Old-Chinese parables. Chinese Proverbs China Emperor Parable Umbrellas for Poor

Old-Chinese parables. Chinese Proverbs China Emperor Parable Umbrellas for Poor
Old-Chinese parables. Chinese Proverbs China Emperor Parable Umbrellas for Poor

Chinese parables

Need to jump

The master said the student:

Purchase about your past - and you will become enlightened.

I do it, only gradually, "said the student.

Gradually, you can only grow. Enlightenment instantly.

Later, the master explained:

You need to jump! With tiny marines, the abyss does not overcome.

Golden mean

The emperor of China was sitting on a platform under a canopy and read the book. At the bottom of the master kolester repaired his carriage. The emperor postponed the book and began to observe the actions of the old master, and then asked him:

Why are you so old and repair myself a carriage? Do you really have no helper?

The master replied:

Your, truth, sovereign. I taught your sons to the craft, but I can't convey my art. And here the work is responsible, special art is required.

The emperor said:

Something you caress! Explain the simplest one's thought.

Old master said:

Can I ask you that you read? And is there a person who wrote this book?

The emperor began to be angry. Old man seeing it, said:

Do not be angry, please, I will explain my thought now. You see, my sons make good wheels, but they have not achieved perfection in this matter. I reached it, but how to transfer my experience? Truth in the middle ...

If you make a wheel strong, it will be heavy and ugly. If you try to make it elegant, it will be unreliable. Where is the edge, that measure I followed? She inside me, I comprehend it. This is an art, but how to convey it? In your carriage, the wheels must be elegant and strong at the same time. So I have to me, the old man, to do them yourself.

So the treatise you read. A man who wrote him many centuries ago, achieved high understanding, but there is no possibility to convey this understanding.

Problems of the Blacksmith

One day the king asked the Blacksmith-Blacksmith with his problems. Then the blacksmith began to complain to his work:

About the great king, my craft does not like me, because the work is difficult, it does not bring much money and the neighbors do not respect me for it. I would like another craft.

The king thought and said:

You will not find suitable work for yourself. She is difficult, because you are lazy. She does not bring a lot of money because you are Zhadalad, and does not bring respect for the neighbors, because you are vain. Get out of my eyes.

The blacksmith gone, donating his head. A year later, the king again visited those areas and was surprised to discovered the same blacksmith there, only quite rich, respected and happy. He asked:

Aren't you the wrong life of the Blacksmith, who compiled on his craft?

I, the great king. I am still a blacksmith, but I respect me, and work brings me enough money, and I like it. You pointed to me to the reason for my problems in me, and I removed them. Now I am happy.

Quality, not quantity

One high Chinese official had a single son. He grew up with a slightly boiler, but he was unreasonable, and what would be neither trying to teach him, he, he did not show zeal, so his knowledge was superficial. The boy drew and even played on the flute, but idle; I studied laws, but even simple scribes knew more.

The father, concerned about this provision, to make the spirit of the Son, hard, as he believed a real husband, gave it to the students a famous martial arts master. However, the young man was sorely tired of repeating monotonous movements of shocks. And he turned to the master:

Teacher! How much can one and the same movements can be repeated? Is it time to study this martial art, which is so famous for your school?

The master did not answer, but allowed the boy to repeat the movements behind the older students, and soon the young man had already known many techniques.

One day, the master called the young man and betrayed him a scroll with a letter.

Take this letter to your father.

The young man took the letter and went to the next city where his father lived. The road to the city of Crown is a big meadow, in the middle of which some old man trained his hand. And while the young man went around the road of the meadow, the old man without tired worked out the same blow.

Hey, old man! - shouted the young man. - Will you throw the air! You still can not even beat the child!

The old man shouted in response that let him first try to defeat him, and then laugh. The young man took the challenge.

Ten times he tried to attack the old man and ten times the old man knocked him down with the legs of the same blow. A shock that it has been fully worked out before. After the tenth times, the young man could no longer continue the battle.

I could kill you from the first strike! - said the old man. - But you are still young and stupid. Go your dear.

Ashamed, the young man got to the house of his father and handed him a letter. By turning the scroll, my father returned his son:

This is for you.

The calligraphic handwriting of the teacher on it was inscribed: "One blow, brought to perfection, is better than a hundred unfounded."

About Orange

Once two student, Young Lee and Zhao Zeng, approached Hing Shi with a request to judge their dispute. Pupils could not solve both in a conversation with the interlocutor, you should give answers to questions. Yang Lee said:

Teacher, I think it would be better to answer the question of the interlocutor without delay, and later, in case of an error, corrected than to make the interlocutor waiting for a response too long.

To this Zhao Zeng objected:

No, on the contrary, you should think about your answer carefully, weighing every trifle and the item. Let it take out how much time, but the main thing is to give a right answer.

Hing Shea picked up a juicy orange and said, turning to the first student:

If you give your interlocutor to eat the first half of the orange of crude, and only then, cleaning the peel, give the second, it may happen that your interlocutor typing the bitter half of the first half will throw out the second.

Then Hing Shi turned to the second student, who heard the words of the teacher, addressed to Young Lee, smiled, anticipating his victory in the dispute.

You, Zhao Zen, of course, do not feed your interlocutor a bitter orange. On the contrary, you will be thoroughly cleaning it for a long time, carefully separating the slightest hubs. But, I'm afraid that your interlocutor can leave, and without waiting for the promised treat.

So how do we follow? - Pupils asked in one voice.

Before treating anyone oranges, learn how to clean them so as not to feed the interlocutor nor bitterness of the peel or in vain expectations, - answered Hing Shi, - Well, not yet learn, trust this process to someone who are going to treat ...

Remember about fragments

Once Hing Shea was talking to Young Lee about an important skill for a person - to humble in the heart of anger, not allowing himself to descend to revenge. Carefully listening to the teacher, Young Lee confusedly admitted that he was not able to forgive his enemies yet, although sincerely seeks to this.

I have an enemy, "the student has posted," and I would like to forgive him, but I still can't get angry with my heart.

I will help you, "Hing Shea said, removing a cracked clay kettle from the shelf," take this kettle and go with him as you would like to do with your enemy.

Yang Lee Taking a teapot, uncertainly turned him in his hands, not deciding to do anything. Then the sage said:

Old kettle is just a thing, it's not a man, do not be afraid to deal with him now as you would like to do with my enemy.

Then Young Lee raised the kettle over his head and threw it with force about the floor, so so that the kettle scattered into small pieces. Hing Shea looked at the floor, dodged with fragments of a broken vessel, and said:

Do you see what happened? After breaking the kettle, you did not get rid of him, but only turned into a lot of fragments, about which you yourself or those who surround you can cut legs. Therefore, every time, without finding the strength to throw anger from your heart, remember these fragments, "said Hing Shea, and he added a little time," and better try not to allow the appearance of cracks where they should not be. "

Higher skill

Once, the old teacher of Chinese martial arts came a student-European and asked:

Teacher, I am the champion of my country in boxing and French wrestling, what else could you teach me?

The old master pated some time, smiled and said:

Imagine that, walking around the city, you will accidentally get it on the street, where you will be waiting for you somewhat bold, dreaming of robing you and break the Ribr. So, I will teach you not to walk through such streets.

All in your hands

A long time ago in the old city there was a master surrounded by students. The most capable of them once thought: "Is there any question to which our master could not give a response?" He went to the blooming meadow, caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it between the palms. The butterfly clung to his paws for his hands, and the student was seekly. Smiling, he walked over to the master and asked:

Tell me, what butterfly in my hands: Live or dead?

He touched the butterfly firmly in closed palms and was ready for any moment to squeeze them for his truth.

Without looking at the student's hands, the master replied:

All in your hands.

Who should change

A student who constantly criticized everyone, the master said:

If you are looking for perfection, strive to change yourself, and not others. It is easier to wear sandals yourself than to cover the carpet all the land.


Lao Tzu traveled with students and they came to the forest, where hundreds of loggers cut the trees. The whole forest was almost cut down, excluding one huge tree with thousands of branches. It was such a big one that 10 thousand people could sit in his shadow.

Lao Tzu asked his disciples to go and ask why this tree was not cut down. They went and asked lumberjacks and they said:

This tree is completely useless. You will not be able to do anything from it because each branch has many bits - and not a single line. You can not use this tree as fuel because its smoke is harmful to the eyes. This tree is completely useless, that's why we did not cut him down.

Pupils returned and told Lao Tzu. He laughed and said:

Wear a tree. If you are useful - you are cut, and you will become furniture in some house. If you are beautiful, you will become a commodity and you will be sold in the store. Get like this tree, be absolutely useless and then you will begin to grow big and extensive, and thousands of people will find a shadow under you.

Wise selection

Dubinkina-Ilyina Yu.

One day a young man came to Hing Shea, who was going to marry, and asked:

Teacher, I want to marry, but certainly only on a virgin. Tell me, I do wisely?

The teacher asked:

And why on a virgin?

So I will be sure that my wife is virtuous.

Then the teacher rose and brought two apples: one whole, and the second is inhabited. And suggested a young man to try them. He took the whole, hung it - the apple turned out to be rotten. Then he took overhanded, tried, but it turned out to be rotten. In bewilderment, the young man asked:

So how do I need to choose my wife?

Heart, - Teacher replied.


Dubinkina-Ilyina Yu.

Once Hing Shea with one of his students, was sitting on the shore of a small, but very picturesque lake. The air was fired by thin flavors of nature, the wind is practically saturated, and the mirrored surface of the reservoir reflected everything surrounding with incredible clarity. Perfection of nature, its balance and purity, unwittingly spawned thoughts about harmony. Therefore, after some time, Hing Shi appealed to his student with a question:

Yang Lee, tell me when complete harmony will come in human relationships?

Young and inquisitive Young Lee, often accompanied by a teacher on his walks, thought. After some time, looking at the identity of nature and its reflection in the lake, said:

It seems to me that harmony in relations between people will come only when all people come to a common opinion will think equally, they will become a reflection of each other. Then there will be no disagreement, no disputes - the student said dreamily and added sadly, - but is it possible?

No, "Hing Shea replied thoughtfully," this is impossible, and no need. " Indeed, in this case, no harmony would come, and complete depletion of a person, the loss of his inner "I", individuality. People would not be so much reflection as a shadow of each other.

Harmony in human relations will be possible only when each person will strive not to a single opinion or role imitation, but to respect for the right of another person to express their individuality.

Hidden desires

I decided once a blue dam from a big cave to become saints and become famous for good deeds. She put on the most beautiful clothes and sent him to all the ends of his own relatives and acquaintances with the news that he was taken to perform the most intimate human desires. Soon the cave, where the damnie lived, stretched the strings of people who thirs to get the promised.

The first appeared before the Black Poor Peasant. Just wanted to appeal to an unclean with her request, like damn and says:

Go home. Your desire is performed.

The peasant returned home, began to look for bags with gold and silver, as she suddenly sees - he goes to his house a neighbor, and on his shoulders, instead of his own - Cabanian head, turns his eyes, ships. The peasant was horrified: "Do I really have such desires?"

