Talk shows direct ether Sergey Plaksin. Sergey Plaksin was able to achieve the publicity of his tragedy in the program "Direct Ether" (video)

Talk shows direct ether Sergey Plaksin. Sergey Plaksin was able to achieve the publicity of his tragedy in the program
Talk shows direct ether Sergey Plaksin. Sergey Plaksin was able to achieve the publicity of his tragedy in the program "Direct Ether" (video)

The tragic history of Vladimir Rozhennica was discussed on the federal television channel. Recall, on June 10, there was a healthy son, however, due to postpartum bleeding, it was critical. In the regional perinatal center, the manine has been removed by the uterus, after 18 hours, she was transported to the resuscitation department of the regional clinical hospital. Now Anna is in a coma in the Moscow Research Institute of Hematology. In the program "Direct Ether with Boris Korchevnikov" guests of the studio tried to find out: the state of Ani is the tragic confluence of the circumstances or the result of the negligence of doctors? Anna's husband Sergey Plaksin and her mother Elena Gennadevna are confident: Anya was completely healthy. However, the doctors argue that Bobybova lately stood up in women's consultation and a number of chronic diseases had a number of chronic diseases.

- Doctors, judging by the algorithm of action, did everything right. As it happened, I do not know, I was not in the examination. But you forget that we have, unfortunately, there is a percentage of women who die in childbirth. We have bleeding in childbirth. But the girl, who in 32 years wanted to give birth to the first child, had to come to consult as soon as she became pregnant to avoid complications. She did not come, - a gynecologist Irina Filatova expressed her point of view.

The honor of the doctors defended the head physician of the regional Nadezhda Tumanova. Also arrived at "direct broadcast" Deputy Director of the Health Department, Julia Arsenina. Present on the program and women who gave birth in the Vladimir perinatal center. Two of them were satisfied with the work of doctors, and one - Galina Fomin from Suzdal - told the story similar to Anin. In general, the opinions of the participants of the program were divided. Someone condemned the suspicions of Sergey, and someone supported his thirst to achieve justice. Anna's husband himself wants to find out the truth with the help of the investigation. He believes that the competent authorities will put a point in this tragedy. But most of all he hopes to recover his wife, that is, almost on a miracle.

"I will be the last person who will lose hope for the recovery of Ani." I want to tell you: if there is some small opportunity, I will be clinging for this opportunity. To Anya at least in what form, but only to be alive. So my son has a mother. So that later, when my son is growing, my conscience was clean before him. What I did everything that could - said Sergey.

As promised, we continue to tell you the news about Anna Bobykov. Righting a healthy boy, Anya after abundant bleeding fell into whom, in which there is more than a month. The resonant story every day is becoming more and more difficult, involves more and more people trying to learn the truth about what happened in fact in the Vladimir maternity hospital in early June ...

Recently, we wrote that Sergey Plaksin finally achieved the establishment of a criminal case under the article "causing grievous harm to health by negligence" (details). In the near future, investigators will be appointed in the case.

A couple of days ago, Ani's husband shared the news that a special commission was created, designed to understand the situation. An integrated check is also planned with the involvement of federal departmental authorities.

- The governor instructed to create a commission on our tragedy,Said Sergey Plaksin. - I agreed to take part, but have not yet been told when a meeting will be held. The purpose of the Commission of the Goodwood is to take measures to prevent such tragedies in the future. I do not see the powers of the bigger to the Commission, but the Department of Health in the submission of the administration. Perhaps some steps will be taken - personnel permutations, for example ... in any case, even if you don't have any sense, we will know who wants to clean up, and who pretends. We are waiting for the date of the Assembly.

Meanwhile, Sergey received an answer from the reception desk, where he traveled personally and took the appeal to 70 sheets ...

Sergey and Mama Ani visiting her in the hospital in turn almost every day. Alas, no positive dynamics in a state of a girl.

