Famous French poets. French literature

Famous French poets. French literature
Famous French poets. French literature

France's literature is one of the treasures of world culture. She deserves her to read it in all countries and in all centuries. The problems that were raised in their works of French writers, worried people always, and the time will never come when they leave indifferent readers. Epochs, historical entourage, costumes of characters change, but passions remain unchanged, the essence of relations between men and women, their happiness and suffering. The tradition of the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries continued modern French writers, the writers of the 20th century.

The community of Russian and French literary schools

What do we know about European masters of the word regarding the recent past? Of course, many countries have made a significant contribution to the overall cultural heritage. Wonderful books wrote and Britain, Germany, Austria, Spain, but in the number of outstanding works the first places occupy, of course, Russian and French writers. The list of them (and books, and authors) is truly huge. It is not wonderful that the publication is multiple, readers a lot and today, in the age of the Internet, the list of shields is also impressive. What is the secret of this popularity? Both in Russia and in France there are long-standing humanistic traditions. The chapter of the plot, as a rule, is not a historical event, no matter how outstanding it is, and a person, with his passions, advantages, disadvantages and even weaknesses and vices. The author is not taken to condemn his characters, but prefers to provide the reader to draw conclusions about what fate to choose. He even regrets those of them who chose the wrong way. There are many examples.

How Flaubert regretted his Madame Bovarie

Gustave Flaubert was born on December 12, 1821 in Ruang. The monotony of provincial life was familiar to him since childhood, and in mature years he rarely left his town, only once after having completed a long trip to the East (Algeria, Tunisia), and, of course, attended Paris. This French poet and writer composed poems that many critics seemed to be then (there is such an opinion today) too melancholy-languid. In 1857, he wrote the novel Madame Bovari, who received scandalous fame at that time. The story of a woman who sought to escape from the postpoint circle of ordinary and therefore changed her husband, then seemed not just controversial, but even indecent.

However, this plot, alas, in life is quite frequent, performed by the Great Master, goes beyond the framework of a conventional scaby joke. Flaubert is trying, and with great success, to penetrate the psychology of his characters, to which he sometimes experiences anger, expressed in a merciless satire, but more often - pity. His heroine is tragically dying, the despised and loving husband, apparently, (it is guessing, what is denoted by the text) knows about everything, but sincerely grows, mourning his wrong wife. And Flaubert, and other French writers of the XIX century quite a lot of works devoted loyalty and love issues.


With the light hand of many literary writers, he is considered almost the founder of romantic erotic in the literature. This opinion is based on some points in its works containing immodest, by the standards of the XIX century, descriptions of an intimate scene. From today's art historical positions, these episodes look quite decent and, in general, plotically justified. Moreover, in novels, the titles and stories of this wonderful writer, this is not the main thing. The first place to significantly occupy relationships between people and such personal qualities as the viciousness, the ability to love, forgive and just be happy. Like other famous French writers, Maupassan studies the soul of man and identifies the necessary conditions for his freedom. He is tormented by the hypocrisy of "public opinion", created just those who are not perfect, but all imposes their ideas about the decency.

For example, in the story "Zolotar" he describes the story of the touching love of the French soldier for a black resident of the colony. His happiness did not take place, the relatives did not understand his feelings and were afraid of the possible condemnation of the neighbors.

Interesting aphorisms of the writer about the war, which he likes to the crash of the ship, and which should be avoided by all world leaders with the same caution as the captains of the courts feared the reefs. Observation Maupassian exhibits, opposing a low self-esteem of excessive complacency, counting both of these qualities.


Not less, but, perhaps, the French writer Emil Zola more shuffled the reader's public. He willingly took the story of the life of Kurtizanok ("Western", "Nana"), the inhabitants of the social bottom ("Paris") in detail, described in detail the heavy life of carbon panels ("Zerminal") and even the psychology of the Manyak killer ("Man-beast" ). Unusual overall literary form chosen by the author.

