Typical mistakes in job interviews. What shouldn't be said? How do you prepare for the interview? Common interview mistakes

Typical mistakes in job interviews. What shouldn't be said? How do you prepare for the interview? Common interview mistakes

Every person has been interviewed at least once in their life. In search of work, people go through dozens of companies, fill out questionnaires and answer questions from managers. However, few people analyze their mistakes in interviews. If you once again did not wait for a call from a potential employer, then it is time to identify the mistakes you make during the interview.To help you in this difficult matter, here are the ten most common mistakes people make when talking with potential bosses.

The first impression of you will be ruined by any delay for an interview. And the more solid the organization, the lower the chance of your further employment.Such a mistake of a job seeker makes the manager doubt his responsibility and punctuality, how will he then come to work and meet with business partners. Of course, no one seeks to be late for an interview, this is due to external factors (unfamiliar area, traffic jams), but this cannot justify the future employee.

Tip: after making an appointment, use the internet map to find out how to get to the appointed place. Always have half an hour in stock, this will allow you to avoid being late if you get stuck in a traffic jam. If it is impossible to avoid being late, call and warn that you are late.

Wrong clothing style

By the way a person is dressed, one can judge his character and business qualities. We are not even talking about the dress code, which, by the way, is present in many large organizations. The ability of a person to dress for a business meeting, which is an interview, means his understanding of the status of the organization. This does not mean that the applicant should be wearing a strict business suit, you just need to avoid colored T-shirts, ripped jeans and open shoes.

Negative stories about past work

Leaders will not stop at your candidacy if you throw mud at a past employer. After all, tomorrow you can tell the same story about him.

Even if you were deceived by the past boss, did not receive a salary from him, lost all your health in this job - do not say this in an interview.When asked about previous work experience, it is best to talk about your responsibilities, completed projects and experience gained. The reason for leaving must also be true, but not harsh.It is better to say that you did not find a common language with your superiors or did not agree on opinions, or did not see any further prospects in the work in the same place.


Before each interview, you need to simulate the process in your head. What questions are usually asked? Write them down and find the answers to them.Read the information about the company you are applying for. Study their site, write down the questions that concern you.For example, it can be phrases: “… I saw a service on your site”, or “… if I'm not mistaken, you have been on the market for ten years, tell me…”. Leaders usually respond positively to the candidate's awareness and their interest in the common cause of the company. A person's indifference is usually assessed as his uncertainty (no matter where to work, as long as they get paid), such personnel are not needed in serious structures.

Errors in business communication

There is a category of people who are not aware of the principles of business communication. They incorrectly greet the future boss (they stretch out their hand, say “hello” or “hello” instead of “hello”, “good afternoon”), do not look at the interlocutor, they say little... This pushes the interviewer away from the potential employee, makes him doubt the intellectual and ethical level of the candidate.

It is best to behave with restraint but confident. Answer the questions in detail, avoiding life stories, maintain a conversation, show your interest in the chosen vacancy.

Advice: turn off or set your mobile phone to vibration mode, nothing should distract you during the interview.

Loquacity and excessive looseness

Executives are usually looking for a middle ground by sweeping aside both taciturn and chatty job seekers. The problem with a person with excessive zeal for conversation is that he usually distracts his colleagues with jokes, stories about the evening spent, or (which is generally not acceptable) singing. Of course, there are vacancies for which a "hanging tongue" is extremely necessary, but even there it will have to be held.


You shouldn't hide any moments of your life from your employer. It happens that when asked "are you married", a person answers "this is my own business." This cannot be done, since such behavior will lead to the idea that you will constantly be hiding something from the employer, including working moments.Therefore, try to be as open as possible and answer honestly to the questions posed, especially since they are not asked by chance.

Wrong answers

There are times when a candidate is asked to answer several logical questions. And he, in a hurry to answer, is mistaken over and over again.Such a rush to make decisions will not please the future boss; he would rather take on a thinking employee than a rush.

