Why Shavasana is the most difficult pose in yoga? Shavasana: execution technique. Relaxation asana

Why Shavasana is the most difficult pose in yoga? Shavasana: execution technique. Relaxation asana
Why Shavasana is the most difficult pose in yoga? Shavasana: execution technique. Relaxation asana
The essence of Asana is in the title: the posture of the dead. Upon perfect implementation, the absolute relaxation of the muscles of the body and the stop of thought is achieved.

Technique implementation

Clothing should be free and match the room temperature. Comfort is important here.
To lie on the back to the floor, the legs are stretched, the hands lie along the body.
Make a deep breath and strain the muscles of the whole body. Exhale.
Without relaxing, performing a few full breathing.
Close your eyes and relax, allowing tassels fluidly lie down with his palms up at some distance from the hips and digitifically the legs into the distance in the width of the shoulders.

Carefully track the muscle status of all parts of the body in the following order:
foot from fingertips to hip joints,
hand from the tips of the fingers to the shoulder joints,
torch from the crotch to the neck
neck to the base of the skull,
head. Look inside the head in such a sequence: the back of the head - the side surfaces and ears - cheeks - lips, tongue - nose - forehead - eyes.
The relaxation of the forehead and eye is a necessary condition, without it, to relax the body and "stop" the mind will not succeed.
During the viewing you need to try to remove (dissolve) the voltage where it is felt.
A fairly effective reception - view the main joints and removing the feeling of tension in them. If you manage to remove the feeling of tension in the joint, then all the muscles, the joint relating to this joint, relaxes itself.
Breathing first should be quite deep, slow and rhythmic, then natural, and in the end it should be "released", allowing him to flow so how it wishes itself. It is advisable to just forget about it.

There is a huge amount of receptions and meditative techniques that contribute to relaxation, but the experience suggests that it is best to find his own method of bringing the body and mind to a state of complete rest.
The main complexity of Shavasana is to relax the mind. It should be absolutely calm, still, free from all thoughts and ideas, as in a deep dream without dreams, but - awful. The achievement of such a state is usually the years of studying the behavior of their body and consciousness when relaxing. Unambiguously, it is only possible to say that an attempt to solve the problem of "stopping" right "in the forehead", wrestling effort, is in most cases hopeless. It is more likely to use the principle: the voltage is stronger - relaxed deeper.

Usually Shavasana is obtained truly deep and complete after tense Asan. In such cases, it is not even necessary for its first phase - the voltage of the entire body, as well as special tricks intended for removing the voltage blocks in the body and stop "internal dialogue".
In any case, to make the internal dialog disappear, as a rule, it is impossible, you can only undertake a "cunning" move, as a result of which it will stop at itself.
One of the techniques for stopping the internal dialogue in Shavasan may be, for example, the concentration of attention on the feelings in the nostrils: the coolness of the inhaled and the heat of exhaled air, which helps and greater muscle relaxation, which is carried out by consistent muscle relaxation to the sensation of gravity.

For therapeutic The practice of yoga is in deep Shavasan more than fifteen minutes undesirable.

The output from the short shavasana should be very soft and careful: first, just a little move the fingers and legs, then gently, gently pull out, breathe deeply and only after that - to open your eyes; Then it should be turned on side and a little lie down, and only after that - slowly rise to the sedentary position and, if necessary, stand up.
As a rest, truly executed Shavasan is much superior to a deep sleep, although the detoxification of the body that takes place in a dream does not occur, therefore, in certain quantities, sleep is needed.

In order to intensify the accumulation process in a thin body of additional energy, you can lie by connecting the heels of straight feet together. However, with a lack of experience, this somewhat reduces the effectiveness of relaxation, and with too long successful Shavasan, it may cause the "internal explosion" in consciousness, the consequences of which may be unpredictable. Therefore, the best posture, if it is not too cold in the room, - with a stream of shoulder width broken.

Act. Practice Shavasana frees the body from all stresses and prepares it for new loads. If the posture is well mastered, it can become partial sleep replacement. A few minutes of practicing Shavasana lead a tired organism into a state of equilibrium, and a person acquires the ability to work normally. This rest travel method is especially useful for someone who is deprived of the opportunity to sleep regularly.
Shavasan is the main therapeutic exercise for heart disease and hypertension.
Yogina with the help of this Asana reach the state of yoga-nidra - awakening yogic sleep without dreams - and enter the universal mind in the sphere.

There is a simple way to "energy paging" due to the practice of Shavasan. Shavasan at the same time is performed until it exhausted itself. A man who is in deep Shavasan suddenly suddenly notices that relaxation as it were instantly dissolved in the powerful riding of strength and full of body readiness to immediately actively act and overcome any obstacles. As a rule, this happens no earlier than forty minutes after the entrance to Shavasan, during which a different kind of psycho-energy phenomena is observed in the body.
A soft cautious way out of Shavasana in case of achieving this phase is not needed. You should simply pull out, open your eyes, get up - and act, trying to reasonably manage the strength in Shavasan.

If there are painful sensations in the neck or lumbar-sacral region in the practice of Shavasana, numbness in the limbs (which indicates the problem in the spine) - ignite first.
For beginners! In cases of cervical osteochondrosis or persistent stress of the muscles of the neck (for example, when working at the computer) I recommend to start relaxing from my head. When you come to the legs, check again the completeness of the relaxation of the muscles of the neck and face.

In chinese qigong.

Exercise to increase awareness.

