When the painting of a wooded coast was written. Writing-description in the picture I.I

When the painting of a wooded coast was written. Writing-description in the picture I.I
/ / Writing-description in the picture I.I. Levitan " Wooded shore»

Looking at the picture of Isaac Levitan "Wooded Coast", immediately understand that the artist loved the beauty of Russian nature very much, he admired her. Nature, in turn, gave him inspiration and strength to work. The artist worked for future generations so that others can enjoy beautiful landscape Russian expanses.

At first glance, the painting "Wooded Coast" seems very simple and uncomplicated. But it is worth visiting the details, you immediately understand the meaning and ideas of the master. The picture is built on a contrast - light tones are replaced by dark, the game of light and shadows is noticeable, the sandy coast is replaced by a rocky cliff, age-old trees - young escapes.

On the foreground The deep and quiet river is depicted, which flows between two shores. Light blue paints River water is replaced by dark, where it is reflected pine forest. On one side of the river, the artist portrayed a sandy beach. Most likely, a lot of people come there in a hot year-old day, to plunge into cool water and sunbathe in the sun. On the other side of the river - a rocky breakdown, surrounded by birch and pines. Trees as if protecting a random passerby from the melting threat of a steep slope. Here you can find how old trees, which have seen no one century, and very young, still small pines and birch. In the lowland, only hemps and snags, which remained from conceded trees, can be seen.

In his picture "Lesiogo Beach" I.I. Levitan showed not only the greatness of nature, as well as the relationship between generations, thus confirming the life cycle.

Isaac Levitan is a stunning Russian landscape officer in its skill. Each of his picture is unique and memorable. In his works, the audience does not cease to surprise the combination of simplicity and depths. Each Russian can find something in them, close to heart. Such is the painting "wooded coast", written by the artist in 1892.

Author oil colors Pictured on a large canvas evening twilight at the river Peksha Vladimir regionwhere he lived for a while after expulsion from Moscow. He often walked around the neighborhood, admired nature, and at the same time chose the places liked for his future works. Soon the beloved place for Evening Leisure Levitan was the coast of the river near the valley. The artist, who saw many beautiful places, struck the variety of landscape, transition from the coniferous forest to deserted Bank rivers.

For Levitan, this transition reminded him own life: Attempt to escape, desire ahead, rapid growth, and then a sharp drop down and a quiet uniform movement forward.

Evening - Favorite time of the artist. He was fascinating repeating every day, but at the same moment unique, the transition from day to night, when the sky was dark, and everything around died, gradually getting ready for sleep. Levitan saw a kind of riddle. So for my painting, the artist chose the moment of the onset of twilight. Already a darkened sky is slightly lit by the red light of the setting sun. His reflections were touched thick trunks in the color of gold.

In the foreground, we see a small river, which making a slow wide turn, seeks to the distance. She has different, completely dissimilar on each other: one gently, another breakdown. Even the color of the sand on them is very different: he is yellow, it is almost white below. The right bank is a little overgrown with grass, and perhaps some of the vegetation is already wrapped out with bathing and fishing people or grazing livestock. Close coast covered with thick vegetation. There is a grass, a small shrub, and trees.

Water in the river resembles a mirror. She reflects the shore, pine and sky in sunset. Water is calm, it does not disturb the wind. The whole picture literally breathes as peacefulness and peace.

Pines and larch grow on high shore. They stand close to each other, as if protecting the river from something, afraid to miss someone. They protect silence and purity. Only one birch in the very edge of the forest arched forward, as if wishing to escape from other trees, break out of a captivity of pines. Along the rippled shore you can see big stumps of spokey trees.

Their roots got out of the ground and became similar to the paws of mysterious fabulous heroes. Several stumps stand in a circle. From afar it seems that these are old people who begged from the severity of the years, gathered and quietly talk about something. Apparently, water is often climbing the sandy coast, she once reached the forest. So I had to cut some trees to be comfortably saved along the river.