After the peasant, an old woman came to hell, carrying a man with dried legs on his back. Put it at the feet of hell and says:

The cherished desire for my son. I will be grateful to the end of life.

I looked the damn on a man, and that and the hands were happier.

What did you run, damned!

And damn and says:

What should I do if he since childhood he wanted his hands to sleep, then you will not be able to force his box to weave and feed it from your hands.

Nothing to do. The mother of his son was drunk on his shoulders and got running out of the cave, until the son had anything else wished.

So did not be damn saints. The unreleased fame went about it. But in this he himself is to blame. Who is who, and the damn it would be necessary to know that the innermost desires are not always welcome.

Secret invincible

There was once an invincible warrior who loved with the case, show his power. He caused the battle of all the glorified heroes and masters of military arts and always won.

One day heard a warrior that a hermit was settled high in the mountains near his village - a large master of hand-to-hand combat. The warrior went to look for this hermit to once again prove to all that he was not stronger in the light of a person. I got a warrior to the housing of the hermit and measurement in surprise. Thinking that he will meet a mighty fighter, he saw a punishhead old man, exercising in front of a hut in the ancient art of breath and exhale.

Are you really the person whom the people glorify as a great warrior? Truly, the Human Mille has greatly exaggerated your strength. Yes, you can not even move this stone block from the spot, with which I'm standing, and I, if I want, I can raise it and even take to the side, "said Bogatyr contemptuously.

Appearance is deceptive, "the old man answered calmly. - You know who I am, and I know who you are, and why did you come here. Every morning I descend in the gorge and I bring a stone block from there, which I smack my head at the end of my morning exercises. To your happiness, today I did not have time to do this, and you can show your skill. You want to call me a fight, and I will not fight a man who cannot make such a trifle.

The razorned bogatyr approached the stone that it was his strength hit his head and fell dead.

He cured a good hermit of an unlucky warrior, and then for many years she taught him rare art - to defeat the mind, and not by force.

Guys instructions

Yellow Vladyka Juan-Dee went to visit Tai-kveya, who lived on Mount Chuzuzi. But on the road, Lord got off the way.

The emperor met a boy, Especially horses.

Do you know how to drive to the mountain of Chu Tzu? He asked his yellow lord.

The boy answered that he knew the road and even knows where Tai-Kway lives.

"What an unusual boy! - Huang Di thought. - How does he know that we are going exactly to Tai-kwemy? Maybe ask him, how can I better arrange a life in the Middle Kingdom? "

The miserable world must be left as it is, - the boy replied. - What else to do with it?

Low, to manage the Middle Kingdom - not your concern, - Milns Huang di. - But still answer, how can I be with her?

Shepherd did not want to answer, but the emperor repeated his question.

Driving the world is not more difficult than the mouth of the horses, "the boy said then. - It is enough to eliminate everything for horses is dangerous - that's all! Similarly, it should be controlled by a consecutive world.

The emperor lowered her shepherd, called him "Heavenly Mentor" and retired.

Two peach kill three warriors

Stratagham number 3. -Kill a stranger knife

In the era of "Spring and Autumn" served by Prince Jing (mind. 490 BC) from the principality of qi (in the north of the current province of Shan Dong) Three brave warrior: Gunsun Jie, Tian Kaijiang and State of Ezze. No one could resist their courage. Their strength was so great that even their bare hands were like a tigrin.

Once, Yan Tzu, the first Minister of the Principality of Qi, met with these three warriors. None rose respectfully from his seat. This misconduct against the courtesy was angry Yan Tzu. He turned to the prince and informed him about this case, which appreciated as a danger to the state.

These three neglected with etiquette in relation to the highest. Is it possible to rely on them if you need to suppress the rebellion within the state or oppose external enemies? Not! Because I suggest: the sooner to eliminate them, the better!

Prince Jing anxiously sighed:

These three are great warriors. It is unlikely that they will be captured or killed. What to do?

Yan Tzu thought. Then he said:

I have one thought. Send them a messenger with two peaches and with the words: "Let him take a peach that whose merits above."

Prince Jing acted. Three warriors began to measure their exploits. The first ruled Gunsun Jie:

One day, I won a wild boar with bare hands, and another time - a young tiger. According to my acts, it is assumed to me a peach.

And he took a peach.

Tien Kaijiang spoke to the second:

I turned twice to escape only with cold weapons in my hands a whole army. According to my acts, I am also worthy of peach.

And he also took a peach.

When the GU ETSI saw that he did not get a peach, he was angry:

When I once in a retinue of our Mr. I drove through Juanhe, a huge water turtle grabbed my horse and disappeared with her in a stormy stream. I dived under the water and ran through the day a hundred steps upstream and nine miles downstream. Finally I found a turtle, killed her and saved my horse. When I snapped with a horse tail on the left side and a turtle head on the right, people on the shore took me for a river deity. This act is even more decent Peach. Well, none of you will give me a peach?

With these words, he took off his sword out of herbal and raised him. When Gunsun Jie and Tian Kaijiang saw how he was angry with their comrade, spoke to conscience in them, and they said:

Of course, our bravery does not equal to yours and our acts cannot measure yours. By the fact that both of us immediately grabbed themselves on peach and did not leave you, we showed only our greed. If we are not attended by this shame of death, we will also show the beauties.

Here they both gave their peaches, exposed swords and cut her throat.

When the GU ETSI saw two corpses, he felt his guilt and said:

Inhuman, that both of my combat comrades died, and I live. It is not enough to shame other words and glorify yourself. It would be crazy to make such a thing and not to die. In addition, if both of my comrades were divided among themselves one peach, both would get a decent share. I then could take myself the remaining peach.

And then he dropped his peaches to Earth and also cut his throat. Herald reported to the prince:

All three are already dead.

by Tatiana on Sun, 01/31/2016 - 16:30

The story about how the snake proved legs

In the ancient kingdom of Chu lived there was one aristocrat. In China, there is such a custom: after the rite, the commemoration of the ancestors should have treated all the suffering sacrificial wine. He did also. The beggars, which gathered at his house, agreed: if everyone is drinking wine, then he is not enough; And if the wine will drink one person, it will be too much for one. In the end, they accepted such a decision: drinking wine will be the one who first draws the snake.

When one of them drew a snake, he looked around and saw that everyone had not finished around. Then he took the kettle with wine and, making a smooth species, continued to draw. "Look, I even had time left to prevent snake legs," he exclaimed. While he drew his legs, another debate finished the drawing. He took away the kettle with wine with the words: "After all, the snake has no legs, so you did not draw a snake!" Having said this, he drank wine with a volley. So, the one who painted snake legs lost the wine that was to be destroyed for him.

This parable suggests that, fulfilling the task, you need to know all the conditions and see clear goals in front of you. It is necessary to strive for the goal with a sober head and solid will. And not allow easy victory to turn your head.

Story about Jasher Rod HE

One day, Bian He, who lived in the kingdom of Chu, Forest Nezhan, found a precious jade. He presented jade to the prince from Chu named Lee-Wan. Li-Van ordered Kamneses Masters to determine whether it is revealed by nephritis or fake. It took a little time, and a response was received: this is not a precious jade, but a simple glass. Li Van decided that Bian He was planning to deceive him and ordered him to cut off his left foot.

After the death of Li-Vana, the throne was inherited by U-Wan. Bian He again presented jade to the ruler. And again the same story happened: U-Van also counted Bian He a deceiver. So Bian He cut off his right leg.

After Y-Vana Wen Van rules. With jade for the biang of Bian Heal, the foot of the Mountain of Kushhan Three days. When his tears were dried, and blood drops appeared in the eyes. Having learned about this, Wen-Wan sent a servant to ask Bian He: "There is a lot of gentle in the country, why does he shy so desperately?" Bian He replied that he was not overtaken by the loss of both legs. He explained that the essence of his sufferings is that in the state a precious jade is no longer jade, but an honest person is no longer an honest person, but a fraudster. Having heard this, Wen Van ordered Kamneses to carefully polish the stone, as a result of grinding and cuts, it turned out nephritis of rare beauty, which people began to call as nephrite of the kind of he.

The author of this parable-Han Faye-famous Ancient Chinese thinker. In this story, the fate and the author himself was embodied. At one time, the ruler did not accept the political beliefs of Han Fai. From this parable, we can conclude: Kamnerisa should know which nephrite, and rulers, to understand what a person in front of them is. People who sacrifice the most precious for others should be ready to suffer from it.

The story about how Bian Qui Tsai Huan-Gun

Once the famous doctor Bian Qui came to visit the ruler of Tsai Huan-Gun. He examined Hun-Guna and said: "I see that you suffer from skin disease. If you do not consult immediately to the doctor, I am afraid that the disease virus will penetrate deep into the body. " Huan-Gong did not pay attention to the words of Bian Qui. He replied: "I'm fine." Hearing the prince's speech, the doctor Bian Tsuie said goodbye to him and retired. And Huan-Gong explained to his surrounding that doctors often treat people who have no diseases. Thus, these doctors assign merit and claim to rewards.

Ten days later, Bian Quede visited Prince again. He said Tsai Huan-Gun that his illness had already passed into muscles. If it is not treated, then the disease will proceed especially acute. Huan-Gong again did not obey Bian Qui. After all, he did not recognize the doctors.

Ten days later, during the third meeting with Prince Bian Qui said that the disease has already reached the intestine and stomach. And if the prince continues to persist, and will not enter the most severe phase. But the prince was still indifferent to the doctor's advice.

Ten days later, when Bian Quede saw Taij Huan-Gun in distant, he appealed to flight. The prince sent a servant to him to ask why he, not to mention a word, fled. The doctor replied that this skin disease was first to be treated only with the help of a decoction of healing herbs, warming compress and cavity. And when the disease reaches muscles, it can be treated with acupuncture. If the intestines and the stomach are infected, then they can be treated, drinking a decoction from healing herbs. And when the disease goes into a bone marrow, then in all the patient himself is to blame, and no doctor will no longer help.

Five days after this meeting, the prince felt pain in the whole body. At the same time, he remembered the words of Bian Qui. However, the doctor has long been hidden in an unknown direction.

This story teaches that a person must immediately correct his mistakes and misses. And if it persists and dissolves, it leads to deplorable results.

The story about how tsou Ji

The first Minister of the Kingdom of Qi named Tzou Ji was very well complicated and beautiful face. One morning, he dressed up in his best clothes and looked into the mirror and asked his wife: "What do you think, who is more beautiful, I or Mr. Xu, who lives on the northern outskirts of the city?" Wife replied: "Of course, you, my spouse, much more beautiful than Xu. How can I compare Xu and you? "

And Mr. Xu was a famous historian of the Principality of Qi. Zou Ji could not fully trust his wife, so he asked the same question and the coercive coercive. She answered the same way as his wife.

After one day, the guest came to Zou Ji. Zou Ji then asked the guest: "How do you think, who is more beautiful, me or Xu?" Guest replied: "Of course, Mr. Zou, you are more beautiful!"