- Was in Ani. It looks very bad - told Sergey. - No positive dynamics. Muscular tone is absent. You take the hand, as if for the bone. He made her massage legs, tonsured nails. Brought more care products. They said that only after 2 days will have time to try everything. It seems to be careful for her satisfactory. Neurosurgeon said: "Operation is not needed." There are no foci. The whole brain is uniformly oppressed. It is understandable. Her is not KAMAZ knocked down. Although, judging by injury, after KamAZ, the consequences are better ...

Hundreds of people pray that Anya finally came to himself, but now the question arises: the girl will find, but what's next?

- Now about the miracle, whom we are still waiting for, -he writes Sergey Plaksin in the social network VK. - Our Anechka does not reach even to a vegetative state. And all the forces of doctors are now aimed at restoring the kidneys and respiration. After that, an Anya with stretch can be found in vegetative patients and translate from resuscitation to another specialized hospital - seek sparkles of consciousness. While the kidneys do not work at all. There is no breathing independent too. Now, if the miracle and the kidneys are happening, they will start working, then hope will appear. In the meantime, Anya is alive only due to the young strong heart. And the miracle does not happen. Doctors in the Research Institute really do not want Anya to die from them. It can be seen that they are trying. About the criminal case already know. If you do not cope, it will be a completely different article. Now everything is done to save the life of Ani.
Vegetative patients in the people called "vegetable". When a person lies unconscious, goes under himself, most often blind and motionless. That's what our medicine did with a young healthy woman, that she even does not reach "vegetable" ???
Let there be a "vegetable". We are already agreeing on it. But such a favorite and native. I just had survived. I am sure if trouble happened to me, Anya would not have gone. I will not give up. We will cling to each web that keeps it in this light. Life is the most valuable. Our family is ready for any difficulties, just a miracle happened and Anya survived.

"As doctors say, they did everything. But all or not everything? Let those experts answer "

In the live channel "Russia24" in the program "From the first person" Svetlana Orlova answered the question of whether the situation of the situation happened to Anna Bobykov is following. This is what the governor answered:

- Despite the fact that I was on the forum in St. Petersburg, at 00:20 scored Kirukhin, after reading the information review about what happened to Anne. She told him: "You need to take the maximum measures, to do everything possible and impossible!", Although doctors are so fighting for the life of every woman, every woman in labor. But there are things for which, probably, not everyone can influence. Of course, she was sent to the hematology institute, I once requested Kurtsev - one of the best doctors-gynecologists of Russia (found it on Sunday in the Ivanovo region, it was almost a month ago), asked him to hold a conceptivity. He went to this institute; Consilium was performed twice. I'm not a doctor, I do not know, the correct treatment is carried out or incorrect. Then I spoke with the Chief Physician of the Soclifosovsky Research Institute, we have an agreement with him so that the specialist is his deputy Sergey Petrikov - examined it. I asked, we collected a commission, in this case it is necessary to figure out. It is necessary to understand her husband: stay in such a state, with a child in his arms, without a loving wife ... He fights, believes, and I believe, but there are things for which we cannot affect. The Commission was created, we will definitely get to the truth. Such cases should not be repeated. If this error is one thing. If the things associated with genetics are different. The most important thing is that we need to find out the reason why it happened. As doctors say, they did everything. But all or not everything? Let the specialists answer. The commission must be invited to her husband Ani, my deputy Mikhail Kolkov is held with him. It is necessary to make such a thing that does not happen, because life, human health is the most expensive thing that is.

And at this time

Carrying people began to devote Anna Poems. They are published in the group support group in VK. Here is one of the poems.

Rain pours tears from the sky.
And the clouds are floating.
Return to your cute house on Klyazma,
You are looking forward to you

Son-kid, and husband, and mom,
We are looking forward to and we ...
For us, you have become close to us.
You hear us: come back from Darkness!

"She must, should come back!"
Hear us, God, in this Molub!
Again thousands of hearts are somewhat
To seek to ask you ...

On the night of October 14, Anna Bobinov did not become, but in the history of Vladimir Rozhennica, who fell into someone in early June, the final point was not delivered.

