'' Jesus at the door everything is worth ''. How should we meet Jesus when he knocks on the door? will enter him, and I will listen with him, and he with me

'' Jesus at the door everything is worth ''. How should we meet Jesus when he knocks on the door? will enter him, and I will listen with him, and he with me

In the picture: Hunt-"Sveta Peace". ... a very important thing that needs to be said about faith is that faith there are open doors in order to go to God. God does not enter the human house, knocking down the door with the foot, how they run, for example, in the attachment of drug addicts, police or someone else has arrogance through the window, with noise and scream, break into our dwelling. Not! The Lord stands and knocks!
In the XIX century there was such an English artist W. Hunt, he painted the picture " Night traveler ", or" Patuit of the Apocalypse "(" Sveta Peace "). It shows Jesus Christ with a lantern, a lantern in a closed such vessel, so that the wind does not hurt. Savior in the Tern Crown, in Road Clothes; He stands at the door of some house. This is a very famous picture, an extremely known, there is a lot of redrawing it, and the original picture itself is very curious.
Christ stands at the door of some house and knocks on these doors. Obviously, these are the doors of the heart of human, and he knocks them in them. It does not beat into these doors either elbow, nor shoulder, nor knee, he is neatrately knocking. The threshold of this house has a lot of Byriana - it means that the door is infrequently opened, the door is closed, it has already thumbs up, and he stands and knocks ... You know, as it happens when you knock on your home carefully, and you suddenly listen to you, you are not heard knock, or you have a booze, and you are not heard, or football on TV - URA-A-A !!! - What is there, is it heard that Christ is knocking on the door? Can not hear! And suddenly you sleep, for example, you don't hear ... you never know why you do not open the doors of your heart.

And Hunt, the author of this painting, noticed such an interesting thing: "We understand that this is an allegorical picture: Christ is knocking on the doors of our hearts. Everything is clear, the doors overgrown, do not open ... But there is no handles! There, outside, no handles! You forgot here handle draw! Any door has a handle - both outside, and from the inside. " To which the artist said: "This door has a pen only from the inside." Outside the door of the heart handle is not. Heart doors can only be opened from the inside. It is an extremely important idea! Man must open God himself. Christ will not be forced by wonders over a man who does not open the door to him.

... The Lord rejoices faith and surprised faith where it can, and should not be; The Lord peers the lack of her where she had to be, and surprised: how do you have no faith? Why don't you have faith? The person has a person simultaneously with the unbelief, and on a person depends on the fight and drive out what prevents, and leave what helps. Well, finally, the doors of our hearts are locked from the inside, and the Lord does not create forcibly miracles above us until we open the doors of your peaceful house.

Have faith of God, and let the merciful Christ will save you on the prayers of the Virgin. Amen.

archpriest Andrei Tkachev

Having believed in the Lord, all the brothers and sisters love to sing the song "Beloved knocking on the door": "The beloved knocking knocks on the door. Castle handles are covered with night dew. Get up, open the door to him; Do not let your beloved leave ... ".

Every time we sing this song, it concerns us all and has a great influence. We all want to keep the lover and be among the first, who will hear his voice and meet him when he knocks on our door. All believers in the Lord want it. But what does it mean when the Lord knocks on the door? And how do we celebrate him when he knocks on our door?

In the grace when Jesus Christ It came to make a redemption, the news of his affairs and his teaching was spread throughout Judea, his name also became known among the whole generation. For the people of that time, Jesus Christ knocked in their door when he preached everywhere Gospel with their students. Lord Jesus said: " Since that time, Jesus began to preach and talk: Just, because the kingdom of heaven approached"(Matthew 4:17). The Lord wanted people to have rushed and confessed in front of him to forgive their sins and redeem from the conviction and curse of the law. At that time, many Jews saw miracles committed by Jesus Christ, as well as the power and strength of his words; They saw feeding of five thousand five breads and two fish after the words of Thanksgiving, the doubt of the storms and the sea in one word, the resurrection of Lazarus in one word, etc. As the Lord said, Jesus said, everything was accomplished and fulfilled. His words are like the words told by the Creator when he created heaven and land; They are also filled with strength and power. In addition, these words that the Lord said to the Lord Jesus and which he taught people and cried Pharisees, cannot be told by people. His words reveal the whole of God and his essence, they are the power and power of God. In fact, all that the Lord spoke or did could not not touch the human soul. We can say that the Jewish people of that time have already heard the knock of the Lord on the door.

