Fir Filippo Lippi painting with names. Fir Filippo Lippey.

Fir Filippo Lippi painting with names. Fir Filippo Lippey.
Fir Filippo Lippi painting with names. Fir Filippo Lippey.

I would like to describe your favorite artists as people sublime, not from this world, thinking only about the beautiful and spiritual. But it will be a lie. In all centuries, artists fell in love, suffered, sought happiness for themselves, fed the family, and ... fought. Some. Militant was the handsome Caravaggio, Benvenuto Chellin ....
Life bulled in these great masters, emotional, feeling, explosive. And the stronger they reacted to all that happened, the brighter their talent was expressed. Today I will tell about Lippi.

Fir Filippo Lippi (1406-1469) - Florentine painter, one of the most prominent masters of early Italian Renaissance.

He is awesome. He was the face of his era and had such an impact on art, which is difficult to overestimate.

An unusually talented artist, he had a misfortune to be a competitor some of the greatest artists in history. As a result, today it is less known than deserves.

But there is one area where the reputation of Lippi eclipsed its contemporaries. His love adventures are read as the scenario of the adventure film, saturated with sensual adventures of the hero.

Born in 1406 in the poor quarter of Florence. His father, Tommaso di Lippi, was a butcher.

Unfortunately, mother died a few days after childbirth, and after two years he dies and father. Despite the universal poverty, his father's sister, aunt Monta Lapachchi take him to her upbringing.
When the boy passed eight years old, she gave it to the monastery of Carmelites del Carmina on the same street.

15 years old from the genus adopted vow of monasses ("Fra" - a reduction from the lat. Frater - brother) and remained in the community until 1432

Vasari in his famous "lives" notes that in the monastery Filippo Lippi instead of learn, spent all his time for drawing, "there was a lot of other things with all the ugly," and Prior decided to give him the opportunity to study painting.

Together with other boys, he began to visit various churches of Florence, imitating famous masters and copying their frescoes.

Against the background of the rest of the pupils, Philippo was favorably distinguished by his talent and novelty in the manner of writing paintings, so the monks decided to instruct him to complete the paintings, who left behind Mazacho.

Successfully coping with this task, Philippo gradually begins to receive orders for painting other churches. In this regard, in 1431, he leaves the walls of the monastery, in order to go into free swimming.

His life is shrouded in some incredible legends, and if at least some of them are true - and most likely it is, then Filippo appears in front of us incredibly energetic, a lot of morality, which is not paying attention to all sorts of strict moral foundations that were famous for those times society.

In 1438, he takes him under the patronage of Kozimo Medici, who, until the death of the artist, provided it with money and orders.

It is with his help that Filippo is appointed first by Chapel in Church of San Giovanno, and then transfer to Church of San Kiriko, which is under Florence.
These years are considered the most fruitful in the life of the artist, at this time he creates the most famous work.

But in 1455, Filippo was condemned for the forgery and fraud with money. Imagine? Mastyd by the time the artist, dressed in San, whole chaplain - and fraud!

He was saved by the high position of his patrons. Not only Kozimo Medici was interceded for him, but also the Pope Himself Evgeny IV.

As a result, the artist is not only easily separated: he was translated into another monastery, and even increased in his position. From now on, he is Kapellan in the Women's Monastery of St. Margarita in Prato.

Here again a curious story, as a result of the manifestation of his whole nature, Filippo was a very fellow man. His nature was passionate and impust. He was crazy about pretty women and did everything possible so that they would give him reciprocity.

Because of his character, he was attributed to him, and perhaps, and simply described the adventures and adventures that Vazari did not fail.

Here's another vazari: In order for Filippo to devote all his time to painting and orders, his cartridge, Kozimo Medici, one day a location in the room. The artist could not even resist two days. Cutting the sheets on long flaps, he knit them and with the help of such a device descended through the window to the street.

Kozimo could not find him, so the artist's location remains only to guess. However, a few days later, Filippo returned to work and completed the order.

Since then, Kozimo Medici not only did not forbade him to indulge in pleasure, but also in every way I indulged him.

So, being appointed Chapel in the women's monastery, Filippo did not fail to take advantage of the case, so successfully provided to him by fate.

He seduced one of the pretty nuns, Lucretz Bethi, and offered her to run with him from the monastery together. Let me remind you that at that time the artist was about fifty years old. A young girl agreed.

A few weeks later, Filippo arrested and only thanks to the next intervention of Kozimo Medici let him go. Filippo was lucky - on a special decree of the Pope He took off the monastic vow and legally married.

From this union, the son of Phillipino was born, which went in the footsteps of the Father, becoming an artist and daughter Alexander. It was at this time that the young and inexperienced Sandro Botticelli is still in his disciples, who later learned a lot from his teacher. Early works of Botticelli are also reminded about this, with their elegant Madonns, so similar to Maneru Filippo.

A master of the age of 63, during operation in Spoleto, over the next fresco cycle. The same vazari assumed that Philippo was poisoned by relatives of Lucretia.

Nevertheless, when Kozimo wanted to pick up the remains of the artist, in order to grieve them in his homeland, in Florence, the residents of Spoleto opposed and stood up to leave his dust in their city.

Well, a few words about his painting, because it is his powerful talent shock, amazing, and grateful contemporaries and descendants admire them and remember his life.

He wrote incredibly beautiful women. Persons Madonn - Living, gentle, full of spirituality, cleanliness and delicate love of young mothers to their children produce an irresistible impression, in his figures so much sincerity, hobbies, humanities and a subtle understanding of beauty that sometimes they directly contradict the requirements of church painting. His babies Christ and Angels are adorable real kids, breathing health and fun. Architecture surrounding the main action on the master's frescoes is bright, cheerful, emphasizing the celebration of the event. He was a big master of the composition.

If you read all the above, then here's another leppi legend, just ask to take into account, there are no confirmations of the truthfulness of the incident. However, there is no denial either. And the legend itself says that Philippo Lippi was an amazing personality, and his talent was recognized as contemporaries.

Adventure in Africa. In chronology, it just falls at the time when he left his native monastery in Florence. Together with friends, Filippo went to travel around the sea, as suddenly, their boat was captured by Maurians and sent prisoners to slaves in their country.

Filippo, naturally, planted into the dungeon, where he from nothing to do was thinking to draw on the walls of coal.
Including he also wrote a portrait of the leader of the Moors. The latter was so flattered by his image that I let Filippo released back to Italy.

One of the first, he began to write a TDUDU (picture in a circle), then came the format characteristic of the era in general.

Renaissance artists: Fir Filippo Lippi

Here I am afraid, Philip, painter forever immortal,
Warrant charm of my brush - all on the mouth
. Soul knew how to breathe skillful fingers in the paint
, Devout souls knew how to confuse the voice of God.
Even Nature itself, I look at the creation,
Forced me to call the master equal to myself.
In the marble of this coffin, I was restored by Lawrence
Medici before I turn to the lowland dust
Epitaph in A.Block

In the history of early revival, many legendary beauties, without which the epoch would not take place at all. But one especially excites the imagination, because after a century, we can see her delicate beauty.
Young Lucretia di Bethoi looks at us from the paintings of his beloved spouse - the great artist Filippo Lippi ...