After some time, Zou Ji visited Mr. Xu. He carefully examined the face, figure and gestures Xu. The beautiful look of Xua produced a deep impression on Zou Ji. He strengthened in thought that Xu is more painful. Then he looked at himself in the mirror: "Yes, after all, Xuy is much painful me," he said thoughtfully.

In the evening in bed, the thought of who is more painful, did not leave Zou Ji. And then he finally understood why everyone said that he was painted Xu. After all, the wife looks in front of him, the concubine is afraid of him, and the guest needs help from him.

This parable suggests that a person himself must know his capabilities. Do not blindly believe flattened speeches of those who are looking for benefits in relations, and therefore praises you.

A story about a frog that lived in a well

In one well there was a frog. And she had that there was a fun life. Once she began to tell the turtle that came to her from the East-China Sea about their lives - to be: "Here, in the well, I want to do something: I can play sticks on the surface of the water in the well, I can rest in the hole knocked out in the wall of the well. When I get into Il, dirt fills only my paws. Look at the crabs and tadpoles, they have a completely different life, they are hard to live there in Ile. In addition, here in the well, I live alone and myself the mistress, I can do what I want. It's just a paradise! And why don't you want to inspect my house? "

The turtle wanted to go down to the well. But the entrance to the well was too narrow for its shell. Therefore, without entering the well, the turtle began to tell the frog about the world: "Here, see, you, for example, do you think a thousand is a huge distance, right? But the sea is even more! Do you consider the top in a thousand lees highest, yes? But the sea is much deeper! During the Board, Yua occurred 9 floods, which lasted over a whole decade, the sea from that did not become more. During the rule of Tana, 7 droughts have happened for the past 8 years, and the sea did not decrease. Sea, it is forever. It grows or decreases. That is what the joy of life in the sea. "

Hearing these words of the turtle, the frog is alarmed. Her big green eyes lost their livelism, and she felt melting-premiate.

This parable suggests that a person should not be smug and, not knowing the world, stubbornly defend its position.

Parable about the fox, which is important behind the tiger

Once a tiger was greatly hungry, I squinted around the forest in search of food. Just at that time, on the road, he came across fox. Tiger was already prepared to be pretty far away, and Lisa tells him: "You do not dare to eat me. I am sent to the ground by the Heavenly Emperor. It was he who appointed me by the head of the world of animals. If you eat me, then you want to whimge the heavenly emperor. "

Hearing these words, Tiger began to fluctuate. However, his stomach did not stop grailt. "How do I do?" - thought Tiger. Seeing the confusion of a tiger, Lisa continued: "You probably think that I deceive you? Then follow me, and you will see how all the animals are at the sight of me to scatter. It would be very strange if it happens differently. "

These words seemed reasonable tigra, and he went after the fox. Indeed, beasts at the sight of them, instantly scattered in different directions. The tiger was the uncommon that the animals were afraid of him, a tiger, and not a hectic fox. Who is afraid of her?

This parable teaches us that in life you need to be able to distinguish with genuine from false. It is necessary to be able to not dedicated by external data, to delve into the essence of things. If you do not think to distinguish the truth from lies, it is very possible that you will be deceived with such people as this tricky fox.

This fable warns people not to be stupid and not to be important, having achieved easy victory.

Yu Gong moves mountains

"Yu Gong moves mountains" is a story that has no real history. It is contained in the book "Le Tzui", and the author of which is the philosopher Le Yuiku, who lived in Biv - V centuries. BC e.

In the story, "Yu Gong moves the mountains" says that in her old days, an old man named Yu Gong (in the literal translation of the "stupid old old man"). In front of his house there were two huge Tajan Mountains and Wang, which blocked approaches to his house. It was very uncomfortable.

And once, Yu Gong gathered the whole family and said that Tahan Mountains and Wangs block the approaches to the house. "What do you think, do we scram these two mountains?" - Asked the old man.

Sons and grandchildren Yu Guna immediately agreed and said: "Let's start working from tomorrow!" However, Yu Gun's wife expressed doubt. She said: "We have been living here for several years, so we can continue to live here despite these mountains. Moreover, the mountains are very high, and where are we laying down the stones and the soil taken from the mountains?"

Where to put stones and soil? After discussion among family members, they decided to drop them into the sea.

On the other day, the whole family of Yu Guna began to crush the mountain breed by hoes. Son of the neighbor Yu Guna also came to help tear the mountains, although he was not yet eight years old. The tools of labor were very simple - only hoes and baskets. There was a considerable distance from the mountains to the sea. Therefore, month later, the mountains still looked still.

There was such an old man named Zhi Sou (that in the literal translation means "smart old old man"). Having learned about this story, he began to make fun of Yu Guna and called him stupid. Ji Sou said that the mountains are very high, and the human strength is negligible, so it is impossible to move these two huge mountains, and the actions of Yu Guna are very funny and ridiculous.

Yu Gong answered like this: "Although the mountains are high, but they do not grow, so if I and my sons every day we will take a little of the mountain, and then my grandchildren, and then the great-grandfather will continue our business, then in the end we shifted these the mountains!" His words were stolen by Ji Sou, and that parlor.

And the family Yu Guna continued to tear the mountains every day. Their persistence touched the heavenly Lord, and he sent two fairies to Earth, which moved the mountains away from Yu Guna. This ancient legend tells us that if people have a strong will, they will be able to overcome any difficulties and succeed.

History of Loshansky Daus

There was once one lazy man named Van Qi. Although Van Qi did not know anything, but he passionately wanted to learn any magic. Having learned that near the sea, on the mountain Loshan, Dao lives, whom people nicknamed "Daoom from Mount Lajan", and that he knows how to work wonders, Wang Qi decided to enter the students to this Dao and ask him to teach a student to magic. Therefore, Van Qi left the family and went to Ladoshan Dao. Arriving on Mount Lajan, Wang Qi found Loshan Daus and expressed him his request. Dao realized that Wang Qi was very lazy, and refused to him. However, Van Qi asked persistently, and, in the end, Dao agreed to take Van Qi in the disciples.

Wang Qi thought that he would be able to learn the magic very soon, and was delighted. On another day, Van Qi, hurried, hurried to Dao. Suddenly, Dao gave him an ax and ordered to extort firewood. Although Van Qi did not want to chop firewood, but he had to do as directed by Daos so that he would not refuse to teach his magic. Wang qi all day chopped firewood on the mountain and very tired; He was very pleased.

A month passed, and Van Qi all chopped firewood. Every day there is a woodcase and not to learn the magic, with such a life he could not accept and thought up to return home. And at that moment he saw with his own eyes as his teacher-- Loshansky Dao-- showed his ability to create magic. Once in the evening, Loshan Dao drank wine with two friends. Dao poured wine from a bottle of wine glass behind a glass, and the bottle still remained complete. Then, Dao turned his wands to eat in the beauty that began to sing and dance for guests, and after the banquet again turned into a stick. All this was too surprised by Van Qi, and he decided to stay on the mountain to learn to magic.

One more month passed, and Loshan Dao still did not teach Van Qi. This time the lazy van Qi promotes. He went to Dao and said: "I'm already tired of chopping firewood. After all, I came here to learn magic and magic, and I ask you about it, otherwise I have arrived here." Dao laughed and asked him, what kind of magic he wants to learn. Wang Qi said: "I often saw you pass through the walls; I want to learn exactly such magic." Dao again laughed and agreed. He told Van Qi spell, with the help of which you can pass through the walls, and ordered Van Qi to try. Wang Qi tried and successfully penetrated through the wall. He immediately delighted and wished to return home. Before Wang Qi went home, Loshan Dao told him that it was necessary to be an honest and modest person, otherwise the magic would lose force.

Van Qi returned home and praasted his wife that he was able to pass through the walls. However, the wife did not believe him. Van Qi began to pronounce the spell and went to the wall. It turned out that he is not able to pass through it. He shouted his head of the wall and fell. Wife laughed at him and said: "If in the world and there are magic, they can not be learned in two or three months"! And Wang Qi thought that Loshansky Dao deceived him, and began to scold a holy hermit. It so happened that Van Qi still does not know how.

Mr. Dango and Wolf

The world is widely known for the fairy tale "Rybak and Spirit" from the collection of Arab fairy tales "thousand and one night". In China, there is also a moral story about the "Dango and Wolf Teacher". This story is known for Dunny Zhuan; The author of this work Ma Zhongsi, who lived in the XIII century. , in the era of the Ming Dynasty.

So, there was once such a pedantic office scientist who called the teacher (Mr.) Dango. One day, Dango, carrying a bag of books on his back and running the donkey, went to the town called Zhongshango in his affairs. On the way, he met a wolf, whom the hunters pursued, and this wolf asked the Dango to save him. Mr. Dango became sorry for the wolf, and he agreed. Dango ordered him to curl with a ball, tied the beast with a rope so that the wolf fit into the bag and hid there.

As soon as Mr. Dango stuffed the wolf into the bag, as hunters approached him. They asked if the Dango Wolf saw and where he ran. Dango deceived hunters, saying that the wolf ran in the other direction. The hunters took the words of Mr. Dango on faith and chased the wolf in another direction. The wolf in the bag heard that the hunters were gone, and asked Mr. Dango to unleash and let him. Dango agreed. Suddenly, the wolf, jumping out of the bag, pounced on the Dango, wanting to eat it. The wolf shouted: "You, a kind person, saved me, however, now I am very hungry, and therefore, be kind and let me eat you." Dango was frightened and began to scold a wolf for his ungratefulness. At that moment, a peasant with a hoe on her shoulder was passed. Mr. Dango stopped the peasant and told him about how it was. He asked the peasant to decide who is right, and who is to blame. But the wolf denied the fact that Dango teacher saved him. The peasant thought and said: "both I do not believe you, because this bag is too small to accommodate such a big wolf. I will not believe your words until I see with my own eyes how the wolf is placed in this bag." The wolf agreed and again curled the ball. Mr. Dango again tied the wolf with a rope and put the beast in a bag. The peasant instantly tied the bag and said Mr. Dango: "The wolf will never change his cannibal nature. You did it very stupid, which showed the kindness towards the wolf." And the peasant slammed the bag and killed the wolf by a hoe.

When these days mention Mr. Dango, they mean those who are kind to enemies. And under the "Zhongshan Wolf" imply ungrateful people.

"Pitch to the south, and a row to the north" ("barbell a horse a horse forward"; "" Put the cart ahead ")

In the era of the warring kingdoms (V - III centuries. BC) China was divided into many kingdoms that continuously fought among themselves. In each kingdom there were advisors who specifically served in order to give the emperor tips on methods and methods of management. These advisers, convincing, knew how to use figurative expressions, comparisons and metaphors, so that the emperors deliberately take their advice and suggestions. "Pack the horse's horse forward" is a story about the adviser to the kingdom of Wei De Lyan. That's what he once came up with to convince Emperor Wei to change the decision.