Tip: listen to the interviewer's questions, most mistakes come from carelessness.

Watch the reaction of the leader, raising the top of an eyebrow or rolling your eyes will allow you to realize that the chosen answer is wrong. Also, when indicating the important qualities for the selected vacancy, do not voice that something from this list is bad for you.

Personal problems

The candidate should not share his personal experiences with the employer during the interview... When a person begins to complain about the lack of money, the presence of children and sick parents, as well as to expose all this as the reason for an unsuccessful life, the interviewer immediately writes off him.The presence of so many problems, in the opinion of many managers, will interfere with full-fledged work. Plus, no one needs a whining worker, he will strain the team all the time and ruin the working atmosphere.

Refusal of test tasks

Some people refuse to take tests. For example, write your vision of the company's development, or steps to promote a product. They argue this with their genius of ideas, which in the future can be used without him. Give some examples of your ideas and say that there are a dozen more proposals that will be announced when you take office. The future boss will certainly appreciate it.

I'm sure it's not a secret for anyone that the first step towards a goal is a well-written resume. Today, there are many recommendations for writing it available for everyone, so we will not dwell on this, but let's go further.

The next stage of interaction is a telephone acquaintance and an invitation to a personal meeting with a recruiter. An important tip is to have a pen, a notebook and a few questions prepared in advance with you at all times, the answers to which can help you understand how the proposal meets your expectations. By clarifying the details and filtering out incoming offers, you can significantly save your time and the time of a recruiter.

So we have come to the most difficult and interesting stage - an interview in an agency or directly in an employing company.

Immediately I want to note that the interview begins from the moment you cross the threshold of the office. There is a huge number of recommendations on how to better behave at a meeting, in appearance, necessary accessories, unacceptable delay, handshake, non-verbal behavior, clarifying questions at the end of the meeting, etc.

A little research was done by the consultants of 3R Recruitment Company. To begin with, we have identified the 8 most common mistakes, which are the main reason for the refusal of a candidate by the employer. And then they turned to recruiting managers with experience in the field of recruitment from 1.5 to 6 years with a request to rate these points according to their degree of importance.

1. So, in the first place in terms of importance among the mistakes made by candidates and leading to subsequent rejection, HR managers named opaque motivation and exclusively material interest, when the only reason for changing jobs is money. This approach undermines the credibility of the employee, since it can be concluded that a person can go to the place where they pay more at any time. In addition, the employer is most interested in the employee who clearly understands the picture of his future development, determines the priority areas of the company and positions that allow him to approach the desired level of professional development.

2. The second reason for the refusal was the lack of logical explanations for the reasons for the change of work by the candidate - especially if such happened often.

3. Third place went to an unkempt repulsive appearance. It's no secret that every company has its own “format” of the ideal candidate, and the more informed you are about the employer's expectations, the more chances you have to make a favorable impression in the interview. Before showing up for an interview, you must understand what kind of appearance is welcomed in the company where you are going to work. As it turned out, many companies really refuse the applicant, citing his unkempt appearance.

4. The fourth most important mistake, HR-managers called "arrogant behavior, an open demonstration of the perception of a recruiter (recruiting agency) as an extra intermediate link and, as a result, disrespect for the interlocutor." No matter how super-professional you are, it is high time to come to terms with the fact that almost any self-respecting company has an “entrance filter” as a recruiting agency (permanent partner) and / or recruiting manager. And demonstratively dismissive behavior on your part is unlikely to help you pass this stage in considering your candidacy for an interesting position for you.

5. The next mistake is “the lack of a clear understanding of the prospects / directions of their further professional development. And the higher the status and position for which you are applying, the higher the significance of this item. For graduates and young specialists, a certain blurredness and openness to everything new, a willingness to quickly master new directions is acceptable.

6. In sixth place were such mistakes as “avoiding contact with the recruiter (unwillingness to look into the eyes, tightness)” and “incorrect statements about the current employer / bosses / partners / colleagues”, respectively. In such a situation, the candidate first of all discredits himself, demonstrating a lack of loyalty to the employer. The extreme degree of such behavior is the disclosure of confidential information, trade secrets of the company.