F. Lippi. Madonna with a baby and two angels. OK. 1465.

Lucretia closed her eyes and sighed deeply. She made it! Or is it a dream? Now she will find, and everything will be as before. She will open his eyes and see the gray walls of the monastery. Father identified her to reach 15 years. Now it is almost 18. After a few months, she would have become an obedient, and then the monk. And all her property would be walked to the monastery. But she escaped! ..

The magnificent religious procession slowly moved along the main streets of Prato. Of course, this small town with prosperous neighbor Florence does not compare, but it also has its own treasure, his holy relic is the Belt of Our Lady of the Major Virgin Mary.

Fresco Duomo, Prato

The Feast of Herod_ Salome_s Dance, 1460-1464, Fresco Capella Mggiore, Duomo, Prato, Italy.

Once a year with the greatest honor, the relics rushes through the streets. All citizens come to the procession, pilgrims come from Florence, even from Rome itself. The people are going so much that they do not pour. In this confusion, Lucretia escaped from under the vigilant eyes, the nuns mixed with the crowd, and then escaped. It turned out so simple - he filed her hand, and she went after him.

Herod "s Banquet (fragment)

The monastery has never been to her heart. But she submitted his father's will. Having come true with the fact that never be her wife nor a mother. What can you do, on all the will of God

Filippo Lippey.

And suddenly - Filippo! She saw him by chance. Although in their monastery he worked for a year. Mother's foreman invited him, the famous artist from Florence, write an image for the main altar and make wall paintings.

Funeral of St Jerome (fragment)

Mother dreamed that the monastery of St. Margarita would glorify with their pains, like the monasteries of the Florence itself. However, all the sisters foreman warned - respectable Far Philippo Lippie, although it belongs to the brotherhood of carmelite monks, but life leads very free. No, he does not drink and does not disappoint, but it hurts to take ads for female floors. So, while Fir Filippo will paint some rooms, nuns there the way ordered.


Fragment of painting

Lucretia never came out of the will of the elders: first - the Father, then - the urgent. She always kept in the shade, quietly performed any job. Maybe because the ultimate and sent it from some request to the Florentine artist. Lucretia entered, looking around, fearing to see a terrible beast, rushing on poor women. And I saw a gently smiling man - not a handsome and not a freak, but with such clear and cordible eyes that the girl even forgot, why came ...

He was so inspired in this monastery ... Low arches, tiny rooms. So little light! Behind the gray walls in Prato raged Spring, the vineyards on the slopes stood permeated by the light, the sun was golden in a midday haze. And in this monastery - solid darkness.
He thought, as if put on the frescoes more solar glare.

Saverny Lucretia

Write something solar, flowing, elegant, like golden female hair. Raised his head from the drawing and saw ...

Lippi, Vergine Annunziata, Angelo Annunziante, Sant "Antonio Abate E San Giovanni Battista

She stood beside him, cute droopy from foot on foot, and the headscarf slowly sliding from her hair, opening a golden waterfall. And in her glance was so much warmth and light as it can only be in the purest gaze of Our Lady.

View of the Fresco Cycle In Prato Cathedral, Italy - Herod "S Banquet - Salome (Detail)
"Lucrezia Buti"

Filippo immediately realized that she was Madonna, and only him. Then he learned that she was Lucretia Di Francesco Buti, daughter of the Florentine citizen, Signora Francesco Buti, and not yet Christ the Bride. And the artist immediately decided that she would not be, whatever it cost. He saw her not in Monastic Ryasa, but in a beautiful dress. And he also saw her with a baby in his arms. With your baby.

Sailo.incoronazione Marsuppini, Post 1444, Da Pinacoteca Vaticana

Of course, hardly Madonna would be so dear to him. He was never a righteous. And how could he become? Orphan, from early childhood, who breaks his way. Mother died after his birth.

Lippi, Madonna Della Cintola, Prato.Lrevice stands on the picture on the right.

Two years later, the father died. So, how much Filippo remembers itself, he always belonged to the Monastery del Carmina. The monks were brought up, monks and taught.
Yes, they just said that he is stupid to extremes. And he painted each free minute by coal. All books that fell into hand, spoiled pictures on the fields.

Birth and Naming St John

Once on the monastery paved courtyard painted a green earth. A huge picture - dad presents the charter of the monastery of the carmelites. This solved the case. The abbot bought the piping novice and ordered all the picturesque frescoes on the boards, which was in the monastery and the surroundings. So - self-taught - and mastered Filippo Aza painting. The benefit of mastering was from what. After all, the monastery chapel just painted the great, and already untimely late, Andrea Mazacho.

Fra Filippo Lippi - Disputation In The Synagogue (Detail)

Filippo worked so zlondly that everyone around began to interpret - the spirit of Mazacho himself was settled in obsessed Lippi. Carmelites decided not to risk - why are there such conversations? They sent her young brother to Naples. Since then, its wanderings began in cities and water.

"Madonna and Child EnthRoned With Saints"

And in these wanders somehow it was forgotten that he was a slightly from birth, he was not happy, his name is "Fra" - Holy Brother. And since it was told about his works that they were created so elegantly and fine, which would not be better done, Filippo received the patronage of the strengths of this world - and the family of Medici, and the Pope of Roman. So I lived Filippo for his pleasure, earned a lot, pleasanties and companies did not hurt.

Scary court. Cartin in the altar niche of the Cathedral of St. George in Ferrara.

And suddenly - the nun! How many women he saw, never met such the greatest charms and purity. Light earth and heaven! Filippo persuaded the prisons to allow him to write a portrait of Lucretia, achieved permission to put it in the form of a figure of Our Lady on their paintings. He stopped eating and sleep, painted as obsessed. She posed him all day. And so he kidnap her from the monastery. Stole from these worthless monks their most precious treasure!


... Signor Bethi rake. I find the fugitives, he declared a lion river that he would not give anything to his treacherous daughter. Everything will depart the monastery, as agreed.

The Funeral Of St Stephen (Fragment)

While Signor Bethoi raves, Filippo shredded only. Is it really a painter, can not provide a loved one? Yes, he has already received many orders. About this Filippo and told the enraged dad, when he finally stopped shouting.


Signor's face went stains, and he turned to his daughter. Is it really not understanding what has escaped his family? Yes, too! After all, this lustful old man - he is fifty years old! - Always ran for skirts. All Florence is known how once Kozimo Medici, vainly waiting from Philippo of the promised painting, locked it upstairs of his country house.

St Stephen is born and replaced by Another Child (fragment)

So this sustainer so as not to miss the next date, he drove the sheets on the ropes and went down on them. Poor Kozimo barely found his painter from some kind of whiteisture. Does Lucretia want to associate life with such an animal?! Besides, he is a monk. He will not be able to marry her!


Father left, leaving some curses. Like few of them other troubles!
"God will not condemn us! Lucretia whispered. - He will help you to come up with something. You will come up! " Lucretia squeezed eyelids to hold down tears.

Lippi, Fra Filippo St Matthew The Evangelist

Fresco Duomo, Prato

Spoleto Cathedral.

Her Filippo is not an old man. Yes, he is younger than all the youngest! And he will not surrender! He found the way out when the robbers were kidnapped and sold into slavery. One and a half years he worked for the owner, endured hunger and beatings.

