The development of the speech of preschoolers according to the Ushakova method. Educational and methodological manual "Studying the level of lexico-semantic development of preschool children"

The development of the speech of preschoolers according to the Ushakova method. Teaching manual
The development of the speech of preschoolers according to the Ushakova method. Educational and methodological manual "Studying the level of lexico-semantic development of preschool children"

The technique is carried out in several stages. The methodology is based on the assimilation of the simplest material and technicians who are subsequently transferred to complex classes. However, the gradual complication of tasks for kids passes unnoticed. And after several classes, you can see positive results.

It is gradually the complicated tasks are very well absorbed by a child and very effectively affect his further speech development.

In preschool institutions, we use a lot of techniques that help the kids actively develop and improve their knowledge and skills. However, there are some kids who need an individual approach where the problem will be clearly identified and the solution will depend on the correctly selected technique and technology.

When determining the problem, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • Child's age;
  • Feature;
  • Kid skills and skills.

In addition, genetic predispositions should be explored. For example, if one of the parents in childhood had a speech lag or other speech problems. It will all help send the technique for an effective result.

Technique of speech development of preschoolers

Each technique according to the method of Ushakova is designed for the individual characteristics of the child, which implies the performance of certain tasks and exercises.

Thus, given the psychological state of the child, his accumulated skills and skills is possible a positive result.

To date, some methods are actively used in practice in kindergartens and even at home. For the most effective speech development, constant participation is required by parents.

Ushakova O.S. Developed methodological manuals for teachers of preschool and school institutions, which describes in detail each stage and the method of working with the child. All methods are designed to improve and correct the kid speech.

Each method is a certain purpose and structured plan, which involves learning from simple exercises to more complex. All processes necessarily take into account the reasons why a child has certain deviations that do not allow the baby to fully develop their speech.

Such factors can be:

  • Insufficient attention from adults. That is, they communicate a little with the child, they do not read the books to him, do not voiced about what is happening;
  • A child who has scattered attention;
  • · Children with psychological features. It can be genetic diseases congenital speech inhibition.

It is the individually selected technique that allows you to establish the right one, and the main efficient process of speech development in the kid. It is the correct diagnosis of the problem that significantly increases the chances of the full development of the baby.

What to pay attention to parents

Each parent must remember that the development of a child is more dependent on them. And the timely definition of any speech problem can be eliminated.

It is in preschool age that the child will make it easier to establish their speech, learn how to enjoy new information and formulate suggestions.

Each baby, from an early age, begins to publish various sounds and syllables, and by one and a half years old can say some uncomplicated words. Children at a three-year-old age already calmly formulate suggestions, and can explain what they need or what they do not like.

If parents note that the baby is easier to express his thoughts with gestures or crying, then you should seek advice on the speech therapist. The earlier it is to do, the faster it turns out to eliminate the problem.

Do not stand parents to rely on the fact that the baby will speak out with time. It should help him, and then he will be able to fully communicate and live in society.

How to help your child develop speech at home?

First of all, the speech development of the child depends on the parents themselves. With proper communication and sufficient attention, unwanted problems can be avoided:

  • Parents should be correctly talking to the child, even if he is very small. Do not hover speech, each situation or subject must be said clearly and correctly;
  • Constantly reading the baby books and tell fairy tales;
  • During the game, talking about this or that subject;
  • Ask for a child to repeat uncomplicated words for you;
  • When improper pronunciation or wording try to correct it;
  • More sing songs. It is a song form contributes to the rapid memorization of words;
  • Talk with a child everywhere. Even if you are busy with some kind of business, in the process you can tell the baby about the work done. In this case, the baby will even be interested. This can provoke him to some questions or actions;
  • During the games, use many toys and various objects.

All this will be a faithful assistant in the speech development of a preschooler.

Today, in almost every kindergarten, there are speech therapy groups, where the main task is to develop a child's speech and troubleshooting.

It is worth remembering that the right speech of the preschooler is the main criterion for its readiness for school.

Basic signs that determine the readiness for school

There are several main criteria for which you can determine whether the baby is ready for school or not:

  • The child should be able to listen to the interlocutor;
  • Correctly perceive information;
  • Be able to express your actions;
  • Display information;
  • Use your speech knowledge as a means of exposure;
  • Retell a small text or a fairy tale.

All these moments determine that the child will be able to fully learn and develop.

All the methods of speech development of the child involves the help of parents. That is, classes with one experts will not give one hundred percent result without parental participation.

This or that program should be fixed and worked out at home. If you comply with all the recommendations and pay full attention to the baby, then in a short time the child will begin to please his parents with his skills and skills.

Each lesson should occur in the form of the game. Otherwise, the child can simply abandon learning. If the baby is tired, then you can postpone the tasks at another time.

All children really like communication and active games. Therefore, you give more to the kids time, talk to them and play.

(FOOTNOTE: Research A.I. Lavrentian)

The development of the semantic side of the speech is one of the main conditions for the development of the skills of a connected speech and speech communication of the preschooler. This is explained by the fact that the degree of formation of the lexico-semantic system of the child preschooler has a direct impact on his ability to accurately and adequately select words in accordance with the situation of communication and the context of the statement. "In training the native language, the central place should take work on the word defining the property of which is semantic content, value. It is the correct understanding of the meaning of words that allows a child to communicate with adults and peers, "write O.S. Ushakov and E.M. String. (Footnote: See: "Preschool Education", 1981 No. 2.)

The identification of the level of semantic development of preschool children should reflect not so much the quantitative composition of his dictionary, how much quality state of vocabulary.

The lexico-semantic system is a set of lexical units related by semantic relations. It recorded all relations in which this lexical unit enters with other lexical units. Any newly incoming semantic information is somehow rebuilding this system, so it is in constant motion. The most intensive development of the lexico-semantic system occurs in preschool age: the acquaintance with the surrounding reality carries new information about the subjects, phenomena and their properties, and it, in turn, is embodied in changes in the child who become a lexico-semantic system. The development of senior preschool children is a certain extent the result of the preceding semantic development, since the structure of the main semantic scales can already be considered quite established. Apparently, for this reason, the diagnosis of the state of the lexico-semantic system of children 5-6 years does not represent special difficulties: children are able to respond adequately to stimuli words in the conditions of an associative experiment, do not experience difficulties in the selection of synonyms and antonyms, give interpretation to the meaning of words at the request Experimentator. But this result of the development of the semantic system of a child of senior preschool age, which is already approaching its organization to the semantic system of adult native speaker, is preceded by a long process of its formation. This process begins at the earliest stages of speech development, and by age for 2-3 years, a child is spontaneously developing some vocabulary - a semantic system. At the same time, the values \u200b\u200bof many words are understood in inaccurate, due to, in particular, the poor speech and communicative experience of the child. Significant semantic ties are not taken into account, and insignificant begin to play an unjustifiably important role, which causes inadequate consumption of words in speech communication situations.

2.1 Methods of using small forms of folklore

in the speech development of the child.

In the previous chapter, speech development theories were considered, including using small folklore forms. To test the effectiveness of the developed complex, a pedagogical experiment was carried out on the basis of the Dow "Sun" village of Berezovka Pervomaysky district. Before proceeding with the definition of basic methods and forms of their use in the development of speech skills in preschoolers, we analyzed the situation in the group. We were interested in what level of development of speech skills in children and how much they own small forms of folklore. For this purpose, the technique (semantic method) OS was chosen Ushakova and E. String.

They consider the most important condition for the development of the speech structure of children of preschool age work on the Word, which is considered in relationship with the solution of other speech tasks. Free ownership of a word, understanding its meaning, the accuracy of the wording is the necessary conditions for the development of the grammatical system of the language, the sound side of speech, as well as the development of the ability to independently build a coherent statement.

Practice of speech communication is encountered by children with different words: with antonyms, synonyms. In preschool children, the semantic content orientation is very developed: "The word for a child is primarily as a carrier of meaning, meaning."

To identify an understanding of the senior preschoolers of meaning (meaning), the words O. Ushakov and E. Stringin offer different tasks, on the basis of which we have compiled their diagnostics (Appendix 1).

The following speech skills were diagnosed: to accurately use words (tasks 3, 4, 5) in various grammatical forms and values; understand different meanings of a multivalued word; independently select synonyms and antonyms (tasks 3, 7, 8); the level of awareness of the semantic relationship between words (task 9); smoothness and smoothness of presentation, no intermittentness and repetitions, notes, pauses in connected speech (task 12); The ability to extract sounds in words (Task 6); level of development of speech skill - evidence (task 1); Level orientation on the sessional side of the word (Task 2) and expressions (Task 2, 4, 5).

In addition, the diagnosis shows how much children are dealt with the genres of small forms of folklore and own them.

The level of speech skills using small folklore forms was evaluated by the following criteria:

High level. The child is a sentence of three (or more) words. Correctly selects synonyms and antonyms in proverbs, in the speech situation (the fun - the task 8) picks up two - three words of different parts of speech (adjectives and verbs). The child notices inaccuracies in Nisilla ("so do not say", "wrong"). Correctly determines the meaning of the word on the function of the subject ("the forest - there go beyond mushrooms, berries") or by a generic concept ("Forest is a place where many trees, fungi, berries grow, where many animals, birds"). Correctly explains the meaning of the proverb and may come up with a story. Able to prove a gifue. In addition, proverbs, sayings, readings, etc. know a lot.

Average level. The child makes up an offer or phrase from two words. Correctly selects synonyms and antonyms in meaning, but not in the desired grammatical form. In the speech situation calls one word. Gives its own options, correcting inaccuracies in a non-liberty. Instead of determining the meaning of the word gives a description of the subject, talks about something concrete ("I was in the forest", "and I know where the forest is"). It can give an explanation of the meaning of the proverb, but not exactly exactly. Makes the story using the individual words from the proverb. Gaddle the right riddle, but not all signs use in proof. Calls one by one - two examples for each proposed genre.

Low level. The child does not constitute a sentence, but repeats the word presented. Could not pick up synonyms, and, picking up antonyms, uses a particle "not" ("a person from Lena is sick, and it does not get sick of"). In the speech situation, inaccurate words, in the meaning of the word, or also uses the "not" particle. Does not notice inaccuracy in the unpleasant. A child cannot determine the meaning of the word and proverbs. The mystery is guessing incorrectly and does not prove the gifue. Makes the story without taking the task. Practically does not know proverbs, mysteries, readings, etc.

It should be noted that ten children of the control group and ten children of the experimental group took part in the experiment.

The diagnostic results were shown in Table 1, where high level - 3 points for the answer, the average level is 2 points, low level - 1 point.

Table data indicate an exemplary equivalence of group composition. In the control and experimental groups, the ratio between children in terms of the level of speech development of children was approximately the same. For both groups of both groups, turned out to be very complex 2, 4, 5, and 10 tasks that are made on a low level.

Children know a lot of readings, offer their own options, but with other genres little familiar. Ask: "What is the proverbs?" Confused among themselves: "Proverbs I do not know, but I know the sayings" and called the youngsters (Nastya D.). Very few children who can explain the meaning of the proverbs, prove the gifue. Children practically do not know lulled songs. To the question, "what lullaby songs you know", they sing any songs, calling them "affectionate", or "sleep tired toys ...". All this indicates not enough organized work with small shapes of folklore.

Children allowed errors in the formation of different grammatical forms ("Beige" to the mother), they had difficulty building proposals, since at this age these skills begin to form. Some children consume words and expressions, inaccurately realizing their meaning. This suggests that they have a relatively small active dictionary with a significant passive dictionary. Some children, rightly uttering sounds, make it difficult to distinguish them on rumor, which can lead further to difficulties in mastering the diploma. This is also connected with age-related individual characteristics and insufficient work of the teacher to develop in children of sound culture of speech.

In the percentage, the levels of development of children in the control and experimental groups are presented in Table 2. From the table, it can be seen that the difference in both groups is insignificant and even in the control group the level of speech development is ten percent higher, which does not play a special role. It is clearly represented as a diagram (diagram 1), so we can assume that, with other things being equal in the initial stage of the formation of the experiment, the level of development of children in the control and experimental groups was approximately the same.

Table 1

The results of the diagnosis of speech skills of children (stating a cut).


Name of the child

Task number Cf. Arif. Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


1. Nastya D. 2,5 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 1,5 1,8 FROM
2. Vika K. 2 2,5 3 1,5 2 2 2 3 2 3 1,5 2,2 FROM
3. Dima K. 1,5 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 1,5 2 1,5 1,9 FROM
4. Zhenya N. 1 2 1 1 1 1,5 1,5 2 2 1 2 1 1,4 N.
5. Vanya Ch. 1 1 1,5 1 1 1,5 1,5 2 2 1 1,5 1 1,3 N.
6. Nastya K. 1 1,5 2 1 1 1,5 1,5 2 2 1 2 1 1,46 N.
7.At Ts. 2 1,5 2 1 1 2 2 2 1,5 2 2 1,5 1.7 FROM
8. Nastya C. 1,5 2 2 1,5 1,5 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,5 1,8 FROM
9. Inna Sh. 2 2 1,5 2 2 2 1,5 2 1,5 1,5 2 1,5 1,8 FROM
10. Nastya B. 1 2 2 1,5 1,5 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 1,8 FROM
Cf. Arif. 1,55 1,75 2,1 1,35 1,35 1,85 1,8 2 2,1 1,4 2,25 1,4



1. Roma V. 1 1 1,5 1 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1 1,5 1 1,25 N.

2. Andrei K.

2,5 2 2 2 2 2,5 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 FROM

3. Maxim S.

3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2,42 FROM

4. Yaroslav G.

2 1,5 1 1 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 2 1 2 1,5 1,46 FROM
5. Ira B. 1 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 2 2 1,5 1 2 1 1,46 FROM
6. Vanya V. 3 2 2 2 2 2,5 2,5 2 2 1,5 2 1,5 2,08 FROM
7. Vanya K. 1 1,5 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1 1,5 1 1,3 N.
8. Valya M. 2 1 2 2 2 2,5 2 2 1,5 1,5 2 2 1,9 FROM
9. Vadim Sh. 1,5 1 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1 1 1,5 1 1,3 N.

10. Vera A.

1 1 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1 1 1,5 1 1,25 N.
Cf. Arif. 1,8 1,35 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,85 1,9 1,75 1,7 1,3 2 1,4

table 2

Levels of development of speech skills of children

(stating cut).

Chart 1.

In addition, we made up questionnaires for parents and educators of the study group (Appendix 2). We were interested in whether small forms of folklore are used in working with children in kindergarten and at home, for what purpose and what. Twenty parents and two teachers were interviewed. As a result, it turned out that parents practically do not use small folklore with children of senior preschool age, not a single lullaby song ("I used to sing, and now we are already big"), except "Bai - Baiushki-Bay, do not lie on the edge ... "and then not to the end. It is emphasized in research O.I. Davydova. In families, these works of oral folk creativity know less and less, now they remember only a few riddles and sayings, and from the flowes call one "forty - Beloboka ...".