However, Jewish high priests, scribes and Pharisees did not recognize that Jesus Christ was a coming Messiah because of prejudice and his own ideas. They held the letters of prophecies from the Bible and believed that the coming must be called Emmanuil or Messiah and, moreover, should be born of the Virgin. When they saw that Mary had a husband, they simply denied that the Lord Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was born from the Virgin; They slandered Jesus Christ, saying that he was a sack of a carpenter, thereby rejecting and condemning him; And, in addition, they still blasphemy saying that the Lord Jesus constraints demons through Velzevulu, the head of demons. Coming with the affairs and words of the Lord, rumors and slander Pharisees, most of the Jews listened more to the words of the Pharisees instead of God's Gospel. They closed their hearts to the Lord while he pounded. The Lord Jesus said about it, "... and comes true to them the prophecy of Isaiah, who says: hear a hearing, and you will not see, and you will not see my eyes, because it feels the heart of people and the ears with difficulty hear, and their eyes closed their ears, and their eyes closed Yes, they will not see her eyes and will not hear ears, and do not urge the heart, and they will not turn out that I healed them "(from Matthew 13: 14-15). The Lord hoped that people would be able to hear his voice, find out his affairs and understand his will. When people open their heart to God to answer his knock, he directs them to recognize his voice and see his appearance. The Jewish people of the time, due to the fact that he believed Rumather Pharisees, closed his heart for the Lord, refused to hear his voice to take his redemption, missed a chance to follow Jesus Christ. As a result, they suffered losses among their people throughout the many generations and for almost two thousand years due to opposition to God. On the contrary, those students who followed Jesus Christ, such as Peter, John, Jacob, etc., heard the words of the Lord, knew him and recognized Jesus Christ the coming Messiah. As a result, they went in the footsteps of the Lord and gained his salvation.

Similarly, lately, we need to be even more attentive and prepared, because the Lord will come again and will lead to our door at any time. Jesus Christ said: "CE, I stand at the door and knock: if anyone hear my voice and challenges the door, come to him, and I will listen with him, and he is with me" (Revelation 3:20). "Having he has an eye hears that the Spirit says to the churches: to defeat the ladies to eat from the Tree of Life, which is in the midst of God of God" (Revelation 2: 7). "My sheep listened to my voices, and I know them; and they go beyond me"(From John 10:27). From these sacred writings, we learn that Jesus Christ will speak again and create everything new at his return, and this means that the Lord will knock on our door. All those who are wise virgins will actively search and carefully listen to His sayings, if this is the voice of the Lord. When they recognize the voice of the Lord, they will take his return. Our Lord is faithful. He will undoubtedly allow those who crave and looking for him, hear his voice when he says. Perhaps he will tell us about his return through the mouth of others, just like the Lord Jesus warned us: " But at midnight there was a cry: here, the groom goes, go out towards him"(Matthew 25: 6). Perhaps, we personally hear his voice, or he heard his word through the churches of the gospel of the gospel about the return of the Lord, or via the Internet, through the radio or in Facebook. But in any case, the Lord hopes that we can become wise virgins to be able to watch and listen to his voice at any time. We do not need to treat his chair according to our ideas and prejudices, as Jews did, and even more we should not blindly listen to false or rumors about religious antichritists, thereby refusing God's call, thus losing the possibility of meeting the returning Jesus and admiration in Kingdom of heaven. Instead, we should open the door to the Lord and meet it, having heard his voice. Only so we can appear before God's throne for the holiday of Lamb.

