Centralized Testing Biology Test Collection Year

Centralized Testing Biology Test Collection Year
Centralized Testing Biology Test Collection Year

Testing Center of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation


Options and answers are centralized (applicant)testing

Manual for testing for testing

BBK 74.202.5 UDC 37.1 m20

Tests. Biology. Options and Answers of Centralized (Applicant) Testing - M.: Testing Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 2004.

Collection "Tests" (options and responses of centralized (applicant) testing 2004) - In the book, samples of tests used in conducting centralized testing in 2004 on biology and biology increased complexity. Tests are compiled in accordance with the requirements educational Standard. The structure of tests is given. There are answers for all presented tests. Dan brief analysis Characteristic errors in test responses.

The collection is intended for independent training of graduates of general education institutions to the final certification and entrance exams In universities, as well as to help teachers and methodologists, using the test method for knowledge control in their work.

ISBN 5-94635-190-7

Testing Center of the Ministry of Defense, 2004


Biology test structure

Test on biology № 1

Test on biology number 2

Test on biology number 3

Test on biology number 4

Test on biology number 5

Test on biology number 6

Test on biology number 7

10. Test on biology number 8

11. Test on biology № 9

12. Test on biology number 10

13. Statistics of students' responses to biology tests

14. Analysis typical mistakesallowed when performing

applicant Biology Testing

15. Right answers to biology tests

16. Structure of the test on biology-n (elevated complexity)

17. Test on biology-p № 1

18. Test on biology-p № 2

19. Statistics of students' responses to biology tests

20. Right answers to tests on biology-p


The most important feature characterizing russian education recent yearsis an attempt to use modern technologies To assess the learning achievements of students. This uses centralized testing mechanisms and a single state exam.

An objective assessment of training achievements is carried out, as a rule, standardized procedures, during which all students are held in the same (standard) conditions and use about the same measuring materials (tests) by properties. Such a standardized procedure for assessing educational achievements is called testing.

A properly compiled test represents a combination of a balanced test tasks. The number of tasks in the test on various sections should be such in order to proportionally reflect the main content of the subject. Use test tasks various workshould ensure equity different options tests.

Development of modern pedagogical tests is possible only if large number Test tasks whose properties are defined until the test of the test.

Centralized testing estimates the level of the preparedness of students on a rollerous scale, taking into account the difficulty and differentiating force, and incorrectly performed tasks.

When evaluating training achievements, the test center uses quite complicated mathematical models. You can familiarize yourself with them in the special literature of the test center.

The student's tested should know that the number of tasks performed by them ambiguously determines it. test score. Difficulties are true and incorrectly performed tasks can significantly affect the assessment of the results of testing.

Cited in the collection test materials and the results can be used as guidelines for preparing for centralized craving in 2005

Practical use modern tests Training achievements gives students the opportunity to objectively assess the level of their knowledge, as well as to determine its place (rating) among many Russian students who passed centralized testing. This service is in increasing demand. Every year about a million students participate in centralized testing.Over half of the state universities of Russia take the results of centralized testing as estimates of entrance tests. Tens of thousands of applicants who submitted to reception Commissions Universities Certificates of centralized testing are credited annually into state universities of Russia.

Technology and methods of centralized testing are widely used when carrying out a single state exam in Russia.

Structure of dough on biology Developers: Babenko W., Kovalev V.V., Manamshiana.

Editor: Methodist of the Testing Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Biologicia E.L.

1. Introduction Signs of a living, multi-level organization of the living.

1.1. Achievements of biology, biology methods, their role in the knowledge of the surrounding world. Signs of living. Organization levels.

2. Cell as a biological system.

2.1. Cell theory.

2.2. The structure and function of the cell (eukaryotes).

2.3. Features of metabolism and transformation of energy in heterotrophic and autotrophic cells.

2.4. Cell cycle. Cell division. Phases of division.

3. Organism as a biological system.

3.1. Reproduction and individual development of organisms.

3.2. Implementation of hereditary information.

4. Variety of organisms.

4.1. Features of the structure and vital activity of viruses and bacteriophages.

4.2. Features of the structure and vital activity of bacteria and mushrooms. Lichens.

4.3. Features of the structure and vital activity of plants. Manifold. Systematics.

4.4. Features of the structure and livelihoods of animals. Manifold and systematics.

5. Man and his health.

5.1. The overall structure of the human body.

5.2. Systems internal organs man.

5.3. Internal environment of the body.

6. Evolution (evolutionary processes in the organic world).


7. Ecology (ecosystems and biosphere).

7.1. Overganizable levels of living: Population-species and biosphere-biocenotic.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Testing Center

Test on biology № 1

Instructions for students.

The test consists of parts A and B (only 55 tasks). It is 120 minutes away for its execution. Tasks are recommended to perform in order. If the task fails to do immediately, go to the next one. If time is left, return to the missed tasks.

Part A consists of 37 tasks (A1-A37). A few answers are given to tasks, of which only one is right. Choose the sure, in your opinion, the answer. In the answer form at the job number, put the cross (x) in the cell, the number of which corresponds to the number of your chosen answer.

The study of the structure of enzymes is carried out on ... level.

1) Organize

molecular cell

3) Tissue


To enzymes belong


RNA polymerase

EPS is missing



amoebs ordinary


A4. From the presented mitose or meiosis schemes, determine the cell (cells) at the anatherapy stage of the first division of MEIOS:

Determine the likelihood of white colors at night beauties

when crossing plants with pink flowersIf inheritance

pink color is intermediate.

The nature of the inheritance of Daltonism is revealed ...

