How to learn to dance hip hop well. Does anyone learn to dance hip hop and how to do it

How to learn to dance hip hop well.  Does anyone learn to dance hip hop and how to do it
How to learn to dance hip hop well. Does anyone learn to dance hip hop and how to do it

If you dream of learning how to dance, but by different reasons can't get to the gym, start studying at home. After all, dancing brings the body even more benefits than playing sports. Muscles are tightened, burned overweight, the skin becomes more elastic, shortness of breath disappears and, most importantly, you get a boost of vivacity.

Therefore, if there is an incredible desire to become a disco dancer, modern dance can and should be at home. Yes, without competent instructions from a coach, you are unlikely to become a professional (although there are pleasant exceptions), but here is what you will find amazing physical fitness- this is indisputable.

The Basics of Home Dance Practice

Before you start learning to dance street and classical dances at home, you need to learn the main thing: any workout begins with a warm-up and ends with stretching. Break your activity into three parts:

  • warm-up of all muscle groups;
  • main dance block
  • deep stretching

If you neglect the warm-up at the beginning of the session, you can get strained or more serious injury. And if you forget about stretching at the end, then you can not even dream of a beautiful muscle relief.

Deciding to learn to dance Street dance at home, buy clothing that matches your style. Hip-hop or break dance is not just performing movements to music, it is a whole philosophy, a subculture. Therefore, at home in front of the mirror in stretched sweatpants, you can hardly learn to dance hip-hop or tectonic beautifully.

To learn how to dance hip hop at home, the first step is to understand that during all the movements, the legs and body must work. First you need to learn how to relax.

When you start learning to dance hip hop, stand in front of a mirror, bend your knees and do some spring. Feel the body relax. Remember these sensations - it is in this state that all movements are performed.

In simple hip-hop, all movements are smooth - no jerking or wrinkling of the arms. You need to feel your body. In more complex numbers strength elements are also performed, but they require excellent physical shape and the help of a mentor.

Therefore, if you want to learn hip-hop at home, just master the technique of movements - and for more complex elements it is better to go to the professionals in the gym.

How to learn to dance at home break

You can also learn to break dance at home, but again, if it comes about simple elements. Break dance is one of the directions of hip hop, only more dynamic and requires good athletic training from dancers.

Therefore, deciding to learn how to dance break dance at home, you first need to master hip hop: move on relaxed knees bent at the knees, and make smooth movements with your hands.

There are two types of breaks: bottom and top. In the first case, the dancer performs the basic elements with his feet, and in the second, with his hands. Many dancers make such a virtuoso top break that it simply mesmerizes the audience.

At home, learning to break dance can begin with mastering the technique of moving the arms and legs. Download an instructional video where you slowly figure out the main elements and bring them to automaticity.

Break dance has a lot of complex, almost circus elements. Dancers spin on their heads, jump and walk on their hands, freeze in difficult poses for a few seconds. Without this, a break is impossible. But beginners should definitely not do any of these tricks at the first lesson. Learn to dance on your own at home like this complex elements their hip hop is just life threatening.

Learning to dance tectonic on our own

This type of street dance is not fundamentally different from the previous two. It is more complex, as it has absorbed many elements from others. modern dance... It has break, hip hop and techno.

All movements are performed on relaxed legs. Therefore, if you want to learn how to dance tectonic, turn on the video tutorial on hip hop and learn to move on bent legs.

In tectonics, the main elements are done by hand. They are somewhat similar to the upper break, only sharper and faster. But you need to learn to dance tectonic in the same way as a break: first, repeat the movements in slow motion, gradually increasing the pace.

Many hand movements in tectonics are performed in sync with the knees and feet. Therefore, when a complex of movements has been worked out, it must be combined with the movements of the legs. The hips also need to be involved - they will add amplitude. Synchronous execution is difficult to achieve right away, but nothing is impossible. And with regular classes in a few months, the dream of learning to dance tectonics may well come true.

Cons of learning to dance at home

Unfortunately, the idea of ​​learning to dance at home has its drawbacks. You can misunderstand the basic movements of the dance and do it with a mistake. Having brought them to automatism, it will be difficult to relearn.

