Read the book "Blue Salo" online completely - Vladimir Sorokin - MyBook.

Read the book "Blue Salo" online completely - Vladimir Sorokin - MyBook.

Vladimir Sorokin

Blue Salo

- Take a look! - exclaimed Pantagruel. - Here you have several pieces that have not yet flawed.

And he threw on the deck a whole hassle of frozen words, similar to dragee iridescent different colors. There were red, green, azure and gold. In our hands, they warmed and melted as snow, and then we really heard them, but did not understand, since it was some kind of barbaric language ...

Francois Rabl. "Gargantua and Pantagruel"

There are more idols in the world than real things; This is my "angry look" on the world, my "evil ear" ...

Friedrich Nietzsche. "Twilight idols, or as philosophy hammer"

Hi, Mon Petit.

Heavy boy is my tender bastard, the divine and frozen top direct. Remember you - hellish case, rips bovine, it is hard in the literal sense of the word.

And dangerous: for dreams, for L-harmony, for protoplasm, for Skandha, for my V-2.

Back in Sydney, when he sat down in traffic, began to remember. Your ribs glowing through the skin, your birthmark "Monk", your tasteless Tatoo-Pro, your gray hair, your secret Jingji, your dirty whisper: Kiss me in the stars.

This is not a memory. This is my temporary, cotton brain-youty plus your purulent minus-call.

This is an old blood that splashes in me. My muddy Haye Long Jiang, on the orstand the shore of which you go and soak.

Yes. Despite the congenital stolz 6, your friend is hard without you. Without elbows, Govan, rings. Without final screaming and hare pisch:

Rips, I will dry you. Someday? OK. Top direct.

Writing letters in our time is a terrible occupation. But you are familiar with the conditions. It is prohibited here all means of communication other than pigeons. Split packages in green W-paper. They are sealed. Good word, Ripis Nimad?

Aerosani is also not bad. They chew me six hours from Achinsk. This diesel roll, like your clone-fighter. We rushed in very white snow.

"East-Siberia is big," - as Fan Mo says.

And here everything is still, as in the V or XX century. Eastern Siberians speak Old Russian with a mixture of Chinese, but more like to be silent or laughing. Many Yakuts. From Achinsk left at dawn. Aerosani led the silent "white token", but the Yakut navigator in the form of Michman laughed all the way as our magician lao. A typical representative of his cheerful, L-harmonious people. Yakuts Here prefer soft teeth, dress up in a vivirable Chinese production fabric and actively penetrate MultiSex: 3 Plus Carolina, Starosex and Essensex.


Six hours from this Kuayhozhen, I found out that:

1. Favorite dish of Yakutov - Voronine in the crowing juice (from the live crow crows, the juice is squeezed, into which the deer clipping, a little sea salt, the yagel, and everything is fascinated in the boiler to the plus director. We penetrate after 7 months?).

2. Favorite Yakut's Sex Pose - At the Four Points of Support.

3. Favorite sensor-film - "Sleep in Red Tereme" (with Faya, remember her purple bathrobe and smell, when she enters a snail on his hand and a pile of wet water lily?).

4. Favorite anecdote (old as eternal Merzlot): Arrangement of the toilet in Yakutia. Two sticks - one frozen , From Anus to pick up, the other - to fight off from the wolves. Top direct humor. BUT?

Although, when I got out of the seat after six hours, I was not to laughter.

PROSTATE. Purple contour in the eyes. Minus-call. Bad Kan Ser-Po. Current mood.

Only you will understand me, a nasty Lyanmyanpai.

The place of my sevenoneal stay is very strange. Genlabi-18 is hidden between two huge sobes resembling buttocks.

In everything hint, RipS Nimada Tabin.

Sopgians are covered with palpal: larch, christmas trees. I was met by Colonel - Square, L-Inequated Macho with a Muddy Look and Direct-Question: How did you get? Answered honestly: minus-robo. This stump Tan Cha Gua was disappointed. When descended into the bunker, I completely lost a sense of time: Genlabi-18 is placed in the former CP air defense. Deep locking. Reinforced concrete of the era of Sovkom. Press the buttons here in half a century ago, and the Soviet raques were masturbated at night.

Happy: they at least had masturbation objects - TV and CD.

There is no sensor radio here. Verbotten: All medial plus hemaine. All equipment on third-generation superconductors. Which? Yes. Do not leave S-trash in magnetic fields.

Accordingly, they are not fixed by anything.

Well: temperature in hardware -28 ° C. Not bad, rips bovyay? They work in costumes.

Happiness that I am not an operator and not genetic. Plus plus happiness that I had my suitcase with "Chjud-Shi", and therefore, with my L-harmony.

I hope everything will be Lin Hen Mani Di, and for these seven months I will not turn into a closet-albino with a pink prostate.

And So, a gentle bastard, I went countdown. 7 months in the company. 32 "white tokens", 1 colonel, 3 lieutenant operator, 4 genetics, 2 doctors, 1 thermodynamics. Plus a non-referring logostimulator. And this is all 600 miles.

These are ours, as they say for the Great Chinese Wall.

Weather: -12 ° C, wind from left hill. Some white birds on larch. Area? Are there white rims, piglets? A Propos, you are completely indifferent to nature. What is in principle wrong. And minus is actively.

Wanted me not to endarily here from longing, Obo-Robo and Frost.

Today at night - the cavity of the old plus fat Lizard da-Bid. Butter Ba-himself looked, thank space. "Five good" are also well. I remembered: "Thirst, copulation, insomnia, walking, seating, experiences - everything that can cause urine excitement is prohibited." It is a pity, at night there will be a jug.

Let's see what they eat here. Bear's Hug, my narrow-room hankoon wisen. Kiss you in the stars.

Nin Hao, dry moth.

The blurred days of Forbereten were passed. Tired of asking and command. Despite the fact that almost all the "white tokens" are superforgeless, they have a protein pulp for incubation instead of the brain.

Yesterday, the mountain of equipment was delivered at sunrise. Glory to space, my part was not in the hardware, but in the B-hydroponik. No need to change and sweat. In general, everything begins, Rips Nimada. Your warm Boris got a good job in this concrete jean-chan. My cabin in the second end. So the moan of biotephalits is not coming. This is a minus direct sound, always annoying me in all business trips.

I got acquainted with everyone. Genetics: Bochwar - Red-task Rusak with a dozen marmolone plates around lips, Witte - Gray German, Karpenkooff Martha - Culitant lady with past TEO-Amazons, loves: Klon-horses, Old-Gero-Techno, Aeroslag and talk about M-Balance. Fan Fei is a cheerful Shanghats of your age. Brilliantly speaks old and new Russian. It can be seen that Big Zhuanmynjia in Genin goes well (the coefficient of L-harmony gait is more than 60 units on the Schneider scale). They talked about the dominance of Chinese blockbusters. He spit on Tudin, of course.

Medics: Andrei Romanovich, Natalia Bok. White clone-rats from smelly Genmeo. Communicate with them - heavy minced meat. But the thermodynamics Agvordor Hariton is a pretty plus-direct chaionan. He is a descendant Academician of Harriton, who did for Stalin H-Bomb. In our concrete anus, he did not make a thirst for money (as your soft friend), and Sex-Banchui: He, Solid MultiSector with

At the very end of July, in the third hour in the afternoon, in an extremely rainy and not one-year diverse time, spattered by road stroller with a precipitated riding, barked by a vapor of nondescript horses, rolled through A-in Bridge And he stopped on Mr. Street near the entrance of the gray house in three floors and all this was before an eyeling as it was not exactly-s and about the chicken word about the chicken word is completely good.

Two solid master, dressed, however, no longer in summer, and not in St. Petersburg: Stepan Ilyich Kostomarov, State Department Advisor special instructionswas dressed in a short sheepskin Tulup, subjected to Duffle, but an extremely long snake of the yellow-black color, members of another - the rich heir to early the deceased general and therefore a man without certain classes of Sergey Sergeyevich Voskresensky were covered with narrow motley silk on the Master of Venetian Arlequins, giving ideas on squares when he had the pleasure of showing his own and she is this mean creature very much.

There are other people, one type of which acts on us somehow suddenly overwhelmingly and dyingly, why the chest shrinks and the unfortunate tears perform in front of the eyes, and it is very sorry, if a person is predisposed, and what, this is, trying to understand not unsuitable after all.

Such a certain impression on the few passers-by produced their appearance of Kostomarov and Voskresensky; Two commoners, a student and the elderly lady stopped as the pillars in the ground, pillars pillars, from the pillars, yes, the vest poles, and with undisguised excitement, spent their eyes an amazing couple to the entrance. This three-storey house belonged to Count Dmitry Alexandrovich Sweltovsky and was one of those wonderful homes, to those on Tuesdays or Thursdays, like bees to the hive, yes, like agile, troublesome bees to a new, solidly debris, though, even have a different design. The decks are houses and bore and earthy uli-s and so it will make it possible to stretch the secular St. Petersburg public. However, since there was a Wednesday, visitors met the doorman in the lavers embroidered by the Golden Livreye, and the chrome Cossack Bear, the faithful ordinar of the count, who passed the entire Turkish campaign and became a kind of Sancho Pansoy for the graph, but this is a complete catastrophe and it is impossible to present his position and it is not obliged to be at all submittal Cavalgard or simply square man, and in Russian - a scoundrel.

Without any bewilderment on the face beaten, Mishka removed their unusual clothes with the Lord and looked up, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly - to report count. The gentlemen, left alone, began to feel the most decisive way, with feel-feeling, with each other. Stepan Ilyich clutched his long bone fingers into the showed shoulders of Sergei Sergeyevich and, agile, somehow too agile, somehow, crown with more crowned, began to descend below - with the lower-s-C - Voskresensky's chest, stomach and thighs right to the most his legs in the silence of dispersed Swiss boots. Voskresensky, wrapped with chubby hands, Talia Stepan Ilyich, began to extremely quickly pouring his back with small, but rather sensitive tweezers, from which skin skin tinned by places like the African buffalo-with on the back of Kostomarov immediately crushed and swollen blood.

"Sergey Sergeevich, I urge you about the same service," the first died dead dead Costomarov, returning to the interrupted conversation, first violated the silence. - As long as we are still here and, it became, we can talk without witnesses, frankly, I ask you not to remind a graph about that badly sophisticated precompliant story with this The lady, from which it is sick, nauseous nauseous. I understand that you are a face, so to speak, in this business is disinterested, and therefore you don't care how this is all like how it all this tangle is a disgusting tangle as it will turn to the count and Lydia Borisovna, but I am in this case strongly interested, and most importantly - interested in a prosperous resolution of him, without hysteria and without continuing dressing scandal.

"Yes, the completeness, Stepan Ilyich, I really got tired of repeating," Resurrection responded, firing from pain from a strong severe pain of sensitive very pain. - if you still still consider me disinterested in this case - in the fact of your friend of the graph, but to believe that I, as this most disadvantaged person, is able to be pleased to nagrate-with yes-with nagaty-with, without fail. To loved people - a shame-with and even ashamed.

