, the writer has conceived a novel as confession Skolnikova, wanting to show the spiritual experience of the hero. Next, the scale of the work became greater, he could not be limited to the sensations of one hero, so F.M.Dostoevsky burned almost finished novel. And started again, already as a modern reader knows him.

Theme of the work

The main topics of "crimes and punishment" - the themes of poverty and the oppression of most of the society, to whom they all do not care, as well as the topics of the Bunt and the mistakes of the person under the oppression of social unpleasution and suffocating poverty. The writer wanted to convey to readers his Christian ideas about life: For harmony, in the heart you need to live morally, according to the commandments, that is, not to give up Gordin, egoism and lust, and do good people, to love them, sacrificing even their interests for the benefit of society. That is why at the end of the epilog of the splitters rolls and comes to faith. The problem of false beliefs raised in the novel is relevant and understood. The theory of the chief hero about the permissiveness and crime of morality for the sake of good goals leads to terror and arbitrariness. And if the splitters overcame the split in the soul, repented and came to harmony, overcoming the problem, then in more extensive cases it is not. The wars began due to the fact that some rulers decided that the lives of thousands of people for their purposes could easily donate. That is why the novel, written in the XIX century, does not lose the severity of the meaning and so on.

"Crime and Punishment" is one of the greatest works of world literature, imbued with humanism and faith in a person. Despite the apparent depressiveness of the narration, it has hope for the best, that you can always be saved and save.

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Crime and Punishment - the most famous Roman F.M. Dostoevsky, who committed a powerful coup of public consciousness. Writing the novel symbolizes the opening of the highest, new stage of creativity of the brilliant writer. In the novel, with the inherent Dostoevsky psychologism, the path of rolling soul of a person through the thorns of suffering to comprehend the truth is shown.

History of creation

The way to create the work was very difficult. The design of the novel with the theory of superman underlying, began to be born still during the writer's stay at Katorga, he ripened for many years, but the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe revealing essence of the "ordinary" and "extraordinary" people crystallized during the stay of Dostoevsky in Italy .

The beginning of the work on the novel was marked by the merger of two drafts - the unfinished novel "Drunk" and the sketches of the novel, the plot of which is built on the confession of one of the cortishes. Subsequently, the story was based on the story about the poor student Rodion Raskolnikov, who killed the old woman for the good of his family. Full drams and conflicts The life of a big city has become one of the main images of the novel.

Over Roman Fedor Mikhailovich worked in 1865-1866, and almost immediately after graduation in 1866, he was published in the Russian Bulletin magazine. The response among the reviewers and the literary community of that time was very violent - from violent admiration for a sharp rejection. The novel was repeatedly incessation and was subsequently shielded. The first theatrical statement in Russia took place in 1899 (it is noteworthy that it was put on the border on the 11th earlier).

Description of the work

The action takes place in the poor district of St. Petersburg of the 1860s. Rodion of Raskolnikov, a former student, lays the old woman to the last valuable thing. Halded for her, he plots a terrible murder. On the way home, he looks into one of the peteed establishments, where he meets with a completely sung out of the official Marmaladov. Rodion listens to his daughter's unfortunate fate, Sonya Marmaladova, forced with filing a stepmother to make money for his family prostitution.

Soon, the Raskolnikov receives a letter from the mother and is terrified by the moral violence over his younger sister of the Duni, who led the cruel and depraved landowner of Svidrigayl over it. Raskolnikova's mother hopes to arrange the fate of his children, having married to Peter Study, a very secured person his daughter, but at the same time everyone understands that love in this marriage will not be and the girl will again be doomed to suffering. Rodion's heart breaks away from pity for Sona and the Dun, and the thought of murdering the hated old woman is firmly fixed in his mind. He is going to spend the money of the interest rates earned by the wrong way, to the good cause - the deliverance of the suffering girls and young men from the humiliating poverty.

Despite the aversion to bloody violence rising in his soul, the splitters still make a grave sin. In addition, besides the old woman, he kills her meek sister Lizaven, an involuntary witness for a serious crime. Rodion with difficulty is able to escape from the scene of the crime, while he hides the old richness in a random place, without even assessing their real value.

Soul suffering Skolnikov cause social alienation between him and those surrounding, from the experiences of Rodion dreams. Soon he learns that in the crime committed them, another person was accused - a simple rustic guy of the Molka. A painful response to the conversations of the surrounding crime becomes too noticeable and suspicious.