Lyzh in Shavasan, Relax, Feel the floor, which gives on some part of your body, freedom in some areas and clips in others. Someone will feel like a light one, someone - heavily. One - refreshed, the other is tired.
Get and take everything that happens from the inside and outside without evaluation and labels.
You do not need to think that it is bad to feel clips or correct to be free. Here these categories are not suitable. Because it is an exercise of experience, experience.
As the waiting for something, the sensations become richer and complete are reduced. You can start aware of the changes that occur by ourselves. Voltages will weaken, the floor will become more convenient. You can begin to conscious your breathing and changes in it.

The name Shavasan is in yoga common for poses - asana and the practice of controlling vital energy - pranayama. In Shavasan, a state of relaxation of the body, mental peace, smooth breathing and equilibrium of the nervous system is achieved. Regular Practice Pose will allow not only to remove the tension, but also to feel bliss. It can be performed at any time, and if you do it before going to bed, will provide a deep full sleep.

Ancient classic yoga texts give an accurate definition that Shavasan is. "Lying, splashing on the floor, like a corpse, called Shavasana; This is what causes weakness and gives peace by the mind "(Hatha-Yoga Pradipics I, 32). The practitioner lies in Asan stationally, like a corpse, his consciousness is also motionless and calm. The close interconnection of the body and the brain is such that conscious relaxation compensates for the voltage of the body and launches a new physiological program similar to recharging the battery.

With the external simplicity, Shavasan's posture is difficult to learn. She is akin to the thread, which connects the body with the soul, Asana with Pranayama and leads a person to improve. There must be time to achieve the mindset and make the body shift. The feeling of silence when relaxing in Shavasan may first even plant a practitioner, and will then come to the sentence of the state of absolute rest without falling into sleep.

Shavasana: execution technique

Important moments of pose

Features of breathing in Asan

Breath in Shavasan Pacific and Shallow. With its ease and smoothness, it resembles the flow of water in the river. The changed mental state appears: mind and body are free and fixed, Prana energy is not spent. You can even feel that the body has lengthened by 1-2 centimeters.

When inhaling:

When exhaling:

  • the brain is relaxing;
  • the air does not concern the throat walls, irritating it;
  • the diaphragm is not reduced suddenly;
  • mind passively contemplates and regulates the course of exhalation;
  • there is a feeling of rest and inner stream of energy.

Shavasana exit rules

Meditation Shavasana

Classical Shavasana involves the acquisition of peace of the body and the mind in full silence. Yoga Masters Recommended to conduct a respiratory count from the number 27 to the figure 0. At the same time, it is mentally pronounced: "Twenty-seven - inhale, twenty-seven - exhalation, twenty-six - inhale, twenty-six - exhalation, etc.". If attention was distracted, and the next digit was forgotten, returned again to the beginning of the figure 27.

Essentially, Shavasan is a shortened version of the well-known psychotechnics of yoga-nidra, where, with the help of the methodological study and relaxation of the body, a meditative state of mental relaxation is achieved. In the yoga of mental sleep, the consciousness balances on the verge of wakefulness and dorms. Thereby, the intensity and concerns of the mind are reduced, post-traumatic stress disorders are eliminated.

However, many prefer to put themselves in order under Special Music: Mantras, Nature Sounds, Classic Melodies. Popular texts with a detailed listing of relaxed body parts. They are recorded as a sound file and include in Shavasan, so that the sequence competently sound with the observance of the pauses and the necessary intonation. For a practitioner it is useful for the voice to be not his own, but belonged to a friendly and well-known person.

By taking the final position of the posture, the following text is primarily pronounced (for workers of mental work, the listing begins from the head, for the rest - from the legs):

  • Relax neck, throat, cheeks, cheekbones.
  • The muscles of the jaws, chin, upper lip are relaxing.
  • Relaxing angles of mouth, tongue, lower lip.
  • The nose skin is spread, it feels tingling, pressure, severity and heat that flows into the depth.
  • Eyes relax, find a comfortable position and stop. They are comfortable and do not want to move.
  • Relaxing eyelids, eyebrows ... warm severity arises in their skin, they "travel around" to the temples.
  • Lob relaxes ... The skin of the forehead is tingling, warm.
  • Whiskey relaxes ... Feels the skin of the whole head, in it - pleasant severity and warmth.
  • Relaxed the back of the neck, neck, throat.
  • Relaxed hand brushes, they feel warm and severity.
  • On the skin of the palms in the center there are hot goosebumps, tingling, severity.
  • The heat is bottled along the palms and flows to the wrists.
  • Relax wrists, elbows, forearm.
  • The shoulders, blades, clavicle are lowered.
  • Relaxed back, sides, belly, loin, buttocks.
  • Relaxed hips, knees, caviar, ankles.
  • A pleasant tingling appears in the soles of the feet, warm ... The feeling of heat in them is the same as in the palms.
  • The whole body is warm, lung, relaxed, resting.


In Shavasan, all parts of the body, bones, muscles, leather and nerves are relaxed. The direction of flow of prana - vital energy changes, under normal conditions outgoing out of the body. Now she draws inside and is going, and not sprayed. The body is motionless, the mind is calm, everything reminds the experience of death during life. Shavasan Yoga is sometimes called Mritasana, in it a person, like a corpse, feels his dense and thin body. There is only a clean soul.

Shavasana restores the body and mind, gives them new forces. It contributes to recovery after heavy and prolonged diseases, has a beneficial effect on asthmatics and the disorders of the bronchology system. It treats violations of cardiac activity, insomnia and stress, since the nerves soothes, gives good sleep without dreams.

The practitioner not only lies with a layer on the floor. It is in a state of healing meditation, controls the inner world and subordinate to the highest.

In the previous article I talked about. Now let's talk about the technique of posture and the preparatory stage to the fulfillment of Asana.