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These words are recorded in the last book of the Bible. They reveal one of the main and very important truths of the Holy Scriptures: God wants a person to hear his voice, opened the door of his heart and let him in. Wonderful paintings have been written on this verse, excited musical works are created, many inspired sermons are pronounced.

In these words, it is amazing that the Almighty Lord God, to whom everything is subject to, appears before us not the Lord, and a wanderer, knocking on the door of the heart. Is he himself can't open the door and enter? Is it really, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, can't make people accept him?

Undoubtedly, God can do it. But he does not want to master us. He is waiting for us to voluntarily accepted him in their heart and love answered his love.

God created people free. But they were abused by their free will, fell into the sin of disobedience to the commandments of God and, having fiercely, told the Lord of Life: "We don't want you to reign on us!" As a result, the Lord was outside the human heart.

However, he did not go far from us, he stands behind the doors of our heart and knocks, waiting for we let him.

How can the Great and Holy God, inhabiting in an impregnable light, settle in our heart? We can explain to this only in his love. God loves his creation and eager to be in dealing with him. He wants to give peace and peace to our souls. He knows that without him we are unhappy, ponts, beggars and blind people, and with him - we own the unpretentious wealth of the sky. How does the Lord knocks for us?

God appeals to our mind through his word - Bible. Jesus Christ says: "Come to me, all those who are communicating and burdened, and I will calm you" (Mat.11: 28). The Lord testifies to his love: "... I loved you forever I loved you and therefore the favor of favoring" (Ier.31: 3), and at the same time he warns: "You will die in your sins if you do not believe." The same, who will answer his call of love, he promises: "The everlasting life in me (Ioan.6: 47).

God turns to us and through the inner voice. Staying alone with me, a person often experiences an inexplicable longing. He feels that his life should be the other that his soul lacks something important, valuable, main. At this moment, the merciful Savior Savior is suitable for man and says: "Let me fit me, I will calm your joking soul and fill it with an overwhelming joy and peace."

The Lord knocks to us through the ailments and failures. When the disease rises us to bed, God gives the opportunity to think about the fraud of life. He splits the idols that own our heart without any right, and opens the true meaning of life.

God speaks through world events, catastrophe, change in society. All this indicates that humanity approaches its end and close the day when everyone will face God's judgment if it does not shift in his sins.

Why are people for the most part deaf to God's call? What prevents them from letting so a great guest?

One prevents pride, others - everyday worries, third - favorite sins. People are aware that before the adoption of Christ, it is necessary to leave every sin. However, sinful things seem to be the only pleasure in this world, so they say: "Not now, then."

Ohan prevents his own sense of unnecessary, and they are in vain in volatile away from Christ.

It is true that all people are sinners that there is no righteous one and no one worthy of the Lord. But God does not be rendered by us as we are. He wants to make us new people all, because he "came to recover and save the deceased." According to him, not healthy have a need for a doctor, but patients (Mat.9: 12).

The Savior knows well that it is preventing us from accepting it, so speaks in my word "every month will be filled, and every mountain and the hill will lower and ease every flesh of the salvation of God" (IS.40: 4-5) in other words, let not Embally humiliated and let it be proud of the high position - those and others Jesus Christ is equally ready to save.

One of the greatest interference in the adoption of Christ is a widespread doubt and disbelief. And many just shame to believe in God. We are accustomed to taking only what it is noted in the framework of the rooting concepts for too long we walked against our true initial purpose - to praise God and serve him - and therefore the abnormal began to consider it normal, and the Holy Life began to seem impossible to us. That's why we run from Christ, afraid of his outlining truth. And if you understand well, many do not believe in Christ only because in the depths of the soul they want it to be. So, who of us is proud, we will accept him before him, for to recognize His dominion over us is not amazing, on the contrary, it is quite consistent with true human dignity.