As for the responses of teachers, they try to use these genres a little wider. Organizing mobile and other games, use various counts; In class of various cycles - riddles for the purpose of motivation for upcoming activities and maintain interest; For the organization of children - finger games, games - fun. But also believe that lullabous songs, sweatshops are used only in the younger preschool age, and in the work with the elders it is already nothing to do. Speaking of the meaning of small forms of folklore for speech development, only diagnoses call.

Thus, we found out that work on the use of small forms of folklore with senior preschoolers is not organized enough. Parents and teachers do not use their fully developing potential, including for the development of speech. So, we once again have convinced that a comprehensive methodology for the development of the speech of children of senior preschool age by means of small forms of folklore is simply necessary.

Analyzing the methodological aspects of speech development by means of small forms of folklore, for the forming experiment, we were conventionally allocated two stages of work:

Preparatory stage.

The main stage (directly learning):

in classes;

in everyday life.

At the first stage, we consider the methods and techniques of Klimenko. She recommends the album and write there already known to children of folk wisdom. Then make the album - a movement in which only new proverbs and sayings are recorded. Children learn them from parents from books. As a result, almost every child receives the right to take the album - a mobile home, with the help of parents to record a new proverb, draw a picture to it (Appendix 3). In his work, following this system, not only proverbs and sayings, but all small forms of folklore, who kids knew were recorded in the first album.

Album - Movement made on proverbs and sayings. Children gladly draw pictures to these forms of folklore and explained that they mean and in what cases they are used. Parents also became interested in this issue, and themselves, if they recognized some new proverbs and sayings, asked the album home and with their children they recorded them.

At the second stage of the formative experiment, first of all, organized work in classes. N. Gavrish recommends using proverbs and sayings in classroom classes with fiction, offering such methods and techniques as:

the analysis of the proverb or sayings finishes reading artistic works, summing up children to the awareness of his idea;

proper understanding of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, the meaning of the proverb Children can show when discussing its name;

when preschoolers have already accumulated some stock of proverbs and sayings, they can be invited to choose the appropriate content and idea of \u200b\u200ba certain fairy tale.

In its experimental work, we followed these methods and techniques. For example, before reading the fairy tale x.k. Andersen "Floor" we figured out how the children expression "a true friend" understand. Then offered to explain the meaning of the word "black day". The children said they understand the proverbs "bad friends, if to a black day." (Proverb about bad friends, because they only be friends before trouble, and then throw their friend). After summarizing the answers, they proposed to carefully listen to the fairy tale and decide whether the real friends had a soldier. In the process of discussing the content of the fairy tale clarified: "How do you think, did the residents of the city become real friends?". And stressed: "Not a gift in the people says:" Bad friends, if to a black day ". Then they came up with another name for this fairy tale - "Great Soldier", "bad comrades".

After reading the Nanai Fairy Tales "Ioga" turned to children: "Tell me short, what a fairy tale? Remember the proverbs that would come to her." The children called: "As it will appear, it will respond," "Himself ruins, who does not like others," "what we sleep, then you will get enough."

In addition, familiar to children with stories B.V. Shergin, in each of which the meaning of the proverb is revealed. "Proverbs in the stories" - so determined by the author. In the form available for children, he tells how old proverbs live in our language today, how they decorate our speech, in what cases they are used. Children met with new proverbs and sayings and found out how the stories can be made according to them. This made it possible to proceed to work in speech development classes, where the children themselves tried to draw up certain stories on the proverb or after drawing up any story to recall and pick up the proverb that would come to this story. These techniques are offered by N. Gavrish, M.M. Alekseeva, V.I. Yashin. They contribute to a deeper understanding of the meaning of proverbs, and forms children the ability to relate the name of the text with the content, select language tools in accordance with the genre, etc.

N. Gavrish also offers in classes to illustrate with children of one or another proverb (saying). The ability to convey the artistic image in the picture, expands the possibility of its expression in the word. The stories of children in the proverb in this case were more expressive and diverse.

In addition, work was also carried out on enriching children's speech by phraseologism, where proverbs and sayings were performed as funds. In his work, after N. Gavrish, M.M. Alekseeva, V.I. Yashina, N.V. Kazyuk, A.M. Borodich and others tried to help children aware of the figurative meaning of words and phrases. Familiarization of children with elements of Russian phraseology belongs to the content of dictionary work. "Frameological turnoves are stable, indecomposable phrases, peculiar expressions that are not translated into another language. They serve as a means of creating an emotional, expressive speech, a means of assessing some phenomena or events."

Children of preschool age, especially the elder, should be accepted to perceive, that is, hear, understand and partly memorize and use, separate, simple content, affordable expressions from people and spoken phraseology (proverbs and sayings). Children are difficult to assimilate the general meaning of phrase, independent of the specific meaning of words, its components ("in the seventh heaven", etc.). Therefore, the teacher should include expressions in his speech, the meaning of which will be clear to children at a certain situation or with the appropriate explanation, for example: "So once", "drop in the sea", "Master on all hands", "do not overcome", " "To keep yourself in your hands", etc.

In their experimental work, children were taught to consider the direct and figurative meaning of statements, selecting the situation to each proverb from the child's life (simple and affordable), using the clarity of the direct and portable value of the phraseological turnover, fiction, exit to practical activity (the belling of proverbs). They explained to children that there are many words in our tongue, which denote objects (table, nose), performed actions (clashes, rubbish, zarubi). But, if you combine such words in one expression ("Zarubi on the nose"), then they will have a completely different meaning. "Burn on the nose" means to remember. Or such an expression - "hang your head." How do you understand it? How can I say differently?

Analyzed with children a few expressions of the type "led by the nose", "give the will of the hands", "nose hang". After a generalization was made: to correctly understand the proverb, it is not necessary to determine the meaning of each word. The main thing is to think about what we are talking about. There is such a proverb "To say - tie a node." We explain to the children of her meaning: once promised, then you need to do hard keep your word. And they say so since more long ago, when many people write and read it, and so as not to forget about something, the nodules on the memory on the handkerchief were tied (demonstrating a handkerchief with a nodule). Now they are not doing so, and the proverb remained.

Thus, the children are formed lexical skills. They learn to understand the etymology of words, expressions, select the proverbs and sayings close and opposite in meaning. The main thing is that the children understand that phraseological turnover (proverbs and sayings) are an indivisible unit that gives a certain meaning. If you remove something or swap, then it is lost and it turns out completely different phrases.

Klimenko recommends once a week in the second part of the classes in the native language plan to work with proverbs, and the forms and methods of work should be the most different. For example, games - Competitions in the ranks: who will say more proverbs. Didactic game "Continue proverbs": the educator says the beginning, and children continue; Then the beginning of the proverb says one child, and the other finists it.

Gradually, the tasks should be more complicated. Children are distributed pictures, and they call the appropriate proverb (Appendix 4). Then offering children to select proverbs in meaning: about honesty, courage, mother, etc. Using these methods in their work methods and techniques, we noticed that gradually the children themselves began to use the expressions of folk wisdom in the right situation.

To improve diction in the development of Speech Development A.S. Buvostova, A.M. Borodich and other methodologists recommend using a specific exercise - memorizing patter. Speaking - difficult to utter phrase (or several phrases) with frequently occurring identical sounds. Didactic task when using unobtrusion spells and fascinating.

In our work, we adhered to the technique of A.M. Borodich. First of all, they picked up the right amount of patter for a long time, distributing them in difficulty. The author recommends memorizing one - two patters per month - this is eight - fifteen for the school year.

A new typus was made by heart in a slowdown pace, distinctly, highlighting frequent sounds. We read it several times, quietly, rhythmically, with a bit muted intonation, before putting an educational task before the children: listen and look carefully, how to pronounce a patter, try to remember, learn to speak very clearly. Then the children independently pronounce it (if the text is very light, this moment is lowered).

To repeat the patter first, we first call children with good memory and diction. Before their response, the indication is repeated: speak slowly, clearly. Then the patter is pronounced chorus, by all, as well as in rows or small groups, newly individual children, the educator. On repeated classes with patterities, if the text is light and children immediately mastered, we diversified tasks: to pronounce a score speaking louder or quieter, without changing the tempo, and when it is already correctly learned by all children to change and pace.

The total duration of such exercises is three to ten minutes. Gradually, these classes were diversified by the following techniques. Repeat the patters "at the requests" of children, the role of leading to charge various children. Repeat patter with parts by rows: first row: "Because of the forest, because of the mountains ..."; The second row: "Grandfather Egor!". If the patter consists of several phrases, it is interesting to repeat along the roles of groups. The first group: "Tell me about purchases." The second group: "What about purchases?". All together: "About purchases, about purchases, about my purchases!" All these techniques activate children, develop their arbitrary attention.

When repeating the patter of children periodically caused to the table so that the rest saw their articulation, facial expressions. Evaluating the answers, indicated the degree of clearness of pronunciation, sometimes they paid attention to the quality of the movements of the child's lips, in order to attract the attention of children to this.

S.S. Buwostov proposes to use entertaining exercises on changes in the text of the place of logical stress. Performing such exercises, children begin to feel good to feel the dynamics of the semantic content of the same phrase depending on the change in mental stress. Using in its work this method, we saw that children are easily, freely and with pleasure perform such tasks. Other exercises quite justify themselves. They have a peculiar form of dialogue, built by the type "Question - Answer". For example. Question: "Weaver tank fabric on a TANA handkerchief?" Answer: "Weaver Tissue Tissue on TANA scarf."

All of the exercises listed above have their main and initial purpose to ensure the development of a clear diction of the child. This is a speech exercise. But as children assimilate the content of the texts themselves, master the ability to pronounce them clearly, with a change in the pace and power of votes, S.S. Buvostov recommends to offer them a task more and more creative nature. Transfer, for example, your attitude to the content of the playable text, express your mood, your desires or intentions. For example, the child has task to express chagrin ("Grows Voronenka's crow"), surprise ("Mount Ararat grows large grapes"), request, tenderness or affection ("Our Masha is small, on it a curvature of scarlet").

In our work, we used not only invertors, but also proverbs, fun. For example, the content of such a text as

"Don - Don - Don - Don,

Caught Koshkin House "-

obliges to convey the alarm, excitement on the occurrence of the event.

To work out good diction, distinct and clear pronunciation S.S. Bucket also recommends using exercises for sound resistance. The educator reads the text, children turn on and pronounce separate sounds, words or soundness. Given the content of the text, rhythmic or expressive features, as in working with patter, children are offered various tasks options: change the power of the voice, the tempo of speech, more pronounced a questioning or exclamation intonation, transfer any intention. For example,

"Our opener in the morning:

Vary - Varya - rus! ... "

Pedagogical task when reproducing this text - attract a child to sound resistance, imitate the voices of birds. We paid the attention of children to a different strength of the sound of their votes: the cockerel sings loudly, loudly, geese, too, are spent loudly, ducks are cracking down, like geese, but not so loud, etc. Thus, in our work, we tried to use all the possibilities of the works of oral folk art for the development of the sound culture of the child's speech.

In parallel, we organized work on developing speech skills in children - evidence and speech - descriptions by means of a riddle. This technique suggests Yu.G. Illarionova. Receptions of the construction of speech - evidence, specific vocabulary, characteristic of it, children are gradually seized. Usually preschoolers in their speech by these structures ("first ..., secondly ...", "if ..., then ...", "once ..., it means ...", etc.) do not use, but it is necessary to create conditions for them Understanding and mastering at the next steps of childhood - at school.

To cause children a need for evidence, it is necessary to put a specific goal when guessing the riddles to the child: it's not just to guess the mystery, but it is necessary to prove that the rejection is correct. Children should be interested in the proof process, to reasoning, to the selection of facts and arguments. For this, the author recommends organizing the competition: "Who will correctly prove?", "Who is fuller and more accurate?", "Who will be more interesting to prove?" It is necessary to teach children to perceive objects and phenomena of the surrounding world in the entire fullness and depth of connections and relations, to acquaint in advance with those subjects and phenomena that the riddles will be offered. Then the evidence will be more reasonable and complete.

Following this system, makes the riddles to children, we repeated them several times so that their children would be better remembered and highlighted signs. Offered the guys a plan of proof through the consistent formulation of the issue in accordance with the riddles structure. For example: "Who has a fairytale attachment and a striped fur coat? Who is often washed, but without water? Who catches mice and loves fish to enjoy? About whom this mystery?"

If the child missed any sign or connection in his proof, asked questions of a discussion nature that reveal the one-sidedness of his deposit. For example, guessing a riddle: "I'm growing in the ground on a garden, red, long, sweet," the child proves, relying on one sign: "This is carrots, because it grows in the ground in a garden." We show the failure of the proof: "Is only a carrot grow on the garden? After all, onions and beets, and radishes are growing in the ground. Then the child paid attention to other signs (red, long, sweet), which made the answer more evidence.

To change the content and methods of evidence, Yu.G. Illarionova recommends offering different riddles about the same subject, phenomenon. This activates the children's dictionary, shows how they understand the figurative meaning of words, figurative expressions, in which methods are proved, confirm the guess. Teaching children to compare riddles on the same subject or phenomenon, we relied on the E. Kudryavtsevaya system, which considered this aspect in more detail and suggested using didactic games. It also considers it necessary to learn children to consciously allocate and memorize various signs of the riddled. If there is no complete and correct analysis of the mysteries material, it will be difficult or will be impossible to guess and comparison.

For guessing mysteries with negative comparisons, it is advisable to teach preschoolers to apply receiving signs of signs. The child should be able to, E. Kudryavtseva believes, to allocate a group of features available from the specified object or phenomenon. So, the mystery "liquid, not water, white, and not snow" (milk) after regrouping signs will have the following form: liquid, white; Not water, not snow.

In combined riddles with precisely named and encrypted signs, the author recommends using the admission of signs of signs, for which already existing exactly named features are distinguished and allegory is disclosed. So, in the riddle "in the middle of the field there is a mirror, glass blue, green frame":

exactly named signs: in the middle of the field, blue, green;

decoded signs: The mandated has a flat surface in which everything is reflected (mirror); Middle transparent (glass); Midden from all sides is surrounded by green (green frame).

For a correct response based on exactly named and decrypted signs, children are easier to make the necessary conclusion that the blue lake or pond is located on the green field.

E. Kudryavtseva distinguishes several types of children in didactic functions with riddles: riddling mysteries; guessing riddles; proof of the correctness of the fuels; Comparison of mysteries on the same; Comparison of mysteries about different. Following this system, we successfully used all types (Appendix 5) in our work, following the following conditions that allocate

until comparison, the riddles are purposefully deposited by children;

preschoolers observed the coming in compared riddles;

children remembered the content of riddles and can repeat them before comparing;

children have sufficient knowledge about the mysteried in compared riddles;

at the same time, no more than two riddles are compared;

the tutor clearly explains what exactly needs to be compared in the riddles;

preschoolers know what questions you need to answer when comparing the mysteries.

Conscious attitude of children to guessing mysteries, the selection of evidence is developing independence and originality of thinking. This happens especially with a rid of and explaining those mysteries whose content can be interpreted in different ways. In such cases, Yu.G. Illarionova recommends not to achieve traditional debades from children, and seeing the right course of their reasoning, emphasize the possibility of different answers and encourage them.

Thus, using the above methods and techniques, we made sure that a witty and enormous form of riddles allows to train the reasoning and proof easily and easily. Children had a living interest, they could independently analyze the text of the riddles, which speaks about the ability to look for and find ways to solve the problem.