"I didn't have intentions to offend you," Costomarov flinched, focusing in a heavy gaze, if not to say obsessive, emphasizes the focus of the Surrection cheek shave. - Understand, I am a friend of the graph not only in a secular sense not only not only, but also in the heart in this in this full sense. And I am extremely interested in doing everything and everyone forgot this dirt and lowness.

"I am sure that it will happen," Voskresensky picked up, understanding how hopeless and even merciless in his peacemaking of Kostomarov. - For its part, with all the solid durable side, a good very good and respectable side, I will make all the efforts of N E H N N T E R E C O N N N O G O O.

Bear entered and invited them to the count in the office. They silently silently silently follow the servant, and soon the count with his sincere impulse herself welcomed him, rushing to them from the huge, papers current papers Table.

Count Dmitry Aleksandrovich Rutovsky was in all respects a man extraordinary, if not to say - strange and even an unusual and strange strange strange strangely strange. The late father of his father Alexander Alexandrovich took place at least from the ancient, but not very secure family, served in Cavalry, he retired early, married, got three three three sons, sold, obeying the new fashion, his estate under Pskov, moved with his family to Petersburg Petersburg Petersburg, where he studied himself suddenly on the commercial part, began to participate in the sputters, and quite successfully, as a result of which, yes, yes, yes, yes, large houses And, I prompted them beneficially, I lived safely until my death, leaving the sons a decent state and how many sons and nothing and nothing.

Senior Son - Dmitry Aleksandrovich, received from papa. The house on Mr, I did not go anything at the commercial footsteps of the parent, but rather - on the contrary, the word is completely different to universal and universal and full disbelief, showed such indifference to the material side of his existence, if not to say - contempt that the shortness turned out to be forced to lay naturally lay down yes and not attack House with all the property with all-with with all-with barking-with with everything with Skarb-S and with All Fundicuro-s. The money that took him inheritance used it to the most incredible it is just something just something travels and trips, without leaving any exotic place on Earth, where his leg would be a foot and not something leg a foot in a chrome booze on the alcohol sole is kinder premoter Leg Finder Adventure. The view of the count was very thirty, it was a little higher than the average little bit quite a bit, thin, narrowed, very Chernovolos, with a pale, always excellently shaved and powdered face, whose features were given to the inexplicable oddity very very very very much until the impossible to hell knows what this complex and conflicting character. However, his eyes-with eyes-with eyes are very good-with good-sho-with his eyes-with his eyes - black, fiery and extremely alive constantly shone some genuine delight from everything that happens around.

- Lord! You can not imagine how I am blunting happy to see you! - the graph exclaimed loudly, not giving Kostomarov, who had already discovered his mouth, explain the reason strange like that as something completely out of a row as a shame of such an unexpected visit. - Imagine, I stopped precomply, that is, it's stopped that I got my head to wet this something that is bad bad bad, yes, I poured my face in Mordasam, I thought, I was careful, yes it turned out, not in the furnaces, And in me itself!

The graph picked up the resurrection arm, which immediately lay out and looked at Kostomarov in embarrassment, but Count Count Graf, not paying attention to Sergey Sergeyevich, continued to speak with the heat, turning right to Kostomarov:

- Stepan Ilyich, my dear friend, would know what was happening in my soul from the most sleepless night! That is, the night sleepless here even with nothing, the right right is the right of God with her, with the night, because the main thing - I did not have anything to experience such a foreboding, but - predesting events, as today today today! It's just Embarras de Richesse all feelings, a shock of some kind of some kind! Imagine, gentlemen, I have not drank a cliff, like a bear, even beaten dar., but not quite up to the shock, however, on the face it is not written thanks. Thanksgiving but more promptly promptly makes me an envelope, and I certainly predetermining the content of the letter, Fabul, so to speak!

Count suddenly Smallk in the strongest voltage, demanding immediate response of listeners listening or listening spectators people or Bien Publique and however, there is no need to hurry if you are happy deeply impossible happy happy happy just and humanly.

"Have a lot, the graph, and why it is so suddenly ..." he began to be a resurrection, with difficulty cope with embarrassment and desperately overweighting with Kostomarov. But the graph immediately interrupted him interrupted as if the ridges would interrupt, with yes, as on the slaughterhouses, this is, that is, there was something at least droplet Having calmed down however, terribly heavy beyond:

- And in a letter, dear and one friend of my Stepan Ilyich, this scoundrel, this insignificant low-lying dancer again requires explanations! As if I am this Madam Burlesque! And I know in advance every word, every insignuum, a fatal string from this message! What is it what it is, if you assume: dar of prophecy? You will laugh! And FIECH, POWER! Although - not immediately not immediately. Of course, I immediately broke away, and Mishke punished, so that in any kind, none at any reason, with bloody Circumstances of letters from Mr. Leeba von Leeba do not take! But then ... - the count shook his head, as if he had all his teeth. - What was later, my friend! Another gun did not shoot, and I really predetermined Chaque Moment, quite completely - now the Lydia Borisovna will appear to me, and exactly so so - the bell rings, the bear runs! But you never guess with what she spoke to me! Yes, and do not believe me for a word, if I like it at all very much or tell me.

He squeezed her hand of Voskresensky more stronger and, embraced, as if in a strong fever, pulled him to the door as it was a hard for hard to be treated with copper.

- Come immediately! I will show you I will show you I will show you, I have to show you everything! This day we will remember forever, Ma Parole! If only this gadet did not spoil everything!

- Allow, Count, - finally the gift of the speech of kostomarov, finally donated with possible delicacy stopping the graph. - I can not dare to doubt the importance of what you want to open and open how opening open and open to us, but the case with which we arrived, decisively does not tolerate deposits, it concerns the first first of the first this Ladies and your honor, honor your kind, and I like your friend and Sergey Sergeyevich, like a person, the will of fate dedicated to this pre-execution ...

- Not a word more, my friend! - exclaimed the count, shifting his eyes. - I ask, I demand that you now care for me in the living room!

Kostomarov and Voskresensky were overwhelmed, feeling suddenly strong excitement, passed yes, as if she had passed from yes from yes from the count, why they were left to obey him.

Dmitry Alexandrovich grabbed them by arms and dragged through the passing room in the living room, the door to which was, however, locked on key The key, as it were, not quite obvious, but-s, but firmly, with a stop-hay-with the faithful, with.

The teddy bear denounced in the passage, envying the graph, and remained standing with the expression of readiness to everything On its own, as always, impenetrable, though swelling from the face of the face. The graph between themes took the key to push the door correctly rejects thoroughly and everything is straight straight straight, but suddenly, turning to Voskresensky, spoke to the former heat:

- The gracious sovereign, I do not doubt the sincerity of your intentions and see that you you have come here not from idle curiosity, but to help us get everything out of this ... From this ... From this hell, in which this subtra woman has impedled us. Consequently, you are ready to fight for all of us, offended and edged, because of the right - ready? So?

"I'm ready," Voskresensky's more stronger turned pale, and a familiar feeling of shame tormented by him in the evening at Glinsky, again retarded to it to this right turns and awkwardness and there are even pity, but not to themselves.

- And if you are ready - sign in the first! - Surgo stuck graph, wash the door lock. - MON HEURE A SONNE`!

Voskresensky entered the living room. Society gathered at the graph consisted of the most different people - familiar to him at all strangers. They all stood around a small high table with champagne and snacks and snacks-with different items it's a delicate property something yes something unusual very much. Lydia Borisovna, Ivan Stepanovich Chernogovsky, Larisa, Nicolas Glinsky, Viktor Nikolaevich Odoyevsky and Petya Kholmogorov were allocated. It was also strongly spent after the last emergency Events like this is a word of dubious yes yes yes, the company Volochsky, however, who does not lose the former rage. There was no place from where a cracked Englishwoman who took more on a man who was crazy on the soil of f and h and about l about g and a with to and x questions and sitting alone in chairs with joyfully meaningless and not very not very much although the truth True and not stupid but not yes - yes, but how perfect expression on the face.

As soon as the Resurrection entered, all the time turned to him. But he did not have time to worship, as the count of this minute jumped out from behind his back and, by hare pressing his hands to his chest, jumped around the living room. Voskresensky and Kostomarov Flatzed Yes, like crazy and or simply chopped stones stones under the foundations on a penny silver apiece. However, the gathered as the team was buried.

- Those on! - With an evil joy exclaimed Lydia Borisovna, folding the fan and pointing to them on the jumping graph. - Again, our graph jumped bunny! It means - it came to their creation my mine as a word first But no extinguishing!

Loud laughter rang out throughout the living room.

- Here you are and former Milovors-C! - the other one.

- Vox Populi on a new manner! - laughed the third.

- These are all the consequences! - Glina's glazedly noticed.

Resurrection, open mouth, followed the jumps of the count, Kostomarov glittered with hatred with her eyes on Lydia Borisovna.

"I saw this fat man somewhere," she waved the fan on Voskresensky. - But Mr. Kostomarov here is why? Isn't it because about


Vladimir Sorokin
Blue Salo

- Take a look! - exclaimed Pantagruel. - Here you have several pieces that have not yet flawed.

And he threw on the deck a whole hassle of frozen words, similar to dragee iridescent of different colors. There were red, green, azure and gold. In our hands, they warmed up and melted as snow, and then we really heard them, but did not understand how it was some barbaric language ...

Francois Rabla
"Gargantua and Pantagruel"

There are more idols in the world than real things; This is my "angry look" on the world, my "evil ear" ...

Friedrich Nietzsche
"Twilight idols, or as philosophy hammer"

January 2.

Hi, Mon Petit.

Heavy boy is my tender bastard, the divine and frozen top direct. Remember you - hellish case, rips bovy heavy In the literal sense of the word.

And it is dangerous: for dreams, for L-harmony, for protoplasm, for Skandha, for my V 2.

Still in Sydney, when he sat down in traffic, began remember . Your ribs, glowing through the skin, your birthmark "Monk", your tasteless Tatoo-Pro, your gray hair, yours secret Jingji, your dirty whisper; Kiss me in the stars.

This is not a memory. This is my temporary, curly brain-yout, plus your purulent minus will call.

This is an old blood that splashes in me. My muddy Haye Long Jiang, on the orstand the shore of which you go and soak.

Yes. Despite the congenital stolz 6, your friend is hard without you. Without elbows, Govan, rings. Without final screaming and hare pisch:

Rips, I will dry you. Someday? OK. Top direct.

Writing letters in our time is a terrible occupation. But you are familiar with the conditions. It is prohibited here all means of communication other than pigeons. Split packages in green W-paper. They are sealing surgichoma . Good word, Ripis Nimad?

Aerosani is also not bad, they chew me six hours from Achinsk. This diesel roll as your fighter. We rushed out very white snow .

