Mikhailovsky Garden Exhibition of Flowers June. How "Imperial Gardens of Russia" are arranged and why in the Mikhailovsky garden shovel do not stick

Mikhailovsky Garden Exhibition of Flowers June. How
Mikhailovsky Garden Exhibition of Flowers June. How "Imperial Gardens of Russia" are arranged and why in the Mikhailovsky garden shovel do not stick
Festival "The Imperial Gardens of Russia - 2016" in the Mikhailovsky Garden

This week in the Mikhailovsky Garden under the Russian Museum, the next annual festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia - 2016" is held. This year his main leitmotif is the world of childhood.
During the entire fleet, children's playgrounds and compositions created in children's drawings are located, an exhibition of posters "Flowers of childhood" and other objects related to the theme of children.

The center of the children's artistic project "There on unknown tracks ..." was the oil meadow, in the center of which the historical black oak grows. He is 278 years old, he is much older than the Mikhailovsky Palace. "Children's chain" appeared on it, and a scientist cat with a book in his paws was settled.

Immediately mermaid, descended from the branches, unprecedented beasts, Baba Yaga, Koschey, Chernomor and other heroes of Pushkin fairy tales.

Next to them is the composition of the blooming fountain, and a little further "Dormarron and Kuafankuk"

(This photo is not mine)

Dormanron came up with a French writer and artist Claude Ponti, and carried out it in the form of a plant composition from decorative and edible plants French Institute in Russia, together with the Vavilov Institute.
Pavilion Rossi in the Project "Transparency" shows glass.

On the other hand, the track is the "Dragon Sleep" composition.

I go further along the wash, on which a whole "flotilla" of ships lined up, and I consider the "Light game", "lunar flowers", "silhouettes".

Then resolutely growing to the pond and - oh, joy! - I get to the cat museum.

The author of these "Koto-Kamushkov" Elena Gromyko. Today, for some reason, they found themselves on earth, although several days ago proudly squeezed on the pedestals.
For them, a whole army of photo cats proudly sends on easels.

Photo Nikolai Ivanova.

And this is a fun insect house and behind him Hobbit's house.

From the opposite side, visitors stripe climb into an unusual car.

Romantics also attracts the composition of the "Sea call".

Where did this sailboat sailed? Well, of course, to a uninhabited island behind the chest with jewels and gold coins.

And on this place it cares for rain with a thunderstorm. I still manage to run on the next track, where I find a variant of the classic flower beds of the XIX century.

On the corner of the track is a beautiful dining table, but the reinforcing rain does not allow them to admire.

Quickly go to the exit and suddenly I notice the Dwarm's house. To pass by, without photographing it, I can not, but the shower does not give a good picture. On this, my campaign ends, especially since the battery in the camera says Hood Bai. It is a pity that I could not see the whole exhibition, the weather did not allow me to.

What I did not like this time - very few colors on the flower beds and lawns.
Finally, I will show several compositions. I would like them to be much more.


Before a new meeting, friends. A traditional smile gives you our festival and my good friend Nikolai Ivanov.

The Mikhailovsky Garden in St. Petersburg is one of the most popular and well-maintained parks, which is located in the heart of the city. In this rare monument of landscape architecture of the XVIII - early XIX centuries on one territory, two different landscaped art style are uniquely connected - regular or French, and landscape, English. Also, the park characterizes the architectural harmony of the embodied plan of the Great Arch Republic of Karl Rossi - the unity of the building of the Mikhailovsky Palace and the natural landscape of the Mikhailovsky Garden. The garden is guarded as an object of cultural heritage of federal significance.

Area: 10 ha

Where is

The territory of the garden is limited to Sadovaya Street, River washing and the Canal Griboyedov. To the south of the Mikhailovsky Garden is the Mikhailovsky Palace, as well as the buildings of the Ethnographic Museum and the Benoit Corps. Near the north-western part of the Mikhailovsky Garden is the temple of the rescue on the blood.

Entrance to the garden

Visitors can log in from Sadovaya Street or from the Embankment of the Griboedov Canal. Entry cost: free.


The Mikhailovsky Garden appeared at the beginning of the XVIII century, by decision of Peter I, simultaneously with the summer garden. At first, he was called the third summer garden, because the first two garde belonged to the king, and the castle began to build a castle for the queen, Catherine I. The general plan for three summer gardens commissioned the architect Jean-Baptiste Leblon by order of the sovereign. In those years, the territory of the garden was more extensive than today, and planners had to dry the platform, building additional channels for water removal.