Recall that before the birth of Anna Bobrikov spent a week in the perinatal center, surrendered tests. Everything was fine. June 10 at 17:45 She gave birth to a boy. After that, postpartum complications arose, and Anna fell into someone. This story, like hundreds of others, would not care if the husband of the Vladimir Rozhnica Sergey Plaksin would not say about this incident to the whole of Russia.

P.S. A few minutes after the release of our material on the post office, TV-Mig came from the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on the Vladimir region.

We publish its contents "without bills":

The investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on the Vladimir Region continues to investigate the criminal case made to the production of the internal affairs bodies on July 25, 2016, within which the circumstances and the quality of medical care are carefully evaluated.

In the regional perinatal center on June 10, 2016, after the prison, the doctors stated a complication of health status in a 32-year-old woman, and therefore she was operating. After providing medical care in the medical institutions of the Vladimir region, a patient in a state of coma was transferred to the city of Moscow to the FGBU "Hematological Science Center" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, where it was located until October 13, 2016 under the supervision of specialists.

To continue profile treatment on October 13, 2016, Anna was transferred to the city of Khimki of the Moscow Region in the Federal Clinical Center for High Medical Technologies "of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency.

Despite the adopted comprehensive measures to rescue the life of the femoirs, Anna's body could not stand, at night on October 14, 2016, doctors stated her death.

Due to the tragic circumstance, the action of unspecified persons is qualified on the signs of a crime provided for in Part 2 of Art. 109 of the Criminal Code (causing death by negligence due to improper execution by the official of his professional duties).

In October 2016, the spouse Anna appealed to Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin through social networks, asking to pay attention to the improper assistance to his wife in the medical institutions of the Vladimir region.

At the direction of the Chairman of the SC of Russia, the head of the regional investigative department of the SC of Russia was organized by Personal Reception of Sergey Plaksina, the information presented to them was introduced to the criminal case materials.

The investigation of the criminal case is on personal control of the chairman of the SC of Russia A.I. Bastrykina.

Anna Bobrykov tragedy discussed on central television

Today on the air TV channel "Russia" should show a program dedicated to the tragedy of the Vladimir woman in labor Anna Bobykov. The transfer record has already appeared on the Internet. In the discussion of what happened both sides of the conflict - the husband of Ani Sergey Plaksin, her mother, doctors and patients of the perinatal center led by the hope of Tumanova and Department of Health Department Julia Arsenina. As expected, the conversation was held on elevated colors and was accompanied by mutual accusations.

Journalists of the Federal Channel attempted to understand the history and at the same time not to turn a talk show to the documentary. Perhaps therefore emotions in the program there were more than facts. However, the audiences heard the new details of the tragedy and, probably, for the first time they compared the story and accused doctors, and the victims of relatives.

The first was provided to the word Sergey Plaquin, who alone now raises a two-month son Rostislav. He told that her pregnancy his spouse took place "ideally"And reiterated that I still do not know the diagnosis of Anna.

Everything we had so good that I still can not believe it happened. We had an ideal pregnancy, not a single bad analysis. Anya watched her health, she didn't even have toxicosis. I still do not know any diagnosis of my wife, nothing happened to her in the hospital, - Sergey said.

These words confirmed both the mother in labor equipment Elena Gennadyevna. According to her, Anya was "Healthy Girl"And she did not have any disease.

The other version of the events presented doctors. For the first time about the birth of Bobykov, the midwife was told Mary Yakushev. She did not come to the air, but he gave an interview to the TV channel.

Obstecchka Maria Yakushev

Everything was fine, everything was fine. 3500 Boy, Anya was very glad, she was put to her breast, "Yakushev said. - Gaps are absolutely minor, postpartum bleeding - later, has passed more than 5 hours after childbirth. Imnexed immediately was transferred to the maternity department to assist. She asked what was happening, we explained: "Anya, you are a thoroughty, now we will stop bleeding."

Bleeding began after 11 pm, from the operating room we went out only in the morning. Bleeding resumed again, despite the three events. This (the removal of the uterus is ed.) The chance to save the life of a woman, and never this decision is accepted by one person - by all those present, the consultation of doctors. But that a person after such a complication, after such an operation, is quite massive and severe - could not recover, such for the first time. What depended on me is what I could do, I did.