"East-Siberia is big," - as Fan Mo says.

And here everything is still, as in the V or XX century. Eastern Siberians speak Old Russian with a mixture of Chinese, but more like to be silent or laughing. Many Yakuts. From Achinsk left at dawn. Aerosani led the silent "white token", but the Yakut navigator in the form of Michman laughed all the way as our magician lao. A typical representative of his cheerful, L-harmonious people. Yakuts Here prefer soft teeth, dress up in a vivirable Chinese production fabric and actively penetrate MultiSex: 3 Plus Carolina, Starosex and Essensex.

RIPS RIPS, pooFortunate!

Six hours from this Kuayhozhen, I found out that:

1. Favorite dish of Yakutov - Voronine in the crowing juice (from the live crow crows, the juice is squeezed, into which the deer clipping, a little sea salt, the yagel, and everything is fascinated in the boiler to the plus director. We penetrate after 7 months?).

2. Favorite Yakut's Sex Pose - At the Four Points of Support.

3. Favorite sensor-film - "Sleep in the Red Terme" (with Faya, remember her purple bathrobe and smell When she enters the snail on his hand and a pile of wet water lily?).

4. Favorite anecdote (old as eternal Merzlot): Arrangement of the toilet in Yakutia. Two sticks - one frozen , From Anus to pick up, the other - to fight off from the wolves. Top direct humor. BUT?

Although, when I got out of the seat after six hours, I was not to laughter.

PROSTATE. Purple contour in the eyes. Minus-call. Bad Kan Ser-Po. Current mood.

Only you will understand me, a nasty Lyanmyanpai.

The place of my sevenoneal stay is very strange. Genlabi-18 is hidden between two huge sobes resembling buttocks.

In everything hint, RipS Nimada is Ben.

Sopgians are covered with palpal: larch, christmas trees. I was met by Colonel - Square, L-Inequated Macho with a Muddy Look and Direct-Question: How did you get? Answered honestly: minus-robo. This stump Tan Cha Gua was disappointed. When descended into the bunker, I completely lost a sense of time: Genlabi-18 is placed in the former CP air defense. Deep locking. Reinforced concrete of the era of Sovkom. Press the buttons here in half a century ago, and the Soviet raques were masturbated at night.

Happy: they at least had masturbation objects - TV and CD.

There is no sensor radio here. Verbotten: All medial plus hemaine. All equipment on third-generation superconductors. Which? Yes. Do not leave S-trash in magnetic fields.

Accordingly, not fixed by nothing

Well: temperature in hardware -28 ° C. Not bad, rips bovine? There are working in costumes .

Happiness that I am not an operator and not genetic. Plus-plus happiness that I had my suitcase with "Chjud-Shi", and therefore, with my L-harmony.

I hope everything will be Lin Zhen Magni di, and I will not turn into the Albino closer for these seven months with pink Prostate.

And So, a gentle bastard, I went countdown. 7 months in the company. 32 "white tokens", 1 colonel, 3 lieutenant operator, 4 genetics, 2 doctors, 1 thermodynamics. Plus a non-referring logostimulator. And this is a 600 mile.

These are ours, as they say for the Great Chinese Wall.

Weather: -12 ° C, wind from left hill. Some white birds on larch. Area? Are there white rims, piglets? A Propos, you are completely indifferent to nature. What is not correct in principle. And minus is actively.

Wanted me not to endarily here from longing, Obo-Robo and Frost.

- Take a look! - exclaimed Pantagruel. - Here you have several pieces that have not yet flawed.
And he threw on the deck a whole hassle of frozen words, similar to dragee iridescent of different colors. There were red, green, azure and gold. In our hands, they warmed up and melted as snow, and then we really heard them, but did not understand how it was some barbaric language ...
... I wanted to preserve several indecent words in oil or shining straw, how snow and ice retains.
Francois Rabla "Gargantua and Pantagruel"

There are more idols in the world than real things; This is my "angry look" on the world, my "evil ear" ...
Friedrich Nietzsche "Twilight idols, or as philosophy hammer"

January 2.

Hi, Mon Petit.
Heavy boy is my tender bastard, the divine and frozen top direct. Remember you - hellish case, rips bovy heavyin the literal sense of the word.
And it is dangerous: for dreams, for L-harmony, for protoplasm, for Skandha, for my V 2.
Still in Sydney, when he sat down in traffic, began remember. Your ribs, glowing through the skin, your birthmark "Monk", your tasteless Tatoo-Pro, your gray hair, yours secretjingji, your dirty whisper; Kiss me in the stars.
But no.
This is not a memory. This is my temporary, curly brain-yout, plus your purulent minus will call.
This is an old blood that splashes in me. My muddy Haye Long Jiang, on the orstand the shore of which you go and soak.
Yes. Despite the congenital stolz 6, your friend is hard without you. Without elbows, Govan, rings. Without final screaming and hare pisch:

in the ai nor!

Rips, I will dry you. Someday? OK. Top direct.
Writing letters in our time is a terrible occupation. But you are familiar with the conditions. It is prohibited here all means of communication other than pigeons. Split packages in green W-paper. They are sealing surgichoma. Good word, Ripis Nimad?
Aerosani is also not bad, they chew me six hours from Achinsk. This diesel roll as your fighter. We rushed out very white snow.
"East-Siberia is big," - as Fan Mo says.
And here everything is still, as in the V or XX century. Eastern Siberians speak Old Russian with a mixture of Chinese, but more like to be silent or laughing. Many Yakuts. From Achinsk left at dawn. Aerosani led the silent "white token", but the Yakut navigator in the form of Michman laughed all the way as our magician lao. A typical representative of his cheerful, L-harmonious people. Yakuts Here prefer soft teeth, dress up in a vivirable Chinese production fabric and actively penetrate MultiSex: 3 Plus Carolina, Starosex and Essensex.
RIPS RIPS, pooFortunate!
Six hours from this Kuayhozhen, I found out that:
1. Favorite dish of Yakutov - Voronine in the crowing juice (from the live crow crows, the juice is squeezed, into which the deer clipping, a little sea salt, the yagel, and everything is fascinated in the boiler to the plus director. We penetrate after 7 months?).
2. Favorite Yakut's Sex Pose - At the Four Points of Support.
3. Favorite sensor-film - "Sleep in the Red Terme" (with Faya, remember her purple bathrobe and smellWhen she enters the snail on his hand and a pile of wet water lily?).
4. Favorite anecdote (old as eternal Merzlot): Arrangement of the toilet in Yakutia. Two sticks - one frozen , from Anus to pick up, the other - to fight off from the wolves. Top direct humor. BUT?
Although, when I got out of the seat after six hours, I was not to laughter.
PROSTATE. Purple contour in the eyes. Minus-call. Bad Kan Ser-Po. Current mood.
Only you will understand me, a nasty Lyanmyanpai.
The place of my sevenoneal stay is very strange. Genlabi-18 is hidden between two huge sobes resembling buttocks.
In everything hint, RipS Nimada is Ben.
Sopgians are covered with palpal: larch, christmas trees. I was met by Colonel - Square, L-Inequated Macho with a Muddy Look and Direct-Question: How did you get? Answered honestly: minus-robo. This stump Tan Cha Gua was disappointed. When descended into the bunker, I completely lost a sense of time: Genlabi-18 is placed in the former CP air defense. Deep locking. Reinforced concrete of the era of Sovkom. Press the buttons here in half a century ago, and the Soviet raques were masturbated at night.
Happy: they at least had masturbation objects - TV and CD.
There is no sensor radio here. Verbotten: All medial plus hemaine. All equipment on third-generation superconductors. Which? Yes. Do not leave S-trash in magnetic fields.
Accordingly, not fixed by nothing
Well: temperature in hardware -28 ° C. Not bad, rips bovine? There are working in costumes.
Happiness that I am not an operator and not genetic. Plus-plus happiness that I had my suitcase with "Chjud-Shi", and therefore, with my L-harmony.
I hope everything will be Lin Zhen Magni di, and I will not turn into the Albino closer for these seven months with pinkprostate.
And So, a gentle bastard, I went countdown. 7 months in the company. 32 "white tokens", 1 colonel, 3 lieutenant operator, 4 genetics, 2 doctors, 1 thermodynamics. Plus a non-referring logostimulator. And this is a 600 mile.
These are ours, as they say for the Great Chinese Wall.
Weather: -12 ° C, wind from left hill. Some white birds on larch. Area? Are there white rims, piglets? A Propos, you are completely indifferent to nature. What is not correct in principle. And minus is actively.
Wanted me not to endarily here from longing, Obo-Robo and Frost.
Today at night - cavity the old way, plus fat lizards da-bid. Butter Ba-himself looked, thank space. "Five good" are also well. Remembered; "Thirst, copulation, insomnia, walking, seating, experiences - everything that can cause urine excitement is prohibited." It is a pity, at night there will be a jug.
Let's see what they eat here. Bear "s Hug, my narrow-bedded Hankung wisen. Kiss you in the stars.


