Inscriptions on gravestones. Death, that soul whose flesh the grave took

Inscriptions on gravestones.  Death, that soul whose flesh the grave took
Inscriptions on gravestones. Death, that soul whose flesh the grave took

Short inscriptions on monuments remain for centuries

The loss of loved ones is the hardest test, because such a loss is irreplaceable for those who are left to live. The need to express grief in the words engraved on the tombstone is a natural desire for those who mourn.

Short epitaphs as evidence of the immortality of the soul

After the completion of the funeral and the commemoration rites, the relatives and friends of people who have passed away feel abandoned. They take care of the graves and erect monuments to the deceased, on which, as a rule, short epitaphs are carved for posterity. These words testify to the merits of the deceased or of gratitude for the fact that he was once there.

Photo of a short epitaph on the monument

If our life is not eternal, then the short epitaphs applied to the monument will last for a very long time. The next generations will be able to read them and reflect on their earthly path, as well as on the frailty of life. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be destined to visit dear graves, and therefore the connection of times will never be interrupted.

You can find short epitaphs on the website

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Photo of a brief epitaph

Any short inscriptions on the monuments from the list proposed here can be added to favorites. We also note that the site has a clear rating system, that is, the most preferred short epitaphs are indicated (there is a special demand for them).

By referring to the information posted here, the customer will reduce the time required to select a gravestone.

Often, feelings about the loss of a loved one cannot always be expressed in the size of the tombstone on the grave, and more than it can be done with words, or rather with an inscription on the tombstone, that is, writing epitaphs. These words, as usual, carry deep regret and grief over the loss of a loved one.

We will help or find the right words for you.

To the one who was dear during his lifetime.
From those who love and grieve.

The memory of you will remain forever in our hearts ...

How hard it is to find the words
To measure our pain with them.
We cannot believe in your death
You will be with us forever ...

You passed away too early
Our pain cannot be expressed in words.
Sleep, dear, you are our pain and wound.
The memory of you is always alive.

You left kindness and love alive
How many years have not passed:
We love, we remember, we grieve ...

You left life instantly
but the pain remained forever.

We couldn't lose much more
Our sorrow has no border.
Woe is not to express, not to describe,
very little granite page ...

The land has become poorer in one flower ...
Heaven has become one soul richer.
You were so little with us in this life.
But the memory of you is always in our hearts.

Do not part with your loved ones.
Grow in them with all your heart.
And say goodbye every time
when you leave for a moment.

The farewell candle will burn out.
And the eyes will fill with tears.
It's hard to live in the world without you.
And believe that you are not with us.

Your hands did not know fatigue.
Your lips have never lost heart.
You went through life with love.
May the earth rest in peace.

Love for you, dear son,
He will die only with us.
And our pain and our sorrow
Cannot be expressed in words ...

Sleep well, dear son ...

Don't cry for me when I'm gone.
After all, in the sky you will find a star.
And my sorrow will leave you.
After all, my star is so far away ...

Our last duty, a sorrowful stone,
The cup of sorrow is full.
There is no more joy in the world
There was only one pain and sorrow.

For the rest of my life
we have enough grief and sorrow,
About the one we loved
and so suddenly lost.

The pain of separation is incurable.
The parting that is forever.

It is impossible to return, it is impossible to forget ...

The warmth of your soul remained with us ...

It's so easy to imagine you alive.
That it is impossible to believe in your death.

There are no words in the world to describe our grief.
You cannot find the strength in the world to lift you.
Our tears cannot be contained even in the sea.
How cruel fate has taken you away.

How much of ours has gone with you.
How much of yours is left with us.

You loved life and wanted to do a lot.
But the thread broke too soon
Without giving you a dream to come true ...

We love you, we are proud of you ...
And in our memory you are always alive ...

Sleep well, dear son ...
We all love you, remember and grieve.

The earthly path is short
memory is eternal ...

Do not part with loved ones ...
Lees cease to be near.

The day when your eyes went out
and the heart stopped beating
Was the worst day for us
And we will not be able to come to terms with him.

We stand over your grave, bending over.
We water the flowers with a hot tear
I don't want to believe my dear and beloved,
That you are in this grave.

And the heart hurts, and there is no end to grief ...

You, as your own heart, cannot be forgotten and replaced ...