1) Twinsov


3) biochemical


A7. Only in plant selection use method

1) remote hybridization

2) nearby crossing

3) definitions of the quality of the manufacturer by offspring

4) polyptloidization

A8. Only nucleic virus acid falls into the cage

A9. To plants that are not able to grow without symbiosis with fungus include

1) Orchid


A10. Chlorophyllural parenchyma refers to ... fabric.

1) Mechanical




An. Overhead method of germination of seeds is characteristic

A12. For corn flax characteristic

1) development of Alteridiev and Archeganis on different plants

2) development of Archegoniyev and Anteridiev on one plant

3) gaMetophyt reduction

4) diploid spores

A14. For birds and deserts are characteristic of

1) strong bitten beaks

2) beak with transverse horny plates

3) long tail

4) long muscular legs

A16. The circulatory system at the grape snail has

1) two atrium and one ventricle

2) one atrium and one ventricle

3) one atrium and two ventricles

4) three atrium and one ventricle

A17. Ventilation of the lungs of U. bats happens at the expense

1) lifting and lowering wings

2) lifting and lowering the sternum

3) reducing intercostal muscles

4) cuts of intercostal muscles and diaphragms

A18. Caring for the offspring is shown

1) Prudoviki

3) Octopus


slues of rivalmen



representatives: Two individuals of a novelty lizard, one part of the cobra,

two individuals of viper, two individuals of the Nile crocodile?



in the process


for the first time appears)

1) salivary glands

2) bladder

3) cerebellum

paired limbs

A21. Tangible harm to man can bring


A22. The main brain fabric as an organ ... fabric.

1) Epithelial

2) nervous

3) Muscular

4) Connecting

Biology is a thin science, requiring adhesiveness and good memory from applicants. In order not to let the eyes on unfamiliar terms in the tests, competently system is self-preparation. Give several tips how to do it.

Composition plan

It may seem that the CG on biology has little in common school program, but everything is just the opposite. Excess tests of tests do not add. Applicants, which for 6-11 classes carefully listened to the teachers and did not throw biology textbooks to the far box, can quite successfully pass testing, preparing independently. But such units. To replenish gaps, it will be necessary to systematically stitched the theory. To make out the plan using the "Test Specification" Biology "to conduct centralized testing." It will help to decide how much time you need to devote biology, on what themes to take more hours, where to undergo practices.

Tasks in the tests, although they coincide with the school program, it is still a lot of study in preparation. Then the question is how biology is taught at school. Teachers may not give all the information that is provided for by compilers of the program, so the student seems that the tasks in the CT is something incredible.

Maria Kazakova, Biology teacher

Use a special benefit to prepare for the CT edited by Nikolai Lisov and Lilies Kamluk "Biology. Full school Course»


Note that in addition to the knowledge of the theory, the skill solving problems will be useful. For the correct answer in part B you will get a high score. For training, contact the service, make tests from the collections, look at Dovariators. Attend the stages and learn.

Use illustration

To remember, for example, the structure of the body of crustaceans or human heart, consider various schemes and tables. They are always in textbooks. Also on the Internet, there is a colorful infographics. Do not be lazy to make your own drawings. Combining memory types will certainly help cope with a large amount of information.

Be rational

If the material was useful for you, do not forget to put "I like" in our social networks

The main purpose of this book is to help high school students (applicants) to systematize their knowledge and prepare for central testing According to biology. The manual contains brief theoretical information, questions for self-control and training tasks approximate to central testing tests. At the end of the book, the keys to all tasks are given. It is addressed to high school students, applicants, teachers.

The diversity of the organic world.
Classification of living organisms.
Systematics - Science, describing and classifying organisms, distributing them by groups - taxa, help in a huge variety of living organisms. Taxonomy - section of the systematics, the doctrine of the coencing of taxonomic categories of different rank. Taxonomic category is a group of organisms combined related connections and having a number of general signs.

As you know, the first scientific system of wildlife created the Swedish naturalist K. Linney, which put two principles: binary nomenclature and hierarchy. In accordance with the binary nomenclature, each species is called two words, including the name of the genus to which belongs this speciesAnd his species epithet. The principle of hierarchyness, or cooding, means that related species are combined into childbirth, childbirth - in the family, families in the detachments (orders of plants), detachments - in classes, classes - in types (areas in plants), types in kingdoms. The main systematic unit is the view. Generally accepted system organic World So far, not created.

Section 1. Mature of the Organic World
Classification of living organisms
Personal forms of life
Milestone Organisms (prokaryotes)
General characteristics of plants
Fernicoid, horsages and plane-shaped
Coated bridge. general characteristics
Fabrics of flowering plants
Vegetative organs of flowering plants. Root
The escape. Kidney - successful escape
Valid shoots
Vegetative reproduction of plants
Flower. Inflorescences. Fruit
Seeds and seedlings
General characteristics of animals and their diversity
Flat worms
Round worms
Killed worms
Section 2. Man Biology
General overview of the structure of the body of a person
Nervous system
Analyzers and their meaning
Higher nervous activity
Endocrine glands
The development of the human body
Section 3. General Biology
General Biology - section of biology that studies common laws of living
Cell - Structural and Functional Unit of Life
The metabolism and energy exchange is the base of the cellularity of the cell
Reproduction of cells
Reproduction and individual development of organisms
Patterns of heredity
Variability of organisms, its types
Selection, its main achievements and methods. The main directions of biotechnology
Evolution of live systems
View and its criteria. Population - elementary unit of evolution
Driving forces of evolution. Adaptation
The main directions of the evolutionary process
Evolution of man.
The interaction of organisms with the environment. Environmental factors.
Life environment
Populations, communities, ecosystems
Ecological problems. Rational use natural resources. Protected areas

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