For development in children, descriptive speech skills Yu.G. Illarionov proposes to conduct a riddle language analysis. After the children guess the riddle, we asked if the mystery do you like? What did you like it and remember? What is incomprehensible and difficult in it? What words and expressions seem incomprehensible? Does it seem to be described in a riddle? What words are outlined ? What words are the movements, sounds, smells, color? " And also found out how children understand this or that expression, turnover, with which the subject is compared, etc.

The structure of the riddles requires specific language tools, so we paid attention to the construction of a riddle: "What words do the mystery begins? How does it end? What is the question about it?" Such questions develop in children with sensitivity to the tongue, help notice expressive funds in riddles, develop a child's speech. It is important that children not only remember the figurative expressions of the riddles, but also created a verbal image of objects, that is, they tried to find their descriptions of descriptions. Thus, the analysis of the riddle helps not only to understand it better and faster it, but also teaches children carefully to the Word, it causes interest in figurative characteristics, helps to remember them, use in their speech and create an accurate image in their own speech.

For the full use of the developing potential of small folklore forms, we used them in the mode of mode in order to create a favorable speech environment, since this is one of the conditions for the speech development of children. First of all, by writing access to children and tongue accessible to children, for this purpose we used proverbs and sayings.

E.A. Flerina, A.P. Usova, Klimenko, N. Orlova, N. Gavrish noted that the most important condition for the use of proverbs and sayings is the relevance when there are illustrating facts that illustrating their facts, circumstances, hidden meaning becomes clear for a child. The child should feel that these are the words with which you can best express your thought: to stop the bragging in the word, mockery; Give a certificate of person or its activities. Proverbs Open children some rules of behavior, moral norms, with their help you can emotionally express encouragement, delicately express the censure, condemn the wrong or rude action. Thus, they are our faithful assistants in the formation of the moral qualities of children, and, above all, diligence and friendly relations to each other.

From a variety of Russian proverbs and sayings, we chose those that may accompany the work of children and, of course, to enrich their speech. In the context of labor activities under the appropriate conditions, children learn to understand the meaning of proverbs, clearly formulate their thoughts. Let us give an example of such a situation. Children play, consider books, and two boys, not finding their own classes, sit on the carpet. We say: "From boredom take a business in hand" and give some kind of commission. Children willingly embark on business. And after the work is finished, they praise and ask why they say that. Thus, we help to comprehend the proverb and the result of your work.

It is very important that proverbs or sayings are pronounced expressively with different intonation (with surprise, condemnation, regret, joy, satisfaction, reflection, assertion, etc.), and also accompanied by gestures, faithful. It helps to comprehend the essence of the proverb and encourages the desired act. Thus, the use of proverbs and sayings in classes and in everyday life is activating the child's speech, contributes to the development of the ability to clearly formulate their thoughts, helps to better understand the rules of everyday wisdom.

In everyday life, riddles were also widely used. This is indicated by M. Khmeluke, Yu.G. Illarionova, M.M. Alekseeva, A.M. Borodich and others. Subject, concreteness of the riddle, the focus on the part makes it an excellent admission of the didactic effect on children. In our work, we offered children riddles at the beginning of classes, observations, conversations. In such types of work, the riddle is of interest and gives a reason for a more detailed conversation about the object you are interested in or phenomenon. These folklore form make a certain "Zhivinka" in classes, they force a new look at those or other items, see an unusual, interesting things in the long time.

SOUTH. Illarionov recommends using riddles as a means of checking and consolidating knowledge in an entertaining form. Then they are appropriate to apply during children's activities. So, to make the usual wash process for children attractive, we made a riddles on the toilet objects, then asked: "What is the mystery? What should I do to wash?" Children performed the actions indicated in the riddle. Going for a walk, we made a riddle kids about toys and objects that are supposed to take with you. Children must prove that it is about these subjects that they have brought them to the riddle.

Methodists offer to use riddles not only at the beginning and in the process of activity, but also on its completion. For example, considering items, comparing and comparing them, finding the similarity and distinction between them, children come to the conclusions and express them in the word. The mystery can serve as a kind of completion and generalization of the activity process, helping to consolidate the signs of the subject in the minds of children. This technique helps specify the presentation of children about the characteristic properties of the subject or phenomenon. Thus, the riddles help children understand how, yeko and colorfully, in different ways using language tools, we can say about the same thing.

M. Zagotdinova, Ghinkar, N. Krintina indicate the special significance of the folklore in the adaptation period of the child in kindergarten. He misses the house, Mom, can not communicate well with other children, adults. Well-chosen, with expressiveness told speaking sometimes helps to establish contact with the child, call him positive emotions, sympathy for the still unfamiliar man - the educator. After all, many folk products allow you to insert any name, without changing the content. This causes the child joy, the desire to repeat them.

Help fun and when preparing to sleep, and while dressing for a walk, and during the washness, and in the process of gaming activities. N. Novikova offers folklore works to accompany the actions or, on the contrary, accompany the actions to read, beat them. It is important to successfully choose them and emotionally to tell that the child felt the attitude of the adult to the situations described. For example, we, in our work, combing girls and brazed braids in order to cause a joyful mood, accompanied this process with the words of fun.

All this helps children remember and reproduce in the future cheerful fun. And then use it during the plot games. This greatly enriches the dictionary of children, makes their speech emotionally expressive.

Practice shows that for the comprehensive development of children, games are of particular importance - fun with the use of folklore. We tried to enter the games well-known for children of fun to give the opportunity to show speech activity. For example, the didactic game "Findlets" (according to the content of the picture you need to remember the work), help consolidate the skills of intonation expressiveness, the ability to transmit features of the actions of various characters.

A.M. Borodich, A.Ya. Matskevich, V.I. Yashin et al. Recommend to use small shapes of folklore in theatrical activity (games - dramatization, concerts, holidays), where children are consolidated to tell, the dictionary is activated, the dictionary is activated, expressiveness and clarity of speech.

Senior Preschool Children can arrange concerts for kids on their own. They themselves make up the program, distribute roles, carry out rehearsals, prepare the room. Such a concert continues to give - fifteen minutes. His program is diverse: reading famous for children of the younger group of flops using visual material (toys, items, pictures); retelling to famous children fairy tales; Reading new things for kids; game - dramatization or puppet theater; folk games; Magnifying riddles. Children leading a concert offer the audience - the kids to speak at will, choir, give a sound resolution, etc.

Holidays can be prepared by educators. Sometimes it is prepared as a surprise for children. Especially valuable, methodists consider, to prepare a matinee with children in advance. It is such a training that helps solve many tasks of mental, moral and aesthetic education. Thus, organizing entertainment for children, we activate in the speech of children small shapes of folklore. This contributes to the development of the imagery and expressiveness of their speech.

So, the use of small forms of folklore in the development of the speech of children is carried out by a set of diverse tools and forms of impact on them.

Analysis of experimental work on the development of children's speech using small folklore forms.

The large section of the oral creativity of the Russian people is a popular calendar. In our work, we tried to adhere to him and organized calendar and ritual holidays: "Kuzma and Demyan", "Ovnaina", "Christmas", "Maslenitsa" (Appendix 6). In addition, they conducted a series of classes of the cognitive cycle, where speech tasks were solved, in order to enrich the dictionary and to draw the attention of children to genre and language features:

"In the Tereme, I live in a painted, I will invite all the guests to the hut ..." (acquaintance with proverbs, sayings, addresses about Russian life and hospitality);

"Russian fun";

"To visit the host" (acquaintance with riddles);

"Happy Zybka";

"Bayu, Bay, Bay, Bai! Back as soon as possible." Et al. (Appendix 7)

In the development of speech development, speeches were widely used ("telling in patterings"), functions for the development of phonderatic hearing and the formation of a grammatical structure of the tongue. These classes make it possible to use the works of folklore of various genres (one of them is leading, and others are auxiliary), a combination of various activities (verbal with musical, visual, theatrical-game). Thus, classes are integrated. As the organizing moment at each occupation was used by the proverb: "The case - time, fun - hour", customizing children for subsequent work.

So, at the exercise "Happy Zybka" was acquainted with the life and traditions of the Russian people. Children were asked to remember that bed, in which each of them sleeps. The teacher was then started the story that a long time ago, children also had their cots, but they were very different from modern and even called differently: cradle, Sybka, cradle. The story was accompanied by showing illustrations with the image of baby cots. They explained why they were so called. Then the children said that in these cribs they did not just swing the kids, but they sang them a song. The guys were asked to think and say how the song was called, which was performed by a child before bedtime. The correct answers were encouraged. Then the teacher himself gave himself to define a lullaby song, trying to cause interest in her. After the story, he was offered to listen to the lullaby and to fulfill their beloved ones. This occupation caused a positive emotional response to these songs, the desire to hear them again and remember. In the future, in the lullabous songs, we used images that are familiar with children (image of a cat) when teaching children to the formation of single-root words.

Of course, when we began to sing lulled before bedtime, the senior preschoolers reacted to their execution with some irony, saying that they would not listen to such songs, because not small. And this, in our opinion, is associated with the fact that in the upbringing of children at this age they are not used. However, in the future with no less pleasure than kids, these songs listened to these songs, asked to repeat well acquaintances and beloved, which was largely facilitated by the reduction and a special rhythmic organization that play a certain role in creating psychological comfort.

During the week, children were performed by two or three songs that were well remembered by children. Next week they sang two or three songs unfamiliar to them. But the lullabing songs, perfectly familiar to children, were not forgotten, and performed in combination with new ones. It should be noted that the interest of children to the lullabies intensified after we began to use them in classes. We offer a number of texts of lullaby songs that were used in our work, as well as other small folklore forms (Appendix 8).

In addition, a consultation was held with parents on the topic "Bai-Bayushki-Bayu ..." (how to lay a child to sleep) (Appendix 9). A text material of various small shapes of folklore was exhibited in the folder folder in order for parents to repeat their homes with children. Parents were also attracted to the organization of folk holidays, children's performances. With their help in kindergarten, a museum of vintage things, a goenge, stitched folk costumes for children, which was a great help in our work.

So, small forms of folklore in educational and educational work with children were used in an integrated form in both classes and in the process of independent activity (game, leisure, walk, individual moderators). We built their work on the following basic principles:

To make sure the techniques we use the effectiveness, we again conducted a diagnosis of speech skills for the same form, parameters and indicators. The results were issued in Table 3.

A comparative analysis of both groups has shown that in children of the experimental group during the experiment, the level of speech skills significantly increased and the indicators overtook the control group. So, in the experimental group at the end of the study, one child received the highest score (there was not a single), the middle score - seven children (there was six), children with a low estimate - three (there was four). In the control group you can also observe a small progress, but it is not so tangible. The results obtained are entered into an analytical table 5, where data is compared at the beginning of the experiment and after its completion.

Responding to the questions of diagnosis, the children of the experimental group were able to analyze the meaning of the proverb. So, about the proverb "Labor feeds, and Leng spoils" The guys say: "The one who works, that he worked, respect"; "Who does not want to work, he often begins to live honestly"; "For work, he pays money"; "Linen spoils man." Having disassembled the meaning of the proverb "May - Cold, year - chop", children answer: "Big crop will".

Also called other small shapes of folklore, were able to make small stories on the proverbs. For example, on the proverb "As it will happen, I will respond" Vanya K. compiled such a story: "We found someone else's puppy and took ourselves, and the owner of a puppy is looking for him and crying. But we have a puppy, and someone can take it. , And then we will cry. " We see that the child made a story from complex sentences, building them in grammatically correct form.

Analysis of the results of the experimental group before and after the formative experiment clearly indicates the effectiveness of the complex of methods and receptions developed by us (Chart 2). The experimental group improved its results. The percentage of low-level children has decreased by ten percent. Accordingly, the number of children with an average and high level of development increased by twenty percent.

Table 3.

The results of the diagnosis of children's speech skills (control cut).


Name of the child

Task number Cf. Arif. Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


1. Nastya D. 2,5 1,5 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 1,5 1,9 FROM
2. Vika K. 2 2,5 3 1,5 1,5 2 2 2 3 2 3 1,5 2,2 FROM
3. Dima K. 1,5 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 1,5 2 1,5 1,9 FROM
4. Zhenya N. 1 2 1 1,5 2 1,5 1,5 2 2 1 2 1 1,54 FROM
5. Vanya Ch. 1 1 1,5 1 2 1,5 1,5 2 2 1 1,5 1 1,4 N.
6. Nastya K. 1 1,5 2 1 1 1,5 1,5 2 2 1 2 1 1,46 N.
7.At Ts. 2 1,5 2 2 1 2 2 2 1,5 2 2 1,5 1.8 FROM
8. Nastya C. 1,5 2 2 1,5 1,5 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,5 1,8 FROM
9. Inna Sh. 2 2 1,5 2 2 2 1,5 2 1,5 1,5 2 1,5 1,8 FROM
10. Nastya B. 1 2 2 1,5 1,5 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 1,8 FROM
Cf. Arif. 1,55 1,8 2,1 1,5 1,55 1,85 1,8 2 2,1 1,4 2,25 1,4



11. Roma V. 1 1 1,5 1 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1 1,5 1,5 1,29 N.

12. Andrei K.

2,5 2 2 2 2 2,5 2 2 2,5 2 3 2 2,38 FROM

13. Maxim S.

3 2 3 2,5 2 2,5 3 2 3 2,5 3 2 2,54 IN

14. Yaroslav G.

2 1,5 1 1,5 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 2 1 2 1,5 1,51 FROM
15. Ira B. 1 1 1,5 1,5 2 1,5 2 2 1,5 1 2 1,5 1,54 FROM
16. Vanya V. 3 2 2 2 2 2,5 2,5 2 2 1,5 2 1,5 2,08 FROM
17. Vanya K. 1 1,5 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1 1,5 1,5 1,38 N.
18. Valya M. 2 1,5 2 2 2 2,5 2 2 1,5 1,5 2 2 1,92 FROM
19. Vadim Sh. 2 1 1,5 2 1,5 2 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1 1,54 FROM
20. Vera A. 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 2 1,5 1,5 2 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,54
Cf. Arif. 1,85 1,45 1,7 1,75 1,7 1,9 1,8 1,85 1,45 2 1,6


Table 4.

Levels of development of speech skills of children (control cut).

Chart 2.

Table 5.

Levels of development of speech skills of children on the initial

and finite stages of the experiment.


Our work was focused on identifying the optimal conditions for the speech development of children of senior preschool age by means of small forms of folklore. In connection with the goal of the first chapter of our study, the state of the problem under study in psychological and pedagogical science was considered, the features of the development of the speech of senior preschoolers and the influence of small forms of folklore on the development of the speech of children of senior preschool age were analyzed. We have given the definition of small forms of folklore, which is the aggregate of unprofessional works by the people. With their help, it is possible to solve almost all the tasks of the methodology for the development of speech and along with the basic methods and techniques of speech development of senior preschoolers and it is necessary to use this richest material of the verbal creativity of the people.