The kingdom of Wei was in those times stronger than the kingdom of Zhao, so the emperor Wei decided to attack the capital of Kingdom Zhao Handan and subordinate to himself Kingdom Zhao. Having learned about this, Di Liang was very promoted and decided to convince the emperor to change this decision.

The Emperor of the Kingdom of Wei discussed with the warlords plan for the attack on the kingdom of Zhao, when Die Liang suddenly came. Di Liang told the emperor:

Just on the way here I saw a strange phenomenon ...

What? - asked the emperor.

I saw a horse that went to the north. I asked a man in the wagon: "Where are you going? " He replied: "I'm going to the kingdom of Chu." I was surprised: because the kingdom of Chu is in the south, and he rides north. However, he laughed and did not even lead an eyebrow. He said: "I have enough money for the road, I have a good horse and a good one, so I still can be reached to Chu." I could not understand the money, a good horse and a wonderful right. But it will not help, if he rides in the wrong direction. He can never get to Chu. The further he rode, the more and more was removed from the kingdom of Chu. However, I failed to dissuade him to change the direction, and he rode myself.

Hearing the words of De Lyan, the Emperor of the Kingdom of Wei laughed because he was so stupid. Di Liang continued:

Your Majesty! If you want to become the emperor of these kingdoms, you must first get the trust of these countries. And aggression against Kingdom Zhao, which is weaker than our kingdom, will reduce your prestige and delete you from the goal!

Only here the Emperor Wei understood the true meaning of the example given by Di Lyan, and canceled his aggressive plans against the kingdom of Zhao.

Today, the phraseological "Pitch to the south, and the fear to the north" means "to act in a complete contradiction with the goal"

Purchase of concidancy by measuring land

One young man who has not yet achieved more than adulthood, but very intelligent, early lost both parents and lived under the care of his uncle. Once, the young man noticed that the uncle had a very concerned appearance. He began to ask about the reasons for this. Uncle answered that he was worried about the fact that he had no son. To take care of male offspring, it would be necessary to take a concubine into the house, but this does not want his spouse. Therefore, he is concerned.

The young man thought a little, and then said:

Uncle, not sad more. I see a way to get consent from aunt.

It is unlikely that you will succeed, "Uncle said incredulously.

The next day, the young man took the Portnovo line in the morning and began to measure the earth, ranging from the door of the uncle at home, and did it so hard that the aunt looked out of the house.

What are you doing here? She asked.

I will measure the plot - the young man answered coolly and continued his occupation.

What? Welfare the site? - exclaimed aunt. - What are you worried about our good?

On this young man with a self-defense miner explained:

Funny, it is says it by itself. I am preparing for the future. You are already uncle of uncle, and you have no sons. Therefore, of course, your house will remain me, so I want to measure it, because I am going to rebuild it later.

Aunt, irritable and angry, could not express the words. She ran to the house, woke her husband and began to beg him so that he would take the coach as soon as possible.

Chinese strataghemia

Parable about the cycle of fate.

A wife died at one person, and the neighbor came to express his condolences to him. What was his surprise when he saw that a widow was squatting and sings songs. The neighbor turned to the widow: - how not to be ashamed! You lived as many years old with my wife. And instead of mourning it, you sing songs!

You are not right, "Widovets answered. "When she died, I was inappropriate." But then I thought about what she was before was born. I realized that she was scattered in the void of chaos. Then she became breathing. Breathing turned - and she became a body. The body turned - and she was born. Now there is a new transformation - and she died. All this changed each other, as the seasons alternate. The person is Sonorlen in the abyss of transformations, as if in the rest of the huge house. Play and draw on it - it means not to understand fate. That's why I started singing, instead of crying.

Moral: Life Soul Infinite

Parable about a conversational person.

Lao Zi every day in the morning went, accompanied by his neighbor for a walk. The neighbor knew that Lao Tzu was a few. For many years, he in full silence accompanied him in the morning walks, and he never said anything. One day he had a guest in his house, who also wanted to go for a walk from Lao Tzu. Neighbor said: "Well, only you should not talk. Lao Tzu does not tolerate this. Remember: nothing can be said! "

There was a magnificent quiet morning, only the singing of birds violated silence. Guest said: "How beautiful!" It was the only thing he said for an hour walk, but Lao Tzu looked at him as if he had committed a sin.

After a walk, Lao Tzu said to a neighbor: "Never lead someone else! Yes, and never come again! This person seems very talkative. The morning was beautiful, it was so quiet. This man spoiled everything. "

Moral: words of unnecessary. By the way, we also have a good proverb on this subject: "Silence is gold."

Parable about the mirror and dog.

Parable about the mirror and dog.

A long time ago, one king built a huge palace. It was a palace with millions of mirrors. Absolutely all the walls, floors and the ceilings of the palace were covered with mirrors. Somehow a dog ran into the palace. Looking around, she saw a lot of dogs around him. Dogs were everywhere. Being a very reasonable dog, she looked up to protect him from these millions surrounding her dogs and frighten them. All dogs raised in response. She buried - they answered her with a threat.

Now the dog was confident that her life was in danger, and began to bark. She had to strain her, she began to bark out of all his might, very desperately. But when she flashed, those millions of dogs also began to bark. And the more she buried, the more they answered her.

In the morning, this unfortunate dog was found dead. And she was there alone, in that palace there were only millions of mirrors. No one fought with her, there was no one at all, who could fight, but she saw himself in the mirrors and frightened. And when she started to fight, reflections in the mirrors also entered the fight. She died in the fight against millions of their own reflections surrounding it.

Moral: the world around us - reflection of ourselves. Be calm and radiate positive, the universe will answer you reciprocity!

Parable of happiness.

There was once a man who carved stones from the rock. His work was hard, and he was dissatisfied. One chanotes in the hearts exclaimed: "Ah, if I were rich!" And about the miracle! His desire was fulfilled.

After some time in the city where he lived, the emperor came. Seeing the ruler, over the head of which the servants kept the gold umbrella, the rich felt envy. In the hearts, he exclaimed: "Ah, if I were an emperor!" And his desire was fulfilled.

Once he went hike. The sun fell so that even the gold umbrella was unable to protect the emperor from the burning rays. And he thought: "Ah, if I were the Sun!" His desire was fulfilled this time.

But one day the sunshine eclipsed cloud. Then the sun exclaimed: "Ah, if I were a cloud!" And he was a cloud, and shed rain, and the water filled all corners of the world. But the trouble! Rain drops desperately beat the Rock, but could not crush it. Rain exclaimed: "Ah, if I were a rock!"

But Kohnotes came, losing his pick above the rock and enslaved her. And Rock exclaimed: "Ah, if I were stoned!"

In the same moment, he again became himself and realized that neither wealth nor power would give him joy.

Moral: If suddenly who did not guessed, thenl. yUCH Fortunately, described in this parable, - to be able to enjoy what you have.

This story happened in China, during Lao Tzu. A very poor old man lived in the village, but even the monarchs envied him, because the old man had a wonderful white horse. The kings offered a fabulous price for the horse, but the old man always answered a refusal.

One morning, the horse did not turn out in the stable. The whole village gathered, people sympathized with:

Stupid old man. We also knew that one day the horse was stolen. It would be better to sell it. What misfortune!

Old man, laughing, replied:

Do not hurry with conclusions. Just tell me that the horse is not in the stable - this is a fact. I do not know, misfortune is or blessing, and who knows what will follow?

After a couple of weeks, the horse returned. He was not stolen, just escaped to the will. And not just returned, but brought with a dozen wild horses from the forest.

Suggested neighbors in vindically told:

You were right, an old man. Forgive us, we are not known to the Lord's paths, but you turned out to be more pricked. This is not a misfortune, this is a blessing.

The old man grinned:

Again you come too far. Just tell me that the horse returned. No one knows what will happen tomorrow.

This time, people no longer spoke a lot, but in his soul, everyone considered that the old man was mistaken. After all, it came as many as twelve horses! The son of the old man began to ride wild horses, and it happened that one of them dropped him. The young man broke both legs. People gathered again and began to seek.

They spoke:

You got right again! This is a misfortune. Your only son broke his legs, and he is your support in old age. Now you are poorer than it was.

Old man answered:

And again you set up in reasoning. Do not go far. Say just that my son broke his legs. No one knows, trouble is or good luck. Life is only a series of events and the future is unknown.

It happened so that a few days after which the country entered war and all young men were mobilized. Only the son of the old man, who became crippled remained. All the wrap in waiting for the hot battle, conscious that most young men never return home. People came to the old man, Netuya:

You are again the right old man, it was a blessing. Although your son and isolate, he is still with you. And our sons left forever.

The old man said again:

You judge again. No one knows. Tell me only that your children took into the army, and my son stayed at home.

Morality This parable: Do not interpret the events of your life, we are not given to see them in the whole fullness. Once you realize that everything is fine.

The young man was confused:
- But I did not notice anything!
Then the teacher said:

The student replied:

Somehow the old Chinese teacher said to his student:

Please consider this room and try to find everything in it is brown. Young man looked around. The room had a lot of brown items: wooden frame frames, sofa, curtain cornice, books and many more different little things.
"Now the eyes cluster and list all the items ... Blue," the teacher asked.
The young man was confused:
- But I did not notice anything!
Then the teacher said:
- Open your eyes. Look at just what many blue items are here !!!
It was true: Blue Vase, Blue Photo Framework, Blue Carpet ...
The student replied:
- But this is a trick! After all, I was looking for brown on your poop, and not blue items!
The teacher sighed quietly, and then smiled:
- That is what I wanted to show you! You searched and found only brown color. Just happens with you and in life: you are looking for and finding only bad and miss my mind!
- I was always taught that we should expect the worst, and then will never be disappointed. And if the worst does not happen, a pleasant surprise awaits me. Well, and if I always hoped for the best, then I will attend the risk of disappointment!
- Confidence in the benefits of waiting worst makes us lose sight of everything good what is happening in our lives. If you expect the worst, then you will receive it. And vice versa. You can find such a point of view with which each experience will have a positive value. From this minute you will search for something positive!

Esop - North Workshop Feano.

Everything happens ... unknown why
But everything is a deliberate mind ...
Other helps, so what?
Another in response ... it bites him, there is something ...

And maybe a non-obvious game.
Figures act like the fruit of the mind game ...


Lived - waiting old old river, good heart,
He did not refuse to use anyone:
Transported people, animals, and therefore
It was not rich, and lived the fate of his humble ...

One stem, a huge river sailed,
Yes, I began to sink ... there is a carrier and helped!
But to pay, of course, I could not give him a snake,
And suddenly I cried ... and did not say a word.

In those places where I cried snakes, then flowers,
(Surprised everyone who saw this miracle,
What arose without seeds, from nowhere),
Boiled wonderful, gentle beauty.

Dobryak answered another time - roe the root sinking,
And he helped again, and that suddenly ... ran away ...
And even words on Fares did not say.
I suffered such fear - the soul is touched.