Most of their works he united into a twenty-thousand meeting, which received the common name "Roigon-Makcara". With all the variety of plots and expressive forms, it represents something unity that it is worth perceiving entirely. However, any of the zol novels can be read and individually, it will not be less interesting.

Jules Verne, fiction

Another French writer, Jules Verne, does not need a special idea, he became the founder of the genre that was further determined by the definition of "scientific fiction." To which this amazing narrator, which was not thought of the appearance of atomic underwater cruisers, torpedoes, lunar missiles and other modern attributes that became the property of humanity only in the twentieth century. Many of his fantasies today may seem naive, but the novels are read easily, and these are their main dignity.

In addition, the plots of modern Hollywood blockbusters about the resurrected from the non-existence of dinosaurs look much less believable than the story of the Updated Lizards found on the Latin American Plateau, found by brave travelers ("Lost World"). And the romance about how the earth shouted from the ruthless injection with a giant needle and comes out for the genre framework, perceived as a prophetic parable.


No less fascinated in his novels French writer Hugo. His characters fall into the most different circumstances, showing themselves bright features of individuality. Even negative heroes (for example, Zhaver from the "rejected" or Claude Frollo from the "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God") have a certain charm.

The historical component of the narrative is important, from which the reader with ease and interest learns many useful facts, in particular, about the circumstances of the French revolution and Bonapartism in France. Jean Volzhan from the "disconnected" became the personification of an incentive nobility and honesty.


Modern French writers, and such literary crituals include all the writers of the "Heminueevsk-Fitzgerald" era, they also made a lot so that humanity becomes wiser and kinder. The twentieth century did not indulge Europeans in peace decades, and the memories of the greatest war of 1914-1918 were soon reminiscence in the form of another global tragedy.

Not left away from the struggle of honest people around the world with fascism and French writer Exupery - Romantic, the creator of an unforgettable image of a little prince and a military pilot. The posthumous popularity of this writer in the USSR of the fifties and sixties could envy many pop stars who have played songs, including his memory devoted to his and its main character. And today, the thoughts expressed by the boy with another planet, are still urged to kindness and responsibility for their actions.

Duma, Son and Father

They actually had two, father and son, and both wonderful French writers. Who are not familiar with the famous Musketeers and their faithful friend d'Artagnan? Many shields glorified these characters, but none of them could convey the charm of the literary source. The fate of the prisoner of the castle IF will not leave anyone indifferent ("Count Monte Cristo"), and other works are very interesting. They will be useful for young people whose personality becoming just begins, examples of true nobility in the novels of Duma-Father a lot, even eliminate.

As for the Son, he also did not prevail the famous surname. The novels "Dr. Servan", "Three Strong Men" and other works brightly highlighted the features and blessing features of the modern society, and the "lady with camellias" not only enjoyed well-deserved reader success, but also inspired by the Italian composer Verdi to Writing the Opera "Traviata", It was based on her libretto.


Detective will always be one of the most reading genres. The reader is interested in it all - and who committed a crime, and motives, and evidence, and the indispensable exposure of the perpetrators. But a detective detective distribution. One of the best writers of the modern era, of course, is Georges Siemenon, the creator of an unforgettable image of the Commissioner of the Paris Police Megre. The artistic technique itself is quite common in the world literature, the image of a detective intellectual with an indispensable feature of the appearance and the recognizable hawth was exploited repeatedly.

Megre Siemeon differs from many of its "colleagues" again characteristic of French literature with kindness and mentality. He is also ready to go to meet a cold and even (oh, horror!) To violate certain formal articles of the law, keeping him still loyalty in the main thing, not in the letter, in his spirit ("And still Oshness green").

Just a wonderful writer.


If you distract from past centuries and once again return to modernity, then the French writer Cedric Gra, a big friend of our country, who dedicated two books by the Russian Far East and its inhabitants deserves attention. After seeing many exotic regions of the planet, he became interested in Russia, lived in it for many years, learned the language that, undoubtedly, he helps to know the notorious "mysterious soul", which he already finishes writing a third book on the same topic. Here gras found something that, apparently, he was so lacked on his prosperous and comfortable homeland. It attracts some "oddity" (from the point of view of the European) national nature, the desire of men to be courageous, their recklessness and openness. For the Russian reader, the French writer Cedric Gra is interested in this "look from the side", gradually becoming becoming increasingly.