Do not express grief, do not cry tears ...
You took the joy away from home forever ...

How early you left, dear,
Leaving us sorrow and pain ...

You sleep, and we live ...
You wait, and we will come ...

The land is empty without you ...

We cannot bring you back with tears.
Sadness cannot be measured by sadness ...

And let the evening light candles for me.
And your image envelops the smoke.
But I don’t want to know that time heals.
That everything goes with him.

Bright memory about you
will forever remain in our hearts ...

You lived and loved life.
You and live and bloom.
But the insidious death struck.
Nobody could save you.

You leaves, do not make noise,
Don't wake up our mom.

You don't call me
I will not come to you.
You are not in a hurry to see me.
I'll wait for you.

Quiet, trees, do not make noise with foliage,
Mommy is sleeping, you don’t wake her up ...

We come here
To put flowers.
It's very difficult, dear,
We can live without you.

Oh, if only mommy was alive.
We all would give what we ask.
Words words words...
Words ... We all pronounce them after death.

You left us, dear,
The mournful hour of rozluki has come.
But everything is still alive
You are in our heart, among us

Can't express in tears
all sorrow and sorrow ...

The simple-hearted son of freedom
For the senses, he did not spare life;
And faithful traits of nature
He often liked to write off.
He believed in dark predictions
And talismans, and love,
And unnatural desires
He sacrificed his days.
And in it the soul kept a supply
Bliss, torment and passion.
He died. Here is his grave.
It was not made for humans.

Tombstone epitaphs occupy a special niche in ritual art. Today, this is not only a simple saying dedicated to to a loved one who has departed into another world, but also great way decorate the burial site in the best traditions modernity. That is why the gravestones are combined into a special literary genre, which not all writers can cope with. After all, for this you need to be a special master of the word, being able to select the necessary deep words and lay a wide philosophical meaning in just a few lines. Inscriptions on tombstones- it's like a second portrait, but more emotional and wider.

Photo of the funeral epitaph

Gravestone inscriptions

It should be noted that any epitaphs on tombstones differ in a number of qualities that make them a special genre... So, for example, they should be:
Deep in content

Photo of the epitaph on the tombstone

Therefore, most often the texts of gravestone inscriptions fit in just a few lines or even a simple quatrain. At the same time, a deep emotional and philosophical subtext directly tells about the feelings of relatives and friends, and also presents the deceased to future generations.

Most often, to perpetuate in verbal form the human path of life, character, inner peace use a poetic form. It is easier to read and easier to remember. And the poem in most people evokes a more solemn and emotional response.

Photo of the inscription on the tombstone

Inscriptions on tombstones in prose, however, require much more skill, lightness of style and shades of feelings. Therefore, it is worth noting that not everyone chooses prose. But if you choose it correctly, it may turn out that only three or five words are enough, which will express much more than one quatrain. By the way, in prose the inscription on grave cross looks much better and is combined with the strict and sublime features of the product.

The choice of the inscription should be done very deliberately, because it depends on it and appearance monument. Short works will look more appropriate and beautiful on a monument than a long text with an abundance of empty words. Not a single word should raise doubts or tense feelings in the relatives of the deceased. In addition, epitaphs on the tombstone should form a positive image of a person, who will subsequently correctly present him to future generations.

Photo of the inscription on the tombstone

Tombstone epitaphs can be like famous saying with deep philosophical overtones or the words of the deceased himself. Often the relatives themselves want to create their own work that will help pay tribute to the memory of those who remain dear to their hearts even after death.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to tell about your feelings forever to departed relatives or loved ones. Of course, you can express your own feelings in obituaries or put unspent love in the inscription on the tombstone. Although, probably, the epitaph is just a way to calm oneself and convince that the farewell words of love are nevertheless said and will live for centuries, carved on cold granite.

What is usually written on tombstones

Tombstones now can be very different. They are made from a variety of materials and given a great variety of shapes. The differences most often depend on cultural and religious traditions. However, almost all gravestones carry some obligatory information.

So, in all cases, the surname, name and patronymic of the deceased, his date of birth and date of death are indicated. Very often, a photograph of a deceased person is also placed on the monument. However, this is not enough if loved ones grieve for a relative who has left them untimely. And then the epitaph is knocked out on the tombstone.