7. "The abundance of socially desirable answers, contamination, stereotyped thinking" - this is how HR managers characterized mistake # 7. This is often the case with an immature life position, a large number of recommendations and read material on how to properly pass an interview. But it will not be difficult for an experienced recruiter, using projective questions and various cases ("case" - a case from practice) in order to bring you to the "clean water". This is where the trap that you yourself created can lie in wait for you.

8. And, finally, the last place in terms of importance is taken by such mistakes as “ignorance of the employer company”, when the candidate who came for an interview with the company is not familiar with general information about it, and “low self-esteem, inability to highlight their personal contribution within a team / department / company ". This happens when an applicant, talking about his professional experience, speaks “on behalf of the team,” using the plural pronouns: “we succeeded, we did it”, etc. On the one hand, this can be regarded as a skill of working in a team, but an experienced recruiter will always ask the question: "What did you personally do?" or "How do you rate your personal contribution to the work of the company?" If the candidate cannot answer this question, it means that his contribution to the work was insignificant or he performed the function of a simple executor, without thinking about the role of his position in the company.

Listing all of the above mistakes that candidates make and which further lead to refusal of employment, I really want this information to help you better understand those aspects of the recruiting process that you should pay attention to when preparing for an interview. Of course, correct error correction will help reduce the likelihood of failure and achieve success in the future!

An interview is a half-hour or hour-long conversation that determines the fate of a person for the coming years. To get the position and the desired income based on the results of this conversation, and not from the gate, avoid ten common mistakes that job seekers make.

Mistake # 1. I'll come in an hour so as not to be late

Accuracy is the courtesy of kings as well as applicants. Ideally, you should show up at the office 10 minutes before your interview to tidy up your messy hair or slightly slick makeup. It is not worth coming earlier - the manager will not be happy to change his plans and receive you ahead of the appointed time. Or he will not be in place at all, and you will bring confusion to the work of the office: employees will have to figure out what to do with you before the interview.

You shouldn't come too early, but you shouldn't be late either. Leave the house early, after specifying the route and address of the company.

But even if you set your alarm early in the morning and went out ahead of time, there are still times of force majeure, due to which you can be late. A fatal mistake that applicants make in such a situation is that they do not show up for an interview at all, or they come running belatedly, out of breath, and justify themselves for a long time. “If for some reason you cannot be at the meeting on time, then you need to warn and apologize for the situation. It is best not to keep yourself waiting, but to suggest postponing the meeting to a later time, or to another day. "

Mistake # 2. I will put on all the best

In an effort to please the employer, job seekers sometimes wear the best clothes they have - a party dress or a New Year's outfit. As a result, such an elegant visitor can give the impression of a person who does not know how to dress appropriately for the occasion. Another mistake is to dress unassuming and unassuming. After sitting at home, sometimes some applicants do not attach much importance to clothes and appear for an interview in their usual worn sweater. The ideal option is to choose business-style clothes, dress elegantly but modestly.

It is very important to think over your appearance. The neatness, neatness and well-groomed appearance, of course, in a business style, will create a good impression and will attract a business conversation. Be sure to do the neat hair and makeup with which you plan to go to work so that the interview can also assess how well you are outwardly suitable for the job.

Mistake number 3. Silence is gold

Golden silence, perhaps, is somewhere, but not during an interview. The employer expects to receive answers to all of his questions at the interview. And it all starts very often with the bewildered silence of the applicant in response to the request: "Tell us a little about yourself." The request confuses the applicant: what to tell, where was he born, who are the parents, how many children? In fact, the employer is only interested in what is directly related to professional activity. And this is education, work experience and your personal attitude to the profession. It is better to prepare and rehearse a story about yourself in advance. Start with what education you received. Then talk about your most significant jobs and positions, focusing especially on those that have provided you with the most valuable experience. Your story should take no more than 3 minutes. It can also include some details about why you chose this profession, if the choice was really deliberate. You can also mention professional awards and achievements. And finish the story with a message about what your future plans are and why you want to get a job in this particular company.