The absence is near professional trainer is one of the serious disadvantages of such activities. After all, the teacher can not only put your arms and legs correctly in the dance, teach you the basic elements right away, but also control so that you do not get injured. During classes, mentors make sure that their students do not try to do complex elements at once.

Everyone can learn at home or club dances, and this is not at all a crazy idea, but a completely doable task. You can take a few hours of classes from a coach at school, and then dance at home tectonic or hip-hop in front of the mirror at home. Or you can start to independently learn the basic movements from these dances, and then go to improve your skills in dance school.

In some big city learning to dance hip hop is pretty simple. You can just go to a dance school or hire a personal trainer. In the provincial hills, everything is more complicated. And shyness prevents the majority from taking the first steps in this direction.

Therefore, UchiEto decided to write a useful article on how to learn how to dance hip-hop at home, that is, on your own without anyone's help. When there is no one at home, no one will give advice or laugh - only you, then you will need appropriate music and a large mirror. If you understand that this is really yours, you can hire a personal teacher. If not, then you at least tried and now you can go to the article on how to learn to dance break dance.

Now we will tell you about this subculture and about musical direction... It all began in New York in 1974, at that time the eight main components of this subculture were clearly formed: graffiti, DJing, beatboxing, fashion, slang, philosophy, breaking, MCing.

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To call yourself a hip-hop, you had to be engaged in at least one direction. Of course, the more the better. To quickly learn how to dance hip-hop, you need to acquire at least some knowledge of the relevant music. After all, there is no dance without music.

Hip hop like musical genre, separated from the subculture around the 90s, and is now considered a very successful genre in modern world... During this period of time, many watched videos on how to learn how to dance hip hop and began to enroll themselves in this subculture. Music consists of 2 main components - a rhythm set by a DJ, and a rhymed, rhythmic recitative.

To learn how to dance hip hop at home, you need to put on comfortable shoes, wear loose clothing and play hip hop music with an expressive rhythm. It all starts with the wiggle. That is, you just need to spread your legs in different directions, lower your arms and listen to music. You can close your eyes and say the words of rap to yourself.

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Habits That Will Make You Happy

Your goal in the first step is to hear the beat and try to catch it. It is without this component that you will not succeed. Not only will this swing help you catch the rhythm, but it is also a hip hop movement called kach. When you feel that you have tuned in, caught the wave and are ready from swinging to moving more difficult, you can move on.

And then you realize that by looking at photos of hip hop dancers on the network, you will not be able to learn anything, since there are no clear movements that you need to know. There are many different directions and each has its own movements. There is no scheme and logic between them, they are set by your mood and heart. To get you at least a little oriented in the directions, UchiIt will list the main ones. Well, below we will provide you free videos lessons that can also be taught.

Waving- if you do not master this direction, you will definitely not be able to say that you have learned to dance hip-hop. These are plastic and smooth movements with all parts of the body.

Power move- this is exactly what fascinates people who watch the dances. These are transitions, twists, stands, acrobatic elements that require endurance, strength, physical fitness and, which is very important, coordination of movements.

Popping- these are movements when certain muscle groups contract to the beat of the music. They alternate with local movements and rhythmic relaxation in the joints. There are many subtypes this direction, which, depending on the smoothness of execution, differ from each other. It is difficult to explain in words, here is the video:

Crump- many do not at all distinguish it in a separate direction, but in fact, this is a free "shaking" and swaying of legs, arms, chest, the whole body to the music.

Locking- when an intense beat begins in music, rotational movements occur in the joints of the hands, and when it slows down or pauses, the body completely freezes. And when there is a change in rhythm, the movements continue.

Afro jazz- these directions often insert video hip-hop lessons, only for girls. You need to learn a rather complex shaking bottom body. Here's a video:

Ragga jazz- this is the direction in which the arsenal of movement should be large, and the movements themselves are thought out in advance by the dancer. It is necessary to "superimpose" the same movements on the same music. For example, during recitative without music, arms are rotated at the elbows, during drums, only legs are dancing, and so on.