At the present location of Pavilion Rossi, a compact Catherine Palace was built with a gold spire, which was called "golden horrors". Fruit trees, berry shrubs were planted around, and pineapples and bananas were grown in the Orangers. Solovyov, caught in three provinces brought to the garden. Alley in the form of green corridors alternated with ponds in which live fish was bred.

Anna Joanovna III, reigning, started a large-scale restructuring of the garden, highlighting a large place to hunt boars, hares and deer - Yagdgarten. Special galleries were built for hunters, the stone walls of which were protected from random bullets. With her, the garden appeared in the garden - the imperial bath with a fountain and recreation rooms.

After years later, Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli built the Summer Palace and Sad Labyrinth for the Empress of Elizabeth with the main allee leading to Nevsky Prospect. The garden was scheduled at a regular time at a regular style, with cruciform alleys, furious trees, fountains and marble statues. The garden was also broken by flower beds and pavilions, arbors and slides with swings were established.

Since 1817, construction of the Mikhailovsky Palace began, after which the garden began to call Mikhailovsky. He was again overpowered, trying to give a more natural, "landscape" character. Instead of the ponds for fish, an English lawn appeared, walks for horse rows came to replace the groceries. And on the spot "Golden Choir" architect Rossi built a pavilion marina for small boats of the imperial family.

The Great Prince Mikhail Pavlovich was settled in the palace with his wife Elena Pavlovna, often organized in the garden of extensive large-scale festivals. Mikhailovsky Garden was discovered for the public in 1898, 3 years after the transfer of the Museum of Emperor Alexander III. True, according to the plate on the gate, the garden could not visit everything: it was forbidden to enter the soldiers and dogs.

Forged lattice of the Mikhailovsky Garden

In 1881, the People are mortally injured by Emperor Alexander II on the Ekaterininsky Canal Embankment, near the Mikhailovsky Garden. In memory of the tragedy, in this place, the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, known as "Savior-on-blood" was built. In order to separate the temple from the Mikhailovsky garden, an artistic grille in modern style was made, which is a weakening of bizarre large colors and leaves, decorated with gold-plated details. Forged elements of the fence alternate with columns, vases and urns, and a memorial plaque is placed on the place of injury to Alexander II.

Video review of the fence of the Mikhailovsky Garden

Modern Life Garden

In 1999, the Mikhailovsky Garden was transferred to the State Russian Museum. Since then, there is a phased reconstruction of the garden in order to return it to the appearance scheduled for Karl Rossi. Over the years, new trees have planted, and the tracks distorting the original design of the architect were removed. Bust Karl Rossi appeared near Pavilion Rossi, the Busts of Artists Karl Bryullov and Alexander Ivanov, which copy the original sculptural works of the XIX century, was also installed in the garden.

Events in Mikhailovsky Garden

In the garden regularly organize mass events - concerts and festivals. Every summer, the Summer Festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia" is held in the Mikhailovsky Garden, which demonstrates original ideas in the field of landscape design. The members of the British Royal Family who are related to the Russian Imperial House have repeatedly appeared on the works of professionals and amateur gardeners.

In 2018, the XI Festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia" (from 21 to 27 June) was not chosen by Mikhailovsky, but a summer garden. According to the organizers, transfer the venue of the event to the favorite garden of Peter I is symbolized to celebrate 300 years from the date of publication of the Petrovsky Decree on the holding of the Assemblies. In June 2019, in the Mikhailovsk garden, it was possible to show their creative abilities to create costumes in the framework of an inclusive project "Art Transformation".

Exhibitions in Mikhailovsky Garden

In 2017, within the framework of the Festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia", the exhibition of the Russian avant-garde was held in the garden. And in May-June 2018, visitors to the Mikhailovsky Garden could admire the author's benches painted by artists who participated in the international campaign of the shopping center.

How to get to Mikhailovsky Garden

Photo can be enabled to it from different areas of the city, choosing the most essential city transport route.

Not far from the entrance to Mikhailovsky Garden there are stops of ground urban transport: bus: № 3, № 22, № 27, № 49, K212, trolleybus: № 5, № 22 and tram: № 3.