Further in the novel describes the grave milestone of the soul of the killer student trying to find peace of mind, to find at least some moral justification to the crime. Light thread passes through the novel Communication of Rodion with the unfortunate, but with the good and high-turn girl Sonya Marmaladova. Her soul mint from the inconsistency of the inner purity of the sinful lifestyle and the splitters finds a relative soul in this girlfriend. Lonely Sonya and University friend Raughin become support for the suffering of the former student of Rodion.

Over time, the investigator in the case of the murder of Porfiry Petrovich finds out the detailed circumstances of crime and splitters, after many moral torments, recognizes himself as a killer and goes to the cautious. Selfless Sonya does not leave his closest friend and goes after him, thanks to the girl there is a mental transformation of the main character of the novel.

Main heroes of Romana

(Illustration of I. Glazunov Raskolnikov in his camork)

The duality of spiritual gusts is enclosed in the name of the main hero of the novel. His whole life is permeated with the issue - will the violations of the law be justified if they are committed in the name of love for near? Under the pressure of the external circumstances of the splitters in practice, all the circles of moral hell associated with the killing for helping to help close people are held. Catharsis comes due to the most expensive person - Sona Marmaladeova, which helps to conquer the soul of a rolling-minded killer student, despite the grave conditions of the concert existence.

Wisdom and humility carries the image of this amazing, tragic, and at the same time sublime, heroine. For the sake of the well-being of the neighbor, she trampled the most expensive thing that she has - his female honor. Despite its way of earning, Sonya does not cause the slightest contempt, her clean soul, the commitment of the ideals of Christian morality leads to the admiration of the readers of the novel. Being a faithful and loving friend of Rodion, she goes with him to the very end.

The mysteriousness and ambiguity of this character makes it once again think about the many-sidedness of human nature. The tricky and vicious person on the one hand, he by the end of the novel shows his care and care for his orphaned children and helps Sona Marmalade to restore its spoiled reputation.

A successful entrepreneur, a person with respectable outfice produces a deceptive impression. Luzhin is cold, korestolyviliv, he is not bent, he wishes not love from his wife, and exclusively operability and humility.

Analysis of the work

The compositional construction of the novel is a polyphonic form, where the line of each of the main characters are multifaceted, self-sufficient, and at the same time actively interacts with themes of the remaining characters. Also, the peculiarities of the novel is the amazing concentration of events - the time frame of the novel is limited to two weeks that with such a significant amount is quite rare in world literature of that time.

The structural composition of the novel is quite simple - 6 parts, each of them in turn is divided into 6-7 chapters. A feature is incomprehensiveness of Raskolnikov's days with a clear and concise structure of the novel, which emphasizes the inner state of the main character. The first part describes the three days of life Skolnikov, and with the second - the number of events increases with each chapter, reaching an amazing concentration.

Another feature of the novel is the hopeless doom and the tragic fate of most of her heroes. To the end of the novel with the reader, only young characters will remain - Rodion and Dunya Raskolnikov, Sonya Marmaladov, Dmitry Raleshin.

Dostoevsky himself considered his novel by the "psychological report of one crime," he is confident that spiritual flour is dominated over legal punishment. The protagonist hero moves away from God and is fond of popular at that time the ideas of nihilism and only by the end of the novel there is a return to Christian morality, the author leaves the hero a hypothetical possibility of repentance.

Final output

Throughout the novel, "Crime and Punishment" there is a transformation of the worldview of Rodion Skolnikov from close to Nietzsche, which was obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200b"superman", to Christian - with his teaching about divine love, humility and mercy. The social concept of the novel is closely intertwined with the Evangelical teaching about love and all exercise. All Roman is impregnated with the true Christian spirit and makes everyone who occurs in the life of the events and actions of people through the prism of the possibility of spiritual transformation of mankind.

Roman Dostoevsky was asked by the author literally and excites the minds of readers so far. The history of the creation of a novel "Crime and Punishment" is not easy, very interesting. The writer soul had all his own in this novel, which many people thinking and thinking and now does not give rest.

Birth of the plan

The idea of \u200b\u200bwriting the novel originated from Dostoevsky at a time when the writer was at Katorga in Omsk. Despite severe physical work, on the unhealthy, the writer continued to observe the surrounding life, behind people whose characters in the conditions of conclusion were revealed from completely unexpected parties. And here, at the Katorga, heavily pain, he conceived to write a novel about the crime and punishment. However, heavy labor works and serious illness did not give the opportunity to start writing it.

"My heart with blood will rely on this novel",

So imagined the work on the work of Dostoevsky, calling the confession-concealed novel. However, starting him to write the author could be much later. Between the plan and its embodiment were born to the light "Notes from the underground", "humiliated and offended", "Notes from the Dead House". Many topics from these works, the problems of society described in them, found their place in the "crime and punishment".