The second chapter discusses the well-known techniques of work on the use of small forms of folklore, techniques and forms of work, which were offered by Yu.G. Illarionova, E.I. Thaiyeva, A.M. Borodich, S.S. Covers

O.S. Ushakova, A.P. Usova, A.Ya Matskevich, V.V. Shevchenko and others.

An analysis of theoretical provisions and methodological conclusions made it possible to submit the results of experimental work carried out on the basis of the preschool institution "Sunny" village of Berezovka of the Pervomaisky region, on the use of small forms of folklore in the process of developing a children's speech. Traced the dynamics of changes in speech development in the process of experimental work. All other things being equal at the initial stage of the experiment, the level of development of children in the control and experimental groups was approximately the same. Analysis of the results of the experimental group before and after the formative experiment indicates the effectiveness of the complex of methods and techniques developed by us. The experimental group improved its results. The percentage of low-level children has decreased by ten percent. Accordingly, the number of children with an average and high level of development increased by twenty percent.

In the process of work such changes were seen:

children had an interest in interpretation of folk creativity, they use proverbs, sayings, in plot games - sweatshops, independently organize folk games - fun with readers.

parents also have an increased interest in the use of small folklore forms in the speech development of children at home. With pleasure, they are learning with children and select proverbs and sayings, they explain their meaning to children.

Of course, our study does not pretend to be quite complete, as the question is still relevant. However, in terms of development of working methods with small forms of folklore, well-known methodological aspects are reworked and adapted for children of senior preschool age in the specific conditions of the preschool institution "Sunny" village of Berezovka Pervomaysky district.

Small shapes of folklore in educational and educational work with children were used in an integrated form in both classes and in the process of independent activity (game, leisure, walk, separate regime moments). We built their work on the following basic principles:

first, on a thorough, due to the age capabilities of children, selection of material;

secondly, the integration of working with various directions of educational work and the activities of children (speech development, familiarization with nature, various games);

third, the active inclusion of children;

fourth, the use of the developing potential of small forms of folklore in creating a speech environment as much as possible.

Based on the analysis of experimental work, it can be concluded that our hypothesis that the level of speech development of senior preschool children increases if:

pedagogues of pre-school education will be interested in the leaders of the speech development process;

special training of native speech will be organized using small forms of folklore not only in special speaking activities, but also in other regime moments;

small shapes of folklore will be selected adequately age children for learning and developing speech, confirmed.

If the systematic work is organized by senior preschoolers, small folklore forms are available to their understanding and awareness. The use of small forms of folklore in the development of the speech of children is carried out by a set of diverse tools and forms of impact on them. Thus, the use of small forms of folklore in the speech development of children quite justifies itself.


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Tarasova T. Boy - Finger, where have you been? (On the role of games - fun in the life of the preschooler) // Doszhek. Education. - 1995.-№12.-S.59-62.

Theheeva E.I. Development of the speech of children (early and preschool age). -M.: Education, 1981. -159c.

Usova A.P. Russian folk creativity in kindergarten. -M.: Enlightenment, 1972. -78c.

Ushakova O. Development of the speech of children 4-7 years // Doszhek. Education. - 1995.-№1.-S.59-66.

Ushakova O., Strunina E. Methods of identifying the level of speech development of children of senior preschool age // Doszhek. Education. - 1998.-№9.-S.71-78.

Schigin B.V. You do one thing, not to spoil the other. Proverbs in stories. -M.: Children's literature, 1977. -32c.

Fedorenko L.P., Fomicheva G.A., Lotarev V.K. Methods for the development of the speech of children of preschool age. -M.: Enlightenment, 1977. -239c.

Folklore as a means of spiritual self-preservation of the Russian people // Integration of general and additional education / materials of the Scientific and Practical Conference / Sost: L.V. Volobueev. Barnaul: Graphic, 1998. -84c.

Folklore - Music - Theater / Ed. CM. Merzlykova. -M.: Vlados, 1999. -214c.

Khmeluke M. The use of mysteries in working with children // Doszhek. Education. - 1983.-№7.-C.18-21.

Chukovsky k.I. From two to five. -M.: Pedagogy, 1990. -384c.

Shinkar G., Novikova I. Using folklore in working with children of younger // Doszhek. Education. - 1990.-№10.-S.8-15.

Elkonin D.B. Children's psychology: development from birth to seven years. -M.: Enlightenment, 1960. -348C.


Attachment 1

Diagnosis of speech skills of senior preschool children with small forms of folklore (based on the diagnosis of speech development O. Ushakova, E. String)

1. Guess the riddle:

Tail with patterns

Boots with spurs,

Songs singing

Time counts. (Cock)

Why do you think it is a rooster?

What else do you know the riddles?

2. Well, what is said in the proverb "Wolves to be afraid, not to go to the forest"?

What does the word "forest" mean? How do you understand him? What do you know the proverbs and sayings about labor? About friendship?

3. Read the proverb close to the meaning of the other day the nose in the doorway. How to say differently?

Make your offer with the word "nose."

4.Who, what is said in the proverb "May is cold, year - chop". Make an offer with the word "cold".

5.What it says in the proverb "Wolf to fear and run from the protein".

Make up your offer with the word "run".

6.The Mer "Benefit Voronenka". What sounds are most often encountered?

What else do you know the patter?

7. Put the proverb:

"A person from Lena is sick, and from his work ... (healthy)."

"February bridges builds, and march them ... (spoils)."

"Human labor feeds, and what spoils? (Laziness)".

8. Listen to Pestechka:

Ai, Duda, Duda, Duda!

Lost a man arc.

Sharic, Sharic - I did not find

He swell himself and went.

And he did not go home, but .... How to say differently? He had a mood .... And if he found a arc, then home would not go, and ....

And his mood would be ....

What do you know more fun?

9.The listen to the poem:

Chiki - Chiki - Chicelchi,

Rides a man on a stick

Wife on a trolley -

Clicks nuts.

Can I say so? How to say right?

What noby you know.

10. What do you know the lullabies?

11. What do you know what you know?

12. Pridoux a small story on the proverb "graduated from the case, walking boldly."

Appendix 2.

Questionnaire for parents and teachers.

What small shapes folklore do you know?

What are you using children? For what purpose?

Do you make riddles? How often?

What fun do you know?

Do you sing your children lulled songs?

What do you think small forms of folklore have in the child's life?

Appendix 3.

Pictures of children to proverbs, sayings, speakers.

In the classes, it was proposed to illustrate with the children of the one or another proverb (saying). The ability to convey the artistic image in the picture, helped to expand the possibility of its expression in the word. The stories of children in the proverb in this case were more expressive and diverse.

Appendix 4.

Illustrations for proverbs and sayings, speakers.

Used to consolidate and enhance children in the speech of children's forms of folklore, using as a visual material. Several proverbs and sayings are selected for each illustration.

Appendix 5 didactic games. These games were offered by E. Kudryavtseva. We used them in order to develop the skills of descriptive and explanatory speech in children, as well as to enrich and activate the dictionary of children.

Didactic game "" Guess and compare animal riddles ".

Preparation for the game. Observation of animals during walks, excursions, visits to the zoo. Conversation about animals.

Material and equipment. Tedhy animals, pictures of animals, which are spoken in the riddles.

Rules of the game. The preschooler calls an everded animal, proves a gifue, says whether it is home or wild. Before comparing two deposited riddles about the same animal, the child repeats them. For the correct comparison is given a chip.

Description of the game. The educator reminds children about the differences between wild and pets, then riddles the riddles. In the case of a faithful response, the corresponding toy or drawing is placed next to the images of a tiger or horse, symbolizing wild and pets.

Preschoolers make and guess the riddles, prove the correctness of the answers. Then compare the pairs of riddles about squirrel, hare, dog, etc.:

It is often washed, and it does not mean with water. (Cat.)

With the mustache to be born, but on the preached hunting. (Cat.)

The owner knows with him walks together. (Dog.)

Lights, bites, does not allow the house. (Dog.)

So laughed that the lip cracked. (Hare.)

Winter white, summer gray. (Hare.)

These riddles are distinguished by the fact that in the first part it is said about the forked hare lip, and in the second - about changing the color of its fur in winter and summer. Riddles are similar to the fact that they are said about the same animal.

Game "Guess and compare riddles about fruits and vegetables."

Preparation for the game. Growing vegetables on a vegetable garden, fruit in the garden. Conversation about fruits and vegetables.

Material and equipment. Fruits and vegetables or their units, drawings.

Rules of the game. Preschoolers are divided into "sellers" and "buyers": the first go down, the second guess them. Before comparing the riddles, the child repeats them.

Description of the game. The educator offers children to play an unusual shop "Fruits and Vegetables", where not money is needed for purchase, but riddles. Preschoolers are ridden and guess the riddles using famous and inventing their own. Then they compare riddles on the same fruit or vegetable:

Bowls hang on the bitch, cried from the heat. (Plum.)

Blue clothes, yellow lining, and inside sweet. (Plum.)

Scarlet, small, with a bone cane. (Cherry.)

In the sour-sweet, round, the red ball hid perfectly.

Heavy and sweet, in green clothes with a red lining. (Watermelon.)

Green, not grass, round, not the moon, with a tail, and not a mouse.

Patch on the patch, but the needles did not see. (Cabbage.)

Without accounts, and everything without fasteners. (Cabbage.)

Game "Guess and compare the riddles about transport."

Preparation for the game. Observations for various machines during walks, excursions. Viewing pictures, toys. Conversation about vehicles.

Material and equipment. Toy cars, airplanes, ships or drawings. Pictures depicting the road, sea and sky.

Rules of the game. Guessing should call the type of transport and say whether it is terrestrial, aqueous or air; Passenger, freight or special. You need to repeat the gifted riddles before comparing them. For the correct comparison, the preschooler gets a chip.

Description of the game. The educator invites children to guess riddles about various means of movement. In the case of the correct response, preschoolers take the appropriate toy or drawing on the table and put them next to the image of the road, the sea or the sky, denoting the movement of the specified vehicle.

Children make and guess the riddles of vehicles, prove the correctness of their answers. Then compare the pairs of deposited mysteries about the same movement facility:

I am only on the go, and if you get up - drop. (Bicycle.)

On the way, the legs ride and run two wheels. (Bicycle.)

In the rail boots in the city runs over the rope holds. (Tram.)

Slaps loudly, runs along the steel path. (Tram.)

Wings do not wave, and above the clouds flying. (Plane.)

Fuck, not a grasshopper, flies, not a bird, lucky, not a horse. (Plane.)

Game "Guess and compare a riddle about" two brothers ".

Preparation for the game. Familiarization of preschoolers with mandated objects and phenomena.

Material and equipment. Pictures, "Magic box" with two identical hand-drawn men and the inscription "Two Brothers".

Rules of the game. A guessing riddle notes that in the riddle there is talking about the appearance, whereabouts, the actions of the "two fraternities". The correctness of the rejection must be proved. Before comparing, the riddles are repeated.

Description of the game. The educator says that expressions can also be found in the riddles, for example, "two brothers." In every riddle of "brothers" two, and they can be similar, and completely different. Preschoolers are invited to carefully consider and describe in detail the pictures showing different "brothers". After that, the drawings are removed into the "magic box". With the right answer, the corresponding drawing gets out of the box.

Children make and guess the riddles of "two brothers," prove the correctness of their answers. Then, in pairs are compared the riddles of different "brothers":

Two brothers in the water look, the age will not come together. (Shore.)

Two twins, two brothers riding the nose sit down. (Glasses.)

Two brothers live across the road, and do not see each other. (Eyes.)

Two brothers run in front, two brothers catch up. (Car.)

Two brothers always run together, one in front, another behind.


Two brothers: one shines during the day, and the other night. (Sun and moon.)

Two brothers: everyone see one, but do not hear

everyone hears anyone, but does not see. (Thunder and lightning.)

When comparing such riddles, you need to be very careful in order to correctly allocate the signs of their similarities and differences.

Appendix 6.

Abstracts of holidays and entertainment.

Topic: "Outnaire."

Registration: Tornyland.

The Russian People's Melody sounds, the hostess is coming.

On the boilers, in the beveyment

Ile on the logs of which

Collected suites

Older and young.

At rauchin lee sat

Ile under the light sky -

Said songs sang and

Drove dance.

And played like! In "burners",

Ah, "burners" are good!

In short, these gatherings

Were holiday soul!

Under the Russian folk melody is the owner.

Host: Hey, good people! Do you sit today on homes, but look in the window! Do you live yourself today, sadness and sadness!

Mistress: We are glad to see you, at your guest, in our Huber. Here for you, for guests there will be a big holiday, the holiday joyful, according to custom, according to the old "gatherings" is called.

Host: please, guests are expensive! Merry you and joy!

(Enter the Russian folk melody: children and adult. Hello.)

Mistress: Hello! Guests dear! Please go to the hut. Red guest - Red place. Go around, be at home.

Educator: Do not worry, the hostess, we are not at home and do not stand at a party.

Child: We came not with empty hands. Brought you a dish with cakes. Capping pies, very, very tasty.

Child: We were going to visit you, we tried to bake a rudeness. Pies score, talk with us.

Mistress: Oh, thanks to the bastard, go around here.

(There is a second subgroup of children.)

Educator: Skok on the porch, bryak for the ring. Does the owners at home?

Host: Houses, at home! Pass guests expensive!

Child: We came to visit you and gifts brought.

Child: We all lazy all summer, everyone worked, worked. The beets came out smooth, and the carrot is sweet.

Child: Here's a dish of vegetables and for soup, and for the other. Reliable will be vinaigrette, there is no better than our beet!

Host: Thank you, guys, sit here in order!

Educator: Guests - People are undermineum, where they will rise, there and sit.

(There is a third subgroup of children. Hello.)

Mistress: Hello! An unexpected guest is better than two called two.

Educator: Your True, Mistress! The named guest is easy, and the sought hard. It is necessary on the category and please. And we came to visit you and the fungi brought!

Child: and Seryozha, and Tanya and Opels, and the waves were collected, not lazy. Slightly in the forest did not get lost. Oh, mushrooms, good, they give you kids!

(Children sit down. The fourth subgroup of children is included. Hello.)

Host: Pass guests expensive! Guest Honor - Host Host!

Educator: To sit at home, do not sit anything. We decided to look at people, yes to show yourself.

Mistress: Welcome, Guests are expensive! For a long time we will spend you, we do not start speeches without you.

Child: The sun was happy with the sun, and as the sun circle jailed pancakes.

Child: Eat pancakes with honey or with sour cream, and then beautiful, good you will become.

Host: And we have a sip of water from a well for everyone.

Mistress: There are gifts for every taste: to whom a fairy tale, to someone who is a song in a bite. And bread like in the old days.

Host: For bread - salt, every joke is good, where it is sailing, there is more fun.

Mistress: In Tonnota, yes no offense. We sit on a row, but let's talk like a swing! Autumn works, care, harvest was collected, the cabbage was salted, the garden of the coupling, you can relax.

All sing: So wanted on our holiday, you will not find anywhere you have a holiday more.

Educator: Men here - Masters, deftly rule all things, and women to settle them will not give up!

Educator: How the holiday comes all the people walking goes. Here are the girls - beauties and kinds - well done harbories.

(Performed dance "Oh, the garden in the yard" Russian folk song. A knock is heard.)