Perhaps there is no other French writer, so close to the Russian heart. Much in his work reminds about the friend of the great literature of the literature of all times and peoples - Fyodor Mikhailovic Dostoevsky. The first Roman Jean-Field of Sartre "Noshnota" (many consider it the best) argued the concept of freedom as a category of internal, not subject to external circumstances, on which a person is doomed to the very fact of his birth.

The position of the author was confirmed not only by his novels, essays and plays, but also by personal behavior demonstrating complete independence. The man of left views, he, however, criticized the politics of the USSR of the post-war period, which did not prevent him in, turn, abandon the prestigious Nobel Prize, awarded for allegedly anti-Soviet publications. Of the same considerations, he did not accept the Order of the Honorary Legion. Such a non-conformist deserves respect and attention, read it, of course, is worth it.

Vive La France!

The article does not mention many other outstanding French writers by no means because they do not deserve love and attention to a lesser extent. You can tell about them infinitely, enthusiastically and enthusiastically, but as long as the reader himself will not attend the book, will not reveal it, it does not fall under the charm of wonderful lines, sharp thoughts, humor, sarcasm, bright sadness and kindness emitted by pages . There are no urgent peoples, but there is definitely outstanding who have made a special contribution to the world treasury of culture. For those who love Russian literature, the admission and the works of French authors will be especially pleasant and useful.

The literature of France of the 20th century was under the direct influence of events that have formed history. She kept the title of fashion legislators in the world-graceful literature, and her authority remained continued in the global community. For example, seven representatives of the country became laureates of the Nobel Prize. Among them, Andre Ja, Francois Moriac, Albert Cami, Claude Simon.

At the very beginning of the century in France, experiments in such directions of literature were shown as symbolism and naturalism. In the first half of the century, social and ideological contradictions revealed.

Andre Jes, who called himself "a dialogue man", did not give out readers of ready-made moral recipes. He asked questions and was looking for answers about the meaning of human existence, the inevitability of fateful events. Its versatile talent manifested itself in a bit of grotesque works "Immoist", "Isabel" and "Vatican dungeon".

The poet Guillaume Apolliner brought the elements of visualization in his work. His "Surrealistic Drama" "Nosy Tiresia" presented the problems of modernity in the comedy spirit.

The French literary evolution was simultaneously with the modernization of artistic art. For the works of France of the 20th century, a peculiar cutoff of reality is characteristic, searching for the ideal.

The master of exquisite prose Andre Morua in his "stranger's letters" spoke of love and family relationship, raised the problems of modern literature and painting. In the famous "vaginities of love", he explores the multifaceted sphere of human emotions and passions, the difficulties of family life, holds parallels with positions in society.

Nomanist Louis Ferdinand Seline was typical of the use of slang in his work. But his anti-Semitic "School of Teps" and "Belligendle for the Pogrom" presented the author's image of racist and mansman.

A. Kama argues that the only method of dealing with absurd can be recognized of its existence. In the "Miof about Sisyiff", he describes the satisfaction of a person who is clearly aware of the futility of his efforts.

The 30s presented the Mira of Masterpieces of Existentialist Writers Jean-Fields Sartre and Simon De Bovwar. The most famous and, according to the experts, the most successful novel of Sartra "Noshnota" raises the themes of human destiny, chaos, despair. The author allocates the significance of freedom and the possibility that it gives in overcoming difficulties. The book is written in the form of a diary. The one who leads him wants to get to the essence of the change that happened to him, but periodically attacks nausea, which is a certain symbol of sensitivity to ugly.

In the works of the "predecessor of feminism" Simonon de Bovwar are promoted existentialistic ideas. Roman "Mandarins", marked by the prestigious French literary Honorovskaya Prize, describes the ideological and political development of post-war France.

