Assassin Creed Unity is the riddles of Nostradamus and what they will give. Assassin Creed Unity: Nostradamus riddles and their decision

Assassin Creed Unity is the riddles of Nostradamus and what they will give. Assassin Creed Unity: Nostradamus riddles and their decision
Assassin Creed Unity is the riddles of Nostradamus and what they will give. Assassin Creed Unity: Nostradamus riddles and their decision

Nostradamus disks in Assassin "S Creed: Unity Testernly connected with the main relics of the French brotherhood of Assassinov - Armor Tom de Karneion, which is kept in the weapon next to the headquarters of the assassins on the island of Sita, on the opposite shore of the cathedral parisian Mother of GodIn the center of Paris, you can also get through the cafe "Theater", descending on the stairs to underground tunnels across the club's hall. A brief tour of the weapon will hold a master Kemer, one of those who took Arno in the Brotherhood. He will show a strange mechanism and will tell that the armor was presented earlier only for special merit, but for several centuries they have been locked in the cage, and the keys are lost. In total, 18 disks of Nostradamus are scattered in Paris, which serve as keys from three doors in the weapon. Before collecting discs, the riddles of the Nostradamus marked on global Map Icons of scrolls (appear after visiting the viewpoint).

Riddles Nostradamusa Wear the names of constellations and planets solar system, And the process of gagging them looks like a cross between the search and in Assassin "S Creed 2. The solution of the puzzle with disks begins with reading a book with the records of a medieval astrologer at the entrance to the weapon, in which it is divided by thoughts about visions. All nostradamus puzzles are solved with the help of Multiple tips. Tips are contained in the characters to be found with eagle vision and scan the [E] key. On the map of Paris, only starting positions are noted, from where you need to start searching, focusing on the hints. When all the same symbols from the chain will be found, Arno will receive in the award. Disc. Search for symbols from one puzzle can be held immediately in several parts of the city, and not just where the first tip was found. If you approach and try to scan a symbol ahead of time, it will be inactive, so you need to observe a strict sequence and do not rush. investigation It does not stop in the case of the death of Arno, after synchronization, he will be able to continue from that step on which he stopped.

Tom de Kneeon was born in 1276 in the Republic of Mc. There was a rich banker and one of the key participants of the defeat of the first order of the Templars. During the arrest of the Templars on October 13, 1307, Philip IV was helped by Flemish mercenaries. After the execution of Jacques de Mole and his minions, Tom de Kneeon, along with Dante Aligiery, Marco Polo and Domenico, the auditor has spread the influence of fraternity throughout Europe, overthrowing monarchs and bishops. Died from the disease in Venice in 1323.

Location and Solution of Nostradamus puzzles in Assassin "S Creed: Unity:

  1. Mercury / Mercurius (Sita Island, Saint-Louis Island): The symbol with a tip is located on the wall above the stand with a book with a lard of Nostradamus at the entrance to the weapon.

    • First puzzle (Housing housing, witness-arrival witness, from a throne, like a lie, looks off from the top of the stairs): in the picture with a girl on the second floor of the cafe "Theater", opposite the stairs from the main entrance.
    • Second puzzle (Smoked sinners, such as we all, and in heaven, they strive, at the top of the unstable silhouette, indicates the city lying below): at the Flyugger with a roof on the roof of the cafe "Theater", above the oval dressing room, where Edward costumes hang on the racks, Ezio, Altair.
  2. Twins / Gemini (Quiorev, Saint-Marseille): The symbol is on the wall at the roof of the house.

    • First puzzle (On the outskirts of the capital, in the shadow of the wall, the swamp of sorrow is burning, lightning lights): on earth near the hibars on the swamp, not far from the group of agitated people.
    • Second puzzle (Where the dead rest is the last, look like a stone, and vigilantly guards stored, they are in death, as if in life): at a round fountain before abandoned houses.
    • Third puzzle (In fetid mud, where the dark stream meets his running mother, you will find your goal, at the foot of the old tower): at the base of the round tower on the embankment between the double-day bridges and the tournel.
  3. Venus / Venus (Louvre Quarter, Fady): The symbol is at the base of the tower, under the viewing point, on the roof of the church.

    • First puzzle (Built, dedicated to the Sun, the Square of the Brilliant Nobility, four walls were bloated by the tricolor, are now decorated with signs of freedom): on the statue Louis Xiv. On the Vandom Square in the central part of the Louvre quarter.
    • Second puzzle (Those who wish to step on the ELISIUM FIELD, first pay the dutin to the landpasses to pass through the Western gate, where the triumph is erected very soon): on the road before the Kareti's singer from the North-Western gate of Paris in the southern part of the Louvre quarter.
    • Third puzzle (The most magnificent tower, where the greatness came up with looking behind the subjects and the skies, the earth and the sun there are in iron): At the Tower of Medici, on which the cell for birds is installed, under the viewing point on the bread market in the central part of the Louvre quarter.
  4. Libra / Libra (Quarter Louvre, Tuileries): The symbol is drawn on the wall on the roof of a residential building opposite the Tuilery Palace.