Mistress: Hear someone knocks. These are non-residents in the faces sit in Terem, yes in Svetlitsy. Click nuts, yes we create ridicule. Well, who of you is the master to tell the unprecedencing?

Children: - Chuha, do you want?

No, I snapped.

What is the snack?

Yes, I ate the scratch of bread!

And you would be in a pot with sour cream urinated?

Yes, the pot did not fit!

Well, repeat!

And you have a nose in honey!

Eh, climb, fucking! And you have dirt under your feet! Do not bow, I'm not a prince!

Thomas, that from the forest is not easy?

Yes, Medvea caught!

So lead here!

Yes, he does not allow me!

Host: Well, and non-residents! Ah, yes, well done! And without which guys are not

maybe you can do in Russia any holiday?

All: without songs.

The hostess: True, it's not for nothing to say: "The Russian song Spirit is burtered, where the song is spoiled, there and there is fun."

(Complete the Russian folk song "along and on the river").

Hostess: In Russia, it goes so that the talented people of themselves and the shvets, and the reaper, and on the pitched the play. He himself browsing his flea, the good house will erect. The utensils will advocate all around the house, the full bowl of the house will become.

Educator: There are carpentry among us, all the hands of employees.

(Execute the song "Look - with us, yes, in the workshop".)

Educator: You have carpentry, and we have blacksmiths, good men.

Host: forges are always needed. And what do you do know how?

Child: We can all. And now we will show your skill.

(Complete the song "In Forge".)

Educator: And we have needlewomen, everything is craftsmen. And sew, and repair, and knit, and cook. And you cheer.

Educator: Hey, Sudarushki - Girly Sat - ka databa.

Sink quickly to be fun.

(Follow the chastushki.)

Hostess: Let it be not sitting at home today, come out, honest

people, we will have fun!

(Executed Russian folk dance - adults.)

Child: Distribute, the people, all dances take. In place we do not resist, so I want to dance.

(Performed Russian dance children.)

Educator: We sang and danced, and did not play in the game.

(Game "where you were, my black ram".)

Educator: And now for all the guys I will make a riddle.

I know, I know in advance you are a cuty people.

Mysteries on musical instruments:

Wrinkling tites all the village merge.

In the forest grew, out of the forest, they cried in their hands, and who hesitates.

Wooden girlfriend, without it, we are without hands, on leisure a mustache and feed everyone around. The porridge wears right in the mouth and do not give it to burn.

Child: In our orchestra, only a little: the bell rings,

put spoons. In our orchestra, only a bit. We will help the orchestra and our palms.

Educator: Where the song is poured, there is fun there. Sat-ka song comic, pre-read.

(Performed by the song of the Russian people "sat down a mosquito on dubs".)

Educator: Well, that children, it's time to say goodbye to us. Thank you, the owner with

mistress for fun, for your hospitality. We sat, have fun, it's time and honor to know.

Everyone get up, sing:

We are nice to walk

On our holiday

Will not find anywhere

You have a holiday beautiful.

So be healthy, live richly

And we are leaving home, to the hut.

Topic: "Christmas".

With the song "Kolyada" children run into the hut. Knock on

Children. The carriage came, revoke the gate!

Hostess. Who's there?

Children. These are we - Crowders.

Hostess. Pass, guests are expensive!

Children. Hello, Hostess! (Bow.)

1st child. Let me go in the journal.

2nd child. In a rigge, enter, yes on the shop to sit down.

3rd child. To sit on the shop, and sing a song. (Severe the "carol")

Kolyada, Kolyada


Give damn, give the gut,

Pork leg

Everyone willing.

Carry, not shake!

Come on, do not break!

1st child. What are you us, hostess, give?

2nd child. Money bag or pots pot?

3rd child. Milk jar or piece of cake?

4th child. Kopecks on candy or housing on the hooks?

Hostess. Ai you, cunning guys, guess the riddles. (Mys of the riddles.)

Girl. You will give us - we will praise you,

And you will not give us - we will call you.

Good man

There is a good rye:

Huster's spike

And straw is empty.

Surround man

There is a good rye:

Emasculate empty

And straw thick.

Hostess. I'll give another task I am a song to sing about Sparrow. (Distribution of the song "Sparrow".)

Sparrow. What do you think, am I such a notice? I am a wizard have fun. Colive people, in the dance, in the dance. (Round the "Tell Varobushki".)

Hostess. Now the game is not entertainment, but with a big, big value. So that there was a globe of spikelets so that Leng is high, jump as high as possible, you can jump above the roof. (Game "skap".)

Hostess. Although the game, yes there is a hint of good wellms lesson!

Song is heard:

And we go, and we climb

According to Luggam, Zakulochkam.

And we are looking for, and we are looking for

What Sergevnin yard is lightly.

Hostess. Here Sergevnin Yard, here is lightly. Pass the guest is expensive.

Girl. Owner with the hostess

Find from the furnace

Ignite candles

Open the chest

Remove the Piglet.

(Children sing the "wheel".)

Came of a wheelchade on the eve of Christmas!

Give a cow, an oil head.

And give God who is in this house.

His rye is a thick, rye a firmist.

Serve - do not break, do not eat!

Do not give the cake - we will minimize the cow for the horns!

The hostess drove out, looks into the oven, whether it is enough for all the pellets, says the ranks.

Crowders. You will not give a cake - we are a cow for the horns.

You do not give the intestine - we are a pig for the temple.

You do not give a gospek - we are the owner-in kick!

The hostess stuck up, not angrily, and laughing, says:

Did not dance and do not sang -

Causes wanted?

Wait, wait,

Song first spoil.

Song "In the Hubber, in New". Damage in the form of a dressed, says:

Wheelchair! You're filing a cake!

Or bread slices, or money half

Or chicken with a hooker, cock with scallop,

Or Sane Sheaf - or forks in the side!

1st girl. Do not let me, do not let him, let him play good well done with us!

The hell looks at all cunning, flirts with girls.

Heck. And them! What are all pretty, fatty! What kind of choose?

(Eyes tie the game. Game "Zhmurki". At the end, there is a surround broken broom, damn it kisses. At the line falls off the tail.)

Do not give Pyataka - I am a cow for the horns.

Do not give hryvnia - I'm a horse for the mane.

2nd girl. But it's damn! Drink him away.

Heck. Tausten! Tausten! Light the hut on all four sides.

(Damn takes a broom instead of a cross, lap instead of Cadyl. The icon will fall, shakes.)

3rd girl. And really damn! Ugh, unclean power, sneak! (Draws the feature.)

1st girl. Fu, scared something like! Nasil kicked out.

2nd girl. It's good. We cleared the road to the new year, all the evil spirits were kicked out of the house.

3rd girl. Then we sing on joy.

(Song "Volodya to the current" goes into common chastushki.)

Hostess. You danced in surprise, deserved treats!

The mistress treats children. Adults sing:

What's led month -

And and our Mr.

Like red sun -

Then the hostess of him.

Like frequent stars -

Then his deubs.

Dai, Lord,

Our owner


The yard lured a lot!

Children. At the hostess in the house, so that guys, chickens, spindles, boarding, goats, piglets, calves were conducted.

Everything. Happiness yes love! Bread Yes Salt! Yes, the Council for the Long Age!

Thanks to this house,

Let's go to another.

(With the song "Brelki" go.)

Appendix 8.

Folk works used in operation.

Proverbs and sayings.

Bird is strong with wings, and man friends.

Man without friends that oak without roots.

Man without friends that sprout in the desert.

Man without friends that falcon without wings.

Not nice light, there is no friend.

Good friend is more valuable treasure.

Do not destroy strong friendship and ax.

There is a bad friend that the shadow: on a sunny day they do not get up, but you will not find it in the rainy.

Do not paint colors, but the mind.

On the dress, they meet, in the mind they escort.

Do not be ashamed to be silent when nothing to say.

What a child is learning, you will get from it.

Do not teach fish to swim.

When I want to know a lot, it's not necessary to sleep much.

Red Speech by a hearing.

What is the treasure, in the family of the way.

With the sun warm, with the mother is welcome.

Kalach cheese whiter, and the mother of all friends is Mile.

Parents are hardworking - children are not lazy.

White hands strangers love.

Winter red snow, and autumn bread.

Spring Yes Autumn - on the day of weather eight.

Summer for effort, and winter for walking.

Do not wait for the summer of long, and wait warm.

Human labor feeds, and Leng spoils. And etc.

Lullaby songs.

Bai - Bai - Bayushk,

Falls his daughter on the gun

On a down bed.

There will be a daughter to sleep hard. | 2p.

And I will hum

Cradle swing.

Bay - Bay, it's time to sleep.

Guests ride from the yard,

From the yard go home

On a horse raven.

Bay - Bai, Bai - Bai,

Quickly fall asleep.

Bai - Bai, sleep - alloy,

Harmon take you.

Bai -bay, Bay - Bai,

Look beech under the barn,

Look beech under the barn,

Baby sleep you do not bother.

Luli - Luli - Lena,

Fartes flew gules.

They sat down to grow

Steel a girl to download - to relax.

Oh, you, cat cute,

Your tail is white,

Bars, cat, do not go!

My baby is not awake. And etc.

Give milk, stupid,

Though the droplet on the bottom.

Waiting for me kittens, small guys.

Give cream a spoon, a little a little.

Everybody gives the health of the milk cow.

Grow, braid, up to appear,

No wonder either hair.

Grow, Cosonka, to Pyted -

All hair in a row.

Grow, braid, not confused

Mom, daughter, listen.

Our clarops in the morning -

Varya - Varya - rus! Varya - Varya - rus!

Our geese at the pond -

Ga - ha - ha! Ga - ha - ha!

And turkey among the courtyard -

Ball - Ball - Ball! Balds - Bald!

Our gules at the top -

Grru - Graro - U - Grroi - U - Grroo - Y!

Our chickens in the window -

KKO - KKO - KKO - Ko - Ko!

And as Petya - Cockerel

Early - early in the morning

We will sing ku - ka - re - ku!

Appendix 7.

Abstract speech development activities.

Abstract 1. Theme: "Happy Sybka".

Software content. Maintain a positive emotional attitude, to develop interest in lullaby songs. To form knowledge of children about the traditions of the Russian people. Enrichment of the dictionary of children: Sybka, cradle. Develop the descriptive speech skills when drawing up the story "My Cot". Develop the aesthetic education of folklore works.

Preliminary work. Conversation with children about the family. Selection of visual material. Selection of riddles. Wordwork: cradle, Sybka, cradle.

Travel course. The educator invites children to get acquainted with how the guys lived. He draws the attention of children and the fact that the kids were always treated with great love, as they say and the proverbs of the Russian people are talking about: "The mother has a child, the cat is a cat, every nice child", so adults created the conditions for So that children grow healthy, happy. Then the teacher offers to look at how the place was equipped where the children slept. For this, it leads the guys to a folk style corner, where one of the attributes is a cradle. It is proposed to remember your bed and characterize it. After listening to the answers of the children, the teacher concludes that every child has its own bed, and she is not like a crib of the other, and the more not like the one in which children slept in ancient times. Then the educator asks to think and say how the beds were called in which the kids were sleeping. After listening to the answers of the children, summarizes: "The bed for kids was called" cradle ". This word happened from the old Russian word" to catch ", which means to download. And she was called" Sybka ". The word" Sybka "is also old and comes from the word "Written", which also means to "download". There is another name - "cradle". After the teacher, he says that the mother did not swing in the crots of children, but also sang songs them, and invites children to remember how they were called . He summarizes the answers of children: "They were called lullaby, because they sang them when the kids fit to sleep." Then the teacher asks children to remember the lullabous songs that Mom sang them, and gives a lullaby to compete:

Sleep, baby small,

Scarf, scarlet,

My baby will sleep,

And I will humble.

The educator proposes to escape this lullaby and those who know the children themselves. After the conversation, he concludes: "These kind songs sang their kids mom, who they wanted to children happiness, health, joy." At the end of the class teacher, the teacher offers children to play the game "Family".

Abstract 2. Theme: "In the Tereme, I live, I live,

I will invite all the guests to your offense ... "

(Acquaintance with proverbs, sayings, additives

about Russian life and hospitality).

Software content. Intensify in the speech of children of proverbs and sayings about Russian life and hospitality. Sound Culture Speech: Sounds of Sounds "F", "Sh". Enrichment of the dictionary of children: chest of drawers, floorboard, comb. Educating love and respect for the history of folk culture. Develop speech-proof skills.

At the entrance to the hostess meets the hostess.

Hostess. Rus wooden - the edges of the expensive,

Here, Russian people have long been living.

They glorify the homes of relatives,

Round Russian songs sing ... (Song sounds.)

Hostess. And why is Rus called wooden?

Children answer.

Hostess. Long ago in Russia, people built themselves dwellings from logs. They called them outbreaks. And all that in the hollow was made of wood: both floors, and ceiling, and walls, and furniture, and dishes ... Our hut meets us with beautiful wooden carved gates. (Pass in the hut.)

Hostess. Our hut is exactly heat,

Home to live - not lukashko sew,

Home to live - do not waste ears walk,

To the house to live - to truly truck about everything.

How many folk craftsmen were in Russia? (The hostess breaks tea.)

Drink tea - not firewood chop! (After treating, children thank, get up and bow.)

Boy. Eh, I'll take a balalaika in my hands,

Yes, I fell my mistress!

Sit, brothers, all row

Yes, the chastushki is pressed! (Chastushk performance.)

Hostess. My pies have cheated you, my chaps warmed. And my assistants helped me in this: the stove-lad, the probestations - a buddy, who has a hole from above, from below the hole, and in the middle of the fire yes water.

Yes, these are these four brothers:

One pushes subside

Under one hat stand. (Shows on the table.)

And these are my doves,

Which is the location. (Folds spoons.)

This is what your assistant friends live.

Did you like me, dear guests?

Educator. Our hostess in the house is that pancakes in honey. She picks up, she serves, one of all answers.

Hostess. Oh! In the rubber, I live,

I will invite all the guests to my guest!

I go, I go, I go, samovar in the hands of carrying.

Samovar in the hands of carry, I swim.

Eh, tea, tea, tea ...

You, the naughty, meet,

Priphering. (Removes pancakes from the oven, pies.)

As for you, my friends, welded, hit

Ninety-two pancakes, two cheese trough,

Fifty pies - do not find consumers!

Listen to the hostess - you eat my pies!

Do not rub in the corners, but Krasnu Pies! (Guests treat.)

Hostess. From the ordinary Pullen could be cut here this casket in which you store small items. And how beautiful is a wooden chest of drawers, separated by twisted wooden planks.

What is the russian hollow and without a screenshots! Without multicolored chicken rugs that have a fabric on such a wooden weaving machine.

Listen! What subject I will tell you now?

For Kudrey and Khokholkov

Whole twenty five teeth,

And under each under the teeth

Fall hair row. (Children answer.)

Hostess. In the old days, this item was called the row. Here it is! He is also wooden. What does it look like? (Children answer.)

Hostess. But here the vintage items needed to work in the field are collected. Russian people came up with and about them riddles:

Twenty-wooden horses by one reason leading. (Rake.)

