World of Tanks - The third season on the Global Map. The eighth season on the Global Map in World of Tanks

World of Tanks - The third season on the Global Map. The eighth season on the Global Map in World of Tanks
Insurrection rules

Revolts can only start in regular provinces, they do not affect auction and landing provinces.
Resistance forces increase daily after the end of battles.
The mutiny begins when the forces of resistance reach their maximum amount.
After the start of the rebellion, the province becomes a landing province.
The revolt ends with the end of the battles for the province.
Immediately after the mutiny, the number of resistance forces and the level of discontent are reset to zero.

If a clan owns only one province on the Global Map, then the level of discontent in it does not increase and the forces of resistance do not grow.

Factors affecting the rate of growth of resistance forces in the province

  • Income from the province. The higher the income, the faster the resistance grows. If a province does not generate income, for example, after a looting, then this factor will not increase the growth of resistance forces.
  • The number of neighboring provinces belonging to the same clan. The more neighboring provinces a clan owns, the faster the resistance gains strength.
  • The total number of provinces belonging to the same clan. The more provinces a clan has, the faster the resistance grows.
  • Discontent level. The higher the level of discontent in the province, the faster the resistance forces grow. Discontent automatically increases by one level after the end of battles for a province, provided the following conditions are met:
    • After the end of the fighting, the mutiny did not begin.
    • The province is not the only one in the clan's possession.
Also, using the accumulated influence, clans will be able to increase or decrease the level of discontent in the provinces, thereby making it difficult for competitors to retain large territories on the map.

Clan operations

During the Third Season, clan operations will be conducted on the Global Map. They take place on fronts that meet certain conditions in terms of vehicle tier and the number of players in a team, and are limited in time.

As part of the operation, clans will be given tasks that need to be completed in the allotted time. If the time of the operation has expired, all outstanding tasks are canceled and rewards are not issued for them.

Rules for receiving assignments

Immediately after the start of an operation on the front, clans that have provinces on the Global Map, or participate in landing tournaments on the fronts of the season, receive tasks corresponding to their Elo rating.
During an operation on the front, a clan that applies for a landing or makes a bid in a landing auction receives all the tasks of the operation corresponding to its Elo rating. The battles within the landing tournament are taken into account when calculating the progress of missions.
Some tasks are issued only after completing the current ones.

For completing tasks, clans will receive in-game gold and influence. More detailed information about the Third Season in World of Tanks can be found in

Changes in the rules of "World War".
Shortly after the release of Update 0.8.0, players will see a number of changes to the World War rules aimed at making the confrontation on the Global Map more interesting and varied.

1. Intelligence and counterintelligence

The mechanism for conducting reconnaissance operations will be subject to changes. Under the current rules, reconnaissance is a one-time operation that is paid in in-game gold and, with a certain probability, ends in luck.
According to the new rules, in order to carry out reconnaissance, the clan will have to prepare a resident - a special chip designed to be introduced into enemy territory. A resident prepares for a certain amount of in-game gold and for a certain time. In total, a clan can have no more than three residents. After preparation, the resident can be introduced to enemies. The success of the implementation is not guaranteed, however, if it takes place, the clan will receive information about the deployment of the opponent's chips and the location of his bet throughout the entire activity of the resident from introduction to failure.
Compared to the current version of the scouting rules, the players will benefit from the fact that the resident provides information about the entire territory of the opposing clan, and not about one province.
To confront enemy spies, clans will be able to prepare a counterintelligence agent - another type of special counter. After preparation, this token is sent to one of the provinces belonging to the clan
After using a counterintelligence agent, this province for 24 turns will look empty to the enemy, even if there are troops there. In addition, a counterintelligence operation carried out on the territory of a clan reduces the likelihood of successful infiltration of enemy residents and increases the likelihood of failure of already deployed spies.

2. Plundering the province

This innovation will allow, when capturing a province, to choose between two options: plunder and occupation. When choosing an occupation, income from the province will come in a regular mode, which is familiar to everyone who takes part in the "World War". If you choose to plunder, then the clan treasury at the beginning of the next turn receives an amount equal to the income from the province for some time. However, after that, the province does not generate income for its owner for a certain period.
The new revenue generating system will undoubtedly bring more dynamism to the game on the Global Map. Small clans that are unable to hold territories for a long time will be able to conduct real robber raids on the lands of strong opponents who have remained defenseless.
Plundering a province will only be possible if it has a connection with the clan's headquarters. That is, the same principle is used as when receiving income from seizure and occupation.

3. Multiple attack

This is not entirely new, because this rule was already in effect in the event that more than one attack took place on one province. According to the rules that are now adopted, in a similar situation, the attackers fight in a mini-tournament with each other, and then the winner fights with the owner of the province.
When the multiple attack rule is introduced, all clans taking part in a province battle will fight among themselves, with the first battle taking place between the province owner and the first clan in the queue. The next fight takes place between the winner of the first fight and the next challenger in line. All battles take place within one evening with an interval of half an hour.