    • First puzzle (Palace, divided by once, the fourth Henry united, the stone couples greet the doomed sovereign in his latest walk According to these alleys, the king, once a single, will be divided by the will of the people): between two pairs of statues over the main entrance to the Palace of Tuilery.
    • Second puzzle (The last beam from the Great Sun, lost his son, is divided with others, the rare, soldiers, authorities, bastards, are waiting for the falling blade with the sun falling): on Earth in front of soldiers in Eshafot, where the execution passes, on the area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution opposite the Tuileries Palace.
    • Third puzzle (Magdalena looks like a death never blinking eyes, indifferent and fixed, behind her king is buried): on the wall of the crypt on the cemetery of the church Madeleine in the northern part of the Louvre quarter.
  5. Aquarius / Aquarius (Quarter Mare, Tampl): On the roof of the house to the east of the guarded Tampl fortress.

    • First puzzle (The unfortunate man of Christ from the top of his stone dungeon sends his loyalty in the direction of Jerusalem): on the wall of the cone-shaped tower, under the viewing point, on the top of the Tampl fortress.
    • Second puzzle (The source of life with the cup-crescent is quenched by the thirst for the defenders of Solomon): at the fountain in the courtyard from the northern side of the Tampl fortress.
    • Third puzzle (In the depths of the earth between the flame twins found the last shelter, the first great Master): on the sarcophagus next to the chest in a secret room in the catacombs in the Tampl fortress. We go down to the central crypt from the northern walls of the Tampl, running through the catacombs, between the first and second pits in the ground there is a passage, clipped woods, followed by the sarcophagus.
  6. Virgo / Virgo (Paris, Saint-Denis Gate): The symbol is on the roof of the church to the northeast of the courtyard of miracles.

    • First puzzle (In the shrine of vices, the light and shadow are dancing. The scoundrel is hungry, he is a name that is sinned): on the floor in front of the bed with the Marquis de Garden in former house King beggars in the courtyard of miracles.
    • Second puzzle (Fallen in the mud dealed symbol, light sheds the fake king on the heresy): on a huge wooden cross in the center of the courtyard of miracles.
    • Third puzzle (At the usual intersection, where the decline in the price, the sadness of the seller was bloated by blush): on Earth on a busy crossroads with many shopping shops north of the Church of St.-Estash.
  7. Land / Terra (Quarter Mare, Arsenal): The symbol is located on the dome of the building east of the Vogzov Square.

    • First puzzle (Restored in his garden, the winged warrior is standing, fixed and indifferent in the heart of the cross): On a statue in the courtyard at home, where the first symbol from the riddles of Nostradamus was obtained.
    • Second puzzle (Now, she always leads his continuous battle, the right spear is scheduled for exactly in the goal, ready to hit the demons): on the roof of the church opposite the statue where the second symbol from the riddles of Nostradamus was found.
    • Third puzzle (In search of punishment, Ile Entertainment, a magnificent bishop, whose outlines of the Maores are spent on chess trunk): At the top of the tower in the center of the green maze on the side of the church, where the third symbol from the puzzle of the Nostradamus was found. This is the labyrinth, from which Arno and Eliza were chosen in the task of the "ambush of the Templar" in the 5th part.
  8. Capricorn / CAPRICORN (Paris, Town Hall): The symbol is hidden on the chimney on the roof of the house north of the Notre Dame Bridge.

    • First puzzle (The wise rulers facade face to stones that everything in the Blood from the execution, one day will shock, and everything is burning in furious fire inside): on the wall of the Town Hall under the exact review.
    • Second puzzle ("That will, it will be", - echo will respond, such is the terrible turn of fate, now there are no darkness here, but only break the neck every day): on Earth, the soldiers in Eshafot, where the execution passes, opposite the town hall.
    • Third puzzle (Oh a single tower, how did you stay alone? Here the path of Pilgrim begins, and Chimera wears scraps of memories, there are two of them: about atmospheric pressure and about alchemy): on the top of the Saint-Jacques Tower, where one of the Cocardians, north-west Town Hall.
  9. a lion / Leo (Paris, Town Hall): On the Tower of the Church, at the top of which is one of the Cocardians, east of the Tampl fortress.

    • First puzzle (Above gloomy shadows, the ancient bastion, keeps silence an angular guard, and his blood in the 9th month of the spill): on top of the carved square tower in a big shuttle.
    • Second puzzle (Victims of Herod in their immortal temple: I found a refuge in the stones of Alchemist. Krinkle in a silent, terrible dance of death): On the fresco on the southern wall, in front of piles human bones, in the cemetery of innocent, where Arno in the task of the "Prophet" in the 5th part killed the Templar Kretiene Lafrener.
    • Third puzzle (In the womb of the world, the sanctified deer is all waiting for the southern garbage to help achieve heaven): on the roof of the Western Corner Tower, opposite the point of review, in the Church of Saint-Estash, east of the bread market.
  10. Mars / MARS (Sieve Island, Sieve): The symbol is located on the chimney on the roof of the house.