Between dream and reality

After returning from Omsk, the material situation of Dostoevsky leaves much to be desired, worsened every day. And writing a huge problem-psychological novel demanded time.

Trying to earn at least a little, the writer suggested the editor of the journal "Public Notes" to publish a small novel "Drunky". The author wanted to attract the attention of society to drunkenness. The plot was supposed to be associated with the marmalade family. The head of the family, a former official, dismissed from the service, drinks, and the whole family suffers.

However, the editor insisted on other conditions: Dostoevsky for a meager fee sold all the right to publish a full assembly of his writings. In accordance with the requirements of the edition, the author begins to write a novel who must be commissioned in the shortest possible time. So almost suddenly the writer began working on the novel "Crime and Punishment".


Dostoevsky suffered a player's disease - he could not play. And, having received the fee from the magazine, the writer, correcting his business a little, again succumbed to an excitement temptation. In Wiesbaden, he had nothing to pay the table and light in the hotel. Thanks to only the good location of the owners of the hotel, Dostoevsky did not stay outside.

To get the money, it was necessary to finish the novel on time, because I had to hurry. He conceived a writer to tell the story of how a poor student decided to kill and rob an old woman. The plot was to be a story about one crime.

The author has always been interested in the psychology of his heroes, and here it was extremely important to study and describe the psychological state of a person who had lost another life, it was important to reveal the "Crime Process" himself. The writer almost an almost novel finished, as suddenly the manuscript destroyed in a completely incomprehensive reason.

Psychology of creativity

However, the novel was supposed to be commissioned under the contract. And the rush work began again. The first part of the magazine "Russian Bulletin" published already in 1866. The term of writing the novel ended, and the plan of Dostoevsky was only increasing the increasing completeness. The story of the student is closely intertwined with the history of the drunkard Marmaladov and his family.

The writer threatened creative boala. To avoid it, the author is distracted by the "crime and punishment" and literally in three weeks writes a new Roman "Player", refers it to the publisher.

Then again continues to write a prolonged romance about the crime. He studies the criminal chronicle and is convinced of the relevance of the chosen topic. He finishes the novel in Lublin, where he lives at this time from his sister in the estate. Fully the novel is finished and printed was at the end of 1866

Roman work diary

Study the history of writing a novel without studying the writer's drafts is impossible. Sketches and draft records help to understand how much strength, labor, souls and hearts, how many thoughts and ideas, the author invested in his novel. Of these, it can be seen how the design of the work was changed, as the range of tasks was expanded, as the entire architecture of the novel composition was built.

The writer almost completely changed the form of the narrative in order for as much as possible and more carefully to understand the behavior and character of Skolnikov, to understand the motives of his actions and actions. In the final version of (third), the narration is already conducted from a third party.

So the hero begins to live his life, and completely independent of the will of the author, it does not obey him. Reading the working notebooks, it becomes clear how long and painfully Dostoevsky himself is trying to figure out the motives who pushed the hero to a crime, but it almost failed to the author.

And the writer creates a hero in which "two opposite character is alternately replaced." It is clearly seen how in Rodion are at the same time there are two extremes with each other, two starts: contempt for people and love for them.

Therefore, the author was very difficult to write the final of the novel. Dostoevsky first wanted to finish how the hero appealed to God. However, the final version ends quite differently. And it pursues the reader to reflections, and even after the last page of the novel is turned over.

The story of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov "Dog's Heart" was written in 1925, and first published only in 1968, and even then in distant abroad. Domestic readers saw it only in 1987. For such a short time (from the first edition to the present day), the text came across quotations (justice it is worth noting that the film of Vladimir Bortko is in many ways). The image of the polygraph of Polygraphphovich contained all the shortcomings of representatives of the lowest social class, and in his relationship with the surrounding authorities, the fate of Russia modern to him (then, of course, the Soviet Union) is demonstrated. What is the difference between the balls from the Swedder, Preobrazhensky and Bormental and why did his name manage to become a nominal one?

Recall the plot of the story: Professor Preobrazhensky as part of an experiment on the "improvement of the human breed" transplants with the help of an assistant boron, a mongrel ps, the pituitary ball and the seeds of the deceased alcoholic Klima Chu Grückkin. Due to the unique operation, the animal in a few days evolves into a disgusting creature, inherited some dog habits, and the character and mentality - a donor man. The head of the House management Schwander is trying to bring up a new tenant from the representative of the proletariat, which brings monstrous fruits: the former dog becomes a citizen of the ball polygraph of Polygraphovich and requires compliance with his rights, what he represents them. As a result, after the occurrence of a tangible threat from his kids, the Preobrazhensky turns the experiment to reverse and returns the usual dog to life.


