Singer from Latvia in a music show voice. Intars Busulis: Three children and culinary addiction

Singer from Latvia in a music show voice. Intars Busulis: Three children and culinary addiction
Singer from Latvia in a music show voice. Intars Busulis: Three children and culinary addiction

Intars Busulis is a musician, a jazz music performer, a participant in the Eurovision International Competition. His talent, natural charisma and just very beautiful appearance almost constantly attracted a fan. Despite all this personal life at the intars of Busulis and his wife, it is very good, which is confirmed by joint photos.

Intars was born in Latvia in a small settlement Tulsa. In his family there were a lot of children, and almost everyone was prone to musical endeavors. That is why it ends with a music school, where he perfectly learned the game on Trombone. But musical successes were not so noticeable if not bad estimates on other general educational subjects.

He was at a truly versatile boy, in addition to all this, he gladly went to various ideas, he studied dancing, took part in school amateur. Parents did not pay attention to his bad estimates, as they wanted him to become a full-fledged musician.

The team "Talsu Spridisi", became the beginning of his creative career, with whom he performed before the population of his city.

Of course, the popularity in a small provincial city was limited, and Intars wanted something more. Therefore, after graduating from a secondary school, he goes to the city of Ventspils. Here he was waiting for his older sister, who has already studied at the Music College, and the intars and comes here. Here he met the musicians, played in one of the groups than very much pleased his relatives and loved ones. Ahead of him was waiting for a successful career of the musician.


Further, together with his familiar Raymond Tigulis, create their own musical group. She was called "Caffe", and for four years existed due to the enthusiasm of these two guys. Here is a young performer, tried himself as a vocalist. For him, it was not just passion, but part of the work.

Together he took part in various jazz groups and in the orchestra of the NVS. It is safe to say that Jazz became part of the life of a young man. He easily selected on various contests and festivals devoted to this musical direction, became part of some groups. In general, his career went uphill.

Speaking at the best jazz festivals of Finland, Canada, France and the Baltic countries, he showed his talent. Next was about several dozen proposals from various directories of musicals. Of course, he took part in several, but it was not very interested. But the project "Notre Dame de Paris", which was also released as a musical, remained in his heart forever. Any artist wants to take part in such a musical work, but not everyone succeeds. The personal life of Basulis's intars is very good, on social networks you can find photos with my wife and children. They are very happy, having a full-fledged family.

Many Russian lovers of jazz art know that the Intars Busulis worked with Raymond Pauls. It was from him that a proposal was received to take part in the New Wave Music Festival.

By and large, after that, he was again invited to this competition again as a guest. It is safe to say that the Intars Busulis is the ideal of the modern world of jazz music on which many should be even.

"Shades of Kiss" is the first solo album Basulisa, which was born shortly before his trip to Eurovision. The concert program with which he toured in Latvia was created on this music album. Many viewers perceived quite well a new actor, and today he is a celebrity. Songs included in the album not only in Latvian, there are also Russian-speaking tracks. For him, it is important to provide listeners to such music they want to listen.

In 2009, he honors the opportunity to submit his country at the international Eurovision contest. His musical work "Cork" was fulfilled entirely in Russian. This song is dedicated to modern realities of human life. Subsequently, this track was recorded in English. This stage in the life of the intars is very important.

In 2013, there was a meeting with the Russian executive, with which they recorded several joint songs. One of the most famous is "Neva". The solo concert of Elena Vaengi, who was held in St. Petersburg, became the premiere of this work. After Vaenga herself adopted invitations from the intars and visited Jurmala at his solo concert. The work of these two wonderful performers deserves special respect.

In the future, their creative and professional career crossed more than once. Both performers support good friendly connections. Of course, the media did not leave it without attention, and more than once they allowed rumors about their intimate relationships, which was never true.

In fact, Intars Busulis is married, he had a perfectly developed personal life, which is confirmed by joint photos with his wife and children. To date, the performer's career continues to actively develop and stop at what he is not going.

Intars Busulis During participation in the program "At exactly exactly" in the role of Boris Moiseeva

For Intars, the most important thing is to help develop jazz culture to many novice artists. His works and songs are in demand worldwide.

At the moment, almost all intars concerts are held in Latvia, but sometimes he comes to other cities of the post-Soviet space.

Participation on the show "Voice"

In 2014, the young singer is decided to try his hand at the Music Show "Voice". For this, he goes to Russia. Its small, but a very interesting speech was interested in several judges. After that, he gets to Leonid Agutin.

Work on this project has become a new stage in the career. Many Russian producers began to offer him mutually beneficial cooperation. Intars himself came to the show, only to show his talent, he did not need popularity.