Death of the Virgin (fragment)

But one day the thought came to his head - to use their gift. He painted the portrait of the owner, however, he did not have a coal, paints. And the owner was so struck by his talent that he let go of the artist. "You will come up with! - repeated Lucretia as a spell. - You're an artist! "

The Death Of Mary ", Fresco by Filippo Lippi; Apse of the Cathedral of Spoleto, Italy; Depicted on the right side: Filippo Lippi, His Son, And His Helpers Fra" Damiante and Pier Matteo D "Amelia

"ANNUNCIATION", FRESCO by Filippo Lippi; Apse of the Cathedral of Spoleto, Italy

He was an artist. And he did not have to invent. He sent a repeated letter to his native monastery, and Medici is their paintings. Those where the Mother of God blessed the world with a clean appearance of Lucretia.

Madonna with baby (fragment)

And the incredible happened - love won all the obstacles! At the request of Medici Pope Pius II in 1461, five years after the escape of lovers from the monastery of Saint Margarita, she took off the monastic san from Philippo and allowed him to enter into a legitimate marriage with his beloved.

Filippo Lippi, Madonna Col Bambino, Pala Lignea Conservata Nel Palazzo Medici Riccardi a Firenze.

Vesselchak and Lippi's Doves turned out to be right - he sawing his wife not only in elegant dresses, but also with a baby in her arms, and even with two babies. In 1457, their firstborn was born, called the mother in honor of his beloved husband - Philippino (that is, the little Filippo).

Madonna del Ceppo.

Now the father painted him next to the mother, then in the form of a baby Jesus, then - the Holy Angel. Interestingly, the son also became a very famous artist, but the name did not straighten the name. So remained in history - Philippino Lippi, unlike Big - Filippo.

Thronende Madonna.

In 1465, Lucretia gave birth to her daughter Alexander. And now the happy father has already painted the whole family - strikingly elegant Madonna and happy, healthy, well-fat angels.

Madonna Dell "Umiltà Con Angeli E Santi Carmelitani o Madonna Trivulzio.

And this touching appearance of a young mother with their children (far from religious, and charming-secular) now the sixth century conquers the audience leading museums in Rome, London, Paris, New York, Berlin, Munich and, of course, Florence.

In 1469, when Lucretia was 31 years old, Philippino - 12, and Alexander - just 4 years, Filippo Lippi did not. It was about 63 years old, but he was still full of strength - went to the city of Spear to paint the local cathedral. And still he remained driving in the full sense of the word. That is, loved life and, of course, women.

Verkündigung An Maria.

Annunciation. 1450. Straight Pinakotek. Munich

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (fragment)

True, now no one spreads his adventures, for Signor Lucretia respected everything. When he died, rumors crawled out that in Spoleto Filippo poisoned some kind of relative of his next passion. But these rumors quickly broke off. For both Lucretia, and the children were so grieved on her husband and the Father that no language turned to say something that disgusts Filippo.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (fragment)

First, Kozimo, then his grandson Lorenzo Medici rose behind the ashes of his adventurous artist's monk. But the ripples were not allowed to transport him to Florence. So, Filippo remained there - in the cathedral. They say so far sometimes heavy sighs are heard in the midst of marble slabs. They say this old artist sighs about his Madonna.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (fragment)

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (fragment)

That's just where she - we do not know. We know that the 12-year-old Philippino came to the workshop to the disciple of his father - the great Sandro Botticelli. It was nowhere to go now. So his mother, Lucretia, was no longer on this light. She, as always, left her husband. Or he stole her again. It's so simple: he handed her hand - and she went after him.

Our Lady with the Baby and Sainry Freman and Augustine_Altar Barbadori 1437-1438, Paris, Louvre

The meaning of Lippi in the history of art is that he after Mazacho is even more decisive and stronger than the revived Italian painting on the path of naturalism. Love for earthly joy, admiration for the form of beauty, passionism, sensuality and dieselness of fantasy strongly affect his works, despite the fact that their topics relate to the field of religious dispersal. In his figures, there are so many sincerity, hobbies, humanities and a subtle understanding of the beauty that they produce an irresistible impression, although sometimes directly contradict the requirements of church painting.

His Madonna is charming innocent girls or gently loving young mothers; His babies Christ and Angels are adorable real children, breathing health and fun. The dignity of his painting is towers strong, brilliant, vital flavor and cheerful landscape or elegant architectural motifs that make up the scene atmosphere.

Virgin With The Child and Scenes from The Life of St Anne (Tondo Bartolini)

From the fresco works of this highly remarkable artist are the most wonderful in the Cathedral of Prato (scenes from the lives of St. Stephen, among whom are especially good "Break of St. Stephen" and "Herod's Day") and in the Cathedral of Spoleto (two rows of scenes from the life of Our Lady, including among the adorable "Coronation of the Notenev").

Regarding Lippi's machine paintings, it should be noted that he began to give them a round shape - to write pictures for which the Italians learned the name QUADRI Tondi and who soon became used not only in home chambers, but also churches, instead of common before Treptic.

La Vierge Et Saint Jean-Baptiste Adorant L "Enfant Jésus

Florentine galleries contain many works of Lippi in this way. Such, by the way, the delightful "coronting of Mary" (Uffizi Gallery) and "Madonna with the scene of the Nativity of the Virgin in the background" in Pitti Palace. From the paintings of Lippi, found outside Italy, are particularly curious: "Wedding of Our Lady" (round forms) in the Louvra Museum, "CV. Virgo, worshiped Baby Christ "in the Berlin Museum," St. John the Forerunner "in the London National Galler and" Baptism of the Lord "there

Madonna of Humility With Angels and Donor Fra Filippo Lippi

Worked mainly in Florence, for some time in Padua (1434), in Prato (1453-65) and finally in Spoleto, where he died on October 9, 1469.
He was a teacher Sandro Botticelli.
Fossi Filippo Lippi. M., 1997.
. Fir Filippo Lippie on
. Fir Filippo Lippi (1406-1469) on
When writing this article, the material from the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron was used (1890-1907)

For this post, I was advocated by one job, which now spread through the fan community of Gela. I will not give marks, this is a matter of taste, although, perhaps, I will still give tribute to jewelry with photoshop. But, since the question of the original inevitably arises, then I want to talk about him. Here it is.

Philippino Lippi. "Portrait of a young man." 1485. National Art Gallery, Washington.

The painting is also attributed to the brush of titanium Renaissance Sandro Botticelli, however, everything is not so simple here. Artists lied a lot. It was a single temporal and geographical space - Florence of the 1460s - 1480s, the rise of the Renaissance, the completion of the sign of the sign board of the Senior Medici goat and the subsequent shine Lorenzo magnificent, one of my favorite eras, which I wrote earlier. He played the role and procendency of human and creative ties, the apprenticeship and continuity of artistic manner and thinking of Lippi-senior, Botticelli and Lippi Jr. - all this contributed to the emergence of masterpieces, and put the mysteries to art historians, including in relation to this picture.