4. Differentiation of the timing of freezing equipment

If the attacking clan won the battle for the province, then the freeze period for its equipment lost during the victorious battle will be significantly reduced. That is, the invaders seem to use the resources of the province for urgent repairs. This rule is introduced so that the clans have an incentive not to sit passively in the already occupied territories, but to fight more actively.

Patch has been released. now mods need to be installed in the "res_mods \ 1.4.0 \" and "mods \ 1.4.0. \" folders. If after the update the mod stopped working for you, then just transfer it to the "1.4.0" folder. Some mods and mod builds may not work or work with bugs. In the very near future, all non-working mods and assemblies will be updated. Please be patient and stay tuned. If after updating the mod / assembly your client freezes or crashes for no reason, download the script for clearing the game cache and run it, the problem should be resolved.

"World War" on the global map World of Tanks

In the World of Tanks project, in addition to the usual tank battles in random or in company formations, there is a wonderful opportunity to try to take over the whole world. We are talking about "World War" - a browser application to the main client of the game. In a nutshell - there is a map of the globe, divided into many provinces. Any clan can try to capture one or several of them. In addition to the aesthetic component of owning a virtual piece of territory, there is also a very real income - each province brings a certain amount of gold, which goes to the clan treasury, and then is distributed by the treasurers. Let's take a closer look at the World War process in World of Tanks.

The main window will be the Global Map - it is on it that you will see the provinces belonging to you, your allies and opponents. Dashboards are located at the top and bottom, which provide all the necessary data for conducting strategic actions. For the convenience of the game, the Global Map (hereinafter referred to as the GC) is geographically divided into 8 regions containing a different number of provinces. There are several types of provinces - ordinary (average income), starting (they start invasions and landings on the main battalion) and key (higher income). In order for the province to generate income, it is necessary:

Have a mobile capital in one of the provinces - Headquarters;

All other provinces must be geographically accessible from the capital.

The process of playing "World War" WoT is step-by-step - every day is divided into 24 moves, respectively, 1 move lasts 60 minutes. In addition, for each of the provinces there is a so-called "Prime Time" - at the moment of its onset, a series of battles begins, and the territory itself is "frozen" for almost all actions.

So, your clan has decided to land on the main battleground - only starting provinces (located on the coast) and rebellious provinces are suitable for landing. To apply for a landing, you must have at least 15 players who have played at least one battle in a vehicle above level 5. Such a player gives the clan 1 chip - accordingly, 15 chips are needed for landing. The total number of clan tokens can be seen under the main battery in the operational reserve dashboard. Thus:

Selecting a province;

We select the landing (the corresponding button);

We are submitting an application.

15 tokens from your operational reserve will change color from green to yellow - this means that personnel have been moved to fight for its territory. However, there are many who want to land on the main battleground, and the province usually already has an owner. So, during the landing, a tournament begins - the battles of the Olympic system (the loser is eliminated, in case of a tie, both teams are eliminated), which will determine the winner of the landing. The maximum number of teams in the tournament is 64, those who did not manage to get in are registered for the next landing. There is an interval of 30 minutes between each round of the tournament. If your team won the tournament, then in the future it will fight with the troops of the province owner - in case of victory you will become its new owner, and in case of defeat all the tokens will be transferred back to the operational reserve and will be unavailable for 24 hours. In addition, the victory of the owners of the province, in which there was a mutiny, automatically means its suppression.

So, your clan has become the happy owner of its own territory - you can develop expansion and capture new provinces belonging to other clans. An attack on an enemy province can be launched by a clan leader, his deputy, or a company commander. There are two types of possible battles: an oncoming battle (a battle on the provincial border) or a battle for territory. If there are several who want to attack the same province, then the winner is determined in the same way as during the landing - by a knockout tournament.

Vehicles destroyed as a result of battles for the provinces are blocked on the main battalion for a certain time - it depends on the outcome of the battle, the level and type of vehicles. So for the attacking clan, if the territory is successfully captured, the destroyed light tank of the 2nd level will be inaccessible for 30 minutes, and the ART ACS of the 10th level - 24 hours. For the losers, the conditions are much worse - the same SPG will be unavailable for 120 hours.

What can you do in the province? First of all, place your mobile capital - Stavka. It can be moved once a day and only to provinces belonging to your clan. The rate allows you to receive income from the provinces, to carry out the withdrawal of troops from the operational reserve, as well as to hire agents to conduct special operations (intelligence and counterintelligence). You can also move troops from a province to other territories - moving tokens takes 24 moves (hours). Any movement of troops can be canceled by clicking on the corresponding arrow. And also the province can be plundered! Looting is understood as a special operation, after which the province brings income once in three days, and then 5 days will not bring income at all, EVEN WHEN OWNER CHANGE! Scorched earth and swoop-retreat tactics at their most prominent.

Since we have already started talking about special operations, it is impossible to mention Intelligence and Counterintelligence. Recruiting and deploying a scout on the territory of a potential enemy allows you to find out:

The location and number of troops;

Location of the Bet;

Chance of mutiny in the province.