    • First puzzle (On a peaceful field, littered with stones, the winged observer is waiting for a friendly look at the souls, looking for peace): On the back side of the tombstone on the cemetery opposite the house with the symbol of Mars, where the puzzle solution begins.
    • Second puzzle (The Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady looks at her daughters, one pressed between the lady and St. Chapel, where the face of the son turned to his faithful flock): On the stone bas-relief in the form of a head over the entrance to the church opposite the club between St. Chapel and the Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God .
    • Third puzzle (For the dofine blue ribbons, share the paths for the beast and man, the victim of the killer tested a bold deal, and got a city, the treasure lies under the mountain): At the pedestal of the Statue of Heinrich IV in the Dauphine Square behind the Palace of Justice.
  11. Aries / ARIES (Quarter Louvre, Tuileries): The symbol is on the roof of the house opposite the Louvre.

    • First puzzle (In the palace, once belonged to August, which became a shelter art and beauty, the days of the sovereigns count the hours - until the term, but not after it, Louis): On the clock above the entrance courtyard Louvre
    • Second puzzle (In the name of the spirit of the ideas of the king equality, a citizen of Rada is always in the royal gardens, where the Great Helios daylights the day of the day of the day of the day: on the lawn behind the monument in Pale-Royal, north-west of the bread market.
    • Third puzzle (From the fortress of destroyed stones, the consent of the place connects, in one - they united their minds, in the other - from the bodies of their heads of the sect): on the road in the middle of the bridge of the consent leading from the Bourbon Palace to the Revolution Square.
  12. Cancer / Cancer (Latin Quarter, Flabur Saint-Germain): The symbol is located on the chimney on the roof of the house behind the Cathedral of Saint-Germain de Pre.

    • First puzzle (On the church, which will have a thousand years old and more, three spiers reach heaven, and the truth is covered at the highest): on a round site under a viewing point on the top of the Cathedral of Saint-Germain de Pre in the northern part of the Latin Quarter.
    • Second puzzle (At the site for the rich, equipped with a Medici clan, a solemn foyer will meet only the greatest know): On the floor in front of the stairs in central Hall Luxembourg Palace in the southern part of the Latin Quarter.
    • Third puzzle (Kupper Knowledge, toy Angels, In the Garden of Life, a person knew an original sin in the garden): At the fountain in the garden of the Luxembourg Palace in the southern part of the Latin Quarter.
    • Fourth puzzle (Under your legs, the rich keeps secrets, the sundial count the days spent between the worms and bones): on the wall at the end of the dungeon, which lies a locked red chest and stands the Assassins agent to start the joint task "the head will fly." The entrance to the dungeon begins behind the garden, south of the Luxembourg Palace in the southern part of the Latin Quarter.
  13. Fish / Pisces (Quiervar, Saint-Jacques): The symbol is hidden on the wall in the arched pass between the house and the workshop.

    • First puzzle (On the Holy Genevieve Hill, my face with Roman features, the calling angels fly to my northern top): on the floor in the passage in the northern part of the roof of the Pantheon, next to two lifts, northeast of the review point.
    • Second puzzle (Looking for a halo, look for the rings inside the rings high on top of the building, with a city underlying): On the floor between the columns and the top round superstructure on the roof of the pantheon, south of the viewpoint.
    • Third puzzle (Pillars support my face with the dreams of people, square, and not round, they are covered with eyes): on the floor behind square columns, opposite the carts with hay on the busy street, from the eastern side of the Pantheon.
    • Fourth puzzle (My goal has changed, looking from the top of the Nef, as secular heroes come, replace with heaven): under the frescoes at the ceiling on a round carrier column inside the pantheon.
    • Fifth puzzle (The remains of glory lie in the morning of the front air, the greatest of the great graves of Voltaire): In the room for the oval hall in the basement of the Pantheon. From the entrance to the Pantheon, we go on the left or right screw staircase into the basement, we turn in the doorway, we run right to the round room, running it and immediately turn into the first room on the left, where the last symbol from the puzzle will be on the floor.
  14. Saturn / Saturnus (Sita Island, Palace of Justice): The symbol is located in front of a small statue on the embankment opposite the Bridge of Notre Dame.

    • First puzzle (In my possessions, two blade, law and justice are near, I am an hour for an hour with honor, for kings and for peasants): On the clock clock on the northeastern tower of the Palace of Justice opposite the bridge changed.
    • Second puzzle (Mother Ours in the heart of roses, silently, like a stone, so she looks at the flock, petals from light around our mother surround, petals - 24, look at how shiny, and take a look, as the Rose light shines at sunset): on statues in front of the central round Stained glass in the form of a rose above the main entrance to the Cathedral of the Paris's Mother of God.
    • Third puzzle (Stand up between two streams, looking at our mother, on the way from roses to the transput - the Pentague will help you, the arches are five and five nightmares - widely opened eyes, there will be a treasure: gates in infinity): on the second tier of the roof, under the external reference half airs, from the western side of the Cathedral of the Paris's Mother of God.
  15. Scorpio / Scorpio (Quarter Mare, Mare): The symbol is on the wall in front of the stained glass window on the second tier of the Church behind the Town Hall.