Let me remind you that the posture of the Shvasan's dead man is the best posture for which helps relieve emotional and physical tension by conditional disagreement of the mind and body.

In other words, the posture of the dead man eliminates the flow of thoughts, thereby contributes to the relaxation of muscle parts of the body and internal organs.

Mastering the Shavasana technician, you can react correctly on, prevent the occurrence of diseases, consolidate the right life installation, gain happiness and harmony. And these are not empty words. Already a lot of people experienced wonderful effects from high-quality relaxation in this pose, became healthy and.

Why is this happening? As I spoke in the article, all our problems, the lack of health and happiness, originate from the enhanced and uncontrolled work of the ego and the lack of awareness. Read this article. When we relax in Shavasan, we stop the ego. After that, our body and our soul, free from the ego (from all our troubled thoughts, the negative emotions and the other slag of the psyche) gradually come to themselves, restore and recover. That's where happiness, health and harmony comes from.

But remember that one Shavasan lacks to become truly healthy and. Need yet. The fact is that during Shavasana, we often relax very deeply and fall into trance or fall asleep. So we turn off the surface work of the psyche, but the subconscious, deep layers of the ego go out, and then you need to be on the check, do not fall asleep, be in the position of the detached observer for all the manifestations of the subconscious, which is not always obtained with deep relaxation. Only, all our inner dirt will dissolve and disappear. This position is ideally achieved sitting in meditation, where the balance between relaxation and effort.

And yet, if possible, and lying in Shavasan, you also need to try not to fall asleep. But if you, during the post of posture, you will lose awareness and shift in the silence, then there is nothing terrible. The usual thing is when our awareness of dashed. Here you are lying and aware of the part of the body, or your breath, but you fell into a state between sleep and wakefulness, and do not realize anything. Here you have again watching yourself. It is not necessary to worry about it, but simply to remember yourself and emerge from the deep state of relaxation when you almost failed to sleep. Bad when you just fell asleep in Shavasan. But even if it happened, nothing terrible, the effect will still be, although not so significant.

In meditation, our awareness is also dotted, but there we do not fall into the middle, and simply lose vigilance and we are capturing the flow of thoughts.

That's why ideal practice first consists of meditation, and then we go to Shavasan and relax very deeply.

Shavasana we remove all the stress that, for any reason, remains in the body during meditation or during the execution of Asan.

If you are very sick, overvolt or, for example, you have strong stress, often you are not able to perform meditation or asana. Here, Shavasan comes to help you. If you are new, in Shavasan, it is very good to learn to relax, in the future it will be useful for high-quality meditation.

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding with the technique, you need to properly prepare the room, choose comfortable clothes and rug. The preliminary stage depends on the degree of physical and mental relaxation. In the right situation, you will quickly master Shavasan skills, after which the external conditions will no longer affect the ability to relaxation.

Preparation for Shavasan:

  1. It is advisable to conduct classes in the same place, the sequence of action in the technique should be the same. This is how a certain stereotype is produced, which helps to quickly relax and achieve deep relaxation.
  2. The room must be ventilated. If possible, exclude extraneous sounds. Silence helps effectively relax and not distracted by all sorts of sounds.
  3. Collect the technique on the floor. Classes on a soft sofa or a mattress of bed will not lead to complete relaxation, will cause drowsiness, reduce the state of awareness of actions. Remember, Shavasan helps to achieve deep relaxation, but while maintaining the state of awareness.
  4. On the floor of the bed of a thick carpet with a low pile, a hard plaid or a rug for yoga. During the posture should be convenient, but necessarily a feeling of the floor pressure on the protruding parts of the body. It is important.
  5. When performing Shavasan, do not recommend using a pillow under the head. For beginners make exceptions. When mastering the equipment, you can put under the head and shoulders a flat solid pillow, as a last resort - rollers under the lower back and patellied pits. At first classes, this will not be distracted by the overvoltage of the muscles in the position lying on the hard floor.
  6. The room must be muted light. Close the curtains to protect yourself from bright sunlight. In cloudy weather, the windows can not be torn. If insects flew into the room, get rid of them.
  7. Clothes should be comfortable and easy. Remove the belt, decorations, hairpins, clock, dentures, shoes. Nothing should distract from meditation.
  8. You do not have to freeze during practice, therefore, if necessary, cover with a light plaid.

Implementation of Shavasan technique

The posture of the dead man is the position on the back. Legs are placed on the sides, about the width of the shoulders. Heels are pressed to the floor, the stops are turned to the sides. The knee joints can be a little bend. Hands lie at a convenient distance from the body with palms top, fingers semi-bent. The head should be on one axis with the body, the face is directed up. It is allowed to turn a little head to the side. The lower jaw is relaxed, the teeth are open. At the same time, the mouth should be closed. If you feel that frown, spend your palm on the forehead to relax the muscles of the face.

After you have taken Posa, you can start performing the technique. Make sure you learn correctly. Parts of the body should not touch each other - hands with a torso, finger with a neighboring finger, left foot with the right foot. Give the freedom to each part of your body, be sure to relax your face. Close your eyes, but do not try to compress closed eyelids forcibly.

Shavasana technique consists of 2 stages. Consider each of them.

Stage 1 - Relaxation

Mentally concentrate on each part of your body and the domestic body in order to relax them. Start from your fingers, then go to the foot, knees, thighs first left, and then right legs. After relaxing the muscles of the crotch, buttocks, the small pelvis organs. Go to the lower back and belly, mentally relax the abdominal organs, one by one. Then pay the inner eyes on the chest and lungs.