From metro Gostiny Dvor" (Nevsky-Vasileostrovskaya or Green Line): Going towards the living room, to the garden street. Go straight, about 350 m. On the left will be visible the lattice of the Mikhailovsky Garden.

From metro "Nevsky Prospekt" (Moscow-Petrograd or Blue Line): Going towards the Griboedov Canal, along the embankment to go past the temple "Savior on the Blood". Then along the fence of the Mikhailovsky Garden to go to the entrance.

From Palace Square: To go towards the embankment of the washing river near the singing bridge. Crossing the bridge, turn left. Then follow the embankment, ribbing the stable area, to the second Garden Bridge.

On the car: The garden is located opposite Mikhailovsky Castle, the car needs to go to Sadovaya Street.

On the taxi: To the Mikhailovian garden, it is convenient to travel using a taxi order applications operating in St. Petersburg (Yandex. Taxi, Uber, Gett, Maxim).

Video review of Mikhailovsky Garden

Mikhailovsky Garden on Google-Panorama

In St. Petersburg, the landscape design festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia" is held: in mid-June, landscape compositions created by architects of different countries can be observed in the Mikhailovsky Garden of the Russian Museum (49 landscape workshops from Russia, Germany, Finland, Spain take part in the festival , France, Denmark), to visit master classes, listen to lectures and applaud the performances of theater studios, ensembles and circles.

Preferably children, because this year the theme of "imperial gardens", dividing under the walls of the Russian Museum, is already ninth times, "the flowers of life." What is in mind in fact - it is clear to everyone. The exhibition is devoted to children.

From the very beginning, the festival was not lucky with the weather: at the solemn concert in the garden with ice wind from the Gulf of Finland and 10 degrees of heat, guests were smarter in the down jackets. Those who dreamed of the holiday cursed their craving to the beautiful and tried to warm up brandy, neglected attempts to barteen to build cocktails: in lace dresses, not to ice cubes in transparent glasses.

"On the stage is much warmer," the President of the Sistema Charitable Foundation was encouraged (for many years for many years with the financial support of the Foundation). Guests believed. However, children in the costumes of chrysanthemums, who stood on the occasion of the holiday, the valet's "Waltz of Flowers" Tchaikovsky, and a children's choir, who performed the songs that you themselves, having swashing on a swing, it was still a pity.

Frozen children were worn to a warm Russian museum. The responsible adults were out of their place, which had nowhere to hide.

Not Merz, it seems, only director of the Russian Museum: For a five-minute speech, he cheerfully invented three topics for future festivals. The next theme, apparently, there will be music. And sorry - abstract themes, like the themes of writings, give such a wide space for creativity that artists are running out in different directions and often run too far from the viewer.

BF "System"

It happened to the current festival. "Children" - it can be anything. "The relevant themes of the festival will be issues of study, the preservation of nature and the environment, new approaches to the organization of children's game spaces in cities, a demonstration of modern gaming equipment. Special attention will be paid to social projects for children with disabilities, "the festival's press release was facilitated. All this is. The festival takes part charity funds of St. Petersburg (including "Anton here nearby", "warm house", "Alyosha" and others).

In the Mikhailovsky Garden, children's playgrounds and compositions created in children's drawings (blasphemes playing guitar for Baba-Yaga, Taxokot, invented by a 4-year-old child, a zubastik, a cat on the chains and mermaid on the oak), an exhibition of posters "Flowers of childhood" And other objects, directly or symbolically related to the theme of children. "Read the explanations," Calls Artem Parshin, chairman of the jury of the current festival, the landscape architect of the Botanical Garden "Pharmaceutical Garden". You really need to read: the meaning of some compositions is difficult to understand not only children, but also adults.

And if children can invent their meanings, then those whose childhood has long over, painfully do not understand: what is the flowers here?

Flowers lacked. Outside the competition, one of the best compositions was shown - "Dormanron" of the French Institute in St. Petersburg, a fluffy green unknown animal (and in fact - a sea turtle), invented by the French writer and illustrator Claude Ponti and made in the art of topics.

BF "System"

The second place in the nomination "Flower Arrangements" received the composition "Flower of Happiness", created by the Maryino estate team. An excellent idea of \u200b\u200ba branch of the Russian Museum in Malaga was to create a garden of five feelings with plants that stimulate sensory perception (those that can be seen and swell, and smell, and even taste).