Key historical events - liberation from the fascist occupation, the Board of President Charles de Gaulle, colonial wars, student revolution - determined the direction of development and served as a background in the creations of French authors.

In the 1960s, the writers who were born in foreign departments or the colonies of the country contributed their contribution. Among them: Tagharge Benellun, Amin Maaluf and Asia Jebar. Themes of the Romanov Latest - Algerian War and the difficulties of life of a Muslim woman. Her "thirst" and "a huge prison" demonstrate how Islamic fanatics destroyed the manifestations of female emancipation.

The newest French literature is Antoine de Saint Exupery, Georges Siemeon and Francoise Sagan. Their masterpieces retained and continued the best traditions of France.

The most famous story of Antoine de Saint-Exupery - "Little Prince" is a tale of parable, telling about love, friendship, obligations and human vices. The image of impulsive and touching roses is written off from a beloved wife of a writer. The accompanying drawings are made by the author and are an organic addition to the literary masterpiece.

Georges Siemenion is a French representative of a detective genre. He became famous for the cycle of narratives about the investigations of the Megre Commissioner. The image of the famous guardian of the law fascinated the readers so that he was erected by a bronze monument, and many plots came out on the screen. In addition, the writer published many "commercial" novels, for example, "typist notes".

Novella F. Sagan is characterized by a small number of characters and short descriptions. Interene in them, the intrigue and clearly indicated the diagram of the love triangle. The novel "Hello, sadness" is a sincere story, imbued with passion and innocence - that dangerous mixture, which today causes a surge of emotions. One of the deepest psychological novels "Some Sun in Cold Water" tells about how love can heal and destroy. Sagan was often accused of leaning to fiction. As if on the refutation, she created theatrical plays "violinists sometimes cause harm" and "the horse disappeared," released the biography of Sarah Bernard and several autobiographies.

French literature retains its high purpose from the Middle Ages to a completely changed setting of our days. For Russian readers, the works of France are most popular and loved.

Annually on March 20, the International Day of Francophonia is celebrated. This day is dedicated to the French language, which speaks more than 200 million people worldwide.

We took advantage of this reason and we propose to recall the best French writers of modernity, representing France on the international book arena.

Frederick Begbeder . Prose, publicist, literary critic and editor. His literary works, with the descriptions of modern life, throwing a person in the world of money and love experiences very quickly won fans around the world. The most sensational books "Love lives three years" and "99 francs" were even fascinated. Honored Glory to the writer also brought novels "Memories of the Uninstalled Young Man", "Vacation in Coma", "Story under Ecstasy", "Romantic Egoist". Over time, Begbeder founded his own literary premium "Flora Prize".

Michelle Welbeck . One of the most readable French writers of the beginning of the XXI century. His books are translated into good three dozen languages, it is unusually popular in a youth environment. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the writer managed to affect painful points of modern life. His novel "Elementary particles" (1998) received the "Grand Prix", "Map and Territory" (2010) - the Honorovsky Prize. They followed "platform", "Lanzarote", "the possibility of the island", etc., and each of these books became a bestseller.

New novel writer"Submoration" He tells about the collapse in the near future of the modern political system of France. The author himself determined the genre of his novel as "political fiction." The action unfolds in 2022. A Muslim president comes to power to power, and the country begins to change in front of the eyes ...

Bernard Verber . Cult writer science fiction and philosopher. His name on the cover of the book means only one thing - a masterpiece! The overall world circulation of his books is more than 10 million! The writer is more famous thanks to the trilogy of the "ants", "Tanatonauts", "We, Gods" and "Third Humanity". His books are translated into many languages, and seven novels have become bestsellers in Russia, Europe, America and Korea. On the author's account - the mass of literary premiums, incl. Juli Prize is true.

One of the most sensory books writer -"Angel Empire" where fiction, mythology, mysticism and the real life of the most ordinary people are intertwined. The main character of the novel falls to heaven, is a "terrible court" and becomes an angel on earth. In heavenly rules, he is given three human clients, whose lawyer subsequently should be in a terrible court ...

