Stunning eye Elizabeth Taylor eye - a mistake or a gift of nature? Elizabeth Taylor: Famous purple eyes "Queen Hollywood.

Stunning eye Elizabeth Taylor eye - a mistake or a gift of nature? Elizabeth Taylor: Famous purple eyes
Stunning eye Elizabeth Taylor eye - a mistake or a gift of nature? Elizabeth Taylor: Famous purple eyes "Queen Hollywood.

Violet Eyes Elizabeth Taylor ... Elizabeth Taylor - One of the most beautiful actresses World. Charm legendary actress - really her distinctive trait and the reason for this - genetic mutation. This mutation was visible in infancy, frightened parents even attributed Elizabeth to the doctor and horror showed her unusually dense eyelashes. The doctor reassured his parents, explaining that the child had a double row and nothing terrible. A little later, by 6 months, her eye color has changed. On an extraordinary, rare, or rather, the most rare - purple. The reason for this color is again the genetic mutation with the title "Origin of Alexandria". From birth in such people, the usual color of the eyes (blue, brown, gray), but when the months passes 6 months, it begins closer to purple. The process takes about six months and during the period of puberty acquires the darker color or mixed with blue. On Health purple The eye does not affect, the person also sees well, like the rest of people. Studies have shown that 7% of the owners of the origin of Alexandria are strongly susceptible to heart disease. Taylor has these problems caused her death. She was born on February 27, 1932 - Queen Hollywood, the most famous beauty-brunette of the 20th century and simply great actress - Elizabeth Taylor. When she appeared in the studio for the first film crew, she was asked to wash off cosmetics from the eyes, the directors seemed to be that there were too many carcasses on the eyelashes. And they did not immediately believe that it was her natural feature. Taylor was able to prove that it was for a movie not just a beautiful "accessory". She won three Oscar premiums. The first gold statuette she brought the role of an elite prostitute in the film "Butterfield 8" (1960). The second reward got Elizabeth for work in the tape "Who is afraid of Virginia Wulf?" (1966), where she reincarnated in the vulgar scandallet Marta. And in 1993, Taylor received an honorary "Oscar" for his humanitarian activities. One of the main films in the career of the actress was "Cleopatra" (1961). First, for reincarnation in egyptian queen Elizabeth received $ 1 million - the fee, who was considered for those times simply unheard. Secondly, 65 historical costumes for Taylor cost almost $ 200 thousand - such a budget was not provided to another film actor. Finally, it was this film that I entered the fashion "Cleopatra's eyes", that is, a strong black eyeliner and long arrows. Elizabeth is famous for its numerous marriages. She went under the crown eight times, and twice with the same beloved - Richard Burton. This person is considered the main man in Taylor's life. They met on the set "Cleopatra". Stormy Roman Ended the wedding in 1964. 10 years later, Elizabeth and Richard divorced, but in a year got married again. The second marriage lasted just a year. Taylor and Burton relations were stormy not only in life, but also on the screen. Together, the actors starred in 11 films, including in the ribbons "who are afraid of Virginia Wulf" and "Taming Skropivaya". One of the nearest friends Elizabeth was Michael Jackson. Taylor was the godfather of two senior children of the musician and talked to him very closely. It is said that the "king of pop music" Jackson called the Taylor, after which this title was fixed for Michael forever. In addition, the actress actively defended each other from all attacks and accusations of juvenile plants. The story has shown that Elizabeth was right, since afterwards the singer was recognized as innocent. The death of Jackson became a terrible blow for Taylor. Elizabeth adored gems and jewelry. Most often, she received such gifts from his husbands, especially from Berthon. In particular, Richard presented the beloved famous pearl La Peregrina, the previous owners of which were the daughter of Heinrich eighth Maria Tudor and the Spanish Queen Margarita and Isabella. "I wanted this diamond, because he was incomparably beautiful and should have belonged to the most beautiful woman in the world," Burton admitted. Another famous donor of the decorations of the artist was Michael Jackson: Elizabeth received an exquisite ring with sapphires and diamonds from him. It is not surprising that in December 2011, the Taylor's jewelry collection went with a hammer for an impressive $ 116 million (with a preliminary estimate of $ 20 million). All life, the artist pursued injuries and illness. She broke the spine five times. Problems from the back began after filming the film "National Velvet" (1945), when young Liz fell off the horse. In addition, Taylor moved operations on the femur, she was removed by a benign brain tumor, and in different time She suffered from addiction to sleeping pills, painkillers and alcohol. And that's not yet full list. "My body sometimes drives me crazy," admitted actress. Taylor did not like when she was called "Liz". According to the actress, such a reduction sounded as the word "HISS", that is, as a hiss or whistle. "It lies Elizabeth here. She hated to be called Liz. But she lived," so in 1999 the artist answered the question of what the inscription she wants to see on his tombstone.