Switch to your fingers, brushes, forearm and shoulders of the left hand, then right. Relax your neck, face muscles, eyeballs. At each part of the body stop until the relaxation is reached. The sequence of relaxation can be changed according to your desire, but the algorithm must be permanent at each meditation.

At the end of the 1st stage, try to distract from the parts of the body and imagine how the whole body is relaxed in general. Imagine the body as one whole, and it is completely relaxed. At the beginning of meditation, hands, legs, torso, head becomes heavy, as if immersed in the floor. You cannot manage them, they exist without your consciousness.

2 Stage - Dive

Imagine emptiness before buried eyes. Mentally expand the space. Let it enhance and absorb your body. Now every part of it acquires lightness and weightlessness. You seek in the air. You are good and nice.

Now switch the consciousness for breathing. Realize and feel every breath and exhale. Breathe as if the first time in my life. At this stage, thoughts completely leave you, "emptiness" appears in the head, the mind exists separately from the body. There is an unusual and unknown early state of lightness, happiness and inner harmony.

Do not worry if you cannot immediately get physical and mental relaxation. Experience comes with time. No one managed to master the technique immediately. First, you will have physical relaxation skills, then the ability to relax mind and the ability to eliminate emotions.

At first, thoughts will still come to you. Do not try to suppress their will to suppress them. Much more efficiently skip them through ourselves without giving emotional color. Be sure to convince you that they are not important for you, let them leave. Look at them from the side and continue to be in Shavasan, follow the stages of relaxation.

Every day, meditation skills and relaxation will bring you true pleasure and joy from life.

Over time, you will learn to be in Shavasan not only at home in full silence, lying on the floor. You can relax while sitting and even standing, in any situation and at any time. Shavasana helps learn to relax at any time when it requires external conditions or internal tensions.

Learn to relax and you will become healthy and happy!

Good luck to you in the development of Shavasana.

And now you have excellent music from me. If there is also mental music and fulfill the whole soul, it breaks into a tear. Look and listen.

Shavasana Pose is used in yoga applied to relax. What is Shavasan? The word "Shava" translated from Sanskrit means the corpse. This is the favorite asana to remove mental and mental tension.

In the modern world, many people are subject to stress. Funny and fussy life brings overvoltage and overwork not only at work, but also at home. This is especially true of large cities, where many ambitious people wishing to improve their financial situation are recognized. Great stream is a diverse information that is mainly negative. These and other reasons increase stresses, loosen the human nervous system. Stressful situations take a lot of strength and energy, so people are quickly tired, they are sick.

It is important in this state to be able to relax. If you do not make relaxation, you can seriously harm your health.

In Yoga, Shavasan is perceived as the most productive tool to remove tensions in the body and calm the thoughts, so is a loved one. The technique of performing it is light, but the complexity is to harmonize the body and consciousness. Often it is called Magic Shavasan.

Shavasana's execution sequence

Pose of the corpse in yoga contributes to the body entirely relax.

Therefore, choose a quiet place with a flat surface. Clothes should be minimum.

After that, do the following:

  1. Lie on the back, straighten. Hold your head comfortable. The lower limbs are a little diluted, knees a little bend.
  2. Hands pull out and place along the body, on a small distance from the hips. Palms are directed upwards, the fingers are a little bent.
  3. Slightly open the mouth, relaxing the lower jaw.
  4. Close eyes.
  5. Relax muscle tissue.
  6. Release the brain from pressing problems, concerns, fears.
  7. In the process of relaxing consciousness, you need to feel every part of your body through the thought and imagination, without applying efforts.
  8. If somewhere else there is a tension, relax there, letting the muscles.
  9. To feel the rhythm of breathing to the moment until you stop being aware of your own body.
  10. At the time of the return of consciousness into the body, make some deep respiratory cycles, slowly connect legs, hands, open your eyes, stretch and sit down, then climb.

Video attached to help:

To get the desired result, you need to pay attention to such details:

  • The place for the exercise should be quiet, preferably with ventilation. The situation is pleasant, without mospet mosquitoes, etc.
  • Mat thick with a smooth surface.
  • To find a comfortable place of the head, shake it from side to the side and choose a comfortable position on a single line with a spine.
  • The population lies in a convenient position, without straining in the back and pinching in the neck.
  • All torso calm, legs, hands in a symmetrical position.
  • Lower limbs straighten and dilute them at a convenient distance. To relax them and turn the stops to the stop, the knees are relaxed and slightly bent.
  • Hands to move a little from the thighs and leave in passive and comfortable condition, bend a little bit, palm deploy, relax your fingers.

  • The lips are not compressed, but slightly come into contact.
  • The chin is released, the lower jaw is slightly written, the teeth are not tortured, the tongue is omitted for the lower rows of the teeth or as convenient.
  • The head does not move, the muscles of the face are relaxed, lying calmly in full passivity.
  • Consciousness begins to feel the contact of different parts of the body with the floor.
  • Do not rush to endure awareness of the surrounding on the body. To make it easier to do this, represent that there is nothing in the world, only your body. It is stepwise to relax every part and bring to such a state when it is impossible to manage it. Feeling full relaxation, attention to concentrate on the hold of the body, as if flowing into the floor.
  • Consciousness leaves the body, it comes to feeling that it is non-living and it is not yours.
  • Eyes slowly close. Eyelids are closed and not strained, eyeballs in a fixed state as in a relaxed dream.
  • Breath through the nose. No need to regulate it. With experience, breathing slows down and reassured mental activities.
  • Stay in such a position and immobility, without losing vigilance inside, continuing to relax. Release the brain from work and leave all the bustle, negative emotions, chaotic thoughts. When the last idea leaves the brain, trying to do nothing. All attention to rebuild inside and awaken the inner state of peace.