Personal life

On the interests and hobbies of Basulis's intars, you can talk for a long time. He loves to listen to the music of various performers. In his interview, repeatedly recognized that his best friend was Trombone. Together with him he passed a lot, starting with a children's music school, and to this day they did not part.

As for personal life, today Intars are married and has three children. Find on the Internet a photo of Basulis's intars with my wife without any problems, he does not hide his personal life and relationship. Today, the performer lives in Riga.

In fact, a talented actor today is one of the main stars of Latvia. Many critics speak his talent and only well. Thus, the career of a boy from the city of Tulsa, who had some two, and today is known to almost around the world.

07.12.2017 - 23:16

Intars Busulis, singer, musician, in the program "Simple questions" with Egor Krustalogov.

Egor Krustalev, presenter:
It is a great honor for me to talk with you. And I want to say that during the time we drove together in the car, getting here, I came to the conclusion that you have absolutely non-Latvian temperament. Do you talk about it with your countrymen?

A source Photo: INTARSBUSULIS./

Intars Busulis, singer, musician:
By the way, people from the Caucasus say that it is.

Egor Krustalev:
What are you - Caucasian?

Intars Busulis:
That I am almost Caucasian, yes. And, as Soso says: "Latvian with Georgian manners." Maybe it is.

About Trombone

A source Photo: INTARSBUSULIS./

Egor Krustalev:
You have a unique career. You are one of the most famous Latvian musicians. If you were not on the Russian scene, the biggest success that could expect you inside Latvia - how would it look?

Intars Busulis:
I, actually, the spiritualist. And by profession, and by calling too, you can say. Because I really love brand music, I played in many orchestras: in the symphony orchestra, in the militarian.

Egor Krustalev:
In a military.

Intars Busulis:
Serviceman. If it would be now - pah-pah-pah, God forbid, of course, I would call me. I'm not so old yet. I am a thrombonist. I was very good even a thrombonist - "dozens" were all the time at school, that is, "fives".

Egor Krustalev:
In fact, everyone who watches your creativity knows that you are a great thrombonist.

Intars Busulis:
Yes, but now, unfortunately, I do not play much. I would most likely be a thrombonist, I think. Would engage in classical music. Because mine, actually, the main thing for which I was walking when I studied at the Music College in Ventspils - play in the Berlin Symphony Orchestra. Another desire remains, because I really love classic, symphonic music.

Egor Krustalev:
Intars, you before starting the record something, in my opinion, was a classic. But here, if you yourself for yourself, for your pleasure, play trombone or just whistling is what kind of music? Is it jazz or, nevertheless, classic?

About Bemole

A source Photo: INTARSBUSULIS./

Intars Busulis:
I love improvise. I probably would play jazz. For example, Summertime in Sol-Minor. Oh, this is such a tonality is good, bramole.

Egor Krustalev:
I saw your interview, you were asked: "Bemole or Diez?" You said: "No, of course, a Bömbol."

Intars Busulis:
Farol, of course.

Egor Krustalev:
I can not understand. Of course, a person who has some kind of attitude to music, like an amateur, but the difference between Beleol from the Dieea - how to feel it? Can you find some words, how to explain what is the difference between a bembol from the Diee?

Intars Busulis:
I do not know why. I'm just used to playing all my life in the bramoled tonalties. F-Major, Sol-Minor, Si Major, Re Minor. So, in general, in the artistic music - it is, it sounds. Just sounds.

Egor Krustalev:
It sounds better, yes.

About the weather


Intars Busulis:
Better yes. And in our Latvia ... these tonality - a little bit, you can think more than in the dizard tonalities. I immediately feel the song goes in the dieuorous tonality or in a bramole tonality. Immediately understandable. We love to be sad. I also love to sink.

Egor Krustalev:
You can't tell you. I love autumn, I love such gray weather, without the sun. I love snow, that's how today is such, gloomy weather. I love it very much. And even better, when there are changes to the weather, when summer goes to autumn, autumn goes to winter, winter is moving to spring. When spring for the summer is also nice. But, anyway, summer is not my weather at all.

About Eurovision

A source Photo: INTARSBUSULIS./

Intars Busulis:
I want to ask a question from the point of view, for example, the Belarusian musician. Because any musician or performer, of course, understands what to make a career and, conventionally, to become successful, financially successful can only if it comes to the western market, which is less likely to or on the Russian market with huge expanses. And your path was associated with a certain number of contests. You won in Jurmala, you won the show "Voice", you participated in Eurovision. It's the right way? Or, in general, in your situation everything would have happened differently?