    • First puzzle (At the foot of the Saints Twins, the Tree of Justice hides ancient roots in the fear of heavenly anger): On earth, in front of the main entrance to the church behind the Town Hall, opposite the first symbol from the riddles of Nostradamus.
    • Second puzzle (The sanctuary of nee bishops, the citadel of great knowledge about life, the majestic building, whose name fools feelings): on the wall of the eastern tower on the roof of the mansion de Sans, north of the Pont Marie bridge.
    • Third puzzle (Square hundreds of names, replaced by a battlefield, on which the Vladyka was overthrown from the horse, now the bronze rider expects among the trees): on the pedestal of the rider on the Vogzov Square.
  16. Sagittarius / Sagittarius (Latin Quarter, Flabur Saint-Germain): The symbol is on the chimney on the roof of the house above the shops of merchants, between the cathedrals of Saint-Germain de Pre and Saint-Chapel.

    • First puzzle (Great minds are eager for the sky, southerners look north, four nations are looking for the truth): at the gold-plated tower at the top of the college of four nations not far from the ruway bridge in the northern part of the Latin Quarter.
    • Second puzzle (Rising Sun It looks, in the face of Robert's school, eyes are facing the sky, from the top of the dome): on top small Tower On the east side of the main Sarbonna building in the central part of the Latin Quarter.
    • Third puzzle (In the distance from the river, those who observe, look at the stars): on the floor next to the telescope on the roof of the guarded Paris Observatory in the southern part of the Latin Quarter.
  17. calf / Taurus (quarter of the House of Disabled, Disabled): The symbol is drawn on the wall under the stone bridge on the Marsfield.

    • First puzzle (Tree and ropes, send signals through the air - news to friends of the hat): on a platform under a wooden crane opposite the stone bridge, under which the first symbol is made of puzzle, on a mars field.
    • Second puzzle (Everyone should go through the gates leading to the war fields): on the column at the base of the arch on the Marsfield.
    • Third puzzle (The false idols give a presentation on the stage during the festival, the Supreme is the creature that he says like this: on a wooden platform under a huge tree, on which Robespierre played in the task "Higher Being" in 12 parts, between the Marse field and Military school.
    • Fourth puzzle (Thoughtful minds refracted the battles, through the shoulders of their angels they look at the field of war): On the roof of a military school from a huge tree.
  18. Jupiter / Jupiter (Quarter House of Disabled, Saint-Toma-d "AKEN): The symbol is located on the chimney on the roof of the house to the east of the Bourbon Palace.

    • First puzzle (At the top of the palace, where Bourbon's daughter lived, where the meeting and the bridge is being addressed to the south): Above the bench on the arch at the entrance to the Bourbon Palace, south of the point of the review, in the northern part of the room of the disabled.
    • Second puzzle (Rich and poor in front of the wheel of time, go south to meet the water of the river styx): on the stone support the wheel of the non-working water mill, opposite the locked red chest, in countryside In the southern part of the quarter of the disabled house.
    • Third puzzle (There, behind the obstacle, on the other side of the souls pass the bridge along the way to the southern lands): at a low stone bridge through the river in the middle of the village in the southern part of the room of the disabled house.

Solution of mysteries in the weapon in Assassin "S Creed: Unity:

After solving all the riddles of Nostradamus, we return to the weapon under the cafe "Theater". We insert all the discs into the control panel opposite the cells with the armor of Tom de Karneion, after which we open three locked doors that are levers.
  • Chamber of constellation (4 fragments): The first puzzle is solved by proper selection Pictograms drawn on the floor and on the poles. Each of the four signs of the zodiac corresponds to a certain constellation, which is exactly shown on the walls around the perimeter of the hall. When the door opens, we climb the columns to the lever.
  • Chamber of Star (10 fragments): In the second puzzle, you need to place the moving planets in the correct order indicated in the scheme on the floor - Mars above Mars, the earth above the ground, etc.: the left console - rotate the planet three times; Central - once; Right - three times.
  • Chamber of Tumanov (18 fragments): In the last room, the nerves will flush hot steams and curve control.

In the phenomenal project Assassin Creed Unity Nostradamus's riddles are a chain of additional jobs for finding special characters. As a reward for the fulfillment of all eighteen quests there will be a special suit of famous assassin. Puzzle appears as a verse, which indicates the location. Only when you find all the characters, the location of the legendary armor will open.

First riddles (planets)

Start in the game Assassin Creed Unity Riddles of Nostradamus with the need to visit the entertainment establishment called "Theater". There on the second floor near the portrait and there will be a necessary inscription. The following symbol from the list "Mercury" is located on the roof of the same building under the fluger itself.

The tasks of the Roman God of war are composed of three parts. The first sign can be found in the cemetery under which the mission was launched. Next - above the entrance to the building near the Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady. The last symbol is in the center of the Dauphin Square on the monument.