An excellent helper will be music for relaxation, video with progressable text meditation.

How to learn to relax?

Impossible instantly relax. It must be learn. It is done gradually in small parts of the body, effortlessly. Relaxing a certain part of the body, it is impossible to move it, to concentrate there attention and relax, letting the muscles and joints. And only after a feeling of relaxation, you can go to another place. After each transition, choose the body of a bigger. At the end at the same time relax all parts of the body. So it turns out if there is practice.

When the muscles of the muscle system are relaxed, go to relax in the internal organs (heart, lungs, etc.), focusing on them. Full body relaxation removes physical and mental tension.

Do not transfer very slowly consciousness from one part of the body to another, but also not to do it quickly. It is advisable to use video, audio with relaxing music and meditation.


Breathing in yoga is considerable. Using Shavasan at the first stage, consciousness is held on the breath and exhalation, which at first the usual one at first. Having learned to relax, focus on breathing there is no need.

Breath Abdominal, giving the ability to expand the diaphragm down and fill the light air at the bottom.

Use for the body

If you correctly and systematically perform Shavasan, you can get healing results in many directions.

Physical use:

  • Soothes mind, body, various types of tension are removed.
  • People with a high temperament unrestrained, it is easily wounded to make asana, if anxiety occurs, nervousness. They will silent peace and rest.
  • Minimizes anxiety, fear, anxiety, uncertainty.
  • Gradually eliminates depression, emotional tension. Restores inner calm.
  • Resting in Shavasan, there is a tide of new forces. The body is healing, mental abilities are improving.
  • Restore overswit areas of the body are restored. Energy reserves increase.
  • For the shortest temporary gap, you can get the maximum amount of force.
  • With mental fatigue, the pose increases the concentration of attention.
  • After active physical activity, it helps to quickly remove fatigue, and restore the body.
  • Those who have insomnia, after the exercise feel rested, they will have a dream.
  • It has a regenerating effect, slows down the aging processes.

The benefits of Shavasana in therapy:

  • facilitates pain;
  • removes tensions in the spine;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • the systematic implementation of asana helps in the treatment of neurasthenia, asthma;
  • due to muscle relaxation, metabolic processes are kept;
  • helps in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Spiritual healing:

  • awareness increases;
  • developed self-control over emotions and body;
  • the harmonic balance of the body and awareness is created;
  • forms the ability to distract the feelings from perceived objects. It becomes easier to meditate;
  • installation is created for some detachment, introspection is developing (monitoring its mental processes).

Having mastered Shavasan in yoga, you can rethink a lot.

"Shava" or "Merita" means the corpse. purpose Shavasana - Imitate the corpse. When life left the body, it lies in the same position, no movements are impossible. Keeping some time the basalness of the body and the peace of mind with full consciousness, you learn to relax. This conscious relaxation of the body and the mind removes all the tension and gives new forces as a soul and body. This process resembles the recharge of the battery.

Although Shavasana It seems simple, its most difficult to master. The body and brain are interconnected. In the art of introspection, they are inseparable. Shavasana - this is a thread connecting the body and soul; She connects Asana and Pranayama and leads man to the spiritual path.

Short description Shavasana

1. Estate the blanket on the floor and sit in Dandasan. Practice and splash the buttocks so that the flesh in this part of the body is not scene, especially in the rear.

2. Distop the body back and start it to omit - first put the elbows and forearms to the blanket, lowering the spine, round it so that the vertebrae is better, one by one, lay on the floor. During this movement, do not move the buttocks and legs. Both sides of the torso should be separated from the center of the spine to the sides of the body. Now the body will lie flat on the blanket, from heels to head. Muscles of the buttocks should not move to the sacrum.

3. Relax your chest, but do not do it out.

4. Now relax your legs and allow the footsteps to disperse on the sides and go down to the floor; Do not disturb the position of the legs.


5. Hands to put the head of the middle of the nape to the floor. Do not let the back surface of the ears move to the neck. The protrusion on the basis of the back of the skull should be below. Wherein:

(I) do not strain the neck and throat;
(Ii) Do not press the chin to the throat.

Eyes and ears

7. Close your eyes. Lower the upper eyelids down without disturbing pupils.

8. Ears and eardrums must be relaxed. This can be achieved, relaxing the lower jaw.


9. Inject the blades to the sides, but at the same time do not raise your shoulders, take them away from the neck. Shoulders should stay on the floor.

10. Bend the elbows and lift the hand brushes to the chest.

11. Pull the tops of the hands from the axillary depression and put them on the floor without changing the position of the elbows. Place your forearm and put them on the floor so that the hands were at an angle of 15-20 ° to the sides of the body. Wherein:

(I) If the angle between the sides of the body and the hands will be greater, the shoulders will rise from the floor and will be reduced - this mixture will also arise the stuening of the neck;
(Ii) If the hands are too close to the sides of the body, the axillary of the breast will remain in contact with the inner surface of the upper hand - it will prevent the boobs and break the relaxation.