When we accept Jesus Christ in your heart, he transforms all of our lives. He forgives all our lawlessness, frees from the sinful oppression of the guilty of the guilty conscience, orders our thinking, he instills in us clean desires and illuminates the heart with unearthly light.

He gives an endless holiday of our soul, personally setting in us

It goes to you a wanderer and knocks on the door. Open! Open! Your gost saint is told. Open! Open! Where it will enter where the shelter will find - there is an eternal world, there loves love there. That guest is dear - your Savior himself, he was bleeding a grave sin of the earthly to open - hence the mercy of him to take, Christ one can save everyone. Open! Open!

In 1854, the English artist William Hwan Hangov presented a picture of the Svetok in the public to the public. You probably are familiar with its plot on numerous imitative variations, the year from the year has a tendency to become all sorting and well. Foreign imitation, as a rule, are called "CE, stand at the door and knock" (Rev. 3: 20). Actually, the picture is written on this topic, although it is named otherwise. On her, Christ is knocking on some doors at night. He is a traveler. He has nowhere to "chapter", as in the days of earthly life. On his chapter he has a crown of thorn, on the legs of sandals, in his hands - lamp. The night means that mental darkness in which we live familiar. This is the "darkness of the century". The doors in which the Savior knocks, have not been opened for a long time. A long time ago. Certificate of this is a thick bungyan growing at the threshold.

The audience in the year of presentation of the Picture of the public perceived the canvas hostile and did not understand the meaning. They - Protestants or Agnostikov - made in the picture the obsessive stylistics of Catholicism. And it was necessary, as it often happens, to someone in greater and attentive to tell about the meaning of the canvas, decipher it, read as a book. So smart Tolmach was the critic and poet John Ryuskin. He explained that the canvas allegorically; that Christ is still awarded the same attention as the beggars knocking on the door; And most importantly in the picture - the house is ours, and the doors lead to the depth, where our innermost "I" lives. In these doors - in the door of the heart - Christ is knocking. It is not wanted in them on the rights of the owner of the world, does not shout: "Well, open!" And he knocks not a fist, and the phalanges of the fingers, carefully. Recall that around the night ... and we are not in a hurry to open ... and at the head of Christ - the crown of Torn.

I discharge now for a minute to say a few words about numerous imitation and variations on the topic. About those you have undoubtedly seen. They differ from the original the fact that, first of all, remove the night. Christ is knocking on them in the door of the house (guess what it is -) during the day. Behind his back is visible oriental landscape or cloudy sky. The picture pleases the eye. Due to the unnecessaryness of the lamp in his hand, the Savior will appear the staff of the good shepherd. The crown disappears from the head (!). The doors in which the Lord knocks are devoid of those eloquent thickets of Byriana, which means they are open regularly. The milkman or postman, apparently, knock on them every day. In general, the houses tend to become clean and well-groomed - such bourgeois from the Canon "American Dreams". In some images, Christ simply smiles, as if came to a friend, who is waiting for him, or even he wants to swear over the owners: he will knock and hide behind the corner. As it often happens in fakes and stylization, tragic and deep semantic filling is imperceptible inferior to the sentimental naplex, in fact - by the mockery over the original topic. But the mion is swallowed, and the substitution is not noticed.