What is an epitaph?

The epitaph is short text in honor of a deceased person. We are used to understanding by it the inscription on the tombstone, but this is not entirely true. This word came to us from the ancient Greek language, and in those days an epitaph was understood as a small speech about the deceased, delivered at a funeral.

The epitaph can be a short inscription on the tombstone, listing the family roles of the deceased and talking about him with endless love and respect. For example, "beloved father and dear husband." The epitaph can be a rhymed quatrain or even a quote from Holy Scripture... Or maybe she's pretty long text, not devoid of pathos. For example, during the Renaissance, the gravestones of people from noble families were decorated detailed descriptions stories of the origin of the family, success in their careers and praises of the virtue of the deceased and all his relatives.

V Western cultures quite often people choose inscriptions for their gravestones during their lifetime. This tradition has been around for a long time. For example, the author of his own epitaph containing curses to those who carry human remains from the church to the crypt was presumably William Shakespeare. And now in the West, older people or seriously ill people often tell their relatives their will regarding what kind of inscription they would like to see on their own tombstone.

For our reality, however, the choice of an inscription for your tombstone is not so common. And to many, this idea may seem strange at all, because we are not used to thinking about death in general and that our life path will end someday. Therefore, the responsibility for the choice of the epitaph is most often assigned to the relatives and friends of the deceased.

Epitaph. How to find words?

Choose a saying that will forever become a symbol of sorrow for the past dear person is usually very difficult. It takes a lot mental strength, it causes endless sadness. But this choice must be made.

You can, of course, express respect and sorrow in the standard saying - "Rest in peace", "We remember. We love. We grieve. " These short phrases are used very often and all over the world. Likewise, the use of verses, aphorisms, or quotations from the Bible is often used.

However, with a saying engraved on a tombstone, people sometimes want to express something more, to put into words all their unspent love and express inconsolable grief. In this case, the inscription on the tombstone should express the words coming from the heart.

Many funeral agencies offer epitaph making services. The relatives of the deceased express their wishes, and with their strict adherence feelings and sorrow are put into words.

The inscriptions on the monuments are chosen taking into account whose grave they are intended for. The gender, age of a person matters, and his family roles are important. The inscriptions on the monuments to mother, thus, will differ from the epitaphs to the father. There are, however, universal phrases that are used in various cases.

Inscriptions on monuments to parents

Losing parents is hard. Probably the only thing that is even harder to go through is the funeral of your child ...

A common gravestone is sometimes chosen for the parents. In this case, the epitaph can be one for two. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with several sample options.

  1. "You will always live in our hearts."
  2. "You taught us a lot of things, but you didn't just tell us how to deal with the pain of your loss."
  3. “Memory is gold chain that binds us until we meet again. "
  4. “You have done everything for us. Now God will give you eternal rest. "
  5. "You have asked so little, but you have done so much for us."
  6. "Your light will keep us warm forever."
  7. "We remember how you loved us."
  8. "Together forever".
  9. "Love is a light that never fades."
  10. "We lived together in happiness and together we are now in heaven."

Epitaphs to father

The inscriptions on the monuments to the father can be as follows:

  1. "Gone but not forgotten."
  2. “You've worked your whole life, dad. You're at peace now. We proud of you. You are one of the best. "
  3. "His true wealth was in his heart. And he gave us his kindness without a trace. "
  4. “He taught us to be the best. Now we will become like that for the sake of his blessed memory. "
  5. "He was loving father, gentle and kind ".
  6. "His greatest joy was to make others happy."
  7. “He has fulfilled his mission on this earth. And now he ascended to heaven alone. "
  8. "The world got colder when God took you to his place."
  9. “We loved him very much. But God loved him more. "
  10. “God took him to himself. This is His will. But in our hearts, our beloved husband and father will live forever. "

Epitaphs for the mother

And we offer the following options as inscriptions on

  1. "May God grant you eternal peace, dear mother."
  2. "She lives in our memory and will live forever and ever."
  3. "Her friendship was an inspiration and her love was a blessing."
  4. "My mother is the main shrine, the memory of which I will keep in my heart forever."
  5. “She's gone. But we remember the music of her kind heart. "
  6. "Grace was in her every step, heaven was in her eyes, and in every gesture there was dignity and love."
  7. "She loved everyone."
  8. "If our love could save her, she would not die."
  9. "She touched everyone with her love and kindness."
  10. "God took from the earth the brightest angel - my mother."