4 January.

Nin Hao, dry moth.
The blurred days of Forbereten were passed. Tired of asking and command. Despite the fact that almost all "white tokens" are superiorists, they have a protein pulp for incubation instead of the brain.
Yesterday, the mountain of equipment was delivered at sunrise. Glory to space, my part was not in the hardware, but in the B-hydroponik. No need to change and sweat. In general, everything begins, Rips Nimada. Your warm Boris got a good job in this concrete jean-chan. My cabinin the second end. So the moan of biotephalits is not coming. This is a minus direct sound, always annoying me in all business trips.
I got acquainted with everyone. Genetics: Bochar - Red-Chest Final Rusak with a dozen Marmolon Plates Around Lips, Witte - Gray German, Carpenkoff Martha - Colegar Lady with the past TEO-Amazon, Loves: Clone Horses, Old-Gero-Techno, Aeroslag and Talk about M-Balance. Fan Fei is a cheerful Shanghats of your age. Brilliantly speaks old and new Russian. It can be seen that Big Zhuanmynjia in Genin goes well (the coefficient of L-harmony gait is more than 60 units on the Schneider scale). They talked about the dominance of Chinese blockbusters. He spit on Tudin, of course.
Medics: Andrei Romanovich, Natalia Bok. White clone-rats from smelly Genmeo. Communicate with them - heavy farsh.. But the thermodynamics Agvordor Khariton is a pretty, plus-direct chaionan. He is a descendant Academician of Harriton, who did for Stalin H-Bomb. In our concrete anus, he did not make a thirst for money (as yours softfriend), and Sex-Banchui: he, a solid multi-session with experience, broke up with his two gentle pistons and grown in grief in commander.
Who is in this hole chargehis doublet? Not superforgeless, rips bovy. He loves: semi-send fifth generation flyers, Himalayas, older male mathematicians, cherry cigars and chess. Let's play in the evening.
All military, including operators, are not interesting. Foreign amplifiers. They use the old Russite, which I do not digest even under the northern sauce.
About Colonel - inf. By default. - How to joke my pier. dad.
This is all Shanshuyuhua - you ask? And I nine, Ripis Nimada.
So we waited with you, kidin Apple pie order. You scared me all: "MIT MEINEM BOBO MUSS ICH SCHEIDEN".
You, as gentlebastards, it will be easier to survive it. It is enough for any well-washed hand to touch your fins, - Top Direct, Huaidan, plus-call, Xiaotou! The hand of the giving Vana does not look at, and your pearl sperm of the action does not thicken.
Unfortunately, I arranged differently and my LM is not located to proteism.
I'm tank.
And proud of it, RIPS.
Therefore, as then in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bI will keep you Zhong-Shi through the displacement of the M-Balance and the preservation of my divine L-harmony. I am confident, "Chzhud-Shi" will help by Kosmos Blesing.
Pray for me in Russian. A Propos - in front of me lies "Chzhud-Shi", opened on your unlovedchapter 18.
Niruha, which refers to the number of five purposes:
"When the weapon was stuck in the bottom of the body, dries stew, glang-thabs, the heat of the body, the delay of urine, the blown of the abdomen, worms, fastened fresh and theorest RMS."
Chip your own juicyweapons, tie, stuck in my heart chakra. And there is nothing about this disease even in "Chzzud-Shi." And do not laugh, Chunzhen, over the "recognition of diseases in urine mirror." I am older and smarter than you, and I repeat you 77 times: Your favorite bloodletting is not a panacea from all diseases.
Remember the Great Vernadsky: L-harmony is not related to blood purity. Your quasimedation with Ivan and the subsequent joint bloodletting is complete Husho Badao.
Minus Direct of this savage- Two plus-our plus director. I am not afraid of your Tibetan knife for bloodlet in the shape of a tail of swallows, but I feel sorry for your young blood, unfortunately drowning into the ground. Better my lips will suck her.
And in general, enough about the bodily. This is our age difference creaks in my biophylological joints.
You are happy - you have in stock there are as many as 12 years. How much is a ripx nimad!
I am writing without envy.
For three years of our scamsyou managed to notice that despite purulentcharacter, I retained the children's ability to sincerely rejoice at the people close to me.
And closer you, Sha Guo, I have only my pale body with a permanent flaming prostate.
But enough about Baysanadi. It's time to pleasant: Fudproviting here top direct. That is, simply - ne that ben. And very laconiccook, not garrison, albeit in the form of a sergeant.
Featuring, my leech, menu for today:

Maple Sok
Sheep Oil
Coffee N.
Coffee TW.
Green tea

Rye croutons with goat brain
Salad of meadow herbs
Chicken broth
Nutria fillet with young bamboo
Blackberry blub

Van Tang Soup
Vatrushka with Pashenom

Birch pulp with Mamalygoy
Subery ginger
Spring water


5 January.

And yet you are Huaidan, Nimad.
Trying to forget yours lipkospecies with Kirome and Daisy, and I can not. Even here in this freezel ABOUT.
I understand now whyyou asked for forgiveness so long, I prayed to not punish you via BORO-IN-OUT.
Not because you are rapid by birth half a rubleon L-harmony and sugar pigby karma.
With your tears, bonquers and kissing of the table, you plasticized a more hard sin. More sweatingcommunication.
Cyrus - Simple Sha Guoa, without a hint of L-harmony, who stuck his subtle Tzuankuntans into the trendy Gero-Kunst. Daisy - Tao Bai Sin, who fell from Pskov to St. Petersburg Art Mai Chuan. It is not able to support elementary Tanhua and, like Rebecca from your favorite TV series, is able to only repeat the end of the phrase of the interlocutor, covering his stupidity hebuphrenic laughter.
Cyrus keeps her for what she gives him between muscles, it knows even Popoff.
You became hinlrelations with this misaalty and minus-positive pair because of their false W-ambitions, and I, naive noble van, did not guessed what for.
You needed a pitiful Cyrus and Daisy, as a paper shirma, followed by lead naturalwith Natasha.
With this vile minus-active scrolopandra. She pulled you with her pale venous legs, whispering: in ai n., and you plowed it promascularhis PEST. You did it naturallylike grandfathers and fathers.
And you were proud of my m-courage, a narrow tiller: "I penetrate Natural!"
Fake ability, worthy of skunner and diggers.
Babidi Siaotou, Kaichidi Lyanmyanpai, Chowdy Xiaochua, Kabidi Huaidan, Rips Nimada That Ben!

And that's all I'm a breakthrough
in your gold-plated ear
sticky tiller.


6th January.

Nin Hao, my charm.
Today is wonderful weather and many events.
First: my prostate on timecalmed down. After? 16 ignition, Niruhi and rubbing Fat Lizard da Bid.
Second: no one writes to our colonel. Joke.
No one is written here. TS 332. Letters fly only to one side.
Third: brought objects.
It is worthy detailed description. I was sitting in reactive, scanned yesterday sowing. Loud Bochar entered: driven!
Dold, got out upstairs. There already traced our whole white-guarding garrison.
Ohibeye left hill, the doping snowmobile dragged white Living-Xiaoze, which were used by the Chinese during the three-day war in Mongolia.
Drove up.
From a snowmobile, the captain of something (it seems, SPV), reported to the colonel. Opened Living-Xiaoze, began to withdraw objects. You know, I cookedlizard, but RK saw for the first time.
It was inadequate curious.
Objects Seven: Tolstoy-4, Chekhov-3, Nabokov-7, Pasternak-1, Dostoevsky-2, Akhmatova-2 and Platonov-3.
Despite the heat inside Living-Xiaoze, all RK were in Squadras with collars and with Tub-boot on right leg. Lost the ladder, began to take them. They walked calmly. Placed them professionally. Seven cameras, upholstered with natural felt: 3x3x3.
Details: Tolstoy-4.
The fourth reconstruct of Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy. Incubated in Krasnoyarsk GWJ. The first three did not quite succeed: no more than 42% of conformity. Tolstoy-4 - 73%. This is a man, height 112 cm, with a weight of 62 kg. His head and hand brushes are disproportionately large and make up half the weight of the body. Hand brushes massive, like orangutan, white, folded; Nail Mizinza with a coin size in five yuan. A large apple disappears in a thick-4 fist without a trace. His head is three times more mine; nose in half face, uneven, buggy; Eyebrows, shouted with thick thick hair, small leaky eyes, huge ears and a heavy white beard to the knees, the hair of which is reminded by Amazonian water worms.
The object is calm, it, like the remaining six. Loves noisily pulling air nostrils and exhaled hard. Sometimes both fists towards the face, slowly reveals them and looks at his palms for a long time in appearance. He was raised for 3 years and 8 months. In the chamber he has a transparent table in the style of late constructivism (Hamburg, 1929), a bamboo chair (Cambodia, 1996), a bed with helium filler (London, 2026). Lighting - three kerosene lamps (Samara, 1940). ERREGEN-OBJECT - Scarecrow-albinos panther. So, rips bovy.
Further: Akhmatova-2.
The second Rk Anna Andreevna Akhmatova.
Incubated in the gener. The first attempt is 51% of conformity, the second is 88%. The object externally corresponds to the original age of 23. Grown for 1 year 11 months. Strong pathology of internal organs: almost all shifted and underdeveloped. Artificial heart, pork liver. M-Balance 28. Behavior Restless, automatism, PSY-GRO, Yandyanfyne. The frequent gentle sounds, sniffs the right shoulder and items in the chamber: Ebonite Lenhing (South Africa, 1900), a glowing ball of free ward. ERREGEN-OBJECT - Neanderthal Male bones, filled with liquid glass.
I'm not too dry thank you, my gold tech is Hankun Muden? Read You are Gero-Kunstler, Rips Chowdy Xiaocha!
With him, our gene Moshujia slept 8 years. The first Rk appeared in the underground Mube, even when I lived with Siamese twins and did not know your charms. Judging by the record of Academician Makarevich, rejection reached up to 80%, the object was amorphous and kept in the barocamera. Nabokova-5 was incubated (SIC!) On the day of signing the Munich Convention on the Prohibition RK and cloning F-type. The project was frozen, the object is killed. But after half a year, Nabokov-6 was incubated (secret from IgKC) in Voronezh Wingenige. There were many problems. But here are Nabokov-7. 89% compliance. Fantastic, RipSa That Ben! Most high level Of all seven. Although it looks not noticeable: the object is similar to a continuous woman with curly red hair. All the muscles are finely vibrating, which creates around the body of the object barely noticeable contour. Pot flows around the body and squats in crowded boots. FURNITURE: Table kitchen (USSR, 1972), a round chair on the screw bar (Bucharest, 1920), a bed soldier hiking (US Army, 1945). Lighting: Four green light sources arbitrary placement. Erregen-Object - a female mink coat covered with bee honey and suspended under the ceiling on a gold hook.
"The first Rk-pancake - and not coma!" - I straightly joked at our German. Pasternaka-1 incubated the omnipresent and immortal alocation of Vaneyev. Compliance - 79%. The most zoomorphic creation of all seven. The similarity with Lemur is striking: a small head covered with a white fortune, a tiny wrinkled face with huge pink eyes, long, to the knees, hands, little legs. It swing and publishes pipe sounds. In accordance with the logo-correlation, there is no furniture in its box. But 64 intensive light sources and live Erregen object: sixty-cellogram Persian clone-cat. Dying? From obesity, Mon Petit.
A person of an indefinite floor, medium height, with the pathology of the chest (hesitates ahead of the keel) and the face (the temporal bone has grown with the nose in the form of a saw handle). His felt kubaturalit by sofit. ERREGEN-OBJECT - Jasper box filled with diamond sand.
This work of gene-art from St. Petersburg. Remember, sweet pistonmy, Yoga, described by Gurdjiyev, who spent twenty years on the tips of the fingers and legs in the courtyard of the Buddhist monastery and which monks once a month endured on the river and washed as a bench or table? Platonov-3 - the same table of human flesh. Its heavy bones are covered with yellow skin, the flat face is kept much looking down, a huge white cock dangles between the legs, for Platonova-3 - a beech cabinet (Paris, 1880), a crystal chandelier (Brno, 1914), ERREGEN-Object - ice in a wooden box, Watti.
Finally - Chekhov-3,
Very similar. Even - Gaquen, Ripis Nimad. Although compliance is only 76%. One defect is the absence of a stomach. Well, yes it is Xiaoši, as Uncle says Mo.
All objects are on the BIOS, so there are no problems with food and defecation. In general, everything is still Cancendi.
Although why I write it to you, sweaty nidget, with such a plus director of the fore loved ones?
Are you able to understandsimple and dis-active Bauffa Body of My Body? Do you understand how you think a monad that you are closer to my body there is no one?


Jan. 7.

P.S. And clone-doves Buran is not a hindrance. These creatures will fly through everything. Even through the Great Wall

January 9.

