Interpretation of the meaning of Andrei: how affects fate. Andrei: Secret name; origin; fate and character; a family

Interpretation of the meaning of Andrei: how affects fate. Andrei: Secret name; origin; fate and character; a family

Name Andrew It happened from the ancient Greek word "Andros", which means a man in translating, it can also be translated as "brave, courageous, bold." In Russia, the name has acquired popularity after the adoption of Christianity, before that it was common in Byzantium. It was believed that the baby named Andrew would always be under the auspices of the Heavenly Guardian Angel.

Andrey - character traits

In childhood, the boy is characterized by high energetic and ingenuity. The little fidget can be worn around the apartment, and then sit for a long time and crash something. It has alive, a bright imagination - any bauble in his hands becomes a significant toy. Andryushi diligence is literally in everything.

The school studies average, actively takes part in the life of the school, the task obtained performs in good faith, coming to him with full responsibility. Does not tolerate injustice and always protects weak.

Andrey - Soul of the company, merry, "live joke"; He is sociable, wit, knows how to establish contact even with difficult people, and especially with girls. Such qualities as dedication, sociability will help him succeed in all matters. Andrei - a reliable and good friend, if necessary, will be accepted even at night, for this friends it is very valued. But if you offended Andrey - take care! Hello he does not forgive, although he holds the negative in himself.

In relations with women is inconsistent. Easily breaks up with one, and without remorse of conscience, and the next day it walks on the other. Andrey is the inventive and slamming lover, trying to please partner and often has several women at the same time.

However, if the representative of this name fell in love with real, he would easily say goodbye to the bachelor saturated life and enters a new family level of existence. For marriage, Andrei is looking for a lively and sociable lady, with which there is something to talk about, and not a primitive housewife, everlasting in a bathrobe and Bigudah.

Andrey - Compatibility of Names

To create a family, the owner of this name must be looking for Angelica, Alice, Valery, Antonina, Veronica, Alina, Galina, Dina, Larisa, Maria, Lyudmila and Natalia.

The continuing marriage can work out with Barbara, Olga, Oksana, Irina, Zoya, Victoria, Catherine, faith, Anna and Yana.

Famous people named Andrei

Russian Painter A. Rublev, Prince A. Trubetskaya, Poet A. White, writer A. Platonov, A. Goncharov - People's Artist of the USSR, A. Mironov - Talented actor, A. Makarevich - Composer, Singer, TV presenter and others.

Andrey - Interesting Facts about the name

- Planet Patron - Sun, Uranium;
- Zodiac named - Sagittarius, Cancer;
- Colors bringing good luck - steel, dark brown, dense-red, lilac;
- stone-charm - amber, amethyst;
- Plant - Fir;
- Animal - reed lynx.


Veronica 04/14/2016

My ideal man is concentrated in the same name - Andrei. While as a teenager, I had a relationship only with Andrei)) Well, somehow fate drives us)) And now, I again with Andrey, I think it's for a long time! Cool they, these Andrei!))

Anya 14.04.2016

I have Andrey Brother. About women - judged truth. If something does not like something - he will easily interrupt the relationship, for no matter what stage they were. And with the same ease - will find another girl. But this does not mean that he cannot have strong feelings, simply, you need to find that very much!

Brunette 04/14/2016

Unfortunately, I am familiar with another Andrey. This Andrei, I will not remember to help you, will not throw, for example, to take money. Maximum - you can expect a council from him, and more emphasis, he will do that you did not correctly and fell into such a situation.

In the section on the question what famous people are worn or wore name Andrei? Posted by the author Malorossky Best answer These are carriers known by nameAndrey (mythology) - in an ancient Greek mythology King Orçena. Andrey Crytsky (Rev. Criton) Andrey Cretsky - Author of the Spiritual Gymnias Bogolyubsky - Prince VladimirskyAndrey Ivanovich - Prince Staritsky Anderey Caesarian - Archbishop Caesarea Cappadocyan, author of interpretation on the book John theologian Revelations, famous for the namesmen of Arshavin - Russian football player. Andrey White (Boris Nikolayevich Bugaev) - Russian Poet. Andrei Vlasov - Soviet Lieutenant General, who has passed away during the Second World War to the side of Germany. Andrey Voznesensky - Russian Soviet poet. Andrei Grechko - Soviet military commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union. Andrei Gromyko - Soviet statesman. Andrey Zhdanov - Soviet party figure. Andrei Zvyagintsev - Russian film director. Andrei Krasko - Russian actor. Andrey Makarevich - Soviet and Russian rock musician. Andrei Mironov - Soviet Akter.andrey Mikhal Kon-Korchalovsky - Soviet, American and Russian film director. Andrei Soft - Soviet actor. Andrei Panin - Russian actor. Andrei Petrov - Soviet and Russian composer. Andrei Platonov (Climes) - Russian Soviet writer. Andrei Flovchi - Russian film critic, President Fipression. Andrei Rublev - Ancient Russian icon painter. Andrei Sakharov - Soviet physicist, human rights activist. Andrei Tarkovsky - Soviet film director. Andrei Tupolev - Soviet aircraft designer. Andrei Shevchenko - Ukrainian football player. Andrei Putkinchneider - Russian architect.