However, garden sculptures, even very cute, can not satisfy the traction of the city resident to live and beautiful. Coming here in the hope of learning ideas for your own household plot is meaninglessly (however, it is worth paying attention to the permanent garden compositions created for the Mikhailovsky Garden, they are good). What is the matter? Is it really in children?

"Exhibition gardens in such a festival mode, when the gardens are going for a short time - and they are going as a designer, the plants come in their containers - this is a completely special genre of garden art," explains Artem Parshin. -

This means that you build a garden as a miceanese during the theater presentation.

You no matter what kind of scenes, it is important for you that a person sees from the audience. Therefore, the main thing is that the viewer does not see the White Threads, did not see the seams; That under the surface - you are not interested. "

BF "System"

According to the President of the Jury, in this sense, the compositions of the "Imperial gardens" need to be condescending, as architects face a serious restriction: in the Mikhailovsky Garden (and this is a monument of garden-park art, a monument of landscape architecture) you can not stick to the ground. It is impossible to dig. Therefore, everything that happens here is happening above the surface above the lawn.

"This affects the appearance of what is built here. According to the laws of the genre, plants are in containers, they are not planted. Authors who do not pay attention to this feature put pots with plants directly to the ground, "says Parshins. - You see dirty plastic pots, which is absolutely unacceptable. If this is an exhibition garden, this is a special genre, and you need to act within this genre. When the seams are visible, when it is clear how it is done, it is incorrect. It is just necessary to understand the features of the site - the festival is already nine years old, and he will not leave anywhere from here, this playground is already loved. So, you need to think in advance about how you hide what should not be visible, show what should be visible on the surface. All competent work here is raised above the ground. "

One of these works is perhaps the most interesting thing - already received the Grand Prix of the Festival. This composition "Live water, or inside not as outside", created by the landscape group of AFA.

BF "System"

Externally, it is an irregular shape of a green hill with lilac flower beds. Inside - rounded shallow reservoir, where you can play and splash, if the weather allows, and most importantly, there is an observation tower with a telescope and an archimedes screw, an amazing thing, which with the help of the wheel and screw gutter allows you to pump water from the water branch. To turn it nice and adults, and children: for such a simply certainly necessary to give the Grand Prix.

The eleventh annual landscape and floral festival, which is usually held in the Mikhailovsky Garden, will move in the summer garden this season. This was announced on Tuesday, on June 5, the director of the State Russian Museum, Vladimir Gusev, reports the correspondent of "Dialogue".

"300 years ago - in 1718 - Peter I issued a decree on holding the Assemblies, and the first of them took place in the summer garden. This festival will be called "Flower Assembly". So we remind the history of Russia: it is important to us that "Imperial gardens" are not simply turned into a glamorous festival of flowers, but still had a museum basis. The Summer Palace of Peter I is the place from which the new page of Russian statehood began. They are the peers of St. Petersburg, and the gardens also started together with St. Petersburg, "said Gusev.

According to him, this year the nature of the festival will change - when it was conducted in the Mikhailovsky Garden, the basis of the exposition was installations and landscape compositions, whereas now the stop will be placed on the use of living colors. For this reason, the timing of the festival was changed - it will not be held at the beginning, but at the end of the month, from 21 to 27, since the flowers should dismiss. It imposes its restrictions - there are no extensive lawns in the summer garden, on which the compositions could be placed, so the organizers will have to decorate - carefully, since the garden's appearance is under the protection of the KGIOT - the existing elements of its decoration: hedge, fountains ... by the way, guests of the festival Waiting for the mass of interesting innovations.

"For example, Tsaritsyn fountain we plan to make perfume. There was no such thing in the history of Russia, because in the world there were only four such fountains, and the first one appeared in 1900 at the exhibition in Paris. We hope that this experiment will be able, and tonight ( on Tuesdays, the summer garden is traditionally closed on cleaning and service - IA Dialogue) It will be "fitting" of the aroma. It will be an exclusive, unusual event: Actually, Peter I just loved such, and the summer garden was for him an experimental platform, where he tried various innovations brought from Europe (mostly from Holland). Then he already built Strelna, and then - and Peterhof, but the Summer Garden is the progenitor of all the Gardens of the European tradition [in Russia], "said Olga Cherdanesev, the main keeper of the Russian Museum gardens and the head of the Festival" The Imperial Gardens of Russia ".