Guyom Muso. . A relatively young writer, very popular among French readers. Each new product becomes a bestseller, films take off his works. Deep psychologist, piercing emotionality and bright shaped books of books fascinate readers all over the world. The effect of his adventure-psychological novels unfolds around the world - in France, the United States and other countries. Following the heroes, readers go to meet the complete dangers of adventures, investigate the riddles, immerse themselves in the puchin of the passions of heroes, which, of course, gives a reason to look into their inner world.

At the heart of the new novel writer"Because I love you" - Tragedy of one family. Mark and Nicole were happy until their little daughter - the only one, long-awaited and adored child - did not disappear ...

Mark Levi. . One of the most famous novelist writers whose works are translated into dozens of languages \u200b\u200band are printed by huge circulations. The writer is a laureate of the Goya National Prize. For the right to film the first novel "between heaven and land", Stephen Spielberg paid two million dollars.

Literary critics celebrate the versatility of the author's creativity. In his books - "Seven Days of Creation", "Meet again", "Everyone wants to love," "go to return", "stronger fear" and others - often meet the topic of disinterested love and sincere friendship, the secrets of old mansions and intrigues , reincarnation and mysticism, unexpected turns of plot lines.

New book writer"She and he" It is one of the best novels on the results of 2015. This romantic story about irresistible and unpredictable love.

Anna Gavalda . The famous writer who conquered the world with his novels and their exquisite, poetic style. It is called the "star of French literature" and "New Francoise Sagan". Her books are translated into dozens of languages, marked by the whole constellation of the awards, they put on performances and remove films. Each of her work is a story about love and how she decorates every person.
In 2002, the first novel of the writer was released - "I loved her, I loved him." But it was all only a prelude to the real success, which brought her a book"Just together" , eclipsed in France even the novel "Code of Da Vinci" Brown.This is a stunningly wise and kind book about love and loneliness, about life and, of course, happiness.

France's literature is one of the treasures of world culture. She deserves her to read it in all countries and in all centuries. The problems that were raised in their works of French writers, worried people always, and the time will never come when they leave indifferent readers. Epochs, historical entourage, costumes of characters change, but passions remain unchanged, the essence of relations between men and women, their happiness and suffering. The tradition of the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries continued modern French writers, the writers of the 20th century.

The community of Russian and French literary schools

What do we know about European masters of the word regarding the recent past? Of course, many countries have made a significant contribution to the overall cultural heritage. Wonderful books wrote and Britain, Germany, Austria, Spain, but in the number of outstanding works the first places occupy, of course, Russian and French writers. The list of them (and books, and authors) is truly huge. It is not wonderful that the publication is multiple, readers a lot and today, in the age of the Internet, the list of shields is also impressive. What is the secret of this popularity? Both in Russia and in France there are long-standing humanistic traditions. The chapter of the plot, as a rule, is not a historical event, no matter how outstanding it is, and a person, with his passions, advantages, disadvantages and even weaknesses and vices. The author is not taken to condemn his characters, but prefers to provide the reader to draw conclusions about what fate to choose. He even regrets those of them who chose the wrong way. There are many examples.

How Flaubert regretted his Madame Bovarie

Gustave Flaubert was born on December 12, 1821 in Ruang. The monotony of provincial life was familiar to him since childhood, and in mature years he rarely left his town, only once after having completed a long trip to the East (Algeria, Tunisia), and, of course, attended Paris. This French poet and writer composed poems that many critics seemed to be then (there is such an opinion today) too melancholy-languid. In 1857, he wrote the novel Madame Bovari, who received scandalous fame at that time. The story of a woman who sought to escape from the postpoint circle of ordinary and therefore changed her husband, then seemed not just controversial, but even indecent.

However, this plot, alas, in life is quite frequent, performed by the Great Master, goes beyond the framework of a conventional scaby joke. Flaubert is trying, and with great success, to penetrate the psychology of his characters, to which he sometimes experiences anger, expressed in a merciless satire, but more often - pity. His heroine is tragically dying, the despised and loving husband, apparently, (it is guessing, what is denoted by the text) knows about everything, but sincerely grows, mourning his wrong wife. And Flaubert, and other French writers of the XIX century quite a lot of works devoted loyalty and love issues.