Tightness, closeness in interviews is one of the mistakes of applicants. - Often, candidates are not ready to talk about themselves, or are limited to closed answers, believing that the data specified in the resume is enough. We have to "pull" information. The completeness of your answers will create a more holistic view of you as a potential employee and make a choice in your favor.

Mistake # 4. I didn't really want to

Sometimes job seekers are afraid to show how much they enjoy this particular job. On the contrary, they try to "fill their own worth" with pretended indifference. But for the employer, employees are very valuable who really want to work for him. If the interlocutor feels how much you want to get a job in this particular company, with what enthusiasm you look at future job responsibilities, he will certainly be interested in you. Your interest in the vacancy and work should be shown in everything, including the need to be willing to answer the employer's questions, to show sincere interest in the conversation itself when applying for a job.

One of the most common mistakes of job seekers is stereotyped answers to questions, lack of argumentation, answers not to the point. Listen carefully to the interviewer, try to grasp the essence of the question, avoid formulaic phrases. One of the main components of a successful interview is confirming answers with real examples from personal experience. A positive attitude and self-confidence will add brightness and help to make a positive impression!

It is better to prepare the answers to the prospective questions in advance and readily tell the employer about everything that will be of interest to him. Print the resume and bring it with you so that the employer can look into it if necessary.

Even if you are asked unpleasant questions, react calmly and with restraint. Jobseekers for a job with people are sometimes asked provocative questions during interviews to test their resilience to stress. If someone asks you: “What makes you think that you can work with us? Why are you still in this position and not growing? " and the like, - answer calmly and with a smile.

Mistake # 5. Former director - pig

It is a big mistake for job seekers to complain about a previous employer. You will definitely be asked about the reasons for leaving your previous job, and these reasons can be very hard-hitting: conflicts with colleagues, unfair treatment by management, low salaries. You may think deep down that your boss was a “complete fool,” but you shouldn't tell a new employer about it. The best reasons for dismissal are neutral ones: the desire to develop professionally and grow in careers, the desire to find a job in a larger company, the inconvenient location of the previous job, etc. Of course, these reasons must have a real basis.

When asked about the reasons for leaving the previous company, candidates sometimes begin to sharply criticize the previous management, which, of course, is unacceptable. Yes, there are conflicts, you should not keep silent about them, but this can be discussed in the correct form, without getting personal.

If you have to talk about the conflict during the interview, it is better to emphasize that the fault is a misunderstanding and you have made every effort to improve the relationship. Employers are very wary of conflicting applicants and highly value people who know how to avoid conflicts or resolve them peacefully.

Mistake # 6. I'm so shy

Excessive modesty is a hindrance to the interview. Say something like: "Of course, I have little experience, but I'll try ...", "I'm not sure, but it seems." and in other ways to demonstrate lack of confidence in their own strengths and professionalism is not categorically worth it.

It must be remembered that you do not need to praise yourself too much, but excessive modesty does not decorate. You need to realistically assess your strengths and weaknesses and, if necessary, name them.

At the interview, you do not have a lawyer next to you who could tell you what a responsible and wonderful employee you are in all respects. You yourself have to “sell” yourself to the employer, make an advertisement for yourself, tell about your merits. Of course, everything should be limited, try to remain objective and not over-exaggerate your achievements. To confirm your words, bring certificates, letters of thanks, recommendations from previous employers.

A story about what shortcomings you have will help complete the picture. Job seekers are often at a loss when asked about the disadvantages. But most employers ask it, so you need to be prepared for such a question. “I have no flaws,” - such an answer will create the impression of you as a person with inadequate self-esteem. It is best to come up with an answer in advance and name the qualities that will not prevent you from working in a vacant position as your shortcomings. For example, avoid reporting that you have a tendency to be late or procrastinate with errands. But it is quite possible to communicate, for example, that you are very emotionally worried about problems at work.