Andrei Planet Patron: The sun.

Colors favorable for the owner named Andrei: Blue.

Favorite color Andrey: Brown, dense-red.

Andrei Stone Talisman: amber.

The origin of the name Andrei

Andrei's name comes from an ancient Greek word, which means "courageous, brave." This name for Russia is of particular importance, because the Holy Apostle Andrey is the first called, whose memory is honored on December 13, is considered to be its patron.

According to the biblical legend, Andrei, together with the elder brother Simon (later the apostle Peter) was engaged in fisheries in the Galilee Lake, when Jesus Christ called him to follow him. According to other sources, it is believed that Andrei was one of the students of John the Baptist, he learned from him about Jesus and even earlier his brother was called for Jordan, for which he received the name is the first name. Both brothers were among the nearest students of Christ. After the Ascension of Christ, the Apostle Andrew went to the sermon of a new faith and visited many cities. Spreading the Word of God in Eastern countries, he rose to the place to the place where the city of Kiev is now standing. Here Andrey is the first-surveyed watershed cross, blessed Russian land and delivered such prophecy: "On these mountains, the grace of God will excite, and the Lord will raise a lot of churches here." In memory of the stay of the Holy Apostle, the Grand Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich in 1086 laid the church in Kiev, and much later, in the XVIII century in the Kiev Mountains, Andrei First-Called Temple was erected. In 1698, Peter I was established by the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called - the highest order of the Russian state. And a year later, Peter approved the Andreevsky flag for the ships of the Russian Navy. The flag field crosses the diagonal blue cross-cross Andrei of the First Called (according to legend, on such a cross, similar to the Latin letter X, took flour and died the apostle in the Greek city of Patras in 62).

Characteristic of man named Andrei

It is believed that the name Andrei gives a difficult man, but a rich character and, as a rule, an interesting fate. About Andrei can be said that, thirsting for physical and spiritual comfort, they focus on their sharp critical mind. Andrew is capable of not deceiving visibility, but to understand the problem or phenomenon.

It was noted that as a child, Andrew is not particularly different from his peers, moving in noisy games, although he loves peace. Sometimes, in addition to the usual school, he has time without much voltage to finish musical, artistic or sports.

Adult Andrei is characterized by impulsiveness and non-predictability, the ability to adopt an unusual solution, which is sometimes appreciated by the authorities, but it is usually an ambiguous response from colleagues. Andrei somewhat self-confident, egocentric, demanding. In marriage, he is jealous, which is why he has complications in family life.

In the world of nature The name Andrei correspond to: Plant - Fir, Animal - Cat. Man fir is noble, proud and persistent, little agencies of unauthorized influence. However, he may lose his head. And the cat as a patron of Andrei symbolizes freedom and independence.

According to numerologyThe name Andrew corresponds to the number 11 or 2, if we consider 11 as the sum of two numbers. The number 2 suggests emotional and inner concern that can bring a person to complete uncertainty or fanaticism, but the number 11 holds from this extreme, gives decisiveness, common sense and often helps rise to inspired heights.

Famous in the history of Andrei

Andrei Rublev, the largest master of the Moscow School of Painting, worked at the end of the XVI - early XV century. He participated in the creation of paintings and icons in the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, in the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, in Troitsk - Trinity-Sergiyeva Lavra, in the Spassky Cathedral of Andronikov Monastery in Moscow. Its icons and frescoes are striking the hill and spirituality of images, the perfection of the artistic form. Andreyov is typical of the possession of subtle artistic flames, such as Andrei Rublev possessed.

In the fate of Academician Andrei Sakharov, there were many steep turns, difficult and rich life proceeds by almost all media of this name. He was awarded the Stalinist Premium for the creation of a hydrogen bomb, and 20 years later - the Nobel Prime Mini. An outstanding physicist, three times the hero of socialist labor, Andrei Sakharov in the spring of 1968 wrote an article "Reflections on progress, peaceful coexistence and intellectual freedom", which changed his life. In 1970, Sakharov became one of the founders of the Committee on Human Rights in Moscow. Andrei Sakharov's protest against the introduction of Soviet troops in Afghanistan overwhelmed the patience of the authorities. The academician deprived of all the awards and ranks and sent a link to the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod). With the onset of perestroika, Sakharov returned to active life as a politician. Sakharov several times participated in the congresses of people's deputies, and then suddenly died.