Expressive painting gives a unique combination of juicy and bright yellow shades. They give brightness in the perception of the picture of the summer twilight shown in the picture.

I want to consider this picture for a long time and slowly, peering at every corner, focusing on every smear made by the artist. There is something mystical in it and at the same time, the pain is native and understandable.

Working lessons (abstract lessons)

Basic general education

Line Ukk M. M. Razumovskaya. Russian language (5-9)

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Type of lesson: Traditional (combined).

Teacher's goals:develop a picture description skills. Develop a speech culture. Educating the feeling of beauty, interest in the work of artists-landscape players.

Pupil goals:play knowledge, skills, skills sufficient to build a new way of action, check knowledge theoretical material on the topic "Description of the picture." Develop the skills of describing the picture, develop speech culture. Bring up a sense of beauty, interest and love for native nature through the work of artists-landscape players.

Used sources:

  1. Painting I. I. Levitan "Wooded Coast".
  2. Methods for the development of speech / Ed. TA Ladyzhenskaya. - M., 1991.
  3. Problem learning to Russian language and literature in the genres of pedagogical speech. Teaching manual For teachers-verders. T. Yu. Perova. Novokuznetsk Maura DPO IPC 2009.
  4. Russian language. 6 CL: student. general education. institutions / M.M. Razumovskaya, S. I. Lvova, V.I. Kapinos et al. Drop, 2011. M.

Planned results:

  • personal: Positive attitude to the lesson, following in behavior of moral and ethical standards.
  • regulatory URU: Determine and formulate the goal of activities taking into account the final result, drawing up a plan and sequence of actions, learn to detect and formulate the problem together with the teacher.
  • cognitive UUD: Recycle information to obtain the required result, arrange a logical chain of reasoning, attribute objects to known concepts.
  • communicative Wood: to convey their position to others by owning the techniques of monologic and dialogical speech (draw up their thoughts in oral and written speech, defend its point of view, arguing it); Contribute to people, agreeing with them their interests and views, in order to do something together (organize educational interaction in the group, set questions and look for answers).
  • subjects: the creation of a meaningful connected statement, relevant use of pictorial expressive means Language, compliance with the norm when writing.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

2. Repetition. Linguistic warm-up

Phonetic analysis of the words "wooded", "landscape".

3. Actualization of knowledge

Work on issues:

  • What is the description different from other types of speech?
  • What can be described?
  • What is the name of the picture on which nature is depicted?
  • What artists-landscape players do you know?

4. Individual design work

Individual project work Groups of students. Word about I. I. Levitan. (All other write down the main shutters.).

5. Work on the reproduction of I. I. Levitan "Wooded Coast"

Problem word teacher.Look at the picture. Pick up a number of questions that help us analyze this work.

Joint work of teacher and students. Students offer soybeans issues and answers.

- Who is the "hero" of our conversation with you in the lesson?

(Lyrical hero, loving nature and capable of experiences).

- What is the impression on you this picture?

- What time of year is depicted in the picture, time of day?

- What do we see in the picture?

(Listed images created by painter: river, coast, trees, sky.)

Work in groups.Selection of working material.

I group. Students work on the selection of fine-expressive means to the image of the River.

II group. Students work on the selection of fine-expressive means to the image of the "coast".

III group. Students work on the selection of fine-expressive means to the image "Trees".

IV group. Students work on the selection of fine-expressive means to the image "Sky".

V band. Students work on what paints an artist was used.

Report of students working in groups. Drawing up a plan and record of work material.


Working material


May include what time of year and day the artist depicted, which images introduced on the canvas.

Main images:

Turns, rushing in the distance; as a snake; Water like a mirror reflects ...

Gunning, sandy, blunt, steep, overgrown with vegetation ...

Pines, slender, thick, growing, striving up, slim row, like a wall; cost frequencing; look at the river from top to bottom ..