Mistake # 7. I like your paycheck.

"What attracts you to our company?" Is a popular interview question, especially in large federal and foreign companies. Incorrect answers: “I am attracted by the high salary, social. package, that work close to home. " The employer is not interested in your personal motives, he wants to once again hear for himself the arguments in favor of hiring you. Try to name the reasons that will show you as an energetic, goal-oriented employee with a stake in the company's success. For example: “I want to work for you, because I am interested in tasks at the scale of a federal company, because the new position provides opportunities for professional self-realization, I am attracted by the company's corporate culture, the style of doing business in it, and corporate standards.” In general, the more you show personal interest in the company and in the work, the better.

Mistake number 8. I will cut the truth-womb

Being open and communicative is good, but it doesn't mean you have to tell your employer everything. For example, you shouldn't tell him that your child often gets cold in winter and you have to take sick leave. Perhaps in the coming winter you will not have such problems or you will be able to involve your grandmother in solving them. And if not, then perhaps the employer will be loyal to your sick leave.

From the very beginning, it is not worth informing him about them. Relatives who need to be looked after, financial and housing problems, health problems - all these are not directly related to your professional activity, but can negatively affect it. Therefore, it is better not to tell the employer about your problems, otherwise you may not get a job.

If you do not know anything about the local corporate culture, it is best not to prematurely communicate information about how you build relationships in the team. For example, if you say that you like to be close friends with colleagues, this may not please a leader who advocates for strict chain of command. And vice versa. Of course, not only may you not fit into the team, but the team may not suit you, but it is better to get a job and try to integrate into a new team than not to get a position at all.

Mistake number 9. How much money do you offer?

It is customary to leave this question “for dessert”. Do not, under any circumstances, talk about the salary at the beginning or in the middle of the interview. It is customary to first discuss all other aspects of cooperation, and then - the money issue. If, according to your feelings, you liked as a candidate for a vacancy, the conversation went well, it is quite possible to ask a question about the size of the salary. Often employers themselves ask job seekers to name the desired salary. You need to prepare for such a question in advance: find out the size of the average salaries on the market at the moment, see how much salaries this particular company offers, estimate what income suits you. As a result, you should determine the range of salary acceptable for yourself and at the interview name the upper limit of this range, and if the employer offers less - not settle for less than the lower limit.

Job seekers should never be the first to ask a question about salary. It is better if a representative of the company starts the conversation about wages. Don't worry if financial issues were never raised in your first interview. If your candidacy is interesting, this issue will certainly be raised at one of the subsequent meetings.

Mistake # 10. The sailors have no questions

And applicants must have them. Employers usually ask applicants at the end of the interview to ask the questions they have. It is a serious mistake to say at this point that you have no questions. Your questions are an indicator of interest in the vacancy. If you ask only about salary and work schedule, it is immediately clear that you are only concerned about the material side of the issue and personal convenience. But asking about what job responsibilities you will have, how the work result is assessed, what is the plan for the month, what are the strategic goals of the enterprise as a whole, you show yourself as a professional. Feel free to ask questions. Be sure to take a notebook with you and record all the useful information in it. This will show you are serious about your work.

Another mistake of job seekers is insufficient preparation for the interview. Before meeting with the employer, it is imperative to find out in detail about the specifics of the company, the number of branches in it, the specifics of work, and if the applicant plans to move to a new field of activity for himself, then it is also necessary to collect information about this area.


If after the interview you were not immediately invited to work, then in a day or two it is best to call and clarify whether a decision has been made on your candidacy. If suddenly the decision turns out to be negative, be sure to ask why you did not apply for the vacancy. Ask for more details so that you can draw conclusions for yourself in the future job search. Sometimes employers provide very useful information. For example, they say that you were hesitant about your past work experience, that you did not have the necessary skills. And then you rehearse a more confident story, with a special emphasis on your skills and examples of their implementation, go for an interview with the next employer and get the coveted position from him. Do not make the typical mistakes in interviews, and if you did, you always have the opportunity to correct yourself at the next meeting with a new employer.