Unlike Obstetrics, Yakusheva, the chief physician of the perinatal center Nadezhda Tumanova was not afraid to come. She sympathized with Sergey Plaquin, but accused him that he "Pulls" Her words. According to Tumanova, the Bobin's medical card was very thick, and she had many somatic diseases. In addition, the doctor joined Sergey by the fact that his spouse knew late, for the 23-24th week of pregnancy.

You turn some of my words, redistribute, "Nadezhda Tumanova appealed to Plaquin. "There was not so cloudless, as Sergey says, with the health of Ani." There is a huge one, such a thickness of her outpatient card, when it was 19, 17, 20 years old and had many somatic diseases. But it affects the course (pregnancy). You rose very late, at 23-24 weeks. Ani also had pregnancy complications. Births passed perfectly fine. Unfortunately, the medical aspect is such that no one has canceled postpartum bleeding.

Chief doctor Nadezhda Tumanova

ABOUT "Massive bleeding" Tumanova allegedly immediately told Plaksina, without hiding, but Sergey himself denied that such a conversation took place.

There was no such conversation, it is a lie. You poured into my ears as everything is fine. She opened me openly, misled. Anya was completely healthy, she did not have an outpatient card at all. I think this outpatient card appeared after, so it was not before, - replied the spouse of the victim.

What do you do not trust so, Sergey? Such injury goes - I feel so hurt! No one would like to hide the information, "Tumanova exclaimed in the hearts.

The leading talk show tried to achieve an accurate diagnosis, which still happened to Anna Bobykov. But the chief physician of the perinatal center refused to respond to a specific question. Casual only mentioned a complication on the kidneys and suspicion of the pathology of blood coagulation, why the fever and decided to carry pathology and genetics.

Damaged from direct answers and deputy director of the Health Department Julia Arsenin. She again raised the topic of checks on this occasion, once again stating that "A number of checks have already been completed"but so far in the Department "Instructions on violations when assisting Anne Bobiovkov have not been received.".

Department of Health Department Yulia Arsenina

Today, inspections are conducted by both independent experts and the Health Department. A number of checks have already been completed. To date, the Department of Instructions on Violations, when assisting, Anna Bobinov did not receive. Despite the fact that there are no such conclusions yet, we are interested in this case to be disassembled, and all the inspection materials are transferred to the bodies that are now a criminal case, Arsenina said.

Do you hear yourself now? You said, no violations were detected. The husband still has no paper with a diagnosis in two months in two months, - a question from the studio.

The fact that Sergey says it is not quite true, - answered the official.

The leader intervened in the conversation. He asked him directly that Bobin's complications were.

Anna had postpartum bleeding, "Arsenina uttered confused.

And what is the complications? - Write a lead.

You will not specifically tell you the answer to your question, "Department of Health Department said.

Galina Fomina with spouse

During the discussion, the word was given and patients of the perinatal center. Some told how everything is fine there, and thanked doctors. And Galina Fomin from Suzdal, with which there was practically the same thing that with Bobkov, with tears in his eyes he told her story. Nadezhda Tumanova reacted, they say, the Frunzensky District Court of the city of Vladimir on the basis of an examination established the correctness of the doctors. Fomina's husband did not bother:

First, this decision is appealed. Secondly, the examination was made on lime copies of medical documents. None of the original in the expert institution did not receive, the spouse bluled and compared the cases of Anna and Galina: - Shelfska she (Galina Fomin - Ed.) Lyed, bleeding. Not a single person was around. Is it so followed by patients? Most likely, Anya lasted there an hour or two, how much did it be left there?

Opinions of the audience were divided when discussing. Someone called what happened "Negligence" Doctors, others argued that complications for childbirth can even be in healthy women. Although childbirth is just, according to Okusharki Yakushevaya and the chief physician of Tumanova, passed "fine". To determine exactly, by whose fault there was a tragedy, according to Sergey Plaksina, only the Investigative Committee may only.