Darling; illuminated by the scan of the setting sun; Lacking, sleepy ...

Which paints used Levitan

Golden, yellow, dark, thick, twilight, fascinating, swelling ...

Conclusion. Why is the picture named "wooded coast"? What impression does it cause you?

Peacefulness, calm, silence, awareness of the depth and beauty of Russian nature ...

Try to make a connected text, leaning on the plan.

6. Fizkultminutka

7. Speech preparation

- How else can artist be called?

- How else can you call the picture?

(Canvas, masterpiece, artwork).

- The name of what colors and shades can be used when describing?

(Yellow, Golden, Crimson, Red, Orange, Blue, Blue, Dark Blue, Pale Blue, Brown).

Pay attention to the spelling of words: here, on the right, left, near, near, away, at the top.

8. Reflection

- What was the subject of the lesson, the purpose of the lesson?

- Answer each to the question, and I achieved what I wanted, got necessary knowledge?

- Who will we note? Why can we praise yourself and other guys today?

Essay in the picture of I.I. Luitan

"Wooded Coast".

During the classes.

    introduction Teacher.

Fate Isaac Ilyich Levitan was sad and happy. Sad, as he was released a short life term, besides, for incomplete forty years his life was missed by poverty, homeless orphanhood. Happy -for if, as L. N. Tolstoy said, the basis of human happiness is the ability to "be with nature, to see her, talking to her", then Levitan as few people were given deeply comprehend the happiness of the "conversation" with nature, proximity to her.

Love Levitan to nature is truly deep and comprehensive. He could disappear in the forest, to enjoy it, contemplating for a long time special lifeopening at a careful look on the surface of the river waters, on the forest glade or on the banks of the river.

Today, at the lesson, we will try to feel and understand the love of the artist to nature through the acquaintance with his work "wooded shore" (see the textbook into the textbook). And the result of our work will be an essay in this picture.

    Meet the picture. Conversation.

Did you like the picture?

What mood it causes? Why?

What time of year I portrayed an artist? Times of Day?

List the images created by the painter in the picture (river, trees, shore, sky).

What types of speech are needed to create a verbal picture?

What style of speech should be the text?

    Collection of materials to the composition. Work in groups.

1 group : Pick up expressive tools (epithets, metaphors, comparisons, personification) to describerivers and coast.

2 groups : -//- for descriptiontrees.

3 Group : -//- for descriptionsky.

4 Group : From the expressive means, the data below, select those that match the Levitan picture.

Pensive pines; wet air haze, calm smooth river; reflected as in the mirror; spilling snake; defenseless trees; Lemon yellow paints; juicy greenery; The game of shadows on the trunks and branches of trees; The river runs away for the turn; Trees are silent thoughtfully; murmurs the water narrow quiet river; shady corner of the forest; sky blue sky; Saves of the setting sun; "Living" and "breathing" sky; A feeling of peaceful silence.

    Generalization of collected materials. Speeches of groups.

During the joining of each group, the remaining students in drafts record expressive agents, which call the speakers, are additionally complemented by responding.

5. Summing up.

    Writing an essay in the picture.

The painting of Levitan "wooded bank", like other masterpieces of this author, touches its limitless simplicity. It seems nothing in this canvas is no supernatural, but it can climb into the soul.

The picture shows a deep and wide river, which, looping between the high sandy shores, runs away to the edge of the horizon. The water in it is dark, with a slight greenish tint. The shores near the river sandy and pretty high. They are drawn yellow paints So it is clear that the feeling of a crepened shore is created.

On the one hand, the river spread the cozy sandy beach, which is going through a wide stripe and cuts deep into the river. The second bank of the river, steep and incisive, all covered with trees that look like a thick green tent. In the foreground, Koryagi, which remained after someone quit the century-old trees. In the background, old pines and slender birch trees are visible, which the wall surrounded the river - and guard her not one century.