Accordingly, there is the possibility of counterintelligence. The recruited agent will prevent information leaks and interrupt the intelligence operations of enemy clans. Both of these operations are paid (gold is required), the preparation of each agent lasts 24 hours, in case of disclosure of a scout, the next one can be sent only in a day, but a counterintelligence agent exists for 24 hours under any conditions.

Ample opportunities for diplomacy and the creation of various alliances make "World War" an exciting game in World of Tanks, where the ability to communicate with people and find allies is no less important than the ability to drive a tank. In addition, game events occasionally take place on the GC - this is how an entire continent surfaced in the center of the Atlantic Ocean last year. The participants in the battles for him received not only unique stripes, but also a convenient staging area for landing on the territory of the United States. And more recently, a global restart of the main battery took place and the battles for the provinces were fought on vehicles of a strictly defined level - including the first one!

The eighth season on the Global Map in World of Tanks

On April 11 at 6:15 am (UTC), the eighth season started on the Global Map. It will end on May 17 at 6:15 am (UTC)

This is a short season with minor changes in mechanics, leading up to a major Global Map event starting at the end of May.

The main thing about the eighth season

  • Only Tier X vehicles can participate.
  • Fighting in the eighth season will unfold in Africa. The total number of provinces and profitability will remain the same as in the seventh season, but the configuration of the playing field will significantly change. Now "golden" provinces are grouped in the center of the mainland, and low-income and most of the landing ones are shifted to the coast. Thanks to this, clans will be able to attack the central "golden" provinces from two sides, which will complicate the life of the "farmers".
  • More auctions have appeared on the Global Map, and now they make it easier to land on the map near the "golden" provinces.
  • Prime time at 0:00 (Moscow time) has been significantly reduced both in terms of the number of provinces and in terms of profitability. Provinces and income are reallocated between the rest of the prime times.
  • Almost all locations in the game have been added to the map pool, but Paris, Fjords, Calm, Erlenberg and Siegfried's Line are much less common than the others (1-2 times in prime time).
  • As we continue to refine Influence, in Season 8 it will be possible to spend it not only on auctions and changing the likelihood of mutiny, but also on the purchase of divisions. The purchase price for a new division will be 20 influence points, while the division is still free when applying for a landing. Clan influence will only accumulate during the current season and will be reset after its end.
  • Clan objectives have slightly changed since Season 7, but still consist of two groups: Gold and Influence. Removed "gold" tasks for plundering provinces, and increased the reward in the form of influence in the task of destroying enemy tanks in battles on the ground.

Season rankings and rewards

We decided to keep the ranking of the season in terms of the amount of gold earned on the Global Map. In the eighth season, the rating is formed in the same way as in the seventh: for each receipt of gold from the Global Map to the treasury. It doesn't matter if it was received for completing tasks, owning a province or plundering - the clan will receive victory points and increase its position in the season. Thus, the measure of clan success on the Global Map is preserved. Whoever was able to earn gold the most is a fine fellow.

1 - Winner of the eighth season, 1st degree Yes Yes
2 - Season Eighth Class II Winner Summer, winter and desert camouflage Yes Yes
3 - Season Eight Class III Winner Summer, winter and desert camouflage Yes Yes
4 10% "Elite of the season" Summer, winter and desert camouflage Yes Yes
10% 50% "Veteran of the season" Winter and summer camouflage Yes Yes
50% 75% No Summer camouflage Yes Yes

Clan rewards (medals, badges, emblems and camouflage) will be received by players who are members of the winning clan at the end of the season, as well as who have played five or more battles in this clan on the Global Map after the last entry into this clan.

Note! Clan camouflage is awarded three units for each nation, and after applying camouflage to a tank, it cannot be applied to another vehicle of the same nation. Clan emblems and badges are credited six pieces per account.

General rules of the eighth season

  • Regular, auction and landing provinces will be present on the Global Map.
  • Clan operations are included.
  • Weekends on the Global Map are included - these are Friday and Saturday. The first weekend of the season is April 20 and 21.
  • The fog of war is on.
  • Provincial boosting is disabled.
  • Provincial income cap included. The current balance is 10 provinces.
  • Auctions included.
  • Protective bets are disabled.
  • Freeze equipment is enabled.
  • Robberies included.
  • Riots included.
  • Influence Battles Shift is disabled. In 50% of provinces, the start time of battles has been shifted by 15 minutes from their prime time.
  • The province owner does not participate in landing provinces tournament and tournament battles through auction or land attack on his province.
  • The number of applications for landing tournaments is 64.
  • The maximum number of simultaneous applications for landing tournaments is 6 (if there are at least 90 players with Tier X vehicles in the clan).
  • Clans cannot land on the Global Map if they have captured territories.
  • Clans cannot attack landing provinces by ground.
  • Division modules are on (strategic effect).
  • The cost of a division is 20 influence points.
  • Division maintenance is free.
  • The system of penalties is included.

On the first day of the game event, all provinces on the Global Map will be landing provinces. After the end of the prime time, the provinces will switch to the main mode of the game event according to the general rules of the season.