Inscriptions on the monuments to her husband

The following variants of epitaphs are for the departed beloved husband.

  1. "God, give me the strength to live without him."
  2. "The memory of our love will live forever."
  3. "Angels will guard you in heaven."
  4. "For such people, the Kingdom of Heaven exists."
  5. "Love never ends."
  6. "Some people remain in our hearts forever."
  7. "Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened."
  8. "He is my most beautiful memory."
  9. "I will remember you until we meet again."
  10. "In heaven, you and I will be together again."

We offer all these variants of epitaphs only as approximate ones. Choosing words of love, devotion and unspeakable sorrow for his a loved one you can target these phrases. But let your words come from the heart. And who knows, maybe they will really be heard in heaven ...

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1. R.I.P.

2. Do not express grief, do not cry tears.

You took the joy out of the house forever.

3. We come here

To put flowers

It's very difficult, dear,

We can live without you.

4. Why did you leave, dear,

Sleep in the damp ground?

Why did you leave me

Lose yourself alone?

5. I stand leaning over your grave

Watering the flowers with a burning tear.

I don't want to believe, our dear, beloved,

That you are in this grave.

6. What a pity that your life is

Was so short

But the memory of you will be eternal

7. Lord have mercy

8. Your bright, pure image is always with us.


From those who love and grieve.

10. How difficult it is to find the words

To measure our pain with them.

You will be with us forever.

11. You leaves, do not make noise,

Don't wake up our mom.

12. When he leaves close person,

An emptiness remains in the soul

Which cannot be healed.

13. Your bright image is in our memory.

14. You left life incomprehensibly early,

Sadness oppresses parents.

The wound bleeds in the hearts.

Your little son is growing up, not knowing the word "mom".

15. The memory of you will remain forever

In our hearts.

16. You left early, without saying goodbye,

And without saying a word to us,

That you will never come back.

17. Quiet trees

Do not make noise with foliage.

Mommy is sleeping

Don't wake her up.

18. One star less on earth.

There is one more star in the sky.


Father's sadness, brother's loneliness,

The grief of grandparents.

20. Eternal memory of you in the hearts of your family.

21. Like dew drops on roses

There are tears on my cheeks.

Sleep well, dear son,

We all love you, remember and grieve.

22. You passed away too early,

Our pain cannot be expressed in words.

Sleep, dear, you are our pain and wound,

The memory of you is always alive.

23. You left life instantly

And the pain remained forever.

24. Sorrow and sorrow of your loss

They will stay with us forever.

What could be worse and worse

Loss of husband and father.

25. The sorrow of the soul cannot be wept with tears,

The raw grave of grief is incomprehensible.

26. Words cannot express

Tears do not cry out our grief.

You are always in our hearts.

27. You have passed away from life, but not from the heart.

28. To your timeless grave

Our path will not overgrow.

Your dear image, dear image,

Will always lead us here.

29. No more grief than the bitterness of loss.

30. It's so easy to imagine you alive,

31. The warmth of your soul remained with us.

32. Everything was in him -

Soul, talent and beauty.

Everything sparkled for us

Like a bright dream.

33. You left us early, our beloved.

He took away our happiness and joy.

34. How much of ours has gone with you,

How much of yours is left with us.

35. To the one who was dear during his lifetime,

From those who love and grieve.

36. You do not call me,

I will not come to you.

Do not rush to me

I'll wait for you.

37. Forgive us that under the starry sky

To wear flowers to your stove.

Forgive us for the air

Whichever way you breathed.

38. And the heart hurts, and there is no end to grief.

39. Great sorrow cannot be measured

Tears cannot help grief.

You are not with us, but forever

You will not die in our hearts.

40. We love you, we are proud of you,

41. Everything was in him -

Soul, talent and beauty.

Everything sparkled for us.

Like a bright dream.

42. Blessed memory of you

Will forever remain in our hearts.

43 ... One less star on earth.

There is one more star in the sky.

44. We love you, we are proud of you,

And in our memory you are always alive.

45. How early you left, dear,

Leaving us sorrow and pain.