Egor Krustalev:
I always considered and believe that you just need to go and throw calls. First, myself. And participate in contests. Initially, of course, some small contests, but, in any way, it is some kind of step. And go to great contests, where it is possible to know yourself, first. Find out other people in this setting. And in the end, always think about the victory, about the best thing that can happen in this competition with you. So I was on Eurovision, we did everything to get to Eurovision, and we fell to Eurovision, got, of course, is not the best place in this competition.

Egor Krustalev:
In my opinion, did you have the 19th place?

Intars Busulis:
This is the latest. This is "Eurovision", which was in Moscow. But not the worst - we received second place from the end. This is also a good place.

Egor Krustalev:
Belarus has almost always such results.

Intars Busulis:
This year was for us here. But still, we got acquainted with people, met with many Muscovites. And in the end, I also participated in a jazz competition, where I also had very good results. I received the Grand Prix. And, of course, the "new wave" in 2005.

Participation in popular show

A source Photo: INTARSBUSULIS./

Egor Krustalev:
In your opinion, why does it happen that almost no one of those who brightly shine in the "Voice" project did not work out their repertoire? Almost no one, I, again, I will say, I did not have a repertoire with which he could speak. And even here you participated in the showing show "one in one".

Intars Busulis:
"Exactly the same".

Egor Krustalev:
"Extremely", yes. And, again, people who are very successfully played there, in the end, then it turns out that they, let's say, the hit of all of life, and anyone has never happened.

Intars Busulis:
Yes. I also have a little bit of this problem. But we have a concert repertoire that we play. And our program is folded so that people are interested. First, the program is folded so that we, of course, would also be interesting. But the most important thing is the viewer who paid for a ticket, stood in traffic. He knows his place, he comes, sits on his place and listens. We just have to give the audience, what they want. By what they came here - to look at us. And we have such a repertoire. Now, recently appeared, of course, songs and videos on songs. "Ardients me" appeared, finally. Because we have no video clips of the Russian repertoire, and never happened. There were only concert records.

About Vaenge

A source Photo: INTARSBUSULIS./

Egor Krustalev:
You have the legendary song - "Neva", nevertheless.

Intars Busulis:
Oh, yes you. "Neva" is a separate story. About Lena, about our acquaintance.

Egor Krustalev:
In any, let's say, a duet occurs this situation: one loves the other, and the other allows himself to love. Do you think in your situation, she became more fascinated by your talent or did you adored her?

Intars Busulis:
It was such an exchange of this total what you just said. We, actually met in Astrakhan. But we got acquainted through our friend. It turned out, he knows and Lena - he is from Peter. And Lena lives in St. Petersburg, and in Riga. And, as I understood, our friend showed musical references from the Internet.

Egor Krustalev:
Are yours?

Intars Busulis:

Egor Krustalev:
And she liked.

Intars Busulis:
And my friend showed me links from the Internet Lena. She did not know me, I did not know her. And this friend wanted us to get acquainted. I was ready, but Lena said that it would not be so acquainted. Not because she is a big actress, but she just did not want me to meet only with her, like a man, but also with a musician. And that she invites a concert. And in front of it with her, in general, did not speak, only from the Internet I listened to her, he listened to me. And I came to this chic concert in Astrakhan, which I listened for the first time and not the last - after that I was at concerts 7 or 8, I do not know how much. So, a chic concert. Just a muse appeared at me at this moment. And after the concert and met. Even before the concert, I did not meet her. I put on the most stylish pants - red. And then only began, with this meeting in Astrakhan, our cooperation. Friendship, I want to say. And all the songs: "Neva", "Lena", then "gravity", "Brīvdiena" - in Latvian, which she really liked.

About the attitude towards him in Latvia

A source Photo: INTARSBUSULIS./

Egor Krustalev:
You wonderfully performed the song, probably the performer most popular in the Soviet Union - this is Yaak Joal, "I draw you." For the Soviet viewer, as it were, performers from the Baltic States were very special. It was such a Fleur of something of what is called "abroad", from what was Western history.

Intars Busulis:
I understood.

Egor Krustalev:
But I read about it the information that he had enough badly and got from the press in the last years of his life. Especially when the Soviet Union broke up, and he had heard a lot of supic things: "Russia sold, the Kremlin's hand." How does your destiny look like now? Do you have to hear such offensive things?

Intars Busulis:
I believe that very few such people may be units that live in some fictional world. I believe that many, nevertheless, people think real. What music is, in general, a thing that has no boundaries. And if I can normally, I think, speak Russian, and I understand a little bit, what I say ... maybe you do not understand?