12. Fingers must be relaxed, and the skin on the brushes is passive.

13. Keep your nose straight, do not tilt it aside. The tip of the nose is facing the center of the chest.

14. The respiratory movement should not disturb the torso, as well as the brain.

15. Stay in this end Shavasana At least 10-15 minutes. Wherein:

(I) Relax the scope of the forehead, cheeks, lips, hands, body sides, buttocks, hips;
(Ii) the skin should be soft everywhere;
(Iii) Relax all the muscles;
(Iv) Lower the edge of the sacrum to the floor to relax the buttocks;
(V) Do not raise lumbar vertebrae too high above the floor;
(Vi) both sides of the body near the spinal column must be equally lying on the floor;
(Vii) Watch that both sides of the body lie in the same way;
(Viii) lower the blades on the blanket, but do not press them down, as the pressure strains the brain;
(Ix) brushes should be soft;
(X) fingers relaxed;
(XII) The skin on the muscles of the face should be relaxed, which in turn will relax the perception authorities;
(XII) Any violation of the peace of the senses will immediately affect the face and spread throughout the body, straining the entire nervous system; It is necessary to find and relax the source of rest disorders;
(XIII) If the brain is not alone, but engaged in thoughts, then the front of the head from the chin moves up as if the head is separated from the body; In Shavasan, you need to learn to stop thinking;
(XIV) If the brain is in active condition, the eyeballs are becoming severe and irritated to the focal point of the eyes;
(XV) Direct the brain and eyes to the heart center;
(XVI) The relationship between the eyes, the mind and the brain is very important; If the mind wanders, the brain moves up and eyes become restless; Therefore, it is important to keep your eyes alone;
(XVII) Tighten your eyes and ears, pay them inside and drain them together in the inner point in the center of the chest, where the external sounds stop disturbing;
(XVIII) Substantiate yourself, your body and Mother Earth's mind so that you are calm and passive. This is complete relaxation.


16. Do not breathe deep. Breathing B. Shavasan It should be as light, smooth and quiet as the flow of water in the river, so that the mind remains unprofitable.

When inhaling (Purakka):

(I) Do not jerk your head;
(Ii) do not compress the throat;
(Iii) do not twitch the diaphragm;
(Iv) Do not disturb the rest of the muscles of the back of the body;
(V) Do not descend your chest and do not make the shoulder chest;
(Vi) do not protrude the stomach and
(Vii) Do not strain your hand brushes while inhale.

When exhaling (river):

(I) relax the brain during the exhalation;
(Ii) Do not allow the air to touch the throat walls - it causes irritation;
(Iii) Do not relax suddenly a diaphragm;
(Iv) Keep the mind passive, let it contemplates the course of exhalation and regulates it;
(V) The correct exhale gives a sense of calm understanding of the mind and the body of Mother-Earth, bringing a feeling of peace and unity within himself.

17. With a completely right exhalation, the mind remains unpassed, the inner stream of energy is felt. There is a new state of consciousness - without movement and without waste of energy. There is a feeling that the body has lengthened several centimeters. This is freedom of mind and body.

18. Stay in a state of complete relaxation as long as possible. From this state of silence, gradually return to the active state. Do not disturb the peace of mind and do not jump out, suddenly breaking the peace.

19. Gradually, withdraw your mind, consciousness, the senses from the quiet, blessed state in which they were immersed, and restore the connection with the outside world.

20. Raise the eyelids, but do not move the pupils nor up. Look straight and restoring the connection with the outside world, continue to experience the condition of peace.

21. Now turn on the right side and slowly raise.


In order for the mind to stop and the body fell silent, it may be necessary for a while. With the help of regular sessions, you will learn to remove the voltage and experience bliss. Initially, the feeling of silence can even lead to what you light up, but later you will learn to worry the state of rest, not falling into a dream.

First time you may seem difficult to fit and intending fitting the whole body, but gradually it will be easy for you to get everything at the same time, so the mind and body will rest faster .

Later when a man is mastering ShavasanHe is experiencing the state of non-existence of the body, mind, consciousness and comes to understanding me and self-disabilities. The outside world remains in its place, but in this state it seems non-existent.

Special Instructions:

(1) If you are cut, you have a cough or you are sick asthma, take a pillow or a rolled blanket with a thickness of 8-10 cm, for which you can put your head and back; In this case, the chest is raised and the diaphragm is located slightly below the chest, which contributes to the ease of breathing.

(2) If you first find it difficult to relax your eyes, wrap the head with a soft black bandage or a piece of fabric so as to close your eyes, ears and headings. The fabric should be folded fourly along.

Detailed description Shavasana

Shavasana - "Pose of Dead Body." It should be clarified in a detailed way, since its correct execution ensures a considerable part of the positive effect of all practices in general, and it is sometimes incredible to cause considerable damage.

So, goal Shavasana - Leisure and relaxation after the study of the body asana. But if we make poses correctly, then the body is not particularly tired, what then snag?

Fifteen years ago I had a chance to train Asanam Master of Sports on acrobatics. He could do, especially heated, very complex flexions ahead and back. The joints are for work in the yoga of the body require specific development, so here it is not different from the average. But the most interesting thing was that the guy was not able to fix the form of Asan at least for some time! Bend and immediately get rid of it - still with sin in half, when I asked him, let him be long to stay in the situation, he instantly somehow exhaled, and not physically. At my questions about the character of this fatigue, the Acrobat did not really clearly replied: "It seems that the head will burst, as if she cuts it from the inside ..."

This strange answer was made a deep meaning. Since newcomers in yoga perform simple asans, it would seem, it should not be tedious for the body, especially with a relaxation approach. But pay attention to a few moments: Getting Started by the development of Hatha Yoga, each first begins to regularly deal with personal flexibility - this is the first. Second: a person is delayed for a while in the "surroundings" of these limits, which has never happened in his life before. All this produces in the musculoser of unprecedented effects in the musculoser, information about which by a powerful stream rushes from the periphery into the motor structures of the brain, creating a mosaic of excitation of an unusual "configuration" in them.