I went old man to pour Salat next to the forest.
And suddenly, from where he will take, before him the goat.
It is worth the land, as if I found.
It happens that ... does not happen without miracles.

The shovel would come in handy! - he thinks.
And at the same moment goes with the vopota passerby.
The goat immediately and ran away, on the shadow similar.
The old man is passing: - as if a wonderful dream!
So, be kind, and fight me in this place!
And that three times just shoved and sees - treasure!
Three pounds of gold in it. Everyone would be happy!
- Thank you, - said the old man, - we are together
He was found! I'll give you half.
- But I dug out! And all it is mine! -
So shouted passerby, - it was decided!
And argue without.
They went to the judge.

Judge ... I gave everything in the passing ...
It happens, even though it is not clear why ...
Everything is just a delightful mind.
- By justice I decide! - he said.

For extortion in the pads planted
Really carrier, and at night a fat snake
Shipping and feet bitten to blisters.
And the day completely swollen legs ... said:

Our carrier from snakes wounds will die!
And at night ... again snakes ...
Brought him medicine!
Healing herbs, which did not see the kingdom.
And he says to him: - Heirs in the morning!

So, in fact, there are no traces on the leg!
And snakes again delivered ... to the wife of that judge,
Yes, bited her laws in spite of.
It happens, at least incomprehensible, and in fate.

The leg was swollen from her, yes so hurts
That everyone thought - the poor thing will die.
And to the carrier of the judge then goes.
And before him, as before the judge, he stands.

Tell me how miraculously recovered you?
- Yes, snake, who bit, gave the medicine!
I have never seen such leaves anywhere.
I will help your wife outside the prison walls.

And now I returned home, I went to the forest later
Passed herbs, which has not yet met before,
And now the value of the prerasion was
And he returned again to the judicial house,

Yes, I put a sick medicine, - came to life!
Disappeared tumor immediately and bite
Disappeared from the leg, and the load fell from the soul.
Thanks his judiciary!
- But why did the leaves bring these snakes?

And then told the old man as it was.
How he saved a snake and roof at the limit.
Judge for this:
- You are a root of congestion,
What did she give you?
- yes my husband roe
Kozlov, I guess my gold pointed!
Catch up the passage of the judge here ordered
And the treasure should be returned ... and treasure returned!
Everything happens not clear why.
And everything is a deliberate mind ...

Two tiger

Freedom flow to experience this given
Who every moment your own in the present is
And not about the past, Il about the future suffers
The Light of Truth, like a rainbow in the window ...

Recalling the parable, a tale about the monk,
That with an angry tiger met on the way,
Yes ran to the rock that "knew", how to save,
I will explain that it is not about the plate ...
About our life, yes about futiest affairs,
About how memory the days of past sighs,
About how the heart in prediction languishes,
More about what everyone ... a little monk ...

So, fled from the frightening beast
Monk, and now on the edge of the cliff he ...
To whom to direct the outgoing life of the moan,
Imagine hard if you live ... not believing ...

Monk without fear down from the beast flew,
Yes, on the way behind the branches, Tree climbed ...
Hanging the cramping of the ledge! Not killed ...
Below (!) Another fierce tiger arrived ...

But meanwhile, eyes ... they turned to the bus
And the strawberry saw under the bush ...
Fascinated berry in any gorge House!
The monk ripped her ... his eyes glowed!

Yes, right in your mouth ... what a wonderful moment!
Monk said: - Oh, how delicious! - And silent ...
Must know, known which from ripe berries is fat.
Did you guessed?
Here is the end of the poem ...

Two tiger - past and future time.
Appreciate the berry, in it the truth of the seed ...

Freedom stream experience is given to
Whoever feels like a berry in the mouth ...

Secret of Art

Rammers Cine for Bell Frame
From the tree cut out. When she was
Already finished, shying skill
Went out all who rejoiced the gift ...

That it was gloomy, there was instantly covered,
The past grief - as in the sand with water, gone,
And as if happiness here, and always should always be!
And the feeling of joyful in the heart originated ...

When I saw the ruler himself
That question: - What is the secret of skill?
- What a secret ... - Qing answered, - I - your servant,
Master that I can still say ...

And, however, after all, there is something here.
When the servant is plotting this frame,
Then he sat down with a three-day heart satisfied
And he converts the power of the Spirit.

Thought about awards and money ...
For the fifth day of post, the judgment leaves:
Praise, hula, that skill, that inability,
And on the seventh ... only the sky in the mirrors.

I forget about myself, and something -
Interest, Magic Art
I am covered by a certain squall of feelings,
What exists in this moment, and ... it was forever!

I go to the forest, and peering at the point:
In the movement of the twigs under the sigh of the breeze,
In the porch of swallows, mug of a moth,
At that intimate, where can I look.

My rumor disappeared ... in the arms of the music of nature,
My look, like a rain in the waves of the sea, was dissolved ...
And I myself am in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe frame wonderful embodied ...
Then! I'm working.
Mastery is mine - that childbirth ...

Then heaven with heaven ... in the only!
And this frame is the gift of servants of the king in honor ...

Noble husband before heaven

One day three wise men whose names
They sound in Russian, well, it is very unclear,
Among themselves he was a conversation ... and privately
Transformed thoughts ... in words.
Not for yourself, of course,
Only for us!
They understood each other and without words ...
And without earthly "body clothes" - Candans,
They and our thoughts see something ... without an eye ...

So, they said to each other here:
- Capable together to be, not being all together ...
- Capable to act, at least each in a different place ...
- Can be worse in time!
They smile to each other: and in the sky
Plays a sunshine, smiling rays!
One frowned, and, glooming, leaning
The thunderstorm cloud bears, in Grozny Anger ...

One wonders - the wind is covered,
Other sneezes, and immediately thunder thunder.
One friends will tell a fairy tale - look ... dawn
Burning Dream Smoke Manites You!

Friends, as usual, helped each other
After all, with half a century, he understood from the semi-suck.
But here is one of them, Tzu-Santha died ... before,
What people understood that he gave hope.

Learned the confusion for the death of the sage
He sent Tzu-Gun he, to express sadness.
When he came to the place in this distance,
That turned out ... no sad face.

Friends playing on Little, calmly sang
Over the body of a friend. And Ji-Gong did not lose:
- decent to sing over those who flew to God?
Caught friendly feelings flew off?

But, looking at each other, laughed
Friends quietly: - What is a ritual?
Tzu-Gong returned and confused said
The fact that people were strange to be ...

They wonder soul beyond the edge of light! -
So answered the confusion to his friend
- They beyond, I'm in the world, I live here.
They are a condolence - stupid sign ...

I made stupidity that I sent you there,
After all, these people are in the only
Safety of Sky and Earth and Featuring
What life is an affectionant, and death is freedom from the mind ...

For them, the whole chain of time is a single ring.
They are only temporary continuous
They are all the universe of the support, the time is smoke.
For them, the Creator and the world - a single person!

And, forgetting about yourself to the pulse of the cell,
They discard sight and rumor,
End with the start of the closure in the Eternal Circle,
And serene in the above-worlds float like kids ...

Their travels like the thoughts of the boy
Where the ritual and the opinion of society is nothing.
Tzu-Gong asked:
- Why do we have this brag-free?
Answer, teacher, what are we, society of deception?
- there is Kara Sky, which lies on a person,
And I am the same person ...
- What does it mean? - again Ji-Gong asked him, and almost crying ... -
You are our teacher, the best in this century!

You know, fish are all free only in water,
And people of truth are free on the way.
To live in water, you need a pond, but to go ...
Freedom needs, the world keeps us in the ultrasound ...
Do not remember fish in the water kingdom of each other ...
And people of truth in the way as musicians,
Everyone is forgotten, and only their talents sound!
Art of the highest way - a diamond on a circle ...

Tzu-Gong asked: - What is a diamond?
- This unusual person - in the world of the kid ...
He is imperceptible, small, like an empty reed ...
But he is a wonderful musician before the sky!
Who is noble to the medium of people, he is alone before heaven.
And only a small medium of people before heaven ... color
From the noble rose, the truth flows ...
Unprecedented environment ... Diamond will find!

Moment forgotten

It happened so that Hua Tzu from the kingdom of Sun
Lost memory in adulthood ... he could
Gift in the morning get, and in the evening
Already forget about it ... If he fell asleep,

Then in the morning does not remember the evening already ...
When on the street - he could forget to go.
When he is at home - forgets to sit down, and the days ...
He considers everyone, as if the first at the dawn!

His family was worried and here
Once the name is called to describe
Everything that happens to Hua Tzu. But he did not!
Then the shaman was invited ... at the gate,

As soon as looking at Hua-Tzu, exclaimed: - No!
Unable to help! - And the doctor refused ...
And the eldest son ... Conversion here
From the kingdom He gave him such an answer ...

Neither hexagram, no prayer will help,
Medications with needles are not needed here.
He ... Other thoughts would be important.
I will try to make it "a drop in the pool."

Hope is that "Out" will cure him.
And after these words, Monk - Confucianian
Suddenly execute a certain strange dance,
And urge the waterproof deity ...

Then all clothes began to tear off the patient.
He began to look for them, dressing, as if again ...
Healer hunger treated the patient blood,
He began to search for edible ...
- There are hopes!

He isolated a patient in the dark
And the one should, began to look for the approaches to the Light!
- disease, as you can see, healing, but ... Testament
I have to follow what is given to me.

Confucianian so said the patient's family:
- Art secret my stored century,
I will not talk about it anywhere and never
And because I ask you from home ...
Sick rumor ban on seven healing days
And I will stay with him ... - household agreed.
In addition, the signs of good appeared ...
No one knows the meaning of all the fate of his ...

So ... a long-term disease completely disappeared!
When Hua Tzu woke up, he was so angry
That by banging his wife, sons drove to the courtyard,
Confucianian scared ... he "kindly"

He said that he would turn his head! I took a spear ...
Yes, and drove the village of Long Streets!
Arrested Hua Tzu, and before the court
It came true ... Here is the treatment, potion ...

The judge ordered him: - The reason explain!
And Hua Tzu in response: - I have forgotten before!
How without borders, I flew in the sky ...
Now, suddenly, remembered the disaster of the way.

Overcoming, loss and separation,
Love and hate, and joy, and sadness ...
For the thirty years of past, ah, what a distance ...
All this is a storm causing flour!

Now I'm afraid that my disasters,
Acquisitions and bitterness from loss,
Some poison I have all my heart ...
I'm afraid I will not again ... in forgetting ...

Among people

And for what reason is it among people?
I will understand the end of the fate of my ...

Once a carpenter, heading into the kingdom of qi,
Saw oak, so huge, what's behind him
Could hover hundreds of mountains with the crown of their own.
That oak stood at the Altar of the Holy Land.

Elbows in eighty of its roots
Gustela Krona on the top ten spokes - branches ...
Such tremendous that from every go
Could do, surprised by the hute ...

Zewaki walked around him
And they discussed themselves every year ...
And only a carpenter, on the nickname of Keken,
She passed, not looking like nothing here ...