Egor Krustalev:
No, everything is fine.

Intars Busulis:
And why not sing in Russian?

Egor Krustalev:
You are more proud or, on the contrary, how: "this is already a person who lives in another world, show business." What does it look like?

Intars Busulis:
The most important thing is that I myself realize where I look like the flag of my homeland, how the hymn sounds, and goosebumps do it go when my hymn sounds, or not. Still, I love my country, and I love everything that happens there: and good, and bad. Basically good. And, in my opinion, for me it is the most important thing. What do people say? People all the time speak about something. People are satisfied, it is unhappy. There are all sorts of. But, mostly, people are glad that there is a person or a group of people - "Subscription Orchestra", as today - which are, I think, missionaries or ambassadors of good news. In general, that we are going to where we are waiting for us.

About lime and paul

A source Photo: INTARSBUSULIS./

A source Photo: INTARSBUSULIS./

Egor Krustalev:
Latvia is a very small country, even, compared with Belarus. But, in fact, there are a lot of truly iconic musical characters. And those who perform songs like Lyme, for example, and the music that personifies with the very golden epoch of the Soviet pop, which Raymond Pauls wrote. What do you think it happened?

Streamed in Ajulter Fadeev immediately hurried to disprove the sick fantasy of the ex-ward, offering akin to sit on the lie detector, and verify the authenticity of this information.

Selyabkin, such news was just shot. She is sure: Lena just takestee her. After all, if anyone has a love relationship in Silver - then she has a Dameman, and not with Fadeev. By the way, other representatives of show business believe that Elena simply decided to sharpen on the eve of the presentation of the new track "I embrace".

The recent star of the star of the stage of the Istrais Busulis became popular thanks to the TV show "Voice". Many are interested in the personal life of the singer. Some searched on the Internet of his photo with his wife. What did he won the hearts of fans?

Childhood and Youth Singer

Latvian singer, composer and musician Intars Busulis was born in 1978 in Talsea town. Almost immediately after birth, the boy's personal immersion occurred in the world of music. The family where he grew was large, life in the house beat the key. Besides him there were four children. But despite this, parents paid much attention to the development of kids.

Latvian people are generally very musical. People love to sing there, dance. The songs of festivals are constantly passing, competitions even in the smallest settlements. Therefore, the small intars since childhood heard folk bindings, sounds of music, looked at the dances of the village, absorbed the musical culture of the Motherland.

Young Intars Busulis

Parents early noticed in it the ability to music and gave it to a music school. There he studied to play trombone, sing on notes. In parallel with learning in a music school, the boy studied folk dance in the Talsu Spridisi team. He did noticeable successes, he was taken to various performances.

In a music school, the older sister studied with the intars. She then graduated from school and went to the musical secondary educational institution, which was located in the Primorsky city of Ventspils. According to her traces, I decided to go and the intars after the end of two schools - musical and general education.

Creative career

Studying in a music college, a talented guy earned the leading radio station "Radio SWH". At the same time, the Intars worked in the "Ventspils Big Band" ensemble, which Zedonis Zaiskovsky was supervised.

Later he played on Trombone in the Military Orchestra of Latvia and in the Jazz group "Wet Point".

Fielding with Raymond Tigulis, the future famous singer Intars Busulis decided to create his personal group with him - Boise Band "Caffe". In her, he first manifest itself as a soloist.

Singer in Youth

Having collapsed vocal experience, the ITARS decided to try his hand in various festivals and competitions. The result was awesome! Grand Prix at the competition of young executors of the Baltic States, as well as the Grand Prix at the competition of international importance in Pärnu.

This victory inspired the young musician that he went with concerts on Europe and Canada. Everywhere he was accompanied by success.

Peak popularity

Intars becomes very popular in his homeland. He is invited to various projects. He sings in famous musicals: "Notre Dame de Paris", "Mesa" and others. Intars tries his strength in Trio "Viva La Bomb".

Such a talent has ensured attention and acquaintance with the famous Latvian composer Raymond Pauls, who highly appreciated his ability and propheted him a big musical career.

In 2005, the Singer Intars Busulis on the advice of this composer decided to take a personal part in the international competition "New Wave". And again victory! Intars ranked first. He himself did not understand why he was so lucky in life! Since then, the singer annually performs on the stage of this competition among invited stars.

Intars Busulis took part in the new wave

In the same year, the young singer managed to record his first disk. It includes songs in different languages, including in English.

After three years, I saw the light of the second album of this singer. A tour of Latvia was timed to this event.