After that, you can start other riddles of Nostradamus (Assassins Creed Unity). "Saturn" is one of the most complex tasks In this way. It begins on the urban closer of the Palace of Justice, a few meters from the prison. The second sign is at the very top of the familiar Cathedral of the Paris's Mother of God. To find the third, go along the roof of the same building and on the right side under the arches will see the inscription.

Continuing puzzle

It is worth noting that the passage of Assassin S Creed Unity does not depend on this task. Nostradamus riddles are only an interesting additional goal. If the first three is solved, then you should go to the synchronization point near the Louvre. There will be the first symbol of the puzzle "Aries". The second is hidden on a small segment of grass for the pedestal of Helion, which is in the gardens of Pale-piano. The latter inscription is located on the bridge near the Revolution Square.

Go to the first planet from the sun. The starting symbol is located on the central monument to the king in the middle of the Vandom site. The second is right at the entrance to the city from the Western Gate. Third - on the bread market under the record point. The task "Earth" begins under the statue of the girl, and there is the first icon. The weapon in her hands indicates the tower, under which there is the next letter on the square. And the last symbol - on the tower near the plants labyrinth.

Zodiac signs (part first)

Many puzzles are called zodiac signs. Among the total number are not allocated in difficulty in Assassins Creed Unity Riddles of Nostradamus. Passage comes down to further search for characters in hidden places.

The list of "Capricorn" begins with the roof of the City Hall, then jump down to the square. The latter is at the top of the high building of Saint-Jacques, near the wooden floor. The "lion" begins on the first corner tower of the Big Shatle. After that, go along the roofs, right up to the cemetery of innocent, where the symbol is drawn on the wall. From here - in the other side of the city on the roof of the Saint-Estash church lies the way.

Quest "Virgo" is complex, because the first character is hidden in the crowd, not far from the place of death of the king of the beggars. From here, run to the center of the Palace of Miracles, and then - to the center of the main trading bazaar.

Zodiac signs (part two)

Further, in order to go to the Assassin S Creed Unity, the riddles of Nostradamus, you need to go to the Tampl Castle, where there is a synchronization point. There, the user will find the first sign "Aquarius", and the next - from below near the Bastion fountain. To find the third, you will have to descend into the catacombs of this fortress.

The task "Scorpio" begins with the square for the town hall, where there is a big tree. The continuation is at the highest point of the mansion de San, and you can finish the mission near the monument, which is located in the center of the Vogzov Square. In turn, the "scales" originate on top of the Louvre, right in the middle. The place of execution on the area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution is also noted by the sign, and the chain of tasks can be completed on the tomb of the king in the Madeleine Cathedral.

Zodiac signs (part three)

If you firmly decided to get legendary armor, then you will have to reach the edge of Nostradamus in Assassin Creed Unity. The task of "fish" begins in the right wing of the pantheon church (on the top of the roof). From there, continue to walk under the columns of this building, and there is an icon under the save point. From the bottom, under the square columns, there will be a continuation, but there is also the fourth with the fifth characters. One is under the ceiling of the Pantheon building, and the second is under the first basement door on the left side.

Quest "Taurus" is easier, because the first symbol is immediately ten steps under the bridge, if you run right. The second letter - on the column of the Marsh Field, the third - near the very high trees In the game, and the fourth can be found on the map (at the top of the building).

"Cancer" includes four characters. One of them is under the synchronization point of Saint-Germain, the second - in the center of the Luxembourg Palace. The last two are in the garden of this palace. One hidden behind the secret door of the entrance to the basement.

Latest missions

It remains to solve the last three in the Assassin Creed Unity Riddles of Nostradamus, in order to get the cherished prize. "Sagittarius" begins at the uppermost point of the Tower of the Institute of France, and from there you need to move to the Sorbonne Tower, where the next character will be.

The last one is in the observatory near a huge telescope. As soon as you take the next task "Gemini", a designation with a symbol will appear on the map. Run on the swamp, and from there - to the area of \u200b\u200bthe dead houses to the big fountain. The last sign is hidden at the base of the Tournal Bridge.

The last task remains "Jupiter". Icons are located: near the beads of the Bourbon Palace, to the right of the Water Wheel Mill House of Disabled and on the Bridge through the Small River.

We present to your attention to the passage of the addition, where we tell you how to pass complex steps and moments of the game. The plot of the game turns after the great events of the game passed, Arno, together with her desire to rebuild justice, turns out to be in the town called Saint-Denis, which is located somewhere on the outskirts of Paris. As long as the republic is torn to revolutions gradually increasing its former power and tries to strengthen the shocks, very disturbing hints for the upcoming plot worry Arno and soon it turns out in the Dark Catacombs Maze and the Dungeon Network.

Council First

Try not to pass by the chests that you will find, as you can find enough a large number of Gold (in the amount of 30.000), in addition to this you can also find the weapon.

Tip Second

You need to ensure that you have smoke grenades, since in this addition, they serve as an important part of the passage. You may attack a large number of enemies and the only way to overcome them all is a smoke grenade.