It began, thank Space.
The weather climbed, after Lunch, TFG was passing to us. Genetics wanted to start tomorrow, but the colonel insisted.
I was not against. Harriton also did not have socks.
Witte breakdown slightly, but Karpencoff did not support him strongly. And at 20.34 we started.
Rips Sha Guo, I see you sitting in your Gero-Kunst cave, which is in Pakistani locust and drinking her dutch beer.
What does it mean to you - MultiSexer, Traitor and Protea short phrase: We launched?
I always envied your ability nothingdo not be surprised.
However, it is envy of cripples without organ, so she incorrect, Rips bovy.
Actually, I, too, have nothing to be surprised. Although I'm not every day in the GS business trips. To your purulent note, in Russia there were only two attempts to obtain the HS: GS-1 drove in crackstump Tan Sha Guo Safonov; GS-2 three years ago, the Ministry of Finance was loyal, frightened by IKGC sanctions. In the first project, the Logostimulator was Zapadan Kapidich, in the second Yuri Barabanoff. Both - Super-plus-Women of your business.
But GS - Collective Hankun Muden, in which the absence of any giddyputs under Rezak the whole project.
Understanding this, we all went upstairs at 20.00, partitioned, accounted for greatring and made an old good samadhi Lta-on-arc. The mandala in the snow soldiers laid out blue sand. Polar night stood wonderful: High stars. Northern Light, Cutelessness.
In 20.34, Khariton turned on the system, and I distributed paper and writing facilities.
Genetics B. speached.
Military too.
Generally, externally- Everything is favorable. I pray every half hour. And tearing six of my hair to keep the hexagram kun (execution).
We wish the GS-3 plus-plus-plus director and pray for the project in Russian. I kiss you on the scarlet parts.


January 12th.

We did it, my delicate boy. And we did it for the first time in Russia. Congratulate your activefriend.
I prayed, genetics prayed, the colonel prayed - and the jade emperor heard our timid voices from concrete o., covered by pure Siberian snow.
All systems worked, all objects are alive and after the script process fell into anabyosis. Plus plus direct. We walk along the corridor and smile at each other like Baughter.
By 9.34, the first phase of GS-3 is safely completed. Do I see the blue fat?
Let's wait, Rips Huaidan.
Now it remains only to wait. I will, Ripis Nimada. I will start writing to you letters, long, how is your divine o L O.. But not today. Because?
First I will send you what is already here nicknot necessary.
Besides me.
But all in order, RipS. The first completed the Dostoevsky-2 script process. When the indicator flashed and the system turned off, I with two sergeants entered its camera. The spectacle, I will tell you, not for Jenzzie Gongyang: After 12 hours of the script process, the object has been strongly deformed: the chest pulled out even more turned forward, breaking the skateback, the ribs broke through the skin. The insides and beating heart are visible. The pathology of the skull intensified, the same "saw handle", protruding from his face even further, as if the Most High tried in vainly pull her out of human chad. It snapped with thick black hair. Hands Dostoevsky-2, as it were, were charred, the steel pencil enrich to them forever. Dostoevsky-2 diamond sand pulled the nose all of himself. This means that your brilliant friend was not mistaken with an erregen object. (And not only with this, RipS!)
After disconnecting BIOSA and short convulsions, the object fell into cumulative anabiosis.
Which the?
Take 3-4 months.
Blue fat will be postponed in its lower back and on the inside of the hips. I am sending you (for my script collection, Naturlich) his text, thanks to which in the body of the author, up to 6 kg of blue bass will be deposited. Kiss.