With the light hand of many literary writers, he is considered almost the founder of romantic erotic in the literature. This opinion is based on some points in its works containing immodest, by the standards of the XIX century, descriptions of an intimate scene. From today's art historical positions, these episodes look quite decent and, in general, plotically justified. Moreover, in novels, the titles and stories of this wonderful writer, this is not the main thing. The first place to significantly occupy relationships between people and such personal qualities as the viciousness, the ability to love, forgive and just be happy. Like other famous French writers, Maupassan studies the soul of man and identifies the necessary conditions for his freedom. He is tormented by the hypocrisy of "public opinion", created just those who are not perfect, but all imposes their ideas about the decency.

For example, in the story "Zolotar" he describes the story of the touching love of the French soldier for a black resident of the colony. His happiness did not take place, the relatives did not understand his feelings and were afraid of the possible condemnation of the neighbors.

Interesting aphorisms of the writer about the war, which he likes to the crash of the ship, and which should be avoided by all world leaders with the same caution as the captains of the courts feared the reefs. Observation Maupassian exhibits, opposing a low self-esteem of excessive complacency, counting both of these qualities.


Not less, but, perhaps, the French writer Emil Zola more shuffled the reader's public. He willingly took the story of the life of Kurtizanok ("Western", "Nana"), the inhabitants of the social bottom ("Paris") in detail, described in detail the heavy life of carbon panels ("Zerminal") and even the psychology of the Manyak killer ("Man-beast" ). Unusual overall literary form chosen by the author.

Most of their works he united into a twenty-thousand meeting, which received the common name "Roigon-Makcara". With all the variety of plots and expressive forms, it represents something unity that it is worth perceiving entirely. However, any of the zol novels can be read and individually, it will not be less interesting.

Jules Verne, fiction

Another French writer, Jules Verne, does not need a special idea, he became the founder of the genre that was further determined by the definition of "scientific fiction." To which this amazing narrator, which was not thought of the appearance of atomic underwater cruisers, torpedoes, lunar missiles and other modern attributes that became the property of humanity only in the twentieth century. Many of his fantasies today may seem naive, but the novels are read easily, and these are their main dignity.

In addition, the plots of modern Hollywood blockbusters about the resurrected from the non-existence of dinosaurs look much less believable than the story of the Updated Lizards found on the Latin American Plateau, found by brave travelers ("Lost World"). And the romance about how the earth shouted from the ruthless injection with a giant needle and comes out for the genre framework, perceived as a prophetic parable.


No less fascinated in his novels French writer Hugo. His characters fall into the most different circumstances, showing themselves bright features of individuality. Even negative heroes (for example, Zhaver from the "rejected" or Claude Frollo from the "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God") have a certain charm.

The historical component of the narrative is important, from which the reader with ease and interest learns many useful facts, in particular, about the circumstances of the French revolution and Bonapartism in France. Jean Volzhan from the "disconnected" became the personification of an incentive nobility and honesty.


Modern French writers, and such literary crituals include all the writers of the "Heminueevsk-Fitzgerald" era, they also made a lot so that humanity becomes wiser and kinder. The twentieth century did not indulge Europeans in peace decades, and the memories of the greatest war of 1914-1918 were soon reminiscence in the form of another global tragedy.

Not left away from the struggle of honest people around the world with fascism and French writer Exupery - Romantic, the creator of an unforgettable image of a little prince and a military pilot. The posthumous popularity of this writer in the USSR of the fifties and sixties could envy many pop stars who have played songs, including his memory devoted to his and its main character. And today, the thoughts expressed by the boy with another planet, are still urged to kindness and responsibility for their actions.

Duma, Son and Father

They actually had two, father and son, and both wonderful French writers. Who are not familiar with the famous Musketeers and their faithful friend d'Artagnan? Many shields glorified these characters, but none of them could convey the charm of the literary source. The fate of the prisoner of the castle IF will not leave anyone indifferent ("Count Monte Cristo"), and other works are very interesting. They will be useful for young people whose personality becoming just begins, examples of true nobility in the novels of Duma-Father a lot, even eliminate.