46. The earth is empty without you ...

47. They do not part with their loved ones

They just stop being near.

48. Great sorrow cannot be measured

Tears cannot help grief.

You are not with us, but forever

You will not die in our hearts.

49. Can't be returned

It is impossible to forget.

50. Youthey gave us life in this world,

In another you have found peace.

Gone, leaving a trail of sorrow

outbursts of grief and longing.

51. Remember me, Lord,

Visit me with your salvation.

Blessed are those who weep: for they will be comforted

Remember me God

And do not leave those who love you.

52. Father, into your hands

I convey my spirit.

53. How hard it is to find the words

To measure our pain with them.

We cannot believe in your death

You will be with us forever.

54. The earthly path is short,

Memory is eternal.

55. There are no words to express all the pain and sorrow of our soul

56. We love you, and in our memory you are always alive (a).

57. Dear, dear mom.

58. Love for you, dear son,

He will die only with us.

And our pain and our sorrow

Cannot be expressed in words.

59. Our pain cannot be measured

And do not pour out in tears.

We take you as if you were alive

Let's love forever.

No kind, lovely eyes are visible.

Why was fate cruel?

How early you left us ...

61. Your dear image, dear image,

Always carried here ...

62. You have lived your life with dignity,

Leaving the memory for us forever.

Sleep well in a silent world

The person we love.

63. You won't come back, you won't look back

You will not become wise and gray-haired.

You will remain in our memory

Always alive and young.

64. It is impossible to return, it is impossible to forget ...

65. There is no need for inscriptions for my stone

Just read here: "He was, he lived, and he is not" .

66. A loved one does not die,

He just stops living with us.

67 ... Lord Jesus Christ, overshadow him with the quiet light of salvation.


68. Our life is without you,

Like deaf midnight

In a strange and unknown land,

Sleep, our ........................,

sleep dear

The Lord has a bright paradise ...

69. The grief and sorrow of your loss will remain with us forever.

What could be worse and worse than the loss of a husband and father? ...

70. I stand, bend over your grave,

Watering the flowers with a burning tear.

I don't want to believe, our dear, beloved,

That you are in this grave.

71. What a pity that your life was so short

but the memory of you will be eternal.

72. It's so easy to imagine you alive,

That it is impossible to believe in your death.


I left you forever.

Oh, how I would like to live

But this is my destiny.

74. Sleep, daughter, beloved, calmly,

you walked your short way with dignity ...

75. Thank you for living together ...

76. The eternal memory of you will forever remain in our hearts.

77. So leave unnecessary controversy.

He has already proved everything to himself.

He went from reality to the mountains

And in these endless spaces

Learned to fly between rocks.

78. Finally happy ...

79. And maybe in happy dreams

You will see your love

Your naive dreams

And the roses that you raised ...

80. That's all ... Your eyes are closed,

Lips compressed, shadow on eyelashes,

But do not trust the parental heart,

That you, son, were gone that day.

81. You left life

Incomprehensibly early

Sadness oppresses parents.

A wound bleeds in their hearts,

Your son is growing

Not knowing the word "mom".

82. Dear angel, I'm sorry - it's my fault,

That I was not next to you at the hour of death.

83 ... Lands a minute settler,

The beauty of the earth is momentary,

Why is it so early, my baby,

Did you fly to heaven?

84. I seem to be dead, but the world is comforting,

I live in thousands of souls in hearts

All lovers, and, therefore, I am not dust,

And mortal decay will not touch me.

85. There will always be a mother's tear for you,

Father's sadness, brother's (sister's) loneliness,

The grief of grandparents.

86. He died in a good old age,

Full of life

Wealth and glory ...

87. Unexpected grief, grief is not measured,

The most precious thing in life is lost

It's a pity that life cannot be repeated

To give it to you.

88. I will bequeath life to live more worthy,

Do not rush to give up the ends faster.

After all, it will be all the calmer for me here,

Than all of you I will wait longer.

89. I'm happy that I died young,

The torment of the earth is worse than the grave.

Death set me free forever

And made me immortality.

90. I'm sorry that I didn't save your life,

The whole century will not rest for me.

Not enough strength, not enough tears

To measure my grief.

91. Thank you for living (living)

92. Sometimes angels descend from heaven,

To protect with your warmth and love,

You were such an angel, our beloved girl.