Blushes, sparkles, walks along the field, cuts all the grass. (Spit.)

Who takes the hay three teeth. (Forks.)

Educator. Krasny Maidena and good, well done,

Going, adjust,

Go to the gulance.

Thank you, hostess!

Would love you the Lord

And live, and be

And healthy.

Abstract 3. Theme: "Russian functions."

Software content. Intensify in the speech of children Russian functions. Activation of the dictionary: Izba, Sybka, rocker. Fasten the knowledge of children about the utensils of the Russian hut. Develop a linguistic flair.

Preliminary work:

Heading Russians Fedul and prosbush.

Acquaintance with folk games "Like uncle Griffin", "Burleys", "Tetherka".

Heading mysteries on the subjects of the ancient Russian utensils.

Game on Russian folk instruments (spoons, tambourine, strsts, whistles).

Two buckles are children, participants of the dramatization mug.

Fedul. Under the bush at the tracks sat sodes.

Prosper. I am a buckle of pros.

Fedul. And I Fedul is a buckle.

Prosper. FUUTUL, and FEDUL, that the lip poured?

Fedul. Kaftan burned.

Prosper. Clean it is possible?

Fedul. You can, yes needles not.

Prosper. Is there a hole?

Fedul. One gate remained.

Prosper. Under the bush at the tracks sat sodes.

Fedul. They cut off the river, they did a buzz. (Both buzz.)

Scoop. You, Huds, Hoods, Gudget, Guys, Girls Having!

(Playing children on Russian folk instruments for folk melody.)

Prosper. I have a miscompute swamps, games and fun full lukashko!

Fedul. Colive people, become in the dance, without rolling, without a rush.

Horovodel "like uncle Griffon".

Prosper. Gori, Gori clearly, not to go out.

Fedul. Stone Podol, look in the field - they go there trumpeters, yes eating Kalachi.

Prosper. Look at the sky - the stars are burning, cranes fly.

Fedul. Once, two, not rave, run, like fire!

Together. Game in "burners".

Educator. "Burleys" - an old Russian game. For several centuries, the game in the "burners" was one of the most favorite games of the Russian people. It has been preserved in many places so far. This game was loved to play our scars and prodors. (Kids are playing.)

Scromorships hold a contest of mysteries.

Prosper. It is Terem, in a terme - a box, in a box - a mellow, in the arable ground. (Izba, oven, ash, heat)

Fedul. Two brothers look, and together will not come together. (Paul and ceiling.)

Prosper. Without hands, no legs, all directions are bounted. (Sybka, cradle.)

Fedul. Two abdomen, four ears. (Pillow.)

Prosper. Black horse jumps into the fire. (Poker.)

Fedul. Not a light nor dawn went, bent, from the courtyard. (Rocker.)

Prosper. Mother fat, daughter Krasnova, Son - Sokol under the skies left. (Bake.)

Fedul. For Kudrey and Khokholkov

Whole twenty five teeth,

And under each under the teeth

Fall hair row. (Crest.)

Prosper. Svetlyko, clean - see anyone. (Mirror.)

Fedul. Four brothers

One pushes subside

Under one hat stand. (Table)

Scoop. There is another game - "Golden Gate".

Through them, the tether was going, the small deubs were led, I left one.

Game "Golden Gate".

The common dance "like our gate".

Prosper. He lived - there was a cat Kolobrod, he divorced the garden.

Foundul. The cucumber was gone. Games, Songs - End!

Abstract 4. Topic: "Bay, Bay, Bay, Bai! Fall asleep!".

Software content. Intensify in the speech of children Russian functions. Develop interest in lullaby songs. Develop skills to form single-handed words. Brief love for oral folk creativity.

The baby is still "Mom" does not know how, and it is already stacked to sleep under a cozy song. The teacher is swearing a doll, sentences:

Bay - Bai, Bai - Bai,

Quickly fall asleep.

Stakes in the cradle, shakes and sings a lullaby song:

Oh, Luli, Luli, Liegles! Give the Vanechka to sleep.

Fartheliki flew, Perva Gulya says:

Mullets flew, "you need to feed the couch",

Sat down near the lounge. And the second says:

They began to fade, "Wan must be told."

Wan to sleep not to give. And the third gulya says:

Oh, you, you are not welded, you need to walk. "

This is what kind of gentle song my mother sings his son, and words what kind of gentlemen are chosen: "Gules", "Lena". And they sound especially smoothly. In the lullabous songs, a cat is often mentioned, which is so pleasant to purrity, stunning pigeons - Guli, sleep, Drema, Hurtomon. The lullaby song is trying to create an image of rest, silence ... Let's and we sing a lullaby song for Vanechka.

Bai - Bai, Bay - Bai!

You, doggy, do not bark.

And in the beeps, do not go.

Our vane does not boys ...

Sleeps firmly our vanyushus ... Mother goes to the garden. The cradle sits down a nanny girl. She shakes the cradle and sings:

Grow big

Understanding will sleep -

It is necessary to work:

Plow, harrow,


In the forest on the berries to wander

On the cow walking.

Nanny girl, as it were, "falls asleep".

Educator. And when the nanny gets completely tired, it will become angry that Vanya in the cradle is capricious, she can interfere:

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word!

I don't want to

Cover twenty five -

Will be better sleeping.

Educator. And Vanya already raises his head, wants to sit down. Mom comes and says: "Enough to go to our Vanyushka, it's time to wake up, to do the charge." Wanya will be waging, the leg handles were raised. Oh, how firmly mom was drove our Vanechka. It will turn his mom and begins to stroke the tummy, massage, as they say now, do:

Potoigunyushki, strikes!

Across - bobbies,

And in the legs - hodoney,

And in the handles - grazing,

And in the rotock - talks,

And in the head is easy.

What are good, affectionate words, right? And smart, teach the baby, and watches our vanya with eyes, where he has legs, where the rotock. Put Vanya on the legs, keep under the sides, tweak and sentence:

Ah, sides, sides, sides.

Soon Vanya nodok!

And the brother puts the Vanya to his leg, shakes and also sentences:

Let's go, go

With nuts, with nuts.

Stick, croutons

With Kalachi, with Kalachi.

Scrapping, scrapping,

On bumps, on bumps,

Bow in the hole!

The brother pretends that the baby drops from his feet. And to hug, no, tightly holds the Vanya. Guys, do you know the fun or some games for such small? Children playing with Vniushka in the game: "Going a goat", "Ladushka-ladushka", "Soroka-Crow". That's how many nannies have our Vanya. Not bored was Vanya with them.

Appendix 9.

Consultation for parents "Bay - Bayushki - Bay ..."

(How to put a baby to sleep.)

Awakening and falling asleep - very important moments in the life of children. Wake up - it's always like a little bit to be born again. How does your morning begins? With smiles, kiss, touch. You are calm, your eyes talk to each other: we are both so glad that we are in this world!

Now you can get up, washing, wrapped with a wet towel, make charging together. Be sure to have a snack, something with hot tea, even if the child goes to kindergarten. And -Delen began.

Staying the child to sleep in the evening either does not tolerate fuss and hurry. Well, if the whole procedure has a permanent order, a clear sequence, will become a kind of ceremony.

First of all, give the child the opportunity to quietly finish the game: "It's too late, it's time to sleep, play for another five minutes - we will fit." Simplifies life introduction of a clear rule: after the transfer of "good night, kids!" Immediately wash - and in bed.

Some children fall asleep quickly. You need to sit with others a little longer, to stroke, something quietly to spite, in the way "the handles are tired, the legs are tired, everyone wants to sleep, the goals are closed, the eyes are tired, everything is resting." In order for the child to calm down, it is better to iron him in the direction from top to bottom of the handles (from the shoulder to the brush), the legs (from the thigh to the foot), the tummy, back, Lobika. If you do it for at least a month and every day to sit with a child as much as it requires, it will begin to fall asleep faster and calmer. At some point, it can even offer himself one.

It is very important, in what condition, an adult sits next to the baby. If you are in a hurry and want to finish off with the entire laying procedure - nothing will come. As for the purpose, the child will fall asleep for a very long time, capricious and ask for a drink, that is, then to the toilet, then read. You are nervous, and he sees it, understands what they want to get rid of it. He feels that, at least physically beside, your thoughts are far away, and trying to bring you back to yourself with your whims. If you want the child to calm down and fall asleep quickly, calm down.

ON THE. Dmitrieva, S.S. Bugga A.P. Usova, O. Ushakova, we have developed an experimental program for the development of the speech of children of junior preschool age with folklore funds the purpose of the forming stage: - to stimulate the emotional, speech and polisensor development of children of junior preschool age with folklore. - form the right and ...

People, another lifestyle, they begin to be interested in the world of nature. All this is in fairy tales of different nations selected in the program purposefully. Chapter 3. Experimental study of the influence of Russian folk fairy tales on the development of a coherent speech of children of senior preschool age 3.1 Analysis of the development of a coherent speech of children of senior preschool age The study was conducted on the basis of MDOU №43 "...

And the presence of these means of imagery in the text of the Russian folk fairy tale, I will identify the possibility of using the Russian folk fairy tale as a means of developing a figurative speech from senior preschoolers. 1.3 Russian folk fairy tale as a means of developing a figurative speech of children of senior preschool age Russian folk fairy tale, being an affordable understanding of the child of senior preschool age, is ...

his riches and beauty. Educational impact is rendered

and the content of literary works, starting with the works of the company, the attacks and benefits, developing animal toys, pride and respect for their creators in children. In addition, such methods such as tolding together, groups ("teams") implies and the ability to negotiate between themselves, if necessary, to help a comrade, give up to him, etc.

Introductionfulness, retelling works, teaching children to compile a collective story contributes to the formation of not only ethical knowledge

and moral feelings, but also the moral behavior of children. Work on the semantic side of the word, semantic

the knowledge of the dictionary of children, their developing vocabulary can also include the introduction of children's groups (and in understanding speech) of groups of words denoting the qualities of a person, his emotional states, evaluating a person's actions, as well as aesthetic qualities and evaluations.

Principles of learning native language

Main presentationSvistere-educational competitions of speech, vocabulary, the formation of the grammatical system of speech, its connectedness when building a deployed statement.

These tasks are solved on each age stage, however, the methods of the age-tolerant are called methods. Methods are referred to as a lesome-heelInchildrency and also changes during the transition from the group to the group. The educator must be represented by the main lines of the continuity of development tasks, which are awarded the current age group, and the complex nature of the development of each task.

Enrich the dictionary through the enrichment of ideas

So, all-hospitally supplies, for the commencement of children with new words. They try to call children all the objects around them, toys. However, not everyone care that the child is aware of the meaning of the word, its meaning. The singularity of vocabulary is that it is under

it is richly connected with the enrichment of the knowledge and ideas of preschoolers, and therefore such work is carried out in different types of familiarization of children with others, with objects and phenomena of life, everyday life, with nature. The child absorbs verbal designations of objects and phenomena of reality, their properties, ties and relationships. All this is the necessary link for dictionary work in the development of the speech of children and teaching their native language.

Work on understanding of the word

However, for the development of children's speech, it is important not only an increase in the reserve of words, but also the formation of an accurate understanding of their meaning of the Essential Validation. Recovery. Printing communication is constantly confronted by children with various words, synonyms, antonyms. It is known that children of preschool age orientation on the semantic content is very developed, and the correctness of the statement depends on how accurately the meaning of the selected word is transmitted. However, the speech of the preschooler has a significant difference from the speech of an adult in relation to the meaning, which the child invests in the words they say. Often, the child himself is trying to comprehend the words in their content its impact of his experience. This further determines the culture of speech.

Reching techniques

To solve these problems, serve speech exercises, verbal games, the main purpose of which is to develop attention to the Word, its accurate use in children. Exercises create conditions for the speech practices of children and replenish and activate the dictionary with the words of different parts of speech.

Among the verbal techniques of dictionary work, the lexical exercises, which contribute to the prevention of speech shortcomings, are activated by the children's dictionary, they develop their attention to the word and its meaning. They are formulatingupporticaloviki: ability to break

from your vocabulary stock, the most accurate, suitable word, to make a proposal, distinguish with shades in the meaning of the word. Such exercises do not require objects and toys. They have already familiar words.

In the exercises, a great place is given to such a reception as a question. The direction and content of their mental activity depends on the speech formulation of the question, the question must cause the mental activity of children. Putting in front of children, an adult does not just seek the reproduction of knowledge, auchitdaye-bit, highlightly, compare, reason. Naturallyaskiyosa, how can you "be able to say?", "How to say better?", "Why do you think that you can say so?", "Tell everyone, as you understand that", etc.

The game is amateur children's activity in which an adult can take this or that place. You can influence the game indirectly, through role-playing behavior and individual offers, replicas, questions. In the creative children's game, the child's speech is rapidly developing, grammatically decorated speech. But the adult should not put the didactic goals associated with the development of forms and speech functions. Games that have a comprehensive impact on a dictionary, grammar, speech connectivity, should be interesting, fascinating.

Along with the games having a wide general onset influence, there are also didactic games in which the tasks of activation are solved, clarifying one or another grammatical form. For example, games, helping to master the parental case of a plural, an imperative leasing of the verb, the matching of words in kind, ways to form words (the names of young animals, people of different professions, single-handed words).

Games aimed at teaching children telling, develop the ability to describe the subject of main features (color, shape, quantity), actions; Talk about the animal, about the toy, in the picture (make a story, deploy it in accordance with the idea).

Didactic posacluding-in-lawystation, which will clearly act the motives clearly to the confession. Vigrach "Nadeyagrushka", "Guess, Chtovruk?" Children's kidnotemmetchemmmet, AzateraRerash.

about him. Thus, special classes, games and exercises are solved in the complex all the tasks of speech development (raising the sound culture of speech, the formation of the grammatical system of speech, vocabulary, the development of a connected speech).

Criteria for assessing the speech development of the preschooler

The high level of development of the preschooler speech includes:

- possession of literary standards and rules of the native language, free use of lexicu and grammar when expressing their thoughts and compiling any type of statement;

- a developed culture of communication, the ability to come into contact with adults and peers: listen, answer, argue, ask, explain;

- valimative Ivilrechovethiette, the ability to use them depending on the situation.

Questions and tasks

1. What is a "sense of language"?

2. Do I need to train children with your native language? Why?

3. How is the development of the speech of the preschooler with other parties of his personal development?

4. What components includes a learning system with a native language?

5. List the listing of the speech of the preschooler.


1.Sokhinf.A. Psychological and pedagogical acquisitions of preschoolers. M., 2002.

2. Gvozdeva. QuestionsIezhenskiyrechi.Spb: "Childhood

Press ", 2007.

3. Leontyev A.A. Language, speech, speech activity. M.: "Comniga", 2007.

4. Alekseeva M.M., Yashina V.I. Methods for the development of speech and training of preschoolers by the native language. M., 1997.

5. Ushakovo.c. The theory and practice of developing speech preschool

ka M.: "Sphere", 2008.

Lecture 2. Development of the sound side of the speech of preschoolers

What is phonetics?

The phonetics studying the sound direction of speech considers sound phenomena as elements of the language system that serve to embody words and proposals in the material sound form.