Even being 5 minutes late, you show yourself as a person who finds it difficult to plan the time or this meeting is not important. Both do not characterize you in the best way. All excuses - traffic jams, the door jammed, could not find a parking lot, there was no pass - are useless. Be guided by the rule: "we did as we really wanted." It was possible to leave in advance, avoid all these problems, look at the map in advance and not get lost, having found out that there is no pass, immediately call the contact person. Therefore, looking for excuses, a person looks ridiculous. Better not to come than be late. Of course, there are exceptions. If you called in the morning and asked to postpone the meeting by half an hour, that's fine.

  • failure to accept employer procedures

In response to a request to fill out a test or some form, the candidate begins to say that he has already done this, and shows dissatisfaction. Let's think about what the employer will learn about you if you behave in this way. Are you disregarding rules and procedures? This vacancy is not that important to you, and you are not ready to spend 20 minutes filling out the questionnaire?

  • negative attitude

To the recruiter's standard question: "How did you get there?" etc. Small talk about how you got there or what the weather is like today is used solely to get in touch with you, ice breaker, it is not an invitation to talk. The only correct answer is positive and short. You can ask a question in return, the question should be general about everything and nothing ("Have you recently moved? - if there are objective signs, or" You probably have a great view from the window "- if the company is located on a high floor).

  • inappropriate

It is necessary to find out in advance if the company has a dress code, and if there is none, then dress should be neutral. With a minimum of jewelry and daytime makeup for women, all parts of the body that need to be covered should be covered. The heel is medium, the length of the skirt is medium. I have heard many times that a highly qualified specialist can come in his pajamas, and he will be hired anyway. Usually highly qualified specialists think so, HR managers think differently.

  • ignorance of the details of the vacancy, poor awareness of the company's activities, product, services.

How many unpleasant moments could be avoided if I really studied information about the company, studied all open sources, knew everything about the product or service that the employer offers.

Interview mistakes that can let anyone down, even the best specialist:

  • use of jargon, abbreviations, non-business vocabulary

You are well versed in your profession, and you can easily find a common language with your immediate supervisor, but the HR manager may not be familiar with some details of your specialization. An internal recruiter in companies is a general recruiter who recruits sales managers, customer service managers, administrators, programmers, etc. Therefore, you should not try to "pass as your own" using "bird language". This may be appropriate for a second line manager interview, whose task will be to evaluate you as a professional. The HR manager will assess your competencies and soft skills, including the ability to build communication and convey information, so it is in your best interest to be understood.

  • illiterate speech, lack of structure in your story, inconsistency

Is an important part of the interview. You may be asked to talk about yourself, how you came to this position, and your experience. Your story about yourself should be consistent, with an emphasis on the right details.

  • lack of confidence in voice, posture, facial expressions and gestures

When you sound insecure, you look uncompetitive. This may be the result of shyness, constraint, self-doubt, or it may mean that you are trying to hide something, not completely honest. Practice in front of a mirror or with a friend to look more confident.

  • assertiveness, a desire to take control of the situation often looks like a "reverse interview" when the candidate asks too many questions

Even if you have a lot of questions, don't forget who is interviewing. You will definitely have the opportunity to ask your questions. This usually happens at the end or at the beginning of the meeting. When at the end of the meeting you are asked if you have any questions, the risks of “pulling the blanket over yourself” are minimal, since you are in a time frame. And if you are asked this at the beginning, be careful, limit yourself to the 3 most important questions.

Typical mistakes

Typical mistakes in interviews are 2 extremes: no questions or too "deep" questions. It is not yet known whether the candidate will work for this company, but he is already asking about what the recruiter himself does not know.

If the candidate does not ask questions, this is at least strange: either he knows everything about the company that is impossible in real life, or this is the company of his dreams (a large well-known company "on the floor"), or he needs a job, no matter where and on what conditions. Try not to look like someone in the third category. It is important for the employer that you want to work in this particular company, in this particular position, otherwise why all these questions about motivation.