Graf Reshetovsky

At the very end of July, in the third hour in the afternoon, in an extremely rainy and not one-year diverse time, spattered by road stroller with a precipitated horse, barked by a vapor of nondescript horses, robbed through a-to-bridge and stopped on Mr. Street near the head of a gray house In three floors and all this was before an eyeling as it was not exactly-s and about the chicken word about the chicken word is very good.
Two solid master, dressed, however, no longer in the summer, and not in St. Petersburg: Stepan Ilyich Kostomarov, the adviser to the State Department for special orders was dressed in a short sheepskin Tulup, subjected to milk, but an extremely long snake of yellow-black color , members of another - the rich heir early the deceased general and therefore - a man without certain classes of Sergey Sergeyevich Voskresensky were covered with narrow-sided silk on the manner of Venetian harlequins, giving ideas on the squares when he had a pleasure to show her and she creaturequite right.
There are other people, one type of which acts on us somehow suddenly overwhelmingly and dyingly, why the chest shrinks and the unfortunate tears protrude in their eyes and it is very sorry - with if a person is predisposed, but for what they yourself try to understand not unsuitable.
Such a certain impression on the few passers-by produced their appearance of Kostomarov and Voskresensky; Two commoners, a student and the elderly lady stopped as the pillars in the ground, pillars pillars, from the pillars, yes, the vest poles, and with undisguised excitement, spent their eyes an amazing couple to the entrance. This three-storey house belonged to Count Dmitry Alexandrovich Sweltovsky and was one of those wonderful homes, to those on Tuesdays or Thursdays, like bees to the hive, yes, like agile, troublesome bees to a new, solidly debris, though, even have a different design. The decks are houses and bore and earthy uli-s and so it will make it possible to stretch the secular St. Petersburg public. However, since there was a Wednesday, visitors met the doorman in the lavers embroidered by the Golden Livreye, and the chrome Cossack Bear, the faithful ordinar of the count, who passed the entire Turkish campaign and became a kind of Sancho Pansoy for the graph, but this is a complete catastrophe and it is impossible to present his position and it is not obliged to be at all submittal Cavalgardor simply squareman and in Russian - a scoundrel.
Without a bewilderment, the Mishka took off their unusual clothes with the Lord, and roamed, quickly quickly quickly quickly - to report the Graph of the Lord, remaining alone, began to feel the most decisive way, with each other. Stepan Ilyich clutched his long bone fingers into the showed shoulders of Sergei Sergeyevich and, agile, somehow too agile, somehow, crown with more crowned, began to descend below - with the lower-s-C - Voskresensky's chest, stomach and thighs right to the most his legs in the silence of dispersed Swiss boots. Voskresensky, wrapped with chubby hands, Talia Stepan Ilyich, began to extremely quickly pouring his back with small, but rather sensitive plugs, from which skin skin thick plates like in the African buffalo-s on the back of Kostomarov at that time at the same time hung and swollen blood.
"Sergey Sergeevich, I urge you about the same service," the first died dead dead Costomarov, returning to the interrupted conversation, first violated the silence. - As long as we are still here and, it became, we can talk without witnesses, frankly, I ask you not to remind a graph about that badly sophisticated precompliant story with thisthe lady, from which it is sick, nauseous nauseous. I understand that you are a person, so to speak, in this case is uninterested, and therefore you don't care how it is like everything like all this tangle is a disgusting tangle as it will turn to the graph and Lydia Borisovna, but I am in this matter very interested, and most importantly - interested in a prosperous resolution of it, without hysteria and without continuing dressing scandal.
"Yes, the completeness, Stepan Ilyich, I really got tired of repeating," Resurrection responded, firing from pain from a strong severe pain of sensitive very pain. - if you still still consider me disinterested in this case - in the fact of your friend of the graph, but to believe that I, as this most disadvantaged person, is able to be pleased to nagrate-with yes-with nagaty-with, without fail. To loved people - a shame-with and even ashamed.
"I didn't have intentions to offend you," Costomarov flinched, focusing in a heavy gaze, if not to say obsessive, emphasizes the focus of the Surrection cheek shave. - Understand, I am a friend of the graph not only in a secular sense not only not only, but also in the heart in this in this full sense. And I am extremely interested in doing everything and everyone forgot this dirt and lowness.
"I am sure that it will happen," Voskresensky picked up, understanding how hopeless and even merciless in his peacemaking Kostomarov. - For its part, with all the solid durable side, a good very good and respectable side, I will make every effort. disabledman.
Bear entered and invited them to the count in the office. They silently silently silently follow the servant and soon the count with his sincere impulse was welcomed to him, rushing, rushing to them from the huge, paved papers with the most valuable paper tables.
Count Dmitry Aleksandrovich Rutovsky was in all respects a man extraordinary, if not to say - strange and even an unusual and strange strange strange strangely strange. The late father of his father Alexander Alexandrovich took place at least from the ancient, but not very secure family, served in Cavalry, he retired early, married, got three three three sons, sold, obeying the new fashion, his estate under Pskov, moved with his family to Petersburg Petersburg Petersburg, where he suddenly showed himself on the commercial part, began to participate in the bumps and quite successfully, as a result of which, yes, yes, yes, yes, three large houses, and, let's pay it profitably, safely lived before death, leaving sons A decent state is yes, but what kind of sons of sons and nothing but nothing yes.
Senior Son - Dmitry Aleksandrovich, received from papa.the house on M-Oh, did not go anything at the commercial footsteps of the parent, and rather - on the contrary, the word is completely different to universal and universal and full disbelief, showed such indifference to the material side of his existence, if not to say - contempt that the shortness turned out to be forced to lay naturally lay down yes and not attackhouse with all the property with all-with with all-with barking-with with everything with Skarb-S and with All Fundicuro-s. The money that took him inheritance used it to the most incredible it is just something just something travels and trips, without leaving any exotic place on Earth, where his leg would be a foot and not something leg a foot in a chrome booze on the alcohol sole is kinder premoterleg Finder Adventure. The view of the count was very thirty, it was a little higher than the average little bit quite a bit, thin, narrowed, very Chernovolos, with a pale, always excellently shaved and powdered face, whose features were given to the inexplicable oddity very very very very much until the impossible to hell knows What is this complex and controversial nature. However, his eyes-with eyes-with eyes are very good-with good-with good-from his eyes - black, fiery and extremely alive constantly shone some genuine delight from everything that happened around.
- Lord! You can't imagine how I'm happy to see you, "the count exclaimed loudly, without giving Kostomarov, who had already discovered the mouth, explain the cause strange as that as something completely out of a series of trees as a shame of such an unexpected visit. - Imagine, I pressed it today, that is, it's blank that he got his head to wet this something that is bad bad bad, but I poured my face in Mordasam, I thought I would be careful, but it turned out not in the furnaces, but in I am so!
The graph picked up by the resurrection hand that immediately lay out and looked at Kostomarov in embarrassment, but Count Count Graf, not paying attention to Sergey Sergeyevich, continued to speak with the heat, turning straight to Kostomarov:
- Stepan Ilyich, my dear friend, would know what was happening in my soul from the most sleepless night! That is, the night sleepless here even with nothing, the right right is the right of God with her, with the night, because the main thing - I did not have anything to experience such a foreboding, but - predestingevents, as today today today! It's just Embarras de Richess of all feelings, a shock of some kind of some kind! Imagine, gentlemen, I have not drank a cliff, like a bear, even beaten dar.And however, not quite up to the shock, however, it is not written in the face. Thanksgiving is not written, but more promptly promptly makes me an envelope, and I certainly predetermining the content of the letter, Fabul, so to speak!
Count suddenly Smallk in the strongest voltage, demanding immediate response of listeners listening or listening spectatorspeople or Bien Publique and however it is not for the hurry if you are happy deeply boundlessly happy happy happy just and humanly.
"Have a lot, the graph, and why it is so suddenly ..." he began to be a resurrection, with difficulty cope with embarrassment and desperately overweighting with Kostomarov. But the graph immediately interrupted him interrupted as if the ridges would interrupt, with yes, as on the slaughterhouses, this is, that is, there was something at least droplethaving calmed down however, terribly heavy beyond:
- And in a letter, dear and one friend of my Stepan Ilyich, this scoundrel, this insignificant low-lying dancer again requires explanations! As if I am this Madam Burlesque! And I know in advance every word, every insignuum, a fatal string from this message! What is it what it is that if you assume: dar of prophecy? You will laugh! And FIECH, POWER! Although - not immediately not immediately not immediately, of course, I immediately broke away, and I punished Mishke, so that in any kind, for no reason, when bloodycircumstances of letters from Mr. Leeba von Leeba do not take! But then ... - the count shook his head, as if he had all his teeth. - What was later, my friend! Another gun did not shoot, and I really predetermined Chaque Moment, quite completely - now the Lydia Borisovna will appear to me, and exactly so so - the bell rings, the bear runs! But you never guess what she spoke to me! Yes, and do not believe me for a word, if I like it at all very much or tell me.
He squeezed her hand of Voskresensky more stronger and, embraced, as if in a strong fever, pulled him to the door as it was a hard for hard to be treated with copper.
- Come immediately! I will show you I will show you I will show you, I have to show you everything! This day we will remember forever, Ma Parole! If only this gadet did not spoil everything!
- Allow, the graph, finally the gift of the speech of Kostomarov, finally donated with a possible delicacy stopping the graph: - I don't dare to doubt the importance of what you want to open and open how openingopen and open to us, but the case with which we arrived strongly does not tolerate deposits, it concerns the first first of the first thisladies and your honor, honor your kind, and I like your friend and Sergey Sergeyevich as a close friend, as a man by the will of fate dedicated to this pre-execution ...
- Not a word more, my friend! - exclaimed the count, shifting his eyes. - I ask, I demand that you continue to follow me in the living room!
Kostomarov and Voskresensky exhausted feeling suddenly a strong excitement, passed yes, as it were, who passed them from yes from yes from the count, why they remained only to obey his impulse.
Dmitry Alexandrovich grabbed them for his arms and dragged through the passing room in the living room, the door to which was, however, locked the key to the key as it were, not entirely obvious, but firmly, with the fastening-s-s.
Doped in the passing Bear jumped up, envying the graph, and remained standing with the expression of readiness to everything on its own, as always, impenetrable, though swelling from the victim. The graph, meanwhile, took the key to push the door to rebuild it in detail and everything is straight right, but suddenly, turning to the Voskresensky and spoke to the former heat:
- The gracious sovereign, I do not doubt the sincerity of your intentions and see that you you have come here not from idle curiosity, but to help us get everything out of this ... From this ... From this hell, in which this subtra woman has impedled us. Consequently, you are ready to fight for all of us, offended and edged, because of the right - ready? So?
"I'm ready," Voskresensky's more stronger turned pale, and a familiar feeling of shame tormented by him in the evening at Glinsky, again retarded to it to this right turns and awkwardness and there are even pity, but not to themselves.
- And if you are ready - sign in the first! - Surgo stuck graph, wash the door lock. - MON HEURE A SONNE!
Voskresensky entered the living room. The society, gathered at the graph, consisted of a wide variety of people familiar to him and at all strangers. They all stood around a small high table with champagne and snacks and snacks-with different items it's a delicate property something yes something unusualquite right. Lydia Borisovna, Ivan Stepanovich Chernogovsky, Larisa, Nicolas Glinsky, Viktor Nikolaevich Odoyevsky and Petya Kholmogorov were allocated. It was also strongly spent after the last emergencyevents like this is a word of dubious yes yes yes, the company Volochsky, however, who does not lose the former rage. Was there anyway from where a cracked Englishwoman who took more on a man who was crazy on the soil physiologicalquestions and sitting alone in chairs with joyfully meaningless and not very not very much although the truth is true and not stupid but not yes yes and how perfectan expression is obvious.
As soon as the Resurrection entered, all the time turned to him. But he did not have time to worship, as the count of this minute jumped out from behind his back and, by hare pressing his hands to his chest, jumped around the living room. Voskresensky and Kostomarov Flatzed Yes, like duck and or simply chopped stones stones under the foundations on a penny of silver apiece. However, the gathered as the team was buried.
- Here are those on! - With an evil joy exclaimed Lydia Borisovna, folding the fan and pointing to them on the jumping graph. - Again, our graph jumped bunny! It means - it came to their creation my mine as a word firstbut no extinguishing!
Loud laughter rang out throughout the living room.
- Again, Kavardak! - swollen voice.
- Here you are and former Milovors-C! - the other,
- Vox Populi on a new manner! - laughed the third.
- These are all the consequences! - Glina's glazedly noticed.
Resurrection, open mouth. He watched the jumps of the count, the Kostomarov with hatred sparkled through the eyes of Lydia Borisovna.
"I saw this fat man somewhere," she waved the fan on Voskresensky. - But Mr. Kostomarov here is why? Isn't that any aboutor or or there is another excuse or because I'm here? Tea did not fall in love with me, Stepan Ilyich?
The new attack of laughter swept at the gathered.
- In you fall in love, Lydia Borisovna, - hello shock! - Tried tanks. - This is worse than Janicarova knife! I would have for a hundred for a hundred right at all for a hundred thousand one hundred and a hundred years as a hundred thousand banknotes hundred thousand and would not agree!
- Stepan Ilyich a desperate man, not you a couple! - Changing Chernezhsky.
- He's not a stricken money! - grinned Glinsky.
- His othernaughty! - screamed Popov right so here is sincere how fairthe gracious sovereign or the sovereign or simplotine but with but with ambitions.
Guests walked. Only Larisa did not share the universal fun, and closing his face with his hands, occasionally looked at the grocery of the graph.
- What are you so ultimatelyand yes, and somehow vaguely and silent, Stepan Ilyich? - Lydia Borisovna continued with the grin. - Why are you here? Is it after you from here, the divecha so strongly asked?
- I'm talking here, madam, - began the bridged Kostomarov - that my close friend Count Dmitry Alexandrovich is now in mortal danger. And this danger is you.
"Oh, so you, you have become for a friend or for a close as a friend or for a good person for L" Homme Qui Rit or for a friend to step into the coming? Count! Your shyness! And is it? Is it? Is it true? Is it true?
- Completely true! - murmured the jumping graph.
- Here are those on! And I'm, stupid or not very, but there is no no. And I thought you were only a friend with him only in Vista Yes to Nevsky to the ladies! And here suddenly - a friend! I do not believe! Kill me - I do not believe!
- Stepan Ilyich - my old kind and close friend, this is the Holy True! - with fervent exclaimed the count, without stopping jumping. - I am ready with him for any field! And no one is so suddenly not good and won't let us be negligible and this and it is to ulce our holy friendship!
- Verify, count, who dares here on holyto eat! - Lydia Borisovna snorted. - Now it's not about friendship, but quite about another. And listen! How long do you intend to jump like a manner? You are not hare and so not a bear and not boarand not at all at all bustardand thus not chickens chickens and not a horse jumping and not even jockey, like a mantis, but download! Bogomolov, tell me at least you count!
Everyone trembled to the Bogomolov, who almost hesitally drank his Madera.
"I have-s, Lydia Borisovna-C, there is one iron principle," Bogomol spoke sullenly. - no one to give advice, except for wife-s, cook-s, yes two own-from straight Heirs, s, my, so to speak, Castor and Polluks. Only I am, with I give advice and give, yes, I don't always have words, but for the most part, with what-C, "he raised his weighty fist and showed everyone. - I have a house in my house concreteeducation-s. And if their lunches, with far from my power, are located, with, it became, respectively principlemy I am with no kon-Krettcouncil - C give I can not-s.
- And in vain, Bogomolov, right in vain! - exclaimed and shouted and so moving but voice voice voice and right to universali am pleased: - someone who, and our college is very lacking for our college! Is the Lord?
- C "EST CHARMANT, C" EST TRES RASSURANT! - swollen voice.
- In the Spirit of Time! - I heard another.
- Gentlemen, and not to ask us to convincingly convincingly, with good and straight Mr. Bogomolov to universal pleasure and the satisfaction of abandoning its principle, at least by a quarter of an hour, and deliver us to UNE Minute de Bonheur? - suggested a slightly churred nicolas.
- We ask, gentlemen! - picked up the tanks.
- The mantis words do not believe! - spoke contemptuously silent before this Peter. - It's necessary to ask him for interest!
- But we will ask him for interest! - I concluded and even even, as it were, I cut off and did not tear up and a little bit of a drop-C and the black-ride myself, the jesterly giving way to the way by the counting of him and getting a wallet. - Voila, gentlemen!
He pulled out a five-leaved banknote from the wallet:
- Make contributions, gentlemen, I ask you!
"However, pretty, Ivan Stepanovich," Volochsky noticed with the ukrorist. - Do you go far. Each Petit, and Petit Petit as Petit Morceau Merry Da-yes-C is in some way the moral limit.
"I'm not kidding, gentlemen," Chernogyazhsky said seriously.
- What does this mean, gracious sovereign? - Kostomarov asked trembling from indignation.
- And this means, the kind stepan Ilyich, that the mission of the peacemaker, which you have been thinking about the third day with the third day, now I went to us, and it means that we will now have peacebornand make order in this crazy house. And do not dare to look at me and it's me like a drunk, I'm not drunk! - shouted the Chernogyuzhsky so loudly, that all the time I subsided, just sobbed Larisa, but continued to jump the graph.
- I do not understand what you're a clone? - asked Lydia Borisovna. - Explain what you finally want?
- I want to clean up this house once and forever! - Surgonly said Chernogyzhsky, coming to the Bogomol - Nikolai ... how you ...
"Matveyevich," sullenly sullenly and this is not very not very good and suggested by Bogomolov.
- Nikolai Matveyevich, not five and not twenty five, and you will receive five hundred rubles, if I sit in the same minute, you suspend the abomination of a forbooth in this house!
- it's like him suspensit? - Lydia Borisovna was amazed.
- I want the Bogomols of Sigge Count Dmitry Alexandrovich! Alsions in our eyes! - shouted in the blacksman. - Now here!
- What? - No matter how much Lidia Borisovna asked, slowly, slowly and how hard all the jam jam approaching the Chernogojsky - how did you deprive them? Finger?
- Carry! Fight! Devil! Here! Before everyone!
- This is a mushroom, - unexpectedly for himself and for others said Kostomarov. - I ... I ... I demand. Require.
Everything in the stupor looked at the black-in-law on the jumping graph. Lydia Borisovna silently silently silently and very closely came to the blurred black-rod, somehow lookedhe's in his eyes and suddenly, from all over the urine, hit the handle of Wair his face
All ashung. The blow fell straight on the eye and he alignedly grably grabbed closed closed or did, and that hand that continued to compress the appliance.
- And now - Get out the won! - Lydia Borisovna pointed to the fan of the same and the same Viennese fan on the door of a white door.
The same, the Chernogyzhsky itself turned out to be so unprepared to such a turn of the events that he did not come immediately, but having arrived in himself, did not eat humanly and rushed to Lydia Borisovna; And perhaps bitterly would have had to her, do not wander the first of the guests of Volotsky, who blocked the way to the Black-Taja.
- Ivan Stepanovich! - he managed to speak, but he was immediately with force with the Black-Tajozhsky and, fleeing the step on three, fell on the chair on the Viennese chair, though very simple and without a lacquer at all.
The noise from his fall brought guests to the feeling, and through a moment a few strong hands were captured by a meaninglessly growling black-ride.
- Gentlemen, push this rascant out! - ordered Lydia Borisovna.
She was strongly pale, which is why the unusual and how stretching directly or not beauty has become even more strange and attractive.
Chernezhsky led to the door.
- With this creature ... this rubbish ... I will kill! - He was growling, resisting.
- In his impressive, in the impressive! - evil and fun shrieked Lidia Borisovna
- This is a mushroom ... This is a mushroom ... - repeated as in the forget of Kostomarov.
- The fistful right with the Lamum will not allow! Let their greyhound sees! - Bared drunk tanks. - And the counts yes princes are advantage - on the guillotine! The law of compliance! Carbonari, Vivat!
- New Benkendorf wrote! - swollen voice.
- She is crazy! Persistent! Trust me! - Larisa screamed. - Oh my God! Nobody stops her! Really there is no one, anyone who would blocked anyone or leterect and to strong ripplesmy dreams, who would stop this subside?!
But in the rising noise, no one heard the cry of Larisa. Meanwhile, the lying blacks brought out the living room
- That's better! - Lidii Borisovna shouted him. - Bonne Chance, Ivan Stepanych! You did not bring here about the order of others, therefore, there was a count to be our even up-of-Olgo bunny will have to jump! And the Bogomol and without your five hundred rubles will live! Live, Bogomolov?
- live, madam, - with sullen calmness and how there landearth about land yes on earth and all over appearance It was seen that an even account nothing, nothing. - Schish graphs - not my lesson.
"You are unfair to me, Lydia Borisovna," the bouncing, breathing and completely wet from the sweat, struggled with difficulty. - Believe me, I do not find anything bad that the divecha thought so about you, because everyone is inclined to think so, all lately They feel bad about you. And for this, everyone has foundations, and quite good. In many ways you yourself give rise, constantly give even a lot of different reasons, and after all do conclusionsregarding each of your Faux Pas and feel bad about you, I, including, so you are offended at all and go to everyone with reproach, although the main reproaches are always always going to me! And it's just scary, c "Est Tres Serieux!
- vraiment? - broke out from the pleasure of Lidia Borisovna, delete the fan and foaming her faster and blushingbut not but not painting as a white soil, but not yet sticking the scarlet but not a crimson and pink and not a cherry-s. All these these changes took place in it extremely frankly and there as a sheet and with extraordinary speed.
- Graph, you know who I am! Yes, and everyone knows, Vaughn of Kholmogors even hinted in the newspaper, he was not ashamed: "Luxurious idiot"! What a luxurious idiot with the deployed and flowers of the dahlia of the black and the villa is a villa and any home and depraved but quiet and fleece demand? Won and Odoyevsky will confirm! Confirm, Ilya Nikolaevich?
Odoevsky, who was standing next to Holmogorov, who became anger after mentioning the notorious article, was going to answer, but here the door opened, entered the sorcelast as a wooden Bear oil with a report:
- Barin, God knows what, two people with a car, some and a man ten languishing! They say that you and you know too!
- Aaaa! Here is a junction! At last! - cried the count, straightening and falling into the chair in an exhaustion. - Call, Bear, all call to one!
Guests surrounded. The door of the Namig opened open and eleven literacy movers rolled into the living room and immediately came out. Two Germans remained with the car, absolutely not speaking in Russian; One of them kept in his hands a wooden case of an oblong shape. The Germans are restrained but also with somehow as a position is not equilibrium and ordinary gestalt, like everyone else, not embracing the car, took up the car.
- Voila, gentlemen! - with fervor exclaimed the count, jumping and running towards the car. - That's the miracle that I will save not only all of us, but also the whole human genus! Herr Gollwitzer, Herr Sartorius, Wir Sind Bereit, Bitte Schon!
Sartorius opened the case and everything was frozen in amazement: a little naked man lay in the case, he probably less surcharge. It was not at all the dwarfs, which now in St. Petersburg dispersed abounds - namely small manthat is, it is not a small and completely small and turning the turn as elbows and knees and where the stomach where the belly and is quite proportional addition. He lay in his case as a coffin, closing his eyes
But barely Sartorius took his hand, Liliput opened his eyes, looked around and smiled to all the strange, extremely kind and heartfelt, but also a painful smile. His face, however, was pleasant, subtle and dry, with the right features and big blue eyes. His smile felt on the guests so much that everything was like petrified. Liliput also waited a minute-other and uttered by a quiet voice:
- We will merge together, brothers and sisters.
And at the same moment, the Germans launched their car and all of her mechanisms came into motion, and the guests went to her. There were three recesses in the car, which were immediately placed three, and therefore was three and could immediately shifted together; To these already sewn together three more three more, three more - and so infinitythat is, to the end and it is before peace and will and to world Happinessas I wanted, I thought and hoped.
- I urge everyone to pay attention to the needles! - Recreated Count, which came to the strongest excitement. - This is something amazing, straight real ... This is incredible ... C "EST Curieux, Ma Parole ... Needle needles so and all all hollow from the inside but the strongest fastest thinners-with but extremely agile as a silk worm and inside the inside of drinking opium-C and Even no opium and opium balsam and allows the smallest holes through the holes to peel into the blood and facilitate pain during stitching and even not even pain pleasant extremely pleasant feeling! I want to be in the top three! Who is with me?
"I am with you, a graph," the abrupt tanks quickly responded quickly.
- And I, - made ahead from the crowd of Larisa.
They stood next to the groove, and the car immediately sewed them together. With joyful tears in his eyes, they came out of the grooves and awkward, as if learning to walk again, moved around the living room.
"I'm starting to understand anything," said Oroevsky's growing malice with sullenly.
"We will merge together, brothers and sisters," Liliput spoke again.
- Not. This is not for me! - Lydia Borisovna Schumpped the fan away and ran out.
- It ... The hell knows that ... some kind of scoundrel! - ran out after Mlinsky.
- This is a mushroom, mushroom ... - Murmoch, followed by Kostomarov.
- Scoundrel! - shouted the Odoyevsky in the peaceful face of the graph and rushed out of his feet. Behind him rushed the rest. Only Englishwoman remained in the living room, there is still a squeezing in chairs and with a blissful smile on his face. The police arrested the Germans arrested the Germans and Liliput. The car was confiscated. Stitched together Count, Larisa and Bakov soon left Russia and settled in Switzerland, where four years have lived in happiness and harmony.
The first died Larisa. An hour after her death, the tanks walked. Both corpses were safely cut off from the body of the graph and buried. Count Dmitry Alexandrovich himself and this is he a little but not alland not forever.