Elizabeth Taylor is one of the most beautiful actresses of the world. Charm of the legendary actress is really its distinctive feature and the reason for this is a genetic mutation. This mutation was visible in infancy, frightened parents even attributed Elizabeth to the doctor and horror showed her unusually dense eyelashes. The doctor reassured his parents, explaining that the child had a double row and nothing terrible. A little later, by 6 months, her eye color has changed. On an extraordinary, rare, or rather, the most rare - purple.

The reason for this color is again the genetic mutation with the title "Origin of Alexandria". From birth in such people, the usual color of the eyes (blue, brown, gray), but when the months passes 6 months, it begins closer to purple.

The process takes about six months and during the period of puberty acquires the darker color or mixed with blue. It does not affect the health of the purple eye of the eye, the person also sees well as the rest of people. Studies have shown that 7% of the owners of the origin of Alexandria are strongly susceptible to heart disease. Taylor has these problems caused her death.

She was born on February 27, 1932 - Queen Hollywood, the most famous beauty-brunette of the 20th century and simply a great actress - Elizabeth Taylor.

When she appeared in the studio for the first film crew, she was asked to wash off cosmetics from the eyes, the directors seemed to be that there were too many carcasses on the eyelashes. And they did not immediately believe that it was her natural feature.

Taylor was able to prove that it was for a movie not just a beautiful "accessory". She won three Oscar premiums. The first gold statuette she brought the role of an elite prostitute in the film "Butterfield 8" (1960). The second reward got Elizabeth for work in the tape "Who is afraid of Virginia Wulf?" (1966), where she reincarnated in the vulgar scandallet Marta. And in 1993, Taylor received an honorary "Oscar" for his humanitarian activities.

One of the main films in the career of the actress was "Cleopatra" (1961). First of all, Elizabeth received $ 1 million to reincarnation to the Egyptian queen, who was considered simply unheard of. Secondly, 65 historical costumes for Taylor cost almost $ 200 thousand - such a budget was not provided to another film actor.

Finally, it was this film that I entered the fashion "Cleopatra's eyes", that is, a strong black eyeliner and long arrows.

Elizabeth is famous for its numerous marriages. She went under the crown eight times, and twice with the same beloved - Richard Burton. This person is considered the main man in Taylor's life. They met on the set "Cleopatra". A stormy romance ended in a wedding in 1964.

10 years later, Elizabeth and Richard divorced, but in a year got married again. The second marriage lasted just a year. Taylor and Burton relations were stormy not only in life, but also on the screen. Together, the actors starred in 11 films, including in the ribbons "who are afraid of Virginia Wulf" and "Taming Skropivaya".

One of the nearest friends Elizabeth was Michael Jackson. Taylor was the godfather of two senior children of the musician and talked to him very closely. It is said that the "king of pop music" Jackson called the Taylor, after which this title was fixed for Michael forever. In addition, the actress actively defended each other from all attacks and accusations of juvenile plants. The story has shown that Elizabeth was right, since afterwards the singer was recognized as innocent. The death of Jackson became a terrible blow for Taylor.

Elizabeth adored precious stones and jewelry. Most often, she received such gifts from his husbands, especially from Berthon. In particular, Richard presented the beloved famous pearl La Peregrina, the previous owners of which were the daughter of Heinrich eighth Maria Tudor and the Spanish Queen Margarita and Isabella. "I wanted this diamond, because he was incomparably beautiful and should have belonged to the most beautiful woman in the world," Burton admitted.

Another famous donor of the decorations of the artist was Michael Jackson: Elizabeth received an exquisite ring with sapphires and diamonds from him. It is not surprising that in December 2011, the Taylor's jewelry collection went with a hammer for an impressive $ 116 million (with a preliminary estimate of $ 20 million).

All life, the artist pursued injuries and illness. She broke the spine five times. Problems from the back began after filming the film "National Velvet" (1945), when young Liz fell off the horse. In addition, Taylor moved operations on the femur, she was removed by a benign brain tumor, and at different times she suffered from addiction to sleeping pills, painkillers and alcohol. And this is not a complete list. "My body sometimes drives me crazy," admitted actress.