Now to meaning. If Christ is knocking on the door of our house, then we do not open it for two reasons: either we just do not hear the knock, or we hear and consciously do not open. We will not consider the second option. He is out of our competence, and therefore, let it exist to a terrible court. As before the first option, the deafness has a lot of explanations. For example, the owner is drunk. His gun will not wake up, not that careful knock of an unexpected guest. Or - the television works loudly inside the house. It's not a misfortune that the doors thicket burly, that is, not yet opened. The cable was stretched through the window, and now the football championship or social shows thunder from the screen to the entire coil, making the owner with deaf to the rest of the sounds. After all, the truth is, there are such sounds from each of us, the hearing that we are storm for everything else. This is a very possible and realistic option - if not for 1854 (the year of writing the picture), then for our 2000s. Another option: the owner just died. He is not here. Rather, it is, but he will no longer open. Maybe this? Can. Our inner "I", the authentic owner of a mysterious hut, may be in deep lethargy or in the arms of this death. By the way, listen now: Does anyone at the door of your home? If you say that you have a call on the doors and it works, which means you call you, not knocking, then it only seems to be incomprehensible. Does anyone knock on the door to you? Right now? Listen.

Well, the last for today. On the doors, in which Christ knocks, there is no outer handle. It was noticed for the first inspection of the picture and put the artist in appearance. But it turned out that the lack of a door handle is not a mistake, but a conscious move. Heart doors have no outdoor handle and outdoor lock. The handle is only inside, and only from the inside the door can be opened. When K.S. Lewis said he was probably reversed from the inside, he was probably pushed away from the thought laid down in the picture of Hunt. If the person is locked in hell, he is locked there voluntarily like a suicide in a burning house like an old alcoholic bachelor in the poorness of empty bottles, cobwebs and cigarette cigarettes. And the way out, on a knock, the voice of Christ is possible only as an inner volitional act, as an answer to God's call.

Pictures are books. You need to read them. Not only in the case of crafts for the evangelical plot or Christian allegories. Anyway. Landscape After all, also text. And portrait - text. And the ability to read is not limited to the ability to disassemble words in the newspaper. Read need to learn all your life. What does it say about? We have a lot of work, and our life should be creative, and unauthorized fields for activities have long been waiting for workers. If you agree, then maybe we heard a knock?

CE, I stand at the door, and knock: if someone hears my voice, and will challenge the door, come to him, and I will listen with him, and he is with me

CE stand at the door and sense. - Not violent, says my presence: For I sense at the door of the heart And with cubs I am glad about salvation. - Saving this consider head and evening and feed in the fact that they eat and distinguish glad to hearing of the Word of God.

Interpretation on the apocalypse.

SVT. Tikhon Zadonsky

Here, God himself wants to come to us, and yourself to serve yourself! He has anything at the doors, and everyone wants to know, but few people hear him knocking on the door, because every rumor is blinded by the sinful and love of peace. And so tapping into the door and without having anything, it departs with nothing from the person. Success and wipe your mind and your heart from the lust of the carnal and noise of worldly lusts. From all this turns away and listen to him alone. Then truly learn that he stands next to you and knocks your heart to your door, and you hear the extraladian voice of him, and open the doors to him. Then your house will go into the house and will be evening with you and you with him. Then taste, and see, "As the best of the Lord" (Ps. 33: 9). Then you will call you with love and joy: "Shchedr and merciful Lord, long-suffer, and a multi-fault, and the truth" (Exercise 34: 6). And further: "We will believe you, my God, my fortress", and hereinafter. And further: "What is in the sky? And without you, what to wish me on earth? " And further. Look for everywhere that everywhere is, and, leaving everything, one look for it. And then will certainly find.

The treasure is spiritual, from the world collected.

PS Macarium Great

CE, I stand at the door and knock: if someone hears my voice and challenges the door, come to him, and I will listen with him, and he with me

