The initial lessons of Dance Dip House. How to learn to dance street dancing - hip-hop, tehno, house and others? Styles of street dance

The initial lessons of Dance Dip House. How to learn to dance street dancing - hip-hop, tehno, house and others? Styles of street dance
The initial lessons of Dance Dip House. How to learn to dance street dancing - hip-hop, tehno, house and others? Styles of street dance

Everyone wants to feel confident on the dance floor in the club. No incendiary parties will no longer be dancing in the style of House. Thanks to the energetic and positivity, it turns out both the performer and the audience.

A House Dance arose in the 80s of the twentieth century in Chicago clubs. Then the music with the same name appeared. Rhythmic television traffic fascinated regulars and kings of parties of the whole city. Later, the inhabitants of New York could not resist the movements of Hauus. Now, learns the elements of an interesting and popular style of Europe.

We suggest to consider the main movements of the Hawa and to succumb to its stunning rhythm.

Video lesson "House dance"

House is a mix of movements of various dance styles. It includes elements of Stepa, Latina, Brake Dance, Jazz, Hip-Hop and Disco. Isn't an interesting combination?

Dance performance technique changed over time. At first, there were sharp and aggressive housing movements, the whole body was kept in voltage. Later, on replacing, they came soft movements of legs, relaxed and free housing fluctuations. The style and manner of dance changes in the foot over time and is constantly being improved. Probably, this is what he conquered the hearts of modern dancers.

IMPORTANT. Before starting the training, you need to heat the muscles to not injure them.

Basic movements House:

  1. Pas de Bourree. Consists of 3 steps, the legs alternate (the left-right-left or right-left right-right).
  2. CRISS CROSS. We cross legs, alternating them (movements are widely, volumetric and spring).
  3. STEP HOUSE. Consists of 2 movements: exhibit the heel forward and return to its original position.

By connecting the movement and adding a drop of energetic and positive in them, you will undoubtedly make a positive effect on others. You should not be afraid of experiments, the free movements of the hands and the corps only complement the dance. Good luck in learning!

Popular dance House (House) appeared in the disco era of the 70s and 1980s of the 20th century. House is built, first of all, in full control of his body and energy. It is produced by an explosive wave or diligently holds back.

Hawa differences from other styles. House is often confused with other dancing, however, he has his own unique history and characteristic signs. The reasons for similarity lies, most likely, in the partial coincidence of certain elements from other dance crops. Many consider house a direct descendant of hip-hop, but, in fact, it is not. Hip-hop, of course, influenced the formation of House, brought in it many elements and emotions, but the main role in the occurrence of House was played by any significant changes in music in the 80s. House Woven from a variety of styles, but does not basically have clearly canons of performing movements.

House was born based on the OLD SCHOOL HIP-HOP base and many elements from other styles. To date, various types are highlighted in Haus: Jacking (work case), Footwork (work work), Stomping, LOFTING (work in the parter), and also stocking - a game with a partner.

But the foundation of the dance is precisely the individual perception of music by the dancer, his feelings and emotions - it is no coincidence that the original name did not have and was indicated simply as Freestyle Dancing.

One of the best Dancers of New York Ejoe Willson believes that "Hip-Hop's Hayc is deemed that, why is Hayc, you're going to have the best of the MyZike itself, and not a meaty bity, like in hip-hop."

Very important in the House of feelings, emotions, sensations. It should be noted that House is still more club dance, and not theatrical, so the main idea is considered the technical performance of all movements. House helps to improve flexibility, balance and physical capabilities of the dancer.

House attracts the public opinion with its energetic and fun atmosphere. The features of this dance make it one of the most popular at any parties.

As in any other style, House Dance also includes improvisation, where every dancer can prove himself.

If you look at the video of the speech of dancers in the House of House, it can be noted that they have a unique kach and perform all movements easily and seem to spring on their feet. The speed of dance performances speaks for itself, since energetic music with smooth transitions requires the implementation of wide plastic abilities.

Culture of Dance House implies that every dancer perceives music in his own way and expresses his perception in dance movements. Howa is based on several modern original directions. Initially, House was positioned as a freestyle - this is the art of street energetic dance, which, above all, allows the dancer to express his feelings and emotions after the perception of music.

On the dance floor in all its glory, for others - love for such dances and the desire to develop in this area, for example, to create your own team or become a coach. In the first case, you will be enough to view video tutorials and repeat for the teacher. In the second case, it is better to choose a school where they are engaged in professional execution, as well as not to forget to learn as much as possible about such directions.

Why are they called street?

Oddly enough, ballet and salsa can also be adapted to this style. Street dances are assorted from a wide variety of destinations. They do not dance in choreographic halls, but are performed in the courtyards of schools and institutes, in nightclubs and on the streets. The main thing in them is to reveal individuality, express the character, feelings of the dancing and show its uniqueness. Therefore, be sure to try street dancing at home, perhaps it will become the whole of your life.

Styles of street dance

Hip-Hop is less aggression and more self-expression freedom. Small jumping technique - what distinguishes it from others.

FREE STYLE - As you can see from the name, there are no hard rules here. Relaxed improvisation and combining movements to their taste is the basis of style.

New Jack - enabled elements of acrobatics.

Pop Locking - synchronous dance, requires great endurance.

DAB STEP - dance for music of the same name. Combines a mix of all directions of street dance.

Locking - movement in full force and maximum self-dedication. The reversals, mahs, rotation are presented.

House - In this style, the body is subordinate to the melodies, whereas in Hip-hop you are subject to a musical bat.