Practice Asan is an unfamiliar to the body and its nervous psychic structures, to which the subject is absolutely not adapted if he is new to the yoga. The patterns (drawings) of motor excitation occurring in the brain reflect the unusual nature of Asan and have a specific positive effect - they openly reduce the current level of nervous excitability, formed in the Central CNS and VNS the circumstances of common life. When this occurs regularly, the tone of the sympathetic part of the VNS itself decreases, as a result of which a person gets rid of the press constantly oppressing his problems, if even the last remains in his life!

But when the newcomer completes the workout, it must be created in order to recover the normal tone of the Motor Structures of the Central CNS, which has undergone a specific load, so that the overexcission has fed from the unusual motor influence of Asan. If this is not provided, then the "new" excitement is capable of consuming with the previous one, increasing, and not by eliminating the voltage that was before.

That is the main meaning Shavasana: Eliminating the training excitation of central motor structures so that it, dissolving, left the central nervous system to be purified from itself and the state that was before the start of classes.

As mastery grows in practice, Asan is adaptation, and they no longer affect the CNS to such an extent unusual as it happens at the beginning, so time Shavasana May be shortened and it will be qualitatively different. But traditionally it is believed that after graduation more than an hour, the final relaxation is always necessary.

For beginners who neglect this specific vacation or fulfill it formally, the negative consequences of such a hacktur can be quite tangible, up to insomnia and strengthening problems already available.

What happens to the body and consciousness in Shavasan, And what should not happen?

If the course of events is that you honestly suffer all fifteen minutes with a fully (as you think) a relaxed body and transparent, like Steklushko, consciousness, which involuntarily "chews" external impressions, waiting with longing, which will finally end these damned quarter of an hour. You are deeply right. It is not "Shawasan", but "soulbide and crushing of the heart", as the village of Erofeev used to say.

One of the sequences ShavasanaAlthough there are generally many of them, maybe next. By fulfilling all the prerequisites for the final relaxation, relax sequentially: neck, throat, lower jaw ... cheeks, cheeks, lips ... submandibular muscle, chin, upper lip ... corners of mouth, tongue, lower lip, nose ... Fell that the skin of the nose at the same time as it may be painful, it appears some hidden movement, tingling, a sensation of pressure, the severity of heat that flows into the depth ... let go of the eyes inside ...

When the eyes are relaxed, they themselves find a comfortable position and become fixed, stop twitching and tremble ... When the eyes are relaxed - they are comfortable and do not want to move ... relax the eyelids, eyebrows ... In the skin of the eyebrows, heaviness appears, warm, they As if "go" to the temples ... Sleep the forehead ... feel the skin of the forehead ... feel the pressure in it, tingling, warm, like someone put on the forehead with a hot palm ... relax whiskey ... feel the skin of the whole Heads and pleasant light gravity in it, covering warmth ... relax the head, neck, throat ... (thus the circle of "head-face-neck" was closed, now go to the body).

Relax your hand brushes, feel warm and gravity in the brushes ... Hands are heavy ... Help the skin of the palms, listen in feelings in them ... as soon as you drew attention to the palm, immediately in their center, in the skin there is a vague Almost virtual movement ... tingling ... severity ... Hot goosebumps appear in the skin of the palms, pleasant, goded warm ... Hands are hot ... Heat bottled on them and starts to flip to the wrists ... relax wrists .. . Elbows ... forearms ... let go of the shoulders, blades, clavicle ... relax your back, sides ... relax your belly, lower back ... Buttocks, hips ... let go of the knees, caviar ... Splazers, feet feet. .. feel the skin soles ... as in the palms, pressure appears in them, tingling, heat ... equalize the soles of the feet with palms on the sensation of heat ...

This sequence can be prepared accordingly on the audio tape and include on time. ShavasanaSo that the text sounds with pauses, without a rush, competently, with the necessary intonations. It is desirable if you listen to that the voice is not your own, but a person who is well-known with whom there are quite even and positive relationships.

Performing instructions should not repeat them about ourselves, duplicate, there should be no intermediate links between the subsequent sensations and preceding words. Let you hear outside or tell yourself mentally: "Sleep your neck, throat ...", and as soon as the ray of attention "lit" said plot - in his skin, the muscles should immediately immediately emerge the "answer": the feeling of gravity, heat, relaxation, pressure, etc. No verbal intermediaries or intermediates immediately follows a spontaneous response, without any voltage and volitional "color" of what is happening.

Relaxing the body with the help of consciousness, we are acting attentive, which - this has already been said - is the active part of consciousness, but for nothing to operate with such force, as if stones turn around.

Simultaneously with the expansion of the area of \u200b\u200brelaxation and heat, the body disappears step by step from perception (what is relaxed, it remains only as a pleasant, warm and homogeneous background) and the consciousness itself "melts", as if decreasing to the "sizes" not yet covered by the relaxation of the body . Then, when the body is entirely "flooded" by relaxation, only one fragment remains from consciousness - the "watchdog". Notice, the speech is not at all about the fact that consciousness goes completely and the sleep comes, but just this will happen and should not! It simply ceases to be awakeful in the usual sense of the word, periodically migrating into a solid state.

At the very beginning of this chapter, regarding the yoga of mental sleep was mentioned about the phase states of the cerebral cells, characterizing the various degree of its braking. Shavasana - This is essentially an abbreviated version of Yoga-Nidra, where you are by the muscle get a mental relaxation, immerse yourself with a changed consciousness to the verge between sleep and wakefulness, returning back. If Shavasana It passes in an immutable state of consciousness, it means that she failed.