On the website of the National Gallery of the Arts of Washington, in which the picture is currently being written, so they write about its attribution:

"Philippino Lippi was the son of the artist Fir Filippo Lipppi, who was without a doubt the first mentor of the boy. After the death of the Father in 1469, he becomes a student of Botticelli, who had a deep influence on his style. Indeed, the Washington portrait is so close to the style of Botticelli that among art historians had significant differences about the one who actually wrote him. And although, he was more likely attributed to Botticelli than Philippino, recently the authors agreed that this is the creation of a young artist. In 1483 or 1484, Philipino received an order to complete the great frescoes Mazacho in Brankachchi Chapel in Florence. This portrait has a significant similarity with a young man whom Philippino depicted there. "

But it is a squeezing. And now we will go in order.

Philippino Lippi was the son of one of the largest worst masters Fir Filippo Lippey. Even the story of his appearance on the light, or rather the piquant story of the love of his parents, remained immortalized not only in historical jokes, but also in the greatest canvas Fir Filippo.

Fir Filippo Lippie. Self-portrait. Fragment of the frescoes in the Cathedral of Spoleto. .

Filippo Lippi himself (FRA prefix in his behalf means "brother" and speaks of his monastic status) Born in Florence in 1406. He early lost his parents, the child was on the care of aunt, and at the age of 15 she was given to the monastery. There he begins to draw, inspiring the work of the Great Mazacho, including in the Church of Santa Maria del Carmina, on the frescoes of which the entire Pleiada of the Great Masters of the Florentine School studied and which we still mention especially. Filippo goes further in a striving for realism, fills his work with life, natural beauty and passion. His creations fall into the field of view of the Kozimo Medici of the Elder, whose patronage of Fir Filippo enjoys the whole further life.

Fir Filippo Lippi. Annunciation. 1435-1440. National Gallery of Arts, Washington.

Apparently, the monastic life approached the character of the artist. Filippo brother was heard in an incorrected lovelace, and breathed inspiration in numerous novels with models for his portraits. Waving curious facts, I came across this quotation about Fir Philippo from the book of Christopher Hibbert "House Medici: Rise and Fall":

"... His interest in the art seemed to priests the only virtue of Fra Philippo. He was a lie, drunkard, betrayer and a fraudster. His senior comrades sighed with great relief when he left the monastery, cursed from the oaths and during a swim with friends near the coast of Ancona, pleased to Muslim pirates. After liberation, he got to Naples, and then returned to Florence, where his wonderful recent image made for nuns from St. Ambrosio, opened his uncommon talent of Kozimo de Medici. Not paying attention to the reputation of Filippo as a clodnik and thieves, Kozimo invited him to his work. "

Fir Filippo Lippie. Portrait of a man and a woman by the window. 1440. Metropolitan Museum, New York. .

We continue the quotation: "When writing a prestolous image for nuns from St. Margarita to Prato, a lustful view of Fir Filippo fell on one of the young obedients, Lucretia, the daughter of Francesco Both from Florence. He began to care for her and persuaded the nuns to allow him to use it as a model for Madonna in his picture, after which he seduced her and stole her. She gave her son, Philippino. Kozimo, believing that it would be time to be a happy father to be cooled, received a permit for Lippi to marry from the dad, who tactfully presented a few small examples of Fra Filippo ... "

It should be noted that this story happened in 1456, that is, at that moment Fir Filippo was already 50 years old. True, they officially enter into marriage with Lucretia they managed only five years later, they eventually had two children, the first of which became Philippino. And the pure, sophisticated and perfect image of the Lucreta is immortalized by Fir Filippo in many paintings, including on the magical "Madonna with a baby and two angels," which opens the epoch of the highest rise of Renaissance.

Fir Filippo Lippi. Madonna with a baby and two angels. 1465. Uffizi Gallery, Florence. .

Fir Philippo left behind not only machine paintings, but also wondrous frescoes, the most outstanding of which paintings in the Prato monastery are recognized, the very one, from which he stoleed his wife, and in the Cathedral of Spoleto, who became the last in his life. He died in 1469 in Spoleto, where he left for three years earlier to paint the cathedral, but he managed to transfer his mastery to students, one of which was great Sandro Botticelli.

About Botticelli to write between business - blasphemy, is so large-scale and significant figure in world culture. I only touched on some details you need for the subject of the conversation.

Sandro Botticelli. Self-portrait (worship of Magi, Fragment) 1465. Uffizi Gallery, Florence. .

Sandro Botticelli was born in 1445. In 1462, he began to study painting in the Far Filippo Lipppo workshop, where he stayed five children, before the teacher's departure in Spoleto. During this period, he begins to create his first works that are imbued with the influence of Mazacho and Lippi.

Sandro Botticelli. Madonna with a baby and angel (Madonna Eucharist). 1470. Museum Isabella Stewart Gardner, Boston. .

His brilliant takeoff is still ahead - it will begin in the middle of the 1470s, when the "Saint Sebastian" and "worship of the Magi will appear, and will reach Zenit in the 1480s, with the painting of the Sistine Chapel and the creation of" spring "," Venus birth "," Madonna Del Magnitiate, "" Madonna with a grenade "," Annunciation "... But also from the second half of the 70s about Botticelli referred to as a portraitist.

In Florence, at this time, fashion is raging into portraits that rushed to order everything. Previously, the Florentine was not so vain, satisfying that their images were placed on the altars written on their order. But there are noble merchants and their less noble households modestly rose somewhere aside with the expression of pious humility on the faces. Now, when the city, as they said, experienced the fall of the morals, when the modesty was not in width, everyone sought to capture their image on the century.

Sandro writes portraits with hunting - he is trying to achieve realism in the image of people and is looking for the typeries for future paintings. Just then, he creates the most famous "Portrait of a man with a medal of Kozimo senior" ...

Sandro Botticelli. Portrait of a man with a senior Kozimo medal. 1474. Uffizi Gallery, Florence.
Sandro Botticelli. Portrait of a young man. 1480-1485. National Gallery, London.

Sandro Botticelli. Portrait of a young man. 1483. National Art Gallery, Washington.

Judging by the sources on the network, there is another portrait of Botticelli with a red cap: "Portrait of a philosopher in a red hat" or just "Portrait of a young man in a red hat", which dates back to 1477. Strange in this portrait is that in sources in which information is likely to be checked, this portrait is not. And where it is - no mention, where, in which gallery he is now. The only mention leads to the same national gallery of the arts in Washington, but the gallery itself does not admit to this ... But about him - after the story about Philippino Lippi.

"Knowing the whole can know and his part, but the knowledgeable part does not know the whole.
Could FIDI seeing the lion's claw, find out what he is Lion, if he had never seen Leo entirely? "
(Lukian - Greek Satiri Writer)

I stand in addition to Madonna:
He was writing a monk saint,
An old master, not a scientist;
It is visible in it timidity, dry style;

But the robust brushes only shagitate
Virgin Virgin: So she
You makes up, you love you
So good is full

What do you believe, how does the loan
In front of the artist Saint Shinny
Prechina itself in shiny
I was visible only to them ...

Exhausted by the feat of spiritual
After the harsh is extended,
More than once on the church
He was raised by the inquires, -

And, is designed to live their plea,
Still eyes open afraid
He splued his brother
And went to the canvas, praying.

Took over the brush and in the dying
He brushed then
That from heavenly vision
In the memories kept, -

And tears quiet rolled
Along the pale cheeks ... and, fear of Taya,
Monks of him prayed
And we cried - how I cry ...
Apollo Maikov. 1859, Florence

Far Filippo Lippi (ITAL. Fra Filippo Lippi, 1406-1469) - Florentine painter, one of the most notable masters of early Italian revival. One of the most volatile artists of their time. Legends went about his cheerful adventures.