Video lessons

How to learn to dance hip hop?

Hip-hop is a rather loose style of street dance through which the dancer expresses his individuality. Our article will tell you how to learn how to dance hip-hop.

Acting skills are of great importance in hip-hop - a dancer must be able to attract the attention of the audience, causing a smile and delight.

7 rules to know about

  1. Even if you are a great dancer in other directions, pay attention to hip-hop classes several times a week. You can train with a professional choreographer or on your own using online lessons. Hone your craft at home in front of the mirror by learning the basics first. Next, start studying more complex material. Remember that even professionals work on themselves every day.
  2. In order to learn how to dance hip-hop, you need to develop your ear for music. It is very important to be able to merge with the music in the dance, while capturing the right bass.
  3. Learn the technique and simple dance routines. You can rely on improvisation, but it won't do well without some initial preparation.
  4. Learn to express yourself through dance. When dancing hip-hop, you have to show the viewer who you are and what you live.
  5. After you learn the basics of dance - "break" the rules. Don't think about how to dance, just dance to create your own style execution.
  6. Hip-hop is a very lively dance, so you need to be in shape. If it bothers you excess weight, sign up for gym to an instructor who will quickly put your body in order. Keep track of your food, and also visit the pool.
  7. Hip-hop is based on two main movements - "step" and "kach". Start your dance study with them. On the page of our article, you can find a training video that you can use for training.

Basic movements

  • Place your feet together, and then move your right leg to the side with your toe out. Raise your right hand up. Bend your right knee while transferring your weight to it. Lower your raised hand to shoulder level. Make sure that your feet are firmly pressed to the floor. Then turn your body to the left. Bend your left knee while placing your right foot on your toes. Next, straighten your right leg, while the body weight will shift to the left. Bend your body back a little, making a smooth wave with your body. Stretch your arms down, with your fingertips stretch to the floor.
  • Feet shoulder-width apart, feet firmly pressed to the floor, knees slightly bent. Spread your fingers right hand and secure your palm to your chest so that your elbow is parallel to the floor. Bend the body backward, while throwing the pelvis forward. Make a turn to the right and then to the left. When turning, slide your hands over your body, starting from your chest and ending with your waist. Throw the pelvis forward again.
  • Standing on your left leg, lift your right leg to the side so that your thigh is parallel to the floor. Take the position of the hands - "student at the desk". Bend forward and straighten your right leg. Jump up, and then make a wave with your body and cross your arms across your chest.

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You can show freedom of choice and talent through dancing, among different types remains popular among young people long time hip-hop. This trend is different in that it requires not only technical knowledge and skills, but also acting skills, so that the hip-hop artist can attract the attention of street audiences. And if in big cities training in this style of dance takes place in numerous circles and groups, then for residents of small villages and towns the issue of training becomes a problem. You can master the technique of such a street dance on your own at home.

The main rules of hip-hop

Before proceeding to self-study or lessons with a hip-hop choreographer, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with the specifics of the dance and its basic rules.

  • Despite the fact that a person may have other dance techniques, hip-hop should be practiced several times a week. Trainings can take place both in the gym with a master, and at home, if you have video tutorials and a mirror.
  • To move rhythmically to the beat of the music, it is important to constantly develop an ear for music.
  • To begin with, you should study the most elementary ligaments and movement techniques. After a while, improvisation will be appropriate.
  • During the dance, a professional always conveys his emotions and demonstrates his liveliness to the viewer.
  • Since hip-hop is considered one of the most agile techniques in the art, they need to be in good physical shape to practice.
  • Basic techniques in hip-hop are kache and step. Only after the student has mastered these simple moves, he will be able to continue his studies further.
  • After the basic movements and techniques have entered the understanding of the dancer, you can safely experiment and develop your own corporate identity.

Hip-hop is a street dance style that prefers freedom of choice and expression of individuality.

Beginning Moves for Learning Hip Hop

Having mastered basic techniques such a direction in dance, the student will be able to safely practice independently at home with the help of simple video tutorials.