When asking questions, don't go to the other extreme, such as asking how doing business in the Zimbabwean market after the 2013 drought. Such questions will not provide you with useful information, and will take away the time that the recruiter could spend analyzing your knowledge and skills. Do not deprive him of this opportunity.

What should not be done during an interview under any circumstances:

  • enter the meeting room in outerwear

If you were not asked to undress in the hallway, gently ask where you can leave your clothes. Why is it so important? You form an image in the perception of the person who interviews you in the first couple of minutes. And your main task is to create the impression of "your" person, open, ready for cooperation. Entering in outer clothing, you seem to emphasize that you have come “from the outside,” building an invisible barrier. You should be perceived as if you are already working here, because it is easier to negotiate with “yours”.

  • come in with big bags and packages

You may have arrived very early and made purchases in Auchan along the way, make sure that the recruiter does not see this. Otherwise, you get the impression that you "passed by."

And, finally, the most disastrous mistake is the candidate's unwillingness to learn the rules of the game. Do you prepare when you go to a client's meeting? And when you sell, do you prepare? I am sure that, yes. An interview is the same deal, a sale, and it would be a big mistake to ignore the elementary rules of the game.

We at the site have been helping in finding and getting a job for a long time and have noticed that most people make two main mistakes in interviews. Consider these and you will be able to make a better impression on your employer or HR employee compared to other job seekers.

Mistake # 1: Not Willingness to Answer Behavioral Questions

In Western culture, it is not customary to stay in one place of work for a long time. In the USA and English-speaking countries, good specialists always strive for career growth, choose more favorable working conditions. The only exceptions are Japan and South Korea, but even here, when promoting to a higher position, you need to pass an interview and test.

Behavioral questions are a common HR technique that is especially popular in large companies. Based on the applicant's answers, the HR employee makes a general impression of the person, his communication skills and reaction rate.

At the interview, you may be asked:

  • “Tell us about any non-standard situation at your previous place of work. What have you done? "
  • “Have you had to work with a difficult client or colleague? How did you cope? "
  • “What mistakes did you make in your work? What did you do to eliminate their consequences? "

Or a human resources employee will take an interest in any other situation. Your task is to tell about your actions, feelings experienced, experiences. When answering a behavioral question, it is important not only WHAT you say, but also HOW you do it.

What you need to talk about:

  • how did you perceive the current work situation;
  • actions aimed at solving the problem;
  • results and conclusions.

The main points that an HR specialist will pay attention to:

  • your reaction to the question posed;
  • consistency and clarity of speech;
  • the consistency and persuasiveness of the story.

The mistake most job seekers make is that they get lost when they hear such a question. If you feel embarrassed, slurred, or refuse to answer, you will be judged accordingly.

When interviewing for their first job, we recommend young professionals to prepare in advance a story about a case from student, school, family life. Remember what situations arose in educational practice and how you solved them. Any experience is important. The main thing is to be able to tell about something beautifully and coherently.

When answering a behavioral question, structure the story according to the scheme - situation, action, result. We recommend that you prepare answers to the most common behavioral questions, speak them out and be able to give a beautiful answer.

Mistake # 2: Perceiving the interview as an interrogation

The second common mistake in hiring is to assume that you are only required to answer questions from an HR specialist. But this is a fundamentally wrong approach. An interview is not an interrogation. Your task:

  • establish a relationship of trust with the employer's representative;
  • conduct a conversation during which both parties learn useful information;
  • make a good impression.

In the office of the company you will be met by people with whom you will work every day with a positive result of the interview. Therefore, first of all, set yourself and your HR staff in a friendly, positive way. Prepare counter questions for employer representatives to help you have a useful and interesting conversation.

The key to a successful interview is establishing a positive attitude. If the conversation goes smoothly and easily, you will gain an undeniable advantage with HR professionals and increase your chances of getting the desired position.