"Rare talents are similar to the celestial, and not a build-up.

This statement that had in mind the talent of Filippo Lipppi, in the 16th century, attribute Kozimo de Medici to the senior, patronage and a dedicated admirer Filippo Frame, to the customer of many of his works. Fir Philippo was born around 1406 and already fifteen years later he joined the Order of Carmelitian Monks, although according to all the data of his nature, prone to worldly benefits, waste and love adventures, was a little suitable for monastic Sana.

And here I have a stupor .... whether to tell the teacure of the artist, who in his sensual Madonna depicted (as many researchers think) of their beloved, and later and the wife, which was stolen from the female monastery. Being appointed Chapel in the women's monastery, Philippo did not fail to take advantage of the case, so successfully provided to him by fate. He seduced one of the nuns, Lucretz Bethi, and offered her to run with him from the monastery together. At that time, the artist was about fifty years.

The young girl agreed, but it was not very long for them to live together. A few weeks later, Filippo arrested and only thanks to the intervention of Kozimo Medici let him go. He returned back to Prato, where, according to a special decree of Pope Filippo removed the monastic vow and legally married. From this union, the son of Phillipino was born, which went in the footsteps of the Father, becoming an artist and daughter Alexander. Female images went out by the artist very gentle and lyric. We will not see him Madonna as a mother of a man who should redeem the sins of human sins with His death. Madonna from Philippo is always young and full of love for their restless child.

Whether to write about his role in painting ..... about his prominent creations, contemporaries responded as harmonious, attractive images, the wizard for the incomparable ability to transfer the senses of characters and the atmosphere of the scene.

"For high qualities, he was appreciated so much that much reprehensible in his life was covered by the level that the valor reached it."

Filippo Lippi, having mastered the narrative genre, combined it with a religious plot, and this is a secular beginning, the desire for an exciting narration, a lyrical earthly feeling found a vivid expression in his works. The charming master of many works, he managed to give human warmth and poetic love in them. And even the Great Michelangelo "not only constantly glorified him, but also imagined him in many things."

Clickable images

Fir Filippo Lippey (Ital. Fra Filippo Lippi, 1406-1469) - Florentine painter, one of the most notable masters of early Italian revival.

Filippo Lippi (Filippo di Thomazo) was born in Florence, presumably on October 8, 1406, in the family of a poor butcher. In early childhood, he lost his parents and remained on the care of aunt, from which some time later was taken to upbringing, from the grace, the brother of the Monastery del Carmina, where 15 years old received vows of monasses ("Fra" - Reduction from Latr. Frater - Brother ) and remained in the community until 1432. Vazari in his famous "lives" notes that in the monastery Filippo Lippi instead of learning, spent all his time for drawing, "there was a lot of other things in all kinds of nonsense," and the prior decided to give He is able to study painting.
As an artist Fra Filippo Lippi developed under the undoubted influence and; For his art education also influenced Fra Angeliko. (I will certainly write about him later - das_gift. ) The names of Mazacho and Mazolino Yes Panicale is not random in the biography of Lippi - during the years of his adolescence, these artists just painted the Church of Santa Maria del Carmina in Florence, and a talented boy showed great interest in their work.

The first work of the master - frescoes in the Church of San Antonio in Padua (1434) - not preserved. The most early from the works of Filippo Lippi came to us is Madonna from Tarquiniawritten in 1437 (Rome, Palazzo Barberini) - the appearance of the Virgin Mary is simple, he even almost daily - Madonna appears almost in the home environment.

Madonna with baby. 1437 Fir Filippo Lippi. National gallery of ancient art, Rome. Tempera.

Up to 1437-38, there are no reliable information about the activities of Fir Philippo Lippi. In addition, from the book Vazari there is no evidence of visiting Lippi Naples and Ancona, as well as the seizure of his masrass-pirates and happy liberation from captivity thanks to his art.

But by 1438, he already lives in Florence, closely communicates with Medici. There are legends about him as a cheerful monk, very prone to the female floor, he constantly needs money - some letters of the artist's requests are indicated - and this despite the support of the Medici! - It was the medical staff that provided him with various benefits and large orders. Thanks to the influence of Kozimo, Medici Fir Filippo is appointed Chapel San Giovanni Monastery in Florence, and later "Rettore Commendatario" in the Church of San Kiriko. These were bendesies that could easily ensure the life of any artist - with a somewhat more correct and measured life. Anyone, but not Far Filippo Lippi!

In the works of Fir Filippo, after R. Florence, they became little inserted to develop their characteristics inherent in his style. He begins to show a big art composition, energizing acting persons with truthful expressions. His types are inferior to the works of Mazacho in dignity, but it is estimated with tenderness and beauty. Persons he attaches usually moderate oval, figures - especially female - dried and very different from almost devoid necks of fallen children. Wide clothing drapes - according to Vazari, Lippi hid the limbs with drapering to avoid difficulties in their image - they are simply executed and replete with various decorations, and the rich gold embroidery is often found along the edges of clothing. In landscapes, he keeps the golden middle - between the crowded details of the realists and the naive community seats of Fra Angeliko and Mazolino. The architectural component is very richly ornamed, and not without impurities of classical influence, but is rarely true in size and proportions. Most of all the artist's skill affects flavor and careful finish. Its tones and shades are strong, light, are clear - none of the contemporaries will be compared with it.

Fir Filippo Lippie is known and as a master plot "Annunciation." His "Annunciation" is extremely poetic, thinly ornamented. Mary, Archangel Gabriel and the Holy Spirit in the form of a pigeon are usually depicted in the picture.

Annunciation with two knee-free donators. 1440 Fir Filippo Lippi. National gallery of ancient art, Rome. Butter.

Annunciation. 1443 Fir Filippo Lippi. Old Pinakotek, Munich.

IN "Annunciation" (beginning. 1440s, Florence, Church of San Lorenzo) The action is played against the background of the city street, and Virgo Maria is endowed with the appearance and grace of young Florenty. At the same time, the artist gives the world depicted by the poetic charm, the cleanliness of the lines, the softness of light, cold colors, transforms it transmitted with the picturesque fineness of non-lass, calm light.

Annunciation. 1445 Fir Filippo Lippi. Church of San Lorenzo, Florence.

"Annunciation" Detail. 1445 Fir Filippo Lippi. Church of San Lorenzo, Florence.

"Annunciation" from San Lorenzo can serve as a visual example of a transition style from the "atmosphere of the monastery" of the first works of Fir Filippo to his later works. The peculiarity of this composition is that the Archangel Gabriel is accompanied by two more angels, and Maria looks feminine and elegant.

In the same 1437, the artist began work on Altar Barbadori for the Church of Santo Spirito. In 1438, as it is known from the letter of Domenico Venetsiano to Pietro Medici, Fir Filippo is still busy this picture, "over which, if he even stays day and night, then he will not graduate it in and for five years." This is one of the best works Fra Filippo Lippi.

Madonna with a baby and the sainted phranas * and Augustine *. 1437-38. Fir Filippo Lippi. Louvre, Paris.