93. We would all give a piece of our heart

Only yours would beat again.

94. To our little angel returning to heaven.

95. The heavenly soul has returned to heaven,

To the source of everything, into the arms of the Father.

Here she has not yet been darkened by vice;

She captivated all hearts with her innocence.

96. Rest sweet dust in the arms of the earth!

Heavenly soul, rejoice in heaven!

97. In radiance and joyful peace,

At the throne of the eternal creator,

With a smile, he looks into earthly exile,

He blesses the mother and prays for the father.

98. Why not to faces crumpled by old age,

You came, Death, and plucked my flower?

- Because there is no shelter in heaven

Tainted by corruption and debauchery.

99. Death did not want to inflict a wound

Weapon of years and an overabundance of days

The beauty that rested here - so that she

Return upward without suffering a defect.

100. I rested here when I was born;

I am the one to whom I hurried so quickly

Death, like the soul whose flesh the grave took,

I barely noticed that there was no flesh.

101. You still live after leaving this life,

You, in our thoughts, dreams.

102. Black rose - the emblem of sadness,

The red rose is the emblem of love ...

103. I have been brought to a good fate by death:

God didn't want to see me old

And since rock does not have a great gift,

Everything except death was to my detriment.

Here is this dust, the remnants of being,

Where there is no face, where the eyes have already decayed, -

A lesson to those whom they knew how to captivate,

What prison did my soul live in?

Who water this coffin with tears,

He in vain believes that he will return

His tear to the dry tree fruit:

After all, in the spring the dead does not rise again.

The Lord granted me beauty,

The parent gave me only the body;

But if God-given has decayed,

Why will a mortal take flesh from death?

When I was alive, I was someone's life,

And since the time that I became dust,

A jealous friend awaits death, tormented by fear

So that someone does not forestall him.

104. The waves closed over you,

The abyss swallowed you

And forever the water hid

From us your sad appearance.

And it will not fill with a wondrous song,

She won't laugh with joy

Angry will not scream.

You were still a girl

So naive and funny

So mysterious and strange ...

You lived in pink dreams.

But what is the enemy of your dreams?

His hand did not flinch.

The reprisal was short,

But your suffering is not easy.

105. No pain, fear and confusion

On your pretty face -

A timid smile on it

And a short bewilderment.

How unusually silent you are ...

The breath of death did not touch

You - and you were not horrified

You seemed to lie down and sleep.

Sleep, .... (name) ...!

May your sweet dream

No one will disturb forever;

Nothing can break

Oblivion of eternal peace.

And maybe be happy daydreaming

You will see your love

Your naive dreams

And the roses that you raised ...

106. You loved life

And I wanted to do a lot,

But the thread broke too soon

Without giving you dreams to come true.

107. "I died a girl, a bride ..."

108. To the man who saw the angel.

109. "Hurry to do good!"

110. We all sit in the gutter

But some of us are staring at the stars ...

111. V you will always remain with us in our memory,

And forever you are with us in life,

Our beloved and the best of men,

You are our father and husband and grandfather forever.

112. The aching pain of losing a loving husband

Caring daddy and grandpa

Has settled in our hearts forever

113. You loved life, you were in a hurry,

You wanted to do a lot

But fate was not given to you

Feel sorry for yourself….

114. God grant that the world is different

Brought you peace.

115. You left, but we remember and love you.

116. You have lived your life in worries,

Now you fell asleep forever.

So sleep well, carefree

Your family is always with you ...

117. He loved angels and children's laughter.

I did not crumple the snow-white lilac stars,

Although he wanted to overcome Vladyka ...

In all sins he was - a gentle child,

And therefore - forgive him, Lord!

118. You left early without saying goodbye

And without saying a word to us,

That you will never come back.

119. How hard it is to find the words

To measure our pain with them.

We cannot believe in your death

You will be with us forever.

120. Leaving this life, you still live

In our thoughts, dreams.

You cannot survive the fate of the given.

We remember you both in joy and in torment.

121. There will always be a mother's tear for you,

Father's sadness, brother's loneliness,

The grief of grandparents.

122. An evil death crept up to me

I left you forever.

Oh, how I would like to live

But this is my destiny.