Participation in Eurovision

In 2009, Intars Busulis, inspired by the previous luck, boldly decides to participate in the popular Eurovision contest. For this, he departs first to Moscow. The song for this contest was carefully chosen and called "Street Cork". The video clip for this song was filmed in the Moscow hypermarket. The most interesting thing is that special artists were invited for the crowd. They became random visitors, shop buyers.

At the intars asked why he performed a song for a famous contest in Russian? After all, it was quite unusual for the resident of the Baltic. To which the singer replied that he was better than the Russian language than English.

Intars participated in Eurovision

Despite all its efforts, the incendiary song in a talented performance did not very much for the soul of European audience. The singer did not even go to the final.

But he did not despair, taking a modest nineteenth place. Intars returned to the homeland, where a huge amount of work was waiting for him.

Collaboration with different musicians

Raymond Pauls decided to pick up a young singer and offered him very honorable cooperation. Intars Busulis gladly agreed.

He was to record a disc with the songs of Raimond Pauls on the verses of the famous Soviet poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Intars talented songs. Thus, the album "Give God" came out.

2013 was the most fruitful for the singer. He was invited to the theater Daiz, which is most popular in Riga. There he took part in the Musicle "Onegin", where he fulfilled the role of the great Russian poet.

Intars Busulis and Elena Vaenga

Also, ITARS performed as a vocalist and thrombonist in Big Banda on the Latvian Radio.

In the same year, the musician became acquainted with the famous singer Elena Vaengoy. This acquaintance turned out to be fruitful. They began to sing a duet. Elena proposed to leave the singer on the Russian scene. Together they performed the song "Neva" at the Solo Concert Elena in St. Petersburg.

Then Vaenga arrived in Latvia, where he spoke in a duet with Andatz in the concert hall "Dzintari" at the solo concert of the singer.

Then they participated together in the Golden Gramophone. The song in their execution "Neva" became popular, sounded on many radio stations. On "Chance" she held the first place for a long time.

Then Vaenga wrote a song "Lena", which they also performed together.

Elena translated the Intar song into Russian. She began to be called "Gravity". She she also performed with the intars.

Participation in the projects "Voice" and "exactly in-point"

In 2014, Intars Busulis surprised everyone - took part in the popular show "Voice". I must say in justifying the singer that his friends filed the application, but he did not refuse to participate.

On the blind auditions, two mentors turned into his performance: Pelagia and L.Agutin. Intars sang and played trombone. The singer chose Agutin. Then he confidently began to rise higher on the competition, he walked around his rivals and got into the semifinals. On this his participation was interrupted.

On the last speech, he talentedly performed the song R. Paulsa "I love you more nature."

I. Bouusulis and the project "Diffex"

Personal life

Singer Intars Busulis does not hide his personal life. He openly passed hello his beloved wife while performing in the "voice." Intars happy in marriage. In the 96th year, he met a beautiful girl ingy. Fell in love, she replied. They began to meet, then got married.

Singer with wife ingy

For more than twenty years, the spouses live together in love and harmony. Inga gave her husband three pretty children. At first, the son was born, then two girls. Children all adopted musical abilities from their father. They visit the music school. And son, as well as dad, learns to play trombone.

Elena Vaenga,
Leonid Agutin, Ani Lorak, Lyme Vakuile,


In 2001, Intars, together with Rayimonds, Tigulis gathered a group - boyz-bend "Caffe", where he was a soloist. At the same time he played on Trombone in the orchestra of the National Armed Forces of Latvia and in the Wet Point jazz group, and four years later began the solo career in search of his own style. He participated in international jazz festivals: "Kaunas Jazz" in Lithuania, "Nomme Jazz" in Estonia, "Midem" in France and "Ottawa Jazz" in Canada. In 2004, the Intars became the owner of Grand Prix in the competition of young jazz singers "Sony Jazz Stage" and Grand Prix International Competition of the Imprivisators in Pärnu.

In the spring of 2005, as part of the European Youth Jazz Orchestra (the project of the Danish bassist Eric Mosuholam E.y.j.o. (European Youth Jazz Orchestra)) gave 13 concerts in Europe and in Canada.

In the summer of 2005, the Intars became the winner of the International Competition "New Wave" in Jurmala.

In 2005, the Intars released his first album "Shades of Kiss", which includes songs in English.

B 2008 came out a double album "Kino / Cinema". The outlet album exit supported the concert tour of Latvia. Four months later, the song "Brīvdiena" fell into the charts of musical channels and radio stations.

In 2009, he presented Latvia at Eurovision in Moscow with a traffic jam.

From 2013 to 2015, Intars played by A. S. Pushkin in the Musikle "Onegin" in the Riga Theater "Dales".