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We are all different, it is completely normal, but a small number of us has rare features that are literally found in several percent of people.

Today website Tell you about some. Some of them are just cute features of appearance, but there are those who envy the superman himself.

Incredibly durable bones

Studying the LRP5 gene (he is responsible for bone mineralization), scientists have discovered a mass of mutations. Most of them cause diseases accompanied by fragility of bones, such as osteoporosis.

But it turned out that there is another type of mutation of the LRP5 gene. He gives a person with superal bones, which is almost impossible to break, and skin, which is less susceptible to aging.

Of course, it sounds very cool, but here there are devices. For example, when a certain elderly patient was needed to replace the worn joint, she was not able to produce precisely because of the overly dense bones of a man.

Golden Blood

Of course, the blood can not be gold in a literal sense, but there is blood with a very rare feature - zero-ray factor. In other words, it does not contain any antigens.

For the first time, this feature was discovered in 1961 at the representative of the Australian Aborigines, and currently It is known only about 40 people with such blood (which, however, does not mean that they are only 40).

9 of them are donors, and incredibly valuable, since their blood is suitable for any recipient. And it is in view of the value and rarity that some doctors call blood with a zero rhesus factor "Golden".

Long palm muscle

This muscle is atavism. She is the "inheritance" of our ancestors and is responsible for the release of claws and enhances the grip when jumping from a tree on a tree.

Check if you have it, it is not difficult: put your hand on a flat surface with a palm up, closer together the little finger and thumbAnd then slightly raise them.

If you have seen a bundle on the wrist, then you are the owner of a long palm muscle. But do not worry if you did not find it - in modern life She is useless.


Genetic chimerism

IN ancient Greek myths Chimera is described as a creature with his head and the neck of a lion, a goat torso and a snake tail. Of course, a person cannot be half an animal, but it may well be present 2 DNA sets. For example, if the embryo absorbs its twin during intrauterine development.

Sometimes this is reflected in the appearance of a person in the form of "mosaic" skin or multicolored eyes, but most often he does not suspect that in its body there are tissues with different sets of genes.

Chimerism does not bring special concern to people, but may cause family problems. The case is known when the mother wanted to withdraw children, since genetic analysis showed that it did not consist of relations with them. Fortunately, it turned out that the woman suffered from chimerism, so the actual "mom" children had a "absorbed" twin, whose DNA was present in her body.

Source: PubMed.

Double row of eyelashes

The presence of a second row of eyelashes is due to a rare genetic deviation called "Distichiaz". The most famous owner of the "double" eyelashes was the Hollywood Star Elizabeth Taylor.

When Liz was small, her mother even reproached that she supposedly tinted her daughter's eyes - they were so unusually expressive thanks to this mutation.

Distichiasis, as a rule, does not bring any inconvenience to those who have it. But in some cases, the second row of eyelashes can be located too close to the mucous membrane of the eye and cause it irritation.

Additional ribs

"Extra" ribs are often found at the beautiful half of humanity. Apparently, for this reason, some people believe that women are born with large number Ribs than men, but in fact it is not.

Such ribs are also called cervical, as they are localized in the cervical spine. Their sizes of W. different people Noodynakov - someone they are small growths, while others are full-fledged ribs.

These ribs in most cases do not affect human health and well-being, but sometimes they reach impressive sizes and can cause discomfort.

Elizabeth Taylor is one of the most beautiful actresses of the world. Charm of the legendary actress is really its distinctive feature and the reason for this is a genetic mutation. This mutation was visible in infancy, frightened parents even attributed Elizabeth to the doctor and horror showed her unusually dense eyelashes. The doctor reassured his parents, explaining that the child had a double row and nothing terrible. A little later, by 6 months, her eye color has changed. On an extraordinary, rare, or rather, the most rare - purple.

The reason for this color is again the genetic mutation with the title "Origin of Alexandria". From birth in such people, the usual color of the eyes (blue, brown, gray), but when the months passes 6 months, it begins closer to purple.

The process takes about six months and during the period of puberty acquires the darker color or mixed with blue. It does not affect the health of the purple eye of the eye, the person also sees well as the rest of people. Studies have shown that 7% of the owners of the origin of Alexandria are strongly susceptible to heart disease. Taylor has these problems caused her death.

She was born on February 27, 1932 - Queen Hollywood, the most famous beauty-brunette of the 20th century and simply a great actress - Elizabeth Taylor.