So, ascertain God and the Lord, a true doctor. Which, come and a lot for us bothering, one can rub our souls. For it hurts our hearts in the door of the hearts, so that we rejected him, and he climbed and soaked in our souls, and we were butyled and anointed his feet, and he created the abode from us. And there she strokes the Lord of the nasty feet of him (Lux 7:44); And in another other place says: " cE Standing at the door: Through who hears the voice and reject the doors, take it to him" For that, he favored a lot to suffer a lot, betraying his body to death, and hurt us from slavery, so that, come to our soul, to create the abode in it. Therefore, those that are delivered will be wise at the trial of him, and whom will send with a devil in Geenna. The Lord will say: " strange beh, and not the introduction of me; Bill, and not give me a yasts; faithful and not drink me"(Matt. 25: 42-43); For both food, both beings, and clothes, and cover, and his rest - in our souls. Therefore, incentively hits the door, wanting to enter to us. We use it and we introduce inside; Because for us, it is both food, and life, both beings, and eternal life. And every soul that was not bought to Himself, and did not rest in himself now, or it is better to say, he did not rest in him, does not have a heritage with the saints in the kingdom of heaven, and cannot enter Heavense.

Collection of type II manuscripts. Conversation 30.

We will not look like bad and wrong wives, who, when the worried husband comes home to relax, go away from the yard to roam somewhere on the side. As you crave to relax in your house, in our bodies and souls, the good and only husband Christ, a lot of her own blood for us and the renewed us with his own blood (Heb. 9:12)! He always knocks on the door of the hearts of our hearts so that we will open to him and, by entering, I would have left our souls and the abode of us created (John 14:23), and we will not be reproached, - as the Lord reproaches not worry and not worse His feet and not comforting him. And elsewhere tells the Lord: " Here, stand at the door and knock; If anyone calls me, come to him and I will listen with him, and he with me" But we are removed from it, not looking for him to truly. And he is always close to our souls, knocking and seeking to enter and calm down in us. For that, he and great suffering has undergone, giving his body to death and redeemed us from Slavery Darkness, so that by going to each soul, to create a monastery for himself (John 14:23) and calm down in it after the great work suffered for her . So there was a desire for his goodwill, so far in the century of seven, he was united and dwell in us, according to his promise (2 Cor. 6:16).

Collection of type III manuscripts. Teaching 16.

BLI. Jerome Stridonsky

CE, I stand at the door and knock: if someone hears my voice and challenges the door, come to him, and I will listen with him, and he with me

However, God allows us to be kings of the earth so that we reign on the earth and commanded our own flesh. As the apostle says: yes it does not reign sin in mortal body (Rome. 6:12) - and elsewhere says: The heart of the king in the hand of the Lord (Proverb. 21: 1). Was the heart of Juliana Persecutor in the hand of God? Saula's heart in the hand of God? Ahab's heart in the hand of God? Hearts of all the wicked kings of Jewish in the hand of God? You see that a literal understanding here cannot and speech to go. Thus, the kings here are saints, this is their heart in the hand of the Lord. And we will pray to God about being kings and rule your flesh so that she obey us. As the apostle says: But as grieving and enslaving my body, in order, preaching the other, it's not to stay unworthy (1 Cor. 9:27). Yes, orders our soul, and it will obey the body, and will immediately enter Christ and will live in us.

Treatise on Psalms.

Caesary Arriansky

CE, I stand at the door and knock: if someone hears my voice and challenges the door, come to him, and I will listen with him, and he with me

True, if you have an earthly king or some head of the family to have a birthday, what kind of clothes you would try to decorate yourself, like not new and refined, as not shining, so that neither their dilapidation, neither cheapness, nor the disgrace did not cut their eyes inviting? Consequently, with such a zeal, how much you can, direct with the help of Christ all your efforts to ensure that your soul, composed of various decorations of virtues, decorated with precious stones of simplicity and temperatures, came to the feast of the eternal king, that is, the day of the Lord The Savior, with a calm conscience, gliding inability, sparkling love and sincere sacrifice.



will enter him, and I will listen with him, and he with me

The Lord is a gentle and peaceful. For the devil, according to the word of the Prophet, Sekira and Birdish (Ps. 73: 6) crushes the doors of those who do not accept it. And the Lord and now, and in the songs of the song Says the bride: take me, my sister, my beloved (Song. 5: 2). And if someone challenges him, he will enter. The meal with the Lord means the adoption of the holy sacraments [body and blood].