As for the Son, he also did not prevail the famous surname. The novels "Dr. Servan", "Three Strong Men" and other works brightly highlighted the features and blessing features of the modern society, and the "lady with camellias" not only enjoyed well-deserved reader success, but also inspired by the Italian composer Verdi to Writing the Opera "Traviata", It was based on her libretto.


Detective will always be one of the most reading genres. The reader is interested in it all - and who committed a crime, and motives, and evidence, and the indispensable exposure of the perpetrators. But a detective detective distribution. One of the best writers of the modern era, of course, is Georges Siemenon, the creator of an unforgettable image of the Commissioner of the Paris Police Megre. The artistic technique itself is quite common in the world literature, the image of a detective intellectual with an indispensable feature of the appearance and the recognizable hawth was exploited repeatedly.

Megre Siemeon differs from many of its "colleagues" again characteristic of French literature with kindness and mentality. He is also ready to go to meet a cold and even (oh, horror!) To violate certain formal articles of the law, keeping him still loyalty in the main thing, not in the letter, in his spirit ("And still Oshness green").

Just a wonderful writer.


If you distract from past centuries and once again return to modernity, then the French writer Cedric Gra, a big friend of our country, who dedicated two books by the Russian Far East and its inhabitants deserves attention. After seeing many exotic regions of the planet, he became interested in Russia, lived in it for many years, learned the language that, undoubtedly, he helps to know the notorious "mysterious soul", which he already finishes writing a third book on the same topic. Here gras found something that, apparently, he was so lacked on his prosperous and comfortable homeland. It attracts some "oddity" (from the point of view of the European) national nature, the desire of men to be courageous, their recklessness and openness. For the Russian reader, the French writer Cedric Gra is interested in this "look from the side", gradually becoming becoming increasingly.


Perhaps there is no other French writer, so close to the Russian heart. Much in his work reminds about the friend of the great literature of the literature of all times and peoples - Fyodor Mikhailovic Dostoevsky. The first Roman Jean-Field of Sartre "Noshnota" (many consider it the best) argued the concept of freedom as a category of internal, not subject to external circumstances, on which a person is doomed to the very fact of his birth.

The position of the author was confirmed not only by his novels, essays and plays, but also by personal behavior demonstrating complete independence. The man of left views, he, however, criticized the politics of the USSR of the post-war period, which did not prevent him in, turn, abandon the prestigious Nobel Prize, awarded for allegedly anti-Soviet publications. Of the same considerations, he did not accept the Order of the Honorary Legion. Such a non-conformist deserves respect and attention, read it, of course, is worth it.

Vive La France!

The article does not mention many other outstanding French writers by no means because they do not deserve love and attention to a lesser extent. You can tell about them infinitely, enthusiastically and enthusiastically, but as long as the reader himself will not attend the book, will not reveal it, it does not fall under the charm of wonderful lines, sharp thoughts, humor, sarcasm, bright sadness and kindness emitted by pages . There are no urgent peoples, but there is definitely outstanding who have made a special contribution to the world treasury of culture. For those who love Russian literature, the admission and the works of French authors will be especially pleasant and useful.


For European literature, the era of the XIX century has become the time of genuine heyday. She passed the stage of romanticism, realism and symbolism, at each of these stages reflecting the features of the development of industrial society. The XX century brought with them completely new trends, which fundamentally changed the approach to the writing craft.

French literature

Romanticism in the Literature of France began to develop a little later than in England or Germany. The reason for this was to some extent the dominance of the neoclassical tradition in all spheres of the country's culture.

The genuine titanium of the romantic direction was Viktor Hugo. The writer and the poet often appealed to historical topics. In 1831, he graduated from his most famous novels - "Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God, who awakened interest in Gothic and Middle Ages in French readers.