  1. Starting position - legs together. The right leg needs to be smoothly taken to the side with the toe, and the right hand rises up. Thereafter right leg to the side bends at the knee, transferring all the weight to it. At this time, the right hand, which was raised up, drops to the shoulder line. In this case, the feet are firmly pressed against the floor surface. The body turns sharply to the left, while the left knee is bent and the right leg is placed on the toe. The right leg returns to a straight position and the entire body weight is shifted to the left. Trying to bend the body back so that the body looms a wave. After that, the arms are extended down so that the fingertips can touch the floor.
  2. Starting position - the legs stand firmly on the floor surface, are shoulder-width apart, while in the knee area they need to be bent a little. The palms of the right hand are secured to the chest with fingers spread out, so that the elbow is parallel to the floor. Throwing the pelvis forward, you need to bend the body of the body. Next, a turn is performed, first to the left, then to the right. Making these movements, the arms slide along the torso, from the chest to the waist line. After the pelvis is thrown forward.
  3. Relying on left leg, the other is thrown to the side of the body parallel to the floor line. Hands are folded in the form of a "student at the desk". Bending forward slightly, the right leg is straightened as much as possible. Next, a jump, a wave with the body, and the return of the arms to the crossing position on the chest.

The list of basic exercises in hip-hop is much longer, modern techniques are constantly supplemented with new ideas, but having learned the above, you can already consider yourself a novice hip-hop.

On the dance floor in all its glory, for others - love for such dances and the desire to develop in this area, for example, create your own team or become a coach. In the first case, it will be enough for you to watch the video lessons and repeat after the teacher. In the second case, it is better to choose a school where they teach professional performance, and also do not forget to learn as much as possible about such areas.

Why are they called street?

Oddly enough, ballet and salsa can also be adapted to this style. Street dance - assorted of the most different directions... They are not danced in choreographic halls, but performed in the courtyards of schools and institutes, in nightclubs and on the streets. The main thing in them is to reveal individuality, to express the character, feelings of the dancer and show his uniqueness. Therefore, be sure to try street dancing at home, perhaps it will become the work of your whole life.

Street dance styles

Hip-Hop - less aggression and more freedom self-expression. Fine jumping technique is what sets him apart from others.

Free Style - as you can see from the name, there are no hard and fast rules. Relaxed improvisation and combining movements to your liking is the basis of the style.

New Jack - elements of acrobatics are included.

Pop Locking is a synchronized dance that requires a lot of stamina.

Dab Step - dance to the music of the same name. Combines a mix of all street dance styles.

Locking - movement in full force and maximum dedication. Reversals, swings, rotations are presented.

House - in this style, the body is subordinated to the melody, while in hip-hop you are subordinated to the musical beat.

R&B - "Rhythm and Blues" is more multifaceted and more complex than hip-hop.

Trance is not only a dance of the body, but also of the soul.

How to do street dance at home

1. Choose loose clothing and comfortable shoes. Nothing should interfere and annoy.

2. To understand faster, listen to more music the desired direction, listen to the rhythm.

3. The most important thing in achieving success is desire, diligence and hard work. Don't stop there, even if you don't see results (yet). If you are studying with a teacher, do not compare yourself with him. Naturally, he will dance better than you. The main thing is to compare yourself with your previous results.

4. How to learn to dance street dance and where to start? Learn the basic steps first. This will be the base. But before that, determine the style that you like. If you want to develop sexuality - stop at R&B, you want to relax and have fun - your style can be Hip-Hop, if you want striptease, but more chaste - choose Go-Go, Locking will help increase endurance and improve physical fitness.

5. Before you learn to dance street dance at home, decide on the videos. Nothing replaces a professional trainer, even if this trainer shows exercises on You Tube. So learn from famous dancers.

6. Remember the basic rule: constant practice is the key to amazing results! At first, it may not work at all. Do not get depressed, you will see that one day everything became simple and clear, and your movement looks polished and natural.

7. Having learned basic elements, mix them to your taste - improvisation is an indispensable technique for street dancing.