When she appeared in the studio for the first film crew, she was asked to wash off cosmetics from the eyes, the directors seemed to be that there were too many carcasses on the eyelashes. And they did not immediately believe that it was her natural feature.

Taylor was able to prove that it was for a movie not just a beautiful "accessory". She won three Oscar premiums. The first gold statuette she brought the role of an elite prostitute in the film "Butterfield 8" (1960). The second reward got Elizabeth for work in the tape "Who is afraid of Virginia Wulf?" (1966), where she reincarnated in the vulgar scandallet Marta. And in 1993, Taylor received an honorary "Oscar" for his humanitarian activities.

One of the main films in the career of the actress was "Cleopatra" (1961). First of all, Elizabeth received $ 1 million to reincarnation to the Egyptian queen, who was considered simply unheard of. Secondly, 65 historical costumes for Taylor cost almost $ 200 thousand - such a budget was not provided to another film actor.

Finally, it was this film that I entered the fashion "Cleopatra's eyes", that is, a strong black eyeliner and long arrows.

Elizabeth is famous for its numerous marriages. She went under the crown eight times, and twice with the same beloved - Richard Burton. This person is considered the main man in Taylor's life. They met on the set "Cleopatra". A stormy romance ended in a wedding in 1964.

10 years later, Elizabeth and Richard divorced, but in a year got married again. The second marriage lasted just a year. Taylor and Burton relations were stormy not only in life, but also on the screen. Together, the actors starred in 11 films, including in the ribbons "who are afraid of Virginia Wulf" and "Taming Skropivaya".

One of the nearest friends Elizabeth was Michael Jackson. Taylor was the godfather of two senior children of the musician and talked to him very closely. It is said that the "king of pop music" Jackson called the Taylor, after which this title was fixed for Michael forever. In addition, the actress actively defended each other from all attacks and accusations of juvenile plants. The story has shown that Elizabeth was right, since afterwards the singer was recognized as innocent. The death of Jackson became a terrible blow for Taylor.

Elizabeth adored precious stones and jewelry. Most often, she received such gifts from his husbands, especially from Berthon. In particular, Richard presented the beloved famous pearl La Peregrina, the previous owners of which were the daughter of Heinrich eighth Maria Tudor and the Spanish Queen Margarita and Isabella. "I wanted this diamond, because he was incomparably beautiful and should have belonged to the most beautiful woman in the world," Burton admitted.

Another famous donor of the decorations of the artist was Michael Jackson: Elizabeth received an exquisite ring with sapphires and diamonds from him. It is not surprising that in December 2011, the Taylor's jewelry collection went with a hammer for an impressive $ 116 million (with a preliminary estimate of $ 20 million).

All life, the artist pursued injuries and illness. She broke the spine five times. Problems from the back began after filming the film "National Velvet" (1945), when young Liz fell off the horse. In addition, Taylor moved operations on the femur, she was removed by a benign brain tumor, and at different times she suffered from addiction to sleeping pills, painkillers and alcohol. And this is not a complete list. "My body sometimes drives me crazy," admitted actress.

Elizabeth Taylor left a big movie when he could not be more beautiful woman on the screen. But she was, there is and will remain the most beautiful and gifted actress of Hollywood for long, many years.
The last filmmaker Elizabeth Taylor has become a small role in the Comedy "Flintstone", dated already far from 1994. In 1996, the actress divorced her eighth husband, a simple builder Larry Ortenski, with whom he met in a rehabilitation clinic for alcoholics. Taylor was actively engaged in charity and brought up numerous grandchildren. "I am a happy woman," said the actress. - I truly loved many times and made a fantastic career in the movies. Is it possible to ask for more? I'm just fucking happy! "
On March 23, 2011, Elizabeth Taylor died from heart failure.

Rainbow's original message
My grandfather during the filming of Cleopatra film worked as an consul in Aswan. The builders of the Asuan dam, for the most part-Russian and consular workers, were engaged at the shooting. All were delighted with the grandeur and the magnificence of everything that happened. My grandmother was autograph Taylor and Barton (I bragged at school), but unfortunately he was not preserved, and here general photography This trip is. On her and the film crew, but you can consider only with a magnifying glass.

Elizabeth Taylor is one of the most beautiful actresses of the world. Charm of the legendary actress is really its distinctive feature and the reason for this is a genetic mutation. This mutation was visible in infancy, frightened parents even attributed Elizabeth to the doctor and horror showed her unusually dense eyelashes. The doctor reassured his parents, explaining that the child had a double row and nothing terrible. A little later, by 6 months, her eye color has changed. On an extraordinary, rare, or rather, the most rare - purple.