Linguists-R.A.Avanesov, G.O. Rinokur, V.A. Bogoroditsky, I.L. Boduen de Courta, A.N. Nail, L.R. Zinder, A.A. Pottnya, F. de Sosurur, A.I. Thomson, L.V. Scherba - consider the sound side of the tongue from different points of view on F. Sosorur, the main units of the language (words, phrases, suggestions) are expecting a physician (value) of the imatherive (they are a number of sounds). Such bilaterals have signs that have an indicated (meaning) identical (material performance). The sounds and their combinations are denoted. Sound units of the language - sound, syllable, tact, phrase - are interconnected and make up the system. The sound is characterized by a height and timbre, syllasostylisoleckelomes, tact groups, combined with one stress, phrase (or syntagma) consists of several tacts united by intonation. These units of speech, which possess an independent length, are called linear. In addition to linear, distinguished speech units. Asking - from the Greek "request", emphasis. Conditional speech units are associated with the emphasis and elements of intonation: melody, pronunciation force, speech tempo. The emphasis, in turn, is a phrasal, logical, emotional.

The power of influence on the listeners largely depends on the sound design of speech, so special work is needed on the sound side of speech. The Russian language has a complex sound system, so many researchers who are engaged in the theory of sounding speech are drawn to him. It is based on the analysis of the sound of the language of the tongue a base is created for theoretical understanding of the processes occurring in the language. Scientists characterize sound units from the point of view of the formation of sound (these are the articulation properties of the language), sound (acoustic properties of the tongue) and

enceptive (perceptual quality language). All these units are interconnected.

Phonological means of language

A.N. Nipers showed what great the child is doing, mastering phonological means of language. For assimilation of studio-discrepanserexiously. The right conditions for the education and teaching of the child lead to the assimilation of the grammatical and sound side of the word.

Articulation side of speech

Research of linguists, psychologists, teachers give reason to believe that it is the sound side of the language early becomes the subject of attention of the child (L.S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin, N.Kh. Schvachkin, F.A. Savor, M.I. Popova , A.A. Leontiev, A.M. Shakhnarovich, E.G. Nenevitskaya, L.E. Zhurova, G.A. Tumakova).

L.S. Vygotsky, speaking of the assimilation by the child of the sign of the language, emphasized that at first the child masters the external structure of the sign, i.e. sound. D.B. Elkonin wrote: "It is obvious that the development of a coherent speech in a child and closely connected with the nimusoviyemmatic-resistant-theneshine-freelance of the sound system of the language" (1989, p. 374). Last, according to D.B. Elkonina, represents the basis of the formation of a child's speech. "Mastering the sound side of the language includes two interconnected processes: the formation of the vospure of the sounds of the language, or, as they are called, phonderatic hearing, and the formation of speech sounds" (ibid).

The number of properly pronounced sounds, psychologists are associated with the expansion of the reserve of the actively used words (N.Kh. Schvachkin, N.I. Zhinkin, G.L. Rosengart-Pupko, M.I. Popova). We also note that the methodology for teaching preschoolers reading, developed by.B. elkonin pharmaceuticals, is based on action with the sound side of the language (L.E. Zhurova, N.S. Varentsova, L.N. Nevsky, N.V. Durov, G.A. . Tumakova). Learning is given to the presentation of the language of the language, "to ensure the subsequent absorption of grammar and the associated spelling" (L.E. Zhurova, 1974,

The sound side of the speech of preschoolers was studied in different aspects: as the development of speech perception and as the formation of a speech machine (E.I. Tikheva, O.I. Solovyova, V.I. Christmas, E. Radina, M.M. Alekseeva, and . And Maksakov, M.F. Fomicheva, G.A.Tumakova). Many sellers Follow the role of the developed awareness of the children of the phonetic side of speech. Children early begin to notice the shortcomings in their and someone else's speech (A.N. Gvozdev, K.I. Chukovsky, M.E. Griatsev, D. B. Elkonin, S.N. Karpova). From understanding the singularities of the sound side of the speech, it is possible to stretch into the formation of the arbitraryness of speech (F.A. Savor, G.P. Belyakova, E.M. Strinina, G.A. Tumakova, M.M. Alekseeva).

The phonetic observations of children over articulation create the basis not only for the formation of speech hearing, but also for the development of an oral speech culture in its sponsoring aspect. L.V. Scherba emphasized that the study of grammar of a living, pronounced to the surrender to the co-acquisition of the Summer Speech: Understanding the meaning of the Word, he binds it with the sounds that make up this word. Hence the observations of the pronunciation of the word, the phenomenon of the alternation of vowels and consonants; the lack of concealment of the fingernishness of the warden, the value of intonation.


Work on the sound side of speech with children of preschool age includes exercises conducted with all elements of phonetics. Rolle-cell-elementcourse is extremely important in building a statement, the Psychonation characteristics of the speech pronounced speech plays this. The master of oral stories consider the range of intonations, expanding the semantic content of speech, boundless. And school teachers consider the formation of intonation skills important and for the perception of writing speech.

SOME LEFTERISTRIBUNYUCHESTERY DRIVITIVITEBENKA with the process of mastering the intonation system of language (N.M. Aksarina, M.I. Koltsova, R.V. Tonkov-Yampolskaya, O.I. Yarovchenko).

MM Bakhtin, considering the proposal as a unit of language, emphasized that it has a special grammatical inton

- finishes, explanations, separation, transfer. Special place he gives the intonation of a narrative, questioning, exclamation and indivisory. And the expressive intonation proposal acquires only the statement as a whole. So, intonation transmits not only the content of the statement, but also its emotional features.

It is necessary to teach children to properly use intonation, buildintonationing surpluses, transmitting not only its semantic value, but also emotional features. In parallel with this, the formation of skills is going to correctly use the tempo, the volume of pronunciation depending on the situation, clearly pronounce sounds, words, phrases, suggestions (diction).

Speech ear

Practical language proficiency implies the ability to distinguish between hearing and correctly reproduce all the sound units of the native language. In pedagogical studies, it is emphasized that during the preschool childhood, the child simultaneously with the intonation side of the speech develops and speech ear - the feeling of the height of the tone, the power of the sound, the feeling of the timbre and rhythm.

Tone, timbre, pauses, different types of accents - are important means of sound expressiveness of speech.

Tempo speech

Among the general characteristics of sound culture speech, the attention of researchers attracted such an indicator as the pace, which is directly related to the development of the speech pronouncing. In the literature there were only fucked guidelines on the increased speed of preschoolers in connection with the insufficient development of control over their speech and the weakness of braking processes in preschoolers.

A.I. MaksakovybyApredprinyTrightecsProotte the possibilities of preschoolers in the regulation of the speech pace. The data obtained testified that children easier accelerate the tempo of speech than they slow down, the pace depends on the content of the statement, the emaciation. Reproduced by the simplicity, lungs on the content of the stories of the speech of the adult

there was no significant effect on the accuracy and sequence of text transmission by a child. When using more complex texts, only those children who listened to the story in slow motion pace correctly passed. It was concluded that the tempo of the speech of adults is important for the exact and correct perception and understanding of the speech by children of preschool age.

Thus, the role of different elements of the sound side of speech is important when building any statement. Each of these elements affects the sound design of the presentation of the text: from the speech rate, its volume depends in many ways the understanding of its content, the semantic perception of pronounced statement also depends on the diction. Ultimately, the strength and depth of exposure to the listener depends on the awareness of the sound side of the speech.

Of course, such characteristics of sound culture speech, like the pace, volume, diction, are largely dependent on the individual characteristics of the child, its temperament, the conditions of education and the speech environment that surrounds the child. Therefore, special work is needed to teach a child, depending on the speech situation, change both the voting force and the tempo of speech, to use the expressive means of speech appropriate and consciously. And this work should be carried out systematically.

Age features of the formation of the sound side of words

Principles of working with children of junior preschool age

EpiphanyCureCulture-SaladsMallad-Start-old age (3-4 years) includes, first of all, work on learning proper sound.

it is given to the appearance of their appearance in the process of speech development (A.I. Maksakov, G.A. Tumakov).

The researchers emphasized that along with work on the right sound testing should work on all the elements of the sound side of the speech - over the tempo of speech, the power of the voice, intonation.

IN these skills laid the most important condition for the formation of all sides of speech and especially its connectedness. Work on intonational virtuality-absoluteness is a lot of disadvantages, kakomothone, absentism of speech, non-perception, slow (or future) pace, since the understanding of the content and emotional meaning of the statement depends on the sound design of speech.

IN you must teach children to hear the younger preschool age, to distinguish and pronounce the sounds in words. Working on the right pronunciation of vowels, their differentiation must be carried out for the formations of a clear articulation of the sounds of the native language, as well as to teach children listen to the speech of an adult, distinguish between separate sounds and soundness.

The pronunciation of consonant sounds (their sequence is sufficiently detailed in the works of the speech therapists - [m], [b], [n], [t], [d], [n], [k], [g], [x], [ F], [B], [l], [C], [C]) prepares the organs of the articulation apparatus to the pronunciation of hissing sounds. To work with the pronunciation, games and exercises aimed at developing the ability of children to differentiate related sounds ([P] and [B], [T] and [D], [F] and [B]) in small speech units - syllables: pa-pa; woman; that, up to do, etc. Then the differentiation of solid and soft consonants is being implemented, the children are summed up to the correct pronunciation of hissing.

Games for the development of the articulation apparatus

Dudge and bell

Sound words, animal voices are widely used for the development of the articulation apparatus. For example, children are given musical instruments - a shoe and bell

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1 Methods of identifying the level of development of preschoolers (Ushakova OS, Street Ye.m.) The level of speech development of preschoolers can be detected both at the beginning of the school year and in the middle (or at the end). The examination may conduct educators, methodologists, parents. If children are familiar with adults, interviewing them, they are easy to come to contact and willingly answer questions. The survey is carried out individually with each child (the conversation should not exceed 15 minutes). If an unfamiliar adult comes, then he should get to know the children in advance, to establish emotional contact, in order for children to enter into speech communication with pleasure. The tasks should be given in an interesting, intonationally expressive form. The correct answers must cause approval, support; In the case of difficulties, it is not necessary to show the child that he did not cope, but simply should give the answer itself (for example; the child could not call the generalizing word, and the adult himself says: "This can be called the word clothing"), but in the protocol, note the non-fulfillment. The tasks best offer to children when viewed by familiar toys or items, and if insulated words are taken (without visibility), their meaning should be known to children. To verify the level of speech development of children of junior and middle preschool age, visuality is widely used (items, pictures, various toys). For senior preschoolers, tasks may be offered without visual funds, but on familiar words. Here, the exact formulation of questions is most importantly acquired, it is especially important when performing speech tasks for identifying: the ability to select synonyms and antonyms to the names of adjective and verbs; the ability to accurately (in sense) use of words; Skills of performing various creative tasks (speech situations); Skills of drawing up different types of statements. Questions go in a logical sequence, sometimes the formulation is sometimes caused by this. The assessment in all tasks is given in quantitative terms (by points). With the conventions of quantitative estimates for the statements of different completeness and correctness, they (estimates) help to identify speech development levels: I high, II medium (sufficient) and III (below average). 3 points is made for the exact and correct response, this child independently. 2 points receive a child who made a minor inaccuracy that responds to the leading and adult clarifications. 1 score is placed by a child if he does not relate to the questions of an adult, repeats words for him, demonstrates the misunderstanding of the task. one

2 exemplary (possible) kids responses are given after each task in such a sequence: 1) the correct answer; 2) partially correct; 3) Inaccurate answer. At the end of the check, scores are calculated. If most answers (over 2/3) received an estimate of 3, this is a high level. If more than half of the answers are estimated 2, it is a medium level, and with an estimate 1 level below average. Senior pre-school age Characteristics of speech development in children of senior preschool age The development of speech reaches a high level. Most children correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, can regulate the voting power, the tempo of speech, the intonation of the question, joy, surprise. A significant margin of words accumulates to the older preschool age. The enrichment of vocabulary (the vocabulary composition of the language, the combination of words used by the child) increases the supply of words similar (synonyms) or opposite (antonyms) in meaning, multivalued words. Thus, the development of a dictionary characterizes not only an increase in the number of words used, but also an understanding of the child of various values \u200b\u200bof the same word (multivalued). The movement in this regard is extremely important because it is connected with the more complete awareness of the children of the semantics of the words they have already enjoyed. In the senior preschool age, the most important stage of the speech development of children is completed by the learning of the grammatical language system. The proportion of simple common offers, complex and complex, complexity is increasing. Children has a critical attitude towards grammatical errors, the ability to control their speech. The most vivid characteristic of the speech of children of senior preschool age is the active development or construction of different types of texts (description, narration, reasoning). In the process of mastering connected speech, children begin to actively use different types of communication types inside the sentence, between proposals and between parts of the statement, observing its structure (beginning, middle, end). At the same time, such features in the speech of senior preschoolers can be noted. Separate children do not pronounce all the sounds of the native language, do not know how to use intonation means of expressiveness, adjust the speed and volume of speech depending on the situation. Children make mistakes and in the formation of different grammatical forms (this is the genitive case of a multiple nouns names, matching them with adjectives, different ways 2

3 word formation). And, of course, it is difficult to properly build complex syntactic structures, which leads to an incorrect connection of words in the proposal and connection of proposals among themselves in compiling a connected statement. The main disadvantages in the development of connected speech is the inability to build a connected text using all structural elements (beginning, middle, end), to connect parts of the statement. Speech tasks with respect to children of senior preschool age will include the same sections as in previous ages, however, each task is complicated both by the content and according to the training method. The dictionary detects the skills: 1) to activate the names of adjectives and verbs, select the words accurate in the meaning of the word to the speech situation; 2) select synonyms and antonyms for the specified words of different parts of speech; 3) to understand and use different meanings of multivalued words; 4) Differentiate generalizing concepts (wild and domestic animals). Grammar 1) to form the name of the young animals (Fox fox, cow calf); pick up single words, coordinate the names of the nouns and the names of adjectives in childbirth and the number; 2) to form difficult forms of imperative and subjunctive inclination (hide! Dance / I would search); PEIGHT case (engaged, foals, lambs); 3) Build complex offers of different types. Phonetics 1) Differentiate Couples Sounds S-Z, C-C, Shd, Ch-Shch9 L-P\u003e Discern whistling, hissing and sonar sounds, solid and soft; 2) to change the power of the voice, the tempo of speech, intonation, depending on the content of the statement; 3) Select the words and phrases similar to the sound. Svyaznoy speech 1) in the retelling of literary works to intonationally transmit the dialogue of the acting persons, the characteristics of the characters; 2) to draw up a description, narration or reasoning; 3) Develop a storyline in a series of paintings, connecting parts of the statements by different types of connections. 3.