By 1447, he finished the composition Crowning Mary (Florence, Gallery of the Uffizi) for Capella Canone Mariny (sometimes the picture is called "coronting of Marigny") in the Florentine Church of San Ambrokrod.
The picture was performed on one large panel, however, Lippi shared her three arches, which give the image the traditional form of triptych. The altar image was equipped with a gilded wooden decor that was not preserved. The limit to the "Coronation" - "Miracle of St. Ambrose" is kept in the Berlin Art Gallery.
Lippi refused the archaic gold background, depicting bands - symbol of seven skies* (Ial. Cieli del Paradiso). Four angel hold the golden ribbon in their hands with the words of prayer. At the bottom of the picture, a number of cranked saints are presented - the artist here, following the example of his predecessors, combined two plots - coronation and Holy Interview*
In this work, the mystical celestial phenomenon - in a traditional interpretation - appears as an earthly festive ceremony, in which the foreground is assigned to citizens with quite simple, everyday persons. In this picture, the peculiar features of Far Philippo talent are pronounced: the complete absence of official, conditional holiness, mixed with naive piety and enjoyment of earthly beauty. The solemn event is shown not in the limitless space of the celestial space, but in a limited room, such as basilica in the style of early rebirth. Space closes in three arches, under the middle, the highest god father in padset The closure places the crown on the head of the crankshakes of Our Lady. Crowds of the Saints and Angels fill the rest of the space, among the saints you can see St. Martin in the Episcopal Clouds and St. Lawrence. In the foreground on the right of John the Baptist, on the left of Holy Amvrosy.
But the group at the foot of the throne is especially diverse and noteworthy, the woman is especially allocated, as if taken from life, the woman does not contemplate a solemn event - her look is facing the viewer. A carmelite monk leans to her - some believe that this is Donator, since the angel holds the scroll with the inscription IS Perfecit Opus. (He ordered this work).
Both side spaces are filled with angels, and these are not the etheric creatures of Fra Angelico - they, like living people, are firmly on their feet. The dominant colors are white and blue and they will make up a somewhat heavy and crowded composition.
This picture is a fairly complete expression of the developed style of Fir Filippo, and it belongs to the best works of the Florentine school of the 15th century. The artist worked on her about five years and received a fee for it in the amount of 200 Florentine lira.

Coronation of Mary. 1441-47 Fir Filippo Lippi.

Crowning Mary. Detail. 1441-7, gg. Fir Filippo Lippi. Gallery Uffizi, Florence. Wooden wood.

Crowning Mary. Detail. 1441-7, gg. Fir Filippo Lippi. Gallery Uffizi, Florence. Wooden wood.

Crowning Mary. Detail. 1441-47, GG. Fir Filippo Lippi. Gallery Uffizi, Florence. Wooden wood.

In the interval between 1447 and 1456 Frah Filippo Lipppi wrote pictures in which his style as an artist was already finally formed. Separately, Madonna from the Pitti gallery - imitating sculptors, the artist attaches a picture of a round form - it should be noted that Lippi first began to give them a round shape - such pictures soon became use in use not only in home pallies, but also churches, in return for triptychs .
We have a generated image of the Virgin, she has a baby in her hands, which attracts the fruit grenade* In the hands of the mother. In the background - the image of the christmas of the Virgin. The city is visible to the right, where the artist drew a meeting of Joachim with Anna. The main figures of the painting - Madonna with a baby - resemble the composition of Donatello, and as if they were drawn from the bas-relief.

Madonna with baby and scene from the life of St. Anne. 1452 Fir Filippo Lippi. Palatina Gallery (Palazzo Pitti), Florence. Butter.

Another "round picture".

Worship of Magi.1445 Fir Filippo Lippi. National Gallery Art, Washington. Wooden wood.

In 1452, he was appointed a priest in the monastery of San Giovannino in Florence, and in 1457 by the Rector (Rettore Commendatario) of the Church of San Kiriko in Legalia, and it gave him a completely decent income, although his poverty seems to be chronic, which has been influenced by numerous Amur adventures.

In the same 1452, Philippo Lippi began work on the frescoes in the Choir of the Cathedral in Prato (1452-1464) - these frescoes are considered one of the vertices of the artist's creativity.
The frescoes in the Cathedral Choir in Prato set out the stories of John the Baptist and St. Stephen * - these are the most important and monumental works of Fir Filippo Lippi. Often separately celebrate the figure of the dancing salome in the plot "Pier Herod" - She clearly refers us to later works of Sandro Bothichelli, the student Filippo Lippi and the works of Philippino Lippi, the son of Filippo himself, as well as the scene saint Stephen's Body Mailing. There are assertions that the scene contains a portrait of the artist, but too many opinions about what kind of figure it is.

Since 1456, Fir Filippo Lippie moves to Prato. It is by this period that the famous scandalous story with the obedient of the monastery of Saint Margarita Lucretza Buti. Kappellan appointed in 1456 in the women's monastery of Santa Margherita in Prato, Philippo Lippi seduces and abducts one of the nuns - Lucreta Bethoi. Unquented scandal! But Kozimo Medici Elder loved the work of the artist and managed to achieve for Philippo and his beloved removal of monastic vows. Later, after receiving a special permission of Pope, Filippo and Lucretia were married. Lucretia became the mother of two children Filippo - the son of Philippino - afterwards, too, a very famous Florentine painter and daughter Alexandra.
The image of the beloved wife of Lippi Lippi is captured - as it is considered - in his poetic Madonns. However, there is a version that this story is like many others - invented Vazari and in fact Philippino Lippi was not a relative, and the adoptive son. But the confirmation of the truthfulness of this story is also available, at least a letter of one of the Medici, in which he writes that the whole story with Fra Filippo is all very accustomed.

Despite the scandalous behavior, Filippo, as mentioned, enjoyed the patronage of the Medici family and received orders from them throughout his creative life. In 1457, he performed the altar image "St. Michael"Giovanni Medici sent a Naples king as a gift.

Saint Michael. 1456-1457 Fir Filippo Lippi. Museum of Art, Cleveland. Wooden wood.

The frescoes of the Cathedral in Prato were completed in 1460. Their content - scenes from the life of the patron saint of the Florentine Republic, to which the town of Prato - John the Baptist belonged.

Scenes from the life of John the Baptist.1452-65 Fir Filippo Lippi. Cathedral, Prato. Fresco.

On the opposite wall - scenes from the life of St. Stephen, the patron saint of Prato.

Scenes from the life of St. Stephen.1452-65 Fir Filippo Lippi. Cathedral, Prato. Fresco.

Scenes from the life of John the Baptist occupy the right wall. The upper fresco is divided into two fields - in one - the birth of John, on the other - Zechariah writes the name of the newborn on the table. The following fresco combined four episodes: Farewell to John with her parents before departing to the desert, John's prayer, the wandering of the desert and the preaching of the people. On the lower fresco is depicted Pier Herod - Dancing Salome, and on the right she serves Irod on the dish Ioanna Baptist's head. With undoubtedly charming beauty, this plot creates the impression of something restless, anxious, two girls in the foreground frightened each other by their hands.

1452-65 Fir Filippo Lippi. Cathedral, Prato. Fresco.

Pier Herod. 1452-65 Fir Filippo Lippi. Cathedral, Prato. Fresco.