Pupils w it seemed to see if
Changing a carpenter and immediately questioning:
- Previous! You are very surprised!
(And inexpensively thought all spit ...)

Since we are going for you, never
We have not seen such a miracle, and you ...
They did not want to notice the oak of tinle ...
- Pretty! - Carpenter answered, - Vulcan of the mind ...

Bubbles in you, and vaporly, wise men ...
Which is a sense in the tree - it is not crash!
And that neither do it out of oak, everything is empty,
Radia will take off, the sarcophagum rotches in the ends ...

Gate will make juice,
The dishes immediately split, and then
That the long-liver is called the tree,
Only says that every data is given.

Returning home, sleep saw our flint,
As if the oak of the altar told him:
- You compared me and humiliated me ...
Surely, with those who remained stump ...
With fruiting? Hawthorn, pear?
When the fruits are collected from them, insult ...
Large branches, well, and small break.
They are useful, and therefore oppressive ...
The fate of hasty gives their land.
Before mature old age they do not live
And the uselessness of the life of oak do not know
And only me sought for uselessness ...

Although he himself almost died due to fruit.
But now achieved what she sought.
You see the benefit of what was not suitable
I need kabanov and fools ...

In addition, both - you and I, just things.
How can a thing one judge suddenly about another?
You are useless, I use yourself ... but in a heat
I will use and I will give a fool's sleep prophetic ...

Waking up, the carpenter interprets sleep.
And again, the disciples are bored:
- Kohl Oak sought to live without use, - Jewelry,
- Why did he bother with the altar?

Yes, silence! - interrupts their flint
He grew there, so that there was not insulted ...
But still he lives for so long, you would know ...
Due to another reason, sit down in the shadow ...

Confucius, wandering, saw two Yintsov,
They argued that he stopped
And one of the speakers appealed,
Wishing to resolve them, in the end ...

What are you trying to prove to another?
- I affirm - the sun to the people in the morning closer!
And he says that, they say, at noon it is lower ...
It is enormous at sunrise!
- How to say... -
His other boy immediately interrupted.
- We just seem to be a little further!
But it is known if you get up early in the morning,
How cool! Well, half a day broomed -

The bake is merciless! So, the subject itself is close!
When you are hot, do not burn it,
But, if close to approach, burns all.
Confucius pulled firmly in response ...

And both boys shouted to him:
- Doesn't you sage you here?

Dependence on other things

Once a teacher Le Tzu studied
Forest friend, that from the mountain bowl.
Forest said: - If you can stay
You are behind others, you will understand what seem ...

Not so important, since you are on the way.
It is much more important to find yourself.
Since you will pick up restraint
Then you remember a lot and know a lot ...

Le Tzu pronounced: - How should I be on?
- Yes, you turn, and look at the shade!
Le Tzu turned and watched:
He flashed the body, the shadow bent like "yat".

Bend and harness from the body proceed.
Since you will become a shadow, then some dwarf
Other bodies, you hold on behind!
Then you will feel how to stay ahead ...


Le Tzu asked once the guards of the borders:
- incredible that ordinary person
Goes along the bottom of the seas, on the slopes of the mountain rivers,
Through fire! Yes Credid to eyelashes ...

And the guard replied: - achieve this
Understand, not dexterity, not courage, do not know
And save cleanliness, memories
Its immense in the time of the past ...

Only that Ovedan wind the truth who could
Understand the process of education of things
From the unformed chaos nights,
And to realize that changes - Prolog ...

And constancy is a true goal,
And only the unity of all nature is impartial.
But the cleanliness of the ether is the main weather sign
Favorable passage through the gap ...

And who passed, he never dies
In it, there is no lack, and the integrity reigns.
And the heart is exactly, without the people says.
At any moment he starts and cums ...

Imagine that drunk will fall from the wagon, sharply ...
He will not break to death, a little breathe,
Yes, just holly at a drunken soul,
He unconsciously does everything, appropriate.

No wonder nor fear in his chest
Did not spiked from fall ... imagine
Kohl from wine such integrity! Add
With nature, we are given to the way ...

When the sage merged with nature to live,
It can no longer damage him ...

One amateur cups sailed every day,
And seagulls fluttered to him ...
Father asked him: - I like me one ...
I heard the seagulls of you that your shadow!

When he walked around the sea in the morning,
Then the seagulls are the same as before, the car was flown,
However, close, as always, did not go down ...
And he did not get fun for the Father.

And it says: - Speech of the good - without speech.
Action Higher - Navigation, and Knowy,
What is heard in a row, without understanding,
Unreliable, shallow, like a stream ...

Theft of abduction

Born out of the genus owners lived in qi.
And in the kingdom of Sun poor man from the kind of distributing.
The poor man came in Qi to the gardens singing,
And asked for rich the secret of the vine.

I waved for a long time the art of kidnapping,
Since then began to kidnap. For the first year
I immediately manage myself, lived without worries,
But for the second year there was wealth of treats!

For the third year I reached abundance,
Since then, I give alms in the village.
The poor man was delighted ... - Well, and I can!
But in the essence of the word "kidnapping" is not penetrating ...

He hacked the door and cradle, what will come!
In the end, it was caught, drove out,
Confiscated everything and in slavery condemned!
The poor man swirls the rich on what happened ...

What how robbed you? - asked his rich?
And as he heard what happened, - behold!
You're mistaken, becoming ignorant thief,
Not nature, people you cradle, circus!

When I learned the times and properties of them,
Then it became from the sky to rob better weather,
And the earth has a growing plant, and nature
I robbed as it was necessary in my days ...

But is gold, jade and silver
Are you given by nature? Products?
You cradle the property of people, like those fires,
That only the scorched bottom ...

The poor thing this time does not believe the rich!
It is in the east in a hurry to a firstborn
And asks a question ... And the one, as can be seen, strict:
"You do not own here anything, I'm not kidding."

After all, even your body is kidnapped by your.
So that life is to create you - Nature robbed!
From the darkness of things inseparable branches of the genus
To the ground is lowered in the earthly ...

Robbing for the genus all owns - science
Living true harmony, and your ...
Robbing from a personal desire - rotten!
What is applied by law - Fear and flour ...

The rich is unharmed - this is a common path.
When in general is taken for the benefit of everyone
Then inevitable and joy, and success.
When for private takes - do not fool

The law of creativity of nature.
Here is a secret.
I knew the properties of all things, learned and light.

Monkey king

There lived monkey king within the kingdom of Sun.
Fed a loving flock of a hundred lunas.
And all the desires could solve them ...
To the detriment of the family, he decided to be chewed.

But he left suddenly, and the feed was little ...
I decided to deceive the king, so as not to rest in ...
And so said: - And what, how I will give
Neutro Three Chestnuts, in the evening ... five?

Here monkeys rose in a legitimate anger ...
- And if in the morning five, and three in the evening sky? -
He asked he immediately, the mind of their entry,
And the monkeys lay down immediately to the ground ...

The people of Han-Dana brought to the new year
Unwilling rigs for the king. That awarded
They are very generous, well, and the gorlin ... released,
And thereby cleaned the devotee ...

Once the guest asked him: - Why?
- here merciful!
- But everyone knows that the desire of the king
On the will of birds to let, they are ruined, and in vain ...
It was not better to ban catch?
Diligent ...
What makes your people when catching them,
Thugged many others, and do not fill
The dead birds, and the saved not mention ...
The king agreed: - right! - And with a smile verse ...

Cognition for reason

Les ti shoot studied, well, and the guard of borders
He is a question: - You know why ...
Did you get into the goal? And then: - I do not know.
- Well well...
You did not master the skill, learn from birds ...

Three years have passed, and Le Tzu came again.
And the guard asked again: - Do you know why?
- Now I know! - So Le Tzu in response to him ...
- Now you own skill. Wheel you.

The sage of comprehension is not life and death, but their reasons.
Not an appearance, a creature of any larger.
And if I got into the goal, I remember what ...
Do not detract from earthly creature.
And not be ashamed to go through three years in the training,
Perhaps you still do not know all the meanings ...

Once the Zynsky king decided to unite
With your neighbor to attack the kingdom of Wei,
Tsarevich Chu, threw on the sky
And laughed ... as the king is not angry!

He asked him evil:
- Laughing what are you?
- I, your servant, laugh only over a neighbor:
He answered his mother to his mother before dinner ...
Going back, met a woman - beauty ...

She collected in apron of mulberry leaves,
And he involuntarily began to play suddenly with her,
But, turning around, waved his wife -
Her manil is some kind of Plut, asking for a drink.

I'm laughing at him ...
And I understood the king hint.
Stopping his troops, led home ...
His outskirts threatened his neighbor,
But, the troops of the troops, the nude was set ...


Our Master Zen, that was always a pious
The house took a knock on the angry couple.
Whose daughter, the culprit hiding from the trouble,
He was substituted, pregnancy open ...
Listening to them calmly, I said quietly:
- Oh really? - and went back to the house,
And his reputation ... went on the layer ...
Baby brought him! He took a famous!
Yes, with the effort to take care of that.
And in a year, a daughter confessed, opening the father ...
Her parents take back Malts
Forgiveness asking ...

Is it really? ... - Master Zen ...

I came once a student,
And I need a question about:

Where's the justice? I'm so small
And you are big, - and the swollen itself ... -
One beautiful, another freak,
Don't tell me about karma ...
But ... Why is the guys stronger,
What is happening there without worries?
Why does God unfair ...
Someone joy and trouble
Someone is pouring like water ...
But ... initially was spilled?!
How did all the varies appear?
After all, it was the beginning of ...

Once your thought was silent!
Perhaps Vedala Vieta?
You are small, baby, and I was small ...
When I grew up, I thought also.
But never thought twice ...
The same thing and ... silent ...
Will be held a few years and you
Throwing the mind, know something
Beyond the time of time, of course,
And the question itself ... will go to the vanity ...

Two monks and girl

Rain season. And two monks on the road
Reached the river shallow. In front of her
Stands beautiful in silks, moon light,
Can not go to the river, but waiting for the scene.

Remind it follows that there was a prohibition
For all monks: do not touch female bodies,
Not to be distracted by worldly during the work,
Do not think about sinful ... - To God, the path of Surov.

You surprised me no less ... that's what, brother,
I left the girl I was there on the shore ...
And you carry it all day, yes with "why" ...
Leave worldly, praying for the sunset ...


Not in money happiness, they say, but prove
I can phrase this, by chapter a lies ...
The master answered this: - Life like a river ...
And this phrase, my boy, the right century.

For money you buy a bed, alas, not a dream ...
Medicines - easily, health w - under the slope ...
Food - please, but where to take an appetite ...
You will buy servants, but not friends, soul sad ...

Perhaps a woman to buy, but not love,
Residence - Yes, but not a family, warm
Pay you teachers, but where to take the mind?
Not in money happiness, but in the sound of a clean mind ...

Hope for correction

The monk said the arrow that the look was measured
Possible arrow path from the place where stood ...
- You will not learn to shoot, if there is hope
Fix your proms, militant ignorant ...