123. Like dew drops on roses

There are tears on my cheeks.

Sleep well, dear son,

We all love you, remember and grieve.

124. Eternal memory of you in the hearts of relatives

125. When people forget you, all your friends will forget

Only the heart will remember you, and this heart will be me.

126. Do not know where I have led the way,

To what limit did I go from life, oh friend,

I have done everything earthly, I loved and lived on earth.

127. I loved you, I won't forget you,

I will love you in eternity

128. All life ended with you, you have no life, and we do not,

The most dear, beloved son, beloved child has passed away.

129. Thank you, my clear one, for the fact that you were in the world!

130. A serious illness broke you, passed away without living,

Dear, beloved son of ours, how difficult it is for us to live without you.

131. Thank you endlessly

We do not forget about you,

And we remember your souls and hearts alive.

132. You were an example for us to follow

We still live by consulting you.

We come to you, father, on a date

Consulting in happiness and trouble.

133. No ... They did not leave, but they repeated themselves in the children.

134. Lord, we give you our smallest angel.

135. Wonderful child, unjust fate did not give you to me,

She just showed it and took it right away.

136. No, I will not resign myself to death, with the terrible burden of being

That children die before adults, that you died, I was left.

137. Life separated them, but death united them.

Two pure souls now in one grave.

138. You were taken away from us so hastily, breathing injustice.
And on the native land, even though your soul could live a sinner.
Now we only have to gain patience, strength.
Relatives, loved ones everywhere cry quietly at the graves.
We now live in human pain, flowers, breathing greenery.
We all have one big grief - we will come to it slowly.
Let's water the flowers, wipe the fence, kiss the cross, keep quiet.
What else do we need in life? But we shout in silence.
Now you live under heaven. You are with us, friend, and we are with you.
With love in your heart, in your soul with sorrow, rest in peace, dear!

139. Light roses, having died, a crowd of funeral
They sparkle in lush bouquets, like a star in the sky;
So I am separated from you, but your image is sad
In my heart, lulled, always asleep. (Balmont K.D.)

Epitaphs on the graves of famous people

K.N. Batyushkov


No inscriptions are needed for my stone,
Just say here: he was and he is not!

A.S. Pushkin

My epitaph

Here Pushkin is buried; he is with a young muse,
I spent a cheerful century with love, laziness,
I didn’t do good, but I was a soul,
By God, a kind person.

Epitaph to the baby. "Book. N. S. Volkonsky"

In radiance and joyful peace,
At the throne of the eternal creator,
With a smile, he looks into earthly exile,
He blesses the mother and prays for the father.

M.Yu. Lermontov


The simple-hearted son of freedom
For the senses, he did not spare life;
And faithful traits of nature
He often liked to write off.

He believed in dark predictions
And talismans, and love,
And unnatural desires
He sacrificed his days.

And in it the soul kept a supply
Bliss, torment and passion.
He died. Here is his grave.
It was not made for humans.

Epitaph of Napoleon

Yes, no one blames your shadow,
Rock husband! you are with people that doom is over you;
Who knew to announce you, only he could overthrow:
Great nothing changes.

V.S. Soloviev

Vladimir Soloviev Lies in this place. First there was a philosopher. And now he has become a skeleton. He was kind to some, He was also an enemy to many; But, loving madly, He plunged into a ravine Himself, He lost his soul, Not to mention the body: The devil took her, His dogs ate him. Passer-by! Learn from this example how harmful love is and how useful faith is.

I.A. Bunin

The inscription on the tombstone

There is, O Lord, sins and atrocities Above Your mercy! A slave to the earth and vain desires Forgive sins for his sorrows. I kept the covenant of love in my life holy: In the days of longing, contrary to my mind, I did not harbor a snake of enmity against my brother, I forgave everything, according to Your word. I, who cognized the deathly silence, I, who received the sorrows of darkness, From the depths earthly earth evangelize the Verbs of Unsettled Beauty!

M.I. Tsvetaeva


To the one who lies here under the spring grass,
Forgive me, Lord, evil thought and sin!
He was sick, worn out, alien,
He loved angels and children's laughter.

I did not crumple the snow-white lilac stars,
Although he wished to overcome Vladyka ...
In all sins he was - a gentle child,
And therefore - forgive him, Lord!