So, RipS Nimada Tabin.
Put into my white Wen Jianjia N3 and do not dare to show your bellows. Press.


January 14th.

Nor ha, Xiaotou.
Today allowed himself a skiing walk. For almost an hour climbed to the right hill. Potted and minus it was breathing: hypodynamia. Many snow and it is not always under crust.
Failed. But on top - Wunderschon.
Gorgeous Shanshuyhua, fresh dry wind, Soroki on larchs and - satisfaction.
He took skiing, sat on the sovereign Christmas tree. I thought not only about you, Xiaozhu in the bunker feast and babysitting. Discipline: 0. Colonel drinks in the morning. I refrain.
Read "Chjud-Shi" about six tastes. When it reached sweet, I remembered your addiction. Remember: "Excess sweet generates mucus, obesity, inhibits heat, the body gets fat, the drainage, goiter and RMN-bu appear.
Do not be fond of soft sugar, I warn you seriously.
Fit you text produced by Ahmatova-2. During the script process, the object is not deformed at all. Only strong bleeding: vaginal and nasal. In the accumulative anabiosis, the object entered respectively.
Fit you text produced by Ahmatova-2. During the script process, the object is not deformed at all. Only strong bleeding: vaginal and nasal. In the accumulative anabiosis, the object entered respectively. If this creature will live a month four and saves a kilogram of two blue bales - it will be our top director and the celebration of the gener.

Three nights


I prayed with viaducts and grazing,
Melted the ice of the evening convinced,
I forgot about the sadness of careless,
Went to the overgrown path,
Yes, I was rushed on a fire blindly,
So that the wind does not break my clothes,
So that the raven did not give up black blood,
So that girls do not rub the sound.
I was met by solemn people
They hid snake smiles,
Revealed the lead arms
And they tried not to break the children's oath.
If the tears in the cold have frozen -
We hide behind the tested gates.
If the male broke the bell tower -
We shut down with barn castles.
Yes, they watched the pilgrim of poorly
Did not give to drink watchdogs
We are not metal of stone in dark beggars.
For the night, the beloved shirt has eapped,
Ripped on me a carved necklace,
Sealed a pale forehead my kiss,
Imposed on the chest zhogya spell:
Do not go to the country of hungry and cheerful,
Do not love green-eyed and fearless,
Do not kiss the interference of the details of curly,
Do not give birth to blind legion meters.


I asked me to correct
Cute face -
In the nostrils are trembling insert
Copper ring.

Brought and indulged
And then took.
And snapped to the ring

Logging me, the executioner skillful
Put your stigma.
Let the body find out
Shamo devotion.

For you, I moved away -
Dried eyes.
I now have little pain -
The thunderstorm ended.

The path is not possible
On raw grasp
In front of the house of Odalis
Stop full growth.

Sound and kiss
Dear threshold.
Curse me, formerly
On the cross of roads.

All you forgive sister
My bitter.
Let me go pray
For you, snake.