Andrei Bogolyubsky - Prince Vladimiro - Suzdal.

Andrei Kurbsky - Russian Prince, writer.

Andrei Tupolev is an aircraft designer, creator of civil and military aircraft.

Andrei White (Boris Bugaev) - the poet and writer, symbolist, the author of the novel "Petersburg".

Andrei Platonov is a writer, the creator of a unique language and style, the author of the novel "Chevengur", the story "Kotlovan".

Andrei Starostin is a football player, the captain of the Moscow "Spartak" and the USSR national team in the 1930s.

Andrey Soft - the actor and movie actor.

Andrei Mironov - actor theater and cinema.

Andrei Smirnov - a film director, put the films "Belorussky Station", "Autumn".

Andrei Makarevich - composer and singer, poet, rock musician, leader of the Time Machine group.

Andrei Karaulov is a journalist, TV presenter.

Andrei Tikhonov is the best football player of Russia 1996, midfielder of the Moscow "Spartak".

Brief form named Andrei. Andreyka, Andryukha, Andryusha, Andrew, Andri, Andhi, Drew, Andhi, Andra, Dunda, Dreo.
Synonyms named Andrei. Andrea, Andres, Angeay, Onjy, Andra, Antero, Andre, Andrew, Ondrey, Andreas.
The origin of the name Andrei. Andrei Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Andrei is translated from the ancient Greek (Andreas) means "courageous", "bravery". There is also a translation "man", "man."

Christians have the most revered by St. Andrew - this is the Apostle Andrey and therapist. This is the first of the disciples of Christ, the brother of the apostle Peter. He was crucified in the Greek city of Patras on the cross in the form of the letter "X". This symbol was given the name "Andreevsky Cross". It is he who is depicted on the flag of the Russian fleet. In the Orthodox tradition, the apostle Andrei is considered the patron saint of Greece, Russia, Romania, Ukraine and the Russian Navy, and in the Catholic - the patron saint of Scotland, Burgundy and Sicily.

The very consonant name Andrei is also used - Andrian, many consider it one of the Russified names named Andrei. In fact, the name Andrian is one of the pronunciation of the name Adrian in Russia.

For the name Andrei, Orthodox names are indicated.

Andrey is always the soul of the company. His ability to quickly find contact with other people helps Andrei in life to make a good job. From the part, you might think that everything is given to him very easily, but in fact, Andrei makes a lot of effort to achieve results. And not because he is lazy or unfortunate, but because he does not believe that the results of their works are and there are consequences of their efforts. Some doubt in their own significance, understated self-esteem - that is why Andrei hides in the companies not to feel embarrassed alone with himself.

Andrei is endowed with a rich imagination. But, as often happens, his inner world is very complex. Andrei loves the company and loves privacy, he cramps to tap, joke, play, but also sit, think alone will not refuse. He is full of ideas, ready to share with everyone, then focuses and busy with a solution to some kind of task. One of his favorite toys is a constructor.

Andrei is quite calculating men. To put dust into the eyes, imagine everything in the world advantageous for him - often it is this ability and helps Andrey to seek something significant in his life. Andrei is not particularly standing out in the working team, but for some reason the boss always remembers such an employee.

Andrei is quite selfish, do not particularly listen to the opinion of the elders and the advice of others. They are unpredictable, high opinions about themselves and love to pay attention to themselves. And in this case, he uses all possible funds - jealousy, blackmail, scandals.

At the same time, Andrei sincerely cheerful and cheerful people. Rutin and life - not their cone. Andrei loves his family, but the values \u200b\u200bof communication for him on the step is higher than family values. Andrei is capable of disinterested help to someone else's person, but it happens that he has been to the detriment of his own family. Offended by him, Andrei does not forgive.

Many "Winter" Andrei prefer to choose their creative professions (director, actor, artist, singer). Of the "autumn" owners of this name, good businessmen are obtained.

Name Day Andrey

Andrei celebrates the name of January 27, February 17, February 21, March 7, April 28, May 23, June 11, June 23, June 25, July 3, July 22, July 22, July 22, July 22, July 22, July 22, July 22, July 22, July 22, July 22, July 22 August 17, September 1, September 19, September 20, September 23, September 28, October 4, October 5, October 6, October 7, October 15, October 23, October 11, 11, 11 December, December 13, December 15, December 16.