The man of Western formation is far from just to master the full relaxation. This is a serious task, from the success of the solution of which the efficiency of work in yoga is completely dependent on and in the future. It often happens that, mastered by arbitrary relaxation alone, one can solve a number of significant problems of your life.

Then it should be noted that, as a rule, everyone who has Shavasana "Does not" exclusively because of the problems with consciousness, most likely (if there is no overall overvoltage) has some kind of problem point, hidden from perception of the familiar contract in the face or body, the place that "holds" everything, not allowing to relax to the necessary degree. This place can be anything, for example, left eyebrows. If you manage to reveal a problem place and "let go" - everything will be as it should, the relaxation will start to get. It will not be superfluous that there are several muscles in the head of the head, which, without participating in the work of the body, have a great influence on the degree of its tension and should be consciously relaxed in any case. These are two bundles that come from the back of the back surface of the neck, the muscles are submandibular and frontal. And also eyes. If they are not "reacted" and continuously twitch - the consciousness does not relax.

With eyes are generally associated with many problems that are hidden from the person. Most people do not suspect that the existing internal stress level is reflected in the behavior of their eyeballs, although it is easy to determine. If, during the execution of Asan, with closed eyelids, the eyeballs constantly twitch - this is the very option. It is necessary to pay attention to this close attention and gradually learn how to slow down these involuntary movements in the process of occupying asana. As soon as it starts to get acquired - high-quality relaxation is most likely ensured.

With the standard scheme, the final relaxation of each occurs in different ways. When a person falls asleep in him, he is either overwhelmed or Shavasana It does not work as it should. The dream will never replace genuine deep relaxation, which is feasible only in the wakeful, albeit significantly changed state of consciousness.

With a periodic and partial extinction of consciousness in Shavasan Phenomena may occur well-known on autogenous training Schulz - a sense of steam, flight, the growth of individual parts of the body, changes in its shape, etc., all this is permissible and should not be puzzled. Often, when a person has already mastered deep relaxation, the consciousness in the latter process disappears, it becomes clear, the relaxation depth is a variable, it has a wave, oscillatory character is a normal phenomenon.

If you listened to the standard verbal wording for a long time Shavasana In some kind of definite form, over time, it is remembered, and it is possible to realize it yourself, not the fact that saying about yourself, but simply moving attention by body in the memorable sequence. At the same time, as in listening to the algorithm of relaxation from the outside, extraneous thoughts do not arise, they simply do not have a place in consciousness, and if visual images come, they do not affect at least so it should be.

And finally, external requirements for Shavasanathat you need to list here. They are as follows: Loku's position on the back. Feet - on the width of the shoulders. Hands are allocated from the body so that they do not touch the sides and armpits were revealed. The palms are deployed by palms up - as far as possible, usually they are located forming, and not addressed to the ceiling with their surface. We should put something like a dressing or a scanty to your eyes, so that the light does not pass through the eyelids.

The clothes are not shy, preferably not synthetics. Clock, glasses, rings, brooches, necklaces, chains, metal, plastic, glass - all this on the time of relaxation from the body is removed. It is permissible to leave, as, however, to the practice of Asan, only wooden decorations, but they should not be a hindrance for Asan. It is necessary to provide silence around - no sharp sounds, a phone, for example, it is better to turn off at all.

Another very difficult problem for Russia is the air temperature indoors. Just as it is forbidden, without insulating, engaged in asanas and other yoga practices at temperatures below + 20 ° C, then the requirements are similar to the final relaxation. Do not go to bed in the "Shavasan" on the cold surface, as well as on the soft - the back should be straight. In no case can not be frozen during practice and even more so relaxation, it should be hiding with a light and warm blanket, wear socks, etc., that is, to do the temperature accordingly.

Over time, each involved in spontaneously forms an individual duration Shavasana. In hypotonists at the end of relaxation, chills may occur, then you can move a minute, energetically move, however, it is not too much.

Let us remind you again: Shavasana - it's not a dream! Of course, in the middle of the first day complex for the five minutes, it is impossible to fully fulfill the standard relaxation sequence, it should be limited to some kind of fragment. And the specified technology to apply with the possibility of full final recreation.

Shavasan Practice Effect

In the 32nd verse of the first chapter "Hatha Yoga Pradipics" said: "Lying on the back, stretching out in full growth on earth, like a corpse, - you call Shavasana. This removes the fatigue caused by other Asanans, and brings calm the mind. "

In the 11th verse of the second chapter "Ghearanda Schuhita" was given such a description of Mritasana: "Lying the plastics on earth (on the back), like a corpse. This posture kills fatigue and soothes the excitement of the mind." "The Mind is the Lord of Indure (senses), Prana (Life Breathing) - Massage Lord." "When the mind is absorbed, it is called Moksha (the final liberation of the soul). When Prana and Manas (mind) are absorbed, there is limitless joy" ("Hatha Yoga Pradipica", Ch.IV verses 29-30).

IN Shavasan All parts of the body, leather, muscles and nerves are relaxed. The flow of energy flowing from the body turns inside. Thus, the energy is collected, and not sprayed. Shavasana is similar to the experience of death during life. For a short time, the body, mind and speech becomes still. This asana is also called muritasana, since a person feels a dense and thin body as a corpse. But the soul remains - it exists in its pure form.

Shavasana gives new strength and refreshes. It helps restore the body and mind after long and severe diseases. This Asana has huge advantages for asthmatics, for those who suffer from other respiratory diseases, it is useful in violation of cardiac activity, nervous voltage, insomnitz, because the nerves and mind soothes. Practice Shavasana gives a deep, refreshing sleep without dreams. This is not just lying on the floor. This is a state of meditation. Shavasana is control over the inner world and subordinate to the highest.