R & B - "Rhythm and Blues" multifaceted and more difficult to hip-hop.

Trance - dance not only body, but also the souls.

How to dance street dancing at home

1. Choose loose clothing and comfortable shoes. Nothing should interfere with and annoy.

2. To quickly understand, listen to more music of the desired direction, listen to rhythm.

3. The most important thing is to achieve success - desire, diligence and hard work. Do not stop at what has been achieved, even if you do not see the results (for now). If you are doing a teacher, do not compare yourself with him. Naturally, he will dance better than you. The main thing is to compare ourselves with the previous one.

4. How to learn to dance outdoor dancing and where to start? First, learn the main steps. This will be the base. But before this, determine the style that you like. Want to develop sexuality - stop at the R & B, I want to relax and have fun - your style can be HIP-HOP, you want striptease, but more chaste - select Go-Go, raise endurance and improve physical form will help Locking.

5. Before learn to dance street dancing at home, decide on videos. Nothing will replace a professional coach, even if this coach shows the exercises in You Tube. So learn from well-known dancers.

6. Remember the main rule: permanent practice - a deposit of a stunning result! First, it can not get anything at all. Do not fall into depression, so you will see that one day everything has become simple and understandable, and your movement looks sharp and natural.

7. Having learned the basic elements, mix them to their taste - improvisation is an indispensable technique of street dances.

Tanning House is based on rhythmic and rapid feet in combination with relaxed hull movements. This direction takes its origins in Chicago, it arose after the emergence of the musical style of the same name. Many movements have an influence on the dance: there are elements of martial arts, Latin American incendiary dances, VOG, Vaking and Break Dance. Much this style has adopted from hip-hop culture. Learn to dance House for beginners and beginners in Moscow in Moscow in the best dance school studio.

Dream to learn to dance House? Light with us we are not just a school, we are the real dance family, the best and largest in Russia. We will be glad to see you in our team. We are teaching the most experienced choreographers who will help to reveal the entire potential. They have repeatedly proved their skills on all sorts of European, Russian and even world competitions. Step by step, they will hold you in the amazing world of Haus.

Learn to dance House for guys and boys can be quick enough. After a few months, you will feel confident in dance. Conquer the dance floors, become a star of clips, a member of contests and competitions, stand out from the crowd! We invite everyone to age from 10 years

Learn to dance House for girls and girls can be easily and simple, it is worth just start. The movements are perfectly developing the coordination of movement and make the female body elegant and truly beautiful. And self-confidence increases with each new PA.

Learn to dance house easily: talent is in every

Do not be shy if you never tried yourself in dance. Better all fears and doubts and just try. You can learn a new one at any age: whether it is 10 years or even 110. If you have enthusiasm and desire to develop, you will become a real professional.

We have some of the strongest coaches in Moscow. Along with professional training, the training of our school is a whole range of indisputable advantages:

  • the opportunity to learn how to dance house from scratch to the profi level;
  • creating creative groups, participation in the shooting of rollers and video clips, international and regional speeches and competitions;
  • friendly and truly cohesive team;
  • comfortable, bright, spacious and comfortable halls;
  • the road to us from the nearest metro station will take just a minute;
  • for trial lesson you do not have to pay.

Learn to dance House for children and adolescents in TRIX-Famil - the right decision. Incidentally we are very simple! From the subway, Dubrovka to the studio can be reached in one or two minutes. To learn how to dance, everyone would be possible, there would be a desire. Our studio is located next to the stations of the peasant whale and proletarian. Quickly get from the metro Volgograd Prospekt, Avtozavodskaya. It will be convenient for you to come to classes if you live in Yuvao or to Cao. And while the first lesson for everyone is free, do not hesitate. Forward, behind the dream!

If you still have not learned to move the body like Rihanna or Miley Cyrus, you are hopelessly behind the fashion. Fortunately, hard is so popular that it is not a problem to find training videos on YouTube. Choose those where few words, but a lot of movement. It is better to train in front of the mirror, so you can better explore your body and understand how it works. And yes, feel free to look frankly, in this and there is all the essence of the dance.


Dance appeared along with the same musical direction. Its characteristic features are the dynamism, constant movement of the entire body and the special work of the legs, which as it were to build a certain drawing on the floor. The movements of the housing can be both smooth, wavy and sharp and very intermittent. House is a different combination of three main movements (characteristic swaying of the body, a peculiar technique of rearrangement of legs and sharp movements with hands) and, of course, a lot of improvisation.

Do not hope that this dance stayed in the past. Sex movements of the body under rhythmic music will never come out of fashion. If you do not imagine or vaguely remember that this is still this R & B and how it looks, remember Beyonce in her video Single Ladies - it is it. The dance is full of expression and feelings, and, despite the characteristic rhythmic movements, the overall drawing of the dance plastic and plan.


The history of this dance begins on a sultry Jamaica, where he was dancing in the 1970s in the thunder of drums and loud songs. Today, Danscoll went beyond South America and moved to the most popular dance platforms of the world, as well as in the clips of many famous performers. The main movement of dance is energetic rotation of hips and special wave-like movements of the body. In principle, Danscoll is similar to the combination of HIP-HOP and R & B. But only hundreds of times hot.

Go-Go - Dance of girls who ask rhythm to visitors in clubs. Usually they stand on the podiums and movements towering over the dance floor and movement and their drive raise degrees and fun. GO-GO is a very peculiar and characteristic dance. It is easy to learn and quite just learn, but note that it requires a certain physical training and takes a lot of strength. No wonder GO-GO dancers all completely model appearance. For an hour of such dances, you can work out any dessert.