In battle, this is not given, learn how to shoot
One arrow ... and the goal is reliably hit!
Any business do immediately, do not hope
What you can fix something, but do not laugh!
We often hope to fit life,
And unmistakably, alas, do not cut off ...
But, if you live, as it were, the last day in fate,
Then you can quench the abyss in myself ...

Sea fairy tales http://sseas7.narod.ru/monade.htm.
Archive of fabulous links

the text preserves the original source spell

The story about how the snake proved legs

In the ancient kingdom of Chu lived there was one aristocrat. In China, there is such a custom: after the rite, the commemoration of the ancestors should have treated all the suffering sacrificial wine. He did also. The beggars, which gathered at his house, agreed: if everyone is drinking wine, then he is not enough; And if the wine will drink one person, it will be too much for one. In the end, they accepted such a decision: drinking wine will be the one who first draws the snake.

When one of them drew a snake, he looked around and saw that everyone had not finished around. Then he took the kettle with wine and, making a smooth species, continued to draw. "Look, I even had time left to prevent snake legs," he exclaimed. While he drew his legs, another debate finished the drawing. He took away the kettle with wine with the words: "After all, the snake has no legs, so you did not draw a snake!" Having said this, he drank wine with a volley. So, the one who painted snake legs lost the wine that was to be destroyed for him.

This parable suggests that, fulfilling the task, you need to know all the conditions and see clear goals in front of you. It is necessary to strive for the goal with a sober head and solid will. And not allow easy victory to turn your head.

Story about Jasher Rod HE

One day, Bian He, who lived in the kingdom of Chu, Forest Nezhan, found a precious jade. He presented jade to the prince from Chu named Lee-Wan. Li-Van ordered Kamneses Masters to determine whether it is revealed by nephritis or fake. It took a little time, and a response was received: this is not a precious jade, but a simple glass. Li Van decided that Bian He was planning to deceive him and ordered him to cut off his left foot.

After the death of Li-Vana, the throne was inherited by U-Wan. Bian He again presented jade to the ruler. And again the same story happened: U-Van also counted Bian He a deceiver. So Bian He cut off his right leg.

After Y-Vana Wen Van rules. With jade for the biang of Bian Heal, the foot of the Mountain of Kushhan Three days. When his tears were dried, and blood drops appeared in the eyes. Having learned about this, Wen-Wan sent a servant to ask Bian He: "There is a lot of gentle in the country, why does he shy so desperately?" Bian He replied that he was not overtaken by the loss of both legs. He explained that the essence of his sufferings is that in the state a precious jade is no longer jade, but an honest person is no longer an honest person, but a fraudster. Having heard this, Wen Van ordered Kamneses to carefully polish the stone, as a result of grinding and cuts, it turned out nephritis of rare beauty, which people began to call as nephrite of the kind of he.

The author of this parable-Han Faye-famous Ancient Chinese thinker. In this story, the fate and the author himself was embodied. At one time, the ruler did not accept the political beliefs of Han Fai. From this parable, we can conclude: Kamnerisa should know which nephrite, and rulers, to understand what a person in front of them is. People who sacrifice the most precious for others should be ready to suffer from it.

The story about how Bian Qui Tsai Huan-Gun

Once the famous doctor Bian Qui came to visit the ruler of Tsai Huan-Gun. He examined Hun-Guna and said: "I see that you suffer from skin disease. If you do not consult immediately to the doctor, I am afraid that the disease virus will penetrate deep into the body. " Huan-Gong did not pay attention to the words of Bian Qui. He replied: "I'm fine." Hearing the prince's speech, the doctor Bian Tsuie said goodbye to him and retired. And Huan-Gong explained to his surrounding that doctors often treat people who have no diseases. Thus, these doctors assign merit and claim to rewards.

Ten days later, Bian Quede visited Prince again. He said Tsai Huan-Gun that his illness had already passed into muscles. If it is not treated, then the disease will proceed especially acute. Huan-Gong again did not obey Bian Qui. After all, he did not recognize the doctors.

Ten days later, during the third meeting with Prince Bian Qui said that the disease has already reached the intestine and stomach. And if the prince continues to persist, and will not enter the most severe phase. But the prince was still indifferent to the doctor's advice.

Ten days later, when Bian Quede saw Taij Huan-Gun in distant, he appealed to flight. The prince sent a servant to him to ask why he, not to mention a word, fled. The doctor replied that this skin disease was first to be treated only with the help of a decoction of healing herbs, warming compress and cavity. And when the disease reaches muscles, it can be treated with acupuncture. If the intestines and the stomach are infected, then they can be treated, drinking a decoction from healing herbs. And when the disease goes into a bone marrow, then in all the patient himself is to blame, and no doctor will no longer help.

Five days after this meeting, the prince felt pain in the whole body. At the same time, he remembered the words of Bian Qui. However, the doctor has long been hidden in an unknown direction.

This story teaches that a person must immediately correct his mistakes and misses. And if it persists and dissolves, it leads to deplorable results.

The story about how tsou Ji

The first Minister of the Kingdom of Qi named Tzou Ji was very well complicated and beautiful face. One morning, he dressed up in his best clothes and looked into the mirror and asked his wife: "What do you think, who is more beautiful, I or Mr. Xu, who lives on the northern outskirts of the city?" Wife replied: "Of course, you, my spouse, much more beautiful than Xu. How can I compare Xu and you? "

And Mr. Xu was a famous historian of the Principality of Qi. Zou Ji could not fully trust his wife, so he asked the same question and the coercive coercive. She answered the same way as his wife.

After one day, the guest came to Zou Ji. Zou Ji then asked the guest: "How do you think, who is more beautiful, me or Xu?" Guest replied: "Of course, Mr. Zou, you are more beautiful!"

After some time, Zou Ji visited Mr. Xu. He carefully examined the face, figure and gestures Xu. The beautiful look of Xua produced a deep impression on Zou Ji. He strengthened in thought that Xu is more painful. Then he looked at himself in the mirror: "Yes, after all, Xuy is much painful me," he said thoughtfully.

In the evening in bed, the thought of who is more painful, did not leave Zou Ji. And then he finally understood why everyone said that he was painted Xu. After all, the wife looks in front of him, the concubine is afraid of him, and the guest needs help from him.

This parable suggests that a person himself must know his capabilities. Do not blindly believe flattened speeches of those who are looking for benefits in relations, and therefore praises you.

A story about a frog that lived in a well

In one well there was a frog. And she had that there was a fun life. Once she began to tell the turtle that came to her from the East-China Sea about their lives - to be: "Here, in the well, I want to do something: I can play sticks on the surface of the water in the well, I can rest in the hole knocked out in the wall of the well. When I get into Il, dirt fills only my paws. Look at the crabs and tadpoles, they have a completely different life, they are hard to live there in Ile. In addition, here in the well, I live alone and myself the mistress, I can do what I want. It's just a paradise! And why don't you want to inspect my house? "

The turtle wanted to go down to the well. But the entrance to the well was too narrow for its shell. Therefore, without entering the well, the turtle began to tell the frog about the world: "Here, see, you, for example, do you think a thousand is a huge distance, right? But the sea is even more! Do you consider the top in a thousand lees highest, yes? But the sea is much deeper! During the Board, Yua occurred 9 floods, which lasted over a whole decade, the sea from that did not become more. During the rule of Tana, 7 droughts have happened for the past 8 years, and the sea did not decrease. Sea, it is forever. It grows or decreases. That is what the joy of life in the sea. "

Hearing these words of the turtle, the frog is alarmed. Her big green eyes lost their livelism, and she felt melting-premiate.

This parable suggests that a person should not be smug and, not knowing the world, stubbornly defend its position.

Parable about the fox, which is important behind the tiger

Once a tiger was greatly hungry, I squinted around the forest in search of food. Just at that time, on the road, he came across fox. Tiger was already prepared to be pretty far away, and Lisa tells him: "You do not dare to eat me. I am sent to the ground by the Heavenly Emperor. It was he who appointed me by the head of the world of animals. If you eat me, then you want to whimge the heavenly emperor. "

Hearing these words, Tiger began to fluctuate. However, his stomach did not stop grailt. "How do I do?" - thought Tiger. Seeing the confusion of a tiger, Lisa continued: "You probably think that I deceive you? Then follow me, and you will see how all the animals are at the sight of me to scatter. It would be very strange if it happens differently. "

These words seemed reasonable tigra, and he went after the fox. Indeed, beasts at the sight of them, instantly scattered in different directions. The tiger was the uncommon that the animals were afraid of him, a tiger, and not a hectic fox. Who is afraid of her?

This parable teaches us that in life you need to be able to distinguish with genuine from false. It is necessary to be able to not dedicated by external data, to delve into the essence of things. If you do not think to distinguish the truth from lies, it is very possible that you will be deceived with such people as this tricky fox.

This fable warns people not to be stupid and not to be important, having achieved easy victory.

Yu Gong moves mountains

"Yu Gong moves mountains" is a story that has no real history. It is contained in the book "Le Tzui", and the author of which is the philosopher Le Yuiku, who lived in Biv - V centuries. BC e.

In the story, "Yu Gong moves the mountains" says that in her old days, an old man named Yu Gong (in the literal translation of the "stupid old old man"). In front of his house there were two huge Tajan Mountains and Wang, which blocked approaches to his house. It was very uncomfortable.

And once, Yu Gong gathered the whole family and said that Tahan Mountains and Wangs block the approaches to the house. "What do you think, do we scram these two mountains?" - Asked the old man.

Sons and grandchildren Yu Guna immediately agreed and said: "Let's start working from tomorrow!" However, Yu Gun's wife expressed doubt. She said: "We have been living here for several years, so we can continue to live here despite these mountains. Moreover, the mountains are very high, and where are we laying down the stones and the soil taken from the mountains?"

Where to put stones and soil? After discussion among family members, they decided to drop them into the sea.

On the other day, the whole family of Yu Guna began to crush the mountain breed by hoes. Son of the neighbor Yu Guna also came to help tear the mountains, although he was not yet eight years old. The tools of labor were very simple - only hoes and baskets. There was a considerable distance from the mountains to the sea. Therefore, month later, the mountains still looked still.

There was such an old man named Zhi Sou (that in the literal translation means "smart old old man"). Having learned about this story, he began to make fun of Yu Guna and called him stupid. Ji Sou said that the mountains are very high, and the human strength is negligible, so it is impossible to move these two huge mountains, and the actions of Yu Guna are very funny and ridiculous.

Yu Gong answered like this: "Although the mountains are high, but they do not grow, so if I and my sons every day we will take a little of the mountain, and then my grandchildren, and then the great-grandfather will continue our business, then in the end we shifted these the mountains!" His words were stolen by Ji Sou, and that parlor.

And the family Yu Guna continued to tear the mountains every day. Their persistence touched the heavenly Lord, and he sent two fairies to Earth, which moved the mountains away from Yu Guna. This ancient legend tells us that if people have a strong will, they will be able to overcome any difficulties and succeed.