Three girlfriends lived in the villagers of Urzly
Three young collect farms in the villagers of Urzlya:

In the poor families, they grew up
The first in the collective farm entered them,
The first Komsomologians became
In the villages of the URROW.
Lenin-Stalin believed they
The Bolshevik Party believed they
They believed his native collective farm.
How the snow came down in the spring,
Began to build school
Gaptyeva, Gazmanova and Khabibulin.
Good school
Spacious school
For peasant children school
Gaptiyev ketman clay kopal,
Gazmanov Soloma knitted,
Khabibulina Samam Meal,
Strong legs samana mesal
Young manure in saman put
To firmly stood the school,
To be warm school,
To be a light school
The villages of the URROW.
Lived fists in the villagers of Urozly,
Greedy fists in the villagers of Urozly,
Evil fists in the villagers of Urzlya:
- Lukman, Rashid, Old Man Faziev Yes Mulla Burgan.
Learned about the school fists,
Shook from the malice fists,
Squeezed their fists their fists
Let's harm the fists:
Solool was set fire to fists,
Samanda stole fists,
Fists moved a rotten horse
The devils were mocked over the collective farm.
Not stolen
Girlfriend-collective farmers went to the area -
Kit to look for fists,
Protection to ask for fists
War to lead against fists.
In the city of Tuymazy girlfriend came,
In the GPU collective farmers came,
With a serious conversation came.
Warmly met by Comrade Ahmat,
Chernobrova, Seruogrozzy Comrade Akhmat,
Hero of civil comrade Ahmat,
Lenin-Stalin Comrade Ahmat.
They told all the Komsomologians
Gaptyeva, Gazmanova and Khabibulin,
All the truth, everything is as told,
All sorrow and the whole pain was told
All concerns were told.
Furnished detachment comrade Akhmat,
Sat on a white horse comrade Akhmat
And led a detachment comrade Ahmat
In the village of Urzlya led a squad.
Praise fists as lousy pieces:
Lukmanna, Rashida, Old Fazieva, and Mulla Burgana
Fists were afraid
Devoured fists,
Fists fooled with fear.
Judged fists people
Pounded Kulakov People -
At the gate hung the kulakov people:
Lukmanna, Rashida, old Fazieva, and Mulla Burgana.
The collective farmers of the villagers of Urzly were delighted,
Arranged Sabantuy in the villagers of Urozly,
Nice Sabantuy in the villagers of the URROW;
Called three fatty rams in the villagers of Urozly.
Prepared Gaptyeva Baursaki,
Prepared Gazmanov Beldiem,
Prepared Habibulina Belyashi.
Began to poison the friend Akhmat,
Began to feed the comrade Ahmat,
Steel songs sing comrade Akhmatu,
Began to ask Comrade Ahmat:
What do you want, dear comrade Ahmat?
I answered him Comrade Ahmat:
I liked Komsomologians
Gaptyeva, Gazmanova and Khabibulin,
I want to spend the night with one of them.
Smiled girlfriends
Embarrassed girlfriends
Answered girlfriends:
- Do not be angry, Comrade Akhmat,
Do not be angry, Comrade Akhmat,
We are girlfriends-Komsomolskiy, Comrade Akhmat,
In the families of the poor we grew, Comrade Akhmat,
Tears swallowed together, Comrade Akhmat,
Lenin-Stalin prayed together, Comrade Ahmat,
In the collective farm, comrade Ahmat,
Komsomologians became, Comrade Akhmat,
We are building school together, Comrade Akhmat,
We will sleep with you together, Comrade Akhmat.
Surprised Comrade Akhmat,
Comrade Akhmat agreed.
Let's go to the meadow Dubian
Gaptyeva, Gazmanova and Khabibulin,
Put in the meadow yurt from White Felt.
Rolled the cat in humurt camel,
Shipped by Chinese silk,
He took the hands of Akhmat's comrade,
Introduced into the yurt, Comrade Ahmat,
Divided the friend Akhmat
His solid plow by Barani Salom,
To better he praised the girlfriends.
Separate girlfriends-collective farmers
Amended next to his comrade Ahmat.
All night plowed their comrade Ahmat:
Gaptiyev three times,
Gazmanov three times,
Habibulina three times.
In the morning, as the sun rose,
Got friends, dressed, samovar swelled,
We drank the comrade Akhmat,
Brynza fed the comrade Ahmat
On the road handled Comrade Akhmat,
Ahmat's comrade was planted at the horse.
I went along the steppe comrade Akhmat,
On a wide steppe comrade Akhmat,
In the city of Tuymazy Comrade Akhmat,
On big matters Comrade Ahmat.
As sent nine moon,
Gave birth to Gaptiyev, Gazmanova and Khabibulin
Three sons:
Ahmat Gaptyeva,
Ahmat Gazmanova,
Ahmat Khabibulin.
Strong, brave, dexted became
Smart, cunning, wise became
Disinterested and merciless became
And not equal to them
Neither in the ultrasound, nor in the tuymase
Neither in Ishimbai, nor in Ufa,
Nor in Kazan big.
Learned the great Lenin Stalin
About three Akhmatov
Called for three Ahmatov,
The service called for three Ahmatov,
In the heavenly Moscow of three Akhmatov,
In the invisible Kremlin of three Akhmatov.
Since then, three Ahmat
In heavenly Moscow lives
In the invisible Kremlin live
Lenin-Stalin lives:
Ahmat Gaptiev
On the horns of Lenin-Stalin lives,
On the six horns of Lenin Stalin lives -
In mighty horns
On the drum horns
On branched horns
On the buggy horns
On the tricious spiral of the horns:
First horn in the coming celite,
Second horn last celite,
The third horn in heavenly celite.
Fourth horn to earthly celite
Fifth Horn to Right Celite,
Sixth horn to the wrong celite.
Ahmat Gazmanov
On Lenin-Stalin's chest lives -
On a wide chest
On deep chest
On mighty breasts
On fluid breasts
On the chest with three nipples:
In the first nice - white milk,
In the second premium - black milk,
In the third neighbor - invisible milk.
Ahmat Khabibulin
On the wisers of Lenin-Stalin lives,
On five wisers lives -
On heavy wise
On the bugs wise
On the shaggy wise
On humpback wise
On wise under the ice crust:
In the first wise, the seed began,
In the second moide - seed limits,
In the third moade - seed path,
In the fourth moade - the seed of struggle,
In the fifth moade - the seed of the end.

So they live forever.

Pay attention to the handwriting; This is to our greentalk, RipS Nimada! If you are stubbornly, like perthan, you write vertically, your L-harmony will sooner or later need three Ahmats!
Tonight I will sniff. And read "Troherezaravia". Envy, rips downtime.

Not your Boris.

January 15.

Stretched with difficulty. Total marno.
And all because RipS that in the age of pragmatic positivism I remain hopeless Radis-romantic.
We sniffed yesterday with agvordor yesterday.
Washed down birch juice.
He moved to play Pix-Dix with Karpencoff, Bocharom and Sergeant White (touching Lao Bai Sin, but not a step).
And me, instead of decent reading "Troherezart", suddenly pulled out on?
Do not guess, Ripis Xiaocha.
Yes, I myself will not say. Let's send you better text Platonova-3. This most exotic individual produced the most M-predictable text. I was right by 67%. Externally, Platonov-3 did not change at all: as it was a coffee table, so it remained.


Stepan Bubnov shouted the firebox with a little and did not hear like a man in a cabin.
- Are you a tambourine? - shouted a stranger with a high unpole voice. Stepan turned out to present his class superiority and saw a centerast guy with a face, asked intense inconstancy of the current life. The head of the guy was flat and not in the years deprived of vegetation, due to the tight passage through the aircraft of the revolutionary time.
- I am a messenger from the depot! Zazhogyan Fedor, - shouted the guy, trying to block the class roar of the furnaces by his bourgeois voice.
- Do you happen to have a sip with a hire? - asked Bubnov, closing the furnace.
- I have a mandate for you from Comrade Chuba! - Seriously climbed in the pocket of gymnasters litter. - In Bowhovo, let's go! There is white reptile
Bubnov Slarebreck in a tiny fuel oil with palm and poured a clean block of paper from the burrow:

Machinist Bubnova S. I. It is prescribed to urgently deliver the proletarian somtevoz N316 to the Bohwovo crossover for a solidarized clutch with the armored train "Rosa Luxembourg".
Nach Depot Comrade Ivan Chub.

- What is the mandate? - folded the tambourine paper, without any respect for it. - This is a prescription, shallow you! Could and put in words that in vain bourgeois dowry to pass! How long have you been in the depot?
- Second day! - Respectively looked into the crude litter. - I am now with Vologda! We collected the composition there, but they did not deliver - the counterrevolution on the chip was separated!
- Is it under the squid or what?
- Under it yourself!
- And my old messenger where? Petrov?
- His with Armenians behind sugar sat down! In Raspanny!
- found for what to send! - Evil disapproved Bubnov. - work stomach and without sugar will live - there would be a liquid! Well, lease to knives!
Zazhogin disappeared into messenger. Bubnov removed the chumose from the brake, pulled the balancer. The connecting rods were moved and went with a whistle to knead the steppe air. Circle to the very horizon unfolded inhuman plain, smoldering by the toad herbs, the oppressed sun and the wind. When Syrotino passed, the Bubnov installed the reverse on medium rod and looked into the cromal.
Zazhogin is severely wrapped the barbide knife, crumbling the corpses of the enemies of the revolution and throwing off the boneless slice into the store.
"Crack! - Positively thought Bubnov. - Whatever metal is normal! "
In the remains, they asked for a contempade four of the rigorous donors and a pregnant woman with a piece of rail.
- You will jump yourself! We have no pair! - warned their tambourines.
- Jump, comrade, but what about! - We got warm and moving donors. - Now we have nothing to break!
- Why did the folk iron need you? - asked Bubn Buban. - Your business is from the non-smoking land to pull!
- Husband in the contempad of fires for weight sells, and the moonlight still has not done! All bags with sand outweigh! - Baba responded in detail, carefully leaning the rail to the stomach to put a clouded child with a cold and calm substance.
- I wanted what was stuck, logger! - grinned Bubnov. - And when the land on the Kulatsky coverage to sell, it is also necessary to sell it too?
- Earth, brother, tokmo the right mind can be removed! - answered instead of asleep the most intelligent disabled person.
- The right mind does not land, but you need to translate earthly fools! - cut Bubnov. - So much accumulated their drowing regime, which in the ground is not immediately placed! It is necessary to wait much until the old disgusts and the new places will catch up!
Somotevoz with the roar passed the hollow and burdens in the mountain
- Give cravings! - shouted the tambourines into the nozzle and opened the furnace.
Zazhogihin knocked out of a messenger thoughtful face and began to throw in the furnace of sump, mercilessly mask them in a trough with fuel oil, splitting nutrolake eagerly swallowed pieces of human material.
- On whose lobster go? - Another legless asked. - Tea in Kappelevtsy?
- On the officer now they do not care! - Reres His Bubnov. - They are their white fat in front of people burned! There is nothing to cut with their bones!
- Was it on the bourgeoides prem? - the disabled person revived.
- On them! - shouted Bubnov.


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