Why do I personally do not believe check? Because all the documents are in their hands. They have my wife, I have nothing. They can in any way manipulate these documents. The only test that I believe is the Investigation Committee, because only the Investigation Committee may establish that my wife's signature fake, for example. Only the Investigation Committee may interrogate doctors and find contradictions who are lying, and whoever says, "Vladimita summed up.

Anna Bobykov after childbirth in the Vladimir regional perinatal center fell into someone and in five months died. Her husband Sergei Plaksina deeply shocked the death of his wife, who was completely healthy before entering the hospital.

No less strongly shocked a collision with a Russian health care system. According to Plaksina, the chief physician of the Vladimir regional perinatal center Nadezhda Tumanova and the head of the Health Department of the Vladimir Region, Alexander Kiryukhin, prevented the investigation of the death of Anna in all possible ways. Officials hid the details of the death of a young mother and inactive in response to the appeals of Plaksina. He decided to do everything possible to learn the truth about the death of his wife and punish the perpetrators.

Plaquin created a community in the social network "VKontakte", which entered 15,000 affected patients and their relatives. Plaksine has already received thousands of evidence of criminal negligence in the field of health care from the residents of Vladimir and other cities. At the beginning of September of this year, Plaksin spent a rally in Vladimir "for high-quality medicine." In the near future plans to collect another rally demanding to dismiss Tumanov and Kirukhin. In an interview with Radio Liberty, Sergey told how non-professionalism and indifference officials made from the apolitical man in the civil activist.

- I did not want to be a civil activist. I have never been interested in politics. And the doctors almost never appealed, only the teeth treated in a private clinic. I worked as a programmer in a large company, earned well, could afford not to deal with state medicine. Then he met Any, the best woman in the world, bought a house in the Vladimir region, married. Shortly after the wedding, Anya became pregnant. I wanted one thing: calmly live in my house with a beloved woman and raise children. But the death of Ani and the criminal behavior of officials of the health care system changed my life.

- Why do you think Anna died because of a medical error?

"Anya stood in the female consultation, he constantly visited the doctor, felt fine. She regularly did an ultrasound and performed all the recommendations of the physicians. Doctors said that the pregnancy passes almost perfectly. A week before the birth of Anya lay down in the Vladimir Regional Perinatal Center. I came to visit her, during the meeting my wife told me that the tests are good, the well-being is excellent. The ninth of June, before the holidays, Anya said that it was early in the morning to give birth. I waited for a call all day, then I called the hospital myself. I was answered that the son was born, and Ani after childbirth had little bleeding and she was sleeping now. In the morning I went to the hospital. I waited a few hours the chief doctor, because other health workers were afraid to watch me even in the eyes. The chief doctor Nadezhda Tumanova explained that his wife successfully made an operation. Anya cannot speak on the phone, because it is under anesthesia, and an hour later she will be lucky to the Vladimir regional clinical hospital for the purification of the kidneys. What kind of separation, the chief doctor did not explain.

He shouted that "works with what he was brought"

Late in the evening I found Any in the intensive care of this hospital. I sat in the corridor and waited a long time, no one went out to me. Nurses regretted me and spent a doctor to the duty officer. He said that Anya in Koma, her kidney refused. The doctor in the Khamian manner said that he did not know how my wife was in such a state. He shouted that "works with what they were brought." In this hospital, I have many times Hamili, I turned out. I never worry and not Haml, even in crisis situations, I keep myself in my hands. I was not allowed to be intensive careful to me in resuscitation, I didn't even look at my wife even from afar. Did not tell the details about the state of Ani.

- Tumanova explained to you why Anna fell into someone?

- She asked many questions. She especially interested in the parents of Anna hurt. I then realized that they decided in any way to prove that Ani had a genetic blood illness. So they wanted to explain the bleeding of the wife's heredity, that even my son was not given to me at first. They assured the Son, most likely, is also sick and it must be examined thoroughly. Then they petted me that the child of jaundice and his per month will be left in the hospital. I saw the skin of the son of normal color, and took it home. Five days after childbirth, without warning me, Any was taken to the hematological scientific center, which is located in Moscow, at the new Zykovsky passage. I first delighted. I thought that in Moscow more opportunities and doctors would help us. I came to a meeting with the chief physician of this center with photos of Ani and Son. I really wanted to thank Moscow doctors.