History of Loshansky Daus

There was once one lazy man named Van Qi. Although Van Qi did not know anything, but he passionately wanted to learn any magic. Having learned that near the sea, on the mountain Loshan, Dao lives, whom people nicknamed "Daoom from Mount Lajan", and that he knows how to work wonders, Wang Qi decided to enter the students to this Dao and ask him to teach a student to magic. Therefore, Van Qi left the family and went to Ladoshan Dao. Arriving on Mount Lajan, Wang Qi found Loshan Daus and expressed him his request. Dao realized that Wang Qi was very lazy, and refused to him. However, Van Qi asked persistently, and, in the end, Dao agreed to take Van Qi in the disciples.

Wang Qi thought that he would be able to learn the magic very soon, and was delighted. On another day, Van Qi, hurried, hurried to Dao. Suddenly, Dao gave him an ax and ordered to extort firewood. Although Van Qi did not want to chop firewood, but he had to do as directed by Daos so that he would not refuse to teach his magic. Wang qi all day chopped firewood on the mountain and very tired; He was very pleased.

A month passed, and Van Qi all chopped firewood. Every day there is a woodcase and not to learn the magic, with such a life he could not accept and thought up to return home. And at that moment he saw with his own eyes as his teacher-- Loshansky Dao-- showed his ability to create magic. Once in the evening, Loshan Dao drank wine with two friends. Dao poured wine from a bottle of wine glass behind a glass, and the bottle still remained complete. Then, Dao turned his wands to eat in the beauty that began to sing and dance for guests, and after the banquet again turned into a stick. All this was too surprised by Van Qi, and he decided to stay on the mountain to learn to magic.

One more month passed, and Loshan Dao still did not teach Van Qi. This time the lazy van Qi promotes. He went to Dao and said: "I'm already tired of chopping firewood. After all, I came here to learn magic and magic, and I ask you about it, otherwise I have arrived here." Dao laughed and asked him, what kind of magic he wants to learn. Wang Qi said: "I often saw you pass through the walls; I want to learn exactly such magic." Dao again laughed and agreed. He told Van Qi spell, with the help of which you can pass through the walls, and ordered Van Qi to try. Wang Qi tried and successfully penetrated through the wall. He immediately delighted and wished to return home. Before Wang Qi went home, Loshan Dao told him that it was necessary to be an honest and modest person, otherwise the magic would lose force.

Van Qi returned home and praasted his wife that he was able to pass through the walls. However, the wife did not believe him. Van Qi began to pronounce the spell and went to the wall. It turned out that he is not able to pass through it. He shouted his head of the wall and fell. Wife laughed at him and said: "If in the world and there are magic, they can not be learned in two or three months"! And Wang Qi thought that Loshansky Dao deceived him, and began to scold a holy hermit. It so happened that Van Qi still does not know how.

Mr. Dango and Wolf

The world is widely known for the fairy tale "Rybak and Spirit" from the collection of Arab fairy tales "thousand and one night". In China, there is also a moral story about the "Dango and Wolf Teacher". This story is known for Dunny Zhuan; The author of this work Ma Zhongsi, who lived in the XIII century. , in the era of the Ming Dynasty.

So, there was once such a pedantic office scientist who called the teacher (Mr.) Dango. One day, Dango, carrying a bag of books on his back and running the donkey, went to the town called Zhongshango in his affairs. On the way, he met a wolf, whom the hunters pursued, and this wolf asked the Dango to save him. Mr. Dango became sorry for the wolf, and he agreed. Dango ordered him to curl with a ball, tied the beast with a rope so that the wolf fit into the bag and hid there.

As soon as Mr. Dango stuffed the wolf into the bag, as hunters approached him. They asked if the Dango Wolf saw and where he ran. Dango deceived hunters, saying that the wolf ran in the other direction. The hunters took the words of Mr. Dango on faith and chased the wolf in another direction. The wolf in the bag heard that the hunters were gone, and asked Mr. Dango to unleash and let him. Dango agreed. Suddenly, the wolf, jumping out of the bag, pounced on the Dango, wanting to eat it. The wolf shouted: "You, a kind person, saved me, however, now I am very hungry, and therefore, be kind and let me eat you." Dango was frightened and began to scold a wolf for his ungratefulness. At that moment, a peasant with a hoe on her shoulder was passed. Mr. Dango stopped the peasant and told him about how it was. He asked the peasant to decide who is right, and who is to blame. But the wolf denied the fact that Dango teacher saved him. The peasant thought and said: "both I do not believe you, because this bag is too small to accommodate such a big wolf. I will not believe your words until I see with my own eyes how the wolf is placed in this bag." The wolf agreed and again curled the ball. Mr. Dango again tied the wolf with a rope and put the beast in a bag. The peasant instantly tied the bag and said Mr. Dango: "The wolf will never change his cannibal nature. You did it very stupid, which showed the kindness towards the wolf." And the peasant slammed the bag and killed the wolf by a hoe.

When these days mention Mr. Dango, they mean those who are kind to enemies. And under the "Zhongshan Wolf" imply ungrateful people.

"Pitch to the south, and a row to the north" ("barbell a horse a horse forward"; "" Put the cart ahead ")

In the era of the warring kingdoms (V - III centuries. BC) China was divided into many kingdoms that continuously fought among themselves. In each kingdom there were advisors who specifically served in order to give the emperor tips on methods and methods of management. These advisers, convincing, knew how to use figurative expressions, comparisons and metaphors, so that the emperors deliberately take their advice and suggestions. "Pack the horse's horse forward" is a story about the adviser to the kingdom of Wei De Lyan. That's what he once came up with to convince Emperor Wei to change the decision.

The kingdom of Wei was in those times stronger than the kingdom of Zhao, so the emperor Wei decided to attack the capital of Kingdom Zhao Handan and subordinate to himself Kingdom Zhao. Having learned about this, Di Liang was very promoted and decided to convince the emperor to change this decision.

The Emperor of the Kingdom of Wei discussed with the warlords plan for the attack on the kingdom of Zhao, when Die Liang suddenly came. Di Liang told the emperor:

Just on the way here I saw a strange phenomenon ...

What? - asked the emperor.

I saw a horse that went to the north. I asked a man in the wagon: "Where are you going? " He replied: "I'm going to the kingdom of Chu." I was surprised: because the kingdom of Chu is in the south, and he rides north. However, he laughed and did not even lead an eyebrow. He said: "I have enough money for the road, I have a good horse and a good one, so I still can be reached to Chu." I could not understand the money, a good horse and a wonderful right. But it will not help, if he rides in the wrong direction. He can never get to Chu. The further he rode, the more and more was removed from the kingdom of Chu. However, I failed to dissuade him to change the direction, and he rode myself.

Hearing the words of De Lyan, the Emperor of the Kingdom of Wei laughed because he was so stupid. Di Liang continued:

Your Majesty! If you want to become the emperor of these kingdoms, you must first get the trust of these countries. And aggression against Kingdom Zhao, which is weaker than our kingdom, will reduce your prestige and delete you from the goal!

Only here the Emperor Wei understood the true meaning of the example given by Di Lyan, and canceled his aggressive plans against the kingdom of Zhao.

Today, the phraseological "Pitch to the south, and the fear to the north" means "to act in a complete contradiction with the goal"

Project Abirus.

There is a Tibetan proverb: Any trouble can become a good opportunity. Even tragedy pays opportunities. The meaning of another Tibetan proverb is that the true nature of happiness is possible to see only in the light of painful experience. Only a sharp contrast with painful experiences teaches to appreciate the moment of joy. Why - explain the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu in the "Book of Joy". We publish an excerpt.

Parable about the peasant

You never know what our sufferings and trouble turn around, that in life for the better, and what to the worst. There is a well-known Chinese parable about the peasant who has escaped a horse.

Neighbors immediately began to reason how he was not lucky. And the peasant replied that no one could know: perhaps it is for the better. The horse returned and led to an unnecessied horse. Neighbors began to shift again: this time arguing how the peasant was lucky. But he answered again that it was not known to anyone, it's good or bad. And here the son of the peasant breaks his leg, trying to ride the champ. Here the neighbors do not doubt: this is a failure!

But again hear in response that no one knows, for the better or not. War begins, and all healthy men call on the army, except the son of the peasant who remains at home because of the sore feet.

Joy in contrary

Many consider suffering something bad, "Dalai Lama said. - But in fact, this is the possibility that fate throws you. Despite the difficulties and torment, a person can maintain hardness and self-control.

Dalai Lama survived a lot. And knows, oh says, -.

It is clear that it means Dalai Lama. But how to stop opposing the suffering and perceive it as an opportunity, being in the thick of events? It is easy to speak, but to do ... Jinepa mentioned that in Tibetan spiritual teaching "Training of the mind for seven points" there are three categories of people who should pay special attention to, since it is precisely with them a particularly difficult relationship: family members, teachers and enemies .

"Three objects of special attention, three poison and three virtue root." Jeanman explained the value of the mysterious and intriguing phrase: "Daily communication with these three objects of special attention is paid three poison: attachment, anger and delusion. They are the cause of the strongest suffering. But when we start interaction with family members, teachers and enemies will help to comprehend the three roots of virtue - unaccling, compassion and wisdom. "

Many Tibetans, "continued Dalai Lama, were sitting in Chinese labor camps for years, where they were tortured and forced to do hard work. Then they admitted that it was a good check of the inner rod, which showed which of them is really a strong personality. Some lured hope. Others were not dressed. Education almost did not affect survival. In the end, the power of the spirit and kindness was most important.

And I expected to hear that the main maintenance and hardness would be the main. What amazement learned that the power of the spirit helped to survive the horror camps and

If not in the life of difficulties and you are relaxed all the time, then you complain more.

It seems that the secret of joy was born during the strange alchemical transformations of the mind and matter. The road to joy did not go away from adversity and suffering, and ran through them. As the archbishop said, it is impossible to create beauty without suffering.

Education of life

People have repeatedly convinced that for the disclosure of generosity of the Spirit, we must go through humiliation and experience frustration. You can doubt it, but there are very few people in the world whose life from birth to death flows smoothly. People need upbringing.

What exactly in humans requires education?

Natural human response - to respond to a blow. But if the spirit has passed the hardening, he wanted to know that another person forced to strike. So we find yourself in the skins of the enemy. This is almost an axiom: the generous spirit went through humiliation to get rid of slag.

Get rid of the spiritual slag and learn to become in place of another person. Almost in all cases for the upbringing of the Spirit, you need to go through if not flour, then, in any case, disappointment, come across an obstacle that prevents the selected road.

No strong spirit has ever walked directly dear, deprived of obstacles.

"There was always something forcing collapse from the way, and then go back." - Archbishop pointed to his subtle, weak right hand, paralyzed in childhood after a polio disease. A vivid example of the suffering that he survived another child.

Spirit like muscles. If you want to support their tone, you need to give muscles resistance. Then the strength will increase.