Task - 1: Burried Words

So, see the video from which you recognize a lot of things useful. You have to get into one crypt, in which you will need to get a very old monument for a very influential person. Get out from the bar and go back to search for the skills of kings (at this moment of the game, reserve different supplies). For a start, climb the most high pointTo synchronize. After that, you will learn your location. To simplify the task, you can play on the organ, subsequently fade all the guards, and in the meantime, you can penetrate inside the crypt. After you do everything and you find yourself in the crypt, then move to the iron doors and after, open them. Be in front of you, you will see a large number of most different tomb, but you need the very first on which the cross is depicted. Go a little further from the door and soon on the right you will find this coat of arms. How to open this tomb, you will see a small video. Immediately after the roller, get ready to flee to the next guard, keep in mind that he will run away from you. As you jump on it, the next video will follow. So, at this stage of the game you will have the opportunity to light up the lights, but at first you need to come up to the boiler and fill the oil lamp. Close to the top and show yourself on the surface. Soon it turns out that the path is closed and you need to find another way out. So, there is a secret output to find it, you will need to set fire to the two lamps and subsequently open the doors. Now you can get out of here. Your next goal is abbey. As will be inside, then go to the library, but in addition to this you will need to be extremely neat so that you do not find the enemies that roam. In the library you need to find a list of home Poirs. As you can find the subject, then as quietly, as they made their way, go out from the abbey. How do it, you can go to the next task.

Task 2: The Book Thief

Watch a new video from which you recognize that your goal is the last time on the mill. It is there that we will go this time, but first how to always rise higher and make the area synchronization. How to find yourself near the mill, then again make synchronization. Next, with the help of your ability "Orlini vision", find the passage to the cave. How to find yourself in this cave, move further extremely quiet and do not attract more attention. Moving on the network of tunnels in the cave is looking for a person named Leon. Soon a video will appear, and after it the battle with two maraids will begin. With the help of the blade, shake with each enemy. Next, come to the boy and tell him that you are from Margo (even though he will not believe you). After this conversation, a couple of Marauders will arrive, but already with the leader. Here you will need smoke grenades - throw it and kill all the enemies, including the leader. After the next battle, you need to open a cell in which a boy sits, then follow him. The boy will give you a gun, which will be more reminded by a grenade launcher (a little later, he will be very useful for you). So, go after Leon, in order to finally pick up the manuscript. On the way to the thing you will have a little and fight. On the enemies you can practice with your new weapon. After that. As you find yourself in a small room, use the skill "Eagle vision" and find the plates. One of these plates is located downstairs and to find it you will need to enable the lantern. The second plate will be slightly higher. As long as you get to the second stove, Marauders will attack you, so you have to kill them, besides this, if you have a desire, you can open one of the chests. In the open chest will lie about 30,000 coins. After you activate the second slab, then go down. Go further and soon you will need to go upstairs, already on the street. On the street, moving on the boy on the street. In the end, you still have to see a new video.

Task - 3: A Shadow from The Past

After you browse the video, then go to the girl. You will need to catch it up and grab. How do it, then another video will follow. After another screensaver, you need to go to the shelter to look for a boy.

You need to see the entire Poir's House in Basilica. Extremely gently rise to the basil and make your way through the window. Next, run above the stairs and in the end, read the records. Next you will need to find two relics of Sugarya.

Where to start to solve everything here, but we advise you far from running and climb further to Basil and start a new task there. The first thing you have to solve a small puzzle. Move forward, where else is the area marked green color And soon you will find a statue that depicts a goat. At this moment, the first part of the puzzle will be solved. So, read the continuation of the puzzle and go to the checkpoint. How to find yourself in place, then climb to the temple and see a small ledge on his front. You need to interact with a ledge. At this stage, the next puzzle will be solved. Move on and read the final part of the puzzle. Now it will be necessary to go down to the temple and go to the green area. Near the alert in the temple is the statue of the girl. Interact with this statue. Now you will be ready for the first relic called Sugarya. It's time to go to search for the second relic.

How will arrive at the next task, then read the beginning of the new puzzle. Go to the area that is marked with green. Please note that here you have to be extremely neat, as there will be a lot of guards. Near the mill is the tombstone, and over this coffin will be the decision to start your puzzle. So, we continue to solve the puzzle. Close to one of the protrusions that are on the wall and apply our "Orliny vision" on the wall and will soon find the solution of your riddle. Continue reading the final part of the puzzle. Go to the next "green zone", which is located near the wall. With the help of the ability "Orlini vision", find the cross, which just serves as a response to your riddle. At this moment you will find the second relic and the task will be fulfilled.

Task - 4: Raising The Dead

After browse the next video, then run more to the glue. How will arrive at the place, then rise to the basil and break the inside through the window. Move now further on the glue. Go down below and move to the reference point, while getting rid of interfering enemies, and if there is a big desire, then open the chests. So, at some point the new video will start. After the video, you will need to carefully wipe the rooms. As they say - "here you need to do everything quietly and on stealth."

We recommend that you first go to the room on the right side, but you can come differently. How to go into the room, then work with the statue standing here. Next you will need to solve a new puzzle and not leaving this place, look at the ceiling and see the cross on top. So, the first room is now fully inspected, it's time to go to the next room, which is located to the left.