The river, lost among age-old trees, always looks touching and fine. In such places you want to return again and again - and Levitan presented to us this amazing opportunity, for which many people are grateful.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan - famous Russian artist. He is called the Master of the Russian Landscape.

One of his works is the painting "wooded coast". I think that the past time of the artist was twilight. The wizard brought an amazing way a calm and majestic nature, unrealistic silence, which we can see only at sunset.

The calm surface of the river displays both in the mirror and bright yellow paints of the swollen coast and the blue sky blue sky. Everyone breathes calm and peace. And only old lifeless stumps remind us of the occurrence of a new day. Already tomorrow, with the sunrise, the nature of "awesitate" and "will heal".

I am delighted with the skill of the artist who wrote this amazing picture, to express his ability to express the variety and depth of sensations that are close to any Russian person.

Levitan preferred to work Moreover, the time of day, the picture is called "wooded coast. Dusk". Tone and paint paintings emphasize twilight time summer Day. The darkening sky is poorly illuminated by the scarlet edge of the setting sun, which sucks the trunks of the slices protruding from the forest in golden color. On the horizon line, behind the forest, the outgoing sun is indicated by a light spot on a blue sky.

In the foreground, the painting of a small river, turning, rushes in the distance. The coast at the river is different: one gently, the other cool, incisive. So usually, during the spring flood and river spills, due to the irregularities of the relief, the rising water is waved one bank. Both shores of the river - and steep, and gentle - sandy. The color of sand on them is very different: on the cliff it is bright yellow, nearly white. A gentle gear slightly overgrown with grass, but it looks comfortable for swimming and fishing or for domestic livestock. Travels of people's stay is not observed: neither traces of a fire, not left a slingshot for fishing rod. It means that there are no villages nearby, from which people could come or drive a cattle on the water. Steep coast is unevenly covered with vegetation: grass, shrub and growing trees. On it, you can go down to the water only by moving in the sand, like a hill in winter. Water in the river, like a mirror, clearly reflects part of the coast, the tops of the pine, sunset sky. Calm, smooth surface of the water becomes the outcome of the day. The wind subsides, chasing the wave, silent the sounds, with the last rays of the setting sun goes light, the haze falls on the ground, the paints become curd, light tones are muffled. The whole picture breathes the peacefulness of silence.

On the high shore of a dense wall, like a soldier system, stand pines and larches. Pinery Old and thick, pines and larches are a frequency, as if towering over the river, loyering from top to bottom to the current water. Only the lonely birch on the very edge of the forest bent the barrel, as if he wants to escape from the pines, break out of their captivity. Along the edge of the forest massif, along the rippletish coast, there are a few rows of stumps of spoken trees with root out of the ground. Some roots like scratch paws hang over the cliff. Water gradually washed the sandy coast, got to the forest, had to cut extreme trees so that it was possible to move along the river. The dried roots hold the shore from complete destruction. In the foreground, several stumps formed a circle and, it seems, lead their elder conversation. Between the stumps had already been angry the green grass, it means that the trees were spilled for a long time. Under the pines, as you know, the grass does not grow, especially in such a dense bor. The combination of paints of juicy greenery and yellow sand give brightness, expressive painting. Looking at the landscape, it seems that the trees standing with a dense wall, as soldiers guard the resting river, its shores.

Each viewer looking at the picture arise their associations, fantasies are born, it seems that the artist I. Levitan, who captured the monumentality, depth and beauty of Russian nature, remains unchanged. Painting in the Tver Regional Art Gallery is stored.