4 Procedure of the survey I series of tasks (dictionary and grammar). 1. You already know many words. What does the word doll, ball, dishes? 1) The child correctly explains the meaning of words (they eat out of it and drink, these are toys); 2) calls individual signs, actions; 3) Calls 1 2 words. 2. What is deep? Small? High? low? easy? Heavy? 1) performs all tasks, calls 1 2 words to the adjective (deep pit, deep sea); 2) picks up words to 2 3 adjectives; 3) picks up the word only to one adjective (high fence). 3. What do they call the word handle? 1) calls several values \u200b\u200bof this word (the handle writes. A child has a pen. The door has a handle); 2) calls two values \u200b\u200bof this word; 3) lists the items that have a handle (1 2 words). 4. Come up with a sentence with the word handle. 1) makes grammatically proposal of three words; 2) calls two words (phrases); 3) only calls one word (handle). 5. The handle is needed to ... (write, keep a cup, keep a bag, etc.). The handle can be ... (write, open the door). 1) correctly finishes different types of proposals; 2) calls two words; 3) Selects only one word. 6. The adult offers the child the situation: "I walked the bunny in the forest. His mood is fun. He returned home such ... (joyful, lively, satisfied). And if the bunny was cheerful and joyful, he didn't just go, but ... (rushed, carried, flew). " 1) the child correctly selects words close in meaning (synonyms); 2) calls 2 3 words; 3) Selects only one word. The teacher gives another situation: "Another brother bunny came await him, he was offended. By the way, the fun to pick up words opposite to meaning (sad, sad, offended). And if the bunny was offended, he didn't just go, and ... (flew, dragged, brave) ", 1) correctly selects words opposite to meaning (antonyms); 2) calls 2 3 words; 3) Selects only one word. 7. What would the bunny do if the wolf met (fox)? (Would have convinced, would hide, scared.) 1) Corrects all words in the subjunctive tilt; 2) picks up two words; four

5 3) calls only one word. 8. Tell the bunny to jump, hid, danced. 1) correctly calls words in imperative inclination; 2) picks up two words; 3) calls one word. 9. Tell me who is young at the hare? (Bunny.) Young? (Run.) The hare has a lot ... (will be engaged). Similar questions are given by the CRC of other animals: "In fox ..., wolf ..., bear, hedgehog ..." 1) The child calls all the cubs in the right grammatical form; 2) calls only one form correctly; 3) does not fulfill the task. 10. Name a young dog, cow, horses, sheep (dog puppy puppies, many puppies; calf calf cow Two calves; horse foal foal horse starbing; sheep lamb lamb a lot of lambs). 1) The child calls all words correctly; 2) calls two or three words; 3) says one word. 11. Where do you live? (Vilan.) What words can be formed with the word Forest? (Forest, Forester, Funds, Forestry, Forestry, Lesovik, Le Covichk.) 1) calls more than two words; 2) calls two words; 3) repeats the specified word. 12. What is called the word needle! What needles do you still know? 1) The child calls needles in the Christmas tree, hedgehog, pine, sewing and medical needle; 2) calls only one value of this word; 3) repeats the word for adults. 13. What is the needle of hedgehog? (Acute.) What are we talking about: sharp, sharp, sharp? 1) The child calls several items (a sharp knife, acute saw, sharp scissors); 2) correctly selects two words; 3) calls one word. 14. What can I do a needle? What is it needed for? 1) the child calls different actions (sewing, embroider; indulge); 2) calls two actions (pump mushrooms, sew); 3) calls one action (sew). 15. Make an offer with the word needle. 1) The child is a complex proposal (needle needs to sew); 2) makes a simple sentence (a needle is done); 3) calls one word. five

6 16. Adult says that children from another kindergarten said like this: "Dad, go in a whisper", "Mommy, I love you loudly", "I put on the shoes inside out." Can I say so? How to say right? 1) The child correctly corrects all the proposals (dad, go quietly. Mommy, I love you very much. I put on the boots not on that leg); 2) correctly corrects two sentences; 3) Repeats proposals without changing. II series of tasks (sound culture speech). 1. In the name of which animals hears the sound of l? (Horse, wolf, elephant, protein); Sound? (Lion, Fox, Leopard.) 2. In the name of which animals the sound is heard /\u003e? (Tiger, Cow, Baran, Giraffe.) Sick! (Turtle, Chicken.) 3. Name words in which there are sounds with and w. (Old woman, Sasha, drying.) Sounds from? (Iron.) 1) The child distinguishes solid and soft sounds, differentiates hissing sounds; 2) calls more than two words; 3) calls one word. 4. The patter is given, which should be pronounced quickly slowly, quietly loudly in a whisper. "Thirty-three cars in a row of tarators, tauralate" (or any other). 1) The child says clearly, changes the tempo of speech, regulates the power of the voice; 2) does not clearly pronounce sufficiently; 3) Does not speak the ability to slow down, diminishing the tempo. 5. Say the phrase "I will go to school" so that we heard that it pleases you, surprises or you ask about it. 1) the child transmits the specified intonation; 2) transmits only question intonation; 3) repeats the narrative intonation. 6. Invent the end of the phrase so that it turned out to be folded: "Hedgehog-hedgehog where walked? (I collected mushrooms.) Hedgehog-hedgehog where have you been? (I walked everything in the forest). " 1) The child rhythmically finishes the phrase; 2) responds by breaking the rhythm; 3) says one word. III series of tasks (connected speech). 1. The educator offers a child to describe the hedgehog (in the picture). 1) The child is a description in which there are three parts of the part: the beginning, the middle, the end. This is an hedgehog. He is brown, spiny. On the back of the hedgehog sharp needles. They need a hedgehog to pump mushrooms and berries. The hedgehog takes care of his hedges; 2) tells, lowering the beginning (or end); 3) Lists separate qualities. 6.

7 2. The educator offers a series of pictures (3 4), combined with a plot, offers a child to decompose them in the sequence and make a story. 1) the child decides the pictures in the correct sequence, constitutes a connected story; 2) tells with an adult; 3) lists drawn in pictures. 3. The educator offers a child to make a story (fairy tale) on an independently chosen topic. 1) The child comes up with a story (fairy tale), gives its name; 2) is a story with an adult; 3) does not cope with the task. The development of a coherent speech is estimated, in addition to the above general indicators, according to special criteria that characterize the main qualities of a coherent statement (descriptions, stories on a series of scene paintings or on their own chosen theme). Recall these indicators: 1. Content (in the narrative, the ability to come up with an interesting plot, deploy it in a logical sequence; in the description of the disclosure of microthem, signs and actions). If the child comes up with an interesting plot, he gets 3 points; If the plot is borrowed 2 points; If there is a listing of signs 1 point. 2. Composition of the statement: the presence of three structural parts (beginning, middle, end), building the plot in the logical sequence of 3 points; the presence of two structural parts (beginning and middle, middle and end), a partial disruption of the logic of the presentation of 2 points; Lack of beginning and end 1 score. 3. The grammatical correctness of building simple and complex proposals, the correct coordination of words into the word combinations and sentences 3 points; Use only simple suggestions 2 points; Sleepy designs (call offers) 1 point. 4. A variety of ways of connections between suggestions 3 points; the use of methods of formal writing communication (through alliances A, and, adjustable) 2 points; Inability to communicate with each other offers 1 point. 5. A variety of lexical tools (the use of different parts of speech, figurative words of definitions, comparisons, synonyms, antonyms) 3 points; some violation of the accuracy of the word color consumption; monotony of vocabulary, repetition of the same words 1 point. 6. Sound registration of statements (smoothness, intonation expressiveness, presentation at a moderate pace) 3 points; Intermittent presentation, minor hits and pauses 2 points; Monotonous, inexpressive presentation 1 point. Evaluation of all tasks The tutor gives, calculating the total number of points. 7.

8 Methods of identifying the level of development of a figurative speech (study H.B. Gavrish) Culture of speech is the most important condition for the education of the general and internal culture of people. Ownership of a literary language, the improvement of speech culture skills is the necessary component of the formation, human intelligence. Under the culture of speech, it is usually customary to understand the observance of the norms of the literary language, the ability to transfer their thoughts in accordance with the appointment and purpose of the statement, grammatically correctly, logical, accurately, expressive. The most important sources of development of expressiveness of children's speech are works of fiction and oral folk creativity, including small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, phraseologism, riddles, patterings). At the same time, scientists note a significant discrepancy between the ability of children to perceive the figurative system of literary and folklore works and the ability to express their thoughts, impressions, experience in their own essays. Search for ways to form the image formation of a connected speech of preschoolers based on the use of different genres of literature, oral folk creativity, phraseologism will be the main goal of our research. Detection of the level of patterns of children in independent connected statements, the peculiarities of perception of literary works, including small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, phraseological units, riddles), can be carried out in the form of individual conversations with every child using five series of tasks. I series of tasks identifies the ability of children to invent a story or a fairy tale, using expressive means. Checked whether the child can logically develop the plot to develop, in accordance with the theme he himself chose, what a means of expressiveness it will use in his essay. After the introductory conversation about the favorite books, the child is invited to come up with a story, a fairy tale; give a name to the statement, determine the genre and explain your choice. Presentations of children about the genre (fairy tale, story, poem) are evaluated, the ability to choose the topic, deploy the plot in the logical sequence; The assessment also obtains compliance with the composition (the presence of the beginning, middle, end) and the use of the means of artistic expressiveness of lexical, syntactic, stylistic. For a significant part of children's writings, a violation of the logical sequence, the composition of the text, the inconsistency of the content theme is characteristic. In the process of analyzing creative stories, some dependence is allocated between the level of connectivity as the qualitative characteristics of the text and the level of imagery. eight

9 In his connected statements, children use a variety of drawing means: syntactic (called and non-union proposals, inversion, direct speech, refinements, repeats), lexical (epithets, definitions, emotionally estimated vocabulary). Metaphors and comparisons are not only in stories, but also in fairy tales of children are found in isolated cases. At the same time, the facts are observed, testifying to the influence of the language of artistic texts for children's writings: children use specific fabulous turns, expressions. Analysis of children's workflows in terms of imagery shows the existence of communication between the level of artistic perception of literary works and the level of expressiveness of the creative stories of children. The II series of tasks is aimed at identifying the peculiarities of the perception of children of literary works of different genres. Children are offered literary works of different genres: poems of A. Balonsky "in the forest" and I. Bunin "Listopad" (passage), the story of M. Privina "Polyanka in the forest" (passage), the fairy tale "three pigs" in the processing of St. Mikhalkov. There may be other works, but the main criterion of choice should be a high degree of imagery, saturation by means of artistic expressiveness. Questions are asked: "What did you read? Why do you think it is a fairy tale (story, poem)? What is said in ...? How does the author call ...? " The ability to distinguish between the genre is estimated, understand its specific features, identify the topic and main content of the work. Analysis of the answers of children shows that they do not have clear ideas about the genre features of literary works. The closest and clear children genre is a fairy tale. The easiest children cope with the allocation and reproduction of epithets. The perception and separation of the text of comparison causes them significant difficulties, and the understanding of the metaphor is the most difficult task. Other means of artistic expressiveness (metonimia, personification, hyperbole) are noted by children in rare cases. III A series of task Determines the understanding of children the values \u200b\u200bof phraseological units: as in the water omitted, give the word, the soul's hunger, to inflate the lips, laying his head, in the sweat of the face, add the go. At first, each expression is given to a child in an isolated form, it turns out how he understands it, then the same phraseology is offered in context. The depth of understanding by the child phraseological units can be checked through the task: "Invent a proposal or a story in which someone could say so." The correct, literal, negative answers, the accuracy of the word, the ability to invent proposals with a given expression are fixed and evaluated. Analysis of the characteristics of the understanding of the value of phraseological units shows that a significant part of children is experiencing difficulties in perception and 9

10 Understanding the formal content of phraseologism. At the same time, the results of the survey show the possibility of teaching children to awareness of the figurative content and the generalized value of phraseologism. IV A series of tasks reveals an understanding of proverbs: a cowardly bunny and a foam wolf. Rides Emelya, yes to wait for his week. Poor Vanyushka is everywhere in pebbles. The child is invited to remember or come up with a small story in which someone from the heroes could say such words. The proverb is given to children first outside the text, and then in the text that takes pleasure its understanding. When analyzed, not only the ability to explain the meaning of the proverb, but also the ability to include it in the appropriate speech situation. The survey results show that an understanding of the generalized meaning of proverbs is available to children of senior preschool age. V A series of tasks identifies the ability of children to perceive and understand the shaped content of mysteries, to extract the means of artistic expressiveness from the text of the riddles. Children are offered three riddles. Text is read: "Behind the trees, a rapid flame flashed behind the bushes. Flashed, ran, there is no smoke, no fire. " (Fox.) The child guess (or not) a riddle, and then he is asked questions: "How did you guess that this is a fox? (Understanding the metaphor.) What compare the fox? Why is the fox compare with a flame? (Allocation of comparisons.) How can I say differently about the fox? What can it be compared with? " An understanding of the artistic image of the artistic image, concluded in the riddle, the decay of comparison, epithets, awareness of the metaphor is estimated. Analysis of the peculiarities of the perception of children of different genres of literary works (poems, stories, fairy tales), small folklore forms (mysteries, proverbs, sayings, phraseologism) allows you to establish the levels of perception by children of figurative speech. Such a survey allows us to conclude that an important factor in the formation of the formation of children's speech is the relationship of working on speech classes, in the process of familiarization with fiction, as well as in everyday life. Acquaintance with small folk genres (riddles, proverbs, sayings, phraseologists), the use of special exercises, creative tasks leads children to the conscious transfer of formed representations into verbal creativity. The formation of the pattern of speech should be carried out in unity with the development of other qualities of a connected statement based on the idea of \u200b\u200bcomposite and genre features of the fairy tale, stories, fables, poems, for sufficient supply of shaped vocabulary and understanding the expediency of its use in the artistic text. 10

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Work on the presentation and an essay as one of the forms of work to improve the connected speech of students of the teacher-speech therapist Vildina S.Yu. With a change in the volume and quality of information consumed, priority changes

Group Stages I Stage 5-6 years "Long and short" sound syllable word Offer Speech Objective: Consider knowledge that the sounds in the word are pronounced in; Teach children on their own long and short words "name

Calendar and thematic planning for the development of speech 36 hours P \\ n Date Subject Classes Software Contents Wood Number of hours Plan Fact Speech: speaking, listening speech: reading, letter to introduce children

1 Explanatory note Work program of the course "Learn to write writings" is based on the federal state educational standard, an exemplary educational program of the initial total

Additional general educational overall program "Merry Alphabet" The focus of the socio-pedagogical level Basic is designed for children from 5 to 7 years. Implementation period (total number

Speech development of children 2-3 years old Experts consider age from two to three years critical in terms of speech development and recommend to make the first visit to the speech therapist to answer the question "Is everything good with

L. V. Malashkevich Program "Development of Children's Speech 5 6 years" Explanatory note Speech is one of the main lines for the development of the child. Normal speech development requires a child to successfully study at school.

Explanatory note to the program "Speech Development" for 2 classes Maou "Gymnasium 76" The relevance of the introduction of a course "Deter Development" is determined by the failure of the number of Russian lessons

MUNICIPAL PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION DEVELOPMENTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILDREN Kindergarten 106 Development of a coherent speech in kindergarten Brochure for parents and teachers of Uniwar Lyudmila Yurievna, Tutor Higher

Calendar and thematic planning Russian language (4th grade) Authors: V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky vocabulary, phonetics, grammar, spelling and speech development of 136 hours remember, repeat, study (32