How to get to the second room, then again you need to interact with the statue. You will be shown that you need to press certain buttons. The buttons you need to press not only in the correct order, but also quickly - if this is not done or do not do it, then the lanterns are nervous and you will not be able to do. To begin with, press in this order: 3rd button, 1st button, 2nd button and eventually press the 4th button. At this stage, the puzzle will be solved and you can get to the top.

And finally, it remains to get into the last room. Descend lower where else is located check Point. In general, you need to light the lights in the center of the room and interact with the next statue. Go to the lantern and up the button on the right side. You need to click on the button three times. After you press the button three times, go to the next button on the left side. There you will need to push it on it twice. Next, go to the next button on the left side and press it once. It remains now only the last - the fourth button on which it will be necessary to squeeze four times. After, get out of this room. Rather Rather K. next doors And soon you will understand that now you need to find the key.


It's time to get out of the crypt. Be careful because the enemies will prevent your babble. How to choose, then go to the next task and look carefully a new video. So, you need to go to the market, where with the help of the "Eagle vision" skill will need to find the specified goal. As you can find your goal, then follow it in such a way that you will not be noticed. As soon as your goal goes inside the building, then you must quickly look through the inside. Upstairs will be a window - through it and commit to inside. Inside, overhear the conversation, after which one of the soldiers starts to run away. You, in turn, you will need to pursue it. As soon as we catch up, start to beat it to the extent until it gives you. When he surrenders, he will start talking. After that, go inside the catacomb in search of the cache of Marauders. Note that there will be a lot of enemies, so it is partly from them to get rid of them. As soon as you find yourself around the cache, it is extremely gently passing to the chest. You have the opportunity to turn the case quietly and in general imperceptibly, but of course there is an option to do everything noisy and quickly. In general, you can only solve you. In any case, you will need to go to the area of \u200b\u200bthe excellent green color and find the golden chest there, which will be also designated on your card. As you can find it, then watch a new video. After the screensaver you need to get out of this cave. Carefully look for ledges that will be able to hold you on top. How to find them, then climb them. You can just kill enemies and use smoke grenades. In general, how to choose from the cemetery, then rather hide.


Return back to the crypt where you once needed a key. There you can start passing the final task. So, upon arrival at the place, look at the new screensaver. Swim up to the shore and take the lantern. Next, jump back into the water and swim to the opposite shore, because there you can replenish your oil lamp. How do it, then extremely gently taking advantage of speakers passing to another shore. Go up higher and tick the pressure plate there rather. Roll into your left and jump along a near stick. Next, you need to climb on the rock and jump through the fountain in the window. How to find yourself in place, then activate another stove. Now descend below and replenish your lantern with another oil. It's time to go back to the fountain through which you jumped, but you don't need to jump back, you now need to run from here to the left side, and there you already rise higher by stick. Close to the top and run a little further. As soon as you get to the temple, you will need to fill up Rose. It will not be easy to get to him, since he will have a ward array. But there are two options: you can pounce on it open or kill him secret. We recommend first to overcome all of his minions, and after you already move directly on it. How to come to Rose, then watch a new video, after which you need to run to it. At some point you will touch him a fight. Since it will help him, then we recommend using grenades to kill everyone alternately. In general, you can immediately kill Rose, so first kill his reinforcement, and after and it. In any case, a small video will follow.

After that, the video you have to solve a new puzzle. Complete to the doors and find four characters that consist of some sticks. There will be two first drawing pictures, there will be four in the second figure, there will be three in the third drawing, and on the last - the fourth, just one. In general, in the same sequence you will need to light fires.

Immediately after that, the guards will arrive with whom you will start the battle, although you can just escape. In the end, you climb the top and take the artifact. See the final video. Now you can only remain with the help of the ability to escape from this temple and at this stage of the game - the final! See the final titles, because at this stage the passage of the game is considered to be the end! We are waiting for your comments.

If you take any game that refers to the Assassins Creed series, then you will naturally be able to enjoy an incredible storyline, as well as various techniques that your character can do. You can run on the roofs, make incredible jumps, fight with crowds of opponents and so on. However, it is worth paying attention to that in most games of the series you do not need to follow exclusively scene line - In the open world you can move around own willing. This means that you have time to open and find a variety of secrets. The search for them is an incredibly exciting occupation, and in this article will consider related to Assassin Creed Unity Riddles of Nostradamus, about which absolutely all gamers say.

Bonus Content in the game

If you play Assassin Creed Unity, Nostradamus's riddles are most likely to worry. As you understand perfectly, they are not among the obligatory tasks that you need to go to reach the final game. They belong to side quests, but what will they give you? After all, the situation is as follows - in the games of this series there are constantly various minor tasks, but each of them can lead you to some bonus content, that is, new weapons, in later parts - to a new ship and so on. Naturally, in "Assassins Creed: Unity" is no less relevant, and here you can also take on various tasks to get a certain award or rare items. These tasks are among the Assassin Creed Unity of the riddles of the Nostradamus. But what will their decision give you?