In addition, 50 photos of famous European palace gardens will be exhibited on the main alley. The photo project takes place under the auspices of the conservation of the heritage of European gardens.

"Probably, we would be easier to spend the festival at the rolled, in the Mikhailovsky Garden - but the working group of the festival decided to transfer it for this year. I am like a man who is responsible for the safety of the summer garden, this prickly perceived with alertness - but we will work, and I think that it will be not bad. Summer Garden is not Mikhailovsky, here we cannot afford to do landscape installations on lawns: it is simply impossible. Therefore, it was decided to make small floral compositions; The main fountains and bosets will be decorated. Fasten all this is to be very gentle - no glue, no drilling, no interfering in structural elements. I think the landscapes have their tricks, "said Sergey Renny, head of the Branch of the Russian Museum, Head of the Branch of the Gardens.

"Will we continue to spend it there, or arrange it in both places - we will see how long the funds are enough," Gusev added.

Note that the entrance to the summer garden for these days will be paid - the ticket will cost 500 rubles (on the site of the Russian Museum's gardens the price is now 430 rubles, or 160 - for preferential categories). In addition to the fact that it will allow partially to return funds spent on the festival, the leadership of the MRR intends to make sure that the festival will not have an excessive influx of visitors (although the garden and this takes a million per year). In addition, for three days before the start of the Festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia" (June 18-20) and two days after his end (June 28-29), the Summer Garden will be completely closed - due to the need for installation and dismantling decorations, respectively.

"Some compositions perhaps we will leave ourselves - especially, probably, from social projects that will be placed in the Boschet" French Parter ", - noted Renny.

On June 10, an open IX international festival of floristics and landscape design "Imperial gardens of Russia" will be held in one of the most famous and comfortable parks of St. Petersburg - Mikhailovsky Garden. The event will delight visitors with original floral compositions, fancy park figures from living plants, colorful installations. Within the framework of the festival, the competition "Flowers of Life" is scheduled, an enchanting show program, unique master classes from participants.

Information about the festival Imperial gardens in St. Petersburg

On June 10-19, in the Northern capital of Russia, the most significant event in the world of floristics and garden-park arts of the country and all of Europe - the Festival of Imperial Gardens will be held.

The history of the event began in 2008, when the State Historical Museum together with a charity foundation of a member of the British monarch of the family - Prince Michael Kent and the Union of Gardeners of the Russian Federation organized a grand exhibition of colors for citizens. Since that time, the festival is held annually by collecting the best gardeners, architects and designers from all over the world who want to demonstrate their skills on the same platform.

Each year, within the framework of the event, an exhibition-competition is held for the best gardening and park composition. The organizers define the topic of exposure and the name of the nomination in which participants will compete. The concept of the upcoming event will be the topic of childhood. Competitors will be invited to embody their children's dreams to reality - create gaming spaces from flowers and other plants, fabulous art objects, bizarre figures.

What will surprise the IX festival Imperial Gardens of Russia

The Imperial Gardens of Russia is a great global event that every season attracts more than 100 thousand visitors to the Mikhailovsky garden. The organizers promise that the exhibition of this year called "Flowers of Life" will not be no less interesting than the previous ones.

At the time of the festival, the park will turn into the world of children's dreams and fantasies. Here it will be possible to consume real wonders from flowers and ornamental plants: fabulous heroes and toys, a mysterious garden, where the spirit of magic, fantastic sculptures and shapes hovers everywhere.

The townspeople and guests of the region will be able not only to admire the works of talented landscape design masters, but also visit concerts, theatrical open-air ideas, exciting master classes for adults and children.

Where the event is held, work schedule, information for visitors

A grand festival of colors of international significance will be held in the period from 10 to 19 June in St. Petersburg. There will be an exhibition and related events in the territory of the Mikhailovsky Park, at: st. Engineering, 4.

Information for visitors

  • In the days of the work of the festival, the park will be opened to visit from 10:00 to 22:00.
  • The cost of a full input ticket amounts to 250 rubles, preferential - 50 rubles.


The Imperial Gardens of Russia is a great opportunity to leisure the whole family in clean air in one of the most beautiful parks of the city, admiring the magnificent floral compositions and installations. In addition, visitors are waiting for an interesting and rich program, consisting of theatrical ideas, concerts, filmosas, interactive games and master classes.