Pier Herod. Detail. 1452-65 Fir Filippo Lippi. Cathedral, Prato. Fresco.

Condition of Head of John the Baptist.1452-65 Fir Filippo Lippi. Cathedral, Prato. Fresco.

These frescoes were very damaged from time to time, but also a little preserved showing us a skill-free layout of individual scenes. Fir Philippo First approves the so-called pyramidal group, which Fra Bartolomeo and Michelangelo later loved - in the fresco John the Baptist leaves his parents.: Elizabeth Embiring Son and looking at them from above Zechariah - the conditional crossing lines of their figures form a single group.

On the opposite wall - scenes from the life of St. Stephen. From above - his birth, then the salvation of the child, the dedication of Stephen Apostle in Deacon, the exile of the demon, sermon and synagogue and mourning the body of St. Stephen.

Birth of St. Stephen and the substitution of his other child. 1452-65 Fir Filippo Lippey Cathedral, Prato. Fresco.

Dispute in the synagogue. 1452-65 Fir Filippo Lippey Cathedral, Prato. Fresco.

"And Stephen, fulfilled faith and strength, performed great wonders and signs of the people. Some of the so-called synagogues of Libertinians and Kirinetsev and Alexandrians and some of Kilicia and Asia entered into a dispute with Stephen; but could not resist the wisdom and spirit that he spoke . Then they taught some to say: we heard that he said great words to Moses and on God. And the people and elders and the scribes opened and, attacked, grabbed him and led him to Sanhedrion. And presented false witnesses who said: this person is not It ceases to speak the hard words on the holy place of this and the law. For we heard he said that Jesus Nazori would destroy the place of this and change the customs who handed us Moses. And everyone sitting in Sedrinion, looking at him, saw his face, as an angel face. " - Acts.6: 9.

Martyrdom of St. Stephen. 1460 Fir Filippo Lippi. Cathedral, Prato. Fresco.

Listening to this, they rushed their hearts with their own and crossed her teeth. Stephen, being filled with the Spirit of the Holy Spirit, leen on the sky, saw the glory of God and Jesus, standing by the Odessa God, and said: Here I see the heavens of the hole and the Son of the Human, standing by God. But they, shouting with a loud voice, stuck their ears, and unanimously rushed to him and, bringing out of town, began to beat him with stones. Witnesses put their clothes at the legs of the young man, the name Sawla, and beat Stephen's stones, who prayed and said: Lord Jesus! We accept my spirit. And, wondering the knees, exclaimed with a loud voice: Lord! It is not impossible to sin's sin. And, saying this, soil. - Acts 7:55

Fresco "Mailing of St. Stephen" It is considered one of the strongest works of the master.
The saint lies among the churches on the solemnly removed bed - in the heads and in the legs are two plasters. Left - Clear, right - spiritual persons, among which you can see and Carlo Medici, the then prior of the cathedral in Prato, and in the Carmelitian monk near him - Fir Filippo Lippi himself.

Mourning St. Stephen. 1460 Fir Filippo Lippey . Duomo, Prato. Fresco.

According to the crusade of the cathedral, four evangelists and angels are depicted.

Evangelist Luke. 1454 Fir Filippo Lippey Duomo, Prato. Fresco.

Saint Alberto. 1452-65 Fir Filippo Lippi. Cathedral, Prato. Fresco.

Fresco cycle view. Cathedral, Prato.

Separately, I would like to note how Far Philippo Lippi portrayed one of the most popular stories - Christmas.

For the first time, the image of Christmas ported - the artist, an extremely strongly influenced by contemporaries - on the limit drawn by him in 1423, depicting "worship of the Magi" - (first picture of the limit - das_gift. ) - Instead of repeating the pictures of Christmas as ordinary and traditional among the followers, Dae Fabriano draws a naked baby lying on Earth and the cranked mother, filled with maternal love and meek love, which was born - the Savior World. Soon this way of christmas image - Worship Baby. - I switched from the limit to the main place icon. Frame Angeliko That was so pictured Christmas in one of the keys of the monastery of St. Mark - together with the mother, the infant worship the saints, and the angels are gloomy. Pinturikkio and Perugino until recently so depicted Christmas.

Fir Philippo Lippi developed this topic further - the baby lying on Earth applies a finger to her lips, as if showing that he is the embodiment of the word, Logos. He also introduces little John the Baptist, who until now was depicted only by the wild prophet-hermit, in the skins, with a beard. John Baby - Comrade Children's game of Christ, and he inclines his knee before him and brings - as if for the game - a cross from the cane and scroll.

We reached us three pictures of Fir Filippo with this plot. Two of them are in Florence, one in Berlin. All three Christmas are very similar to each other: the baby lies on the grass among the colors, a circle of a secluded landscape. To the right on his knees a reverently, the Mother of God is, on the left of a young baptist with a cross from the cane and a scroll. Pigeon as a symbol of the Holy Spirit is ferry on them. On the Florentine instance, the Hand of Almighty, in Berlin - the half figure of the Father's God among the halo. A light illuminating the landscape comes from the baby. At one of the Florentine copies, the knee-free Joseph, the hlev and animals and instead of the pigeon - the choir of angels. Berlin painting is the most poetic, most subtle and exciting, specially transmitting strange silence and holiness of the moment. The monk praying is visible.

Worship Baby.. 1455 Fir Filippo Lippi. Gallery Uffizi, Florence. Wooden wood.

Worship Baby.. 1463 Fir Filippo Lippi. Gallery Uffizi, Florence. Wooden wood.

Madonna in the forest. 1460 Fir Filippo Lippi. State museums, Berlin. Butter.

On the slope of years - in 1466 - Fir Philippo had to take another monumental work - he was called to sputto the frescoes of Apse Cathedral - this work was completed after the death of the master of his assistant Fra Diamantha. Here, in the field of a semicircular dome, he depicted again "Coronation of the Virgin"under it - The Assumption of the Virgin, left Annunciation, on right Nativity.

In the "Angel" angel appears behind the Virgin - surprised and frightened, she listens to the election of her message.

Annunciation. 1467-69. Fir Filippo Lippi. Duomo, Spoleto. Fresco.

Christmas. 1467-69. Fir Filippo Lippi. Duomo, Spoleto. Fresco.

Coronation of Our Lady. 1467-69. Fir Filippo Lippi. Duomo, Spoleto. Fresco.

Coronation of Our Lady. Detail. 1467-69. Fir Filippo Lippi. Duomo, Spoleto. Fresco.

Coronation of Our Lady. Detail. 1467-69. Fir Filippo Lippi. Duomo, Spoleto. Fresco.

The Assumption of Our Lady. 1467-69. Fir Filippo Lippi. Duomo, Spoleto. Fresco.

Type of apse * Cathedral. 1467-69. Frescoes. Duomo, Spoleto.

The conversation about Fir Philippo Lippie will be incomplete without mentioning his wonderful and numerous Madonn - whether he portrayed his beloved Lucreta, as some or not - some researchers do not see similarities in Madonn's faces - in any case, we have several wonderful works we We can admire.

Madonna with infant. Fir Filippo Lippi. . Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence

Madonna with infant. 1440 Fir Filippo Lippi. National Art Gallery, Washington.

Madonna with baby. 1460s. Fir Filippo Lippi. . Old Pinakotek, Munich.