New suit

Like any other by-Quest In Assassin Creed Unity, the riddles of Nostradamus will gradually lead you to something unusual. But what will it be? In this case, you can definitely try, let the tasks may seem rather difficult to you, but the award will be really worthwhile. The fact is that if you decide absolutely all the riddles, then you will be issued a suit of the master - Assassina Tom de Rioreon. This is an incredible suit that attracts the attention of absolutely all gamers. And by whether you own such costumes, other gamers can determine how well you have mastered this game. Why? The whole secret is that the fulfillment of this quest will take you a lot of time and will require constantly thinking and solve quite complex puzzles. High complexity and duration are those words that can be described in Assassins Creed Unity Nostradamus's riddles. The passage of them is not easy, but as you already understood, the award is really worth it.

Riddles Nostradamusa

It was all the introduction so that you could understand what is in Assassins Creed Unity the riddles of Nostradamus. Passing them will be described further, but only in general featuresBecause the riddles are really very much, and they all often require good orientation in space, which is hardly able to describe in words. So, first of all, you need to deal with how much is in the game of mysteries that will lead you to the suit of the assassin masters. Here everything is quite simple - all the riddles can be divided into two groups - relating to the planets and to the signs of the zodiac. Total in the amount it turns out 18 mysteries, but that's not all. The fact is that each riddle is divided into several parts, which can sometimes be quite a lot, for example, four. But it is worth noting that in most cases there are still two parts, but it is enough to take a dozen hours of time for the passage of them all. You will also need to seriously strain the brain to solve this secret of Assassin "S Creed - the solution of all nostradamus mysteries will require considerable knowledge and developed imagination, as well as the ability to figure out.

Riddles Planet

The passage of all the riddles of the Nostradamus in the Assassin "S Creed, which belong to the planets, will take you much less time, since they are simply twice as fewer than those relating to the signs of the zodiac. Moreover, you will need mainly only attentiveness. Since your task is to search for signs that mean these planets. And they will be in the most unexpected places. One will be on the roof of the theater under the vane, the other on the clock tower, the third in general on the famous in general, you will have to spend a lot of time In order to find the desired symbols on the back descriptions of the Nostradamus. However, in Assassin "S Creed Unity, the solution of all nostrudamus mysteries will lead you to incredible treasureSo you should strain and do everything as you need from you.

Riddles Zodiac signs

So, when you collect all six characters that belong to the planets, you will be available for another twelve, each of which will be related to the sign of the zodiac. Accordingly, you will have to spend twice as much time in search of signs in the most unusual places Paris - However, in parallel you can admire the work of the artists of the game, because the graphic component is simply great. But what do you need to do when you collect all eighteen signs?

Final Quest

When you perform absolutely all tasks, you will have four parts of the Nostradamus disk that you need to connect together and attribute to the sanctuary. There you can use this disk, set four columns to the desired points so that it work, after which you will have access to the most suit, which was discussed initially. That's all, now you can change appearance Your character and enjoy the fruits of your hard work.

The beginning of the riddle is located in the central part of the sieve. The riddle has a complexity of 2 squares from 5 possible. Consists of 3 puzzles. Award for the decision - 500 Livr.

Mystery of Nostradamus Mars

We use rapid movement to the point of review notre-ladies de paris on the island of Sita. We jump into a stack of hay, running one quarter in the northeast direction. We climb the roof of the building on the left. There we find a symbol of Mars and read the first puzzle.

First puzzle

On a peaceful field, dried stones
The winged observer is waiting.
Friendly look meets the souls,
Looking for peace.

The second symbol of Mars is very close. Next to the building on which we are now located, the cemetery is located. Go back there. In the far left corner there is a sculpture to which the puzzle is referred to - "Winged Angel". The look of this sculpture is facing the tombstone on which the second character is drawn. We use "Orliny vision" to see it. We read the second puzzle.

Second puzzle

The Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God looks at their daughters,
One pressed between the lady and San Chapel.
Where the face of the son
Addressed to his faithful flock.

Using fast movement, transfer to the roof of the Saint-Chapel (the eastern part of the island of Site, the area of \u200b\u200bthe Palace of Justice). Turn the face to the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God (Notre Dame de Paris). We see the "daughters" of the cathedral - two churches. We need the one that is closer to us and, if you look at Notre Dame de Paris, is on the line of sight. Get to her. Over entrance door The church is hanging the French flag, and a stone "face of the Son" is slightly higher. We use "Orliny vision" and see that the third character is right on it. Learning it and read the last puzzle.

Last puzzle

DOFE Blue Ribbon
Divide the paths for the beast and man.
The victim of the killer tested a bold deal and got the city.
Casket lies under the mountain.

Re-transferred to the rapid movement on the roof of St. Chapel (district of the Palace of Justice on the island of Site).
This time we turn with your back to the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God (Notre Dame de Paris). We see the area of \u200b\u200bDoughne. The far corner of this triangular area indicates the sculpture of the rider. Get to this sculpture. The last symbol of Mars is drawn on the pedestal of this sculpture from the northeast side. Do not forget to use "Eagle vision" to see it and complete the riddle of Nostradamus Mars.