Famous people named Andrei

  • Andrei Prozoznaya (Christian Holy, was a student of Jesus Christ)
  • Andrei Rublev ((OK.1370-1428) Russian icon painter, canonized ROC)
  • Andrei Mironov ((1941-1987) Soviet actor, played roles in the theater, actively starred in the cinema. For example, starred in such films as "a crazy day, or the marriage of Figaro", "Three in the boat, not counting the dogs", "Diamond Hand "," Straw Hat "," The Adventures of Italians in Russia "," Republic's Treasury "," Beware of the car "," Ordinary Miracle "," Be My Husband "and many, many others)
  • Andrei Tupolev ((1888-1972) Russian and Soviet aircraft designer, world celebrity. More than 100 types of aircraft, most of which began to be produced. Organized the design bureau in the USSR, where the future prominent figures of aircraft - Petlevakova V.M., Dry P.O., Lavochkina S.A. And many others. His aircraft put 78 world records.)
  • Andrei Gromyko ((1909-1989) Soviet diplomat, state and politician, 28 years old headed the USSR Foreign Ministry)
  • Andrei Voznesensky ((1933-2010) The Soviet and Russian poet was one of the most famous poets of the 60s of the twentieth century in the USSR. In 1978 he received an international calling, won the Prize of the International Poets Forum.)
  • Andrei Sakharov ((1921-1989), Soviet physicist, participated in the development of thermonuclear weapons, in the future began to actively act about the termination of his test. Dissident, winner of the Nobel Prize of 1975 for the contribution to the strengthening of the world.)
  • Andrei Tarkovsky ((1932-1986) Soviet film director, screenwriter, his films are known - "Stalker", "Mirror", "Beware! Snakes!", "Solaris", "Nostalgia")
  • Andrei Makarevich ((Row.1953) Soviet and Russian singer, participant of the rock band "Time Machine", Active Member of Public Activities)
  • Andrea Bocelley ((Row.1958) The world-famous Italian tenor, popularized opera music, in his repertoire classic and popular pop works)
  • Andre Citroen ((1878-1935) French entrepreneur, created Citroën concern)
  • Andrei Bogolyubsky ((Um.1174), the Russian ruler, the Grand Duke of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, for its 20-year-old board significantly strengthened the position of his principality)
  • Andrei Platonov ((1899-1951) Soviet writer, his works wrote in the "awkward", "primitive" and "self-made" nature, which made them unlike the rest of the literature of that time, allocated him among many other authors)
  • Andrey Soft ((Row.1938) Soviet and Russian actor, owner of various orders and awards. Writes detectives. Known with his roles in films "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Farm!", "Dentistry's adventure", "Turbine Days", " Grossmaster "," Cruel Romance "," Garage "," Service Roman "and others.)
  • Andrei Arshavin ((Ry.1981) Russian football player, on various surveys more than once was considered the best football player of Russia)
  • Andrei Konchalovsky ((Row.1937) Soviet, and then the Russian director, wrote scenarios for 34 films, some of whom removed himself, puts performances and operas, author of books and journalistic articles. He is the President of the Film Academy "Nika", winner of Silver Lion ")
  • Angey Sapkovsky ((Row.1948) Polish writer, it was he who wrote a famous Saga in the style of Fantasy "The Witcher". His works were published on more than 10 languages, this is one of the most published Polish writers.)
  • Andreas Evdokazi ((1541-?) Armenian chronicler of the XVI century)
  • Andreas Prommegger ((Row.1980) Austrian snowboarder, twice became the winner of the World Cup in parallel disciplines)
  • Andre-Marie Ampere (1775 - 1836) French physicist, creator of the concept of "electric current", theory of magnetism. In the mechanics, he introduced the term "kinematics", also engaged in mathematics, botany and philosophy.)
  • Andrea Mantenya ((OK.1431 - 1506) Italian artist, collected works of ancient culture. He was a court artist at the Dukes of Gonzag, became an innovator of painting, wrote in his own, different from the classic, manner.)
  • Andreas Segovia, Andreas Segovia ((1893 - 1987) The Spanish guitarist, also writes music, his technique for the work of the guitar in modern times, made a guitar one of the recognized tools of academic music. Holder "Grammy", Leoni Sonning Awards, Ernst Siemens Prize. Got the noble Title Marquis for merits to Spanish culture.)
  • Anders Celsius ((1701-1744) Swedish scientist, studied meteorology, astronomy and mathematics, offered a temperature scale of measurements - Celsius scale, studied the Northern Lights)
  • Anders Jacobsen ((Row.1985) Norwegian skier, winner of the bronze of the 2010 Olympic Games in jumping from a springboard)
  • Antero Manninen ((Row.1973) Finnish Cellist, was a member of the Apocalyptica group, also acts in orchestras)
  • Onji Neff ((Row.1945) Czech writer, journalist, writes in fiction genre)