Madonna with a baby and two angels. 1465 Fir Filippo Lippi.

Fir Filippo died in Spoleto around October 8, 1469. There were rumors that the artist was poisoned by relatives of Lucretia, but it is rather similar to the Bassnya - Vendetta with respect to a 63-year-old man for the seduction perfect in the 52nd age, although it is like to know. Fir Filippo buried in the Cathedral of Spoleto. Florentine wanted to pick up the remains of the artist, but spolely opposed. Lorenzo Medici instructed the son of the artist Filippo to revive the monument, and there are lines in the epitaph - "Nature itself was surprised in the images that I had painted with her, and recognized that I was equal to her in creativity."

Having experienced in the initial period of his creativity, the strong influence of Mazacho, Fir Filippo became a consistent adherent of Renaissance naturalism, but he has less "vulgar realism" than some of his contemporaries, and in addition he is a completely wonderful colorist. He does nothing for the prospect, loves decorations, pilasters, other architectures features. Improving his style, making it more and more sophisticated, he was able to create completely unforgettable, tender images. The works of Philippo Lippie show both naivety and luxury, and a liveliness, and some fancy. It comes to religious art from the human side. His creative path was one, without fundamental changes in style.

Far Philippo Lippi among his Madonn, fiery angels, embroidered fabrics, gold jewelry, precious stones, fringe buildings with a violated perspective - and from this very particularly charming - among the gentle silence and shimmering radiance - this monk-balance, a sustainer and lifespan With contradictory information! - And the undoubted talent is completely unequivocal! "He's a kind of friend like Francois, many, many years later - let another place, another time, another style - everything else, absolutely everything - but such a bright and vitality and absolutely unique and stylistically recognizable. From today's list, the winner comes out "Coronation of Madonna" from Spoleto - amazingly, the fabulous fabulous, covered with sparkles and stars, at the same time here and there - the moon and the sun - the sky of our world and the foot of the world of Horny.
And I really want to celebrate the shiny, thoughtful evangelist on Luka from Prato and the amazing silence of the Berlin "Christmas". - das_gift.

1. * Fredian - Irish bishop in Lucca in the first half of the sixth century.

2. * Averalius Augustine (Lat. Aurelius Augustinus; 354-430) - Blessed Augustine, St. Augustine - Bishop of Hippon, a philosopher, an influential preacher, Christian theologian and politician. Holy Catholic and Orthodox churches (at the same time in Orthodoxy, it is usually referred to as the Blessed Epitic - Blessed Augustine,

3. * Kozimo Medici Senior (old) (ITAL. COSIMO DI GIOVANNI DE "MEDICI, COSIMO IL VECCHIO) (September 27, 1389, Florence - August 1, 1464, Florence) - Son Giovanni di Beachci (1360-1429), founder of the Medici dynasty, Active Florentine politician, one of the best State people of their time. A merchant and banker, the owner of the largest state in Europe.

Portrait of a triesho doctor of an old. 1520 Jacopo PonutoMo

4. * Heaven of Paradise - According to the third part of the "Divine Comedy" Dante Aligierey Heaven Paradise is divided into nine parts.
1 Sky (Moon) is the abode of the observing debt (Ifafay, Agamemenon, the constancy of Normannskaya).
2 Sky (Mercury) - the abode of reformers (Justinian) and innocently affected (infidencies).
3 Sky (Venus) - the abode of lovers (Karl Martell, Kunitz, Femimate Marseille, Didona, Rhodopean, Rahava).
4 Sky (Sun) - the abode of wise men and great scientists. They form two circles ("dance").
* 1st Circle: Thomas Akvinsky, Albert Background Bolshayat, Francesco Graziano, Peter Lombard, Dionysius Areopagitis, Pavel Orezia, Boeation, Isidore Seville, Bed Honorable, Ricard, Sierger Brabantsky.
* 2nd Circle: Bonaventure, Franciscans Augustine and Illuminat, Haggon, Peter Feeders, Peter Spanish, John Zlatoust, Anselm, Ely Donat, Raban Mavr, Joachim.

5 Sky (Mars) - the abode of the warriors for faith (Jesus Navin, Judah McCuway, Roland, Gottfried Boulevard, Robert Gwiscar).
6 Sky (Jupiter) is the abode of fair rulers (Biblical kings David and Ezekias, Emperor Traian, the King of Gulielmo II, good and the hero of "Aneida" Rifey).
7 Sky (Saturn) is the abode of theologians and monks (Benedict Nurstiesky, Peter Damiani).
8 sky (sphere stars).
9 Heaven (original motor, crystal sky). Dante describes the structure of the celestial residents (see the ranks of the angels)

and 10 sky (empires) - a filling rose and a radiant river (the core of roses and the isoa of the celestial amphitheater) - the abode of the deity. On the banks of the river (the stages of the amphitheater, which is divided into another 2 semicircles - the Old Testament and New Testament) squeeze the blissful souls. Maria (Our Lady) - headed, under her - Adam and Peter, Moses, Rachel and Beatrice, Sarah, Rebek, Judifie, Ruth, and others. Opposite Site John, under it - Lucia, Francis, Benedict, Augustine, etc.

5. * Holy interview - Madonna on the throne with the saints, the Mother of God with Holy (Ial. Sacra Conversazione) - In the artistic art, the name of Western European type of the image of the Virgin and the infant Jesus in his hands surrounded by a group of any saints.
The Composition "Holy Interview" is a frontal and relatively symmetric, it represents the Virgin with a baby sitting on the throne under the canvas in the center of the canvas, usually in the interior. On the sides of it are two or more saints. The choice of saints is not determined by the canon, it may be people who lived with a difference in several centuries. Nevertheless, they are represented by comparable in physical dimensions and age existing in a single space and sometimes sorry ("interview", from here and the name of iconography). However, they are rarely pronounced by the words of them: the conversation is essentially meant, which is depicted, since the saints are united by common actions or one common emotion. This relationship is transmitted thanks to more or less emphasized to the artist to repeat or interrelated gestures, as well as a single expression of persons. The composition is characterized by a rest atmosphere and contemplation of characters depicted on it.

5. * St. Stephen - First Christian Martyr, Archdiacon Stefan (St. Stephen), was one of the seven apostles chosen by the apostle Peter to help the beggar and preaching Christianity. It was called for the Court of Sedrin and adopted a martyrdom (Stephen scored stones) approximately in the 35th year of the new era. It is known that Sawl was one of his tormentors - subsequently became the Apostle Paul, the light and a pillar of Christianity.

6. *Apse (from Dr.-Greek. ἁἁίς, born. case ἁψῖδος - arch), Axida (Lat. ABSIS) - a ledge of a building, a semicircular, faceted or rectangular in the plan, overlapped by a semi-footpoint or closed semicircle.
For the first time apsides appeared in the ancient Roman basilica. In the Christian temples apsida - the altar protrusion, oriented to the East.

Apse. View outside.

Apse. Inside view

7. *Garnet - In Christianity, a grenade - a symbol of eternal life, spiritual fecundity, church, and his seeds symbolize her numerous members. Also richly filled with seeds, the fruit of a pomegranate means the completeness of the sufferings of Christ. The grenade in the Savior's desk is one of the symbols of the resurrection.