Gradually, Hugo became interested in a social question, during the events of 1848--1850 he spoke on the side of the democratic opposition against Napoleon III and was forced to emigrate. He was able to return to France only in 1870.

His later novels: "Molded" (1862), "sea workers" (1866), "93rd year" (1874) - imbued with humanism and sympathy to ordinary people.

The large writer of the romantic direction was Georges Sand. The main theme of her creativity was the unfair position of a woman in society. The most famous novels of the Sand - "Consuelo" (1842--1843) and "Oras" (1841-1842).

Pretty soon romanticism was replaced by realism - a literary style, which set the purpose of the truthful reflection of the surrounding reality and interpersonal relations. The three largest French writers, Standal, Balzac and Flaubert, starting romantics, in their more mature works switched to the position of realism.

Henri Marie Standal was an officer in Napoleon's army, spent quite a long time in Italy and retained sympathy for the emperor until the end of his life. He was an opponent of the monarchy Louis Philippe, protest against which he expressed in the novels "Red and Black" (1831) and "Red and White" (published 1894). Standal wrote a lot about Italian art, devoting him to him "History of Italian painting" (1817), "Walking in Rome" (1829).

The most fully literary form of realistic novel received its development in the work of Honor de Balzac. He created a huge cycle of 90 novels "Human Comedy", broken into 3 series: "Etudes about the nravakh", "Study philosophical" and "Analytical Etudes". Balzac was able to give the most detailed picture of the French bourgeois society in the middle of the XIX century. His most famous novels - Gobsek (1830) and "Shagreen Skin" (1831).

In 1857, Gustave Flaubert published his most famous novel "Madame Bovari", dedicated to the businesses of provincial France. Through all his novels, the topic of psychological dons of heroes passes through the central theme, the works of the writer are penetrated by pessimism. This is especially brightly manifested in his later novel "Buwar and Beiy" (1881 issued) and the collection "Three Test" (1877).

Further development realism received in the novels of Emil Zol, who brought this direction to hypertrophied accuracy and developed in naturalism. He created a cycle of 20 novels "Ruggur Makcars: the natural and social history of the family during the time of the II of the Empire" (1871 - 1893).

Following Zola in the style of naturalism, Guy de Maupassant worked, who focused on criticizing the regime of the Republic of III. His most famous novels - "Life" (1883) and "Cute Friend" (1885).

In the 2nd half of the XIX century, the course of decades is beginning to develop in French literature, which has proclaimed a complete refusal of any social theme in the name of the principle of "Art for the sake of art." The first representative of the decades was the poet Charles Bajler.

In 1857, he released his most famous collection of poems "Flowers Evil", in 1860 - a book on drugs "Artificial Paradise".

The decadent tendency picked up and developed Paul Verlin, whose creativity permeated with the motives of the decay and death. In his poetry, the word lost its independent value.

In 1874, his collection "Romances without words" was released, in 1881 - "Wisdom", in 1889 - "parallel".

Another and like-minded vertene was a symbolist of Artur Rambo, who dedicated poetry only 3 years of his life. He sought to the aesthetization of ugly manifestations of reality, which was reflected in his poem "Drunk Ship" and the cycle of poems "season in hell".

The largest French writer of the beginning of the 20th century was Andre J. He created the novels "Immoralist" (1902), "Vatican dungeons" (1914) and "Fakes" (1926). In 1947 he was awarded the Nobel Prize.

The traditions of decades developed Marcel Proust. Its main work is the cycle of novels "In Search of Lost Time" (Tom 1 - 16, 1913--1927).

The writer and musicologist Romain Rollan published the cycle of artistic biographies of the great artists: "Beethoven's life" (1903), "Michelangelo" (1905), "Life of Tolstoy" (1911). The most large work is the Roman-epic about the genius musician "Jean-Christoph" (1904--1912).

Louis Ferdinand Celin, author of the novel "Journey to the edge of the night" (1934) occupies a special place in the history of French literature of the 20th century. His style was distinguished by cynicism, misantropy and grotesque exaggeration of the society of society. Celine is considered the founder of the so-called "dirty novel" style.