Obviously, one of the main differences between Sharicikov from the rest of the characters is his artificial origin. He appeared as a result of the experiment, as a result of the experiment, it was destroyed (the PSA cannot be considered a man). This creature lives by instincts and habits that have come from two donors, and has no own experience.

It is interesting to consider what the difference between Sharicikov from the Swedder. They are considered to be negative characters and oppose positive - bog and transfiguration. However, in fact, the head of the house management, despite the relationship of the professor, just a means to strengthen the same monsters in society as a newly friendly citizen. Schwonder - the personification of the new government, arrogant and incompetent, and the function they have one - to empower. Who? Such balls that have arisen from nowhere and capable only to destroy.

Schwonder and Sharikov

With the presence of the Swedder, Professor Preobrazhensky is asking for a professor, although successfully opposes him in the question of the apartment rooms. The position of the intellectual is "Do what you want, just do not interfere with working." Of course, he does not approve of new orders, notices destruction and its sources, but not afraid and is not too worried, despite the stolen Kalosh. Fear he inspires balls, and far from irrational. In this image, a new full-fledged young citizen of a young country is a lumpen, living by instincts, uneducated, aggressive, not feeling and inconsistent with no responsibility, in the word - "Ham and Piggy".

Comrades from house management

Unlike Sharikov, Schwonder and his colleagues are ideological people, although their ideas are pretty pitiful. They act according to the letter of new laws and in the spirit of the new time, do not call for physical violence and prefer agitation. The balls recognize only the impact of force, and the directionally directed: the dog's nature in the threats from the side of the border "presses the tail", but it finds the opportunity to "shit" Kalosh "to the owners. Communist ideas for it - a means of obtaining material goods and only.

Preobrazhensky and Sharikov

What is the difference between Sharic and Preobrazhensky with a bornet? The latter are highly educated, intelligent, cultural people, specialists in their field. The hybrid that appeared as a result of the experiment - "tagged" newspaper headlines and stamps a slacker, capable of destroying cats, and even then thanks to the non-free dog instincts. Scientists are trying not to educate, but to train their creation, explaining the elementary rules of behavior by explaining it. However, this does not help Sharicov to become cultural: even entertainment and food he chooses plebeian.

Preobrazhensky and border

We see how the power of professional authority and honest money (Preobrazhensky) is inferior and will completely yield the power of the denunciation and revolver (Sharicikov). The surgeon is aware that he loses its influence, and he has to resort to violence and even a symbolic murder, a crime, although Cigline has long been dead, and the dog is alive and even happy.

In addition to the obvious belonging to various social groups and origin (Polygraph Polygraphovich still, the former dog), the difference of these images is manifested in a much smaller caricature and collectivity of Preobrazhensky and Bormental. It is believed that the prototypes of Philip Philippovich were several outstanding scientists of that time, including Ivan Pavlov. At the Sharicikov, the same prototype can not be - this is the image of the hero of the new time, which just seen Bulgakov. Magnagals, of course, were at all times, but the marginals possessing power and weapons - a sign of Russia, in which the swords won the swords.

    It seems to me that the name of the story "The dog's heart" has a double meaning. The story could be so called in honor of the experiment itself, produced by Professor Preobrazhensky, he transplant the human heart into the body of the dog, which will continue to ...

    M. A. Bulgakov came to the literature already during the years of the social authority. He was not an emigrant and experienced all the difficulties and contradictions of the Soviet reality of the 1930s. His childhood and youth are associated with Kiev, the subsequent years of life - with Moscow. In Moscow ...

    Sharikov - Hero Tale M.A. Bulgakova "Dog's Heart" (1925). At the heart of this, according to the writer, "Monstrous History", a plot motive, ascending to the romance (Frankenstein, M. Shelli), presented later at the city of Yells ("Dr. Moro Island"), among the Russians ...

    "The dog's heart" is a satirical story in which Bulgakov argues about the paths of development of the modern Russia. In accordance with the public situation of the 20s of the 20th century, representatives of the intelligentsia are operating in the work (Professor Preobrazhensky, ...

    The story "The dog's heart", written in 1925, M.A. Bulgakov never saw printed. It was about the unpredictable consequences of scientific discoveries, that an experiment running forward and dealing with inadequate human consciousness, ...

    The story M. Bulgakov "The dog's heart" is one of the satirical works of M. Bulgakov. The subject of damage is a new social device that emerged after 1917. The revolution M. Bulgakov perceived as a grand and very dangerous social ...