The reason for this color is again the genetic mutation with the title "Origin of Alexandria". From birth in such people, the usual color of the eyes (blue, brown, gray), but when the months passes 6 months, it begins closer to purple.

The process takes about six months and during the period of puberty acquires the darker color or mixed with blue. It does not affect the health of the purple eye of the eye, the person also sees well as the rest of people. Studies have shown that 7% of the owners of the origin of Alexandria are strongly susceptible to heart disease. Taylor has these problems caused her death.

She was born on February 27, 1932 - Queen Hollywood, the most famous beauty-brunette of the 20th century and simply a great actress - Elizabeth Taylor.

When she appeared in the studio for the first film crew, she was asked to wash off cosmetics from the eyes, the directors seemed to be that there were too many carcasses on the eyelashes. And they did not immediately believe that it was her natural feature.

Taylor was able to prove that it was for a movie not just a beautiful "accessory". She won three Oscar premiums. The first gold statuette she brought the role of an elite prostitute in the film "Butterfield 8" (1960). The second reward got Elizabeth for work in the tape "Who is afraid of Virginia Wulf?" (1966), where she reincarnated in the vulgar scandallet Marta. And in 1993, Taylor received an honorary "Oscar" for his humanitarian activities.

One of the main films in the career of the actress was "Cleopatra" (1961). First of all, Elizabeth received $ 1 million to reincarnation to the Egyptian queen, who was considered simply unheard of. Secondly, 65 historical costumes for Taylor cost almost $ 200 thousand - such a budget was not provided to another film actor.

Finally, it was this film that I entered the fashion "Cleopatra's eyes", that is, a strong black eyeliner and long arrows.

Elizabeth is famous for its numerous marriages. She went under the crown eight times, and twice with the same beloved - Richard Burton. This person is considered the main man in Taylor's life. They met on the set "Cleopatra". A stormy romance ended in a wedding in 1964.

10 years later, Elizabeth and Richard divorced, but in a year got married again. The second marriage lasted just a year. Taylor and Burton relations were stormy not only in life, but also on the screen. Together, the actors starred in 11 films, including in the ribbons "who are afraid of Virginia Wulf" and "Taming Skropivaya".

One of the nearest friends Elizabeth was Michael Jackson. Taylor was the godfather of two senior children of the musician and talked to him very closely. It is said that the "king of pop music" Jackson called the Taylor, after which this title was fixed for Michael forever. In addition, the actress actively defended each other from all attacks and accusations of juvenile plants. The story has shown that Elizabeth was right, since afterwards the singer was recognized as innocent. The death of Jackson became a terrible blow for Taylor.

Elizabeth adored precious stones and jewelry. Most often, she received such gifts from his husbands, especially from Berthon. In particular, Richard presented the beloved famous pearl La Peregrina, the previous owners of which were the daughter of Heinrich eighth Maria Tudor and the Spanish Queen Margarita and Isabella. "I wanted this diamond, because he was incomparably beautiful and should have belonged to the most beautiful woman in the world," Burton admitted.

Another famous donor of the decorations of the artist was Michael Jackson: Elizabeth received an exquisite ring with sapphires and diamonds from him. It is not surprising that in December 2011, the Taylor's jewelry collection went with a hammer for an impressive $ 116 million (with a preliminary estimate of $ 20 million).

All life, the artist pursued injuries and illness. She broke the spine five times. Problems from the back began after filming the film "National Velvet" (1945), when young Liz fell off the horse. In addition, Taylor moved operations on the femur, she was removed by a benign brain tumor, and at different times she suffered from addiction to sleeping pills, painkillers and alcohol. And this is not a complete list. "My body sometimes drives me crazy," admitted actress.

Elizabeth Taylor left a big movie when she could not more than be the most beautiful woman on the screen. But she was, there is and will remain the most beautiful and gifted actress of Hollywood for long, many years.
The last filmmaker Elizabeth Taylor has become a small role in the Comedy "Flintstone", dated already far from 1994. In 1996, the actress divorced her eighth husband, a simple builder Larry Ortenski, with whom he met in a rehabilitation clinic for alcoholics. Taylor was actively engaged in charity and brought up numerous grandchildren. "I am a happy woman," said the actress. - I truly loved many times and made a fantastic career in the movies. Is it possible to ask for more? I'm just fucking happy! "
On March 23, 2011, Elizabeth Taylor died from heart failure.