Also, as a thrombonist, the intars acts as part of the legendary Big Band of the Latvian Radio.

Cooperation with Elena Vaengoy

At the end of 2013, the intars acquaintance with the singer Elena Vaengoy. Highly appreciating the musical feed, an unusual manner of performance and natural artistry, Elena offered the absorce to enter the Russian scene. Together they recorded the duet on the song "Neva", which was presented at the Solo concert of the singer in the Oktyabrsky BKZ "in St. Petersburg on January 28, 2014 and at the Solo's intars concert in the hall" Dzintari "in Jurmala on June 30, as well as on the Golden Prize Gramophone "in the ice palace November 30, 2014.

In the spring of 2014, the "Neva" began to rot on many Russian radio stations: "Road Radio", "Chanson", "Militia Wave", "Peter FM", "Spring", "Komsomolskaya Pravda". On May 30, 2014, the song took the first place in the charts "Chanson of the Year" on the radio station "Chanson" and held the championship for 3 weeks.

On March 8, 2014, a duet television was held on the first channel in the song "Songs for Favorites", a week later on the channel Russia 1 in the program "Saturday evening." After that, Elena Vaenga writes for the intars the composition "Lena" and the Russian version of the text for the Latvian hit of the singer - "BRIVDIENA". In Russian, the song was called "Gravity". The premiere of the song took place at the solo concert of Elena Vaengi in the Oktyabrsky BKZ on September 25, 2014.

Participation in the TV project "Voice"

In the summer of 2014, the Intars filed an application for participation in the popular TV show "Voice" on the first channel. On September 5, at the stage "Blind listening", he performed the song "IT DON" T Mean A Thing ", accompanying himself on Trombone. Two mentors of the project - Pelageya and Leonid Agutin turned to him at the same time. Intars chose the Agutin team.

On October 24, at the stage of "Fights", the Intars won the victory over his opponent Michael Blaise, fulfilling "Play Funky Music".

On November 28, having won the "knockouts" stage with the song "I draw you," takes place in the quarterfinal of teleconcurs.

December 19, the Intars opens the semi-finals of the television show "Voice" hit Billy Joel "Honesty".

Participation in the TV show "Extremely

Album "Gravity"

In the summer of 2015, the Intars recorded the new album "Gravity", the presentation of which took place on October 25 in the Oktyabrsky BKZ in St. Petersburg.

Personal life



  • 2005 - Shades of Kiss.
  • 2008 - Kino.
  • 2008 - Kino., reprint with the Russian album version
  • 2010 - Akts. (2cd)
  • 2013 - Citāc.
  • 2015 - Gravitis


  • 2005 - Gaidīšanas Serenāde
  • 2005 - Nāc man līdz.
  • 2007 - Ar Zvaigžņu Gaismu.
  • 2007 - Race
  • 2008 - Come on!
  • 2008 - CEļŠ.
  • 2008 - Brīvdiena.
  • 2008 - We miss in vain
  • 2009 - Bung
  • 2009 - Zīmēšana.
  • 2009 - Paliksim Kopā.
  • 2010 - Valoda.
  • 2010 - Spēka dziesma.
  • 2010 - Kabeļdejotājs.
  • 2010 - Nepiedod.
  • 2012 - Bēbīšu maršs.
  • 2012 - Viss IR Iespējams
  • 2013 - Pārdaugavas Bārs.
  • 2014 - Nevva
  • 2014 - Lena
  • 2015 - umbrella
  • 2015 - I go to look
  • 2016 - Migla Rits
  • 2016 - Taste

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An excerpt characterizing Busulis, Intars