Essay in the picture I. I. Levitan "Wooded Beach"

Isaac Ilyich Levitan - an outstanding master of the Russian landscape - for his short life managed to create many beautiful pictures. And almost all of them are devoted to Russian nature. There is little people who did not see the paintings "March" and " Golden autumn" Already from 18 years old, the canvas of the artist participate in exhibitions and willingly bother. His work is stored in the largest museums and picture galleries Our country and abroad. Levitan PA is rightly called the singer of Russian nature, which has turned simple motifs into bright images of Russia. According to the artist I. Grabar "he is the biggest poet ... And the biggest magician of the mood, it is endowed with the most musical soul and the most acute little Russian motifs in the landscape ... could ... Create your own own stylewhich appeared at the same time with the style of the Russian landscape, according to the justice of the "Levitanovsky". The poetic mood arising when viewing paintings, the merit of the artist, who managed to transfer the lyrical charm of the landscape on his canvas, the melancholic thoughtfulness of nature, his love for unnoticed by anyone earlier the corners of the Russian Earth. The happiness of communication, intimacy with nature was happiness with all his short, but saturated creative life.

The painting "Wooded Coast" was written in 1892 on the Pöksha River in the Vladimir region, where the artist had to live for some time, being expelled from Moscow. Walking around the neighborhood, he enjoyed the views of the local nature, chose the landscapes liked for his work. In the viewed panorama, his attentive view opened a variety of landscape, the transition from the coniferous forest on a high bank to the river and a canopy valley. Such a downward relief can symbolize the life itself: a rapid growth, desire to up (growing trees) at the beginning of life, then rolling down to aging and smooth measured movement in the second half life path. Or the desire for new ideas, to achievements, gaining themselves, finding their niche and a smooth flow of life waves.

Levitan preferred for work forever time of day, the picture is called "wooded coast. Dusk". Tone and paint paintings emphasize the twilight time of the summer day. The darkening sky is poorly illuminated by the scarlet edge of the setting sun, which sucks the trunks of the slices protruding from the forest in golden color. On the horizon line, behind the forest, the outgoing sun is indicated by a light spot on a blue sky.

In the foreground, the painting of a small river, turning, rushes in the distance. The coast at the river is different: one gently, the other cool, incisive. So usually, during the spring flood and river spills, due to the irregularities of the relief, the rising water is waved one bank. Both shores of the river - and steep, and gentle - sandy. The color of sand on them is very different: on the cliff it is bright yellow, nearly white. A gentle gear slightly overgrown with grass, but it looks comfortable for swimming and fishing or for domestic livestock. Travels of people's stay is not observed: neither traces of a fire, not left a slingshot for fishing rod. It means that there are no villages nearby, from which people could come or drive a cattle on the water. Steep coast is unevenly covered with vegetation: grass, shrub and growing trees. On it, you can go down to the water only by moving in the sand, like a hill in winter. Water in the river, like a mirror, clearly reflects part of the coast, the tops of the pine, sunset sky. Calm, smooth surface of the water becomes the outcome of the day. The wind subsides, chasing the wave, silent the sounds, with the last rays of the setting sun goes light, the haze falls on the ground, the paints become curd, light tones are muffled. The whole picture breathes the peacefulness of silence.

On the high shore of a dense wall, like a soldier system, stand pines and larches. The pine forest is old and thick, pines and larchs are a palico, as if tightened over the river, loyering down the current water. Only the lonely birch on the very edge of the forest bent the barrel, as if he wants to escape from the pines, break out of their captivity. Along the edge of the forest massif, along the rippletish coast, there are a few rows of stumps of spoken trees with root out of the ground. Some roots like scratch paws hang over the cliff. Water gradually washed the sandy coast, got to the forest, had to cut extreme trees so that it was possible to move along the river. The dried roots hold the shore from complete destruction. In the foreground, several stumps formed a circle and, it seems, lead their elder conversation. Between the stumps had already been angry the green grass, it means that the trees were spilled for a long time. Under the pines, as you know, the grass does not grow, especially in such a dense bor. The combination of paints of juicy greenery and yellow sand give brightness, expressive painting. Looking at the landscape, it seems that the trees standing with a dense wall, as soldiers guard the resting river, its shores.