- For what?

They did something wrong and tries to check the traces

- For treating Ani. The first thing that the chief doctor did when I went to him, "the guard called. Said that just in case. The chief doctor refused to explain how Anya lost almost all the blood, because my wife banned to report to someone about her state of health. I thought it was an evil joke. But then on all my questions, officials of various departments answered: medical mystery. I realized that they had something to hide. They did something wrong and try to check the traces. In the hematology center, Any was sent not to save her. They wanted to find a genetic disease from my wife and make an Anya to the fault. I found out that the hematology center has close ties with the Vladimir regional perinatal center. Anya lay in this hematology center for several months. In August, I was told that my wife did not find genetic diseases, and asked to free the bed. The leadership of the hematological center wanted to return his wife to the Vladimir regional hospital. But I did not agree, because it is impossible to give the victim in the hands of criminals. At this point, the SC has already opened a criminal case under the article "causing grievous harm to health by negligence." I began to look for the hospital where you can transfer Any, I made requests to various medical facilities, wrote in all instances. As a result, I was invited to receive the director of the Department of Medical Care and the Children's Department of the Ministry of Health of the Ministry of Health Elena Baybarin. I walked to a meeting with hope: she will definitely help us. But Baybarina sternly said: Ani's prospects are not, it should be returned to the Vladimir regional hospital. And advised "not sprinkle", I still will not achieve anything.

- How did you decide to enter this hopeless situation?

- I love my wife more than life. I believed that she could help her, and decided to go to extreme measures. I spent a rally in Vladimir.

- How did you organize a rally?

- I wrote a letter about my situation in local Internet publications. In response, I received many messages from patients and their relatives. People support me and offered help. Then I created a group in Vkontakte for all the victims of Russian health care. She was very quickly replenished with new participants. When I proposed the participants of the group to hold a rally for high-quality medicine, I was supported. Previously, I thought that the rally was a flash mob to which people come with funny posters to twist at television cameras. But it turned out that the rally is a very effective tool. Many people gathered on my rally. We had a modest poster, with texts essentially. I gave the microphone only victims who knew personally. I distributed the questionnaire and handles during the promotion so that people wrote about their experience collision with arbitrariness in Russian health care. I collected about 150 questionnaires with facts, names and surnames.

- Administration of Vladimir without any problems agreed on the rally?

- First, the officials said they were ready to agree on a rally only if it goes to eight in the morning on a day off. I achieved permission to hold a rally at twelve o'clock in the afternoon. The rally helped me organize a friend Kirill Nikolenko. On the eve of the rally, Nikolenko called a man from Kirukhin and asked to warn that I was being tolerated only before the elections, then the criminal case would close, and I would shut up my mouth.

- He introduced himself?

- This man said that he had been working as a chief physician of one of the Vladimir hospitals. He knew well the smallest details of the situation. The calling from Kirukhina promised that Any would stop treated. He also said that if I or my close sick, we will not be treated, because not only state hospitals depend on Kirukhin, but also private clinics with which he issues licenses. With me and my support group will deal with the method of natural selection.

With me and my support group will deal with the method of natural selection

- Method of natural selection? Does the doctor say so?

- I have an audio recording that I was in the police and wrote a statement. The participants of my support group (young mothers mostly) also received threats from the Health Department. I recently found out that officials forced the doctors to sign a statement in the SC. I was tried to blame me in excitement on the Internet hatred for the medical community. A staff members of the Vladimir regional perinatal center told me. Private doctors and nurses sympathize with me, apologize, support, give advice. Despite opposition, the rally took place. I gathered a thick bundle of guidance certificates in Vladimir hospitals and went to Moscow. I relateed to them in the Ministry of Health, the Presidential Administration, the Prosecutor's Office, the Public Chamber, the Investigative Committee, where could only. And achieved the result. In October, the Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova wrote an order to transfer Any to the Clinical Hospital No. 119 in Khimki. It serves Roscosmos workers.