Despite the fact that Solitaire fell asleep, Pierre did not go to the army, but remained in the empty Moscow, everything is in the same alarm, indispensable, in fear and together in joy waiting for something terrible.
On the other day, the princess went to the evening, and his mainly disposal with the news came to Pierre that the shelf required by them cannot be obtained for uniforms, if not to sell one estate. Major Governor generally represented Pierre that all these arrows should have ruled it. Pierre with difficulty hid a smile, listening to the words of the manager.
"Well, sell," he said. - What to do, I can't refuse now!
The worse there was a position of any cases, and especially his affairs, the pierre was more pleasant, the more Overner it was that the catastrophe he was waiting for, approaching. Already no one was almost from the familiar Pierre in the city. Jules left, Princess Mary left. Of the close familiar, some Rostov remained; But Pierre did not go to them.
On this day, Pierre, in order to have fun, went to the village of Vorontsovo to watch a big balloon, which was built by Leppikh for the death of the enemy, and a trial ball that was to be launched tomorrow. This ball was not yet ready; But, as Pierre found out, he was built at the request of the sovereign. The sovereign wrote the count of the trash about this ball as follows:
"Aussitot Que Leppich Sera Pret, Composez Lui Un Equipage Pour SA Nacelle D" Hommes Surs et Intelligents ET Depechez Un Courrier Au General Koutouusoff Pour L "En Prevenir. JE L "AI INSTRUIT DE LA Chose.
Recommandez, Je Vous Prie, A Leppich D "Etre Bien Attentif Sur L" Endroit Ou Il Descendra La Premiere Fois, Pour Ne Pas Se Tromper et Pas Tomber Dans Les Mains De L "Ennemi. Il Est Indispensable QU" Il Combine Ses Mouvements Avec Le General En Chef.
[Just letppih will be ready, make a crew for his boat from loyal and smart people and send the courier to General Kutuzov to warn him.
I informed him about it. Please suckness, so that he turns good attention to the place where he goes down for the first time, so as not to be mistaken and not to get into the hands of the enemy. It is necessary that he consult his movements with the movements of the commander-in-chief.]
Returning home from Vorontsov and driving around Bolotnaya Square, Pierre saw the crowd from the frontal place, stopped and tears from the yeast. It was an execution of the French chef accused of spying. The execution has just ended, and the executioner twisted from the mare of a fourthly moaning man with red-haired babenbards, in blue stockings and green camsole. Another criminal, slender and pale, stood right there. Both, judging by the persons, were French. With a frightened painful view, similar to the one that had a thin Frenchman, Pierre pushed through the crowd.
- What is it? Who! For what? He asked. But the attention of the crowds - officials, burghers, merchants, men, women in salopes and coats - so it was eagerly focused on what was happening on the frontal place that no one answered him. Thick man rose, frowning, shrugged and, obviously, wanting to express hardness, began, without looking around him, to wear Camzole; But suddenly his lips shoved him, and he was crying, he himself angry with himself, as adult sanguine people cry. The crowd spoke loudly, as the pierra seemed to be, - in order to drown out in itself a feeling of pity.
- Chef whose prince ...
"What, Muschi," see, the Russian sauce of Kisel french came ... Okomovina nabil, "said the crucial, who was standing near Pierre, while the Frenchman was crying. Crazy looked around himself, apparently, waiting for the assessment of his joke. Some laughed, some frightened to look at the executioner, who undressed another.
Pierre bit the nose, wrinkled and, quickly turning, went back to the shima, without ceasing something to fight for himself while he walked and sat down. In continuation of the road, he shuddered several times and cried so loudly that Kucher asked him:
- What do you need?
- Where are you going? - shouted Pierre on Kucher, leaving on Lubyanka.
"To the commander-in-chief ordered," Kucher answered.
- Fool! Cattle! - shouted Pierre, that rarely happened to him, scolding his koucher. - I ordered home; And rather steps, Bolon. Now you have to leave, "Pierre said to himself.
Pierre at the sight of a punished Frenchman and the crowds surrounding the frontal place, so finally decided that he could not share in Moscow and goes now in the army, which it seemed to him that he was or said about this to the Kumor, or that Kucher himself had to know this .
Arriving home, Pierre gave orders to his all knowledgeable, everything who knows how to know the whole Moscow to Evstafyevich that he goes to Mozhaisk to the army and so that his riding horses were sent there. All this could not be done on the same day, and therefore, according to Evstafyevich, Pierre had to postpone his departure to another day, in order to give the time to the stands to go to the road.
The 24th point cleared after bad weather, and on this day after dinner Pierre left Moscow. At night, the change of horses in Perhushkov, Pierre found out that this evening was a big battle. They told that here, in Perhushkov, the earth was trembling from shots. Pierre's questions about who won, no one could give him a response. (It was the battle of the 24th day at Shevardine.) At dawn, Pierre drove to Mozhaisk.
All Mozhaisk's houses were busy standing by the troops, and at the inn of the courtyard, on which Pierre met his Beretor and Kucher, there was no place in the hillside: everything was full of officers.
In Mozhaisk and for Mozhaisk, the troops were stood and went. Cossacks, hiking, equestrian soldiers, wagons, drawers, guns visible from all sides. Pierre rushed to go ahead more, and the further he drove away from Moscow and the deeper the troops in the sea deeper, the more he was anxious anxiety and not yet experienced a new joyful feeling. It was a feeling similar to the one he experienced in the Slobodo Palace during the arrival of the sovereign - a sense of necessity to take something and sacrifice something. He now experienced a pleasant feeling of consciousness that all that makes the happiness of people, ease of life, wealth, even the lifetime, there is a nonsense, which is nice to lean in comparison with something ... with what, Pierre could not give a report, and She tried to understand myself for whom and for what he finds a special beauty to donate to everyone. He did not occupy what he wants to sacrifice, but the most sacrifice was a new joyful feeling for him.