There for the first time they communicated with me humanly. Doctors answered in detail my questions, sympathized. I found out that Anya in hospitals became infected with various infections. A few days after the translation into the clinic Roscosmos Anya died. An opening was made by the employees of the SC. The case retrained on the article "causing death by negligence." Stranger came to the funeral and the funeral and begged me to punish me guilty of the death of his wife. In the "personal" wrote victims of Russian medicine and told their stories. One is terrible than another.

Stranger came to the funeral and funeral and begged me to punish me guilty of the death of his wife

For example, in the Vladimir regional perinatal center, the health of 19-year-old Galina Fomina was wanted. Gali after delivery has a bleeding, and she lost consciousness in the maternity chair. There were no doctors near. A neighbor in the ward saw that Galya dies. The girl began to call for the rescue. Gali was saved, but she could no longer have children. Galya told that papers were brought to the signature and signed up for it. I have a lot of evidence that corruption is flourishing in state medicine. Even Anya told that in the Vladimir regional perinatal center, women are offered to put fifteen thousand rubles to the doctor in a pocket for "human relation". Anya banned me to give the doctors money, because it is not good to encourage extortion.

- What do you think, what is the reason for this situation? For example, the Health Minister Veronika Skwortsov explains many problems in Russian medicine "shamelessly low education in medical universities." Almost the same says the Deputy Mayor of Moscow on social development Leonid Provnikov. And the doctors who in 2014 went to the rallies "for decent medicine" in Moscow and other cities, are confident that in the collapse of health care officials who are interested in the "profitability" and "turnover" of Koyki more than the health of people.

- I think the problem is in the system. Officials live in their own state, they cover each other and feel unpunished. Private doctors and nurses, on the one hand, the same victims of this system as patients. On the other hand, doctors and teachers are the main force that affects the election results. It is no secret that state budgets are driven by rallies. For example, on the second day after the birth of a wife, I could not get through to doctors, because they were at a rally in honor of Independence Day. The girls who were with Anja in the same Chamber told me that the eve of the rally and holidays doctors stimulated childbirth in women. Probably, my wife also. And we are still to blame. We knew about lawlessness, but inactive, because until a certain point, we didn't touch us directly. Many of the victims of unscrupulous officials and doctors tried to fight, but did not achieve anything, because they did not stand the pressure, they were tired, the money ended. Officials, apparently, thought that I would hang member too, I would get a million senseless unsubscribe and stop. But I will not surrender. My son is growing. He once asks me, why his mother died. I want to do everything possible so that such tragedies do not repeat so that doctors do not take bribes to make officials do not list and send unsubscribes. Khamsky mockery unsubsions.

I will not give up until I break this system

"This year, the birth rate increased by a third of the percentage, and mortality declined by a third percent" - that's what they write in response to the requirement to understand the situation that caused the patient's death. In general, before the new year I plan to hold a rally for the resignation of Tumanova and Kirukhin. I have hundreds of evidence of violations in the perinatal center, thousands - in other medical institutions of Vladimir. Many people count on me, and I will not let them down.

It so happened that because of the personal tragedy you became the leader of the natural movement of the affected patients. Are you planning to further defend the rights of the victims of medical errors, corruption in medicine and the inaction of officials?

- I still have a specific goal: to remove officials and doctors from the health care of the Vladimir region, which I consider guilty of the death of my wife. I am not a politician, I do not know how to speak and speak, but I can act. And I am a good programmer, my brains are sharpened to effectively solve problems in spite of everything. Of course, I will share experiences with people who need help. My lawyer already helps other victims for free. Different people also help me. For example, the director of the ritual agency did not take a penny for the funeral Ani. He did not know me personally, just heard that it happened to us. I realized that in Russia there are a lot of good, not indifferent people. But no official brought the condolences to our family.

The Department of Health of the Vladimir region refused to promptly provide Radio Freedom's comments. The chief physician of the Vladimir Regional Perinatal Center Nadezhda Tumanova also did not tell us his version of events.