On the 24th, there was a battle in Shevardinsky, the 25th there was not a single shot with any other side, the Borodino battle occurred on the other side of the 26th.
Why and how were the battles in Shevardine and Borodina were given and taken? What was the Borodino battle for? Neither for the French, nor for the Russians, it did not have the slightest meaning. The result of the nearest thing was and should have been - for the Russians that we approached Moscow (which we were afraid most in the world), and for the French, the fact that they approached the death of the whole army (which they were also afraid most in the world) . This result was then obvious, and meanwhile, Napoleon gave, and Kutuzov accepted this battle.
If the commander was headed by reasonable reasons, it seemed that it should have been clear for Napoleon, which, by going for two thousand versts and taking a battle with a probable accident of the loss of a quarter of the army, he walked to the faithful destruction; And as clear it would have to seem to be Kutuzov, that, taking the battle and also risking to lose a quarter of the army, he probably loses Moscow. For Kutuzov, it was mathematically clear how it is clear that if I have less than one checker in my checkers and I will change, I will probably lose and therefore should not change.
When the enemy has sixteen checkers, and I have fourteen, then I only on one eighth weaker than him; And when I change thirteen checkers, he will be three times stronger than me.

How to raises the intars of three children, what can cook and what tools play? Only we have a detailed biography of one of the brightest vocalists of the "Voice-3" project.

Zodiac sign: Calf.

City: Tulsa, Latssr, USSR.

How long is music engaged in: At 8 years after the older sister, he entered the music school.

"Behind her and a music college leaned," Basulis says. - It was so simpler to parents: both children are busy, sister, if anything will see. By the way, I had bad assessments in music - Troika, two. Because they taught composers, but they were not given to sing, even notes were needed. Only endless colloquiums. "

Education: played in the spirit of the national armed forces and jazz group WET POINT. In 1999, together with Rimonds, Tigulis, Intars created a CAFFE group, and four years later began the solo career. He performed at jazz festivals in Lithuania, Estonia and France, and in 2005, as a vocalist and thrombonist joined the group of the Danish Bass-guitarist Eric Mosuhola E.Y.J.O. In 2008, Intars, together with Composer, Carlis Lazis, released his first album, which included songs in Latvian and Russian.

Family status: Married, three children: Lanny, 12 years old, Emilia, 7 years old, Amelia, year.

"I myself am from a large family, I have two sisters and two brothers. My mother has 11 grandchildren now. So for me, three children - nothing special, we are not going to stop at this figure, "assures the intars. - When the first child was born, I was 23 years old, I served in the army, and I was not let me go to my wife. I was so upset, I thought, for the second time I was definitely rehabilitating. And the daughter was born in December, all this pre-New Year fuss, work, you know. Again I was not next to Ingia in such a responsible moment. And only when Amelia appeared, I was present in childbirth from beginning to end and even cut the umbilical cord. It was cool. On this day I loved my wife even stronger. She is so well done with me; There would be an opportunity, I would give her order to her.

Because of the "voice", I was not really a good at home for several months, and with the children of Inga, it cope with alone. Occasionally comes her brother. And basically the chief assistant is the Son. Lanny me the other day I said: "In vain, you passed the next round." And it is cool that he said so. Immediately felt that I needed. He is my well done. Two years ago was dissatisfied with them, the son had a teenage period, he became naughty. And now, at 12, suddenly calmed down. He releases us with mom in the movies, says: You go walk, I'm sitting at home at home.

Average daughter is a classic girl, just such a myself and imagined her. She all falls out of her hands, she does not look, where it goes, everything quickly forgets and interested in princesses. She is only 7 years old, and it is already visible as she loves when they care for her.

The most important thing is what I want to teach my children is to love my homeland. The place where you were born is your foundation. I come from Talsi, from there my wife, and my children were born there. Despite the fact that we live in Riga from the 99th year, give birth to go to Talsi. My mother works in the local hospital, imagine what conditions we have there.

Of course, I love music, but if I had no my family, I don't even know what would happen. When I am at home, the day is scheduled for a minute, who is in school, who is in a kindergarten, who on hockey, change diapers, repair something, run in the store. We like - buy 2 liters of milk, there is no longer an next morning. Socks disappear every day. And in these troubles such happiness. After all, a man for the sake of this and lives to leave a trace, grow happy children. "